Central Asian tortoise. Central Asian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) Central Asian tortoise maintenance and care

Scientific classification.

Kingdom: Animals.

Type: Chordates.

Class: Reptiles.

Squad: Turtles.

Family: Land turtles.

Species: Central Asian tortoise.

Scientific name: Testudo horsfieldii.

Conditions of detention.

Minimum dwelling area: 0.7m².

Lighting: ultraviolet lamp of a special spectrum.

Heating: incandescent lamp at a height of 30-35 cm.

Bathing: once a week.

Soil: a mixture of earth with coconut flakes, stones without sharp edges are required.

Maximum size: females - 25 cm, males - 20 cm.

Life span: up to 30 years.

The Central Asian tortoise is a reptile of the terrestrial tortoise family, owes its name to its habitat. Turtles of this species are often called land or steppe.

Small in size "Tortilla" will not cause much trouble to its owner. It can be kept in a private house or a typical apartment. In addition, this type of reptile has an activity that is not characteristic of other turtles. Of course, this turtle does not fly around the terrarium with a torpedo, but it is faster than its counterparts, which is a definite plus. She does not require walking, does not make noise at night, lives in a relatively small area, and therefore is suitable as a pet for busy owners or beginners.


As you probably already understood from the name, this turtle lives throughout Central Asia, namely: in the southern regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, in the north-west of India and Pakistan, as well as in many other countries, choosing places with a lot of vegetation, which constitutes its main diet. This species settles on sandy, steppe or rocky terrain, close to natural water bodies, it is found in the foothills, river valleys and agricultural lands, and even in semi-deserts, that is, the turtle's habitat is huge.

The tortoise was first discovered and described by British naturalist Thomas Horsfield, after whom it received its Latin name Testudo horsfieldii.

Description of the Central Asian tortoise

This is an ordinary turtle, which is represented by millions of people. The carapace is divided into two halves: the carapace, the upper part, consists of 13 irregularly shaped scutes, and the plastron, the lower part, consists of 16 scutes. On the sides of the carapace are another 25 horny plates. Each forelimb has 4 toes. The color of the shell has a lot of shades: brown, dark green, sandy, emerald, with a clear or vague pattern.

The animal grows throughout life, becoming sexually mature at 10 years old.

Arrangement of the terrarium and the maintenance of the Central Asian tortoise

To begin with, I would like to say that, among other dwellings, a glass terrarium in a classic design is suitable for the Central Asian tortoise for several reasons:

In a glass terrarium, you can create optimal conditions for life: a certain level of humidity and a range of temperatures.

A container made of glass, unlike other materials, is easy to clean and does not absorb odors and waste products of the animal.

Glass walls provide a good opportunity to watch your pet from all fronts.

Glass does not emit toxic substances that can be harmful to health.

The glass container retains its aesthetics for a long time.

Now let's move on to the very decoration of the terrarium.

Priming. Many novice owners are wondering what to use as a soil for a Central Asian pet. For many, the answer seems obvious - sand, because in their natural environment turtles burrow in it and dig holes. However, experienced owners will object to you, because at home, turtles accidentally swallow sand, which leads to clogging of the gastrointestinal tract and ultimately death.

To satisfy the pet's natural desire to dig, you can pour a layer of earth mixed with coconut flakes in the corner of the terrarium, in such a substrate the turtle will be able to dig without much difficulty.

Also, do not forget about the constant need for this reptile to grind off its claws; rounded stones, for example, pebbles, are suitable for these purposes; a good solution would be several wide flat stones that will serve not only as a sharpener, but also as a kind of table for feeding or a place for “sunbathing” under the lamp.

Lighting. Turtles need vitamin D³ to build their shells, which is produced with the help of sunlight, but at home natural light is often not enough, which, in turn, can lead to rickets. To avoid this disease, an ultraviolet lamp of a special spectrum is installed in the terrarium. This lamp should be purchased exclusively from a pet store, as household UV lamps can cause corneal burns and other undesirable consequences.

Daylight hours are 12 hours.

Temperature. The Central Asian tortoise is a thermophilic animal, and therefore it needs heating, but do not rush to buy newfangled heaters, thermal cords or heating stones. It is enough to purchase an ordinary incandescent lamp of 40-50 watts, it will allow you to create the required temperature range from 20 to 30 degrees, and will also cost a more modest amount. But how to create this range? - you ask. The answer is simple: if the terrarium has an elongated shape, then place the light bulb on the edge, and if the terrarium has a cube shape, then the problem can be solved by creating a small stone peak, over which you need to hang the lamp. The top of the peak will have a higher temperature than the bottom. (Make the hill low enough for the turtle to climb, and build a small platform on top for your pet to sit on). With the help of a peak, you can recreate a natural mountainous landscape close to the habitat of a turtle, in addition, inside a hill, you can make a cave that acts as a house. There are many design options, it all depends on your imagination.

BEFORE SETTLING THE PET, MEASURE THE TEMPERATURE IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE TERRARIUM, IT SHOULD NOT EXCEED 30 °C, AND ITS RANGE, AS ALREADY SAID ABOVE, SHOULD BE 20-30°С. So the turtle will be able to choose a comfortable place for itself at a certain point in time. All lamps should be placed at least 20 cm from the intended location of the turtle to avoid overheating and burns!

Water. In addition to the above, it is necessary to install a drinking container in the terrarium. Particularly avid fans set up some kind of pools in which turtles can climb whole for several reasons:

Turtles will be able to absorb water with their skin as soon as they feel a lack of it.

Eliminates the need for daily bathing.

However, this method has several disadvantages: these reptiles, in the literal sense of the word, prefer to defecate in water, so it has to be changed often, they can simply turn over an artificial pond, thereby diluting unwanted dampness, in general, much easier once a week take a 20-minute bath with warm water.

Minimum dwelling size. To say that the Central Asian tortoise is a small animal is not entirely true, since it can reach 25 centimeters! In order not to spend money on increasing living space as the animal grows, immediately buy a terrarium with an area of ​​​​at least 0.7 M² and a height of 30 centimeters, of course, the larger the terrarium, the better. Many beginners think that the turtle is a very slow creature and does not need a lot of space, but in reality this is not the case. The turtle is a very curious creature that will constantly fuss and wander around its home in search of something interesting, so get a spacious house for it.

I also want to note that the Central Asian turtles have a rather dangerous, but invisible "enemy", and its name is a draft, it can harm a heat-loving animal, and therefore the pet's habitat should be chosen wisely.

Feeding the Central Asian tortoise

For many people, it is no secret that the key to a pet's health is high-quality and varied nutrition. The main diet of Asian turtles in natural conditions is ordinary plants with a high fiber content, therefore, in captivity they should be fed plant foods: clover, dandelion, plantain and some other herbs. COLLECT GRASS AWAY FROM ROADS AND HARMFUL PRODUCTIONS and do not give UNKNOWN plants, they may be POISONOUS!!!

