Red hill. History and traditions. Red Hill Christ Sunday and Red Hill

The Orthodox world continues to celebrate the main holiday - Happy Easter of Christ. The most joyful is the first week after Easter, which is called Solid bright Easter week.

When the spring meat-eater comes

spring carnivore- This is the period in the spring-summer time between both Great and Peter's Lent. With the onset of Easter, as you know, fasting ends, and believers are not only allowed, but even ordered to eat fully and varied in order to restore strength. During this period, meat is allowed, and on Wednesdays and Fridays (which remain fast days) fish is allowed.

The Church recommends at this time to include in the diet more food containing complete protein: dairy products, eggs, white chicken meat, if possible reducing the amount of fatty, rich and sweet and not forgetting about vitamins. Also, the church strongly opposes gluttony and gluttony at this time.

Antipaskha and Red Hill

These two holidays are celebrated almost simultaneously - at the end of the Continuous bright Easter week. Orthodox Antipascha is the last day of Bright Week, and Red hill- This is a folk-Orthodox holiday, from which the time of weddings begins. According to Orthodox custom, weddings are prohibited from Shrovetide until the end of the Solid Paschal Week.

In 2018, Antipaskha and Krasnaya Gorka fall on Sunday, April 15th. And on Tuesday, April 17 - Parents' Day, or Radonitsa, which is the "legalized" Day of Remembrance of the Dead. Radonitsa is always celebrated on Tuesday of the second week after Easter.

What is Antipascha

Antipascha, or the week of renewal, is the feast that comes in place of Easter. The name "Antipascha" does not mean opposition to Easter - it is, as it were, a new appeal to the bright holiday, during which the memory of the resurrection of Christ is renewed. Antipascha is always celebrated on the eighth day after Christ's Bright Resurrection.

In honor of what event is Antipascha celebrated?

This holiday is also called St. Thomas Sunday (and then comes Radonitskaya, or St. Thomas Week), because at this time they remember the Apostle Thomas, who is called Thomas the unbeliever, or Thomas the unfaithful. According to the Gospel, Thomas, who was late for the first appearance of the resurrected Christ before the apostles, refused to believe in the miracle of the Resurrection. The “unbelieving” apostle wanted to get to the bottom of everything himself and personally touch the wounds of Christ. “If I don’t see the wounds from the nails on his hands and put my hand in his ribs, I won’t believe it,” Thomas said.

And the Savior fulfilled the desire of his disciple. “Jesus came when the doors were closed, stood in the midst of them and said: Peace be with you! Then he says to Thomas: put your finger here and look at my hands; give me your hand and put it in my side; and do not be an unbeliever, but a believer. Thomas answered him: My Lord and my God! Jesus says to him: You believed because you saw me; blessed are those who have not seen and believed,” says the Gospel.

After that, Thomas not only believed, but also began to carry Christ's sermon throughout the earth - he preached in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Parthia, Ethiopia and India, where he was martyred, according to various sources, either in 68 or in 72 AD . His relics were in India until the 4th century.

Fomina week and Radonitsa - 2018

The entire week following Antipascha is called Fomin's week, or Radonitskaya week. On St. Thomas Week on Tuesday, that is, on the ninth day after Easter, the Orthodox Church celebrates Radonitsa - the first day after Easter of special commemoration of the dead. In 2017, Radonitsa falls on April 25th.

Where did the name "Radonitsa" come from?

The name contains the words "kind" and "joy": that is, Christians, grieving for dead loved ones, should rejoice at their birth for eternal life. On the feast of Radonitsa, believers share with their departed loved ones the joy of Easter - the Resurrection of Christ.

What should be done on Radonitsa

In some Russian regions, as well as in Ukraine, it is customary to make this day non-working so that people can visit the graves of loved ones. The authorities are trying to provide additional buses and trains to take people to the cemeteries.

