Inhumans crawled out to feed themselves with the blood of the catastrophe. Inhumans crawled out to feed themselves with the blood of catastrophe

Yesterday's tragedy stirred up not only Russians, but the whole world. The TU-154 disaster, in which 92 people died, turned into a kind of test of humanity. Particularly distinguished themselves, of course, non-brothers from Ukraine. What people who fiercely hate Russia and its citizens did not write on social networks.

"A Christmas gift", - as stated by the Odessa activist Victoria Siberia.

Other representatives of the Maidan intelligentsia, including officials, did not lag behind her. In addition to mocking the death of artists and the military, some "kinds" of Ukrainians also offered to bring fish food to the Russian embassy in Kiev or hawthorn tincture in order to "capture a historical moment."

The only thing that pleases is that there were not so many such non-brothers, not counting the ardent representatives of the new fascist regime. Already on the afternoon of December 25 in Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa, city residents began to bring flowers to the Russian consulates together to honor the memory of the dead.

In Odessa, the pilgrimage continued until late in the evening, and even today Odessans come to the embassy with flowers, candles and notes: Odessa is mourning.

Kharkiv residents also do not lag behind their compatriots, bringing flowers to the Russian consulate in an unceasing stream. The Book of Sorrow at the Embassy is full of sincere condolences: "Kharkov mourns with you". In addition, many of the residents of the First Capital apologize to the Russians for the behavior of their, so to speak, fellow citizens: “People live here too.”

In turn, the residents of Kyiv also express their condolences to the Russians: "Russia. Kyiv mourns with you.”

So who are the Ukrainians? Humans or nonhumans? It seems that it is impossible to judge everyone for the actions of individual, so to speak, individuals. Those who rejoice at the tragic death of the Russians are definitely worthy of at least censure, and at the most - part 1 of article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( "Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as the humiliation of human dignity"), which happened to the scandalous liberal journalist Bozhena Rynskaya.

You can't change geography. You can build a border wall and dig a moat. Stop flights and even trains. But they will still be there. Every fifth passenger car in the summer Crimea has a yellow-blue number and codes of mainland Ukraine. Up to four million guest workers with "trident" passports. Relatives, acquaintances and Kyiv friends who start calling again.

We are doomed to be with these people. But how? After the tragedy in the Sinai desert, you are looking for the answer to this question with particular pain.

Our liberals should be proud of like-minded people on the banks of the Dnieper. Wild, unimaginable joy overwhelmed the Ukrainian "Europeans" immediately after the news of the disaster with the liner, which was carrying more than two hundred people from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. Including 25 children, which only added to the celebration of the "great ukram".

The wreckage of Airbus had not yet cooled down, as the zombies of Ukrainian social networks began to dance on the bones. Maidan Halloween 2015 was a success. Schadenfreude flares up even in feigned condolences.

“Today I have a holiday, there are 230 fewer bastards, I’m especially glad that from Peter,”- writes a certain RashaMast Dai.

“Znayomiy vchora zhak moved. Axis of the hedgehog Skoda. Translated from the language - a friend of the hedgehog moved yesterday, that's a pity for the hedgehog ...

An incredible number of likes in the national network caused this post: “To my asshole, everything is worth the liquidation and self-elimination of carriers in the mutational gene of Kazlamordich. The stench deserved it. I will say one thing - the earth is self-cleansing in such a way.

The excitement of jubilation is such as if they won a personal victory, which they literally fostered, they themselves begged from the devil.

“It’s a pity that this one is not Kharkiv, not Kharkiv’s russo-wool,” an activist of the Azov battalion frankly exclaims. Clarifying, they say, the death of the “Katsap Kharkov cotton wool” is yet to come. A little earlier, the Garny lad posted a photo of a huge swastika that burned two weeks ago on the central square of Kharkov

“Guys, we are preparing jokes about dead Russian tourists, I want a holiday in the feed,”- a certain Pasha Petrishenko calls on his brothers. His photo in a personal account is a selfie with a deputy of the Rada, an adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko.