In today's world, there is absolutely no point in collecting, as there are many commercial feeds that are enriched with vitamins and calcium. As a treat, turtles can be given lettuce, berries, vegetables and fruits once a week, for example, cucumbers, bananas, apples, pumpkin.

An adult animal is fed 1 time in two days, and small turtles once a day.

Never give turtles meat, cottage cheese, fish and other human food, as their digestive system is not able to digest these foods.

Summer aviary.

I will also make a reservation about the summer aviary. Some owners are convinced that living outdoors is the best thing for turtles, but I don't entirely agree with this statement. Yes, turtles get natural ultraviolet light, live grass, a lot of space, but these pluses are accompanied by constant temperature changes, winds, rains, stress from moving. There is also a possibility that the pet will dig and escape to free bread, or someone will drag it away. In general, I would not risk the life and health of the animal, because all the necessary conditions can be created for him at home, to which he will quickly get used.

Compatibility: The Central Asian tortoise is quite territorial, it is aggressive towards its neighbors, so it is better to keep it alone.

Central Asian tortoise video review

Turtles are quite popular as pets. They are unpretentious, silent and peculiarly sweet. Mostly people keep tortoises, because they are easy to buy, care for them is quite simple, and maintenance does not require exorbitant expenses.

Description and photo

Representatives of this species are medium-sized, born only three centimeters long, grow up to a maximum of thirty. The shell is low, rounded, painted in yellow, green, brown colors. The dim color is due to mimicry under the terrain. Colors vary depending on the specific subspecies. On the forelimbs there are four claws with which the animal digs the ground. The tail is pointed, the eyes are dark.

In nature, they live on plains, near rivers, and are distributed throughout Central Asia. They feed on herbs, sometimes fruits, berries or gourds.

Central Asian turtles live up to fifty years, but how long the home will stay with you depends on the conditions of detention (they usually talk about thirty years, but such statistics are more likely due to the mistakes of the owners).

Did you know? In English-speaking countries, land / Central Asian turtles are called Russian (Russian tortoise), although in reality only a small part of its habitat falls on the territory of Russia.

Features of life in the wild

Land turtles live in the steppes and forest-steppes, in rather warm, often arid regions. They can go without water for a long time, but in the presence of a reservoir they drink often. They dig long burrows in the ground. When a source of danger is detected, the head and limbs are pulled under the shell. Due to the color of the corresponding area, they become like a stone. People are not afraid.

They move at a speed of about twelve centimeters per minute, an uneven rocky surface is dangerous for them, they can get stuck.

Did you know?During the mating season, males actively compete for females. They even fight, colliding and trying to turn the opponent over. It often happens that two people are so addicted to wrestling that they do not notice the departure of their lady (sometimes, in the company of a third gentleman).

Rules for choosing when buying

The choice of a pet should be approached responsibly. Do not be too lazy to carefully check the breeder or store, at a minimum, look for reviews of land turtles previously purchased there. No matter how you take care of the pet, if it is initially sick, you will have to at least treat it with a veterinarian, and in the saddest case, mourn and bury it.

There are several important factors to consider when buying:

  • Don't take the baby. It is more difficult to care for him and the risk of illness is higher, so it is better to buy a teenager.
  • Buy better in the summer. High temperatures will reduce the risk of your pet catching a cold during transportation.
  • Pay attention to the condition of the shell, skin, eyes. Unscrupulous breeders can sell sick animals. The turtle should not have cracks, signs of peeling, deformations of the shell.
  • Look into the mouth - the color of the inner surface should be light pink, the saliva should be clean (be sure to check for the absence of sores and abscesses).
  • Listen - the breathing of a healthy reptile should not be heard, wheezing and wheezing are a sign of respiratory disease.
  • Pay attention to behavior. Take it in your hands - the normal reaction of the animal will be the movement of the paws, and when the hand approaches the eyes - the retraction of the head. An apathetic, almost unresponsive animal is most likely just unhealthy.

Features of care

The animal is quite unpretentious, it does not need anything supernatural, although the proper maintenance and care of Central Asian turtles still require some effort: terrarium equipment, regular bathing, strict observance of a plant-based diet and temperature regime.

Choice and housing requirements

The terrarium for the reptile needs a fairly large one. The principle is “the more the better”. The key characteristic is the area. If, when choosing a height, it will be enough that the pet cannot overcome (about half a meter), then the optimal length starts from 120 centimeters, and the width - from 60, and this is for one individual! If you start a couple, then, accordingly, the dwelling for them should be much larger.

It is important to consider the following requirements:

  • Fresh air intake from above and from the sides.
  • Temperature range from +25...+ 27 °C.
  • In one of the corners there is a zone with +33° °C (where the turtle will bask). To do this, at a height of about twenty centimeters, you need to install a lamp. Forty watts is enough, you don't want to fry your pet.
  • Shelter is a must. Since in nature they dig holes, then you need to keep the land tortoise in appropriate conditions. It is difficult to make a hole in a terrarium, we replace it with something like a house (you can use an inverted box with a hole on the side), the main thing is that the turtle freely enters there.
  • Availability of a fresh water tank. Although many breeders believe that the turtle will have enough moisture from the greens, a water bowl will not hurt - in natural conditions, they drink when they find a water source.

Ground and lamps for terrarium or aviary

Important! Do not use small stones and/or sand! The animal tends to eat it, which will lead to blockage of the gastrointestinal tract.

Optimal care for the Central Asian tortoise at home implies the obligation of an additional device - an ultraviolet lamp. There are ten percent UVB specially designed for this purpose, which do not heat, but emit a UV flux. It is essential for the bones and shell of the turtle. Fix the device at a height of 25 centimeters, turn on for six, maximum twelve hours a day.

We observe hygiene

The reptile loves water. Bathe her once a week in warm water.(temperature approx. +25 °C). Pour liquid into a small container, at levels of five to seven centimeters, but not above the neck. During bathing, the turtle not only bathes, but also drinks (in addition to the traditional method, it also absorbs moisture through the skin). The standard procedure time is up to half an hour, the turtle itself will ask to go outside when it gets bored. Thinking that bathing is just to wash off the dust is a dangerous delusion. In this way, the pet stabilizes the water-salt balance of the body, stimulates intestinal function, which is very important for the health of the turtle.

Feeding rules

Feed this animal infrequently - once a day is enough. Adults can eat once every two to three days. Food should not be given too much, a portion on a plate, with a diameter of half a shell, is quite sufficient. Putting food on the ground is not recommended - use a feeder or feed by hand (be careful not to get bitten on your fingers, turtle meat is not allowed).

