Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Ruslan and Lyudmila". A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila": description, characters, analysis of the poem Summary of the film Ruslan and Lyudmila

Ruslan and Lyudmila - a poem by Alexander Pushkin, written in 1818 - 1820. This is his first completed poem, inspired by Russian fairy tales and epics.

In addition, the poet was inspired by other works that somehow left a mark on the work:

1. "Frantic Roland" Ariosto;

2. The works of Voltaire (“The Virgin of Orleans”, etc.);

3. Russian literary tales of Kheraskov, Karamzin, Radishchev, popular print story about Yeruslan Lazarevich;

4. "History of the Russian State", from which, in particular, the names of all three heroes were taken - Farlaf, Rogdai and Ratmir (famous ancient Russian warriors);

5. Zhukovsky's poem "The Twelve Sleeping Maidens".

"Ruslan and Lyudmila", in fact, was a youthful comic reworking of Zhukovsky's poem. The parody was harmless and rather friendly, so Zhukovsky appreciated the creation. However, Pushkin himself in his mature years criticized his youthful experience, noting that he "spoiled" the great poem "for the sake of the mob."

The poem was written in iambic tetrameter, which until now has been used only in “grassroots” poetry. The language of the work is also deliberately reduced and coarsened. Nevertheless, iambic tetrameter, starting from this work, became the main one in Russian poetry.

Prince Vladimir decided to marry his daughter Lyudmila. The groom was also found - the glorious hero Ruslan. They played a wedding, at which there were many guests. All of them rejoiced, except for Ratmir, Farlaf and Rogdai - mighty knights who themselves wanted to get Lyudmila as their wife. After the feast, the young were taken to their chambers, but a terrible wind suddenly rose, thunder rumbled and a voice was heard. Then everything calmed down, but Lyudmila was not on the bed.

The saddened Vladimir ordered to find and return his daughter, and whoever does this will receive her as his wife, and even half the kingdom in addition. Farlaf, Rogdai and Ratmir saw that they had a good opportunity to fulfill their dream, and set off together. At the crossroads, everyone went their own way. Ruslan went separately. He drove up to the cave where the lonely old man lived. He tells Ruslan that he has been waiting for him for a long time.

The old man agrees to help him save Lyudmila. But before that, he tells the story of his life and failed love. He reports that Lyudmila was kidnapped by the insidious Chernomor - an evil sorcerer. Chernomor's friend was Naina, an old woman whom the old man loved in his youth. Naina also turned out to be a witch who was angry at the old man.

Ruslan sets off. But Rogdai begins chasing him, plotting to kill his rival. By mistake, he almost hacked Farlaf to death; then, with the help of the advice of a decrepit old woman, he finds Ruslan on the trail, catches up with him and enters into battle with him. Ruslan wins, kills Rogdai and rides on. He leaves for the field with the scattered remains of warriors, picks up equipment, goes on, then fights with the huge head of the hero. At the last moment, he spared his head, and she, in gratitude, told him about Chernomor, who was her brother.

At this time, Ratmir drove up to a certain castle inhabited by beautiful girls. In their arms he spent the rest of his days. Lyudmila stayed in the castle of Chernomor and waited for her savior. The sorcerer turned out to be a dwarf with a huge beard, which was carried before him by many servants. The castle was located on top of a high mountain, and there were many magical items in it, with which the girl had fun. She even found Chernomor's invisibility cap, with which she teased the servants and hid from the sorcerer himself.

Ruslan finally drove up to the walls of the Chernomor castle. He fought with the sorcerer for two days and two nights, defeated him and cut off his beard, because of which Chernomor lost his witchcraft power. Sleeping Lyudmila Ruslan took with him and went to Kyiv. On the way back, he met Ratmir, who had already found his love. Now he and Ratmir are no longer enemies. Then he decided to rest and fell asleep, and at that time Farlaf found him and killed him. He took the girl with him and left.

