Russia's new submarine is painfully familiar

Produced in the USSR in the 1980s, Project 945 Barracuda submarines, whose hull is made of titanium, will be upgraded and returned to the service of the Navy, the Izvestia newspaper writes on Tuesday.

The decision to restore the Barracudas was made in January at a meeting with Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Viktor Chirkov, a high-ranking source in the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy told the publication.

“It was not a spontaneous decision, we carefully calculated it and came to the conclusion that it is more economically feasible to restore the boats than to dispose of them,” the source explained.

Now the fleet has four titanium nuclear submarines (except for mini-boats for deep-sea research): two project 945 "Barracuda" - K-239 "Karp" and K-276 "Kostroma" and two titanium boats of the modernized project 945A "Kondor ”- K-336 Pskov and K-534 Nizhny Novgorod, the newspaper states.

The main target of the Barracudas and Condors are aircraft carriers and submarines. To destroy them, torpedoes are used, which are fired from two 650-mm torpedo tubes and four 533-mm ones.

All nuclear submarines are part of the 7th division of submarines of the Northern Fleet (Vidyaevo), but since 1994 the Karp has been at the Zvyozdochka shipyard awaiting restoration.

The contract for the repair of the first two boats was signed with Zvyozdochka. According to the document, the plant must carry out a medium repair with the modernization of two nuclear submarines.

As one of Zvezdochka's top managers explained to the newspaper, nuclear fuel and all electronics will be replaced on the boats, and mechanical parts will be checked and repaired. In addition, repairs will be carried out at nuclear reactors.

“According to the schedule, by the end of April, the boat K-239 Karp should be transferred from the balance of the fleet to the balance of the plant. By this time, troubleshooting should be carried out and the project of work should be approved. The work itself will begin on the first boat in the summer and will continue for 2-3 years, according to an optimistic scenario. Perhaps the deadlines will be delayed, since not everything is clear with the suppliers of components. After the Karp, we will put the Kostroma for repairs," the Zvezdochka representative said.

“Titanium, unlike steel, does not corrode, so if you remove the rubber coating that absorbs noise, the hulls are as good as new,” the ship repairer added.

The strength of titanium boats was demonstrated in 1992, when the Kostroma nuclear submarine collided with an American Los Angeles-class submarine in the Barents Sea. The Russian ship received minor damage to the cabin, and the American boat had to be written off.

According to preliminary data, titanium submarines will receive new hydroacoustic stations, combat information and control systems, radars with a radio-technical reconnaissance station, and a navigation system based on GLONASS / GPS. In addition, weapons systems will be changed on the boats and they will be taught how to fire cruise missiles from the Caliber (Club-S) complex.

History of creation.

In parallel with the work on the design of multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the 2nd generation, the leading design bureaus of the country, industry and naval research centers carried out prospecting work for the creation of nuclear submarines of the 3rd generation. In particular, in the Gorky TsKB-112 "Lazurit" in the early 60s. a pre-draft design of a 3rd generation multi-purpose submarine (project 673) was developed. Many advanced solutions were incorporated in its design - a one and a half hull scheme, contours that are optimal from the point of view of hydrodynamics (without a felling fence), a single-shaft power plant with one reactor, etc. In the future, work on multi-purpose nuclear submarines in Gorky was continued. One of these studies was in 1971 the basis for the project of the first Soviet nuclear-powered ship of the 3rd generation.
The expansion of the combat capabilities of the American fleet - first of all - its underwater component, which developed in the 60s - 80s. most dynamically, required a sharp increase in the anti-submarine potential of the Soviet Navy.
In 1973, in our country, within the framework of the Argus comprehensive program, the concept of the country's anti-submarine defense was developed. Within the framework of this concept, TsNPO "Kometa" (general designer A.I. Savin) began to implement a program to create an integrated lighting system for the situation "Neptune" (KSOPO "Neptune"), including:
- the central link of the system is the center for collecting, processing, displaying and distributing information, reflection;
- stationary underwater lighting systems operating in various physical fields of submarines;
- sonar buoys placed in the ocean by ships and aircraft;
- space systems detection of submarines by various unmasking signs;
- maneuver forces, including aircraft, surface ships and submarines. At the same time, nuclear multi-purpose submarines of a new generation with enhanced search capabilities were considered as one of the most important means of detecting, tracking and (after receiving the appropriate command) destroying enemy submarines.
The tactical and technical assignment for the development of a large nuclear multi-purpose submarine was issued in March 1972. At the same time, the Navy was tasked with limiting the displacement within the limits that ensure the construction of ships at the country's domestic factories (in particular, at the Krasnoye Sormovo Gorky plant).

Chief designer of the project Nikolai Iosifovich Kvasha (8.12.1928 — 4.11.2007.).

Chief observer from the Navy, captain 1st rank, laureate of the State Prize Bogachenko Igor Petrovich(pictured on the left, at the 50th anniversary of LNVMU, 1998).

The main purpose of the new nuclear submarines of project 945 (code "Barracuda") was to be tracking missile submarines and aircraft carrier strike groups of a potential enemy, as well as guaranteed destruction of these targets with the outbreak of hostilities. The chief designer of the project was N.I. Kvasha, and the main observer from the Navy was I.P. Bogachenko.
A fundamentally important element of the new nuclear submarine was the use of a titanium alloy with a yield strength of 70-72 kgf / mm2 for the manufacture of a strong hull, which provides an increase in the maximum immersion depth by 1.5 times compared to the second generation nuclear submarines. The use of a titanium alloy of high specific strength made it possible, by reducing the weight of the hull, to save up to 25-30% on the displacement of the boat, which made it possible to build a nuclear submarine in Gorky and transport it by inland waterways. In addition, the titanium construction made it possible to drastically reduce the magnetic field of the ship (according to this parameter, nuclear-powered ships of the 945th project retain the world leadership among submarines at the present time).
However, the use of titanium led to a significant increase in the cost of nuclear submarines and, for technological reasons, limited the number of ships under construction, as well as the number of shipbuilding enterprises participating in the program (the technology for building titanium hulls was not mastered in Komsomolsk-on-Amur).

Compared to nuclear submarines of the previous generation, torpedo- missile system the new boat was supposed to have twice the ammunition capacity, an improved target designation system, an increased firing range (three times for missile torpedoes and 1.5 times for torpedoes), as well as increased combat readiness (the time to prepare for firing the first salvo was halved ).
In December 1969, at the Design Bureau of Minaviaprom "Novator", under the leadership of chief designer L.V. Lyulyev, work began on the creation of new anti-submarine missile systems of the second generation "Waterfall" (caliber 533 mm) and "Wind" (650 mm), intended for the first queue for equipping promising nuclear submarines of the third generation. Unlike its predecessor, the Vyuga-53 PLRK, the Vodopad was to be equipped with both a special warhead and a self-guided UMGT-1 small-sized torpedo (designed by NPO Uranus) with an acoustic response range of 1.5 km , with a range of up to 8 km and a maximum speed of 41 knots. The use of two types of equipment significantly expanded the range of weapons. Compared with the Blizzard-53 complex, the Vodopad sharply increased the maximum depth of the rocket launch (up to 150 m), increased the range of firing ranges (from depths of 20-50 m - 5 - 50 km, from 150 m - 5 - 35 km ), the prelaunch preparation time was significantly reduced (10 s).

