What are the presidential candidates? Eight candidates for the presidency of Russia. Who are these people - briefly. Detailed requirements for a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation

In March 2018, the next term of the reign of the current President of Russia V.V. Putin is coming to an end. To select a new leader, regular elections will be organized, which are already of interest to many: the list of candidates for the presidency of Russia in 2018 is much larger than usual. In addition, there are quite a few bright personalities among those who are running, their actions and statements attract a lot of media attention.

According to the rules, anyone who receives more than half of the votes can take the presidency. If this is not the case, then a second round is held among the two candidates for whom the majority of citizens voted.

Candidates for the post of chief administrator of the state can be nominated in the following ways:

  • Political parties. Moreover, one party can propose only one candidate.
  • In self-nomination. In this case, the candidate must be supported by the initiative group and at least 500 voters registered with the CEC (Central Electoral Commission).

Every citizen of the Russian Federation over the age of 35 can register as a candidate for the presidential elections in Russia in 2018. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents, and the required number of signatures in your support.

According to the CEC, 70 people declared their desire to run for office. Of these, 37 were officially nominated, and only 8 people were able to collect the required number of signatures and become candidates.

Final list of candidates

- head of the LDPR. Although he leads the Liberal Party, his statements are often noted for their harshness. Among other things, Zhirinovsky proposes to return the death penalty, expand the territory of the state by conquering neighboring countries, and urgently deport all migrants from Russia. Such appeals resonate with the population, which provides him with a sufficient number of votes in order to overcome the barrier necessary to enter the State Duma. The first to declare that he would run for president, as well as the first registered candidate.
- the founder and leader of the Yabloko party, who was elected at the federal congress of deputies as the most worthy candidate from the party to participate in the presidential elections. He is confident that Russia's strength lies in a stable and well-formed economy. Condemns actions on the territory of Ukraine, and the policy of the Russian Federation related to this.
Maxim Suraikin is a representative of the communist movement in Russia (the Communists of Russia party). Despite the fact that the communists were defeated and did not get into the State Duma, they are confident that Suraykin can seriously compete in the elections for the presidency of Russia.
- Entrepreneur, public figure, chairman of the Party of Growth, authorized under the President of the Russian Federation to protect the rights of entrepreneurs. Nominated as a candidate by the political council of the Party of Growth on November 26, 2017. In his election program, he emphasizes economic reforms.
- TV and radio presenter, journalist, public figure, actress, politician. She officially announced her participation on October 18, 2017, although rumors that she would be ideal for the role of a female candidate have been circulating since September 1, 2017. On her youtube channel, she made a video appeal to voters with a request not to boycott the elections and declared herself a candidate “against all”.
is the current head of state. He announced his decision on December 6 during a meeting with employees of the GAZ plant. Despite the fact that Putin is the most obvious candidate for the presidency of Russia in 2018, he delayed the official statement for a long time, creating intrigue. Participates as a self-promoter.
- Director of the Moscow region enterprise "Sovkhoz im. Lenin”, a member of the Communist Party. Nominated as a candidate by the presidium and plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Party leader Gennady Zyuganov supported Grudinin's candidacy and announced that he would head his election headquarters.
Sergei Baburin - political, state and scientific figure - Doctor of Law, Professor. He worked as deputy chairman of the State Duma of the II and IV convocations, deputy of the State Duma of the I, II and IV convocations. Nominated by the Russian People's Union party, of which he is the leader.

The eight people listed above are official candidates for the presidency of Russia. They have fulfilled all the conditions required for registration.

Survey of site visitors site (via Vkontakte):

*poll started at 13:10 03/18/2018 Moscow time

Declared participation and not admitted to the elections

List of those who officially declared about his participation as candidates for the presidency of Russia in 2018, but could not pass the CEC filters or changed his mind for some reason:

Sergei Polonsky is currently non-partisan, engaged in entrepreneurial activities. In 2015, he was returned to his homeland with a scandal, and on July 12, 2017 he was sentenced to five years in prison for fraud, but was released due to the statute of limitations. Was not allowed.
- Founder and one of the leaders of the Anti-Corruption Foundation in Russia. He also actively maintains a political video blog on YouTube, where he also touches on corruption, the arbitrariness of the authorities and social problems, for which he has good support from people. However, this is not the first time that Navalny has been trying to challenge this verdict through the European Court of Human Rights. He was not admitted to the elections by the CEC, he is appealing this decision.
Anatoly Batashev, who represents the Green Party in our country. He voices his intentions to carry out a number of reforms in the country that are simply necessary in his opinion.
Stepan Sulakshin - Soviet and Russian politician, chairman of the New Type Party (PNT), doctor of physical, mathematical and political sciences, professor. He was nominated in June 2017 as a candidate for the post of head of state from the PNT.
Andrei Bazhutin is a trucker, public figure, entrepreneur, chairman of the Association of Russian Carriers, coordinator of the protest movement against the Platon system.
Boris Yakemenko is the founder of the "Orthodox Corps" of the Nashi youth movement. He told the Dozhd TV channel about his desire to run.
Sergei Bizyukin, non-partisan, engaged in active social work, journalist and historian.
Andrey Bogdanov - political strategist and politician, chief freemason of Russia (grand master of the Grand Lodge). At various times, he was one of the main founders of eight parties, including the Right Cause and the Democratic Party of Russia. In 2008, he also ran for president, won 1.3% of the vote.
Mikhail Kozlov - entrepreneur, psychologist. Nominated as a candidate from the Social Protection Party.

The CEC canceled Kozlov's registration as a candidate.

Anton Bakov - entrepreneur, politician. Leader of the Monarchist Party of Russia. From 1994 to 2003, he was a member of the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma and the Regional Legislative Assembly. From 2003 to 2007 he was a State Duma deputy. Also known as the creator of the virtual state "Romanov Empire".

Withdrew his candidacy at the stage of collecting signatures.

Roman Khudyakov is a Russian and Pridnestrovian politician. He was a deputy of the State Duma in 2012-2016, and from September 2016 to April 2017 -
Deputy of the Tambov Regional Duma. Member of the LDPR party, but was nominated as a candidate from the Chestno party. He withdrew his candidacy at the stage of collecting signatures.
Ekaterina Gordon is a journalist, singer-songwriter and public figure. She announced her intention to participate in the elections on her YouTube channel on October 29, 2017. The main point of its program is the protection of the rights of women and children.

At the end of January, it became known that Gordon was withdrawing his candidacy: “I want to state the following: I do not want to be a participant in a farce. I don't want to be on the show. I will not submit signatures to the CEC.” At the same time, she collected the required number of signatures.

Stanislav Polishchuk - public figure, candidate of legal sciences, chairman of the "Party of Social Reforms". It proposes reforming the mechanism for distributing profits from natural resources mined in the Russian Federation.

Withdrew his candidacy at the end of January.

Irina Volynets - public figure, chairman of the National Parents' Committee. In his program, he relies on social policy.

She withdrew her candidacy at the end of January. Natalia Lisitsyna - Crane operator of the metallurgical Metallurgical Plant "Petrostal". Nominated as a candidate from the ROT FRONT party.

  • Sergei Mironov, leader of the Just Russia party. He has already twice applied for the presidency of Russia, and both times he took the last place. It wouldn't come as a surprise if he wanted to run for the 2018 Russian elections withdrew in favor of supporting Vladimir Putin.
  • Mikhail Kasyanov, representative of the opposition bloc. According to foreign experts, he was the most effective prime minister in the history of modern Russia. Representative of the People's Freedom Party.
  • Evgeny Roizman, currently the head of Yekaterinburg, a person with an active lifestyle, a poet, founder of the City Without Drugs Foundation.
  • Alexei Kudrin has been the country's former finance minister for 11 years, which is a longest record in the country's modern history. During Putin's rule, he often argued with him on various topics.
  • Tamara Morshchakova, she was an adviser to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, and since 1991, for 11 years, she served as a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
  • Oleg Chirkunov, who in the past was the governor of the Perm Territory, is an active statesman.
  • Natalya Velikaya - Chairman of the Social Democratic Union of Women of Russia,
  • Irina Petelyaeva - member of the central council of A Just Russia

These are the possible candidates who could run for president in the upcoming elections.