Addressing the Russians, the journalist of Radio Liberty Pavlo Khrishin proposes to calculate "how many more such planes need to be shot down in order to rid the world of you." Sadistic pathologies can be studied from the comments on the leading national information portals - Ukrainska Pravda,,

Many express themselves openly. Facebook, Twitter, Ukrainian pages of other social networks are full of obscene abuse against the victims of the disaster.

"The more Russians die, the less they will come to us,"- Viktor Sokolov, a resident of Kiev, hastens to express himself.

Naturally, versions are gnawed. The first is personal revenge. Putin. The President of the Russian Federation is commemorated here every day and for any reason. So, the “gods of goodness”, ISIS* and the Syrian opposition are taking revenge on the evil Kremlin god. Ukr-Internet refers to its own sources in the ranks of the ISIS avengers.

The second version is that the FSB orchestrated the catastrophe. Their plane was shot down on purpose to divert attention from the Malaysian Boeing and to show that Russia itself is suffering from terrorists. “They want to fool the world community for forgiveness for the Boeing!” Such nonsense also goes with a bang, thousands of users “liked” the version.

Many are happy to talk about the terrorist attack inside the plane. Good shahids brought down a bad Russian liner. The phrase "I hope it was a terrorist attack" is repeated very often.

And of course, the independent public was completely delighted with the discussion of the topic, allegedly Airbus was shot down by Russian combat aircraft. “Lapotniks from a gas station can’t manage something more complicated than a cart,” “Katsaps decided that ISIS militants were flying on the plane.”

Lean faces and poorly hidden joy in the eyes - this is how TV news anchors talk about the death of Russian tourists. But Internet forums and social network statuses are already an undisguised revelation, an open valve of hatred.

Actually, nothing new. A year and a half ago, even before the bloody battles of Donbass, their Internet also exploded with jubilation. Remember the May 2 burnt Odessa. No one thought to bring the perpetrators of the monstrous ritual murder to justice. They became vice-speakers, parliamentarians, did good business in the civil war.

Lovely first-year girls who poured Molotov cocktails into bottles near the Kulikovo field continue their happy students.

Later, there will be a network celebration in the shelled Mariupol and funny jokes to photographs of women's bodies torn apart by air bombs in Lugansk.

No matter how much it would like, Russia will have to evaluate all this seemingly virtual emotion. Desperately sharp columnist "KP" Alexander Grishin:

- They can not be called neither scum, nor bastards, nor scum. Because both those and others, and the third ones are still people. And these - these are no longer people. They walk, eat, recover, read, write, talk. They are worse than cannibals and worse than animals. Call them whatever you like, but they are not people, but non-humans. Ghouls, ghouls, evil spirits.

… But there is also a teddy bear and yesterday's flowers under the walls of the Russian consulate in Kyiv. Few mourning roses. However, people brought them.

The ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, a well-known politician from Kherson expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims of the disaster Alexey Zhuravko. He sincerely asks for forgiveness for the scum of his compatriots.

“Inside of me now are feelings of deep grief and boundless shame and anger. 224 people died. Terrible tragedy. Kingdom of heaven! At the same time, in some segments of the Ukrainian Internet, it is almost a holiday... I strongly ask the Russians and all citizens of the world not to associate these scoundrels with Ukrainians in any case! On behalf of 99% of Ukrainians (alas, 1% of 40 million is exactly a few hundred thousand), I apologize for the miserable evil spirits that gloat over grief,” the politician wrote.

Calls on compatriots to composure Head of the International Service of the Political Department of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR V. Brig:

"Don't waste your strength and nerves, and don't react to the scum rejoicing at the death of civilians on the plane."

“They rejoiced at the thousands of deaths in the Donbass. Creatures shedding crocodile tears about the Holodomor rejoiced that our pensioners were left without a livelihood. They rejoiced at the blockade, on which their military leadership and volunteers profited. They rejoiced that our children were sitting in bomb shelters, and were indignant that Russia dared to send humanitarian convoys, ignoring the cries of the West and local bastards.”

