Should there be an odor? The age-old question: why do girls smell between their legs? Discharge in a woman during menstruation

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Smell is one of the basic human senses. Rumor has it that we even choose partners thanks to our sense of smell, and the foods we eat directly affect body odor.

website found out which products are "guilty" of the unpleasant smell of the human body. Truly, we are what we eat.


British scientist Charles Stewart proved the relationship between unpleasant body odor and tomatoes. He discovered that the scent of tomato stalk oil was similar to his own sweat odor and began to study this coincidence. Dr. Stewart noted that the smell of sweat is affected by the content in tomatoes carotenoids and terpenes.

Studies and experiments have revealed a direct link between the amount of eaten tomatoes and other terpene-containing foods and increased sweat odor. So moderation and moderation again when eating tomatoes.


Surprisingly, almost the entire population Southeast Asians and virtually all American Indians are lactose intolerant - these people are severely lacking in digestive lactase. The rest of the inhabitants of the Earth can also have reduced levels of this enzyme, and this often leads to the formation of gases, bloating or flatulence.

In some cases, due to improper metabolism after milk, sweat smells like cabbage, and when the body cannot destroy leucine, isoleucine and valine, included in dairy products, human biological fluids smell like maple syrup.

If a you don't have these symptoms, feel free to drink milk - you will be healthy!


Fish contains a huge amount vitamin A. But some types of fish, such as trout or tuna, contain a lot of choline (vitamin B4), which mixes a fishy aroma with the natural human smell. In some people, choline-rich foods cause "fishy smell syndrome" - trimethylaminuria, which is treated with a special diet and special preparations.


Broccoli, colored and even common cabbage, in addition to the undeniably beneficial potassium and antioxidants, they contain a lot of sulfur, and it can make us sweat in the fight for a pleasant smell.

Sulfur compounds can provoke the occurrence of an unpleasant aroma, can also be the cause of flatulence. You should not completely abandon cabbage, since it is extremely useful, but you should still regulate its amount in the diet.


Exotic durian grows in Southeast Asia- extremely smelly, but incredibly tasty fruit. The smell of ripe durian resembles at the same time rotten fish, litter and amber of unwashed linen, but the creamy mass inside is simply divine, and it is also a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and sulfur.

This fruit generously shares its aroma with the eater., and if you touch it with your bare hands, then it will be impossible to completely get rid of the smell within a few days. The ban on eating durian in public places is common in Singapore, Thailand and other countries in the region.

Foods rich in fiber

Such products include, for example, cereals, bran, nuts and muesli. By themselves, they help the gastrointestinal tract, contain useful elements, but when consumed in excess of the norm, they stimulate the formation of gases (methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide).

Grain lovers it is worth advising to drink more fluids - this will reduce the negative effect of a large amount of fiber.

Chili, garlic, onion

Vampires don't exist, but we all know they die from garlic.. What is death for a vampire is sometimes deadly for a human. Garlic, onion, chili peppers accumulate substances that are subsequently excreted through sweat and lungs, enhancing the pungent odor from the body and from the mouth.

So if you are planning a romantic evening, think carefully whether it is worth spoiling it with the use of these products, because persistent bad breath can persist for several hours.


Asparagus, or asparagus, is a low-calorie product(only 30 kcal per 100 g), which is attractive for those who want to lose weight. Asparagus contains saponin and coumarin. Saponin helps with sclerosis and peptic ulcers, and coumarin beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Asparagus is a natural antioxidant and a powerful aphrodisiac.

But in a vitamin barrel of honey there is a spoonful of odorous tar. Asparagus changes the smell of sweat , makes the smell of urine acrid, and the gas released during digestion methanethiol actively participates in the formation of intestinal gases. No wonder that In ancient times, hunters used asparagus to kill their own body odor..

red meat

Red meat boasts high content iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins and creatine. But it is slowly digested in the stomach and hard to digest in the intestines. Stagnation, the meat begins to decompose, affecting the aroma of human secretions, unfortunately, not for the better.

Eating red meat more than 2 times a week in general, it negatively affects the change in the smell of a person, this is confirmed by various experiments.


drunk man the air around it does not ozonize, this is no secret to anyone. This happens because alcohol is not completely processed by the liver, it begins to walk through the circulatory system and exit through the lungs in the form of a fume.

Because the body treats alcohol as a toxin, it urgently converts alcohol into non-toxic acetic acid, which is subsequently removed through the pores with a characteristic pungent odor.

Radish and radish

Both of these vegetables have a sharp taste.. The fact that they are very much loved in folk medicine does not detract from the influence of radish and radish on the smell of human secretions, especially on the smell from the mouth - a pungent smell can last for several hours. Boiled vegetables are not so aggressive However, during cooking they lose many useful elements.