Water balance

Some breeders believe that a reptile does not need a drinker, it gets all the necessary moisture from food, pointing out the fact that the bowls in the aquarium are often turned upside down as an argument. However, a better solution would be to give the turtle the opportunity to drink whenever she wants, because even in the wild they do it with pleasure. A shallow, heavy ceramic bowl that the animal cannot move will do. The water in the drinker should be fresh, it needs to be changed regularly.

What do Central Asian turtles eat?

Under natural conditions, they feed mainly on herbs, so in captivity the diet is as close to natural as possible. Two-thirds of the diet is greens (spinach, grass, salads are suitable), the rest is fruits and vegetables. In cold seasons, you can grow grass in pots, or replace it with steamed hay.
The diet should be varied, you should not give a lot of sweet fruits, and vegetables that are too bitter or spicy should generally be avoided. It is important to ensure that a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamins enter the reptile's body - special top dressing can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

It is impossible to feed the Central Asian tortoise the same as cats and dogs, just as it is impossible to give it human food. Even small doses of normally harmless bread, milk, or boiled eggs can seriously harm a pet's digestion.

Features of hibernation at home

In nature, the turtle hibernates due to cold and lack of food. This should not be in an apartment or house (if you are a responsible owner). Therefore, breeders do not have a single opinion about hibernation. There are those who believe that this is normal, and the main thing is to provide the pet with a comfortable temperature, others believe that hibernation should not be allowed. If you do not want the reptile to fall asleep (the main signs of readiness for hibernation are lethargy, refusal to eat), increase the temperature in the terrarium.

The turtle does not bring much trouble, but some nuances are still worth knowing. This animal should be brought in for aesthetic reasons - it will not work to play with it like with a cat, it is generally not recommended to pick it up. If you still really want to, do not do it abruptly and often. The animal may be stressed.
Do not let the turtle go for a walk outside the terrarium. On the floor, she can catch a cold, get injured or catch an infection. Also, the pet should be protected from drafts - it is prone to colds. Do not add detergents to bathing water. If the turtle is very dirty, gently wash it with a sponge. After washing, wipe with a soft towel or napkin.

Important!If you take it out on the grass, be sure to enclose it with an aviary. At the same time, it must enter the ground by at least ten centimeters - in terms of imperceptible escape, the turtle has no equal, and it is also quite capable of digging a tunnel.

Separately about reproduction

Breeding turtles in captivity is quite possible. A pair is enough, although some experts recommend taking three individuals. Males are slightly smaller than females, although they reach sexual maturity faster (at five or six years), females are ready for the first mating at ten or twelve years. The mating season starts in February and ends in August. Pregnancy lasts two months, with usually two to six eggs in a clutch. The maximum incubation period is 65 days at temperatures from +28° to +30°. Little turtles are fed with a mix of chopped vegetables and fruits, with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements.
Summing up, we can say that the turtle is a rather interesting, although not a social pet. If you are prone to contemplation, do not like fuss and noise, it is ideal for you. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations on the content, because even reptiles need attention and care.

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The turtle is the most ancient animal. We wanted answers to many questions. What environmental temperature is optimal for turtle life? At what temperature does it hibernate? Why are turtles not afraid of people? How to properly keep a turtle at home? Therefore, the purpose of my work was: to determine the conditions most suitable for the turtle to live at home, to make a diet, to determine how to properly care for the turtle.

Origin of turtles

Turtles can rightly be called living fossils. The first animals with a turtle shell appeared at the end of the Paleozoic - about 250 million years ago. After 50 million years, reptiles lived that looked very similar to turtles, but had teeth and a long tail, and also swam well. In the Jurassic period - about 150 million years ago - the first true turtles appeared. Since then, they have hardly changed. A strong shell perfectly protected animals not only from predators, but also from other adverse environmental influences.

Now in the world there are about 200 species of turtles (Testudines). They reach the greatest variety and size in hot countries. Most land tortoise species are found in Africa. They are also found in other warm countries (except Australia and New Guinea) - mainly in the steppes and deserts, and some in the forests.

In the Orenburg region, the detachment of turtles is represented by one species of marsh turtle. It is found in all reservoirs in the Samara basin, along the Urals, Ilek, less often along Sakmara, as well as along streams and steppe rivers.

Turtles of all kinds are unusually tenacious. On the island of Santa Cruz (Argentina), in the 60s, they celebrated the centenary of a turtle that hatched from an egg at the time when Charles Darwin visited the island. Turtles are long-lived animals. Red-eared turtles live 30 years, gophers - more than 50, Mediterranean - 125, gigantic - up to 200, and large sea turtles living in the ocean - up to 300 years.

Central Asian tortoise.

Turtle family (Testudinidae)

Genus Central Asian turtles (Agrionemys)

CENTRAL ASIAN TURTLE (Agrionemys horsfieldi)

The Central Asian tortoise is an integral part of the animal world of the desert. It is found in all the republics of Central Asia, in Kazakhstan and adjacent regions of China, as well as in northern Iran, Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and northwest India. In the past, it was called the STEPPE TURTLE, although it does not reach the steppe zone, but lives somewhat to the south, in deserts, both sandy and clayey and gravelly, rising into the mountains up to 1200 m above sea level.

The CENTRAL ASIAN TURTLE is the most popular reptile for home keeping among Russian nature lovers. Due to mass export abroad from the former USSR for decades, it received in the West the unjustified name of the "Russian tortoise", although it does not occur within present-day Russia: the specimen described for the first time came for study from Afghanistan. Occasionally it is called the HORSFIELD TURTLE - by name British explorer.

Turtle structure.

The Central Asian tortoise is one of the relatively small representatives of the genus. The appearance of turtles is so peculiar that they cannot be confused with other reptiles. Their most significant feature is the shell, or in the old way "skull" (hence the name). As you know, very few animals (turtles and armadillos) have a shell. The shell is formed by two shields fused in the middle and does not exceed 30 centimeters. The dorsal shield-carapace in adults is rather convex. Covered on top with separate segments of olive-colored horny plates with dark spots, the carapace in appearance resembles a soccer ball tire. On the surface of each horny plate, concentric rings are clearly visible, expanding from the center to the edges. In appearance, they resemble the growth rings of trees. By the number of them, you can also determine the age of the animal, but not more than 20 years, since after this period the rings are no longer formed. The ventral shield-plastron is flat, with a needle-like edge protruding anteriorly and carved posteriorly. From this strong, like armor, construction, the neck, head and paws are visible, covered with hard horny teeth. The bony shell does not allow the chest to expand. Therefore, the breathing of turtles is sluggish: they have to not inhale, but, as it were, swallow air. Ventilation of the lungs occurs only when the legs and head are retracted and extended. Due to the lack of oxygen, all life processes are slowed down, and they need a lot of heat to speed them up. But they need air much less than other animals, so they can stay under water for a long time. In addition, the lethargy of life processes allows armored reptiles to be without food for a very long time.

