New sign for the transportation of children. Is it necessary to install the sign "Transportation of children" on cars? Rules for the transportation of children's groups

All road users, both pedestrians and drivers with passengers, especially when transporting children in a car, are all exposed to various kinds of dangers along the way. Accidents and accidents happen even for no apparent reason. They are always unexpected, meaningless, offensive, and most importantly, they can lead to big problems. In order to protect everyone in the car and reduce the risk of serious consequences, you should clearly follow the rules of the road.

The task of the driver is to ensure that adult passengers use seat belts. If there are children in the car, arrange them in the safest way. When traveling in a car with children, you must follow the rules for transporting children in a car.

Rules for transporting children in a car according to traffic rules

The most important rule regarding the transportation of children in a car: the transportation of children under 12 years old in a car and younger must be carried out fixed on the seat using a special restraint device.

  • children under 7 years of age can be transported in a car only in car seats and using boosters (seat belt adapters and guide straps are prohibited);
  • from the age of 7, a child, when driving in a car in the front seat, must be in a child car seat, a booster is put on or another restraint is used;
  • children from 7 years old, when driving in a car in the back seat, are allowed to be transported without car seats, using standard seat belts.

These devices are commonly referred to as car seats and infant carriers, but sometimes they just look like height-adapted seats with a pillow and an outer triangle located on the abdomen or chest. Retaining straps are attached to this rigid apron. These non-standard designs fall under the wording of "other means ... allowing you to safely fasten the child with belts ... provided for by the design of the vehicle" (paragraph 22.9 of the SDA)

How to transport a newborn in a car according to the rules

Infants (up to six months) ride in a car while in a cradle. Inside it has latches that securely hold the child. The cradle itself is attached to the seat belts in the back seat. In this case, the arrangement is obtained perpendicular to the direction of the vehicle.

From six months to a year, it is recommended to carry babies in a special chair where they can both lie down and sit. Such child restraints can even be placed in the front seat - if the mother is driving, the child will be calmer there. Moreover, they install the chair so that the child sees either the front windshield or the rear window. The second option is preferable, because. causes less anxiety for the baby - he sees his mother's (or father's) face. Parents don't have to turn their heads to look at it either.

Important! When placing the restraint in front, it is necessary to turn off the airbag mechanism - in an emergency, it can cause great harm to the baby, severely injure him.

Rules for transporting young children in a car

Children older than a year and a half are transplanted into a car seat, which will be used until about 4 years old. Parents usually mount it securely in the back seat of the car, although forward transport is also possible. Different backrest configurations and child restraints in the car eliminate the risk of injury at the time of an accident. The FEST child restraint is especially common.

The difference in the dimensions of a one-year-old child and a four-five-year-old is quite significant. Therefore, when choosing a chair with a baby, you should not buy a chair "for growth". The chair should immediately be ergonomic, and the younger the child, the more important it is. If the safety curves, latches, and straps do not fall into the physiologically intended areas, then the chair should be rejected and other designs should be inquired.

In some cases, an additional pillow, securely fixed inside the device, will help, which will raise the child a little, shift the proportions. It is important that during the transportation of children in a car it is possible to prevent the child from slipping out of the seat, as well as a rough impact on risk areas (neck, solar plexus). Fixation in the chair should be strong and reliable, but not tight and painful.

Rules for the transportation of schoolchildren

It is at this age that the car seat is most often replaced with a booster - a high rigid pillow with armrests. This device does not have its own restraints, but allows the child with certain parameters to "fit" into the framework of standard seat belts.

Manufacturers claim that it is possible to transport children in a booster from the age of 3, and some from 9 months, but reality indicates that this is premature. For small children, one belt, even the most durable and well-suited, is not enough, it will not be able to reliably and conveniently fix the position of the body.

Therefore, the best option is to transfer a student to a booster when the previous chair is not enough. This fact is perceived positively by the child almost always, because. clearly shows that he has grown.

When choosing, you need to find a device in which the child will be comfortable right now, and not someday.

If it is not possible to purchase a booster, an adapter is put on the seat belt. This is a rather rigid device made of soft material that changes the direction of the standard car seat belt. With its use, the strap does not pass through the vital areas of the body and does not threaten injury. In addition, the fixation of the child becomes more reliable, because. belt is tighter.

Exception to the rule

The main criterion for judging the need for child restraint devices is now not so much age as height. The seat belts of the car are designed for passengers with a height of 150 cm. If a child under the age of 12 is more than one and a half meters tall, then he no longer needs special children's devices.

