Crushed stone porous from metallurgical slag GOST. Crushed slag and slag pumice differences and characteristics. Slag pumice - porous crushed stone from metallurgical slag

Verification of a measuring instrument - a set of operations performed by the bodies of the state metrological service (other authorized bodies, organizations) in order to determine and confirm the compliance of the measuring instrument with the established technical requirements.

Measuring instruments subject to metrological control and supervision are subject to verification upon release from production or repair, upon importation, upon sale and rental, as well as during operation.

Verification is carried out by an individual certified as a verification in accordance with the rules of PR 50.2.012-94 GSI. The procedure for attestation of verification officers of measuring instruments, according to normative documents approved on the basis of test results for the purpose of type approval. If the measuring instrument, based on the results of verification, is recognized as suitable for use, then an imprint is applied to it and (or) the technical documentation verification mark and/or issued Verification certificate. If, according to the results of verification, the measuring instrument is recognized as unsuitable for use, the impression of the verification mark and (or) the Verification Certificate are canceled and a Notice of unsuitability is issued or a corresponding entry is made in the technical documentation.

There are the following types of verifications:

Primary verification- carried out for measuring instruments of approved types when they are released from production, after repair, when imported from abroad. When approving the type of measuring instruments of a single production, a type approval certificate is issued for each of them; these measuring instruments do not pass primary verification.

Periodic verification is carried out for measuring instruments in operation at certain calibration intervals. The need for verification is due to the possibility of loss of metrological indicators due to temporary and other influences.

Extraordinary verification carried out: if necessary, confirm the suitability of the measuring instrument for use; in the case of using a measuring instrument as a component after half of the calibration interval; in case of damage to the brand or loss of the certificate of verification; when commissioning after a long-term conservation (more than one calibration interval); when sending measuring instruments to the consumer after the expiration of half of the calibration interval. Expert verification is carried out in case of disagreement on issues related to metrological characteristics, serviceability of measuring instruments and their suitability for use.

Inspection verification performed within the framework of state supervision or departmental control, to control the quality of primary or periodic verifications and determine the suitability of measuring instruments for use.

At present, in the Russian Federation, with the transition to the market, it became necessary to search for new forms of organization of metrological activities that would correspond to market relations in the economy. One of these forms is the organization of the Russian Calibration System (RSC), the scheme of which is shown in fig.

The control of measuring instruments for their suitability for use in world practice is carried out by two main types: verification and calibration.

Calibration of a measuring instrument is a set of operations performed by a calibration laboratory in order to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics and (or) the suitability of a measuring instrument for use in areas not subject to state metrological control and supervision in accordance with established requirements.

The results of the calibration of measuring instruments are certified calibration mark applied to measuring instruments, or calibration certificate, as well as entry in operating documents.

Verification (mandatory state verification) can be performed, as a rule, by the body of the state metrological service, and calibration - by any accredited and non-accredited organization.

Verification is mandatory for measuring instruments used in areas subject to the State Metrological Control (GMK), while calibration is a voluntary procedure, since it refers to measuring instruments that are not subject to MMC. The enterprise has the right to independently decide on the choice of forms and modes of monitoring the state of measuring instruments, with the exception of those areas of application of measuring instruments, over which the states of the whole world establish their control - this is health care, labor safety, ecology, etc. The construction of the Russian Calibration System (RSC) is based on the following principles: voluntary entry; the obligation to obtain unit sizes from state standards; professionalism and competence of the staff; self-sufficiency and self-financing. The main link of the RSC is the calibration laboratory. It is an independent enterprise or a division within the metrological service of the enterprise, which can calibrate measuring instruments for its own needs or for third-party organizations. If the calibration is carried out for third parties, then the calibration laboratory must be accredited by the RSC body. It is allowed to use four methods of verification (calibration) measuring instruments: direct comparison with the standard; comparison using a comparator; direct measurement of quantity; indirect measurements of the quantity. To ensure the correct transfer of the sizes of units of measurement from the standard to the working means of measurement, they are verification charts , establishing the metrological subordination of the state standard, bit standards and working measuring instruments. Schemes for transmitting information about the size of units during their centralized reproduction are called verification. A verification scheme is a duly approved document that regulates the means, methods and accuracy of transferring the size of a unit of physical quantity from the state standard or the original exemplary measuring instrument to working measuring instruments. The verification scheme can be: state and local. State verification scheme establishes the transmission of information about the size of the unit across the country. It is headed by state or special standards. Local verification schemes are intended for metrological services of ministries (departments) and legal entities. All local verification schemes must comply with the requirements of subordination, which is defined by the state verification scheme. State verification schemes are developed by research institutes of the State Standard of the Russian Federation, holders of state standards. The local verification scheme clarifies the requirements of the state scheme in relation to the specifics of this department. It is led by working standards. State verification schemes are approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation, and local ones are approved by departmental metrological services or the management of the enterprise. Let us consider in general terms the content of the state verification scheme (see Fig. 3.9). The names of standards and working measuring instruments are usually placed in rectangles (for the state standard, the rectangle is two-circuit). The metrological characteristics for this stage of the circuit are also indicated here. At the bottom of the diagram are working measuring instruments, which, depending on their degree of accuracy (i.e., measurement errors), are divided into five categories: the highest accuracy; highest precision; high precision; medium accuracy; lower precision. The highest accuracy is usually commensurate with the degree of error of the measuring instrument of the state standard. At each step of the verification scheme, the order (method) of transferring the unit size is regulated. The names of verification (calibration) methods are located in ovals, which also indicate the permissible error of the verification (calibration) method.