The main difference between the Central Asian tortoise is four claws on the forelimbs (other turtles have five on the forelimbs). The tip of the tail is pointed. The male has a somewhat concave plastron, a noticeably long and thickened tail towards the base. Medium-sized individuals reach a length of 20 cm; record copy - 28.8 cm.

A distinctive feature of turtles is the beak. Turtles have no teeth: their jaws are dressed, like those of birds, with a strong horn cover and form a beak with sharp cutting edges. The skin of land turtles is densely covered with scales. In some places, this scale (head, feet) passes into dense horny plates.

The age limit for the steppe tortoise has not yet been established. They began to study these animals not so long ago, but the facts collected during this time indicate that several decades of life are far from the limit for them.

The longevity of turtles is associated with a slower metabolism compared to birds and mammals, due to which they are physiologically "younger", being at the same chronological age. Most of the species can be inactive for half a year, plunging into winter and summer hibernation. The survival rate is low, but the longevity of turtles compensates for the high mortality of offspring.

Features of the behavior of the turtle.

In danger, the steppe tortoise never tries to escape, but draws its head and paws under the shell and freezes in place, becoming like a flat stone. At the same time, she releases air from her lungs and hisses menacingly. Not every predator will have the patience to wait for the turtle to stick its head out again. If you take her in hand, she does not try to break free or bite, as many wild animals do. Turtles are very peaceful and trusting. They are able to crawl under cars, boxes, tents, despite the presence of people nearby.

Turtle is one of the objects of food for wild animals and birds. At the age of five years, when the shell of these reptiles is not quite strong, they often fall into the food of wolves, jackals, foxes. Especially easy prey for predators are small turtles when they are covered with a very soft, unossified shell. Sometimes the remains of such babies cover the ground with a layer under the nests of buzzards, saker falcons, rooks.

The slowness and sluggishness of turtles have become proverbs that people who do not know these animals well have come up with. The speed of the steppe turtle does not exceed 10-12 centimeters per minute. However, it is able to overcome steep slopes, gravelly surfaces, loose sands and other landscape features. Central Asian, or steppe, turtles climb mountains to a height of up to 2000 meters above sea level. They calmly walk along steep stone terraces.

Having fallen into the water, they sink like a stone, but, having reached the bottom, they begin to move along it and sooner or later safely get ashore. It is more difficult for them to roll over on their feet if some enemies put them on their backs. Turned on its back, the Steppe tortoise is always able to return to its normal position. Resting her head, paws, helping with her tail, she convulsively clings to the unevenness of the soil, rolls over and, once on her side, immediately assumes her usual pose.

Turtles take refuge in burrows that they dig themselves. Sometimes they expand the holes of various rodents, mainly large gerbils. They hide in them during the hot time of the day and at night, each time settling in a new place. The length of such holes usually does not exceed half a meter. The tortoise hole is easy to recognize by the nature of the inlet, the top of which is crowned with a semicircular ridge of loosened earth. Inside, under a layer of sand, you can also find the turtle itself, but more often - up to half a dozen turtle eggs. Larger than pigeons, with blunt ends equally rounded on both sides, they amaze with their dazzling whiteness. Covered with a hard calcareous shell, they do not differ from birds.

The turtle starts laying eggs in April. During the season, she makes two or three clutches of up to six eggs each. Young turtles are born from August to mid-October. However, young ones come to the surface only 7-8 months later - in April of the next year. All this time, remaining underground, they do not eat anything. During its stay in the egg, the turtle embryo does not consume all the nutrients. The remaining part of them in the form of a yolk sac is drawn into the born turtle through the umbilical slit. This internal reserve is quite enough for her to survive the whole long winter in the ground. Therefore, they are not in such a hurry to come out of their "incubation chambers" - they wait until the earth warms up well enough.

But even having risen from their holes, the turtles continue to live quietly and imperceptibly, hiding under dry grass and rotted remains of vegetation. During this period, they grow intensively, although their growth compared to other animals is negligible - only 5-7 millimeters per year. Waking up from their winter hibernation, they appear on the surface together, like mushrooms after rain. And after two or three days, individuals who have reached puberty (usually at the age of 10-13 years) begin to reproduce.

During this period, turtles, like all animals, show spring activity. Especially, of course, in males. Funny stretching his neck, the male carefully looks around. Seeing another turtle, he quickly rushes to her. If it turns out to be also a male, then the first one either stops in his tracks, or, as if not noticing the opponent, continues to search for the female. Having found her, he immediately begins courtship: he circles around her with an outstretched neck, trying to attract attention to himself, and if she moves, he runs ahead, forcing her to stop. If this fails, the "boyfriend" becomes furious and attacks the female, trying to bite her, which is not so scary for her. When the male especially bothers her, she pulls her head and paws under the shell and becomes impregnable. If the female does not reject the courtship of the male, then mating occurs.

Sometimes during mating games next to the female is not one, but two or three males. Then fights break out between them. Like tanks, they rush into a frontal attack, trying to hit and turn the opponent on their back with the front ledge of the lower shell. At this time, the clicking of their shells can be heard at a respectful distance. Sometimes they are so carried away by the fight that they do not even notice how the female calmly moves away from them with a more successful "cavalier". Usually turtles are silent creatures, except for the hissing that is emitted at the moment when they are disturbed, but during the mating season, males make characteristic, rather loud rhythmic sounds, apparently warning signals for rivals.

Steppe turtles are herbivorous animals. The leaves and fruits of various plants give them, in addition to food, the moisture necessary for the body. Only occasionally do they eat insects: beetles, grasshoppers, etc. On occasion, they drink any available water, whether it be fresh, salty, bitter-salty, and even mud, which is sucked in not only by the mouth, but also through the nostrils. In nature, turtles eat dry bones of dead animals, snails with their shells, eggshells, or find limestone outcrops. Turtles don't hear well. They perceive only low frequency sounds, approximately 1000 - 2000 hertz, feeling the vibrations of the ground. Thus, they hear much worse than lizards and crocodiles. But they do have good eyesight. They are able to see the enemy at a considerable distance. They have color vision: land species distinguish well the bright petals of desert plants, to which they are great gourmets. Turtles have a well-developed sense of smell and a sense of direction, the so-called "compass sense". Turtles, like humans, rely primarily on their eyesight. The world around them is full of colors. Looking for food, they pay attention first of all to its color, and only then to the smell and taste. Turtles living on land especially like everything that has a red color.

The natural habitat of the Central Asian tortoise is deserts and semi-deserts, the climate of which determines the life rhythm of the reptile. In the wild, turtles are active no more than two or three months a year, when food can be found in the sands. Then they burrow into the sand or into the ground and plunge into hibernation: they stop eating and moving, all metabolic processes in their body slow down. Such numbness is a prerequisite for tortoise life. However, it occurs at a certain temperature and at a certain humidity.

