About larch for a student. Prepare a message on the topic "Larch - an unusual coniferous tree". Features of growth and reproduction

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Larch is a mysterious tree The work was completed by: student of class 1 "a" Kira Sakhno supervisor of work: primary school teacher Chestikova Irina Sergeevna Municipal educational state institution secondary school No. 2 in Murashi

Introduction In the first grade, at one of the lessons of the world around us, we studied coniferous and deciduous trees. In the workbook by name, we identified coniferous and deciduous trees. I was interested in such a tree as larch: I thought it was a deciduous tree, but it turned out to be coniferous. I set myself the question: why is larch called larch?

Purpose: To find out the features of the larch tree. Tasks: Learn from literary sources about the features of larch, its application, growing conditions. Compare larch with deciduous and coniferous trees. Conduct a study of larch needles. Analyze the results, formulate conclusions.

Hypothesis Suppose that larch is a deciduous tree.

Conditions for the growth of larch Larch is one of the most common species of coniferous trees. Larches can grow up to 50 m in height. They live 300-450 years, although there are also 800-year-old trees. They are distributed in the cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In Siberia and the Far East of Russia, larch forests occupy vast areas. Larch can withstand temperatures down to -65 ºС. She was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the most frost-resistant tree"!

Application Due to its strength and durability, larch wood is widely used - from construction work to the chemical industry. A valuable medicinal plant, it has well-defined medicinal properties: antimicrobial, antiviral, soothing.

Respondent Appointment Mom "Cough" - a decoction of young shoots of larch. Grandmother "For purulent wounds" - an infusion of young needles. Papa "For toothache, sore throat" - resin. Aunt "With varicose veins" - a compress from fresh needles. Grandfather "For diarrhea" - an infusion from the bark of a tree. Medicinal properties

Comparison of larch with coniferous and deciduous trees Plan Birch Pine Larch Leaf name LEAF NEEDLE NEEDLE Shedding leaves In autumn Does not shed all year round In autumn sheds Presence of resin Absent Presence of resin Presence of resin Propagation Fruit with seeds Cone with seeds Cone with seeds Application in construction Not suitable for construction In construction In construction

Conclusion According to the comparative characteristics, we see that larch has more matches with coniferous wood. With a deciduous tree, one coincidence is the shedding of foliage in the fall. So larch is a coniferous tree that sheds its needles in autumn.

experimental part

Needle length comparison

The number of needles in a bunch

Comparison of the softness of the needles

PINE SPRUCE LARCH Length of needles 6-7cm 1-2cm 3-4cm Softness very hard hard soft Number of needles in a bunch 2 1 20 Study of needles

Conclusion We learned about the growing conditions of larch from literary sources We studied the medicinal properties of larch We determined the similarities and differences between larch and coniferous and deciduous trees We observed the needles of various coniferous tree species.

“So, larch, if this tree is coniferous, then why “larch”? And what about the leaves? Unlike other conifers, larch sheds its needles for the winter, just as deciduous trees lose their leaves. Hence the name. Our hypothesis was not confirmed. Larch is a coniferous tree.

And yet: Why does the larch shed its needles? Answer: In order not to freeze in winter, because it grows in harsh conditions. When it sheds its needles, it gets rid of excess moisture, which “cools” in winter

In my work, I used the following books: “The Book of Trees” (Ivchenko I.S.) “Deciduous Forest” (Skrebtsova M) “Tell Children about Trees” (Viktor Moroz) “Trees” (Irina Tokmakova) “The Big Book of Forests and Trees » (Rene Mettle)

Larch is the most common tree in Russia. In my message, I will talk in detail about it, its features and use in the national economy.


Larch belongs to the coniferous species of the pine family. Its closest relatives are spruce and pine. She grows tall up to 40 meters less often - up to 50 m. The trunks are even, like columns, with a diameter of 1-1.5 meters. Young trees have a light bark and a crown tapering upwards, the trunks of old trees are covered with gray-brown bark and have a round, rare, spreading crown. The root system is powerful, highly branched, without a pronounced central taproot.