On this day, panikhidas for the dead begin to be served again in churches, so in the morning many go to church to submit memorial notes. Then believers go to cemeteries, where they also pray for the dead, lighting candles and sometimes inviting priests. Then it is customary to clean and equip the grave, decorate it with natural or artificial flowers and be silent for a while, remembering a loved one.

What Not to Do in a Cemetery

The church does not approve of the folk tradition of drinking and eating at the cemetery, it is better to do this at home during the memorial meal. The priests are especially negative about the indestructible pagan custom of leaving a glass of vodka covered with bread, eggs, sweets and other products on the grave of the deceased.

It is much better to feed the hungry on this day, and for the dead, “bread” is a prayer and memory of loved ones.

The solemn wedding ceremony, timed to coincide with the Red Hill holiday, was held in the City Hall building

PHOTO: Anna Ivantsova, Evening Moscow

This affectionate name - "Red Hill" - arose a long time ago, back in pagan times. Then it was believed that at this time, winter finally gives way to spring and heat sets in. This day was celebrated widely, cheerfully, the youth were especially happy about the holidays. Once this day was considered good for "sending" matchmakers, and over time, finally and irrevocably began to be considered the best day of the year for weddings.

The name, by the way, is easy to explain: “red” in the old days meant “beautiful”, and the “slide” in the name appeared because the pagan roots of the holiday prescribed the onset of this day to be met on the street in order to see how the god Yarilo, the Sun, appears in the sky . They waited for him on the hills, on the hills, admired the “red”, that is, a beautiful sunrise, and then they tried to arrange festive festivities there. And so this name came to life - Red Hill.

Red Hill was the first to be named Fomin's Sunday consistent Christians. The fact is that not all people believed in the Resurrection of Christ, there were unbelievers, and among the apostles of the Savior - in particular, Thomas. Christ acted wisely: he appeared to Thomas personally on the eighth day after the Resurrection and thus did not give the unbelieving Thomas a single chance for doubt. I must say that later Thomas became an exemplary Christian and founded several churches.

Perhaps someone will be very surprised by another name for the holiday - Antipascha. The thing is that in the modern language "anti" has, as a rule, the meaning "against", that is, something absolutely opposite. And among the Slavs, this prefix was used in, let's say, “substitute” meaning, reading not as “against”, but as “instead of”, which did not provide for the opposite meaning. And it turned out that Krasnaya Gorka came instead of Easter, that is, it replaced it, but was not its “antipode”.
But it still could not do without some contradictions: although Krasnaya Gorka does not belong to the main Orthodox holidays, on this day services are held in accordance with this main status. Well, Antipascha was mentioned for the first time in 380 - in the "Apostolic Decrees".


You may be surprised, but it's true: on Krasnaya Gorka you can bake Easter cakes and paint eggs just like on Easter! It is customary to give painted eggs (“krasnki”, “pysanky”) to loved ones, to treat relatives and friends with Easter cakes, and in former times, such gifts and treats were made on Krasnaya Gorka even on the street, just like that, treating strangers including. This was considered correct, because the more goodness and joy you bring, the greater the general joy - the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ continues.

In some regions of Russia, Krasnaya Gorka was called "Girl's Day": on this day, they were waiting for matchmakers, having tidied up at home and set the table. Nothing troublesome, however, was not recommended. All household chores - preparations for the arrival of matchmakers - were accompanied by beautiful singing of ritual songs.

Girls dreaming of marriage baked bread for Thomas. They kneaded it for a long time and carefully, dreaming of a good family, children, prosperity. Then they baked the loaf, put it in a red corner, and when it dried out a little, they fed it to the birds.

As a rule, in the evening, festivities are organized on Krasnaya Gorka - with swings, carousels, competitions in strength and dexterity.

Moscow. Krasnaya Gorka. City Hall. weddings.

PHOTO: Pyotr Bolkhovitinov, Evening Moscow


Despite the fact that in Orthodoxy any fortune-telling is not encouraged, they still wondered on Krasnaya Gorka - what lies ahead? For this, a colored egg is certainly what you were presented with! - rolled down a hillock, bumps in the road, any place where it could roll down and stand up. Then they examined the egg: the remaining whole egg promised good luck, a slightly cracked one - minor troubles, and if the shell moved away and the egg itself lost its shape, then they predicted big problems for which one had to mentally prepare oneself.