The turtle is not considered a capricious animal. But it refers to animals that are difficult to keep in an apartment environment.

Having bought a Central Asian tortoise, you cannot provide a room or apartment at its disposal. This leads to the fact that animals get injured, catch a cold. A turtle can have only one house - a terrarium, and quite spacious: the animal must be able to walk freely.

My turtle's name is Alice. She is 6 years old. I determined the age by the number of concentric rings located on the surface of each horny plate of the shell. Its weight is 200 grams, length - 10 cm, shell width - 7 cm, height - 4 cm. Turtles, once in captivity, quickly get used to new conditions. Alice was not afraid of me, immediately, when I brought her home, she took food from my hands.

The terrarium is the "home" for the turtle.

My Alice's house is a spacious box (60 x 50 cm) made of transparent plastic.

Alice's feeder is a red plate.

It is always clean, does not stand directly under the lamp and is filled with food only for 2 - 3 hours. In addition to the food bowl, there is always a drinking bowl in the terrarium.

Alice chose the plate herself. I put 4 plates of different colors in front of Alice: white, green, blue and red, filled with food. The red plate turned out to be the most attractive for her, she went to it and began to eat.

The turtle - when it is active - I let out for a walk around the room so that the animal does not experience a lack of movement. But after a walk, the turtle returns to the box and spends most of the time there. An important component of turtle care is the weekly cleaning of the room in which it is located.

Turtle care.

In the summer, it is imperative to take the turtles out into the sun. The best thing for them at this time of year is a fenced area outside. The fence should be such that the turtles cannot escape. In the corral, you can sow the seeds of clover, dandelion, peas, and other plants. It must have shelter and water. Just keep in mind: despite all the tales of the slowness of turtles, they are able to move quite quickly. If they are not followed, the turtles crawl away, burrow into the ground and get lost. To prevent this from happening, you must either keep your eyes on the turtle (which is quite tiring), or carefully drill a small hole in the lower shields of the back of the shell (the turtle does not feel pain), thread a red ribbon or thread with a balloon into the hole. Bright marks will signal the location of the animal.

One summer I took the turtle out for a walk on the grass. Our yard is fenced, and I was not worried that the turtle would crawl away. After some time, I decided to visit the turtle, but I did not find it anywhere. I looked for her everywhere - under the bushes, in the thick of the grass, and even at the neighbors - she was nowhere to be found. I was very upset, to the point of tears. In the evening, my friend Masha called me and said that she had found my turtle near her house. I decided to find the place where the turtle got out into the street. And I found a threshold, 5 cm high. I wondered how high the fence should be so that Alice would not run away. I conducted an experiment: I placed a vertical barrier 5 cm high in the way of the turtle, and it easily overcame it. Barriers 8 cm high, 10 cm high she also crawled. When I put up a 12 cm high barrier, she did not want to climb over it. She sat for 10 minutes, rested. Then, she crawled into one of the corners of the rectangular fence and with difficulty, clinging to two adjacent sides with her claws, climbed over it. The barrier was vertical. And in nature, the turtle climbs the mountains to a height of up to 1200 m.

In winter, turtles need to be irradiated with a quartz lamp. Quartz sessions are held every 2-3 months for a week using a home quartz lamp. The lamp is installed at a distance of 1.5 m from the animal. The first session lasts 2-3 minutes. Then the quartzing time increases to 10-15 minutes.

Alice loves to swim. Every day I put her in a bowl of warm 35-degree water. This helps cleanse the intestines and stimulates appetite. Turtles are able to "take in" water directly through their skin. Just enough water is needed for the turtle to reach the bottom with its paws. So that the water does not cool down, I put the basin under the lamp. I take the turtle out of the water after 15-20 minutes. After bathing, I dry it well with a towel so that she does not catch a cold. Once every two weeks I wash Alice with soap.

Instead of bathing, you can spray the turtle once a day with warm water from a spray bottle, but so that the soil in the terrarium does not get wet. Humidity in the terrarium should be low, except during the "spring" season.

After bathing, I rub her shell from below and above with olive or sunflower oil, this strengthens its structure. I moisten the cotton wool with oil and wipe it lightly. Then I put the turtle back in the terrarium. After swimming, you should never (even in summer!) take the turtle out into the draft or the street.

When I come home from school, I immediately run to Alice, take her in my arms, talk to her, play. She is very fond of stroking her head. So that Alice is not bored and lonely while I am not at home, she has toys. Toys are one way to spend your free time. Playing with them is an emotional release, learning and just fun. But what kind of toys can turtles have? What should be the toy?

Requirements for pet turtle toys:

1. Larger than a turtle's head so it can't swallow it.

2. Integrity and strength so that the turtle cannot bite off and swallow a piece.

3. Non-toxic.

4. Ecological purity.

5. Lack of electronic filling - so that the animal does not get damaged by electric current or it does not eat bright colored wires.

6. The toy must be solid.

There are few toys specially made for turtles, but some dog and cat toys are quite suitable for them. For example, these great balls. My turtle loves to play with a tennis ball.

Nutrition - menu for the turtle

Central Asian land tortoises are herbivores. Ideally, the diet should consist of 70% greens and vegetables, 25% fruits, and the rest - various protein, vitamin and mineral supplements. The main component of Alice's diet in the summer is greens. During daily walks, Alice willingly ate dandelions, clover, sorrel, plantain, strawberries, but she did not like raspberries. She amusingly bites a leaf, pressing it to the ground with one paw, and sharply turns her head to the side. In the summer, turtles are pretty much added in live weight due to the abundant and varied summer greenery.

In winter, feeding the turtle is a more difficult problem. In summer, Alice ate every day, and in winter - once every two days, most of the time she sleeps. The main component of Alice's diet in the autumn-winter period is a lettuce leaf and a fresh cucumber, which she receives at each feeding. Once a week, Alice eats cottage cheese with pleasure, on a day off - milk rice porridge. Cottage cheese contains calcium, which is necessary for the animal to develop and maintain the skeletal system - the shell, in the first place. The shell grows with the turtle and needs "building" material. White uncolored chalk can be used as a source of calcium, which is necessary for the body of turtles (especially young ones) to build a shell, bones and beak.

You can add special vitamin supplements for turtles, which are sold in pet stores, to the main products listed. But all this is required only during the period when the turtles are active.

The tortoise must be hungry when it is fed - this will save the owner from her whims, and the tortoise from many diseases. The most important thing is to constantly put the bowl at the same time and place in the terrarium so that the turtle develops a conditioned reflex.

How not to feed turtles

1. Don't hand-feed turtles. Get used to it and stop eating.

2. Do not stare at the turtle when it is eating. This does not improve her appetite. If you decide to watch the turtle, then do it in such a way that you see it, but it does not see you.