Features of growth and reproduction

Larch grows very fast it stretches by 50-100 cm per year. After the age of 20, growth slows down. This is a long-lived tree. Lives 400-600 years.

Two unique features of larch:

  • Despite the fact that it belongs to coniferous trees, for the winter sheds her needles, which before that turn yellow like ordinary foliage. And in spring, the larch is again covered with young bright green needles.
  • The larch needles are not prickly, but soft, pleasant to the touch.

Larch is a monoecious plant, female cones up to 5 cm long and male spikelets grow on the same tree. In nature, it reproduces by seeds, which ripen in cones by autumn.

The tree is very unpretentious: tolerates frost and drought well, undemanding to soils, although it grows best on moist soils with a high content of clay and sand (river valleys, gentle slopes of ravines). Resistant to diseases and pests. But for good larch growth need sunlight. She languishes in shady places.


Total 20 species are known of this tree, the most common is Siberian larch. Deciduous forests are widespread throughout the world. Grows in temperate latitudes. But nowhere are there such vast larch forests as in Russia. The tree occupies 40% of all forests in the country, i.e. an area equal to the area of ​​5 countries like France! No other tree in the world covers such a vast area.

Wood found everywhere: from west to east from Lake Onega to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, throughout Eastern and Western Siberia, from the tundra in the north to Altai, descending further to the very south of Primorye. In Transbaikalia, forests of Dahurian larch have grown powerfully.

On heavy and swampy soils, in permafrost areas, pure larch forests grow. Under the best natural and climatic conditions, larch grows in coniferous and mixed forests. Well adjacent to, pine,.

National economic importance

Venice stands on a foundation, the basis of which is larch. Recently, experts decided to check how firmly this amazing city stands on the water, because the piles were driven almost 700 years ago. Divers descended into the water and carefully examined the condition of the foundation. The results shocked everyone: not even a sign of rot or other damage was found, larch piles, having spent centuries under water, have become strong as iron, they couldn’t even put a notch on the uneven bars.

Larch wood has such unique properties:

  • does not rot in water;
  • not damaged;
  • differs in very high durability and elasticity;
  • has a high resin content.

Thanks to these qualities, larch is widely used in the construction of ships, the production of cars, cars, aircraft. Without additional impregnation, wood goes to telegraph poles and sleepers. Great for building bridges, dams and jetties. Logs do not know demolition.

The use in construction of this tree is somewhat limited. A fresh larch board is so dense that it is difficult to drive a nail into it, and it is already impossible to remove a nail from an old larch board.

Rosin, sealing wax, turpentine, acetic acid are obtained from this tree. From one cubic meter of larch forest, it is possible to obtain 2000 pairs of stockings or 1500 meters of synthetic silk.

In addition, a very resistant dye for textiles, leather, and skins is made from the bark of this tree. Larch needles are widely used in medicine. She is has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, rich in vitamin C.

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you

  • Larch (Larix) is a genus of woody plants of the Pine family (Pinaceae), one of the most common species of coniferous trees.
  • Lives up to 300-400 years, larches up to 800 years old are registered.
  • The most common tree species on the planet and in Russia.

  • In favorable conditions, it grows quickly. Up to the age of 20, it is able to add from 50 to 100 cm per year.
  • In favorable conditions, it grows up to 50 meters or more in height with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m or more.
  • Larch is resistant to spring frosts, very resistant to low winter temperatures. In the north withstands temperatures below -70 °C
  • Larch is an extremely light-loving tree; it does not regenerate and does not grow in shading.
  • Due to its strength and durability, larch wood is widely used - from construction work to the chemical industry.
  • With the drying of wood, its density increases so much that it is impossible to drive a nail into it, and hammered nails can no longer be removed from old larch boards, as the metal of the nail is torn.
  • Despite the wide distribution of larch and the high quality of wood, larch accounts for a relatively small part of the total volume of logging in Russia. The reasons for this are that, due to the high density, freshly cut larch wood sinks (immediately or after a short time in water) and cannot be rafted down rivers, which in some cases means that it is impossible to transport from harvesting sites to processing sites.
  • Everything that is made of larch is made to last forever. A good example of this is Venice, built on piles of Siberian larch.