New rules for transporting children by bus - group transportation

The new rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses state that the transportation of children in vehicles of organized groups of children of more than 8 people is possible only by bus. It is forbidden to use micro- and minibuses as a vehicle.

Important! This rule does not apply to private trips of large families - they often have minivans and minibuses at their disposal. In this case, the rules for transporting children in a car apply. Also, according to the general rules, children from several families travel accompanied by their parents in a private vehicle.

The rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus and the rules for the transportation of schoolchildren on a bus state that an organization that transports children must have an appropriate license.

The bus is equipped with the sign "Children" on the windshield and rear window.

Before the trip, a complete list of children and accompanying persons from among the representatives of the sending organization is compiled, a route is developed with the designation of places and times of stops. Documents are received by the traffic police and issued to the driver.

Each seat is equipped with a seat belt. Before driving, the driver must make sure that all passengers are fastened. It is not allowed to carry passengers without providing a separate seat.

Unauthorized people are not allowed on the bus.

Transportation is carried out mainly during daylight hours.


For non-compliance with the rules for transporting children in a car, a fine is provided. Currently, its size is 3000 rubles.

Thus, traveling with children, even for the shortest distance, must be arranged in accordance with all the rules. The necessary safety equipment will help maintain health and life in the most difficult traffic situations.

Children get used to following the rules without problems. Having met during the very first trips in their lives with the algorithm of actions before leaving and the rules of conduct on the way, they have no idea what could be different. This is a great way to instill the rules once and for all: parents just need to always follow them.

Problems arise for some adult motorists: not everyone considers it necessary to change something in the interior of the car in order to comply with safety requirements, not everyone is ready to spend money.

But in fairness, it must be said that most drivers treat the safety regulations and the rules for transporting children in a car very responsibly. It becomes good form to give not only a bath and a set of diapers for the birth of a child, but also a good car seat or cradle. This approach of young parents, as well as grandparents, who do not forget to install devices for their grandchildren in their cars, cannot but rejoice.

The number of motorists is growing every day. And children who grew up in strict compliance with safety requirements will become excellent road users in the future.

The main document regulating the rules of behavior on the road is traffic rules. With regards to children, the significant sign is "Caution Children" 1.23 according to traffic rules. Compliance with the rules is very important, because, otherwise, irreparable consequences may arise, for which the violating driver will be legally punished.

Of no small importance to drivers should be given to such a sign of traffic rules, which warns motorists about the possible appearance of children in the area.

Where is it installed?

The caution road sign is classified as a warning sign by children, and it must be installed where there is an increased likelihood of children appearing.

These are, as a rule, places on the road, near which children's institutions will be located, be it schools, kindergartens, sports clubs and other organizations for children and adolescents. In addition, the sign can be installed in other places where it was noticed that children often cross the roadway, but there is no pedestrian crossing on the site.

And according to the traffic rules, along with this warning sign, there should also be an additional plate that will indicate how long the sign will be valid for.

But it is worth noting, since the sign is only a warning measure, it does not oblige the driver to any restrictions.

In this case, the motorist only needs to have increased attention on the road, and reduce the speed of his movement in order to be able to react quickly if necessary and stop his vehicle.

If on a section of the road in a settlement, there is a possibility that children can cross the road here, the sign should be installed no less than 50 meters from the beginning of the dangerous section.

But any driver must understand that children do not always follow the rules and treat their behavior on the road with responsibility and understanding, therefore, even if there is no picture of a child, you should not forget about caution. Being vigilant on the road can be life-saving.

Designation when transporting children on the vehicle

If group transportation of children is planned by road, the rules establish special requirements for this. First of all, this is the presence of special plates, both in front and behind on the vehicle, which will indicate that the passengers are children. Also, each child must have a separate seat. And of course, the presence of an adult escort who is with small passengers in vehicles will be a mandatory requirement.

The plate affixed to the vehicle will be a yellow square with a picture of two running children in a red border.

Moreover, the size of the plate at the back should be larger than the front sign.

Driver and vehicle requirements

And a number of restrictions will be applied to the driver of a vehicle with such indicators, the implementation of which is strictly mandatory:

  • First of all, this is a low speed of movement, namely, no more than 60 km / h;
  • When disembarking or embarking children on the roadway, vehicles must have an emergency alarm on. It is necessary to warn other road users about small passengers, so other drivers need to be especially careful;
  • Even before the start of the journey, the entire route must be drawn up and agreed upon. It is forbidden to make any changes to it during the journey;
  • In the cabin of the vehicle, in addition to children, their personal belongings and hand luggage, there should not be any foreign objects and cargo;
  • It is a prohibition for the driver to leave the vehicle until the last child leaves it;
  • If children are transported in a convoy of several cars, then overtaking is prohibited;
    It is not allowed for such vehicles with a warning about the transportation of children to reverse.

