Baby carrot puree for the winter. Carrot puree for babies. Recipe for apple and carrot puree for the winter

4 medium-sized carrots will make about half a liter of carrot puree. It is important to take juicy carrots without an earthy aftertaste.

Carrot puree prepared for the winter can be used in its “pure” form, served with fat sour cream, it can be used as an additional, ready-made ingredient in vegetable puree soup.

To prepare carrot puree for the winter, you only need carrots, they should be washed and peeled with a vegetable knife.

Cut the carrot into large pieces and place in a bowl.

Pour boiling water over the carrots to cover the carrots. The boiling water will help preserve the flavor of the carrots so they don't "leak" into the water as they heat up gradually.

Cover the pot with a lid and cook the carrots until soft. Check for readiness by piercing with a fork or the edge of a knife.

When the carrots are ready, transfer them to a blender. A decoction is not needed.

Grind the carrots into the most tender and homogeneous puree.

To prepare carrot puree for the winter, it must be transferred to a clean jar and subjected to traditional sterilization (in a pot of water). Then take out, spin hot and leave to cool completely, covering with something warm.

Carrot puree prepared in this way can be stored at room temperature.

A proven recipe for mashed carrots for the winter, step by step with photos.

Carrot puree for the winter

In every family there is someone who most of all loves vegetables in a variety of preparations. This time, you can preserve carrot puree for the winter with this simple recipe. In addition, it is not only simple and tasty, but also useful in the cold season!


  • 1.5 kg of carrots.
  • Kitchens of the World:

How to cook - Carrot puree for the winter

  1. First we need to peel the carrots, then wash them and cut off the tails. It is best to peel carrots using a potato peeler. It removes an even layer, without excess pulp. A very handy thing.
  2. After that, we need to cut the carrots into sticks and boil them for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked.
  3. In the meantime, we will have time to sterilize the jar and boil the lid. Only after that, we need to dry them.
  4. We need to give the already prepared carrots a couple of minutes to cool down, and drain the water from the pan.
  5. Once it has cooled down a bit, we send half of the carrots to a food processor and grind it to a smooth puree.
  6. Next, we add the remaining half of the carrots to the mass and also grind to a smooth creamy puree.
  7. Almost ready, we just have to place the carrot dish in the already prepared dry jar and roll it up.
  8. We send our carrot puree to the pantry or, if you did not roll it into a jar, then to the refrigerator.
  9. Please note that without sterilization, carrot puree for the winter, even in the refrigerator, will be stored for several days.

It’s so easy for us to prepare delicious carrot puree for the winter for your household. This simple recipe with a single ingredient can be easily mastered by every housewife. Hurry up to cook your new signature and delicious dish!

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe Tips

To check the readiness of carrots, we just need to pierce it with a fork. If the fork goes in freely and the carrot is very soft, then the vegetable is ready.

Do you already know how to harvest carrot puree for the winter? You will do great, especially with this recipe! It's incredibly delicious.

Carrot and apple puree for the winter

Time for preparing: 60 min

It will take 1 hour to cook, from the listed ingredients you will get 800 g.

- granulated sugar or honey - 120 g;

You will need two heavy-bottomed casserole pans, as apples and carrots will have to be cooked separately due to different cooking times. In the first stewpan we put apples peeled and seeds, cut into small cubes. Add 50 g of water, close the lid tightly, cook for 20 minutes over low heat, add hot water if necessary, the apples should steam well and become soft.

In the second saucepan we send the carrots, peeled and cut into small cubes, we also add 50 ml of water and close tightly. We cook carrots for about 30-35 minutes, depending on the variety and maturity, young carrots will cook faster.

Transfer the cooked carrots and apples to the bowl of a food processor, grind until smooth.

The mass of carrots and apples should be tender and creamy. Now, if you decide to cook it with granulated sugar, add sugar and put it on the stove again, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.

If we add honey instead of sugar, then there is no need to boil, because honey loses its useful qualities under the influence of temperature. Just mix honey with the cooled mass. Carrot puree with honey is not intended for long-term storage, so if we make preparations for the winter, then we use sugar, and honey should be eaten within a few days.