2. Class: 3 "B"

3 Date: 10.10.15

4. Theme of the lesson: "Larch"

5 . The purpose of the lesson: To form students' understanding of the role of coniferous trees (larch) in life

To acquaint a person with the environmental problems of the forest that have arisen through the fault of people

6. Educational resources: teacher's PC, media projector, text, handouts

Stage name

Work form

Content of interaction with students

Teacher activity

Student activities

Formed UUD

1. Motivation of educational activities

Inclusion in the business rhythm. Emotional attitude to work.

The lesson starts

He will go to the guys for the future.

Try to understand everything

Learn to unlock secrets.

Give complete answers

To get a job

Only the mark "five"!

Slide #1

Motivates students for learning activities, controls readiness for the lesson.

Showing interest. Emotional mood for the lesson.

- Regulatory:


- Personal:

self-determination to activity


planning learning collaboration with teacher and peers

2.Updating knowledge. Setting lesson goals

Formulating the purpose, objectives and topic of the lesson.

Work in pairs.

This is a house. Huge house.

There is enough space for everyone in it.

And the squirrel, and the hare,

And a toothy wolf cub.

What house is the poem about?

What is the topic of our lesson? Teacher: and I will tell you a legend to clarify the topic of the lesson

“Once a flock of birds made their flight to warmer climes. One of the birds fell behind the flock because its wing was broken. The wounded bird fluttered from tree to tree, seeking shelter from the cold. The birch, swaying in the wind, did not pay attention to the pleas of the bird. The willow did the same, grieving about some secret grief of its own, bending over the stream. And the proud oak, looking up, did not descend to a small bird at its foot. At last the bird reached the spruce tree, which graciously received it. A pine tree stretched out its branches nearby to better shelter the bird from the approaching cold, and a juniper offered the bird a handful of its berries. The forest spirit became angry with the proud trees and made them pay for their cruelty. When the wind blew after the first frosts, it tore off all their leaves from the birch, willow and oak. Since then, they are always doomed to suffer from winter frosts, while merciful trees forever retain their green decoration.

What trees will we talk about? (About conifers)

It creates a problem situation, a situation of cognitive contradictions, encourages students to accept the topic and purpose of the lesson.

They accept a problem situation, enter into a discussion, voice the topic and purpose of the lesson, formulate their questions.

- Regulatory:

goal setting, forecasting

- Communicative:

the ability to build productive interaction with peers and the teacher

- Cognitive:

analyze, prove

3. Problem explanation of the lesson

Observation, setting up an experiment, independent work, collective form of work.

What questions about conifers do we need to answer?

* representatives of conifers (pine, spruce, cedar, larch)

*where the tree that interests us grows (in the north, high in the mountains, in the taiga)

* what benefits do they bring (in medicine, in construction)

*what interesting things we learn (frost-resistant, does not rot, but petrifies, a symbol of Russia)

What tree is of interest?

- (Children have text on the tables).

Organizes the repetition of knowledge, identifies typical shortcomings.

Demonstrate knowledge and skills.


Knowledge structuring,

Conscious construction of speech utterance inwriting


Ability to fully and accurately express one's thoughts


The ability to fix a learning problem, determine the area of ​​knowledge and ignorance, the way of action


development of educational and cognitive motivation

4. Musical exercise for the eyes

Slides 5, 6, 7.

5. Discovery of new knowledge

Partially - search activity, collective work

What a wild tree! ”- with such an exclamation, Alexander Solzhenitsyn begins his story about a forest beauty. And in fact, if we talk about her, we will have to start all the time with the word“ MOST ”.

And now we move the red bar and read one line at a time.

THE MOST common tree in Russia

MOST durable and hardy

Removing the blue bar

MOST northern and frost-resistant

MOST durable

Removing the green stripe

MOST unusual of all conifers Larch drawing

(like coniferous, but sheds foliage)

Creates a problem situation, organizes a leading dialogue, involves students in the work, encourages discussion of the text

They analyze the problem situation, look for a solution, engage in a leading dialogue, follow the logic of reasoning, work in groups of permanent composition, discover and fix new knowledge, enter into a dialogue.


