Compatibility of a male cat with a rooster. General characteristics of the Rooster. Compatibility in love and marriage

Rabbit and Rooster are unlikely to be able to get used to the quality of a partner even over time. Too different characters, habits and tastes make this union impossible. Astrologers believe that they will be able to start a short-term romance in which everyone will spend a lot of energy. At the same time, they are unlikely to part as friends. These people would like to learn from each other, but the temperaments are so different that the study ends in major quarrels.

Male Rooster and female Rabbit (Cat) compatibility = 20%!

In love = 25%: The Rabbit woman strives for a pleasant relationship in which affection will be the main thing. The Rooster man is unlikely to strive for anything, but he is too temperamental, cocky and not used to reckoning with anyone's opinion. She does not like it, so their relationship will constantly resemble battles. It is difficult for them to be together, although there is still some attraction between them. Relationships usually end in a breakup.

Married = 20%: The Rabbit woman does not belong to strong personalities, and the Rooster man always needs strong guidance from a woman to achieve good results. As a result, the union fails. She cannot give him advice, because she is more focused on her inner world. They will not share household responsibilities, everything will go as it goes. It is difficult for a Rabbit woman to come to terms with this, one thing remains - to part with him.

In bed = 15%: In the intimate sphere, it is even more difficult for this couple to achieve harmony. She does not tolerate his pathos and brightness, therefore, she will provoke experiments, obviously unsuccessful, and then ridicule him. The hot-tempered man Rooster does not like this. As a result, the relationship will be quite sharp. In this sense, there is no need to talk about satisfaction. They are unlikely to understand that some sacrament can occur between a man and a woman.

Male Rabbit (Cat) and female Rooster compatibility = 23%!

In love = 30%: The initiator of the relationship will be the Rooster woman. She will be able to give her man an impetus to move forward. The romantic relationship between him will be more filled with a shared passion. It is difficult for them to indulge only in romance, since the Rabbit man studies his partner more, and she simply enjoys peace. Thanks to her practicality, the Rabbit man can enjoy a comfortable existence next to her.

Married = 20%: When all the contradictions are revealed between them, it will already be difficult for them together. He will seek solitude, and she will provoke him to communicate. Misunderstanding, difficulties in organizing everyday life will accumulate like a snowball that will lead them to a break. If a romance between this couple is still possible, then marriage requires a lot of effort that they cannot afford. As a result, the union is considered a failure.

In bed = 20%: Intimate relationships will be ordinary, without frills, without searching for deep meaning. The Rabbit man would like to receive more tenderness from his chosen one, but she does not consider this necessary. The Rooster woman will try more to translate everything into active action, which he does not like. They will be able to get satisfaction, but this will not be the union of souls, but simply physical intimacy. For this couple, this is the highest possible quality of a relationship.

Relationship Forecast!

Rabbit and Rooster is a complex often unthinkable combination. It is difficult for them to be around, because he is a perfectionist, and this torments the Rabbit and prevents him from enjoying life. The Rooster always imposes an opinion, and the Rabbit is used to being guided only by his desires. This difference of character is emphasized by astrologers. The relationship of this couple is possible only for a short period, since family relationships will require the impossible.

The compatibility of the Rabbit man and the Rooster woman is based on the ability to accept a partner as he is, because only in this case their relationship will stand the test of time. The rubbing period will be difficult, but if people want to be together and their relationship is more important than anything else, they will find a way every time.

The male rabbit and the female rooster are also not similar to each other. Rabbit-Cat likes a calm and measured life. He does not like to think about problems and live in fear or stress. He loves to shop, eat delicious food, equip his home and save money in reserve. The Rooster woman has a quick temper and loves to bully others. She cannot calmly respond to a casual remark addressed to her by the Man - Rabbit-Cat, this results in aggression.

The tension in the relationship of these signs introduces the irritability of the Rooster. They are like ice and fire: if a man thinks about the future and wants to save money just in case, then his companion is ready to spend everything to the last on a thing that she liked. It's quite natural for her. She likes to be in the center of attention, and any other alignment does not suit her.

