The coldest spring Why is it so cold in spring? What did the April frosts and snowfalls lead to in Ukraine

As always in such cases, global warming is blamed for everything. The RIAMO correspondent talked to experts and found out what is really going on with the climate of the Moscow region.

The ghost of global warming

The term "global warming" itself appeared in 1975: it was mentioned by Wallace Broker in an article on climate change trends as a result of anthropogenic factors. These trends are constantly monitored by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. And the Kyoto Protocol, signed at the UN conference in 1997, is designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions by participating countries. Therefore, on the one hand, climate change on Earth is under international control.

On the other hand, global climate processes raise questions among ordinary inhabitants of the planet, and in particular, the Moscow region. Since the world is experiencing global warming - then why is the beginning of summer in the capital region so cold?

However, experts say that the climate is not an area where it is worth drawing superficial conclusions, despite obvious changes.

Yury Varakin, head of the situational center of Roshydromet, emphasizes that in order to confirm or deny that certain changes are taking place in the climate, it is necessary to monitor the situation for years, and the climate “step” is thirty years. Based on observational data for thirty years, statistical indicators are displayed: averages for a day or for a certain date, average daily temperature or maximum temperature that has been observed for thirty years, etc.

Winter in May: the coldest weather in the Moscow region in 100 years>>

Moscow suburbs - in the comfort zone

Moscow and the Moscow region are prosperous regions compared to those places where fires, droughts or floods are happening right now.

“We do not have such natural disasters as in Central and South Asia. Every year, thousands of people die from floods, not because a tree fell on their heads, but because houses are blown away as a result of a tropical downpour. Now there is an abnormal heat wave in Japan: several children have died of heat stroke, hundreds of people with overheating are in hospitals,” says Yuri Varakin.

However, the cold with which this summer began can be explained by the same global processes as the violence of the elements in other parts of the planet.

According to research by the Hydrometeorological Center, the reason for the recurrence of very cold and hot periods, dry and rainy periods is that the temperature on the planet rises unevenly.

“In the equatorial territories, warming is less noticeable than at the poles, and as a result, the temperature difference between them is decreasing. This temperature difference between the equator and the pole is the basis for the emergence of circulation in the atmosphere, ”explains Roman Vilfand, director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.

According to forecasters, the processes in the atmosphere are slowing down.

How weather changes affect the human condition>>

Human factor

However, all climatic anomalies and natural disasters that have recently occurred on the territory of Russia, in addition to global ones, have quite local reasons.

Pollution of rivers, silting of reservoirs, huge garbage dumps - all this contributes to the fact that the consequences of the rampant elements were more severe. Experts believe that sometimes the precipitation itself is not so terrible as its consequences due to purely economic problems and the human factor.

He adds that in the conditions of a metropolis, where heating mains and communications pass under the asphalt, trees cannot live more than 60-70 years, their root system is destroyed and the tree dries up.

Forecasters said that the snow that fell in Moscow in June is not an anomaly>>

The myth of long-range forecasts

Forecasters say that forecasts should always be made with great care: the longer the forecast period, the less reliable it is. Seven to ten days is the maximum period, and on its last dates the probability of an error increases significantly.

Despite this, the Hydrometeorological Center has a special department of long-range weather forecasts that compiles data for the season, but its method of work is based on statistical modeling for the analogous year.

“Suppose we need to develop a forecast for two months: we take the results of observations at a given point six months ago and, according to certain criteria, look for what is called an “analogue year”. That is, they are looking for a year in which, like ours now, February was very cold, and March and April were above the climatic norm. Then they look at what, for example, August was that year. And on the basis of this, they predict what the current August will be like. But this does not take into account what was August or March-April on another continent or in the southern hemisphere. It is possible that these things affect the climate in our country. Therefore, such models are scientific, but they are not enough for us yet, ”says the weather forecaster on duty at the Phobos weather center Alexander Sinenkov.

Be that as it may, according to Andrei Skvortsov, in the near future, residents of the Moscow region can still hope for good weather.