"Wind", which has twice the maximum range and depth of launch than the "Waterfall", could also be equipped with both an UMGT torpedo and a nuclear warhead. The Vodopad complex under the RPK-6 index entered service with the Navy in 1981 (not only nuclear submarines, but also surface ships were equipped with it), and the Wind (RPK-7) complex in 1984.
Another new type of weapon introduced on third-generation nuclear submarines was the TEST-71 type remote-controlled homing torpedo in two planes. It was designed to destroy submarines and is equipped with an active-passive sonar homing system, which, together with a telecontrol system by wire, provided target guidance in two planes. The presence of a telecontrol system made it possible to control the maneuvering of the torpedo and the operation of the homing equipment, as well as to control them during the shot. The operator on board the nuclear submarine, depending on the evolving tactical situation, could prohibit the homing of the torpedo or redirect it.

Electrical power point ensured the movement of the torpedo in two modes - search (at a speed of 24 knots) and rendezvous mode (40 knots) with multiple switching modes. Maximum range course (depending on the prevailing speed) was within 15 - 20 km. The depth of search and destruction of the target was 2 - 400 m. In terms of stealth, the use of TEST-71 significantly exceeded the American torpedo with MK.48 with a piston engine, although the latter, with a comparable range, had several more speed travel (50 knots).
To illuminate the underwater and surface situation and target designation of weapons, it was decided to use the improved sonar system (SAC) MGK-503 Skat. Thanks to measures to reduce the noise of nuclear submarines and reduce their own interference during the operation of the SJC, the target detection range has more than doubled compared to second-generation nuclear submarines.
New REV systems allowed to reduce the error in determining the location by 5 times, as well as significantly increase the intervals between ascents to determine the coordinates. The communication range has increased by 2 times, and the depth of radio signal reception by 3 times.

To work out the issues of strength and technology of the Krasnoye Sormovo Shipyard, a full-scale compartment was built from a titanium alloy, as well as a half-life compartment from another, more durable titanium alloy, intended for use on advanced super-deep-sea nuclear submarines. The compartments were sent to Severodvinsk, where they underwent static and fatigue tests in a special docking chamber.
The Project 945 nuclear submarine is designed to fight not only enemy missile submarines, but also surface ships from aircraft carrier formations and strike groups. The increase in combat potential was achieved by strengthening missile, torpedo and torpedo weapons, progress in the development of detection, target designation, communications, navigation systems, the introduction of information and control systems, as well as improving the main tactical and technical elements - speed, diving depth, maneuverability, stealth, reliability and survivability.
The submarine of project 945 is made according to a two-hull scheme. The light hull has an ellipsoidal bow and spindle-shaped aft ends. Outboard openings are closed using scuppers and kingstones on all main ballast tanks. The robust body has relatively simple shaping - a cylindrical middle part and conical ends. End bulkheads are spherical. The design of fastening to the hull of strong tanks eliminates bending stresses that occur when the boat is compressed at depth.

The hull of the boat is divided into six watertight compartments. There is an emergency blowing system for two main ballast tanks using solid fuel combustion products.
The crew of the boat is 31 officers and 28 midshipmen, for whom relatively good living conditions have been created. The submarine is equipped with a pop-up rescue chamber capable of accommodating its entire crew.
The main power plant with a nominal capacity of 43,000 liters. with. includes one pressurized water reactor OK-650A (180 MW) and one steam-toothed unit. The OK-650A reactor has four steam generators, two circulation pumps for the first and fourth circuits, and three pumps for the third circuit. The steam single-shaft block steam turbine plant has a wide redundancy of the mechanization composition. The boat is equipped with two AC turbo generators, two feed and two condenser pumps. To serve DC consumers, there are two groups of batteries and two reversible converters.

The seven-bladed propeller has improved hydroacoustic characteristics and reduced rotational speed.
In the event of a failure of the main power plant, emergency sources of electricity and reserve means of movement are provided for its subsequent commissioning. There are two DG-300 diesel generators with reversible converters (2 x 750 hp) with a fuel reserve for 10 days of operation. They are designed to generate direct current for propulsion motors and alternating current for general ship consumers.

To ensure movement under water at a speed of up to 5 knots, the nuclear submarine is equipped with two DC propulsion motors with a power of 370 kW, each of which operates on its own propeller.
The boat is equipped with a hydroacoustic complex MGK-503 "Skat" (with analog information processing). The Molniya-M communication complex includes a satellite communication system and a Paravan towed antenna.
The complex of missile and torpedo weapons and the combat information and control system provide single and salvo fire without restrictions on the depth of immersion (up to the limit). Four 533 mm and two 650 mm caliber TAs are installed in the bow of the hull. The ammunition load includes up to 40 weapons - missile torpedoes and torpedoes. Alternative option - up to 42 minutes.
In the West, the boats were called Sierra. A further development of the project 945 boat was the nuclear submarine project 945A(code "Condor"). Its main difference from the ships of the previous series was the modified armament, which included six 533-mm torpedo tubes.
The ammunition of the boat included strategic cruise missiles"Granat", designed to destroy ground targets at ranges up to 3000 km. The boat was also equipped with eight sets of Igla self-defense MANPADS.

The number of watertight compartments has increased to seven. The boat received an improved power plant with a capacity of 48,000 hp. with OK-650B reactor (190 MW). Two thrusters (370 hp each) were placed in retractable columns. According to the level of unmasking signs (noisiness and magnetic field) the project 945A boat became the most inconspicuous in the Soviet fleet.
An improved SJSC Skat-KS with digital signal processing was installed on the nuclear submarine. The complex included a low-frequency extended towed antenna placed in a container located on the vertical tail. The ship was equipped with the Symphony communications complex.

The first improved ship, K-534 "Zubatka", was laid down in Sormov in June 1986, launched in July 1988 and entered service on December 28, 1990. In 1986, "Zubatka" was renamed "Pskov" . This was followed by the K-336 Okun (laid down in May 1990, launched in June 1992 and commissioned in 1993). In 1995, this nuclear submarine was also renamed Nizhny Novgorod.
The fifth nuclear submarine built according to the improved project 945B("Mars") and in terms of its characteristics practically meets the requirements for boats of the 4th generation, was cut on the slipway in 1993.