It is also believed that if you throw a coin into the well on Krasnaya Gorka, then the wish made at the same time will certainly come true. It was necessary to have time to guess it for the time that the coin flies to the well water. Existed on Fomino Sunday and another custom - very peculiar. The main icon of those in the house was supposed to be washed before the holiday, and then washed with this water - for good luck. It must be understood that this tradition has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Sometimes this tradition is inherited in a relaxed version: you just need to wash yourself in front of the icons, "so that money flows." But even in this version there is no trace of Orthodoxy.

PHOTO: Pelagia Zamyatina, "Evening Moscow"


Unlike Easter, when visiting cemeteries is not recommended, on Antipascha people historically visited the graves of loved ones, prayed at their graves for their souls to find peace. For remembrance, some cooked kutya, cleaned up the churchyards, but someone did not do this, leaving the chores until the Radonitsa, which is just around the corner.

Well, as it was said, on this day, many people traditionally play weddings - it is believed that the marriage will be very happy, which, of course, we wish all young people with all our hearts. By the way, for those who are just getting ready to become husband and wife, their married friends, according to tradition, should give pastries and colored eggs - sharing their joy and, as it were, blessing them for marriage.

According to tradition, weddings scheduled for Krasnaya Gorka are decorated with red and white flowers, the table is decorated with cockerels, and they make sure that there are also red dishes on the table.

23 April. Theatrical wedding on Krasnaya Gorka. In the image of "bridesmaids" (from left to right) - Svetlana Gorshenina, Anna Fateeva and Alexandra Ryabchikova

PHOTO: Alexandra Uchaeva, Evening Moscow


Since this is still a big holiday, according to tradition, they didn’t work on this day, and also didn’t sew, wash or clean - that is, they tried not to do anything except the morning setting of the table “for matchmakers”, food for which was prepared in advance.

It is also believed that unmarried girls and unmarried young people should not be alone on this day, they should celebrate the holiday in the company - in order to "attract" people and their "half" as well.

But you can’t quarrel on Red Hill categorically! Nobody! Folk signs say that whoever quarrels with Thomas will not know the world until the Trinity - that is, he will not make peace with those with whom he quarreled, and he will make other problems for himself. Well, and why, the right word!

Publications in the Traditions section

Who marries on Krasnaya Gorka ...

In the Orthodox tradition, the holiday was dedicated to the memory of the appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas on the eighth day after the resurrection. Since the time of Ancient Rus', among the people, it has been a holiday of the beginning of spring - with bonfires, girlish round dances, bride fairs, and rituals of calling spring. It was considered mainly a girl's holiday.

Krasnaya Gorka (Fomino Sunday)- the first Sunday after Easter, in rare cases, the whole Fomin's week was called Krasnaya Gorka; also under this name, youth festivities and round dances of St. Thomas Sunday perform in some places.

In the Orthodox tradition, Fomino Sunday is dedicated to the memory of the appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas on the eighth day after the resurrection. When Christ appeared to the apostles, the Apostle Thomas was not among them, therefore, having heard the joyful news, he did not believe in its truth. A week later, he met with the resurrected Savior, but again doubted, then Christ showed him his wounds and offered to feel them. Only after this did Thomas believe in the resurrection and acknowledge the crucified Teacher in Christ.

On this eighth day, Bright Week ends: the last time the liturgy is served according to the festive Easter rite, the royal doors are closed. In Jewish and Christian church tradition, the number "8" is of great importance. The number “7” that precedes it completes earthly time, and “8” (associated with the day of the Resurrection of Christ) lies outside the world, denoting the life to come, the Kingdom of God, therefore Sunday after Easter is called Antipascha - “instead of Easter”.