An old man appeared from the cave and revived Ruslan with living and dead water. Ruslan goes to Kyiv and finds the city surrounded by the Pechenegs. Alone, he defeats all enemies and goes to the palace of Vladimir, but meets the prince and Farlaf. Farlaf did not expect such a turn and began to repent before the prince, saying that he had killed Ruslan and taken Lyudmila from him. Meanwhile, Ruslan goes to the girl's chambers and awakens him with the help of a magic ring given by the old man. So he confirmed that he was worthy of his beloved.

Describes how the Kyiv prince Vladimir-Solntse gave out his daughter Lyudmila to the glorious hero Ruslan. But when the young people went to rest after the wedding feast, a strange spell was heard in the darkness, and Ruslan saw how a certain sorcerer flies into the air, taking his wife with him.

The saddened Prince Vladimir the next morning promised to give Lyudmila as a wife to anyone who puts her on and saves her. Not only Ruslan went in search of the kidnapped, but also three of his former rivals for her hand - the violent warrior Rogdai, the boastful reveler Farlaf and the young Khazar Khan Ratmir.

Each of them went his own way. Ruslan soon saw a cave on the way where the wise wizard Finn was sitting. He revealed to the knight that Lyudmila had been kidnapped by the evil magician Chernomor. Finn told Ruslan the story of his love for the beautiful girl Naina. In his youth, Finn could not attract her even with the glory of feats of arms and rich gifts. In sorrow, he hid in the woods to study magic. Tempted in her forty years later, Finn again found Naina, but now instead of a young beauty he saw a decrepit and ugly old woman. Terrified, Finn abandoned her, and the annoyed Naina, who herself had become a sorceress by that time, vowed to take revenge on him and all his friends.

Illustration for song 1

Canto 2 - Summary

The envious Rogdai seethed with such hatred for Ruslan that he decided to return from the path, catch up and kill him. But confusing his victim from afar, he mistakenly ran into Farlaf. Farlaf remained unharmed, but came from this attack in such fear that he easily accepted the advice of Naina, who appeared to him: not to look for Lyudmila anymore, but to return home.

Rogdai nevertheless caught up with Ruslan, but in a fierce battle with him he was defeated. Ruslan threw Rogdai into the Dnieper, where he became the husband of a river mermaid.

The kidnapped Lyudmila woke up in the morning alone on a luxurious bed in the Chernomor castle. Going out for a walk in a magnificent garden full of fragrant plants, beautiful statues and waterfalls, she thought of suicide with anguish. In the evening, magical power carried her through the air back to the bedroom. Chernomor soon came to her there - a clean-shaven, humpbacked dwarf with a long beard, which was carried in front of him on pillows by many servants-Araps. Frightened, Lyudmila jumped up and with a screech knocked the cap off the sorcerer. The confused Chernomor ran away, tangled in his beard. Behind him retreated and his slaves.

Canto 3 - Summary

Naina, who flew to Chernomor in the guise of a winged serpent, made an alliance with him against Ruslan and Finn. Meanwhile, Lyudmila, trying on a cap knocked off Chernomor yesterday in front of the mirror, suddenly noticed that if you put it on backwards, it hides the one who wears it from the eyes like an invisibility cap.

Ruslan, continuing his journey, reached the field of the old battle and among the dead bones scattered here found himself new armor instead of those that he had broken in the battle with Rogdai. Then he saw a huge human head lying in the middle of the steppe. She turned out to be alive and began to blow on Ruslan. The terrible whirlwind of the Head's breath first carried the knight into the field, but he still managed to jump up to the monster and hit him with a heavy military gauntlet. The head rolled to the side, and Ruslan saw a sparkling sword under it.

Having tuned in more peacefully, the Head told Ruslan the story of her life. Once it belonged to the glorious hero-hero. He also had a younger brother - the ugly sorcerer Chernomor, whose magical power was in a long beard. Chernomor captivated the brother-hero to look for a wonderful sword, which, according to the stories of magic books, was supposed to cut off one of their heads and another beard. Thanks to the strength and courage of their older brother, they found the sword. But Chernomor treacherously cut off their brother's head, saved her life and forced her to guard the cherished sword in the middle of a distant field.