“In the next week, we will have about the same thing as now, up to plus 18-22 degrees, then rain, then the sun. The cyclone is standing - it will turn its cold side, then it will turn warm. But towards the end of next week, this structure may collapse - and we will get warmer,” the expert notes.

"Summer in "refresh" mode - how social media users met the June snow>>

A sharp cold snap and snowfalls enveloped the countries of Western and Eastern Europe. So, on April 13, heavy snow with the wind hit St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. On the eve of snowfalls were observed in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Switzerland. Also, cold snaps and snow spread to other regions of Russia.

However, on April 15 in Vladivostok (it is located in the Far East of Russia, far from Europe), on the contrary, there was an abnormal warming. The temperature record was broken - the thermometers rose here to +21.5 degrees. Until that moment, April 15, 1947 was considered the warmest in decades of observations, when the temperature was 3.6 degrees lower.

The streets of German, Czech, Polish, Hungarian cities were covered with snow again. There again formed snowdrifts of impressive size. This is confirmed, for example, by snowfall in the suburbs of Budapest.

It didn’t just snow here: the surroundings of the Hungarian capital were covered with snow. The official account of the Hungaroring (Formula 1 circuit, in the city of Modyorod) published a video showing the extent of the weather anomaly.

Also, weather forecaster Natalya Didenko commented on her Facebook page that snow was flying around Warsaw, confirming what was said in the post with a photograph.

Arctic cold and snowfalls have not bypassed our country either. Snow blankets covered the Dnieper, Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Poltava and other cities of Ukraine.

It is noteworthy that such a cold, and even more snowfall, has not yet happened two weeks before the May holidays. That is why the April snowfall can be called an anomalous phenomenon.

Causes of the April "apocalypse"

Forecasters complain about the cyclone, which led to corresponding changes in the climate of our country and throughout Western and Eastern Europe. A cyclone approached from the Black Sea, which after Easter brought a serious cold snap with precipitation and night frosts for the working week.

“Although the cyclone is from the south, the air is so cool that the wet mass from the Black Sea, having come to the cold territory, will give snow. According to the forecast, Dnipropetrovsk region is the most in the bad weather zone,” Didenko explained.

The hydrometeorological center reported that on the night of Thursday, April 20, frosts and sub-zero temperatures are expected throughout the country at night and in the morning. Everything is explained by the fact that another powerful Arctic cyclone has come to Ukraine, due to which temperatures will drop in all corners of the country.

“One cyclone has come, and now the next one will still be. So the weather remains difficult for now. Snow will still be associated with today’s cyclone in the east. will weaken and stop. But from the south-west, a new cyclone will affect the weather of the Carpathian region, the Odessa region, and then spread to the southern and central regions. There will again be snow in the central regions. Especially heavy snowfalls will be. That is, the same situation that was before And in general, cold weather will continue in Ukraine,” said Lyudmila Savchenko, head of the meteorological forecasting department of the Ukrhydrometeorological center.

It is reported that over the next five days in Ukraine predict a new cooling. Frosts are expected in the western and northern regions.

In Kyiv, without precipitation, only on Saturday and Sunday it will rain in the capital, and sleet can fly by on Saturday night. Interestingly, according to the Central Geophysical Observatory in Kyiv on April 18, the highest temperature during the day was 25.1° in 1920, and the lowest at night was -4.7° in 1895.

When can we expect warmer temperatures?

According to the forecasts of official forecasters and folk forecasters, real warming and heat will come only by the May holidays. Forecaster Natalya Didenko, in turn, said that in Ukraine the cold weather will last until April 22-23. Frosts at night, during the day - barely above zero.

Photo: Victoria Simonenko

"Warming is likely from April 23-24.But the nights will still be cold", the forecaster said.

The head of the department of meteorological forecasts of the Ukrhydrometcentre, Lyudmila Savchenko, said that a slight warming in Ukraine is possible on April 22-23.

What did the April frosts and snowfalls lead to in Ukraine?