The procedure for holding elections in the Russian Federation

Elections of the President of the Russian Federation provide for a secret and equal vote of all citizens of the country, who must show their preference and confidence in one or another candidate. More recently, the president was elected for a term of 4 years, but after the election of the head of 2012, an amendment came into force that establishes the term of office at the level of 6 years.

Any citizen of the state who has reached the age of majority (18 years) and is not deprived of the right to vote has the right to vote in elections. In that case, it's not even right, but the obligation to show one's civic opinion in order to improve the situation in the country.
After a careful calculation, the CEC determines the results of the elections, and announces them to the public no later than 10 days later. But, usually the result is known the very next day, and all votes are counted in 2-3 days.

In accordance with Article 5 of the Federal Law “On Elections of the President of the Russian Federation”, elections are held on the second Sunday of the month in which the previous presidential elections of the head of state took place.

However, in these elections, the Federation Council decided to deviate from the law, and the date for the first round of elections was set for March 18, 2018. The President will also be elected for 6 years.

Who exactly will lead the country in the future - we will find out when the elections will be held. But the fact that there are many worthy personalities among the candidates is indisputable.

Today we will be interested in the requirements for a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. In addition, the procedure for electing the head of the country will also have to be studied. After all, this process is important for all citizens. Only he has a huge number of rules and principles that must be observed without fail. Moreover, violations can lead to invalid results. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to the requirements for presidential candidates, but also to the rules of the process themselves. Fortunately, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The election process itself is spelled out in the Federal Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation." Consider the main important points that can only relate to our today's process.

Age category

To begin with, it is worth noting that, according to modern legislation, there is a so-called age limit for a candidate. What it is? The so-called age limit for a potential head of the country. An important point to be observed. Otherwise, no one will allow you to run for president.

What's the requirement here? The thing is that some believe that you can become president from the age of 18. But federal law says otherwise. After all, the age limit is set at 35 years. This means that a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation must be at least the specified age. That is, 35 years and older. That is exactly the principle. But that is not all.


For example, do not forget that there is a so-called residency requirement. This is something like another restriction for citizens who want to run for president. And it applies to the length of residence of a citizen. Quite a serious moment that can deliver a lot of inconvenience to some candidates. Although in practice, incidents with settled life almost never occur.

Why? Because even without that, all potential candidates permanently reside on the territory of the Russian Federation. And for a long time. But if you look at the restrictions, then the residency requirement indicates that you need to live in Russia for at least 10 years. And continuously. It is allowed to move from one locality of the country to another. So pay attention to this feature. If you have lived in Russia for less than a decade, you will not have any rights to participate as a candidate. Only as a voter will you be able to vote for this or that candidate.


But that's not all. What are the requirements for a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation, in addition to the age limit and residence? After all, there can be so few features! The position of head of state is extremely responsible, which means that potential leaders are selected with special attention.

Indeed, the requirements do not end there. The next item to consider if you want to run for president is your nationality. According to modern laws, only a citizen of the Russian Federation can be a candidate for the post of head of state. Foreign citizens do not have this opportunity. And stateless persons as well. In other words, only a Russian has the right to participate in elections as a direct participant. In principle, an obvious fact, which, as a rule, is not worth mentioning at all - everything is clear anyway.

criminal record

Of course, the relationship of a potential leader of the country with the law is also paid attention. Moreover, this moment can in some cases deliver a lot of problems to candidates. Why?

This is because the head of state must be capable, and also without a criminal record. And any. It is also forbidden to be nominated for the presidency by those who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty. Or someone was deprived of the opportunity to hold leadership and government positions by a court decision.

Please note - a citizen must have a military ID (for men). It is clear that by the age of 35 a potential candidate will have completed military service. But only if he once tried to evade his military duty, as a result of which a criminal case was opened against him, you can not run at all. Such a person does not have the opportunity to participate in elections as a candidate. In principle, there are no more restrictions. Just solid rules. The requirements for a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation are not so huge. They are usually easy to follow. And what can be said directly about the elections? How are they carried out? After all, this moment is extremely important. And it also includes some conditions and rules regarding the behavior of candidates before the elections. What you should pay attention to?

Terms of election

There are a lot of important moments. For example, it is worth finding out for how long the president is elected in Russia. It is important. And all because it depends on when exactly the next elections will be held.