Canto 4 - Summary

Ratmir, in search of Lyudmila, reached the castle on the rocks - the abode of beautiful maidens who affectionately met the young warrior and gave him their love. Ruslan tirelessly continued to look for his betrothed.

Lyudmila, with the help of a cap of invisibility, hid from Chernomor for a long time in his gardens, but the evil sorcerer deceived her with cunning. He took the form of a wounded Ruslan, appeared in the middle of the garden and began to call Lyudmila for help. Throwing off her hat, she hurried to meet her, but instead of Ruslan she saw her kidnapper. So that Lyudmila would not slip away from him again, Chernomor plunged her into a sound sleep. But just at that time, the sound of Ruslan's battle horn was heard nearby.

Canto 5 - Summary

Ruslan entered the battle with Chernomor. He attacked him with a mace, flying through the air, but Ruslan grabbed the sorcerer by his magical beard. Chernomor soared under the clouds. Ruslan, not letting go of his beard, flew with him until the sorcerer was exhausted. Under the threat of losing his beard, Chernomor transferred Ruslan to Lyudmila.

With the sleeping bride in his arms and with Chernomor tucked into the knapsack behind the saddle, Ruslan set off on the return journey. His road again led through the same battlefield, where the already dying Head, before her death, expressed her last words of reproach to Chernomor. Then Ruslan met Ratmir, who calmed his heart in love with a beautiful fisherwoman, settled with her in an obscure wilderness and left thoughts of Lyudmila.

Illustration for song 5

The evil Naina decided to kill Ruslan with the hands of Farlaf. Appearing at the house of this cowardly braggart, she led him after her to the place where the tired Ruslan fell into a deep sleep. Farlaf plunged a sharp sword into Ruslan's chest three times and, leaving him to die, took Lyudmila, who had never awakened, with him.

Canto 6 - Summary

Arriving with Lyudmila to Prince Vladimir, Farlaf swore that he had snatched her from the hands of a terrible goblin in the Murom forests at the risk of his life. However, no one in Kyiv knew how to wake up the sleeping beauty, and then another misfortune happened - the city was besieged by hordes of Pechenegs.

Meanwhile, old Finn, through magic, learned about the sad fate of his young friend and came to his aid. Finn was transferred to the combustible steppes and got two jugs from the miraculous springs flowing there - with living and dead water. With this moisture, the magician healed Ruslan's wounds and revived him.

The squads of Prince Vladimir could not drive the Pechenegs away from Kyiv. But one morning, the townspeople saw from the walls how some hero burst into the enemy camp and began to cut down the steppe dwellers in crowds. The barbarians fled in shame, and the people of Kiev recognized Ruslan in the unknown knight. He rode on a horse to the city and woke Ludmila by touching her with a magic ring received from Finn. The triumphant prince Vladimir played a new wedding of his daughter with Ruslan, who generously forgave his enemies - Farlaf and Chernomor.

M.I. Glinka opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

The opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" is practically the first performance that students of children's music schools get acquainted with at the lessons of musical literature. The famous "March of Chernomor" from the fourth act is well known not only to professionals, but also to music lovers. So much wide polarity of the performance M.I. Glinka is due to the fact that it is filled with wonderful, lyrical and such “Russian” music, fabulous, fantastic images and an exciting plot based on the work of another great Russian creator - A.S. Pushkin.

A summary of Glinka's opera "" and many interesting facts about this work, read on our page.