Snowfalls not only spoiled the mood of most citizens of the country, but also led to more serious consequences. Thus, the Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Omelyan said that seven people had already died due to abnormal weather conditions and violation of traffic rules in the afternoon of Wednesday April 19. Even more injured.

In six regions of Ukraine, 152 settlements were left without electricity. Zaporozhye, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions were covered by the heaviest snowfalls, which led to transport collapses. In the wake of a sharp cold snap, the authorities of Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kremenchug decided to resume heating.

Schools in Nikolaev, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions have suspended the educational process due to a sharp cold snap.

In Kyiv, despite the cold snap, no decisions were made to stop classes. Local authorities also do not intend to resume the heating season.

The cold snap and snowfall also led to the suspension of several airports at once. So, in Kharkiv, due to bad weather, the airport cancels and reschedules flights. Due to the snow collapse, the local airport in Dnipro was forced to suspend its work: trees fell in several places in the city, power lines were cut. Also, at the capital's Boryspil airport, they have already reported that flights from Kharkiv and Dnipro are canceled or rescheduled due to snowfall.

Climatic changes with the Arctic cyclone will have a direct proportional effect on plants. Vladimir Kvasha, a researcher at the Nikolai Grishko National Botanical Garden, commented on how the cold will hit the crop.

“First of all, frosts threaten flowering trees - cherries and apricots. The latter, just more thermophilic. Therefore, there is more risk for it. The problem is that there is no pollination of trees, the bees have hidden. harvest," said the researcher of the botanical garden.

All news about a sharp cold snap, snowfall in Ukraine.

British professor Paul Williams closely studied the video of the Moscow hurricane. Is this really going to be the norm in our latitudes? What Muscovites experienced this week could easily be repeated, because along with climate change in the world, the world itself is changing.

I don’t want to believe that according to these indicators, our country will catch up and overtake America, where hurricanes are a common thing. Every inhabitant of the central part of Russia is concerned about the question: where did the summer disappear and when will it finally appear?

Meteorologists assure that summer will come and even give Moscow heat. However, it is worth hoping that this heat will also not be abnormal. Residents of the capital come to their senses after. Few of those who took an interest in the weather forecast in the morning could see something frightening there - a forecast as a forecast. On May 29, the hydrometeorological center promised the townspeople cloudiness, a small thunderstorm and a westerly wind at a speed of 12 meters per second.

It seemed that in order to save yourself from the vagaries of nature, it was enough just to take an umbrella with you. But at 15:00, a suddenly rising wind began to snatch umbrellas from the hands of those who were not lucky enough to be on the street, and after a few minutes it was not even wind, but a real hurricane also effortlessly uprooted and threw trees through the streets, demolished roofs and brought down power lines . It's not that the forecasters were wrong in their forecasts - in the Moscow region the wind really blew at the promised speed. But what happened in the capital was what is called the wind tunnel effect: on long streets, avenues and highways, the air flow, squeezed by skyscrapers, accelerated to hurricane speeds of 30 meters per second and swept through the capital from west to east with a crushing squall, sweeping away everything in its path. After a terrifying storm, Moscow resembled the set of a disaster movie, and the city authorities counted the damage: 243 houses were damaged, more than 2,000 cars were smashed, 14,000 trees were knocked down.

All this, of course, is fixable: houses can be repaired, and insurance can be obtained for dented cars, but it is no longer possible to return those that have become. 11-year-old Anya Makeeva played in the yard on the playground, student Dasha Antonova hurried home from lectures, and pensioner Nikolai Kotov was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. Perhaps all of them would have survived if they had received an SMS that day warning that it was dangerous to go out.

It is unlikely that their relatives and friends will be consoled by the fact that such a devastating hurricane has never been in Moscow over the past 100 years. For a long time there has not been such a cold spring, which has now turned into the same. Scientists say that what we saw this week in Moscow could easily be repeated - after all, along with climate change in the world, the world itself is changing.

So is this really the norm in our latitudes now? Details are in the report. NTV correspondent Andrey Sukhanov.