In Russian folk life, Krasnaya Gorka was more associated not with the Christian, but with the ancient pagan tradition of celebrating the beginning of spring. In ancient Rus', on this day, bonfires were lit on the hills in honor of Dazhdbog. Next to these fires, prayers and sacrifices were made, as well as a court was held - “polyudye”. In the 19th century, Krasnaya Gorka was celebrated widely and festively: in many places, the beginning of girls' round dances or the end of the first spring fairs of brides that began with Easter, festive treats for girls and women, rituals of welcoming spring, as well as rounds of courtyards with congratulations (calling) were timed to coincide with it. newlyweds. A common element of the Red Hill celebration was the custom of painting eggs and playing with them. From this Sunday, the period of weddings begins, since St. Thomas Sunday is the first day after Great Lent when weddings are allowed in the church.

Red Hill was considered a girl's holiday

In the Ryazan province, Krasnaya Gorka was considered a girls' holiday. Early in the morning after breakfast, teenage girls gathered in the garden, on the banks of the river and pooled together made scrambled eggs from eggs, milk and butter they had brought with them.

Fried eggs were fried in a frying pan, which was placed between two bricks; gathered around the fire, the girls ate scrambled eggs with spoons brought from home. Perhaps a joint meal not only began the period of youth festivities, which fell on a time full of girlish and women's rituals, but also had to delineate the boundaries and consolidate the unity of the girl's socio-age group.

In the Penza province, during a round dance, a symbolic transition of recently married girls into a circle of married women took place. After returning from the cemetery, the girls and young women changed into festive clothes and gathered in the evening for the first spring festivities. Divided into two groups, they stood opposite each other in two rows, and the round dance game “And we sowed millet ...” began, during which each of the lines that sang the next verse approached the other, and then retreated to its place . In the song that accompanied the round dance, it was sung that some millet was planted, while others threatened to trample it with horses, they were offered various gifts so that they would not do this, but they agreed to retreat only when they were promised to give a girl as a ransom. At the end of the game, the girls sang:

At the end of the game, the girls sang:
We have lost in the regiment. (2 p.)
Oh, didi fret, it's gone! (2 p.)
And the women answered them:
We have arrived in the regiment (2 p.)
Oh didi fret, it's arrived! (2 p.)

In many places in Fomino, bridesmaids were held on Sunday: walks of bridegroomed girls along the street in their best outfits in front of the intended grooms; often at the same time there was a wedding conspiracy and handshaking. In the Ryazan province, girls and boys gathered on the street and played "And we sowed millet ...", divided into two parties. At the same time, the above words of the game had a slightly different coloring: the guys demanded the girl as a bride.

Call of spring

Young people tried not to miss games and round dances on Krasnaya Gorka, in some places it was even considered a bad omen if a guy or girl sat at home for the whole holiday. They said that because of this, the guy will marry a pockmarked, ugly, or remain single, and the girl will marry a useless groom or remain an old maid. If they manage to marry, then both will certainly die soon after the wedding.

In the southern Russian provinces, the meeting of spring fell on Krasnaya Gorka. The call of spring began early in the morning and usually took place from the top of the hill, which is probably why the name of the holiday came - Krasnaya Gorka.

In the Tula province, the girls, having gathered on the nearest hill, stood in a round dance, a “round dance” singer came out to the center and, blessing, began to pronounce a conspiracy:

Hello red sun! Celebrate, clear bucket! Roll out from behind the mountains, rise into the bright world, along the grass-ant, run through the azure flowers, snowdrops with rays-eyes, warm the girl’s heart with caress, look into the soul of good fellows, take the spirit out of the soul, throw it into the key of living water . From this key, the keys are in the hands of the red maiden, the dawn-robin.

Zorenka-yasynka walked, she lost her keys. I, the girl (name), walked along the path, found the golden key. Whoever I want, I love, whom I myself know, and to that I close my soul. I close them, with that golden key, a good fellow (name) for many years, for long springs, for ever and ever with a secret indestructible spell. Amen!"
(Korinfsky A.A. 1995, p. 193).