This sign, which warns of the possibility of children on the road, namely "Beware of Children", was adopted by the UN convention in Vienna, and it is valid worldwide.

Distinctive in it will be only the design of the plate itself. If in Russia, this is an image of two running children, then, for example, in Burma, this is a picture with a grandmother who is pulling a baby along with her.


So, what this sign looks like, every driver should know, since he will be responsible for an accident on the road with his vehicle and a minor pedestrian.

Low-quality gasoline and its impact on the condition of the car

Gasoline is the fuel most commonly used in internal combustion engines (ICEs).

This fuel is obtained from oil, by distillation, as well as further chemical processing. The liquid itself should be transparent and have a sharp specific smell.

"Blind spots": description and methods of dealing with them

Blind spots, better known to motorists as the "blind spot", are a major hazard on the roads. But if an experienced driver knows what a "blind zone" is and how to deal with it, then for a person who has just got behind the wheel, this statement does not carry any semantic load.

But all's well that ends well. In our case, when we become road users, it is necessary to pay attention to the slightest change in the situation on the roadway.

Safety for pets while traveling by car

The contented face of a dog riding in the front seat next to the driver always cheers up other road users. We all love to take our four-legged pets with us on the road.

Any trip to the country house or a picnic can turn out to be holidays for your dog, and a trip to the veterinary clinic can be sadness. But regardless of why and where we are taking our furry friends, it is necessary to remember the rules of transportation.

Transportation of small and large animals

Animals such as hamsters, rats, cats, etc. must be transported in a special container or cage. This is due to the fact that a frightened animal may try to jump out of an open window, crawl under the seat or, even worse, under the driver's feet.

Therefore, no matter how you feel sorry for your pet, place it in a cage for the duration of transportation.

Engine failure - repair or buy a new one

Engine failure

Typically, the engine resource for domestic vehicles is about 150 thousand kilometers, and for foreign cars twice as much. With the right approach, the motor will work much more.

The most common mistakes in understanding traffic rules in different countries and the consequences

Every year thousands and even tens of thousands of drivers are fined by traffic police officers. This happens for one simple reason - violation of traffic rules. It would seem that everyone studied at a driving school in the same way and then passed exams, but this is somewhat different.

Oddly enough, even the most exemplary drivers get into curious situations, and not at all because they wanted to violate, but because they misunderstood the interpretation of some traffic rules.

Who is to blame for not knowing?

Oddly enough, one of the key reasons that the driver misunderstands the interpretation of traffic rules is that his teacher at a driving school failed to convey the essence, or rather, to convey it not in a distorted form.

For this simple reason, it can be said with great confidence that the teacher's mistake leads to the creation of an emergency on the roadway, fines and other unpleasant events.

How to remember traffic rules tickets before the exam: useful tips and tricks

There are different driving schools where teaching methods can differ significantly from each other. But no matter how different these institutions are, at the final stage of training, everyone takes an exam. This, without any doubt, is a very responsible and important step in the life of every future motorist. Tickets for traffic rules change every year, so no one can simply take and cheat.

Although we can say that there is an alternative way - a bribe. And since a person always follows the path of least resistance, a part does so. But there are several significant nuances here. Firstly, it is quite expensive, and secondly, such drivers are not encouraged on the roads.

Therefore, if you are one of those who are going to pass on the rights on their own, then get ready for the fact that it will not be easy, very difficult.

Identification sign "Transportation of children" should be installed only on buses with organized transportation of children.

After those who entered after which a new one appeared for drivers, we received a huge number of requests regarding the installation of the identification mark "Transportation of children" on cars.

The question proceeds from the requirements of paragraph 8 of the basic provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation, following which the identification mark "Transportation of children" must be installed on the vehicle.

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

"Transportation of children" - in the form of a yellow square with a red border (border width - 1/10 of the side), with a black image of the symbol of road sign 1.23 (the side of the square of the identification sign located in front of the vehicle must be at least 250 mm, rear - 400 mm);

Unlike the requirements for the installation of other identification marks, the conditions for installation are not specified for the "Children's Transportation" sign, from which we can conclude that it must be installed on all vehicles, including those that do not transport children. There are no conditions that you need to install only a vehicle carrying children. Sounds ridiculous.

The whole charm of legal acts is that if something is not indicated in one, then it is indicated in another. It is necessary to find requirements obliging the installation of this sign. The requirements for drivers in the first place are, of course, the Rules of the Road.