We lay out the carrot puree with apples in clean pasteurized jars hot. We put in a pot with hot water, cover with lids, sterilize at 90 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes (jars with a volume of 0.2 l).

Step by step recipe for carrot puree with apples. A detailed description and useful tips will help you prepare it for the winter.

More diverse and gradually prepares a small body for the adoption of adult food. In this article you will find detailed information about the rules for the introduction of vegetable complementary foods, and specifically carrots.

When can I give my baby

According to the recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods from WHO, vegetable complementary foods are introduced in -. And from how many months it is possible to give carrot puree, there are no exact recommendations. They don’t start their first acquaintance with vegetables with carrots; most often, kids are given a taste of potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and zucchini. Babies who are fed adapted can be given vegetables 1-2 months earlier.

Did you know? Carrot Week is celebrated in California every year. At this festival, various competitions are held for the best cooking of dishes from this vegetable, a carrot queen is chosen and carrot shooting is arranged.

How to start weaning

Acquaintance with new products is carried out in several stages - starting with 5-10 g (half a teaspoon) per day and increasing the volume. Pediatricians advise introducing a new product in the morning or in the morning, so you can fully track the possible occurrence of manifestations. Most often, 7-10 days are enough to completely introduce vegetable complementary foods into the baby's daily diet, thereby replacing one or a milk mixture.

Consider step by step how to introduce carrots into complementary foods:

  1. First day. For breakfast, you give the baby a vegetable to try - half a teaspoon. After that, carefully observe the behavior of the child, his stool and the condition of the skin. Since this amount of food is not enough for a growing body, you are supplementing or formula feeding.
  2. Second day. If the vegetable puree did not cause allergic reactions and stool disorders, then we continue to give while increasing the serving volume - 2 teaspoons. We continue to supplement or mix.
  3. Third day. We increase the portion to 3-4 teaspoons of vegetable puree (we will describe in detail how to prepare carrot puree for the first complementary foods later in the article).
  4. Fourth day. A serving of vegetables increases to 5 tablespoons, which is approximately equal to 25 g of vegetables.
  5. Fifth day. If, while treating the child with the first vegetable puree, you did not notice any negative reactions, then you can increase the serving to 50 g, i.e. 10 teaspoons.
  6. Sixth day. You can double the volume - a serving of vegetables will reach 100 g.
  7. Seventh day. Bring the volume of a portion of vegetable puree to 125-150 g. As soon as your baby has eaten such a portion of complementary foods, then it is no longer necessary to supplement him. Such an amount or mixture is eaten by a child in one.
Keeping a food diary can be very helpful. This is a detailed description of the products introduced, their volumes and observations of the baby's well-being. It is especially important to write down such information if your baby is prone to allergic manifestations. Such a diary will help you track exactly which product caused an unwanted reaction.

Remember that all week, when you introduce a new product into your child's diet, you should carefully monitor changes in his health. If you notice the appearance of allergic rashes or worsening of the stool, then postpone the treat with this product for a month. Do not rush to immediately give mashed potatoes from several vegetables, make a choice in favor of one-component dishes.

Important! Meals for the little ones do not need salt and sugar. For adults, such food will seem insipid and tasteless, but for a baby, everything will be very tasty and unusual.

How to make your own carrot puree

Making carrot puree for babies is not difficult at all - cooking according to our recipe will not take much time. As an alternative to homemade dishes, you can buy store-bought jars of vegetable purees. However, a self-prepared product is still preferable.

Stock and kitchen appliances

Having decided to feed the crumbs with freshly prepared carrot puree, make sure that you have all the necessary arsenal of kitchen appliances:

  • grater;
  • a saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • blender or strainer.

Did you know? In zoos, flamingo birds are fed with carrots, this product helps to maintain the bright color of their plumage. In the wild, eating crustaceans helps them keep their color.


The list of products for cooking is also very simple:

  • carrots - 1 piece of medium size;
  • boiling water - 100-150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - a few drops.