Calibration of measuring instruments in the Russian Federation

Calibration of a measuring instrument is a set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments.

Calibration of measuring instruments consists in establishing the relationship between the readings of the instrument and the size of the measured (input) quantity. Calibration is often understood as the process of adjusting the indication of an output quantity or indication of a measuring instrument until an agreement is reached between the reference value at the input and the result at the output (taking into account the specified accuracy). For example, calibrating a medical thermometer that reads 36.3°C in a 36.6°C bath would add 0.3°C. It does not matter whether this value is entered into the instrument's memory or written on paper glued to the thermometer.

Calibration of measuring instruments (MI) is carried out in the following areas: calibration of reference and working MI and calibration of accurate MI.

Calibration of SI is carried out mainly by metrological services of legal entities using standards subordinate to state standards of units of quantities.

In Russia, calibration activities are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" and many other by-laws. Unfortunately, the concepts of “calibration” and “verification” are not very clearly distinguished in the regulatory documents.


Verification of measuring instruments - a set of operations performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service (other authorized bodies, organizations) in order to determine and confirm the compliance of the characteristics of the measuring instrument with the established requirements.

In Russia, verification activities in relation to measuring instruments subject to State Metrological Supervision are regulated by the Law of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2008 N 102-FZ “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements” and many other by-laws. These documents define verification as “a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements” and further “The Government of the Russian Federation establishes a list of measuring instruments, the verification of which is carried out only by state regional centers of metrology accredited in the prescribed manner in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.”

Responsibility for improper performance of verification work and non-compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents is borne by the relevant body of the State Metrological Service or the legal entity whose metrological service performed the verification work.

Types of verification

The Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (CIS countries) established the following types of verification

  • Primary verification is a verification performed when a measuring instrument is released from production or after repair, as well as when a measuring instrument is imported from abroad in batches, upon sale.
  • Periodic verification - verification of measuring instruments that are in operation or in storage, performed at established calibration intervals.
  • Extraordinary verification - Verification of a measuring instrument, carried out before the deadline for its next periodic verification.
  • Inspection verification is a verification carried out by the body of the state metrological service during state supervision of the state and use of measuring instruments.
  • Complete verification - verification, in which the metrological characteristics of the measuring instrument are determined, inherent in it as a whole.
  • Element-by-element verification is a verification in which the values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments are established according to the metrological characteristics of its elements or parts.
  • Selective verification - verification of a group of measuring instruments, randomly selected from a batch, the results of which are used to judge the suitability of the entire batch.
  • Expert verification is carried out in case of disagreement on issues related to metrological characteristics, serviceability of measuring instruments and their suitability for use.

Metrological services at enterprises and organizations in the production process carry out metrological control and supervision of measuring instruments by:

  • calibration of measuring instruments;
  • supervision over the condition and use of measuring instruments, in compliance with metrological rules and norms, as well as regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements;
  • verification of the timeliness of the provision of measuring instruments for verification and calibration;
  • issuance of mandatory instructions aimed at preventing, stopping or eliminating violations of metrological norms and rules;
  • carrying out metrological examination of design and technological documentation, etc.