Ludmila soprano Ruslan's beloved, kidnapped during a feast by an evil wizard
Ruslan baritone a brave knight who went in search of his bride Lyudmila
Ratmir contralto one of Ruslan's rivals, the Khazar prince
Farlaf bass the second rival of the groom Lyudmila, who also went in search of her
Gorislava soprano captive Ratmir
Chernomor tenor the evil wizard who kidnapped the beautiful Lyudmila
Naina mezzo-soprano sorceress trying to put Ruslana to find a bride
Accordion tenor narrator
Finn tenor kind old man

Summary of "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

At the wedding feast of Ruslan and Lyudmila, a strange thing happens, two monsters suddenly appear and carry the bride away, leaving all the guests standing in a dumb stupor. The inconsolable father has no choice but to promise the one who finds Lyudmila to give her as a legal spouse. Three knights are sent in search: Ruslan, Ratmir and Farlaf.

Young and brave warriors are waiting for a lot of ill-wishers and helpers on the way. So, thanks to the wizard Finn, Ruslan finds out who kidnapped his beloved, it turned out to be the evil Chernomor. The mysterious well-wisher informs Ruslan that Lyudmila still loves him and is waiting for him to rescue her from the captivity of the sorcerer.

Not all knights were in fact as brave as Ruslan. Farlaf, despite his beautiful bass voice, is in fact just an ordinary coward who is already ready to completely abandon the search. On the way, he comes across the sorceress Naina, who wants to help and prevent Ruslan from winning.

The next fairy-tale character that gets in the way of the protagonist is a huge Head, who turned out to be Chernomor's brother. He gives the brave warrior a sword with which to defeat the villain.

In the meantime, the insidious sorceress Naina did not waste time in vain and by cunning lured travelers to her castle with the help of beautiful maidens and visions. Only thanks to Finn's help do they manage to avoid death and break the spell. In the deadly duel between Ruslan and Chernomor, thanks to the magic sword, the knight wins and it would seem that this is victory! But, the insidious villain has bewitched Lyudmila and the girl sleeps soundly.

Ruslan went with her and his devoted friends to Kyiv. But another cowardly warrior went in search of Lyudmila, remember? Farlaf waited for the retinue to stop for the night and stole the girl, hurrying to go to Kyiv as soon as possible and receive the long-awaited reward. But only Ruslan can disenchant Lyudmila, because he has a magic ring, handed by the kind Finn. Appearing around the palace, the brave warrior breaks the spell of Chernomor, and all the guests rejoice, glorifying the brave Ruslan and his lovely bride Lyudmila.

Performance duration
I Act II Act III Act IV Act Act V
45 min. 40 min. 50 min. 40 min. 30 minutes.

A photo :

Interesting Facts

  • Work on the opera lasted about five years.
  • Glinka He said that the comedian Shakhovsky was the first to give him the idea to write an opera at one of Zhukovsky's evenings.
  • When the author started working on the work, there was not even a libretto yet.
  • Interestingly, the country Lukomorye, in which the action takes place, was depicted on maps of the 16th-18th centuries. It was a locality in Siberia, located on the right bank of the Ob River.
  • The long-awaited premiere of the performance was timed to coincide with the sixth anniversary of the first performance. opera "A Life for the Tsar" .
  • The opera was written by the composer within the walls of his house, located on Gorokhovaya, 5.
  • It is curious that the legendary and beloved by many prologue "At the Lukomorye", A.S. Pushkin included in the poem only 8 years after it was written, during the editing.
  • Despite the great work done, the premiere of the opera was received rather coldly. This is partly due to the libretto, around the writing of which there were many rumors. Moreover, the composer himself is the culprit of these conversations. He wrote in one of his stories that at the next meeting, Bakhturin, drunk in just half an hour of work, sketched out a plan for a future performance.
  • The original manuscript of the opera has not survived, as it burned down in a fire at the Mariinsky Theater in 1859. N. Rimsky-Korsakov , M. Balakirev and A. Lyadov had to restore it.
  • Especially for this opera, Glinka came up with a technique that allows you to show the sound of the harp . A little later, Rimsky-Korsakov used this idea in his fairy tale operas: Snow Maiden " and " Sadko ».
  • In his opera M.I. Glinka was the first to use a unique technique - the “scale of Chernomor”. This is a scale that is located in whole tones - a whole-tone scale. The author specially came up with such an original scale to emphasize the image of Chernomor. Later this approach was used Dargomyzhsky , Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin .
  • Throughout its existence, the opera has been performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater about 700 times.
  • For the film "Ruslan and Lyudmila" it took 300 birds - parrots. However, their purchase would be very expensive for the film studio, so it was decided to go for the trick. We bought several dozen parrots, and the rest of the birds were “played” by pigeons, painted under them.