On February 11, 1992, near Kildin Island, in the territorial waters of Russia, K-276 collided with the American nuclear submarine Baton Rouge (Los Angeles type), which was trying to carry out covert tracking of Russian ships in the exercise area. As a result of the collision, the Crab escaped with damage to the cabin (which has ice reinforcements). The position of the American nuclear-powered ship turned out to be much more difficult, it hardly managed to reach the base, after which it was decided not to repair the boat, but to withdraw it from the fleet.
All Project 945 and 945A submarines currently continue to serve in the Northern Fleet as part of the 1st Submarine Flotilla (based at Ara Guba).

The collision of the nuclear submarine K-276 (SF) with the nuclear submarine Baton Rouge (US Navy) on February 11, 1992.

The main data of the nuclear submarine of the project "945" Barracuda, "Sierra" class:

Displacement: 5300 t / 7100 t.
Main dimensions:
length - 112.7 m
width - 11.2 m
draft - 8.5 m
Armament: 4 - 650 mm TA 4 - 533 mm TA
Speed: 18/35 knots
Crew: 60 people, incl. 31 officers

Basic data of the nuclear submarine "Baton Rouge" (No. 689), type "Los Angeles":

Displacement: 6000 tons / 6527 tons
Main dimensions: length - 109.7 m
width - 10.1 m
draft - 9.89 m.
Armament: 4 - 533 mm TA, anti-ship missiles "Harpoon".
Speed: over 30 knots underwater.
Crew: 133 people.

Russian nuclear torpedo Submarine was in the combat training ground near the Rybachy Peninsula, in the territorial waters of Russia. The captain of the 2nd rank I. Loktev commanded the submarine. The crew of the boat handed over the second course task (the so-called "L-2") and the submarine followed at a depth of 22.8 meters. The American nuclear-powered ship performed reconnaissance tasks and monitored its Russian “brother”, following at a depth of about 15 meters. In the process of maneuvering acoustics american boat lost contact with the Sierra, and since there were five fishing vessels in the area, the noise of the propellers of which was similar to the noise of nuclear submarine propellers, the Baton Rouge commander decided at 20:08 to surface to the periscope depth and sort out the situation. The Russian boat at that moment turned out to be lower than the American one and at 20:13 also began to ascend to conduct a communication session with the shore. The fact that Russian hydroacoustics were tracking their ship was not detected, and at 20:16 the submarines collided. During the collision, the Kostroma rammed the bottom of the American filler with its wheelhouse. Only the low speed of the Russian boat and the shallow depth of the ascent allowed the American submarine to avoid sinking. Traces of a collision remained at the cabin of the Kostroma, which made it possible to identify the violator of the territorial waters. The Pentagon was forced to admit its involvement in the incident.

Photo of Kostroma after the collision:

As a result of the collision, "Kostroma" damaged the felling fence and was soon repaired. There were no casualties on our side. Baton Rouge was finally put out of action. One American sailor was killed.
A good thing, however, is the titanium case. On the this moment in the Northern Fleet - 4 such buildings: Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Pskov and Karp.

And here is what our leaders, our professionals on the analysis of this incident, wrote:

Causes of the collision of the submarine SF K - 276 WITH the submarine "BATON ROUGE" of the US Navy


Violation of foreign submarines of territorial waters of Russia

Incorrect classification of PLA noise due to the alleged use of acoustic field masking equipment for RT noise (GNATS).

2. Disadvantages in the organization of observation:

Poor-quality analysis of information on the UOI and the recorder of the 7A-1 GAK MGK-500 device (the fact of observation of the collision object - target N-14 at a minimum distance in terms of the S / R ratio in various frequency ranges was not revealed)

Unreasonably large (up to 10 minutes) gaps in the measurement of bearings to the target, which did not allow the use of methods for clarifying the distance to the target by the value of the VIP

Illiterate use of active and passive means on the course of listening to stern heading angles, which led to the use of the entire time of lying on this course only for the work of F / N echo direction finding, and in the NB mode the horizon remained virtually unheard

Weak leadership of the SAC operators by the SAC commander, which led to an incomplete analysis of information, erroneous target classification.

3. Disadvantages in the activities of the calculation "GKP-BIP-SHTURMAN":

Estimated time of horizon slipping on courses of 160 and 310 degrees, which led to a short time of lying on these courses and the creation of suboptimal conditions for the work of HJC operators;

Poor quality documentation of the situation and measured MPCs;

Lack of organization of secondary classification of goals;

The commander of the BS-7 did not fulfill his duties in issuing recommendations to the commander of the submarine for special maneuvering to clarify the KPDS in accordance with Article 59 of the RRTS-1;

The danger of a collision with a low-noise, short-range maneuvering target was not identified.
As always, our calculations GKP-BIP-SHTURMAN are to blame. And no one was worried about the technical capabilities of our acoustics at that time. Of course, conclusions were drawn from the accident. But they were not made in the direction of improving the quality of our technical means observations, but in the direction of the birth of a bunch of different "instructions" about what is and what is not, so that it would be better and so that suddenly again we do not accidentally ram our "friends" in our waterways.

An asterisk on the cabin with a "one" inside denotes one wrecked enemy ship. This is how the stars were painted during the Second World War.

Russia is famous for its submarine forces. It is our submarine - "Shark" - that is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest submarine in the world.


"Seal" - one of the most productive Russian boats during the First World War. The main task of Russian submarines in the Black Sea was to disrupt enemy communications and prevent the delivery of strategic cargo to Istanbul. Boats used artillery and explosive cartridges to destroy unguarded ships, and torpedo weapons to attack armed or escorted ships. In 1915-1917, the Seal destroyed or captured 8 steamships and 33 enemy schooners. In 1920, during the Crimean evacuation of the White Army, the boat was taken to Tunisia. In 1924, an agreement was reached on the return of the boat to the USSR, but for a number of reasons the ship was not returned.


"Crab" - the world's first underwater mine layer. The ship could quietly carry out minelaying on enemy communications, carrying a stock of 60 minutes and used as a conventional submarine (it had 1 torpedo tube). "Crab" entered service in 1915 and was actively used in the fighting on the Black Sea. Carried out a number of successful mine productions, including near the Bosphorus. It is reliably known about the death of a Turkish gunboat on the mines laid by the Crab. In 1918, the minelayer was captured by the interventionists, and then flooded in Sevastopol. In 1923 it was raised, but was no longer put into operation.


Submarine type "Bars". It entered service at the end of 1916, having made several campaigns against enemy communications. Actively used during the Russian Civil War. On August 31, 1919, the Panther sank the English destroyer Victoria. It was the first victory for Soviet submariners and the largest warship sunk by domestic submarines. The commander of the boat, A. N. Bakhtin, was the first among submariners in 1922 to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In 1923, the Panther was renamed the Commissar, and in 1934, the B-2. Since 1940, it was used as a floating charging station and only in 1955 was scrapped.