3. No need to make noise where the turtle eats. 4. No need to feed the turtle, and indeed put her terrarium where there are strong odors. It has long been known that turtles have a very delicate sense of smell, a strong smell can upset their appetite. 5. Touch the turtle while it is eating.

Wintering of the land tortoise.

When the turtle begins to make attempts to burrow into the ground in autumn, it means that it is ready for wintering. In the conditions of Central Asia, the tortoise plunges into hibernation. Wintering is necessary for turtles that are involved in breeding. Wintering is not required for the common "domestic" turtle. In winter, Alice is inactive, sleeping most of the day, waking up to eat. I let her walk around the room. Then I put it in a bowl of warm water. I clean it and put it in the terrarium. She climbs into her house and continues to sleep.

4. 5 On the treatment of the tortoise.

Some people believe that turtles don't get sick. In fact, turtles get sick, however, like all other living creatures. The animal must be treated by a veterinarian. And the owner must prevent it from getting sick and notice the disease in time, if it does appear. One day Alice caught a cold, she got a runny nose. When she breathed, bubbles popped out of her nostrils. I cured her. I put it under a lamp for several days to warm it up well. Alice recovered.

Since the time of Hippocrates, it has been known that the best treatment is prevention. The key to the health of any turtle is:

a) Good content;

b) Good care;

c) Regular visits to the doctor.

Regular visits to the doctor, when the animal "seems to be free of pain", everything is normal, the same need as good nutrition and a UV lamp. Once every six months, the turtle should be shown to the veterinarian. The most characteristic diseases are: eye diseases, softening or deformation of the shell, colds, and even pneumonia, cancer, burns, etc.

4. 6 Experiments with turtles.

Turtles have a fairly small brain in terms of volume and weight, but they have undergone many experiments that have proven that their brain even exceeds the brain of a cat or dog in its abilities.

Professor Leonid Viktorovich Krushinsky conducted experiments that proved that turtles have a mind, that they are able to think. In addition to turtles, a variety of birds and animals participated in the experiments. They were all given the same logical problem. They all had to figure out: where did the food go?

The first tortoise, like the others later, was brought into the room and left near the feeder. The tortoise came up to her and began to eat. But a few minutes passed, and the feeder began to slowly move along the rail to the left. The turtle followed her. And then the unexpected happened - the delicacy disappeared from her field of vision: the feeder disappeared behind a wooden screen. Now everything depended on the intelligence of the turtle. In order to continue breakfast, she had to figure out in which direction the food was moving.

Pigeons and voles, which were given this task earlier than the tortoise, failed to solve it. Rabbits, deprived of food, jumped, not knowing where. The chickens were looking for the grains they had just pecked where they had disappeared. And the ducks, looking for food, tried to get to it through a wooden screen, not realizing that it was impossible to do this.

Unlike all of them, the tortoise walked along the screen to the left and continued breakfast.

The experiments involved both land-dwelling and water-dwelling turtles - European marsh and Caspian. And they all did an excellent job.

The steppe tortoise turned on its back is always able to return to its normal position. I put the turtle on its back on the floor and watched it. Resting her head, paws, helping with her tail, she nevertheless managed to move to the wall of the room, and there she turned freely and assumed her usual position.

Turtles are pretty good at navigating the terrain. I put the turtle on the table, it reached the edge of the table, lowered its head down, measuring the height at which it was, and walked along the edge of the table, lowering its head down from time to time, but not falling. She was well aware of the height at which she was. It became interesting to me: from what height is the turtle not afraid to go down? At a height of 56 cm (Fig. 5), 31 cm, 28 cm, 24 cm, the turtle only lowered its head down, fearing to go down. From a height of 6 cm, 12 cm, 15 cm, she easily descended. At a height of 20 cm, Alice stood, hanging her head down, thought, and jumped. That is, a turtle 10 cm long is not afraid to jump from a height of 2 of its height.

4. 7 Prevention of mistakes that are made when keeping Central Asian tortoises in captivity.

1. No need to keep the turtle on the floor. With this method, drafts, dust, dehydration, infectious diseases (including deep mycoses), ingestion of foreign bodies and injuries cannot be excluded.

2. You can not bathe the turtle and then let it go to the floor. A temperature drop of only 10 C can cause a cold.

3. You can not make a nest of woolen fabric for a turtle.

4. Avoid contact with other pets.

5. You can not immediately plant a "friend" or "girlfriend" in the terrarium. If they are bought in the company of a healthy turtle, quarantine for at least a month is necessary.

6. You can not leave the turtle on the street unattended.

7. Do not use sand, sharp stone chips, small sawdust as soil, or keep a turtle just on a smooth surface.

8. No need to feel sorry for a turtle planted in a terrarium if it scratches "plaintibly" there. Digging soil is an urgent physiological need for a turtle. In nature, she does this most of her "free time".

9. If the turtle moves away from the light, this does not mean that it does not need to be warmed.

10. Turtles only drink if they don't have enough water in their food. But they prefer to swim and "go to the toilet" in the water. Water must be in the terrarium at all times.

11. You can not feed the turtle with milk, bread, and minced meat in large quantities.

12. You can not give only one type of food. Food sources of provitamin A - carrots, tomatoes, red peppers and raw liver - should be fed, at least occasionally.

13. Feeding containing calcium salts (regular calcium gluconate tablets are almost not absorbed) must be given without fail and constantly.

14. You can not give vitamin preparations to the eye.

15. Hibernation for turtles is not necessary, and sometimes harmful.

16. After contact with a turtle or cleaning the terrarium, wash your hands, as the turtle can be a carrier of salmonella. Turtle worms, with very rare exceptions, are harmless to humans.

17. If the turtle does not seem to be completely healthy, you need to contact the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. Many diseases in the stage of the main course are difficult to treat.

18. Carry the turtle to the doctor, better wrap it in a linen rag and put it in your bosom. In the cold season, a basket and woolen fabric will not warm a cold-blooded animal. With such transportation, a heating pad is needed.

5. Conservation of land tortoises

If not for human influence, land tortoises, as a species, would undoubtedly have flourished. They are protected from external enemies by a powerful shell and, in addition, are very unpretentious in food and can adapt to almost any environmental conditions.

Unfortunately, before the advent of various kinds of plastics, turtle shell served as a raw material for the manufacture of small items: combs, soap dishes, inkwells, etc. Later, when there were very few turtles left, people were not at all worried, and on the contrary, they showed beautiful painted " living boxes" increased interest - they began to make statuettes and finish antique boxes from them.

In addition, supply creates demand, and there is such a demand: the supply of turtles as pets. At least a hundred turtles are transported across the Russian-Kazakh border every week. The share of arrests of smugglers is negligible compared to what they still manage to smuggle and sell. Therefore, the number of steppe tortoises has significantly decreased in recent years. However, to this day, the turtle is still the most famous and numerous animal of the desert.