Rabbit man and Rooster woman in love

The Rabbit man and the Rooster woman have very difficult compatibility, as partners have different goals and lifestyles. If the feeling is strong, and everyone is able to make compromises for the sake of maintaining relationships and personal growth, then they have a chance.

The Rabbit man appreciates stability, he does not want increased attention to himself, does not go into conflicts and knows how to smooth them out. For this reason, the Rooster woman is far from the best chosen one for him. She is quick-tempered, restless, impulsive, her relationships with people are often tense, because she is straightforward and not particularly delicate. She will bring confusion into the life of a calm and diplomatic Rabbit man.

At the same time, he can be useful to his chosen one, because he can somewhat moderate her ardor and gently smooth out conflict situations.

They also have common features: they both want material security, but if for the Rabbit man simply prosperity is important for a comfortable existence, then for the Rooster woman this becomes an obsession: she limits herself in spending in order to save money, and this is not always to the liking of her partner, who has a penchant for creativity, and he does not really think about the rationality of spending. He needs money just to spend it, not save it.

Rabbit man and Rooster woman in a relationship

The Rabbit man is quite peaceful and, first of all, takes care of arranging a quiet life in material abundance. He appreciates beauty and prefers to spend money on food, clothing and home furnishings. Allows himself to spend on pleasure. Relying on financial security, he tries to earn more in order not only to spend, but also to save money.

The Rooster woman is impulsive and very restless, rather quick-tempered and too critical. Her constant combat readiness brings considerable tension to the interaction with the Rabbit, even if there is love, passion and romance between them. It is hard for her to be different, simply because she does not understand why this is necessary. She is seriously concerned about self-sufficiency and prefers to save on everything that is contrary to the desires of the Rabbit man and his implementation of large-scale projects and creative ideas.

Despite the different characters, partners can try to combine on the one hand the ability of the Rooster woman to do everything perfectly, clearly following the plan and the ability of the Rabbit man to see good opportunities for the successful implementation of joint plans. Adjustments will have to be made at every step, it is not easy for a Rabbit man and a Rooster woman to establish friendly relations and go together towards a common goal. They will have to make a lot of efforts so that intimate life, common life and directly family life develop successfully.

If the Rooster woman does not moderate her perfectionism, she can greatly exhaust the Rabbit man. A critical attitude and edification, a tendency to impose one's opinion and unwillingness to recognize someone else's, prevents her from considering the deep nature of her other half. The Rabbit man is more stable and calmer, he tries to earn as much as possible to provide for his family. The Rooster woman wants to be useful to her family, attentive and caring, therefore she will try to protect her children and husband from any attacks and encroachments from outside. The Rabbit man is a good candidate for husbands - he is a creatively gifted realist and is able to complement the Rooster woman.

Compatibility Rabbit and Rooster in marriage

If a male Rabbit and a female Rooster enter into a marriage union, then a violent passion will absorb both. They not only admire each other, but also sincerely appreciate the family. The Rabbit man is very calm and sensitive by nature. He is the real owner, whom the wife is equal to. The Rooster woman is trying to create the best conditions for him at home and in life. The compatibility of the Rabbit man and the Rooster woman will be excellent if both spouses do not close in on themselves and the house, but go out “to the people”. The Rabbit man is good with a companion, but over time he gets tired of her superficial attitude to life and liveliness. The Rooster woman should not devote herself entirely to her husband.

Rabbit and Rooster compatibility rarely stands the test of time. The grinding period lasts throughout their family life.

True love helps overcome difficulties

Constant quarrels, misunderstanding, different approaches to everyday issues destroy the union. But there are exceptions to all rules. If people are united by unworthy love, they are able to overcome difficulties.