Logic suggests that the sign is directly related to , and we will look for it there.

General requirements are indicated in clause 22.9 of the SDA.

22.9. Transportation of children is allowed provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car - only with the use of child restraints.

It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years of age in the back seat of a motorcycle.

There is not a word about the sign, you can already calm down, requirements for drivers to install a sign with dimensions of 40x40 cm. - no. Naturally, the question remains, where and when to install it? We continue the search in the Rules of the road. We can easily find the requirements for organized transportation of children in clause 22.6.

22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in a bus marked with identification signs "Transportation of children".

In this paragraph, we already see a link to another document and a direct mention of the sign "Transportation of children". The installation of this identification mark is directly related to the organized transportation of children, which is regulated by separate additional rules.

If the goal is already set to find a direct requirement for installing a sign, with your permission, we will skip a few links of binding documents and turn directly to the requirements of GOST R 51160-98 Buses for transporting children. Technical requirements"

4.5.19 Front and rear of the bus must be installed identification signs "Transportation of children" in accordance with the Rules of the road of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the “exit” to the sign “transportation of children” goes from GOST through the SDA and already to paragraph 8 of the main provisions on the admission of vehicles for operation. In case of normal transportation of children in private cars, taxi cars, public transport, it is not required to install an identification sign "Transportation of children".

- exterior sticker on vinylglued on the outside on the glass or the body of a vehicle for transporting children
- inner sticker (with glue in the image) printed on vinyl film, glued from the inside bus on glass
- perforated film- this is a material with small holes around the entire perimeter, it almost does not block the view of the road from inside the car (such a sticker is, as it were, translucent - it passes up to 50% of the image from the street due to very small holes). This is an outdoor signtransportation of childrenon the glass of the bus.
- removable signon 4 suction cupsfrombannerfabrics, such a sign can be removed and twisted into a tube so as not to interfere with the transportation of adult passengers. You can when you need and where it is convenient to attach the sign to the glassfrom withinbus (school, tourist or custom)in the case of group transportation of children.

- removable plate on magnetic vinyl- it is removablesign "transportation of children" which the magnetizeson the iron body of the bus.

Choose the options you need: size and material under the price and add desired sign to the basket .Keep in mind that, foraccommodation on the windshield bus, sign required size 25x25 cm, and placed at the back sign size 40x40 cm (this size is recommended order with delivery in a box for 200 rubles, is issued in the basket so that your order does not come to you wrinkled in the mail).

These stickers and signs warning about the carriage of children are used in the design of school buses that will be designed to transport schoolchildren, such buses must have a bright yellow color and colorographic signs "Transportation of children" in accordance with the dimensions of GOST and traffic rules.

To order we can make a sign for yousign" CAREFULLYCHILDREN" for the bus in bulk (prices need to be calculated), as well as if you need this sign on thin plastic PVC (1-5 mm) or on magnetic vinyl(for temporary attachment to the metal body of the bus) - send an application to our mail: [email protected]

We can promptly deliver your order with stickers "Transportation of children" in Russia transport companySDEK before her warehouse in your city or to the door office, apartment - by courier! Delivery is up to you when placing an order in the basket!

ATTENTION! Identification sign "Transportation of children" must be installed only on buses with organized transportation of children. During normal transportation of children on private cars, taxi cars, in public transport, it is not required to install an identification mark "Transportation of children" !!!

identification sign "TRANSPORTATION OF CHILDREN» for vehicle

Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with the Rules of the Road, as well as the Rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by buses(approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2013 № 1177 ), in a bus marked with identification marks "Transportation of children" (paragraph 23.6 of the SDA)

A vehicle carrying children must haveplaques on the front and behind, indicating that it is carrying children. plate"Transportation of children" is a yellow square with a black silhouette of two running children (road sign symbol 1.23) bordered with red (border width - 1/10 side). front plate, hosted on the windshield, should have dimensions of 25x25 cm, and the plate placed at the back - 40x40 cm.On the outer sides of the body, as well as front and rear along the axis of symmetry of the bus contrasting inscriptions must be applied « CHILDREN» in straight capital letters not less than 25 cm high and thickness equal to 1/10 of its height. We produce all these stickers and signs according to the requirements of GOST and SDA, choose them and place an order.

According to the definition of the Rules of the Road: " Organized transportation of a group of children"- is transportation in a bus that is not related to a route vehicle, a group of children of 8 or more people, carried out without their parents or other legal representatives.


3 article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Rules of the Road, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles, on officials- 25,000 rubles, for legal entities- 100,000 rubles.Within the framework of this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, individual entrepreneurs are considered as legal entities!!!

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