Within the framework of the MO of production, a metrological examination of design and technological documentation is carried out, the purpose of which is to analyze and evaluate technical solutions for the selection of parameters to be measured, the establishment of accuracy standards and the provision of methods and measuring instruments for the development, manufacture, operation and repair of products.

The importance of metrological assurance of production for achieving high product quality is determined by a number of international documents, including the standard ISO 10002-1.

Compliance with this standard is one of the conditions for accreditation of the quality system at the enterprise.

Normative documents

    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2010 N 250 "On the list of measuring instruments, the verification of which is carried out only by state regional centers of metrology accredited in the prescribed manner in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements"
    • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2008 N 102-FZ "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" - Published in "RG" - Federal issue No. 4697 of July 2, 2008
    • PR 50.2.006-94 GSI. Procedure for verification of measuring instruments
    • PR 50.2.014-96 GSI. Rules for the accreditation of metrological services of legal entities for the right to verify measuring instruments
    • PR 50.2.012-94 GSI. The procedure for attestation of verification officers of measuring instruments
    • PR 50.2.007-94 GSI. Credentials
    • RMG 29-99 GSI. Metrology. Basic terms and definitions

The metrological service of Dipol provides services for primary and periodic verification of measuring instruments in accordance with the scope of accreditation. Primary verification of measuring instruments is carried out to confirm the metrological characteristics of the measuring instrument upon import, upon release from production, after repair of the measuring instrument. Periodic verification is carried out during the operation of SI used in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

Turnaround time

  • Verification (primary or periodic verification). Completion time - 12 working days.
  • Urgent verification of SI- organization of operational verification. Lead time - 3-5 business days.
  • Calibration(determination of the actual metrological characteristics of SI).
  • Verification contract provides significant savings for regular customers of the Dipol metrological service.

The staff of the laboratory is made up of specialists who meet all the necessary requirements and have rich practical experience. Particular attention was paid to the creation and description of a quality system that provides for the needs of the client in verification activities and meets the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17025 and ISO 9000.

All data on verification of measuring instruments performed by the Dipol metrological service are entered into a single information system - the Federal Information Fund for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (Rosstandart website, section "Fund"). This allows customers to verify the authenticity of the received certificate, to get acquainted with the information about the verification of measuring instruments: who, when and with what result verified it. This service is useful for identifying unreliable providers of relevant services.

At the request of the customer, a verification certificate can accompany the measurement protocol.

Scope of accreditation and laboratory equipment

The metrological laboratory of the Dipol company is equipped with modern verification equipment in accordance with the intended scope of accreditation:

  • Fluke 5522A, 5080A calibrators;
  • precision multimeter 8508A;
  • Agilent N5183 generator;
  • spectrum analyzer Agilent N9020;
  • Agilent 81150A generator and other devices.

The use of Fluke multifunctional calibrators and modern Agilent wide-range generators (Keysight) provides a wide area of ​​laboratory accreditation for verification of oscilloscopes, generators, frequency meters up to 20 GHz, multimeters up to 6.5 digits, power supplies up to 600 V and 875 A, power quality analyzers, ohmmeters up to 1000 GΩ and other measuring equipment.

The introduction of the modern metrological software product Fluke Met/Cal into the verification activity makes it possible to automate the accounting and registration of measuring instruments, the process of measuring measuring instruments, the preparation of protocols and certificates of verification, as well as the submission of verification results to the automated database of Rosstandart.

Scope of accreditation: Verification of measuring instruments

Scope of accreditation: Calibration of measuring instruments

Prices for verification and calibration of measuring instruments

A well-established organizational approach and automation of the production process makes it possible to achieve low costs, which in turn ensures the provision of metrological services at attractive prices for customers.

To estimate the cost of providing metrological services, contact the manager of our company or fill out an application for verification and calibration of measuring instruments on the website.

Special Benefits

Verification of power supplies

The Dipol metrological service has unique capabilities that allow you to verify power supplies. When creating our metrological laboratory, the specific requirements for the verification of these instruments were taken into account. It was provided: three-phase power supply, powerful loads, resistance coils and other equipment necessary to work with currents up to 1000 A. Due to this, the possibilities for testing power supplies are limited only by the current strength.

Automation of verification of measuring instruments (SI)

The metrological service "Dipol" successfully implements in its practice the automation of verification of measuring instruments using the Fluke Met / Cal software.