All those present repeated the words after her, inserting their name and the names of the guys they fell in love with. Then the girl, putting a red egg and bread on the ground in the middle of the circle, tightened the stonefly: “Spring is red! On what did you come ... ”The whole round dance was picked up, then other songs were sung, and a cheerful feast ended the celebration.

In many places, women and girls called for spring, gathering in the usual places of youth festivities, including the square in front of the church. So, in the Penza province, girls and young women sang chants in the village square on the evening of the holiday.

Walking on Red Hill

In the same province, in order to shield themselves from misfortunes for the whole coming year, women and girls plowed the village on the first Sunday after Easter. At midnight, all the village women and girls went outside the outskirts with songs. Outside the village, three young women with a plow and three old women with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God were waiting for them. The girls untwisted their braids, the women took off their headscarves, then several women sat on boards laid on top of the plow, which was held behind the girl, the rest took up the ropes tied to the plow and dragged it around the village, stopping at all intersections to draw crosses. Praying old women with an icon walked ahead of the procession. After going around the village and returning to their original place, the women ate and celebrated, while the guys joined them. The feast lasted until three o'clock, and then everyone went home, as walking after the third rooster was considered a sin. The peasant women believed that after the ceremony, all disasters and misfortunes should remain behind the furrow and would not have the strength to cross it.

Krasnaya Gorka is a folk-Christian holiday, which is celebrated on the next Sunday (“Fomino”) after Easter. The people also know him under the name Antipaskha.

Orthodox tradition connects this day with the gospel tradition about how Jesus Christ appeared to the "unbelieving" Apostle Thomas and only after that the disciple of Christ believed in the resurrection of the Savior.

Red hill holiday - what does it mean?

The red (“beautiful”) hill was celebrated in Rus' even before Christianization. At its core, it was a pagan holiday of the beginning of spring, associated with the ancient man's experience of the mystical experience of meeting with the awakening nature. On the pre-Christian Krasnaya Gorka they danced, burned fires, conjured the speedy arrival of spring warmth.

It is from this day that, according to the church charter, the wedding is resumed. Until now, there is a belief that the wedding, which was played on the "Beautiful" hill, will serve as a guarantee of a happy marriage for the newlyweds. Also, the traditional Easter game has survived to this day - rolling painted eggs along special paths or from a dais.

Is it possible to visit the cemeteries on Krasnaya Gorka?

Before the revolution, Radonitsa - the day of commemoration of the dead - was a day off, and in Soviet times it became a weekday, people began to visit cemeteries a week after Easter.

Often, Red Hill is called the entire Radonitskaya week or directly the ninth day after Easter, that is, Radonitsa, when the dead are commemorated for the first time after Great Lent. Since before the revolution Radonitsa was a day off, and in Soviet times it became a weekday, people began to visit cemeteries a week after Easter. In addition, they still don’t serve a memorial service in Krasnaya Gorka, but you can already start reading the Psalter.

The people still retain the erroneous tradition of visiting cemeteries already on the seventh day after the start of Easter. However, this is fundamentally wrong from the point of view of church prescriptions. It is better to wait for Radonitsa, when it will be possible to order a memorial service and submit notes for repose. At the same time, prayer for those who have died from themselves is never forbidden.

What date is Krasnaya Gorka in 2018?

Every year, many people ask the question, “What date is the Red Hill holiday?” The celebration always falls on the seventh day after Easter.

The holiday "Red Hill" is celebrated by the Eastern Slavs. Its history begins in Kievan Rus. Red Hill Day was timed to coincide with the Sunday following Easter. In some places it is celebrated on St. George's Day (immediately Sunday), in others - on Monday, in others - the day before. About why the holiday "Red Hill" has such a name, what it means and what signs are associated with it, read below.