Characters of signs

The Rabbit and the Rooster have different personalities, which greatly affects their compatibility in love. Here are the features that the Chinese horoscope awarded a person born in the year of the Rooster:

The Rooster loves to shine in society, his self-confidence borders on self-confidence. He likes to criticize people, is not restrained in his emotions. An honest and straightforward sign is completely devoid of diplomatic abilities. The rooster lives according to the plan, adheres to the rules and gets annoyed if someone does not follow them. Knows how to earn money, but spends it thoughtlessly, completely unable to save for a rainy day.


Chinese (Eastern) horoscope for 2017 Red Fire

Eastern Chinese horoscope for 2017 for those born

Horoscope for 2017 for the Rabbit (Cat). 01:52. – Forecast for

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Now let's talk about Rabbit. Here is what the eastern horoscope writes about him:

The rabbit strives for comfort in everything. He surrounds himself with an atmosphere of positive, does not like to let troubles and negative emotions into his life. He always evokes sympathy from others, perfectly solves conflict situations. The most important thing for the Rabbit is a cozy home, confidence in the future and personal comfort. He makes good money, thanks to his talent as a diplomat, he builds an excellent career. He spends money wisely, knows how to save, but is not a stingy person.

General sign compatibility

Emotions matter in relationships

Cat and Rooster are able to fall in love, their romance can be very interesting. But he rests on feelings and emotions, when they cool down, everyday problems come to the fore. Signs are not inclined to change and adapt to each other. The rabbit is delicate, tactful, will never criticize someone. But in relation to himself, he expects such behavior. The rooster is straightforward, what he thinks is what he says. His passion is to "correct" people who do not live the way he thinks is right. The rooster finds fault with everything, while not sparing sharp words. Constant criticism does not allow the Rabbit to show his own abilities, they drive him into depression.

The cat, in turn, quietly takes revenge on the Rooster. He does not tolerate the constant desire of a partner to be in the spotlight. It teases his manner of dressing and behaving in society. This leads to disputes, quarrels, mutual insults. Problems arise on the basis of finances. The cat is not stingy, but a round sum deferred in the bank inspires him with a sense of confidence. The rooster does not know how to save money, he spends everything on his own whims, entertainment, maintaining status.

Conflicts on the basis of material in a couple are inevitable.

The only way to resolve conflicts and improve compatibility is to take advantage of each other's positive qualities. The Rabbit sees opportunities everywhere, the Rooster knows how to do any job thoroughly. If you combine these talents, the union will be quite successful. Unfortunately, this happens very rarely.

The Western horoscope affects the compatibility of the Cat and the Rooster. The rabbit is most comfortable next to the element of air. The union will work out well if the sign of the Rooster is Gemini, Aquarius or Libra. Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer converge well among themselves, the water element strongly attracts each other. The Rooster is comfortable next to the earth, Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus will be ideal partners for him. The fiery zodiac will bring additional problems to the family. Leo and Aries make partners too ambitious, no one wants to give up their leadership position. Only Sagittarius, because of his easy attitude to life, will be able to slightly smooth out conflict situations in the family. It is good if a Rooster is born under this sign, and not a Cat.

Rooster Woman and Rabbit Man Compatibility

It is said that the Rabbit man and the Rooster woman should stay away from each other. This couple cannot avoid conflicts, quarrels, which will ultimately destroy their lives. But let's try to talk about that exceptional situation when life in a couple develops. The husband becomes a breadwinner, he knows how to earn money and properly manage it. A hardworking wife creates comfort in the house, which is so important for a Rabbit man. She brings up children, manages to simultaneously make a career and help her husband do his job. True, from time to time a woman experiences boredom, compensating for this by visiting her numerous friends and acquaintances.

Unfortunately, such an idealistic picture is very rare. From the first days of marriage, a man is annoyed by the love of risk, bravado, boasting in a woman. He does not understand her recklessness, her desire to always be in the spotlight. Discomfort in the relationship is brought by the criticism of the Rooster, the wife will not miss a single opportunity to make a remark to her husband. She quickly gets bored in the cozy and calm atmosphere of a quiet rabbit hole.

The Rooster woman is a bright and active person, she constantly needs new impressions, she cannot live without society.