Popular arias and numbers from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Overture (listen)

Bayan's song "Cases of Bygone Days" Act 1 (listen)

Farlaf's Rondo "The hour of my triumph is near" from scene 2, act 2 (listen)

Ruslan's aria "About the field, the field, who strewn you with dead bones" from the 3rd scene of the 2nd act (listen)

March of Chernomor Act 4 (listen)

The history of the creation of "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

He drew attention to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" during the lifetime of the great poet. At the same time, the composer decided to write an opera based on this plot, which greatly interested Pushkin, who began to actively participate in the discussion of the plan of the work. However, the sudden death of the poet interrupted this collaboration. Subsequently, K. Bakhturin, V. Shirokov and the composer himself worked on the libretto. In addition, Glinka's friends, N. Kukolnik, worked on the text of the opera, on whose verses there were written many romances , historian Markevich and censor M. Gedeonov. As a result of the work done, the plot of the performance was greatly changed. So, the epic beginning came to the fore, and the lyrics deepened greatly. In addition, the main character has only two real rivals left. As for the Khazar prince, he turned into an assistant to Ruslan. The image of Bayan is now significantly enlarged.

As a result, all the careful work on the performance lasted several years. In 1837, the composer completed the first act and even presented it to the directorate of theaters. About a year later, separate numbers were performed at the Kachenovka estate, which were very warmly received by the audience. Work on the entire score ended in 1842.

The epic opera in five acts turned out to be really impressive. It praised heroism and real nobility. In addition, cowardice, malice and cruelty were mercilessly ridiculed and criticized. In addition, this is a fairy tale, which means its main idea is the victory of good over evil. Another distinctive feature of the opera is the amazing gallery of images created by Glinka. Among them there is the courageous Ruslan, the cowardly Farlaf, the cruel Chernomor, the kind Finn and other heroes who are distinguished by their bright characters.


The play premiered on November 27, 1842 at the Bolshoi Theatre. It was decided to time the production to coincide with the anniversary of the premiere of the composer's first opera, A Life for the Tsar. Moreover, Glinka's second opera was staged on the same stage, at the same time, but this did not help her. The performance was not particularly successful. Moreover, many reproached Glinka for not taking the creation of the libretto with due seriousness, but this is not at all the case. The well-known critic Serov noted that the libretto of the opera was written without a plan, in pieces, even by different authors. However, the surviving information confirms that Glinka worked very carefully and painstakingly on this work, including paying attention to the libretto. This is confirmed by another critic - Stasov, who noted how diligently and carefully Glinka worked even on the smallest details of the opera.

Nevertheless, at the premiere, already during the third act, the audience cooled off, and at the end of the fifth, the imperial family left the theater altogether, without waiting for the final chords. After the curtain fell, Glinka did not know if he should go on stage. Moreover, the departure of the emperor affected the reception of the opera by the public. Despite this, the play was staged a total of 32 times in its first season.

However, gradually, with each new production, the success of the work only increased. Among the brightest and most notable premieres, it is worth noting the 1904 version, which was successfully staged at the Mariinsky Theatre. It was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the famous composer M. Glinka. Among the soloists were such eminent singers as Slavina, Chaliapin, Ershov and others.

Among modern productions, the premiere, which took place in April 2003 at the Bolshoi Theater, on which Viktor Kramer worked, stands out. Moreover, even before the performance was presented to the public, he positioned himself as an opera of the 21st century. Original scenery, play of light, "dancing" double basses, special direction - made this production special. However, this version was a failure and only lasted three performances.