K -21

One of the most famous boats of the Northern Fleet during the Great Patriotic War. Known primarily for an attempt in July 1942 to attack the largest German ship, the battleship Tirpitz. However, an attack carried out from a huge distance (23 cables) against a receding target could only have an occasional success. However, the boat had four confirmed victories. The mines laid by K-21 killed the Norwegian steamship Bessheim and the German big submarine hunter Uj 1110. In addition, two Norwegian motorboats were sunk by artillery fire and three more were damaged. October 23, 1942 K-21 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In 1954, the boat was withdrawn from the fleet, and since 1983 it has been used as a branch of the Naval Museum of the Northern Fleet in Severomorsk.


A unique submarine and the first in the world with a titanium hull. For the extremely high cost of construction (more than 2 billion rubles), she received the nickname " gold fish". In 1969, the boat was commissioned and joined the Northern Fleet. In 1971, the K-162 set a world underwater speed record. At a depth of 100 meters, a speed of 83 km / h was achieved. At the beginning of the 70s, "Goldfish" on top speed could get away from any torpedoes designed to destroy submarines. In 1989, the K-162 was excluded from the Navy, and in 2010 the hull of the boat was transferred for disposal.


K-3 - the first nuclear boat the Soviet fleet. Entered service in 1958. Known for the fact that in July 1962 she made a trip under the ice of the North Pole. In total, about 1,300 miles were covered under the ice in 178 hours and three ascents were made. K-3 became the first Soviet boat to pass the North Pole (near the pole). The head of the campaign, Rear Admiral A. I. Petelin, the commander of the boat, captain of the 2nd rank L. M. Zhiltsov and engineer-captain of the 2nd rank R. A. Timofeev. were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. In October of the same year, the boat was given the honorary name "Leninsky Komsomol". In 1967, during a campaign near the Faroe Islands, a strong fire broke out on K-3, as a result of which 38 people died. crew. In 1987, K-3 was withdrawn from combat strength fleet and turned into a training ship. In 2011, it was supposed to use the boat as a museum, but due to lack of funds in 2013, recycling of the legendary ship is not excluded.


A series of six submarines that have become the most powerful submarines in the world. A total of 6 Shark-type boats were built. Project 941 submarines (submerged displacement 48,000 tons) were three times larger than US submarines. The main armament of the boat consisted of 20 R-39 ballistic missiles with multiple warheads. One boat could cover up to 200 targets at a distance of 9000 km. Project 941 boats were part of the Northern Fleet and formed the basis of the Soviet submarine fleet in the 80-90s. In accordance with the SALT-2 agreement, three of the six submarines were disposed of. The fate of the rest is currently in question.

Submarines of the Varshavyanka class.

During cold war the Soviet submarine program was a force to be reckoned with. Soviet killer submarines captured the imagination of both Western and Soviet citizens. Tom Clancy's 1984 novel The Hunt for Red October (which was made into a film the following year) tells the story of the crew of a fictional Soviet Typhoon-class ballistic missile submarine attempting to escape to the United States. During the tense years of confrontation between Washington and Moscow, many Americans believed that Soviet submarines lurked off the coast of their country. Both superpowers had submarines, thanks to which it was possible to launch a nuclear Armageddon right from the mysterious depths of the ocean.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian submarine building program went into decline, along with many other branches of the Russian military-industrial complex. But in the past decade, Russian leaders have been making efforts to modernize their armed forces. Russia is upgrading Cold War designs to modern requirements and designing entirely new platforms such as the Borey and Yasen-class boats, clearly determined to upgrade the status and capabilities of its submarine fleet.

Here are five submarines that deserve special attention.

Submarine project "Pike-B"

Boule with a towed antenna inside on the tail of the submarine project 971 "Pike-B".

This attack nuclear submarine was built in the Soviet Union and was named Bars of Project 971, but it is better known by the NATO qualification under the name Akula. The Bars isn't as quiet as some Western designs, but the boat remains a significant threat, especially after a series of post-Cold War upgrades.

The Soviet Navy received seven Akula I models between 1986 and 1992. From 1992 to 1995, Russia launched two to four modernized Akula I boats. At that time, Moscow had already begun a comprehensive modernization of the Project 971A Akula II boat. This version has an increased hull length of 110 meters and a larger displacement of 12,770 tons. The improved design also features a quieter engine than its predecessors, making the Project 971A the quietest boat in the industry. Russian fleet. Russia has built three such ships: Vepr (commissioned in 1995), Nerpa (2000) and Gepard (2001). Moscow must keep the Gepard in its arsenal until at least 2025, while the Nerpa is being leased to India.

The speed of the project 971 on the surface is up to 10 knots. Under water, this boat can reach speeds of up to 33 knots when submerged to 600 meters. The duration of autonomous navigation at the "Pike" is 100 days. The boat is armed with various anti-ship, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft weapons, which allows it to perform a range of tasks. One submarine of this type can carry as many as 12 Granit cruise missiles, which are designed to destroy ships and ground targets. The Granit missile has a launch range of 3,000 kilometers. For anti-ship and anti-submarine operations, the Pike is equipped with eight torpedo launchers, while the improved Akula and Akula II have ten. MANPADS "Strela-ZM" with 18 missiles gives this boat the ability to strike at air targets.

Submarine project 877 "Halibut" (Kilo)

Diesel submarine "Krasnokamensk" project 877 during
mooring at the main base of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok.

The Russian project 877 Halibut (NATO reporting name Kilo), which is a diesel-electric attack submarine, was conceived back in Soviet times at the Rubin Central Marine Design Bureau in St. Petersburg. This submarine became part of the Soviet Navy in 1982 and remains in service in Russia and other countries to this day.

Halibut is a smaller submarine, its Iranian version has a submerged displacement of 3,076 tons and a hull length of 70 meters. The base model Kilo carries six torpedo tubes. This boat can use electric torpedoes TEST-71MKE, which have an active sonar homing system with remote control and carry a 205-kilogram warhead. "Halibut" can also release up to 24 min. The boat has eight anti-aircraft missiles on board, which can be used in the Strela-3 and Igla MANPADS. India, which also uses Kilo, under a contract with the Russian shipbuilding company Zvyozdochka, included in the armament anti-ship missiles Club S (range 220 kilometers).

Kilo diesel generators provide the submarine with a speed of up to 10 knots on the surface and 17 knots underwater. Kilo can dive up to 300 meters, and this boat has a 45-day autonomy. Post-Soviet Russia still uses the Halibut, while variants are in service in countries such as China, India, Iran and Algeria. Former members Warsaw Pact and current NATO members Poland and Romania also have Project 877 boats in their navies.