“Having blessed his leadership for murder, violence, robbery and looting, personally killing and torturing, helping those who came here a thousand kilometers - to someone else's house - to restore their order; every flawed idiot wrapped in a Petliura rag must remember that karma is a serious thing. Sooner or later, retribution is coming. Amen".

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* The "Islamic State" (ISIS) by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 was recognized as a terrorist organization, its activities in Russia are prohibited

How Ukrainians lied about the Russian Tu-154 aircraft shot down over the Black Sea 13 years ago

In 2001, the Ukrainian military shot down a Russian Tu-154, killing 78 people

On October 4, 2001, a Tu-154M passenger plane of Siberia Airlines crashed over the Black Sea, making flight 1812 Tel Aviv - Novosibirsk. On board were 66 passengers and 12 crew members, all of whom died. The Interstate Aviation Committee concluded that at an altitude of 11,000 meters, the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian S-200 anti-aircraft missile.

On October 4, 2001, the Tu-154M aircraft of the Russian Siberia Airlines took off from Tel Aviv. On board were 66 passengers, including 51 Israeli citizens and 15 Russians, and 12 crew members.

When the plane passed over the Black Sea at an altitude of 11,100 meters, it was shot down.

An investigation conducted by the Interstate Aviation Committee showed that a hit by a Ukrainian S-200 anti-aircraft missile led to the disaster. At that time, military exercises were taking place on the Crimean peninsula. Presumably, the mistake of the operator of the anti-aircraft missile system, who incorrectly identified the target, led to the disaster.

Ground services recorded the screams of crew members at the time of the disaster, including the phrase "...anywhere ...". During the investigation, an analysis of holes in the fuselage was carried out, which showed that it was damaged from the outside. After the tragedy, almost the entire leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, including Minister Oleksandr Kuzmuk, resigned.

Despite all the evidence received, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine closed the criminal case, and in January 2011 the Kiev Court of Appeal determined that the investigators of the Interstate Aviation Committee failed to prove that the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian missile.

October 4, 2001 exploded at an altitude of 11,000 m and crashed into the Black Sea, the Tu-154 of the Russian airline "Siberia". There were 66 passengers and 11 crew members on board the car, which made a flight on the Tel Aviv-Novosibirsk route.

The Tu-154 aircraft of Siberia Airlines (tail number 85639) was making regular flight No. 1812 on the Tel Aviv-Novosibirsk route. The last time the liner got in touch at 13.44, after which it disappeared from the radar screens. Approximately three minutes later, Garik Oganesyan, the commander of the An-24 aircraft flying with the Tu-154 in a parallel course, told the dispatchers that "a powerful explosion occurred to his left, after which the unknown aircraft lost control and fell into the sea." True, there are many strange things in his testimony. "Antonov" flew below the "Tupolev" at least 5-6 km. Consequently, Oganesyan could not observe the behavior of his neighbor from above, let alone the explosion on his board. Most likely, the Armenian pilot with peripheral vision noticed the already falling fragments of the Tu-154 and the explosion upon impact with the water.

After that, the dispatcher's console received a message from the pilot of another Tu-154 (also flying from Tel Aviv). According to the crew commander, 180 km southwest of Sochi, he saw the wreckage of the aircraft floating in the sea. The exact coordinates of the crash site of the liner are 42 degrees 11 minutes north latitude and 37 degrees 37 minutes east longitude.

After a brief gathering, several helicopters and four rescue boats went there. When they arrived at the scene of the tragedy, the wreckage of the plane, personal belongings of passengers and the bodies of the dead were floating on the surface of the sea. No one survived this disaster.

Representatives of Siberia Airlines reported that among the 66 passengers, only 15 people are Russian citizens, the rest are Israelis. Viktor Alekseev, Deputy General Director of the Sibir company, also flew on this flight.