A rather scandalous production took place at the Bolshoi Theater. On November 5, 2011, the public was able to get acquainted with the work of director Dmitry Chernyakov, who has long been famous for his provocative works. But this time his idea turned out to be a failure and many spectators left the hall without waiting for the finale, the rest shouted “shame” at all. If the first act of the opera was performed quite conservatively, then innovations began in the second. Lyudmila ended up in the villain's camp, and they tempted her with Thai massage. There are very few clothes on the characters, and the scenery does resemble a beauty salon. Everything is unusual in this version: a corporate party, scenery for a movie, with leaving "corpses" after work, a reminder of the country's hot spots. But the main character in this production is not Ruslan, but Finn.

The opera fell in love not only in Russia, but also abroad, where it was repeatedly presented to the public. Foreign connoisseurs of art first got acquainted with the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in 1906 in Ljubljana, then in 1907 in Paris, London, Berlin and other European cities. Among them, the work of C. Mackeras, which he presented in Hamburg 1969, stands out the most. This time, Balanchine acted as the choreographer. The audience warmly welcomed the singers and appreciated the work of the great composer.

Such an interesting story is very interested in filmmakers. So, for the first time the poem was filmed in 1914 by Vladislav Starevich. A little later, Viktor Nevezhin and Ivan Nikitchenko took up, which was released in 1938. The third film adaptation was conceived by director Alexander Ptushko in 1972. The two-episode fairy tale film immediately captivated viewers with its magnificent plot, luxurious costumes and unsurpassed acting. It is interesting that the non-professional actress Natalya Petrova was invited to the role of Lyudmila, for whom this role became her debut and almost the only one. By the way, Chernomor was also played by a non-professional.

For more than a hundred years, a magnificent opera Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka captivates the hearts of classical music lovers, and this applies even to the smallest admirers of the performance. A stunning plot, magnificent music of the composer captivates literally from the first chord, forcing you, along with the actors, to plunge into this fabulous atmosphere. We offer you to watch the opera "" and, together with the main character, try to overcome all difficulties and rescue your beloved from the captivity of Chernomor. You can watch Glinka's opera right now in excellent quality and original production.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

A brief retelling of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" will help refresh the memory of the main events from the work, recall the main characters and how relations between them developed. And also the Wise Litrecon reminds that the plot in abbreviation can be very useful when choosing arguments for an examination essay.

In the courtyard there is a loud and magnificent wedding of Lyudmila, daughter of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, the Sun, and Ruslan, the glorious Russian hero. A feast where guests have fun and the famous Sadko sings songs. After the feast, the young people went to their bedchamber, but suddenly a strange thing happened - in the dark someone steals a young wife. Ruslan sees how some sorcerer with a beard flies away with Lyudmila.

The prince in grief announces that he will give his daughter to the one who will save her, because the newly-born husband could not save his wife. Several contenders appear. In addition to Ruslan, three of his rivals go in search of Lyudmila - the warrior Rogdai, the reveler Farlaf and the Khazar Khan Ratmir. Everyone chooses a separate path. Ruslan is on his way too.

The hero sees a cave on his way, where he meets a wizard named Finn. He tells Ruslan that in fact Lyudmila was stolen by the evil sorcerer Chernomor.

Finn tells the hero his story. In his youth, he was in love with the beautiful maiden Naina, but he could not win her hearts either with rich gifts or great deeds. Then he went into the woods, began to study magic and became a magician. But Finn could not forget the beauty of Naina and after 40 years found her again. Instead of a beautiful young maiden, he saw a flabby old woman and abandoned his love. Then Naina, who also possessed magical powers, promised to take revenge.