In one of the folk recipes, radish juice is used to treat profuse sweat. Remember the basic principle of homeopathy - similia similibus curantur which in Latin means "like cures like".

Tea and coffee

People who feel a nasty smell from their mouth think about the cause of its occurrence. After trying various hygiene measures, such as brushing their teeth, rinsing with herbal decoctions, people realize that the smell does not arise due to unsanitary conditions in the oral cavity. Although in some cases, with periodontitis and gingivitis, bad breath can occur due to these diseases.

  • Improper digestion, accompanied by alternating constipation with diarrhea.
  • Frequent nausea, unrelated to eating.
  • Teeth grinding during nocturnal sleep.
  • The patient eats normally, but his weight is rapidly decreasing.
  • The appearance of headaches, irritability, complete apathy.
  • Allergic skin rash.

Each of the options for the occurrence of an unimportant smell due to helminths appears only with a mass defeat. Therefore, both options usually appear in combination.

Could it be

The development of halitosis occurs not only due to the activity of helminths. It is most commonly caused by bacteria living in the mouth. An unpleasant odor can appear with such pathological abnormalities as:

  • Gingivitis.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Caries.
  • Periodontal disease.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Poor oral hygiene.

The smell appears during the vital activity on the mucous membranes of pathogenic microflora, which uses the protein deposited on the teeth and mucous membranes for food. Microorganisms with their secretions contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor. Treatment for this disease consists in the rehabilitation of teeth with caries and the implementation of hygienic measures.

Also known is the term extraoral halitosis. At the same time, factors that are not localized in the mouth are to blame for the occurrence of the smell. Among these reasons are the defeat of worms. In addition, the causes of bad breath include:

  • Diseases of the liver or gallbladder.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

Success in the treatment of halitosis of extraoral properties can only be after the identification and elimination of the root cause of the disease.

The cause of halitosis may be physiological factors. In this case, bad breath appears due to third-party influence. Such reasons include:

  1. Starvation.
  2. Taking pills that dry out the oral mucosa.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  5. Wrong nutrition.
  6. Use of dentures.

As usual, to remove bad breath, you just need to eliminate the factor that contributed to the occurrence of pathology.

Studies conducted by Russian scientists have shown that when a bacterium appears in the body, over 60% of people get sick halitosis. In this case, the smell from the mouth is specific. This is caused by the breakdown of urea in the human stomach into ammonia and other constituents. When ammonia comes into contact with hydrochloric acid, the latter is neutralized, as a result of which the bacterium receives better living conditions.

If you delay the start of treatment, diseases such as gastritis or duodenitis occur, accompanied by a foul odor.

Each tool has its own limitations in use, which should be found out before the start of the treatment course.

  • Sagebrush.
  • Bulbs of garlic.
  • Tansy grass.
  • Ginger.
  • Pepper is bitter.
  • Spicy condiments.

For preventive purposes, from worms, these products should be introduced into food, and decoctions should be prepared from herbs and consumed.

It may happen that the worms are killed, but the smell still does not disappear. In this scenario, it is necessary to pass in-depth medical examination:

  1. Your dentist will check to see if you have decayed teeth or gum disease.
  2. The otolaryngologist will look for inflammation in the nose and throat.
  3. The gastroenterologist will tell you how to overcome problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. If the problem arose due to a malfunction of the immune system, it is necessary to undergo treatment with an endocrinologist.
  5. A pulmonologist will carefully examine the lungs and other respiratory organs.

Only passing an examination by narrow medical specialists and curing diseased organs with special means prescribed by doctors will help you regain your former freshness of breath. There are simply no other options in the fight against this disease.

Should the vagina smell like something?
A survey conducted by the American edition of Women's Health showed: 34% of women believe that the "perfect" vagina does not smell of anything. "In fact, there may be a slight musky smell," says Dmitry Lubnin, obstetrician-gynecologist,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of the book "An Honest Conversation with a Russian Gynecologist". And obstetrician-gynecologist from New York Mary Rosser reminds: the saying “you are what you eat” also works in this case. Here's what can affect intimate smell (and sometimes taste): spices, onions, garlic, red meat, dairy products, asparagus, broccoli, alcohol.

However, this does not mean that it is necessary to tie up with all of the above once and for all. For the effect to manifest itself, you need to eat / drink a fair amount of these products. And even if you aggravate, the specific amber will not last longer than a couple of days. And what is to make everything good? “Pack on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, natural yogurt And drink plenty of water,” advises Dr. Rosser, “but be strict with foods and drinks containing a lot of sugar.”