The Rabbit man prefers to stay at home, he is sociable, but his circle is limited to the most faithful and reliable partners. Noisy parties and festivities do not appeal to him. Conflicts in a couple will also arise on financial grounds. A woman spends money without measure, on clothes, jewelry, entertainment. The rabbit prefers to invest in home improvement, its own amenities and comfort. He pays a certain amount to the bank every month. Sooner or later, one of the partners will run away and "home paradise", compromises in a couple are rare. Therefore, it is better to break off relations at the very beginning than to live for many years in an atmosphere of conflict and misunderstanding.

Rabbit Woman and Rooster Man Compatibility

A short and passionate romance

Rooster man and Rabbit woman are no better compatible than the previous couple. They may fall in love with each other, but the romance will end quickly. Signs have too different temperaments and attitudes towards life. The woman is quiet and calm, loves comfort and peace in the house. A man is self-confident and aggressive, suppresses others with his energy, is able to destroy a partner with criticism. If the relationship develops, the woman will be in a subordinate state. She will become a good housewife, but without the right to vote. The strength and aggressiveness of the Rooster will completely subdue her will. The only exception is when a man is immensely in love with his soul mate. Then he is able to appreciate and understand the talents of his wife, at least partially.

But in most cases, the Rooster and the Rabbit find it difficult to create a family.

Their love is broken on the stones of everyday life. On the one hand, both signs love order and comfort in the house. But the woman will not stand the constant claims of a man. After all, he will not leave the slightest oversight without criticism. The wife will not be able to answer, she is not able to conflict, the fury of the Rooster leads her into a stupor. It is difficult for spouses to spend free time together. The man prefers outdoor activities, in the company of numerous friends. A woman likes home gatherings, quiet evenings by the fireplace.

Conflicts and misunderstandings arise because of money. A man knows how to earn, but is not able to save. True, from time to time attacks of stinginess attack him. Then he does not allow spending money even on necessary things. Rabbit has a different attitude towards finances. He knows how to dispose of them wisely, buy everything you need for the house, and at the same time he will be able to save a considerable amount. Establishing compatibility is difficult, but real. We should distribute responsibilities around the house and take advantage of each other's talents. The Rabbit sees opportunities in everything, knows how to make long-term plans. The rooster is an excellent performer, he brings any business to perfection. If there is true love between the spouses, they still have a chance to save the family.

According to the Eastern horoscope of compatibility, the male Cat (Rabbit) and the female Rooster are an extremely unfavorable combination. In a difficult union in which opposite characters are connected. The Cat Man (Rabbit) likes to be looked after, groomed and cherished, served and created comfort, provided with the opportunity to realize his ideas.

However, even an impatient character is not capable of understanding the true motives of the actions and requirements of other people, does not know how to engage in self-contemplation and meditation, and will hardly tolerate the bizarre requests and habits of the male Cat (Rabbit).

Also, the male Cat (Rabbit) will only be able to endure the excessive activity and fussiness of the female Rooster for the time being. And the Rooster woman at any moment is ready to compile a huge list of her husband’s shortcomings and make it the property of not only relatives, but also strangers. Quite often, in such a union, the male Cat (Rabbit) and the female Rooster shock each other with their behavior. For a meditative male Cat (Rabbit), the female Rooster is not a stable enough partner, and she always expects much more attention from her husband than he can give.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Rooster Woman - Compatibility

The Cat-man (Rabbit) and the Rooster woman rarely create a strong union and a happy marriage. Of course, happiness is always possible, there are no rules without exceptions, but the general trend is that the compatibility of this pair is extremely unfortunate. It is difficult for them to be even just friends, let alone spouses. From the point of view of the Eastern horoscope, this combination is something unrealistic. Paired with each other, everything goes awry for them: love, friendship, and cooperation. And if the Rooster woman is annoyed by his passivity and calmness in her husband, then the Cat (Rabbit) man is pissed off by the excessive activity of the Rooster woman. The Rooster woman is a perfectionist, striving to do everything perfectly, and this prevents the Cat (Rabbit) man from enjoying life. Therefore, the family well-being of a couple of a man-Cat (Rabbit) and a woman-Rooster is possible only if the partners really want to be together and are ready to do anything to improve their relationship. It is important for this couple to learn to accept a partner for who he is and adapt to the characteristics of his character. Only in this case, their relationship can become lasting. The period of "grinding" can become long and difficult, but if the male Cat (Rabbit) and the female Rooster love each other, then they will find a way out of every conflict situation.