According to modern laws, the head of state in the Russian Federation is elected for 6 years (previously for 4 years). After that, you will have to repeat the procedure again. Only each candidate has the opportunity to be elected for a second term. Thus, the maximum duration of tenure as head of state is 12 years. For 3 and subsequent terms, it is no longer possible to run for president. Only with a break of at least 1 period of "reign".

Thus, in Russia there is a so-called periodic change of the head of state. This is a required process. But the most important thing is that after two continuous terms and one period without leadership of the state, you can run for president again. So everything is extremely simple here. There are no problems.

Nomination procedure

By the way, there are some rules for nominating certain candidates for participation in the elections. They are also covered by federal law. Usually they do not cause any problems, in practice in Russia there is mainly one of the options.

The nomination of candidates may come from any political party. Just this alignment is most often found in Russia. But pay attention - a political party must have the right to nominate candidates, as well as to participate in elections. If these rules are observed, then the association will be able to offer its member for the post of head of state. And there will be no problems with it.

But there is also a self-nomination of a presidential candidate. Not the most common occurrence. In Russia, it is practically not used, although it exists "on paper". After all, problems will arise when it is necessary to conduct an election campaign. In the case of political parties, everything is much simpler - you get support from it. But self-promotion will require huge costs. In addition, in Russia, presidential elections are predominantly a political race. Accordingly, various parties participate in it.

Another feature that is related to self-nomination is that you must be supported by voters. Even if it's a small group. Unfortunately, this is a very rare occurrence. Therefore, in practice, self-nomination of a candidate is almost impossible. Only if you try really hard. But it is unlikely that you will be able to get the presidency - political parties have much more influence on citizens than the average participant in the elections. By the way, according to modern laws, you need about 2 million signatures of voters who are ready to support you.


The Federal Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation" also indicates that in the course of preparation for the process, candidates for the post of President of the Russian Federation have the right to conduct various campaigns in order to motivate voters to vote for a particular participant.

The main requirement here is legality. That is, your actions should not violate the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as the laws of the country. In addition, they cannot be dangerous or infringing on the rights of other candidates. For example, it is impossible to discredit someone's honor and dignity under any pretext. It is illegal. Sometimes the election campaign, which violated all the foundations of the country, entails the disqualification of the participant.

It's no secret that various election programs will be shown and published in the media. A candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation has every right to choose which sources of information to use. And their number is not limited. And the Federation Council, in turn, guarantees all participants equal rights and access to the media. That is, in the elections, from the very beginning, everyone is equal. And no one has any advantages. So, you can hope for the honesty of the process.


Voters require special attention. They play an important role in elections. And to them, oddly enough, certain requirements for participation are also put forward. Fortunately, they are much smaller than those of candidates for the post of head of state. What restrictions apply, according to the law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation"?

To begin with, this is that only an adult citizen of Russia has the right to participate in the process. Such a person can come and cast his vote in favor of this or that candidate on the appointed day. True, an important point is that the voter must also be recognized as capable. That is, adequate. Incapacitated citizens cannot participate in elections even as voters.

Pay attention to one more small feature. A citizen of Russia who came to the polls has only one vote. And you can give it away only in favor of one candidate for the post of head of state. This approach guarantees an equal and legitimate competition in the electoral process. Therefore, voters should think carefully before giving their vote to one or another participant.

In addition, participation in the process is an individual decision. Every adult capable citizen has the right to vote in elections for the presidency of the Russian Federation. But this process is not compulsory. If desired, the voter can simply not show up for the vote. Yes, it's not very patriotic, but no one is forcing you to participate. And there is no penalty for absenteeism.

Election Day

So, the nomination of candidates, the requirements for them, as well as the restrictions and opportunities for voters are already clear. A certain idea of ​​how the elections are held, respectively, also takes place. But the law "On elections" does not end there. It provides for many more features of the process.

For example, in the issue of scheduling the election day. The decision is made by the Federation Council of the country. With all this, it must be issued no earlier than 100 days before the election, but no later than 90. After that, the data are made public without fail. For this, according to modern legislation, the Federation Council will have no more than 5 days from the moment the decision is made. So consider this factor.