The area around the vagina

Small "scraps" of skin are visible around the entrance to the vagina. This is dangerous?
“Sometimes such “scraps” are mistaken for warts, the formation of which is caused by the human papillomavirus,” says Dmitry Lubnin. - But, most likely, we are talking only about the remnants of the hymen. There is no need to remove or treat them." And generally keep in mind: only well-photoshopped girls can boast of perfect skin in the cherished area from magazine spreads. Living women there from time to time have "imperfections" - spots, pimples, and so on. Don't overthink yourself.

By the way, 44% of clients turned to plastic surgeons last year with a request to correct the area around the vagina, reports Fertility and Sterility magazine. Why does the thought appear in our heads that “there is something wrong”? The International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics wrote about an experiment involving three groups of women aged 18-30. Some were asked to examine a stack of photographs of surgically corrected genitals. Others were given a pack of still life shots, while the third, the control group, was not shown anything beforehand. Then everyone was shown photos mixed up and asked to sort them into two categories - "this is normal" and "this corresponds to the modern ideal."

So, in the second pile, most of the ladies confidently folded the images of corrected genitals. With the "norm" it turned out more difficult. The control group voted for naturalness, but the "victims of propaganda" chose the operated organs. It is worth flipping through men's magazines, and it is immediately clear "what they are wearing now." At the same time, doctors insist: the external genitalia are piece goods, created for each of us on an individual order, and the concept of "norm" in this case is too vague. In addition, the operation, if something goes wrong, can have a very specific result - a decrease or loss of sensitivity of the labia.

Vagina dimensions

Can your vagina stretch if your man is the real Mr. Big?
“Of course it can,” our expert answers. “But, like any muscle, the vagina can not only stretch, but also contract, so you should not be afraid of irreversible consequences.” The pumped vagina easily adapts to any size - both large and not very large. Training is everything!

Few things can stress a woman as much as a bad smell wafting OUT OF THERE. Especially if everything shows that things are moving towards cunnilingus (oral sex). We will tell you everything about this so that in a moment of passion you do not find yourself in an extremely awkward situation.

First of all, it must be said that many women are often embarrassed by their intimate smell, even in situations where there is no reason for this. Many ladies have the wrong idea about the normal feminine scent. Society requires a woman to be sweet, pretty, and her vagina must certainly smell like flowers. And girls try to meet these expectations, although the natural smell of intimate places should not at all resemble a bouquet of roses!

On the other hand, the fishy smell is also unacceptable. The norm lies somewhere between these two extremes. In addition, everything is purely individual: some women have no smell at all, while others constantly have to deal with an unpleasant odor, and for others, the nature of the smell changes dramatically within a month. Knowing what is normal for you is extremely important for everyday comfort. And also in order to clearly understand when there are health problems.

What affects intimate smell

In one word, everything! Your sex life, the nature of your work, the stage of your menstrual cycle - all of these affect your vaginal odor in one way or another.

Many women notice that during menstruation, the smell from their vagina changes somewhat. This is due to a change in the pH (acidity) of this organ.

The normal pH of the vagina is 4.7, which means that the vaginal environment is acidic. Menstrual blood has a pH of 7.4, so it reduces the acidity of the environment in the vagina. This causes a change in the smell during menstruation, it acquires a fishy hue.

The same thing happens after sex. The prostatic fluid gives semen an extremely alkaline character (pH~8), which accordingly affects the pH of the vagina and the smell from it. You can check the acidity of the vagina with a doctor or by buying special strips to measure pH.

Signs of a questionable odor

If you're unsure about vaginal odor, check your underwear. Increased volume of discharge from the vagina is a characteristic sign of a vaginal infection. A discharge that is white or with a slight yellow tint can be considered within the normal range. But if it is gray and spreads a fetid fishy aroma throughout the room, something is clearly wrong here. Green or yellow colors are also not good, as well as itching in the vagina.

A long-term imbalance in the pH of the vagina occurs when the number of beneficial microbes decreases and the harmful microbes increase. This can lead to the development of a local infectious process, for example, candidiasis ("thrush") and bacterial vaginosis. The latter has a very negative effect on the smell from the vagina. Factors that provoke the development of vaginosis are sex with a new partner and douching: both of them disturb the microbial balance, as thin as Chinese silk. Terrible smell (especially after intercourse), gray discharge, itching around the entrance to the vagina are typical symptoms of vaginosis. Consult a gynecologist, he will prescribe you antibiotics, such as metronidazole, with which you will get rid of this trouble very quickly.

The good news is that it doesn't take much effort. The vagina is an organ with a powerful self-cleansing system. Cilia on its walls literally push out dirt, germs and other foreign particles. So, fortunately, you don't have to do the unthinkable to keep your vagina clean.