Man born. He is always tastefully dressed and has excellent manners. Delicate taste does not allow him to blindly follow fashion trends. He always has his own, unique, elegant style. This man is always polite and charming, witty and satisfied with his life. And his charisma and ability to communicate with the opposite sex provide him with one hundred percent success with women. from life and how to achieve certain results. For many people around him, he becomes an authority. The Cat-Man (Rabbit) loves fine wines, quality food, good cars and expensive meals in first-class restaurants. He likes to live in abundance and comfort, and as a rule, he achieves his goals. He knows how to handle money, does not like to take unreasonable risks and intuitively feels profitable offers. The Cat-Man (Rabbit) can become a loving husband and a caring father. He loves children and is gentle and caring with his beloved.

A woman born out of appearance. From the general mass of people, she stands out for her grooming and pride. It is worth noting that she pays the greatest attention to her appearance, as this affects her self-esteem. She loves to be the center of attention and slay everyone on the spot with her extraordinary appearance and behavior. The Rooster Woman is a woman with a strong character. It is characterized by straightforwardness, sharpness and even rudeness. She always says what she thinks and does not even notice that she can offend a person. She is prone to excessive criticism, although she does not perceive it in her address. The whole life of the Rooster woman is subject to a certain system. She likes to plan and organize everything, and also puts ticks in front of completed tasks. The Rooster woman can become a good wife and a caring mother, who will always have an exemplary order in the house, but because of her tendency to control and manage everything, she complicates her relationships with many men.

The initiator of the relationship in this pair, as a rule, is the female Rooster. It is she who, with her activity, gives the male Cat (Rabbit) an impulse to move forward. Romantic relationships are most often established on the basis of mutual hobbies. But, after a short time, both see the contradictions existing between them. So, the first thing it turns out is that the male Cat (Rabbit) strives for solitude, and the female Rooster does not understand him and provokes communication. Also, the couple is waiting for misunderstanding, difficulties in organizing life and housekeeping. All claims will accumulate like a snowball, and if the spouses do not take action, then the relationship will quickly come to an end.

The Cat Man (Rabbit) appreciates beauty in everything: in clothes, in the interior, in food. It is important for him that everything that surrounds him be beautiful and he does not skimp on the acquisition of beautiful household items. The Cat-Man (Rabbit) knows how to earn and tries to earn even more in order to be able not only to spend, but also to save money. To feel safe, the Cat (Rabbit) man always has a stash for "unforeseen expenses", but the Rooster woman does not know how to save money and is ready to spend the last savings on an expensive outfit, if only she had something to "go out" .

The aggressive and quick-tempered nature of the Rooster woman brings great tension to the relationship of this couple. She is impulsive, restless and very critical. She constantly imposes her opinion, speaks in a didactic tone and does not want to recognize anyone else's opinion. The Rooster Woman is in constant combat readiness and just about anything, immediately "attacks", even if there is passion and romance between the spouses. And it is very difficult for her to be different. The Rooster Woman loves variety, bright events, crazy deeds. Sometimes, she is too ambitious and self-centered that she does not notice anything around her. And this is perhaps its main disadvantage.