Project 636.6 submarines "Varshavyanka" (Improved Kilo)

Launching of the submarine "Krasnodar" in St. Petersburg.

When Russia's new diesel-electric Lada submarine failed its sea trials in 2010, Moscow returned to the Cold War classic, the Kilo. To meet modern requirements for diesel-electric submarines, Russia has begun upgrading the earlier Kilo model.

Project 636.6 "Varshavyanka", also known in the West as "improved Kilo", appeared on the scene. Initially, this boat was considered as an intermediate option between the first Kilo and the Lada, but now the Varshavyanka will have to fill the gap until the new models are deemed seaworthy. The Russian navy has ordered six such ships, four of which have already entered its composition. The newest boat "Krasnodar" was launched in April 2015.

"Varshavyanka" has a displacement of up to 4 thousand tons in a submerged position and has a powerful set of weapons. Like its predecessor, this boat has six torpedo tubes and is armed with Strela-3 and Igla anti-aircraft missiles. The new type 636.6 also carries the Novator Design Bureau's Club-S anti-ship missiles. This rocket with a high-explosive warhead has a launch range of 220 kilometers.

Like the original Project 877, the “improved Kilo” has a 45-day autonomous voyage and a maximum diving depth of 300 meters. "Varshavyanka" has higher speeds compared to its predecessor: 11 knots on the surface and 20 knots in the submerged position. The upgraded model, nicknamed the "silent killer", is already considered one of the quietest diesel-electric submarines. Nevertheless, the Rubin design bureau intends to install an air-independent propulsion system at Varshavyanka, which may be even less noisy than a nuclear plant.

Project 955 Borey submarines

Nuclear submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky".

This is absolutely the first new model submarine developed by Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. A series of nuclear submarines of the Borei project are equipped with ballistic missiles. The lead ship of the new project, Yuri Dolgoruky, was launched in 2008 and commissioned into the fleet in 2013. The second submarine "Borey" was launched in 2010 and commissioned into the Navy in 2013, the third was launched in 2012, and how newest ship"Prince Vladimir" was founded at the beginning of this year. Borey-class submarines are being created to replace Project 941 (NATO-classified Typhoon) and Delfin (NATO-classified Delta-III) submarines in the future.

The length of the Borea hull is 170 meters, and each submarine has a submerged displacement of 24,000 tons. "Yuri Dolgoruky" and other ships of its series carry 16 ballistic missiles R-30 "Bulava-30" (RSM-56). Bulava missiles are equipped with 150 kiloton nuclear warheads and have a launch range of 8,000 kilometers. According to some reports, the RSM-56 can have an even greater range and power: up to 10 thousand kilometers and up to 500 kilotons. In addition to ballistic missiles, Borey boats also have six torpedo tubes that provide launch of various types of anti-submarine torpedoes.

The Borea nuclear power plant provides it with a surface speed of up to 15 knots and an underwater speed of 29 knots. Max Depth dives at the boat 480 meters, and the period of autonomous navigation is 100 days. Borey-class submarines promise to be a powerful long-range force for the Russian Navy for many years to come. Moscow has already placed an order for the construction of 10 new boats by 2020.

Submarines of project 885 "Ash"

Acceptance ceremony of the first multi-purpose nuclear submarine
K-560 "Severodvinsk" project "Ash" in the Russian Navy.

Sevmash's Project 885 Yasen is designed to replace the aging fleet of Schuka-B class submarines. This nuclear submarine will eventually replace Soviet-era designs and meet Moscow's need for a powerful strike submarine. The first Yasen-class boat, Severodvinsk, became part of the Northern Fleet based in Severomorsk in 2014.

The Yasen project submarines have a hull length of 111 meters, and a submerged displacement of approximately 13,500 tons. Each Project 885 ship can carry weapons designed to destroy ground targets, surface ships and submarines, which allows it to perform a wide range of tasks. To combat submarines, Yasen has eight torpedo tubes and can launch anti-submarine missiles, such as the supersonic P-800 Oniks. Onyx missiles can also be used as anti-ship weapons. At ground targets, Yasen submarines are capable of launching 3M51 cruise missiles, which can be equipped with nuclear warhead. 3M51 have a range of 800 kilometers.

The powerful reactor power plant aboard the Yasen submarines allows new models to be significantly ahead of their predecessors. Project 885 submarines can reach speeds of up to 20 knots on the surface and 35 knots underwater. Yasen boats are capable of diving to over 600 meters, making them a serious threat to Russia's adversaries.

November 4th, 2014

Underwater surprise from Russia for America and Europe marks a real REVOLUTION in the field of military UNDERWATER BUILDING.

With the advent of the new Russian submarine Lada, an entire era of American “dominance at sea” will become a thing of the past, Washington will actually lose the main tool for “projecting power” to remote regions and risk losing its global geopolitical role completely.

AT recent times anti-Russian militaristic hysteria is growing like an avalanche in the West. Having discovered that instead of a malleable liberal "Russia" in the expanses of Eurasia, historical, traditional, imperial Russia suddenly revived, enraged and insulted by decades of humiliation and insults from the arrogant and deceitful Western Sodom, the "free" European and American media are filled with panic headlines about "military preparations » Moscow.

As soon as we launch a rocket from the Plesetsk cosmodrome or from a submarine missile carrier in the Barents Sea, or send our air missile carriers on patrol along European borders, this immediately becomes a pretext for countless accusations of “militarism and imperialism”, “nuclear saber-rattling”, “ intimidation of the world community”, etc. nonsense. Meanwhile, many really important news, directly related to the change in the military-strategic balance of power in Eurasia, pass the attention of the mass reader.

Here is one of those news...

Photo 2.

On October 13, 2014, the RIA Novosti news agency, citing a source in the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, reported: “Russia has decided to mass-produce air-independent power plants (VNEU) to equip future Project 677 Lada submarines. Tests of an experimental model of VNEU at the stand were completed successfully. The next tests will be carried out directly on the boat.”

This message went almost unnoticed, even among military observers, no one paid much attention to it. But in vain! For this decision marks a real revolution in the field of military submarine shipbuilding.

Photo 3.

Balance Breakers

In order for the reader to understand how significantly the new Russian submarines with VNEU will be able to change the balance of power between Russia and the United States, I will give just one example. “Four or six such submarines,” said Vice Admiral Viktor Patrushev in an interview with RIA Novosti at the end of 2010, “can completely block such closed or semi-closed water areas as the Black, Baltic and Caspian Seas. Their advantages are obvious to any naval specialist.