This allows:

  • improve the quality of MI verification;
  • reduce the actual time spent on verification;
  • reduce the fatigue of SI checkers;
  • automate the creation of verification protocols, certificates and other reporting;
  • speed up the search for the necessary information

Standard certification

The metrological service "Dipol" passed the certification procedure for the standards used in the verification of measuring instruments. This procedure documents the traceability of the standards used by the service for verification to the state standards of Russia. This, in turn, confirms the possibility of the metrological service to participate in the procedure for transferring a unit of physical quantity stored by a state standard verified by SI.

SI recalibration

Thanks to the introduction of special software, the metrological service has the ability to adjust the metrological parameters of some verified measuring instruments. When metrological parameters go beyond the limits of permissible values ​​or when they critically approach the tolerance limit, the MI data can be subjected to a recalibration procedure: a specialized adjusting procedure is launched, which introduces the necessary correction factors into the SI. Such a procedure makes it possible to significantly extend the life cycle of the measuring instruments used and to minimize the cost of their rather expensive repair.

The use of Fluke Met/Cal imposes additional requirements on the connection diagrams of measuring instruments during automatic verification. For their implementation, numerous microwave adapters and specific assemblies of measuring wires were purchased. This step turned out to be justified, since in addition to speeding up the verification procedure, a wide range of possibilities for switching various measuring instruments, both modern and old, is provided. Now the solution of any measurement problem does not rest on the impossibility of correct connection of SI. For many organizations providing verification services, the lack of such opportunities becomes a big problem.

Accuracy in the parameters that are carried out by measurements are fundamental. There is no point in the functioning of any measuring instruments if their work is performed inaccurately and there are significant errors. In order to control and respond in time to inaccuracies in the operation of the relevant instruments, verification and calibration operations were invented.

The essence of the verification procedure

Verification is a set of certain operations that are performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service (GMS). This action can be performed by other authorized organizations that have permits. The purpose of verification is, first of all, the determination and confirmation of the full compliance of the means used for measurements, in accordance with established technical standards.

After that, it is determined whether there is a subsequent suitability for the use of one or another measuring instrument. The procedure applies to all products that are of a legally approved type, in case of release from series production, after a long period of operation, or in case of repair. Instruments that are used in the field of State regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements are subject to mandatory reconciliation.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are several types of verifications:

  • Primary, which is typical for measuring instruments that were released or underwent repair work on the territory of Russia.
  • Periodic, which occurs at a certain time regulated by the legislative framework of the state.
  • Extraordinary, which can be applied as a result of damage to the seal, loss of documents confirming the previous verification.
  • Inspection.
  • Expert, carried out as a result of events that imply an independent and urgent assessment of suitability, to resolve disputes and conflicts.

From a technical point of view, the procedure is carried out by comparing the numerical indicators that the device produces with the value of a high-precision standard measuring instrument. The measurement error must be within acceptable limits.

The procedure is very similar to verification. Calibration also includes a series of sequential actions, the direction of which is to determine the exact value of metrological indicators. The final function of the calibration is the result that allows or disables the subsequent use of the device.

The procedure does not have individually developed schemes of work, therefore it is carried out according to the verification parameters. Measuring instruments that have passed the calibration procedure are confirmed by applying a special mark of conformity. For documentary evidence, the organization that carried out the procedure may issue a special certificate.

Authorities authorized to carry out the procedure are:

  1. Metrological public service.
  2. Scientific center of metrology.
  3. Metrological services of legal entities.

The difference between verification and calibration

The essence of the two procedures has one thing in common - it is the verification of measuring instruments for the quality of their work and the accuracy of the results. Verification makes it possible to audit compliance with accepted standards and norms. But calibration makes it possible to bring the measuring instrument into certain standards.

From the point of view of the mandatory parameter, then only verification is a strictly necessary procedure, and calibration is a voluntary decision. Only HMS can perform verification, and calibration in addition to HMS can be provided by organizations and enterprises that do not have accreditation.

Those funds that are included in the list of the state register that are approved for use on the territory of Russia can be subject to verification. Otherwise, all manipulations are reduced to calibration.
Thus, calibration has replaced the regular metrological certification procedure, and the departmental verification procedure. Such changes affected the thoroughness of control and softened the responsibility of the HMS.