How is the election day chosen? This is the second Sunday of the month in which this process was previously held. It is these rules that are spelled out in the Federal Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation."


Another important point is the registration of candidates for participation in our today's process. The thing is that for this, too, there are their own rules and algorithms. Failure to comply with these leads to the fact that the process itself "breaks", and the results are invalidated. In addition, sometimes non-compliance with the rules for registering candidates for the post of head of state of the Russian Federation leads to disqualification. Such cases, fortunately, almost never occur.

The first item is signature sheets. Each candidate in his support is required to collect at least 2 million signatures of voters. At the same time, authentication is carried out by the CEC in relation to 20% of the sheets.

This is followed by a protocol on the collection of signatures of voters. It is impossible to do without it. You will not be able to run for president if this opinion is missing. It must be submitted along with signature sheets. No exceptions or delays!

One more thing - you will be required to present to the Electoral Commission a list of those who collected signatures. Most likely, the authenticity of the data you provided will be verified. So be aware that cheating will result in disqualification.

The procedure for presidential elections also provides for the provision of personal data and documents confirming compliance with all constitutional requirements for participants in the process. Do not forget that when changing information, you must immediately bring certificates to the CEC that could confirm this.

The last thing you need is a personal financial statement. You can't do without it either. This is all. Now you can submit the above list of documents to the Electoral Commission, and then just wait. The commission will have 10 days from the date of receipt of the papers to either register your candidacy or refuse this process. But then there must be a rationale for action. Nobody has the right to hide them. As soon as all candidates are registered, places for voting (in each subject they are distributed by districts) are determined, you can wait for election day.

Early resignation

Only life is something unpredictable. And therefore, it is impossible to say for sure that the president will be in office for the prescribed term. What if there was an early resignation of the head of state? Will the country be without a leader for the rest of its term?

And here it is not. If, for one reason or another, the President of the Russian Federation resigns from office ahead of schedule, then the Federation Council must appoint an election day no later than 14 days from the date of the resignation of the head of the country. Otherwise, this right passes to the CEC. The election date will be the last Sunday of the month in which the previous president's three-month resignation expires. Such rules apply on the territory of the Russian Federation. And no exceptions.

What are the reasons for leaving the post of head of state? First, it may be a voluntary decision. An extremely rare phenomenon that generally occurs in a small number of countries. Managers, as a rule, do not simply refuse their positions. Especially if they aspired to this post.

Second, there is impeachment. For one reason or another, the state itself is able to remove the leader from office. The reasons can be varied - from violations of the elections (sometimes this is "revealed" after the incident) to illegal actions by a citizen.

Thirdly, the state of health. If, for some reason, due to problems with the body, the president can no longer fulfill his official duties, he must leave the post of head. This also includes forced suspension due to the onset of incapacity, mental illness (schizophrenia, for example).

In the end, the death of a citizen holding the presidency leads to the termination of his official duties. As a result, early elections and the appointment of a new head of the country are required. There is nothing difficult to understand in this. Everything is extremely simple.

As you can see, the requirements for a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation under the Constitution are not so difficult to remember. In addition, the election process itself is also simple for voters. Most of the difficulties go to the highest authorities, which are directly involved in the preparation for the process. Remember that voting is your choice. No one has the right to force you to vote in favor of a particular candidate (only to motivate - the election campaign will help). You also have the right not to vote. There is no punishment for this.

The 2018 Russian presidential election will take place on March 18. The date on which the head of state will be elected for a six-year term. If a second round is required, it will be held in three weeks - that is, on April 8, 2018. And the election campaign of candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation starts in December.


According to the latest Levada Center poll, 64% of Russians want Putin to be re-elected president of Russia, and 22% want another candidate to win.

Today, all experts agree that the current head of state, Vladimir Putin, will win them - if, of course, he runs for office. And yet, is intrigue possible next spring? And what will it consist of? In the turnout of voters, in the percentage of votes cast "for Putin", in the actions of the opposition? There are many options here and each is of interest.

Let's consider all the candidates in detail.