To date, there are several official legislative acts prohibiting the capture of Central Asian and Far Eastern tortoises in the wild.

First of all, it is, of course, the International Red Book. Then - the CITES international convention for the protection of rare species of flora and fauna, which prohibits not only the capture of turtles in the wild, but in general (!) Any movement of them. To transfer them anywhere, you need to obtain special permission.

In addition, all types of land turtles living in our country are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

6. Conclusion.

Experiments carried out by me at home on a turtle named Alice led to the conclusion that the favorable ambient temperature for the life of a turtle is 18 - 32 ° C, and the temperature optimum is 28 ° C. At a temperature of +8 - +12 ° C, they hibernate, and at home in the winter they lead a predominantly passive lifestyle. Turtles are not afraid of people, as they are very peaceful, and in case of danger they immediately pull their heads and paws under the shell. Turtles have poor hearing, but very good eyesight. Sense of smell and sense of direction are well developed.

We have determined the conditions most suitable for keeping the Central Asian tortoise at home, the rules for creating a terrarium. An approximate diet of a turtle for a week for the summer and autumn-winter periods has been compiled. In the process of observation, we have developed rules for caring for a turtle.

The Central Asian tortoise is a slow and pensive animal that has increasingly begun to appear in city apartments. How to choose it, what are the conditions of detention, how to feed and reproduce - the main points that you need to know before purchasing. Simple observance of simple rules of care will help not only to raise a healthy and active pet, but even to get offspring from it.

The Central Asian tortoise (lat. Testudo horsfieldii), named after the American biologist Thomas Horsfield, belongs to the family of land turtles.

It occurs in the southeastern regions of Eurasia, in clay and sandy deserts, foothills, river valleys, and on agricultural lands.

Choosing an area with relative humidity, this reptile digs holes, thus equipping itself with a dwelling. But it can settle in other people's houses.

Due to frequent captures of poachers, the animal is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.


In nature, they live 40-50 years, and in captivity - 10-15 years. If the conditions of detention are acceptable for its active existence, the life span can be more than 30 years.


Turtles are born measuring only 3 cm in length and continue to grow throughout their lives. The size of an adult can be 15-25 cm. But, as a rule, they are not very large: males are smaller - 13-20 cm, while females are slightly larger than males - 15-23 cm.

A gray-brown head of medium size, at the slightest danger, hides under a rounded, strongly convex shell, the color of which, depending on the individual, can be any - sandy, green, brown with blurry dark spots.

Paws of the same color as the head, have four fingers, and not three, like other brothers.

Buying a healthy pet

In order not to run the next day to the veterinarian for a treatment appointment, it is better to immediately buy a healthy turtle. Pay attention to everything:

  • observe her behavior, activity and coordination of movement;
  • the appearance must be free of damage and the presence of inappropriate stains;
  • shell of the correct form with even shields, densely adjoining each other;
  • the best way to determine if a turtle is healthy is to look into its mouth: the mucosa should be free of plaque, light pink in color and without viscous saliva;
  • there should be no discharge from the nose.

Do not forget about transportation. For short distances in the warm season, it can be carried in a cardboard box, putting paper there. In autumn and winter, it is better to cover the passenger with a warm cloth and place a heating pad there.


An animal just bought in the market and brought home may refuse food, get used to a new environment for months.

In order for the reptile not to be afraid and take root faster, you need to feed it.

She will love a specially prepared dish of lettuce leaves, sliced ​​pear, banana, apples, persimmons, carrots, which can be sprinkled with a little calcium for reptiles.

To improve the digestion of the pet, you can organize a warm bath for him.

Central Asian tortoise: keeping in a terrarium

In apartment conditions, a turtle is kept in a spacious volume of 60 to 100 liters per individual with a container width three times the size of a reptile. Humidity should be within 20-30%.

Be sure to equip it with a warm and cold corner.

warm place can be organized by installing an electric lamp with a power of 40-100 watts. The air temperature should vary from 30 to 35°C. In order to prevent the animal from getting burned, it is important to adjust the height of the lamp.

In a cold corner daytime temperature should not fall below 26°C.

Priming. Since the Central Asian tortoise belongs to the species of strongly burrowing animals, the presence of soil with a layer of at least 15 cm in the terrarium is mandatory. It can be large rounded shell rock, sand, hay, wood chips, small river pebbles mixed with peat, corn mukcha. On large pebbles, the reptile will grind its claws.

Vegetation. As an additional decor and the presence of permanent fresh greenery in the terrarium, it is recommended to sow oats or wheat along the walls.

Water. There is no need to install a drinker in the terrarium, as the turtles will try to knock it over. These reptiles get water from cows and weekly bathing.

Outdoor aviary

In order for the Central Asian tortoise to receive more sunlight and fresh air, in the summer it can be kept outdoors in a spacious and well-equipped enclosure measuring 2x2 m or more.

A fence well buried in the ground (by 30 cm) and large stones placed in its corners will help to avoid digging and escaping a pet. At night, she will hide in a burrow house that you can make yourself.

You can put a shallow container of water for bathing, with which she can independently get out.

Central Asian tortoise: care

Like all living things, the Central Asian woman requires careful handling. It is not recommended to pick her up too often, as she may experience stress because of this, which will most likely lead to a decrease in activity and illness.

It is better for children to give it only under strict supervision, because they can either drop it, or injure it, and even worse, step on it.

Bathing. You need to bathe your pet in warm water at least once a week, immersing it up to the neck for 15-30 minutes. Little turtles are bathed more often - 2-3 times a week.


You need to feed varied: about 70% of the reptile's diet should consist of greens, about 25% - fruits, the rest - protein foods, mineral and vitamin supplements. up to 2 years of age, they are fed as they are saturated, but within reasonable limits, daily 2 times a day. Adults are given food every other day.

Can be fed:

  • commercial food for tortoises;
  • berries (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries);
  • pumpkin;
  • apples, pears;
  • pre-prepared dried or frozen grass;
  • leaves of fruit bushes and trees;
  • lawn grass (dandelion, plantain, clover);
  • some indoor plants (tradescantia, chlorophytum);
  • special calcium supplements.

Can't feed:

  • bread;
  • river snails;
  • fish, meat, eggs;
  • potatoes, cabbage;
  • nuts;
  • citrus peel;
  • porridge and other products from your table;
  • dry and canned animal feed;
  • dairy products.

Give in limited quantities:

  • grape;
  • cucumber;
  • onion, garlic, asparagus, herbs.

Central Asian tortoises are steppe inhabitants, and succulent food is rare in their diet. Watery food, such as cucumbers, tomatoes and plums, should be given as little as possible, and cabbage should be completely abandoned, as it leaches calcium from the body of reptiles.