Canto 2

One of Ruslan's rivals, Rogdai, burns with hatred for the hero, so he decides to get rid of the opponent, catch up and kill him. But he confuses Ruslan with Farlaf and attacks the young man. Farlaf was not injured, but he was greatly frightened by this incident. Naina comes to him and tells him to leave the search for Lyudmila. She will fall into his hands anyway. He agrees and returns home.

Rogdai does not leave the search for Ruslan, he catches up with the hero, a fierce fight begins. Ruslan gains the upper hand and throws Rogdai into the Dnieper.

Lyudmila wakes up in the morning in the castle of Chernomor, she goes around his possessions, finds luxurious gardens, but nothing pleases the girl, she is contemplating suicide. But by evening, the magical power returns Lyudmila to her chambers in the castle. Chernomor, a dwarf with a long beard, comes to her with many servants. The girl is frightened by his appearance, screams and knocks his cap off the sorcerer. He runs away with all his retinue, getting tangled in his beard.

Canto 3

Naina flies to Chernomor, she wants to make an alliance with him against Ruslan and Finn, who decided to help him.

Lyudmila finds an amazing property in the sorcerer's cap - if you put it on the other way around, it turns into an invisibility cap.

Ruslan, meanwhile, continues on his way and finds a battlefield, where he takes new armor for himself. In the middle of the field, the hero sees a huge human head, it begins to blow on him, arranging a strong whirlwind, but Ruslan manages to hit it with a heavy mitten. Then the head rolls to the side, and under it is a sword.

The head starts talking to Ruslan, and he learns her story. Once it was the head of a military warrior-hero, his younger brother was the dwarf-sorcerer Chernomor, whose magical power was in his beard. Together they were looking for a sword, it was magical and, according to legend, had to cut off one of their heads, and another beard. When the brothers found the sword, Chernomor betrayed his older brother, cut off his head and ordered her to guard the magic sword in a deserted field.

Canto 4

Ratmir continues to search for Lyudmila, he sees a castle on the rocks on the way. This is the abode of beautiful maidens. Ratmir leaves the path and stays with the maidens who give him their love.

Lyudmila uses a cap of invisibility to hide from Chernomor in his domain. The sorcerer cannot find the girl, then he decides to deceive her and turns into a wounded Ruslan, who calls his wife for help. The girl believes in deceit and runs to help her husband, then Chernomor catches her and plunges her into a deep sleep. Ruslan arrives at the same time.

Canto 5

The battle between the hero Ruslan and the sorcerer Chernomor begins. It seems that the sorcerer has an advantage, because he can fly, but Ruslan manages to grab onto the magic beard. In fear, Chernomor took off and carried the hero through the air. Ruslan threatens to cut off the magic beard, after which the sorcerer carries him to Lyudmila.

The girl is still in deep sleep. Ruslan picks her up and takes her home. They drive through the field, on which lies the Head, which, dying, reproaches Chernomor for his deeds.

Along the way, Ruslan meets Ratmir, but he no longer encroaches on Lyudmila's heart, he fell in love with a wonderful fisherwoman and settled with her in the wilderness.

But Farlaf poses a threat to the young. With his hands, Naina decides to take revenge on Ruslan. Bewitched by the sorceress, Farlaf finds the field where the hero lay down to rest, stabs him in the chest three times and steals the sleeping Lyudmila.

Canto 6

Farlaf and Lyudmila arrive in Kyiv. The young man tells the prince a story about how he saved a girl from a terrible goblin. But Lyudmila is still sleeping, and no one knows how to wake the girl up.

The Pechenegs attack Kyiv, but the army of Prince Vladimir cannot defeat the enemy. Meanwhile, Finn finds out what happened to Ruslan and decides to help his friend. He goes to the combustible steppes and extracts living and dead water there in order to save Ruslan. The young man is alive.

The Pechenegs win, but then an unknown hero appears on the battlefield, and soon the enemy flees. This hero was Ruslan. He woke Lyudmila with a ring given to him by his friend Finn.

Prince Vladimir rejoices, Ruslan and Lyudmila celebrate their wedding again.

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