DEVELOPED All-Russian Research Institute of the Metrological Service of the State Standard of Russia (VNIIMS of the State Standard of Russia)

INTRODUCED Main Department of Technical Policy in the Field of Metrology and Main Department of Regional Policy and State Supervision

ACCEPTED Order of the State Standard of Russia dated July 18, 1994 N 125

REGISTERED Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 21, 1994 under N 640


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements Procedure for verification of measuring instruments

This document applies to measuring instruments when released from production and repair, when imported for import and operation, sale and rental, to be used and applied in the areas of distribution of state metrological control and supervision, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" and establishes requirements for the organization and procedure for verification of measuring instruments."
The procedure was developed taking into account the document of the International Organization of Legal Metrology N 20 "Primary and subsequent verification of measuring instruments and measuring processes".


1.1 . Verification of measuring instruments - a set of operations performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service (other authorized bodies, organizations) in order to determine and confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with established technical requirements.

1.2 . Measuring instruments subject to state metrological control and supervision are subject to verification by the bodies of the State Metrological Service upon release from production or repair, upon importation and operation.
Standards of the bodies of the State Metrological Service, as well as measuring instruments that are not verified by them, are subject to verification by state scientific metrological centers.

1.3 . By decision of the State Standard of Russia, the right to verify measuring instruments can be granted to accredited metrological services of legal entities. The activities of these metrological services are carried out in accordance with the current legislation and regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements of the State Standard of Russia.

1.4 . Verification activities carried out by accredited metrological services of legal entities are controlled by the bodies of the State Metrological Service at the location of these legal entities.

1.5 . Verification of measuring instruments is carried out by an individual certified as a verification in the manner established by the State Standard of Russia.

1.6 . Verification is carried out in accordance with the normative documents approved on the basis of test results for approval of the type of measuring instrument.

1.7 . The result of verification is the confirmation of the suitability of the measuring instrument for use or the recognition of the measuring instrument as unsuitable for use.
If the measuring instrument, based on the results of verification, is recognized as suitable for use, then an impression of the verification mark is applied to it or the technical documentation or a "Certificate of Verification" is issued.
The form "Certificate of Verification" is given in Appendix 1.
If the measuring instrument is recognized as unsuitable for use based on the results of verification, the impression of the verification mark is extinguished, the "Certificate of verification" is canceled, a "Notice of unsuitability" is issued, or a corresponding entry is made in the technical documentation. The form "Notice of unsuitability" is given in Appendix 2.

1.8 . Responsibility for improper performance of verification work and non-compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents is borne by the body of the State Metrological Service or the legal entity whose metrological service performed the verification work.

1.9 . When performing verification work on the territory of a particular region with a visit to the place of operation of measuring instruments, the executive authority of this region is obliged to provide assistance to verification officers, including:
provide them with appropriate premises;
provide them with appropriate personnel and transport;
notify all owners and users of measuring instruments about the time of verification.


2.1. Measuring instruments are subjected to primary, periodic, extraordinary and inspection verification.

2.2. Measuring instruments of approved types are subject to primary verification upon release from production and repair, upon import by import.
Measuring instruments may not be subjected to primary verification upon importation on the basis of concluded international agreements (contracts) on the recognition of the results of verification carried out in foreign countries.

2.3. As a rule, each copy of measuring instruments is subject to primary verification.
Selective verification is allowed.

2.4. The bodies of the State Metrological Service can perform primary verification at checkpoints organized by legal entities that manufacture and repair measuring instruments.

2.5. Measuring instruments that are in operation or in storage are subject to periodic verification at certain calibration intervals.

2.6. Specific lists of measuring instruments to be verified are made by legal entities and individuals - owners of measuring instruments. Lists of measuring instruments to be verified are sent to the bodies of the State Metrological Service.
The bodies of the State Metrological Service, in the process of implementing state supervision over compliance with metrological rules and norms, control the correctness of compiling lists of measuring instruments to be verified.

2.7. Each copy of measuring instruments must undergo periodic verification. Periodic verification may not be subject to measuring instruments that are in long-term storage. Periodic verification of measuring instruments intended for measuring (reproducing) several quantities or having several measurement ranges, but used for measuring (reproducing) a smaller number of quantities or on a smaller number of measurement ranges, is allowed, based on the decision of the chief metrologist or the head of a legal entity, to be carried out only for those the requirements of regulatory documents for verification, which determine the suitability of measuring instruments for the applied number of values ​​and the applied measurement ranges.
An appropriate entry must be made in operational documents.