The ideal solution would be to use seasonal vegetables with a long shelf life, such as pumpkin. It can be harvested in the fall and given to the turtles throughout the spring and winter. It must be cut in large pieces so that when biting food, the reptile can grind off its beak.

Sex differences

You can distinguish a female from a male at the age of 6 in several ways, and it is best to compare with several individuals at once.

Mature males are more aggressive in nature and, as a rule, are always smaller in size. The ventral part is concave. The tail is long and wide at the base, slightly bent under the shell. Closer to the tail there is a dent on the plastron. The cloaca is located further.

The size of the female is always larger, their jaws are more developed. The abdominal part is flat. At the base of the short tail is a cloaca.


To breed a Central Asian tortoise, you will need a pair - a male and a female - of approximately the same weight and age. The sexually mature age of the female is 10-12 years, the male - from 5-6 years.

The mating season is February-August. The male approaches the female and, stretching his head forward, begins to beat with his shell in her side, while making a dull clattering sound.

Since males become more aggressive towards each other, it is not recommended to keep two males in one terrarium.

The female pregnancy lasts 2 months. In laying from 2-6 eggs. Incubation lasts from 60 to 65 days at a temperature of 28-30°C.

It has been noticed that at a low temperature, a predominant number of boys may appear, and at a higher temperature, girls.

The Central Asian land tortoise is a beautiful and graceful animal in its own way, requiring affection, skillful handling and proper care. Watching her, you will understand that behind her slowness lies the wisdom that many of us lack. After all, in a constant rush, we forget the main thing - to rejoice and enjoy life. Maybe this particular pet will make you think about what it is worth to stop and look at the world with completely different eyes.

How to properly care for a land turtle, see the video:

Central Asian tortoises are quite hardy, not large in size, withstand a wide range of temperatures and successfully breed in captivity. When buying a new pet, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory. Among European land tortoises, the Afghan tortoise is the only one with four toes (pincers) on its feet.

The Central Asian tortoise is relatively small, which is great if you're space-constrained, and quite active in captivity, making it even more popular. It is fairly tolerant of cold, but does not tolerate cold, damp conditions well. In food, he prefers green leafy and fibrous vegetables. Also eats fruits such as pears, apples, berries. Central Asian turtles do not eat insects and carrion. These animals should always have a container of clean water, although it may seem that they do not use it.

Newly hatched turtles are about 2.5 cm (shell length). As they mature, they reach a maximum size of 20 to 25 cm. Females tend to be slightly larger than males. Females that have reached 15 cm in length are old enough to lay eggs.

The life expectancy of the Central Asian tortoise can reach 40 years. In captivity, if kept in a calm environment and on a high-fiber diet, the chances of a long life of turtles are very high.


The preferred conditions for keeping the Central Asian tortoise are a warm, dry enclosure. The room for one or two adult turtles should be at least 60 by 120 cm. Adult male Central Asian turtles are aggressive towards each other, so it is better to keep one male and several females. Or there must be a large area for keeping with many shelters made of stones and trees to separate the males from each other.

If the enclosure is located on open ground, then its walls must be dug into the ground by at least 15-30 cm to prevent digging and escape. The height above the ground should be 30 cm or more. More spacious conditions are preferable. These can be wooden cages, plastic, glass or acrylic containers. For keeping in an apartment, you can always buy a suitable glass terrarium. When kept in too small a space, turtles can become restless and will try to find a way out around the clock.

Central Asian turtles are burrowing animals, in nature they live in burrows that they dig themselves, or find suitable burrows of other animals. They tend to dig into corners. In extremely high or low temperatures, they will try to dig in to protect themselves from the extremes and hibernate. In order to keep turtles from digging, create more shelters for them from dry leaves, straw, tree bark. The shelter should be located in a cool place, away from the light source. The shelter also gives the turtles a sense of security.

There are many options for materials that can be used as a substrate. It can be sand, peat and coconut flakes. The use of sand alone is not desirable for Central Asian tortoises, their feet will constantly get stuck in it. It is better to use mixtures, for example, sand with peat or earth. You can also add a few large flat rocks to the landscape, they help file off the turtles' nails and provide a clean surface for them to eat.


If you live in a warm climate (or warm summers), Central Asian tortoises can be kept outdoors, as long as the temperature does not harm them. These turtles can tolerate air temperatures up to 50 degrees Celsius, but temperatures above +38 become too hot for them. Central Asian turtles are most active at temperatures in the range of 16-32 degrees. If the average daily temperature is high enough, turtles can remain active at lower temperatures, or burrow into the ground during a cold snap, climb into a hole. In nature, Central Asian tortoises hibernate underground, hibernating throughout the winter.

When kept indoors, turtles should be kept at a temperature of 20 to 27 degrees C. They should also have a place to heat, which is provided by overhead light from incandescent lamps. The temperature in the heating zone should be 32-38 degrees. Like most diurnal, herbivorous reptiles, Central Asian tortoises need ultraviolet light, which is created using UV lamps. At night, they tolerate low temperatures without problems, so they do not need heating, room temperature is enough.

In captivity, Central Asian tortoises do not need to hibernate to stay healthy, so maintain a stable temperature regularly when kept at home.

Light day should last 12-14 hours a day. All sources of heat and light must be turned off at night.


In the enclosure with the Central Asian turtles there should be small containers with water. Small, low-sided saucers that are easy to clean are best suited. Drinking bowls should be cleaned regularly, as turtles often clog them and are prone to defecate into the water.

Central Asian tortoises can be bathed once or twice a week in shallow water for 15-30 minutes to keep them well hydrated. Turtles should dry out outdoors or indoors.


Central Asian turtles are enthusiastic eaters and destroyers, they cause serious damage to plants. They prefer to eat broadleaf weeds, willingly eat almost any leafy green vegetables that are offered to them. Greens, cabbage, dark salad, vegetables and fruits. Leafy weeds must be safe or the turtles may be poisoned. Plants containing oxalic, phytic acids, tannins can be harmful.

Dandelions are one of the best food sources for all herbivorous turtles, as well as fresh clover, timothy grass. Fruits can also be in the diet, but in small quantities. If the turtles are kept outdoors, plants and vegetables can be planted directly in the enclosure. But the key to a successful diet, as always, is variety.


Also, Central Asian tortoises are prone to respiratory infections, especially when kept in cool and humid conditions. Turtles should be able to warm up and dry off, especially if the temperature is low.


The Central Asian land tortoise is very friendly and easy to tame. Hand turtles, as a rule, do not hide in their shells at the sight of a person. However, they are often frightened if they are picked up. Especially avoid contact with turtles with children - they may miss the animal, and this will lead to serious stress, reduced activity levels, and may even affect health. Make sure that the turtles do not tip over on the shell. Avoid any restrictions and restraints, let the turtles move freely!

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