The cause of the tragedy has not yet become known, but Russian President Vladimir Putin has already suggested that a terrorist attack was committed. According to him, "taking into account the latest events in the world, the version of the terrorist attack is being worked out as a matter of priority." He appointed Vladimir Rushailo, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, as chairman of the commission to investigate the causes of the disaster. The main version, as mentioned above, is a terrorist attack on board the aircraft.

This version was categorically rejected by representatives of the customs service of Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, who claimed that all the passengers who boarded the Tu-154 aircraft went through the most severe customs control and not a single person could simply carry explosives into the aircraft. Taught by bitter experience, they are very tough on security measures (the Israeli government spends about $ 100 million on these measures a year). Each departing country is required to undergo an individual interview with representatives of the Israel Security Service. The conversation is conducted in Russian or English right at the airport, in the ticket registration section. A passenger departing from the country must provide representatives of the Security Service with evidence of where he lived and what he did in Israel. Passengers' luggage is also inspected in a special way. All bags go through decompression chambers. If they have explosives in them, they explode right into them.

The already strict control was strengthened after the tragic events in New York in September 2001. “We are sure that there were no explosives on board the plane; most likely, the cause of the tragedy was technical problems on board the aircraft," the customs officials said.

At the same time, representatives of the Siberia company noted that the deceased Tu-154 was in good technical condition: in operation since 1991, the total flight time was 16,703 hours, the date of the last overhaul was December 1999, and the flight time after the overhaul was 3518 hours. The company called the version of technical problems on board the aircraft unlikely.

It has been suggested that the tragedy occurred as a result of the explosion of one of the three engines of the liner. Mechanical destruction of engine elements usually leads to such a development of events: gas turbine disks or their shafts crack, and then burst at the seams. In this case, the aircraft fuselage rarely collapses in one or two seconds. Experienced pilots immediately remembered several similar tragedies on Tu-22 bombers in the 60s and 70s. True, after those cases, the "motor" design bureaus brought their offspring to mind, and in the future there were no similar misfortunes.

Fuel tanks and pipelines pose a certain danger to any aircraft. Tanks are located in the fuselage, in the lower part, and in the "root" parts of the wings. Ignition of fuel vapors from the slightest spark may well destroy the liner. On some machines, to avoid this, neutral gas is specially supplied to the tanks as they are empty - if the crew suspects a problem with the electric drive. However, if fuel had flared up on board the Siberian liner, the pilots would have known about it (thanks to the alarm) and would have had time to report the emergency to the dispatcher. But there are exceptions, for example, the explosion of an American Boeing 747 in August 1996, flying from New York to Paris. The plane died in the 15th minute of flight over the Atlantic, breaking up instantly. The pilots did not have time to send a distress signal, and American investigators established the truth only a year later, having raised from the ocean, from a 100-meter depth, 90 percent of the remnants of the liner.

Among the "suspects" was the chassis. Recently, it was on this type of aircraft that “wheel” incidents occurred, when the landing gear was retracted or fell out at the most inopportune moment. Experts are unanimous: unauthorized release of even one of the two landing gear at an altitude of 10-11 km inevitably leads to the destruction of the first wing, and then the entire aircraft in just 5-10 seconds.

The Associated Press agency suggested that the Tu-154 was shot down by terrorists. However, this version was considered unlikely. The aircraft flew at an altitude of 11,000 m. None of the then existing man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) could hit targets at such heights. Thus, the range of the missile of the American Stinger MANPADS is 5500 m, and the maximum height is 4800 m. The maximum range of the domestic Strela and Igla MANPADS is 6000 m at an altitude of 5500 m. one would need a system for working at medium or high altitudes, having a self-propelled chassis and rather large dimensions.