On my own behalf, I will add that the deployment of an additional two or three Lad formations in the Russian Navy can fundamentally change the balance of power not only in the Baltic, Caspian and Black Seas, but also in the North, and in the Mediterranean, in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. In the North, in the Barents Sea, such boats are able to securely cover the deployment routes of Russian submarine strategic missile carriers from any encroachment by anti-submarine forces of the United States and NATO countries, which will significantly increase the combat stability of the naval component of our strategic nuclear forces.

Now our missile carriers are carrying military service for the most part under the ice of the Arctic, where they are practically inaccessible to enemy influence. The Americans can detect, track and hit our submarine only at the stage of its transition to the combat patrol area. And the "Ladas" of the 667th project are ideally suited to counter the American nuclear submarines that are watching our "strategists", as they hear them at distances much greater than the Americans are able to hear the "Lada". Under such conditions, the defeat of an enemy submarine - either by the Lada on its own, or by pointing anti-submarine aviation and surface ships at it - becomes a matter of technology.

Concerning mediterranean sea, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, then the presence in their waters in a sufficient number of submarines like the Lada practically nullifies the American naval power there, the core of which is aircraft carrier strike groups (AUG). Also in Soviet times Project 641B "diesels" managed to break through the anti-submarine defense of aircraft carriers and used to surface right under the noses of stunned American admirals. And only a small reserve of underwater movement, the absence of long-range missile weapons, and the inability to remain submerged for more than 3 days gave the Americans a chance in this confrontation with Soviet submariners.

Today, provided that the "Lada" will really be able to stay under water for up to 25 days, its ammunition will include a powerful anti-ship missile system similar to the "Caliber", and reconnaissance and guidance of submarines on the AUG will be carried out using layered reconnaissance, including space grouping, the vaunted US aircraft carriers will no longer have such a chance! And this means that the whole era of American “dominance at sea” will go into the past, Washington will actually lose its main tool for “projecting power” into remote regions and will finally lose its global geopolitical role.

Photo 4.

More about VNEU - what is the point?

Today, all submarines are divided into two types according to the type of power plants: submarines with a nuclear power plant (nuclear reactor) and diesel-electric submarines (DEPL), moving on the surface with the help of a diesel engine, and underwater using electric motors that draw energy from batteries.

Nuclear submarines appeared in the Soviet Navy in the late 1950s. The first nuclear submarine of the 627th project under the name "Leninsky Komsomol" was put into operation in 1957. From that moment to this day, nuclear-powered submarines have been the main striking force of our fleet, being carriers a wide range the most formidable weapons - from strategic intercontinental missiles and tactical nuclear torpedoes to high-precision long-range cruise missiles, which today form the basis Russian forces strategic non-nuclear deterrence.

Nuclear-powered submarines have a number of outstanding advantages: practically unlimited time spent under water, high underwater speed and deep submersion, the ability to carry a huge amount of a wide variety of weapons and equipment. The high power-to-weight ratio achieved by the huge power of the nuclear power plant makes it possible to build boats of very large displacement and place on them not only a lot of weapons, but also highly efficient sonar systems, communications, electronic intelligence and navigation.

But, alas, the main advantage of a nuclear power plant, its power, is at the same time the source of the main drawback inherent in nuclear submarines. This drawback is a lot of noise. The presence on board the nuclear submarine of a nuclear reactor (and sometimes two) with a whole range of related mechanisms: turbines, generators, pumps, refrigeration units, fans, etc. - inevitably generates a huge number of different-frequency oscillations and vibrations and requires the most sophisticated technologies to reduce the noise level, which is the main unmasking factor of any nuclear submarine.

But the diesel-electric submarine under water is almost silent. Battery-powered electric motors do not require turbines or other high-noise equipment. Therefore, diesel-electric submarines sneak in the depths of the ocean, almost without making noise, like a dangerous predatory fish stalking gaping prey.

However, this fish can be under water for a relatively short time - only a few days. Moreover, she moves in ocean depth very slowly, saving a supply of energy, which, compared with atomic "sharks", is simply negligible. And the lack of energy, in turn, imposes serious restrictions on displacement, armament and other key characteristics of diesel-electric submarines. In fact, these boats are not completely "underwater", they can rather be called "diving", since most they spend time on deployment routes on the surface, and in combat patrol areas they are forced to regularly surface and turn on the diesel engine to recharge the batteries.

Photo 5.

Unified periscope complex "Sail-98" and fencing of the cabin of the submarine "St. Petersburg" pr.677 LADA with retractable devices, December 2005 (based on photo by Oleg Karpenko,

So, for example, the newest Russian diesel-electric submarine of project 636.3 has a submerged reserve of only 400 miles. And it moves under water mainly with an economy move at a speed of 3 knots, that is, 5.4 km / h. Therefore, such a boat cannot pursue its prey under water. She is forced to rely on intelligence data, which should lead her to a given point on the route of deployment of enemy ships. Hence and main way combat use of diesel-electric submarines - the so-called. "veil", i.e. deployment of submarines in a line perpendicular to the course of the probable movement of the target, at certain intervals from each other. At the same time, the entire group of submarines participating in it is controlled from an external command post, which creates additional unmasking factors and reduces the combat stability and effectiveness of the submarine grouping. If we also take into account that the depth of the layered anti-submarine defense of a modern American aircraft carrier strike group is over 300 miles (i.e., more than 550 km), it becomes clear how difficult it is for our diesel-electric submarines to resist such an enemy.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the cherished dream of all submariners is to create a submarine with a fundamentally new power plant, which will combine the advantages of nuclear and diesel-electric submarines: power and stealth, greater autonomy of diving and low noise...

Photo 6.

The fairy tale became a reality

So: the Russian submarines of the 677th Lada project with an air-independent power plant are just the most serious breakthrough in this direction, leading submarine fleet Russia to fundamentally new frontiers.

"Lada" is small, their displacement is almost two times less than that of the famous "Varshavyanka". But the complex of its weapons is very serious and unusually large. In addition to the traditional mine and torpedo armament of diesel-electric submarines (6 533-mm torpedo tubes, 18 torpedoes or mines), the 667th project is the world's first non-nuclear submarine equipped with specialized launchers for cruise missiles (10 vertical launchers in the middle part of the hull). Moreover, these missiles can be both operational-tactical, strike-anti-ship, and long-range missiles designed to destroy strategic targets deep in enemy territory.

The main command post of the submarine pr.677 (drawing by the Rubin Central Design Bureau,

But most important feature The new Russian submarine is VNEU, an air-independent power plant. Without going into details that are interesting to specialists, we note that the presence of VNEU will allow the Lada to be submerged for up to 25 days, that is, almost 10 times longer than their famous “big sisters” - the Varshavyanka project 636.3! At the same time, the noise of the Lada will be even less than that of the famous Warsaw " black hole”, which the Americans nicknamed so due to the fact that it is almost impossible to detect.