To understand the significance of this day, it is worth delving into the Bible. Why is the holiday "Red Hill" (Antipaskha, Klikushnoe Sunday) so important and so massively celebrated? It is celebrated, as we have already mentioned, after Easter. More specifically, on the eighth day. Throughout the week, the church remembers Thomas - the apostle, who did not believe that the Savior was resurrected. Christ, according to the plot of the Gospel, appeared before him in order to prove that the miracle had really happened. It was from here, by the way, that the well-known expression “unbelieving Thomas” came from. The renewal of the resurrection of Christ began to be associated with the name of this apostle. Many believers believe that Thomas cannot be reproached for unbelief. He had no doubt that Christ was indeed the savior. The apostle only longed for a meeting with his resurrected Teacher, he wanted to feel triumph, joy, and not from the words of witnesses, but personally. This is understandable - it is not always possible to take a word (even to relatives), but if you see it in person, then there will be no doubts.

Former fisherman Thomas, one of them traveled around many countries preaching. According to legend, it was he who founded Christian churches in India, Palestine, Ethiopia, Parthia, Mesopotamia. And the holy apostle died for the faith after cruel tortures. His relics are now kept on Mount Athos, in Hungary and India.


Agree, a strange name ... On the one hand - this great and bright holiday - "Red Hill", what does such a contradiction mean then? It turns out that there are elements of paganism in it. Our ancestors, even before the designation of Sunday by Fomin's church, met spring at this time. Time has passed, traditions have remained. Many elements from pagan rites remained in the festivities (we will talk about them later), so the church treats this holiday rather coolly and even somewhat disapprovingly.

There is no particle of negation in the word "antipascha", as many people think. In contrast, "anti-" means nothing more than "instead of". Therefore, the popular name of the holiday is interpreted as "instead of Easter."

Christianity or still paganism?

To this day, this question cannot be unequivocally answered - the historical overtones are so intertwined here. We have already spoken about Krasnaya Gorka as a church event. But why is this holiday also pagan? First, it arose long before Christianity. Secondly, it is a holiday of the Sun (more precisely, its renewal). The people gathered on the hill (hill) called out: “Glory to Yarila! Hello red sun! Spells were cast for the weather, for a bountiful harvest. Stonefly songs glorified the arrival of warmth, the birth of a new life (future fruits of nature). The people gathered still dark, and at dawn spells were pronounced.


You can guess for a long time about the origin of the name itself - there are really a lot of options. Most likely, the word "red" means "bright, beautiful", but under the "slide" it means a hill.

Spring begins with warm sunshine and melting snow. And the first to “open” are the hills, that is, the hills. What happens in total? That's right - a "red" (beautiful, already beginning to turn green) slide. It is these hills, warmed up and dried out after the snow melted and the receding flood, that are most suitable for mass festivities.

Youth Festival

The festivities began at dusk and lasted almost a day, until sunset. Everyone celebrated. But most of all, this day was waiting for the youth. In the vicinity they walked for a long time and cheerfully - there were songs, and round dances, and riding on a large swing. The guys on the "Red Hill" met with the girls. The participation of young people of marriageable age (both sexes) was considered mandatory. Those who refused to walk were given unpleasant and offensive nicknames. They were ridiculed and called "non-travelers". Moreover, refusal to take part in the festivities was considered a very bad omen. People believed that a girl, being of marriageable age and not coming to the festival, would not get married, and a guy, if he did marry, then only the most useless "ugly girl". Misfortune was prophesied to such "untravelable" people.

wedding time

It is believed that the marriage that took place on the Red Hill holiday is the most successful. According to popular belief, young people who get engaged on this day will never part. In addition, fasting ends at this time and you can afford a real feast for the stomach. Who will refuse a feast for the whole world? On the Red Hill holiday, the wedding necessarily took place to the wedding songs performed by couples who got married this year. Such people were specially called to the celebration. The songs they sang were supposed to attract prosperity, mutual understanding and good luck to young couples. That is why, by the way, "Krasnaya Gorka" is popularly called "Klikushny Sunday".

Those who sang wedding songs, according to tradition, took out a cup and traditional eggs.