Another version seemed no less exotic. The tragedy coincided with the large-scale exercises of the armed forces of Ukraine, which took place at the Chauda military training ground, in the Feodosiya region. They worked out combat training tasks to detect and destroy air targets of a mock enemy with anti-aircraft systems, and air defense aircraft flew. In particular, combat launches of S-200 anti-aircraft missile systems were carried out.

The Ukrainian military announced the beginning of these exercises in advance. According to the practice adopted throughout the world, at least two weeks before combat work, all interested departments are notified of the closure of the firing area for the passage of civil and military aircraft. The exercise area itself is at least 30 km from international and domestic airlines. But usually no one gives a 100% security guarantee in such cases.

Rocket launches in Ukraine were not carried out very often due to the lack of fuel and ammunition. Long-expired missiles themselves posed a considerable danger. Experts did not exclude the possibility of failures in their control, including problems with self-liquidators, which should work if the missiles deviate from the training target.

The assumption that the passenger plane was shot down by mistake by one of these missiles was indignantly rejected by the Ukrainian side. Yes, and Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he ruled out the possibility that the Tu-154 plane was shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. The Minister of Defense of Russia adhered to the same opinion. The version about the impossibility of this was regularly repeated even though the Ukrainian prime minister himself admitted that such a possibility might exist.

However, two days later, the Pentagon confirmed that its satellite tracking equipment had detected missile launches in the area where the aircraft was killed. Then the Russian Defense Minister announced that President Putin was not satisfied with the Ukrainian side's data and requested more detailed information. Here the question cannot but arise: on the basis of what information and, most importantly, by whom provided, did President Putin make his statement that the plane could not have been shot down by a "stray" Ukrainian missile.

The plane crashed far into the sea. And although its fragments from those that remained on the surface were raised, most of them, including the “black boxes”, lay at a depth of about 2000 m. And the bottom was covered with a 6-meter layer of silt. The Russian deep-sea submersible Triton was working at the crash site. The analysis of the wreckage was carried out in laboratories near Moscow.

Gradually, the "rocket version" of the death of the Tu-154 becomes the main one. In the wreckage of the aircraft, raised from the bottom, small round holes were found. The missile of the S-200 complex is just equipped with thousands of steel balls that are ejected when approaching the target. There were also characteristic traces on the bodies of the dead passengers of the airliner recovered from the Black Sea.

Ukraine continued to insist on its non-involvement in the death of the Russian airliner - Vladimir Tkachev, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense of Ukraine, spoke about this. According to him, the data of objective control testify to the non-involvement of the air defense forces of the armed forces of Ukraine in the tragic incident. It is known that out of 23 rockets launched, 21 hit the target, one self-destructed, and another landed by parachute. Tkachev showed reporters maps of Ukrainian air defense exercises showing the trajectory of missiles.

It should be recalled here that during the firing practice of the Ukrainian armed forces in Crimea, S-200 anti-missile systems, including upgraded SA-5 missiles, were used. Their range is 300 km.

The Tu-154 aircraft exploded at 13.45.17. The launch recorded by the Americans from the S-200 complex was noted at 13.41. The difference is precisely the flight time of the rocket. Moreover, according to the American research organization Global Security, the Americans received a recording of radio interception of negotiations in the area of ​​​​Ukrainian exercises in the Crimea. So, one of the military on it allegedly exclaimed: “Where did this goal come from ?!”

Western newspapers have already directly written that given the state of the Ukrainian army, the lack of funding, the lack of qualified officers, everything is possible.

Mathematical modeling based on the data provided by Ukraine also showed that the Tu-154 aircraft could have been shot down by the S-200 air defense system during exercises in the Crimea. Based on calculations made on the basis of the telemetry parameters of the launch of missiles of the S-200 complexes, the tragedy could have occurred as a result of the fact that the radar trail from the Tu-154 located at a distance of 245 km drowned out the radio echo from the unmanned target "Reis-D", which was fired at . The result was an automatic retargeting of the missile.