NATO countries have long been trying to equip their submarines with such VNEU. The trendsetters in this area are Germany and Sweden. Since the late 1990s, German shipbuilders have been building small Project 212/214 submarines equipped with a hybrid power plant. It includes a diesel engine for surface travel and battery recharging, the silver-zinc batteries themselves and VNEU for economical underwater travel based on fuel cells, including tanks with cryogenic oxygen and containers with metal hydride (a special alloy of metal in combination with hydrogen).

Photo 7.

Equipping the boat with such an anaerobic installation allowed the Germans to increase the time it spent in a submerged position up to 20 days. And now the German "babies" with VNEU of various modifications are in service with Germany, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Israel, Korea and several other countries.

The Swedish concern Kockums Submarin Systems, in turn, at the end of the last century, began building Gotland-class submarines with VNEU based on the so-called "Stirling engine". When using it, these boats can also be under water without recharging batteries for up to 20 days. And now there are submarines with Stirling engines not only in Scandinavian countries, but also in Australia, Japan, Singapore and Thailand.

But neither the German nor the Swedish submarines, which are small, in fact, coastal boats, can not be compared with the Russian Ladas - neither in their tactical and technical characteristics, nor in terms of variety and power of weapons. Our submarines of the 667th project are in all respects in this class the ships of the new generation, unique in their quality!

General view and fragment of quasi-conformal noise direction-finding antennas of the GAS (fore and side) of the Lira SJSC (photo probably by the Kronstadt submarine, 2009, from the Deep Blue Sea archive,

Rubin Central Design Bureau, the main submarine developer in Russia, designed the Lada so that it is capable of delivering salvo torpedo-missile strikes against sea and stationary ground targets both from torpedo tubes and from specialized vertical missile silos. Due to the unique sonar complex, our boat has a significantly increased target detection distance. It can dive to 300 m, has a full underwater speed of up to 21 knots, autonomy - 45 days. To reduce the noise of the boat, vibration isolators and an all-mode propeller motor with permanent magnets were used. The hull of the boat is covered with "Lightning" material, which absorbs sonar signals.

Little is known about the VNEU of our boat. Just like the Germans, it will be based on an electrochemical generator. But it will be fundamentally different in that the hydrogen necessary for the operation of the VNEU will be obtained directly on board by processing the existing diesel fuel. Therefore, the Russian VNEU will be much more economical than the German counterpart, which will increase the time of its continuous stay of the boat under water up to 25 days. At the same time, the cost of "Lada" will be significantly less than German boats project 212\214.

Until 2020, the Russian fleet expects to receive 14 units of such new 4th generation non-nuclear submarines.

Photo 8.

And now a little TTX in more detail:

Project 677 submarines are designed to carry out independent operations on sea lanes against enemy submarines and surface ships in a limited area, carry out anti-submarine defense in coastal areas, narrow places and in torrential zones, lay minefields and other tasks.

Project 677 submarine is made according to the so-called one and a half hull scheme. The axisymmetric strong case is made of AB-2 steel and has the same diameter almost along the entire length. The bow and stern ends are spherical. The hull is divided along the length into five watertight compartments by flat bulkheads, by means of platforms the hull is divided in height into three tiers.

The light hull is given a streamlined shape, providing high hydrodynamic characteristics. The fencing of retractable devices has the same shape as that of the boats of projects 877, at the same time, the stern plumage is made cruciform, and the front horizontal rudders are placed on the fence, where they create minimal interference with the operation of the hydroacoustic complex.

Photo 9.


The submarine is equipped with 6 533 mm torpedo tubes. 2 torpedoes of the upper tier are adapted for firing remote-controlled torpedoes. Ammunition is 18 units, which may include universal torpedoes (type SAET-60M, UGST and USET-80K), anti-submarine missile torpedoes, cruise missiles, mines (22 types DM-1). The possibility of using high-speed anti-submarine missiles "Shkval" is provided.

The firing system allows you to fire ammunition singly and in one salvo up to 6 units. The Murena mechanical loader allows automatic reloading of torpedo tubes. The entire cycle of preparing the complex for the use of weapons and firing are automated and carried out from the operator's console from the main command post of the submarine.

For air defense, there are 6 Igla-1M MANPADS.

Coordination of the work of all means of electronic weapons is provided by the combat information and control system "Lithium".

The hydroacoustic complex "Lira" includes highly sensitive direction-finding antennas. The complex includes a bow (L-01) and two onboard antennas in the bow of the submarine. The dimensions of the antennas have been increased as much as possible. They occupy most of the surface of the nasal tip.

In addition to stationary antennas, the submarine has an exhaust towed sonar antenna with an exit point in the upper vertical stabilizer.

The navigation complex includes an inertial navigation system and ensures the safety of navigation and the generation of data on the location and movement parameters of the submarine with the accuracy necessary for the use of weapons.

The unified periscope complex UPK Parus-98 includes:

  • commander's non-penetrating periscope "Parus-98KP" with optical and TV channels (daytime and low-level) with variable magnification 1.5-12X, with video recording;
  • Optocoupler mast of non-penetrating type "Parus-98UP" (universal periscope) with TV channels (daytime and low-level) with variable magnification 1.5-12X, laser rangefinder channel;
  • Radar KRM-66 "Kodak". Includes active and passive radar channels, combined antenna post channels. The radar system has a channel of increased stealth in the active mode and provides complete information on both the surface and air situation without unmasking the submarine;
  • digital complex of radio communication means "Distance". The set of radio communication facilities allows for reliable two-way radio communication with coastal command posts, ships, ships and aircraft while in surface and periscope positions. To receive command messages when at great depths, there is an exhaust towed radio antenna. The release of the antenna is made from a durable housing;
  • navigation complex "Appassionata" with inertial navigation system and satellite navigation system GPS / GLONASS. Navigation accuracy - deviation of the coordinates of the place for 2 days - 5 km with a course change of up to 6 deg / min.

Photo 10.

Power plant

The boat has a diesel-electric main power plant, developed according to the scheme of full electric propulsion. It includes a diesel generator set located in the fourth compartment, consisting of two 28DG direct current diesel generators with rectifiers (with a capacity of 1000 kW), two groups of batteries with 126 cells each (total power - 10580 kWh), located in the first and third compartments, an all-mode brushless low-speed propulsion motor with excitation by permanent magnets of the SED-1 type with a power of 4100 kW.

The selected power of diesel generators allows for not only "normal" charging of the battery, but also a specially designed accelerated charging mode, which can significantly reduce the time spent by the submarine in the periscope position. The absence of a brush current collector increases the safety of generator operation.

The SED-1 electric motor on a test bench at the Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT (photo by Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT)

Photo 11.