2.8. The results of periodic verification are valid during the verification interval.

2.9. The first verification interval is established during type approval.
Bodies of the State Metrological Service and legal entities are obliged to keep records of the results of periodic verifications and develop recommendations for adjusting the calibration intervals, taking into account the specifics of their application.

2.10 . Adjustment of calibration intervals is carried out by the body of the State Metrological Service in agreement with the metrological service of the legal entity.

2.11. In cases where the consent of the parties under paragraph 2.10. not achieved, the results of the studies, allowing to make a conclusion about the change in the calibration intervals, are transferred to the state scientific metrological centers, which give the appropriate conclusion.

2.12. Periodic verification can be carried out on the territory of the user, the body of the State Metrological Service or a legal entity accredited for the right to verify.
The place of verification is chosen by the user of measuring instruments, based on economic factors and the possibility of transporting verified measuring instruments and standards.

2.13. Measuring instruments must be submitted for verification at the request of the State Metrological Service body, depreserved, together with a technical description, operating instructions, verification methodology, passport or certificate of the last verification, as well as the necessary accessories.

2.14. Extraordinary verification is carried out during operation (storage) of measuring instruments at:
damage to the sign of the verification mark, as well as in case of loss of the certificate of verification;
commissioning of measuring instruments after long-term storage (more than one calibration interval);
re-adjustment or adjustment, known or suspected impact on the measuring instrument, or unsatisfactory performance of the instrument.

2.15. Inspection verification is carried out to determine the suitability for the use of measuring instruments in the implementation of state metrological supervision.

2.15.1. Inspection verification may not be carried out in full, provided for by the verification procedure.

2.15.2. The results of the inspection verification are reflected in the inspection report.

2.15.3 . Inspection verification is carried out in the presence of a representative of the legal or natural person being checked.

2.16. Verification within the framework of the metrological examination, carried out on behalf of the court, prosecutor's office, arbitration court and federal executive authorities, is carried out at their written request. Based on the results of the verification, a conclusion is drawn up, which is approved by the head of the body of the State Metrological Service, and sent to the applicant. One copy of the conclusion must be kept in the body of the State Metrological Service that carried out the verification.


3.1. Legal entities and individuals releasing measuring instruments from production or repair, importing measuring instruments and using them for the purpose of operation, rental or sale, are obliged to submit measuring instruments for verification in a timely manner.

3.2. The bodies of the State Metrological Service carry out verification of measuring instruments on the basis of verification schedules drawn up by legal entities and individuals.

3.3. Verification schedules are drawn up by types of measurements in the form presented in Appendix 3.

3.4. Verification schedules are drawn up for a period set by the owners of measuring instruments.

3.5. The deadlines for submitting verification schedules are established by the bodies of the State Metrological Service.

3.6. Verification schedules can be adjusted depending on the change in the nomenclature and the number of measuring instruments.

3.7. Verification schedules are sent to the body of the State Metrological Service, in the serviced territory of which the owners of measuring instruments are located. Verification schedules are drawn up in triplicate.

3.8. Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the calibration schedules for the Measuring Instruments, the body of the State Metrological Service reviews them.

3.9. The procedure for reviewing and agreeing on verification schedules is established by the head of the body of the State Metrological Service.

3.10. When considering the verification schedules, the measuring instruments are determined, the verification of which is carried out in the body of the State Metrological Service.

3.11. These measuring instruments are marked in the third copy, which is returned for information to the Applicant.

3.12. The response may indicate other bodies of the State Metrological Service or legal entities that can provide verification of measuring instruments that are not provided with verification in this body of the State Metrological Service.

3.13. The applicant re-sends the verification schedules to another body of the State Metrological Service or a legal entity of his choice, which coordinates them.

3.14. When agreeing on verification schedules, they check the completeness of information about the measuring instruments submitted for verification, specify the place, timing, scope of verification, as well as payment.

3.15. The first copy of the agreed verification schedules and signed by the head of the body of the State Metrological Service is sent to the Applicant.

3.16. Delivery of measuring instruments for verification is provided by legal entities and individuals - owners of measuring instruments.
Measuring instruments are handed over for verification to the bodies of the State Metrological Service against receipt.

3.17. Responsibility for the safety of measuring instruments lies with the body of the State Metrological Service in accordance with applicable law.

Attachment 1

(name of the body of the State Metrological Service, legal entity)


Appendix 2

Appendix 3

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