After long hesitation, the Ukrainian authorities nevertheless admitted that the plane flying on the Tel Aviv-Novosibirsk route on October 4 was shot down as a result of an erroneous missile hit. This is how the evolution of the views of official Kyiv took place.

October 4, 2001. The Ukrainian authorities refute the very fact of the exercises, and then claim that the firing was carried out by missiles without warheads. Toward evening, the Ukrainian military already delved into the details: according to them, the maximum range of the missiles is only 5,000 meters and it is impossible to hit them on a plane. However, according to US media, the Pentagon recorded the launch of two ground-to-air missiles during the exercise, which could have shot down the plane.

October 6th. President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma: “Neither Ukraine, nor the Ukrainians, nor I personally are happy with what is happening around this tragedy. The azimuth of the shooting did not at all coincide with the location of the Tu-154.

October 6th. Leonid Kuchma: "It's technically impossible, although everything is theoretically possible... The design and manufacture of the rocket is Russian."

10 October. Leonid Kuchma: “Don't make a tragedy out of this. This happens not only in Ukraine. Look around: in the world, in Europe – we are not the first and we are not the last, mistakes are found everywhere.”

Nov. 1. Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Yevhen Marchuk: "In any case, these are only preliminary results that are subject to study and modeling."

November 4, 2001 The Ukrainian authorities have finally acknowledged that the Russian Tu-154 may have been shot down by a Ukrainian missile during the exercise. This step seriously hit the prestige of Ukraine and its army, although it did not cause a domestic political storm. Leonid Kuchma did not dismiss the Minister of Defense, urging not to make a tragedy out of what had happened. Disputes about the amount of compensation to the families of the victims continued for a long time.

So, a chain of fatal accidents (deviation of the airliner from the main route towards the Crimean peninsula and the likelihood of a missile from the S-200 anti-aircraft missile system “hunting” for an unplanned target) led to a plane crash.

Many aviation experts today recalled another case of the death of an aircraft over Ukraine - this happened almost 13 years ago. Dmitry Kochetkov will remind you of the details.
There were 78 people on board the plane of the Russian airline "Siberia", flying on October 4, 2001 from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk. They all died. Tu-154 was shot down over the Black Sea by a Ukrainian missile at an altitude of 11,000 meters. At that time, air defense exercises were taking place in the Crimea and firing of the S-200 complex was carried out. The President of Ukraine refused to acknowledge the fact of the shelling of the aircraft: "Today, you can say, you see, Russian developers theoretically say that this is possible. But they still don't name many accompanying technical parameters that need to be dealt with, probably."
The Ukrainian military also justified themselves as best they could. At first they said that missiles did not fly that far, and the firing was generally canceled. And then they claimed that the S-200 complex, after all, fired, but the rocket fell into the sea.

But the experts and relatives of the dead, when identifying things, found that both the fuselage and the luggage were stitched with shrapnel. The fact is that the missile of the S-200 air defense system is stuffed with steel balls and explodes a few meters from the target.
- They were all punched with these round holes, balls. And we were given a recording of the last minutes of the crew's life, and there is the noise of the aircraft and someone screamed, "We think that these are ours. Anywhere?"
But the Ukrainian authorities ended their investigation with a strange conclusion - "Nothing can be proved, because the rocket itself has not been found."
- It was necessary to find fragments of the rocket itself. But the found metal balls did not allow the experts to conclude that they belonged to our rocket.
The Ukrainian court closed the criminal case on the fact of the catastrophe due to the lack of corpus delicti. As the President of Ukraine said then, there is no need to make a tragedy out of a mistake.
- If the version of a missile hit is confirmed, how much will the reputation of Ukraine suffer?
- You look around the world, in Europe including the latest events. Are we the first or are we the last? There is no need to make a tragedy out of this. If there is any error, errors happen everywhere and not only on this scale, but on a much larger, planetary scale.
Without officially admitting its guilt, however, Ukraine agreed to pay compensation to the families of the victims. A settlement agreement was signed. True, of the four points of the document, Kyiv fulfilled only one.
- Apologies, punishment of the guilty, payment of compensation. There were 4 points. Here, in terms of compensation - it was actually very nasty, such dirty bidding.
Every year in October, there are many flowers at the memorial to the victims of the plane crash in Novosibirsk, and in Sochi, relatives of the victims go to sea to the crash site and launch wreaths and soft toys. There were children among the passengers of the downed Tu-154.