The all-mode propulsion motor performs the function of the main propulsion motor and the economical propulsion motor. It drives a seven-blade, low-noise fixed-pitch propeller with saber blades. Also, the submarine has 2 remote screw columns RDK-35. The maximum underwater speed reaches 21 knots; when moving on the surface, the boat develops a speed of 10 knots. The cruising range in diesel mode under water reaches 6000 miles, in a similar position, when driving at an economical speed, the boat can overcome 650 miles.

The submarine is equipped with a rescue universal complex of the KSU-600 type for remote automatic release of PSNL-20 life rafts (2 pcs., in the superstructure in front of the retractable devices fencing).

All living quarters of the submarine are located in the third compartment. Cabins are provided for all crew members: for command staff - double, for the commander - single.

For meals there is a wardroom with a pantry. All food supplies are placed in special pantries, cooled and uncooled. Newly developed galley equipment with small dimensions and power consumption is able to provide fast cooking of hot food.

Fresh water is stored in stainless steel tanks. Replenishment of water reserves is possible with the help of a water desalination plant that utilizes the heat of diesel engines. In general, water supply is quite sufficient for both drinking and hygienic purposes (washing dishes, showers). Habitability conditions and reserves of fuel, food and drinking water provide autonomy for 45 days.

Let me remind you more about what and what. This once again confirms that The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

I bring to your attention a photo review of all nuclear submarines in service and under construction for the Russian Navy.

Project 955 Borey

1. Strategic missile submarine K-535 "Yuri Dolgoruky" of project 955 "Borey". Year of entry into the fleet - 2012

2. Strategic missile submarine K-550 "Alexander Nevsky" of project 955 "Borey". The year of entry into the fleet is 2013.

3. Strategic missile submarine K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh" of project 955 "Borey". The year of entry into the fleet is 2014.

4. Strategic missile submarine "Prince Vladimir" project 955 "Borey". Laid down - 2012.

5. Strategic missile submarine "Prince Oleg" project 955 "Borey". Laid down - 2014.

6. Strategic missile submarine "Generalissimo Suvorov" project 955 "Borey". Laid down - 2014.

Project 885 "Ash"

7. Multi-purpose nuclear-powered torpedo submarine with K-560 Severodvinsk cruise missiles of project 885 Yasen. Year of entry into the fleet - 2013.

8. Multipurpose nuclear-powered torpedo submarine with K-561 Kazan cruise missiles of project 885 Ash. Laid down - 2009.

9. Multi-purpose nuclear-powered torpedo submarine with K-573 Novosibirsk cruise missiles of project 885 Ash. Laid down - 2013.

10. Multi-purpose nuclear-powered torpedo submarine with K-173 Krasnoyarsk cruise missiles of project 885 Ash. Laid down - 2014.

Project 941UM "Shark"

11. Heavy missile strategic submarine cruiser TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy" project 941UM "Shark". Year of entry into the fleet - 1981

12. Heavy missile strategic submarine cruiser TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" project 941 "Shark". Year of entry into the fleet - 1987. Status - is on conservationThis post has been edited Arhyzyk - 30.01.2015 - 20:41

13. Heavy missile strategic submarine cruiser TK-20 Severstal project 941 "Shark". Year of entry into the fleet - 1989. Status - is on conservation

Project 667BDR Kalmar

14. Strategic missile submarine K-223 "Podolsk" project 667BDR "Kalmar". The year of entry into the fleet is 1979.

15. Strategic missile submarine K-433 "Saint George the Victorious" project 667BDR "Kalmar". The year of entry into the fleet is 1980.

16. Strategic missile submarine K-44 "Ryazan" project 667BDR "Kalmar". Year of entry into the fleet - 1982. Status - under repair

Project 667BDRM "Dolphin" 17. Strategic missile submarine cruiser K-51 "Verkhoturye" of project 667BDRM "Dolphin". Year of entry into the fleet - 1984

18. Strategic missile submarine cruiser K-84 "Ekaterinburg" project 667BDRM "Dolphin". Year of entry into the fleet - 1985

19. Strategic missile submarine cruiser K-114 "Tula" project 667BDRM "Dolphin". Year of entry into the fleet - 1987. Status - under repair

20. Strategic missile submarine K-117 "Bryansk" project 667BDRM "Dolphin". Year of entry into the fleet - 1988

21. Strategic missile submarine K-18 "Karelia" project 667BDRM "Dolphin". Year of entry into the fleet - 1989

22. Strategic missile submarine K-407 "Novomoskovsk" project 667BDRM "Dolphin". Year of entry into the fleet - 1990

Project 949A "Antey"

23. Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles K-132 "Irkutsk" project 949A "Antey". Year of entry into the fleet - 1988. Status - under repair

24. Nuclear submarine with K-119 Voronezh cruise missiles of project 949A Antey. Year of entry into the fleet - 1989.

25. Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles K-410 "Smolensk" project 949A "Antey". The year of entry into the fleet is 1990.

26. Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles K-442 "Chelyabinsk" project 949A "Antey". Year of entry into the fleet - 1990. Status - under repair

27. Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles K-456 "Tver" project 949A "Antey". The year of entry into the fleet is 1992.

28. Nuclear submarine with K-266 Eagle cruise missiles of project 949A Antey. Year of entry into the fleet - 1992. Status - under repair

29. Nuclear submarine with K-186 Omsk cruise missiles of project 949A Antey. The year of entry into the fleet is 1993.

30. Nuclear submarine with cruise missiles K-150 "Tomsk" project 949A "Antey" "Dolphin". Year of entry into the fleet - 1996. Status - under repair

Project 671RTMK "Pike"

31. Nuclear torpedo submarine B-388 "Petrozavodsk" project 671RTMK "Pike". Year of entry into the fleet - 1988.

32. Nuclear-powered torpedo submarine B-414 "Daniil Moskovsky" of project 671RTMK "Pike". The year of entry into the fleet is 1990.

33. Nuclear-powered torpedo submarine B-138 "Obninsk" of project 671RTMK "Pike". The year of entry into the fleet is 1990.

34. Nuclear torpedo submarine B-448 "Tambov" project 671RTMK "Pike". Year of entry into the fleet - 1992. Status - under repair

Project 971 "Pike-B"

35. Nuclear-powered torpedo submarine K-322 "Kashalot" of project 971 "Pike-B". Year of entry into the fleet - 1988. Status - under repair

36. Nuclear torpedo submarine K-391 "Bratsk" of project 971 "Pike-B". Year of entry into the fleet - 1989. Status - under repair

37. Nuclear-powered torpedo submarine K-331 "Magadan" of project 971 "Pike-B". The year of entry into the fleet is 1990.

38. Nuclear torpedo submarine K-317 "Panther" project 971 "Pike-B". The year of entry into the fleet is 1990.

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