Step by step recipe

The recipe for how to make carrot puree for babies is very easy and fast:

  1. Carrots are washed under running water and thoroughly cleaned. After that, it should be grated.
  2. The grated vegetable is laid out in the selected pan and a little boiling water is added. Let the vegetable stew over low heat, cover the pan with a lid.
  3. After a while, when the carrots are thoroughly stewed, the water is drained, and the vegetable mass is transferred to the blender bowl. Grind the vegetable mass with a blender to a puree state. If you don’t have a blender handy, then an ordinary kitchen strainer will handle grinding to the desired state.
  4. A little vegetable oil is added to the resulting mass. If the puree is too thick, then it can be diluted with milk or a decoction in which carrots were boiled.

Important! The bright color of carrots can cause allergies. If your baby has already had allergic reactions to any foods, then postpone the introduction of carrots for a while.

Many mothers are wondering how much to cook carrots for feeding or in which pan it is better to do it.

We have prepared some tips that will help parents properly prepare a tasty and healthy treat for their crumbs:

  1. To preserve the nutrients in vegetables as much as possible, cut them into large pieces and throw them into already boiling water. Since vitamin C is destroyed during the heat treatment, cover the pot with vegetables with a lid and minimize the cooking process itself.
  2. Give preference to carrots from your own garden or buy from trusted sellers in the market. To minimize damage from possible chemical fertilizer treatments, soak vegetables in water for several hours.
  3. When chopping carrots, it is advisable not to use metal knives or a grater, they oxidize it. Use ceramic or plastic knives and graters whenever possible.
  4. For cooking, choose medium-sized carrots without dark spots and mold.
  5. You can diversify carrot puree with a grated apple.

After reading the article, you learned how to cook carrots for feeding. Such a simple and affordable vegetable is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, dishes prepared by the loving hands of mothers make this delicacy even tastier and healthier.

Carrots are included in the list of the most popular vegetables and this is due not only to their bright color and sweetish taste, but also to their great benefits. Moreover, it is believed that boiled root crops are much more useful than fresh options.

Carrots are not only used as an additive in various soups, but also as a main ingredient. This vegetable is ideal for a children's menu, so many mothers are interested in: at what age can carrot puree be given to babies. Now we will understand all the issues and present to your attention a few proven recipes.

carrot puree recipe

Let's start with a simple recipe that doesn't require a lot of ingredients. It is not recommended to store the product for a long time and it is better to cook it in small quantities at a time. You can also give this dish to children.


  • 2 carrots;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • butter.

Cooking method:

Recipe for baby carrot puree

Pureed vegetables are the first complementary foods that can be introduced into the diet of young children. This is due to the fact that such a dish does not have bright tastes, contains many useful substances, and most importantly, it is well absorbed in the stomach. As for age, according to the opinion of pediatricians, it is necessary to start giving carrots from 5-6 months.

In addition, the amount of the product is also important, so it is worth starting to give from 0.5 teaspoon, and then, the amount must be increased gradually. The maximum amount that the baby's stomach can handle is 100 g. Before introducing carrots into the baby's menu, you need to consult a doctor. Since a child, no matter at what age you started complementary foods, may have an allergy.


  • 150 g carrots;
  • 3 g vegetable oil;
  • water.

Cooking method:

winter carrot puree recipe

If you have a lot of carrots, for example, you grow them yourself or bought them from trusted suppliers, then you can make preparations for the winter. Such a blank can not only be eaten as a side dish, but also used, for example, as a filling for baking.


  • 2 kg of carrots;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • half a vegetable marrow;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Add water to a saucepan and heat it up.
  2. Add sugar and stir until it melts.
  3. Peel the root crops, and remove the insides with seeds from the zucchini.
  4. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and send them to a pot of water.
  5. Boil for 30 min. on minimum heat. To save even more nutrients, steam.
  6. Grind soft vegetables with a blender or you can use a sieve.
  7. Distribute the mass into sterilized jars, roll up and refrigerate.