Residents of Kyiv carry flowers and candles to the building of the Russian Embassy in connection with the Black Sea. "The people of Kiev express their condolences over the crash of the Russian Tu-154 airliner in the Black Sea," the Russian diplomatic mission said on Twitter.

Tu-154 of the Ministry of Defense crashed in Sochi: details

According to the Zvezda TV channel, on one of the plates that the people of Kiev installed near the embassy, ​​there is an inscription "We mourn, we condole, Ukrainians who love Russia." At the same time, there has been no reaction from Ukrainian officials yet.

Meanwhile, messages appeared in the Ukrainian-language segment of social networks in connection with the plane crash. "But I'm sad! The capacity of the TU-154 is 180 passengers, what kind of buoy do they fly half empty?" — wrote the user @yurapop2.

“Already 92 corpses in the Tu-154. The trend is positive,” writes @FPfaino."Good morning, Ukraine. Merry Christmas!" - also says in one of the tweets of this public.

Most Internet users have criticized such messages. “The malevolent scream of crests due to the fall of the Tu-154 is explained by severe mental trauma caused by the sublimation of an unsatisfied visa-free visa,” writes Philip Maslovsky ( @soulstray).

Advisor to the President of Ukraine Yuriy Biryukov, commenting on the crash of the Russian Tu-154 aircraft over the Black Sea, announced his desire to take a bottle of "Hawthorn" to the Russian embassy. “The inhabitants of the neighboring horde sincerely do not understand the reason why we rejoice at the death of 80 servicemen of the horde army. The plane of the Russian Defense Ministry crashed ... There was only one desire - to take a bottle of Hawthorn to the embassy of the horde,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

Users were outraged by such statements about the tragedy. Thus, the actor Yefim Shifrin called mockery from Kyiv unthinkable and recalled that "on the day of the death of completely peaceful people, it is customary to either mourn or be silent."

"Our dear neighbors on the map. I never did this. I never allowed myself such appeals. But this is unthinkable, this is no good: the culture of any people, the ethical ideas of any community do not allow mockery of the dead. It's so obvious, that on the day of the death of completely peaceful people, it is customary to either mourn or remain silent. Please, choose the second option: it will not require any moral efforts from you. I know that many of you are believers. It is difficult for me to accept such commentary as part of the rite. Please shut up…" the actor wrote on his Facebook page.

Recall that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has already expressed condolences to Russian President Vladimir Putin in connection with the crash of the Tu-154 aircraft. Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano also expressed condolences to the families of the victims and sympathy to the entire Russian people. "To all of Russia, Italy's most important partner, I express my condolences on behalf of our country," the minister said. US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft also expressed condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the Tu-154 crash near Sochi.

Now the Russians, who learned about the crash of the Tu-154 in the Black Sea, on board which, presumably, was Elizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Liza, are bringing flowers to the building of the Fair Aid Foundation, which she headed. Among them are colleagues, neighbors and all human rights activists who are not indifferent to the numerous good deeds.

Residents of Moscow with flowers also went to the building of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. Representatives of the city authorities and the clergy came to honor the memory of the dead.

The plane of the Russian Ministry of Defense Tu-154, carrying 84 passengers and eight crew members, crashed on the morning of December 25 in the Black Sea. The wreckage of the plane was found 1.5 km from the coast near Sochi at a depth of 50-70 meters. Among them are journalists from Channel One, NTV and the Zvezda TV channel. Also on board was the head of the International Public Organization "Fair Aid" Elizaveta Glinka. Most of the passengers were artists of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Aleksandrov.

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