Often just the same inappropriate intervention in this subtle system leads to depressing consequences. We are talking about douching: along with harmful microbes, water flows also wash out beneficial bacteria that maintain the necessary acidic environment in the vagina. In addition, during douching, you can introduce other bacteria into the genital tract, which will cause vaginosis.

The list of problems associated with this dubious procedure does not end here: douching has been proven to increase the risk of developing salpingitis and cervical cancer. If you use talc, then feel free to add more and invasive ovarian cancer.

In fact, it only takes a little! Warm water and mild soap (the less the better) on a daily basis, underwear made of cotton, not synthetic, and your intimate scent will not let you down at the most crucial moment.

More useful information about the vagina you will find in our special project "

It's time to talk about the aromas that can come from a man's penis. Some representatives of the stronger half often simply do not pay attention to the smells emitted by his friend. They think that this is how it should be and do not take any measures to eliminate unpleasant odors. There are many stench emitted by their member, some of which indicate violations that must be immediately eliminated. So let's figure out how the penis should smell, should it stink, and what can cause an unpleasant odor in a man's intimate area?

The main causes of bad breath from the penis

There are many reasons for causing unpleasant odor from the penis and they are often interconnected. The most basic of them is the banal neglect of the rules of intimate hygiene. Often, this is what further provokes the development of various diseases, one of the symptoms of which is smelly pisyun. The most common situation is the smell of fish from the penis. This problem is faced not only by men, but also by women. The reason for both is the same - the progressive reproduction of bacteria. The smell of fish from a penis is one of the frequent symptoms of diseases such as gardnerellosis and candidiasis. Men get these diseases through sexual contact from a woman who is a carrier. Therefore, dear gentlemen, sniff before someone plant.

Although these diseases are not sexually transmitted and are easily treatable, medical care should not be neglected. The fact is that similar symptoms are present in other diseases that can be picked up during promiscuity. To accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. There is nothing terrible there, most likely the procedure will cost only a smear.

If, along with the smell from the penis, other symptoms appeared, for example, redness of the foreskin, inflammation of the head and pain, then this may indicate balanitis or balanoposthitis. In the first case, inflammation of the head occurs, and in the second - the head and foreskin.

Dick smells like fish

As mentioned above, the most common causes of a fishy smell are gardnerellosis, candidiasis, balanitis and balanoposthitis. Let's talk more about each.

  • Garderellosis. This disease is caused by an overgrowth of the gardenella bacteria. Basically, this disease manifests itself in women as a result of a violation of the microflora of the vagina, this bacterium gets out of control and begins to multiply actively. The fishy smell is one of the signs of its vital activity. Then, during sexual contact, this disease is given to a man. Often they proceed without a trace and in the first stages of development have no symptoms.
  • Candidiasis. You may have heard about this ailment in TV commercials. People call him a thrush. Candidiasis is also sexually transmitted and leads to a fishy smell.
  • Balanitis and balanopastitis. These diseases are exclusively male. They are very similar. And the reason for its occurrence in adult men, as a rule, is one - a violation of intimate hygiene. As a result, there is an active reproduction of bacteria, which leads to inflammation of the foreskin and the head of the penis.

As you can see, almost all diseases arise due to negligence. It should also be noted that the presence of an unpleasant odor does not always mean the presence of an ailment. If it is not accompanied by additional symptoms and passes with a banal washing of the penis, then you only need to wash more often.

How to get rid of penis stink?

Below we will talk about how to prevent the development of an unpleasant smell in the intimate area and consider several other causes of penis stink. By following these tips, you can prevent both the development of an unpleasant odor and reduce the risk of the above ailments.

  • Hygiene of the penis. You need to wash your pisyun at least once a day. As much as you would not like it, but there are physiological secretions that eventually begin to smell bad
  • Wash or dry your penis after you pee. You can shake your penis for at least an hour, but you won’t be able to completely get rid of drops of urine. Urine gets on underwear and starts to stink. If it is not possible to rinse the penis, then wipe it with a piece of paper or a napkin
  • Observe intimate hygiene. What is meant? and eggs. Pubic hair creates a favorable atmosphere for the development of microorganisms, as a result, aromas come from your hair
  • Sexual hygiene. Before sexual intercourse, as well as after it, you must wash your genitals
  • Wear loose underwear and pants. Pants should be made of natural "breathable" materials that provide convection of the intimate area.

If you follow these simple rules, then your pisyun will not stink, and you, in turn, will feel more confident both in bed with a woman and in everyday life.

People are so arranged that they constantly stink. If in films they show beautiful pictures of how a couple starts to hop on a desert island. That in life, that from one thing, that from the other, a smell will come. This is the harsh reality.

On the air, we always welcome your visit. We wish you good luck in the fight against the unpleasant smell from the penis and success in conquering women's hearts.


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