Weather conditions change every year. If you look at previous seasons, it becomes clear that various cataclysms constantly occur in nature. With what it can be connected?

First of all, man has a very great influence on nature. With the constant development of industry in the world, man is increasingly conquering the spaces occupied by forests and fields. This has a negative impact on weather conditions in certain areas.

This year, spring really lingered and does not want to turn into summer. In my memory, I don’t remember that there were no warm days during the whole of May. It rains constantly, cold nights and cool days - spring is more like autumn. Plants and trees bloomed very late. In general, the weather has shifted by one month, that is, April has come to the place of May, and so on.

Perhaps such processes are associated with another process: in recent years, the Moon has been very close to our planet and there is an opinion that its influence on our planet is much higher than the effect of the sun. Hence the cold weather.

We can only hope that warm summer weather will soon set in and people will have a great vacation.

Read more information.

The summer of 2017 did not bring any joy to the citizens of Russia. Throughout June, there are heavy rains, showers and even hurricanes. The abnormally cold summer of 2017 spoils all plans. Indeed, in such weather it is difficult even to get home, not to go to the beach. Why is June so cold? Will the heavy rains stop? What to expect from July and August? What will the weather be like in the next months of summer?

Causes of abnormal summer 2017

Meteorologists believe that the cold summer came due to several reasons. First reason- abnormal heating of the Earth. The fact is that the mesosphere and other layers of the air shell are very hot. Because of this, the temperature on Earth is slowly decreasing. Scientists predict the consequences of such weather - not global warming, but global cooling, which could lead to an ice age.

The second reason- Launch of a Chinese satellite called Mo Tzu. It is the first satellite designed for quantum transmission of information on Earth. During the mission, the mechanism of quantum entanglement is being investigated, and test quantum teleportation is also being carried out. The first experiments were successful, but then something went wrong.

When the satellite begins to transmit information, negative air ions increase in the atmosphere, which contribute to the deterioration of the weather. Hurricanes and downpours form on Earth. In addition, monopoles appeared in the stratosphere. They were last seen in 1816, which was nicknamed the year without a summer. Then the main reason for the cold summer was the eruption of the Tambora volcano.

No matter how absurd this reason may be, world experts believe that the equipment on the satellite and the ongoing quantum operations can really affect the weather conditions of the planet. But they also report that soon everything should return to normal, and the long-awaited summer will come.

Third reason- "North Atlantic bloc". According to meteorologists, the "North Atlantic block" is an anticyclone. A powerful high pressure ridge has formed at the middle level of the troposphere, which does not allow air masses to pass from west to east. Now this block is located in the UK, so only Arctic air enters Russia.

Each of these reasons can affect the planet as a whole in its own way, but so far the result is the same - an abnormally cold summer is observed. One can only hope that July and August 2017 will bring the citizens of Russia a little more warmth than June.

Forecasts for July and August 2017

According to meteorologists, there will be no abnormal heat in the summer of 2017. But already in July, the thermometer scale will begin to rise. A long coolness will be replaced by a real summer. The air temperature is expected to reach +26 - 29 degrees. After the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the temperature will rise by a few more degrees.

According to the popular forecast, in July, the Russians will again expect rain. Indeed, in the middle of the month the rains will return for several days. But the end of the month will please with the absence of abnormal weather. It will be warm, the temperature will rise to 32 degrees.

According to the people's forecast, the weather in August will constantly fluctuate. The first week of the month will start with quite hot weather. This week will be the peak of the heat wave of the anomalous summer of 2017 in Moscow. Residents of Russia are advised to visit the beaches and sunbathe a little. Meteorologists pay attention to the fact that forest fires are possible at this time.

After a week of heat, we will again have to go through several rainy days. From 25 degrees Celsius the temperature will drop to 17 degrees. A little more heat should be expected in the second half of the month. August will end with heavy rain and cold winds.

The summer of 2017 will bring not only heavy rains, but also wonderful summer warmth. Every resident of Russia will be able to enjoy the hot weather. Do not get upset ahead of time, even an abnormally cold summer will end one day.

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