Recipe for apple and carrot puree for the winter

Another option for a delicious puree that can be eaten immediately or closed for the winter. Thanks to apples, a very tasty dish is obtained. You can use both sweet and sour varieties, which will directly affect the final taste. This option is ideal for the baby menu.


  • 120 g carrots;
  • 120 g of apples;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of butter;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

mashed potato recipe

Such a dish will be a great substitute for boring mashed potatoes, because carrots will add not only color, but also taste. In addition, such a side dish will help feed the child with healthy carrots. Prepared ingredients are enough for 4 servings.


  • 0.7 kg of potatoes;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 1 st. milk;
  • salt;
  • butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and cut the root crops, and the carrot pieces should be smaller, since it takes longer to cook.
  2. Send them to the pan, fill with water and cook until soft. Be sure to add salt to taste.
  3. The next step is to grind the carrots and potatoes separately in a blender and only then combine them. If you do this together, the color will be non-uniform.
  4. Combine vegetable masses, pour in hot boiled milk and mix well. Taste and add more salt if needed.
  5. Finally add butter and serve.

Carrot puree soup

From carrots you can cook not only a side dish, but also the first course. This soup is very healthy and tasty. You can add various spices, chopped herbs and crackers to it. It turns out a really restaurant dish that will appeal to both adults and children. Prepared ingredients are enough for 4 servings.


  • 3 large carrots;
  • bulb;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • 0.5 liters of unsalted chicken broth;
  • 0.5 tsp ground coriander;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

If you have harvested a good crop of carrots and apples, then try to make carrot puree with apples for the winter from these healthy vegetables and fruits, the recipe with a photo of which I offer. Preparations will be especially useful in a family with small children, who, I hope, will enjoy homemade carrot-apple puree.
It will take 1 hour to cook, from the listed ingredients you will get 800 g.

- apples - 450 g;
- carrots - 450 g;
- granulated sugar or honey - 120 g;
- water - 100 ml.

You will need two heavy-bottomed casserole pans, as apples and carrots will have to be cooked separately due to different cooking times. In the first stewpan we put apples peeled and seeds, cut into small cubes. Add 50 g of water, close the lid tightly, cook for 20 minutes over low heat, add hot water if necessary, the apples should steam well and become soft.

In the second saucepan we send the carrots, peeled and cut into small cubes, we also add 50 ml of water and close tightly. We cook carrots for about 30-35 minutes, depending on the variety and maturity, young carrots will cook faster.

Transfer the cooked carrots and apples to the bowl of a food processor, grind until smooth.

The mass of carrots and apples should be tender and creamy. Now, if you decide to cook it with granulated sugar, add sugar and put it on the stove again, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.

If we add honey instead of sugar, then there is no need to boil, because honey loses its useful qualities under the influence of temperature. Just mix honey with the cooled mass. Carrot puree with honey is not intended for long-term storage, so if we make preparations for the winter, then we use sugar, and honey should be eaten within a few days.

We lay out the carrot puree with apples in clean pasteurized jars hot. We put in a pot with hot water, cover with lids, sterilize at 90 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes (jars with a volume of 0.2 l).
Store in a cool and dark place.
We also suggest trying

Carrot Puree - General Cooking Principles

Carrot is not only a delicious sweet vegetable, but also a product that is extremely beneficial for the whole body due to its high content of carotene. This substance is the best medicine for the prevention of vision, Alzheimer's disease and even cancer. Best of all, carotene from carrots is absorbed together with vegetable or animal fats, therefore, when preparing a dish from this vegetable, butter or vegetable oil, cream, and sour cream are an obligatory additive.

Carrots are much more useful boiled than raw, because during heat treatment new chemical compounds are formed that are beneficial to the body, and the amount of antioxidants increases to thirty percent of the total. That is why carrot puree is a healthy and important dish in the diet of both children and adults.

Carrot puree - preparing food and dishes

The main component of carrot puree is carrots. Before cooking, it must be washed well from the ground, using a metal brush. During cooking, the water will boil away, so you can add a little liquid to the pan. After that, when the vegetable is ready, you need to chop it with a blender or mixer.