Structuring knowledge, conscious and arbitrary construction of oral speech utterance, semantic reading


Planning, correction, volitional self-regulation


Self-determination for activity, development of educational and cognitive motivation

6. Physical education minute

slide number 9

7. Independent work in groups

Children are divided into groups "botanists", "researchers", "ecologists"

Children are divided into groups, sort out the strips

Red-ecologists, green-botanists, blue-explorers

On the tables, material for the work of each group

Organizes a situation of choice.

Use the acquired knowledge in practical activities. Self-esteem.


The ability to use information and isolate the information necessary to solve a learning problem


Clarification of own capabilities


Formation of a mindset to find ways to resolve difficulties

1.group "Botanists" Larch is a coniferous tree. The larch trunk is even, the bark is rough below, with many dark brown cracks, with a shade of gray. The branches are located sideways-down (shows in the illustration). needlesgrow in bunches from one kidney. The needles remain soft and tender, regardless of age. Its color changes from pale green in spring to green in summer and yellow in autumn. In late autumn, the larch needles fall off, and in the spring they reappear from the buds. Larch cones are tender, soft, small, oval. Greyish brown larch is a fast growing, long lasting species: some live 700-900 years

2.group "Explorers" Scientists have 20 speciesbreeds, the most famous: European, American, Siberian. Siberian larch wood is considered the best. In Russia, until the middle of the 19th century, it was forbidden by law to sell Siberian larch wood to private individuals. It was used to build ships, bridges, moorings and sleepers. centuries. Archaeologists have found ancient buildings. which stood underground for thousands of years, and the woodpetrified, but not destroyed. The resin of the tree protects teeth from caries and strengthens the gums. In modern medicine, wood is used to produce preparations for the treatment of heart, asthma and diabetes. A little-known fact: the symbol of Russia is not a birch, but a larch. It is also frost-resistant, withstands minus 60-65 degrees below zero

Group 3 "Environmentalists"

What environmental issue is the poem talking about? .

Sasha cried as the forest was cut down,

She still feels sorry for him to tears.

How many curly birches there were!

There because of the old frowning spruce,

Red clusters of rowan looked ...

Yes, Nekrasov wrote about deforestation. It seemed to people that there were so many forests that it was impossible to cut them down. It is now clear that the forests are in danger. (slide 25)

    It is very dangerous to make fires in the forest. One small spark or ember can start a fire. A folk proverb says: “A million matches can be made from one tree, a million trees can be burned with one match.”forest during fire season. You can not breed it unnecessarily. It is better to build a fire on an old fire pit. When leaving, it is necessary to extinguish the fire.

    No one should forget that he is a guest in the forest, and is obliged to follow certain rules:

do not tear, do not break, do not frighten, do not make noise, do not litter. To enter the forest as a friend, a master, but not cruel, notindifferent, but caring, attentive, sensitive. And then the forest will repay you with kindness!!!

Compilation of a memo "How to behave in the forest"

Organizes the systematization and generalization of joint achievements.

Orientate in information, demonstrate knowledge, identify the limits of applicability of new knowledge.


The ability to consciously and voluntarily build a speech statement


Initiative cooperation with the teacher and peers to consolidate, clarify known knowledge and methods of action


Control, evaluation, correction



9. Reflection and introspection



Complete the statements:

I plucked a flower ... .. (and it withered)

I caught a moth……..(and it died in my palm)

And then I realized ...... (that you can only touch beauty with your heart.) (Rurik Ivnev)

Think about these words, and decide how you can help nature?

This is where our lesson comes to an end.

Have we received answers to all questions?

And now, who liked the lesson, attach a smiley face with a smile to our larch, and who did not like the boring smiley

It creates a situation associated with pleasant emotions, a sense of satisfaction from work, a sense of one's own competence, self-esteem.

They carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, the degree of its effectiveness.


Evaluation of your achievements in the lesson




Reflection of motivation, ways of communication activities

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