It is not easy for a male Cat (Rabbit) and a female Rooster to establish life and family relationships, it is difficult for both of them to adapt to each other and change their behavior. But, nevertheless, despite such different characters, they can perfectly complement each other. If you combine the ability of the Rooster woman to do everything perfectly, clearly follow the instructions and plan, and the ability of the Cat (Rabbit) man to see the future in this or that matter, then this couple will be able to achieve good results. The Rooster woman is good as a mother, and will do everything to make her children happy and not in need of anything. And the male Cat (Rabbit) is a responsible husband and father, able to provide his family with everything necessary. Their qualities of characters are ideal for the implementation of joint goals, but the differences in temperaments make their own adjustments and the male Cat (Rabbit) and the female Rooster will have to learn how to negotiate in order to go hand in hand all their lives.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Rooster Woman - Compatibility in Love

The sexual relations of the male Cat (Rabbit) and the female Rooster are also not as harmonious as we would like. They can get satisfaction, but it will be ordinary physical intimacy at the level of the body. The unity of souls is difficult to achieve here. The Cat-man (Rabbit) would like to receive more warmth and tenderness from his partner, but the Rooster woman considers this superfluous. Moreover, she will try to make sex very active, which the male Cat (Rabbit) will not like at all.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Cat Man (Rabbit) and Rooster Woman

The cocky female Rooster and the domestic male Cat (Rabbit) have difficult compatibility. It is difficult for them to get used to the qualities of each other, even over time. Too different characters, habits and tastes make this union extremely problematic. To make the relationship more or less harmonious, both will have to spend a lot of mental and physical strength. To be together, both need to completely change their worldview and learn to see each other's strengths, while closing their eyes to shortcomings. As much as possible? It all depends on the individuality of each and the strength of their love.

If the partners manage to combine, on the one hand, the ability of the Rooster woman to do everything perfectly, strictly following the plan, and on the other hand, the ability of the Cat (Rabbit) man to see good opportunities, the couple will be able to achieve good results together in many areas.

In order to harmonize relationships, the Rooster woman needs to learn how to be complaisant and gentle, patience and humility, as well as moderate her activity and criticism. Also, the male Cat (Rabbit) is greatly dissatisfied with her excessive independence. The big problem in this couple is that the male Cat (Rabbit) is much weaker than his partner, and therefore it is difficult for her to give him the right to be a leader in the family. But, the male Cat (Rabbit), despite his weakness (in comparison with the female Rooster), is a good candidate for husbands. He is creatively gifted and able to take care of his family.

Vika Dee June 28, 2018, 12:43

The degree of compatibility of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Rooster is small, due to the dissimilarity of their characters, temperaments and aspirations, often directly opposite. The rooster loves to be the center of attention, he is used, like his real prototype, to “spread his tail” to be admired, admired and adored. Such an attitude is very important for him - it satisfies his ego, instills in him a sense of his own significance.

For the Rooster, the concept of fidelity does not exist, his polygamous nature constantly requires confirmation that he is a real macho (for men) or a real femme fatale. The Rabbit seems to be the exact opposite of the Rooster. His attractiveness to others is based on charm, the ability to charm. He wants to enjoy life and knows how to do it without exposing himself. He does not have such ambitions as the Rooster, and often this does not allow him to fully realize his potential, despite his talent and ability to work.

The polygamous nature of the Rooster constantly requires confirmation that he is a real macho

For the Rabbit, the main priorities are peace and tranquility, the possibility of a comfortable existence, without conflicts and sudden changes in life. He will not get involved in a fight in the literal and figurative sense, but will prefer to step back. The rabbit treats others delicately and tactfully and expects the same attitude towards himself, but this is completely unusual for the Rooster.

As we see, Rabbit and Rooster are opposite signs both in character and temperament.

True, they say that opposites converge, but for how long?

Assessing the compatibility of these signs, we can draw the following conclusions (below they will be deciphered in more detail):

Horoscope of compatibility of the Rabbit (Cat) and the Rooster in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between the Rabbit and the Rooster can arise quickly and capture both. But when the first rise of emotions passes, it turns out that they are completely different and cannot, and do not want to adapt to each other.

The Rooster needs a partner who will constantly admire him, this will allow the Rooster to maintain his self-esteem at a high level. In the same time The rooster wants to enjoy freedom, which is unlikely to please any sign, and not just the good-natured Rabbit.