In addition to carrots, other vegetables (cauliflower and broccoli, beets, potatoes), butter, hard and soft cream cheese can be added to the puree. It is best to dilute carrot gruel to puree with the help of low-fat cream, a liquid that was formed as a result of stewing carrots, sour cream.

You can also prepare carrot puree for babies from 6 months. In this case, do not add a lot of salt and spices to the gruel, and it is best to dilute the puree with natural milk.

To prepare carrot puree, first prepare one or two saucepans (depending on how many vegetable components will be included in the dish) or a saucepan where you will stew the carrots, as well as an immersion blender or mixer.

Carrot Puree Recipes

Recipe 1: Carrot Puree

This dish can be used for feeding babies from the age of six months. The kid will eat up a dish of just a few teaspoons, so do not cook much. If you have a little puree left, then it is recommended to use it during the same day. Store carrot puree in the refrigerator.

Required Ingredients:

  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Milk 50 ml
  • Butter

Cooking method:

  • Peeled carrots should be cut into cubes and boiled over medium heat until soft for half an hour.
  • Remove carrots and place in blender. Grind it into a puree, adding milk and a small amount of butter.
  • Recipe 2: Carrot Puree with Apple

    Another option for tasty and healthy baby food.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Carrot 1 piece
    • Apple ½ piece
    • Milk 50 ml

    Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel carrots. Cut into cubes and put to boil in a saucepan filled with water for half an hour.
  • Peel the apple, remove the core and cut into cubes.
  • Place boiled carrots and an apple in a blender bowl and grind until puree. To make carrot puree more rare, add a little milk to it.
  • Recipe 3: Vegetarian Carrot Puree

    This dish will appeal to anyone who leads a healthy lifestyle or adheres to a vegetarian diet. The dish does not contain animal fats, has a low energy value, rich in slow healthy carbohydrates.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Broccoli cabbage 200 grams
    • Potato 1 piece
    • Carrots 2 pieces

    Cooking method:

  • Wash the broccoli and separate into florets. Let it boil in a saucepan filled with salted water for ten minutes. When the cabbage is ready, take it out.
  • Wash the potatoes, remove the skin.
  • Wash the carrots and, together with the potatoes, put them to boil in a separate container. After 15 minutes, remove the potatoes, after another fifteen, you can remove the carrots from the pan.
  • Place the vegetables in the bowl of a blender and puree them, adding the liquid from the pot where the cabbage was cooked.
  • In the finished puree, you can squeeze the garlic through a press and garnish with chopped herbs.

    Recipe 4: Carrot puree with beets and cauliflower

    Such a dish will turn out to be a bright appetizing color with an equally strong aroma and taste.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Carrots 2 pieces
    • Cauliflower 300 grams
    • Beets 2 pieces
    • Cream 200 grams (15% fat)
    • condiments
    • Hard cheese

    Cooking method:

  • Wash the cauliflower thoroughly and break it into florets with your hands. Put it to boil in a pot filled with water for fifteen minutes.
  • Thoroughly wash the carrots and beets from the ground and put these vegetables in a saucepan to boil. Carrots will be ready in thirty minutes, and beets in fifty.
  • Place the cabbage, carrots and beets in a blender and start whisking, gradually adding cream to the vegetables.
  • Grate hard cheese and sprinkle it with ready-made carrot puree with vegetables.
  • Carrot puree - secrets and tips from the best chefs

  • Carrots will be equally useful regardless of whether they are steamed or boiled.
  • If you are making a sweet puree, then carrots go very well with plums, apricots, pears. Remember that carrots contain sugar, so you can not put it in the finished dish additionally, mashed potatoes will turn out sweet enough.
  • Serve the finished puree, seasoning it with sour cream - this will improve the taste, and the useful substances of the carrot will be more actively absorbed by the body.
  • If you want to use your own carrot juice when making puree, then prepare the carrots as follows: put the peeled and washed vegetable in a saucepan, greased with oil, and fill with water to the top. Stew the carrots for about 30 minutes, turning the vegetable over, adding water from time to time. Add the resulting juice to the puree when grinding.
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