They prepared for the “Red Hill” seriously and thoroughly: guests were invited in advance, festive tables were set - scrambled eggs were fried, loaves were baked in the shape of a circle. And it was at this holiday that it was customary to introduce guys to girls. The youth dressed in the best, most elegant clothes. Numerous guests had the opportunity to appreciate the brides and grooms.

Since the life of farmers depended on the schedule of land work, weddings were played either in autumn or early spring.

How was the Red Hill?

Now, unfortunately, many customs are simply forgotten. There were probably only feasts left. This holiday used to be a real fun. The festivities usually began with the brides' show, when the girls, dressed in festive attire, walked around the villages, singing songs, giving potential grooms (and, of course, their parents) an opportunity to take a better look at themselves. Only by going around the whole village (and often nearby villages), future daughters-in-law went to the place where the festivities were planned. Guys were in charge of his equipment. They leveled the grounds for dancing and round dances, set up benches, swings, "attractions".

The dance part of the holiday began (opened) with girls' round dances. There were many options, but the themes of the revival of the earth, the sun, and sowing work were always put into the basis. The girls were supposed to look impregnable and chaste. However, this did not last long. Gradually, elements of flirting appear in round dances and games. All this time only girls dance. Guys take a closer look and allow themselves to release compliments, thus showing that they are interested in someone. Rude jokes and begging for kisses come much later, but for now, only small liberties can be allowed. For example, to ride girls on a swing. Carousels, runners, giant steps and so-called throws were installed in advance, for Easter. In cities and large villages, large and bright buildings were set up, in small ones - simpler. For swings, ordinary boards were often taken. They were fastened with thick ropes to poles or trees. Throws were made from the same boards, but more authentic. The latter were laid on high logs (they are still often used in circus tricks).

Only those girls who were invited by the guys could ride the swing. To prevent the dresses from developing in the wind, the hems were tied at the knees with special belts. Only after that, the girls could get up on the swing (not without the help of the guys). At first, young people fulfilled all the requests of their potential chosen ones: to swing harder, to stop, to roll more quietly. However, later wishes were fulfilled only for a kiss. This was especially true for stopping the swing. On the undershirts with gigantic steps, only the guys showed arrogance. Such a "demonstration performance" required considerable strength, dexterity and the ability to concentrate. Of course, the risk of injury was high, but young people went for it in order to attract the views of girls. Perhaps, among the youth, the Red Hill holiday has always been the most significant.


Some consider them superstition, others are convinced that the basis of most beliefs is the centuries-old experience of our ancestors. For example, families who got married on this day should have been the strongest and happiest. By the way, even at the present time, young couples are trying to find out in advance what date Krasnaya Gorka is - many want to not only sign at the registry office, but also get married on that day.

Another belief is connected with the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. It is believed that if one coin is thrown into the well at Krasnaya Gorka, then the wish will certainly come true.

They say that if a guy (girl) does not come to the Red Hill celebration, then fate will definitely turn away from him (her).

On the eve of the "Red Hill" it was customary to wash the icons. This was always done over a basin. Water was not poured out, leaving until the holiday. People believed that those who washed themselves with water from the icon would definitely get rich and live in abundance all year. The ritual, if it was carried out, was not told, so as not to frighten off luck.

Folk traditions are returning

Unfortunately, customs began to fade in the memory of modern people. Not everyone remembers the history of the holiday, its meaning and purpose. But it looks like folk traditions are making a comeback. The Red Hill holiday in Kolomna is a vivid example.
On April 26, in Kolomna, in the square "Blyudechko", which is located on the territory of the Kolomna Kremlin, the regional folklore festival "Red Hill in Kolomna" was held, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region, the administration of the city of Kolomna, the Danilov Patriarchal Monastery and the Renaissance Center traditions. After the Divine Liturgy, held in the Assumption Cathedral, and the procession at the Cathedral, performances of folklore ensembles, folk amusements and games began. Among the entertainments is the old game of throwing eggs. The main participants, of course, were children and youth. For the amusement of everyone, 10196 eggs were broken, which should be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

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