The straightforward Rooster speaks his mind without much concern for delicacy. He seeks to correct others who he believes are living wrong. Such harsh criticism can drive the Rabbit into depression and prevent him from showing his abilities.

Rooster and Rabbit are completely different and do not want to adapt to each other

The Rabbit does not like the desire of the Rooster to constantly be in the spotlight, he expresses this by mocking his style of dress and behavior, which causes a very sharp reaction from the Rooster, and as a result, quarrels and mutual insults.

The last straw in their relationship may be Rooster's infidelity, which by its very nature is not very capable of loyalty to one partner. But he is attracted not only by the variety in sex, but also by the admiration that he receives from new partners and which he so lacks in relations with the Rabbit. And the Rabbit is no longer able to admire the Rooster, as in the initial period of the relationship.

There is no need to talk about harmony in the intimate sphere - both parties do not get what they want

Rabbit is loyal, affection and tenderness, the Rooster needs bright sex, where he could show himself in all his glory, and thinks, first of all, about himself, his beloved. Physical intimacy is not accompanied by spiritual intimacy, and even sex cannot keep them together.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) and Rooster

It doesn’t matter who is the husband in this couple and who is the wife, the marriage will still not be successful. The Rooster, as a rule, marries several times, the Rabbit is prone to stable relationships. The Rooster, with its ambitions and egocentrism, the desire to shine and always be in the spotlight, irritates and rejects the Rabbit.

Their marriage is destroyed by constant quarrels and skirmishes. on domestic issues. Thrifty Rabbit cannot be accused of stinginess, but he tries to save money so that he always has certain financial resources. The Rooster is ready to spend everything he has on a variety of entertainment, satisfying his whims and maintaining his own status. Such diametrically opposed views on life and family quickly lead the marriage to collapse.

Quarrels gradually destroy the marriage of the Rooster and the Rabbit

Friendship between the Rabbit and the Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

If the guy is a Rabbit (Hare), and the girl is a Rooster, then they are unlikely to be able to be friends for a long time: the Rooster, in his desire for perfectionism, tries to impose his opinion, and the conscientious Rabbit will completely fade under the yoke of this criticism, but still will take revenge in response. He hates the brightness of the Rooster, who always tries to be in the spotlight, and constantly teases him, which leads to open conflicts and quarrels.

The same situation develops when the girl is Rabbit (Hare), and the guy is Rooster . The aggressiveness of the Rooster prevents the Rabbit from realizing its potential, their constant squabbles interfere with the common cause, and therefore the compatibility in the work of the Rabbit and the Rooster is extremely low. They are not able to combine efforts to move together towards a common goal.

Rabbit and Rooster, regardless of gender, they are unlikely to be able to be friends for a long time

Compatibility of male Rabbit (Cat) and female Rooster

If he is a Cat and she is a Rooster , there is no need to talk about an acceptable degree of compatibility. Bright, memorable, emotional, quick-tempered, avid debater, woman The rooster always wants to be the center of attention. and dominate.

She is very active, she needs company and new experiences, while a man The rabbit prefers a quiet home life and communication with faithful and experienced friends, without noisy parties.

They have a completely different approach to money.

If the Rooster woman is ready to spend all the money on clothes and entertainment, then the Rabbit man will spend it on satisfying his needs for convenience, as well as saving it for the account. No grinding of characters should be expected - this is a couple destined to break up.

The Rabbit, unlike the Rooster, prefers a quiet home life.

Compatibility of Rabbit (Cat) Woman and Rooster Man

The same can be said if she is a Cat and he is a Rooster. At first, she may be attracted to his charisma and ability to shine, but over time, the constant betrayals of this macho will destroy her affection. It is impossible for a Rabbit, who professes family values, to come to terms with the constant hobbies and novels of the Rooster, and The rooster cannot do without the constant feeding of his pride admiration of new partners.

The self-confidence and aggressiveness of the Rooster, his constant criticism suppress the Rabbit woman, and she will finally lose heart and come to terms with her subordinate position if she does not break off relations in time.

Constant criticism of the Rooster suppresses the Rabbit woman

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