Vladimir Putin

With all the richness of choice, there is no other alternative. This is stated in a study by the Civil Society Development Foundation (FORGO). Putin's rating is consistently high. 39% of the people surveyed by ForGO experts do not know who will vote if Putin is not on the list of candidates, 17% will not vote in this case, and 12% intend to spoil the ballot. The current head of the country enjoys the greatest 65 percent support among young people aged 18-23. This is not surprising, because young people are simply used to seeing Putin as the head of the Russian state. The forecasts of political experts and the predictions of analysts and astrologers about the 2018 elections also agree that it is Putin who will become the future president of Russia. Now Vladimir Vladimirovich wants to focus on work and, according to the latest data, will announce his participation in the elections in November. Only by December will his legal nomination begin with the collection of signatures.

On November 13, a message appeared in the media from an anonymous federal official, which read as follows: "So far, Putin has not made public statements about his readiness to run for the presidency of Russia, but he has decided that he will participate." Of Putin's qualities, voters especially like: Mind; authority; literacy; experience; authority; leadership; competence. In other age groups, from 56% of respondents (in the group of 45-59 years old) to 64% (in the age group of 24-34 years old) are ready to vote for Putin.

Alexey Navalny

Human rights activist, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. Born June 4, 1976 in the Moscow region. He participated in the elections of the mayor of Moscow in 2013 and took second place, losing to the current mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The level of support for Navalny has grown after his films “He is not Dimon to you”, “The Seagull”, as well as the results of the work of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which discovered phenomenal levels of theft among officials.

Sergei Mironov

So far, it is not known exactly who will become the presidential candidate from the Just Russia party - the final decision will be made only on December 25, 2017 at the party congress. Presumably, the chairman, Sergei Mironov, may become a candidate, although he does not differ in particular success in the political field. Sergei twice took part in the presidential elections and twice took the honorable last place in the rating. Sergey advocates decent wages, the restoration of educational traditions, an optional USE and the abolition of fees for major repairs.

Grigory Yavlinsky

After a long break, Gregory wants to take part in the presidential race again - the last time he participated in them was in 2000, when he took third place. Grigory was inspired by the results of the municipal elections in Moscow, where the Yabloko leaders were in the lead in some areas. So far, Grigory promises to change the country's foreign policy, reform the system of financing the regions and introduce direct elections of mayors and members of the Federation Council.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The most odious political figure in Russia is going to run for the next (sixth) time. This time, Donald Trump and his migration policy have clearly taken over his mind - therefore, having won, Zhirinovsky promises to do the same in the Russian Federation. Well, as usual, he proposes the nationalization of large-scale industry, the state monopoly on tobacco and alcohol products and support for small and medium-sized businesses.

Boris Titov

Boris Titov intends to participate in the upcoming presidential elections in the Russian Federation. His candidacy will be nominated by the Party of Growth.

The political council of the party has already made such a decision. The meeting took place on November 25 in Abrau-Dyurso. There is a champagne factory owned by Titov.

Shortly before this, Titov himself announced that the party would be considering a number of options regarding the elections. One of them was the support that would be provided by the "Party of Growth" to Vladimir Putin. At the same time, the possibility that this political force would nominate its participant in the primaries was not ruled out.

In the course of an internal party dispute, several candidates were put forward, but not one of them was able to receive support like that provided to Titov.

Titov has already said in his keynote article that his main task is to promote the Growth Strategy. This is an economic project prepared by the Stolypin Club. It was submitted to Vladimir Putin for consideration in May.

The new candidate decided to go to the presidential elections with him. He believes that if successful, he will be able to achieve its fastest implementation.

Dmitry Peskov, answering the question whether Titov coordinated his presidential ambitions with the Kremlin, said the following: "The new candidate notified the administration of his intentions." Whether there was a response signal, Putin's spokesman did not say.

Ekaterina Gordon

The Russian journalist and public figure declared her desire to compete with other applicants. She considers the protection of the rights of women and children to be the basis of her program, knowing in practice how the judicial system works. Ekaterina, in her video message, emphasizes that she is the only candidate who has not been agreed with the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Alina Vitukhnovskaya

The Black Icon of Russian Literature intends to run for president this spring. If she wins, she promises to work on creating a professional army, allowing everyone to carry weapons, and also rid Russia of the role of "international gendarme" (whatever that means).

Sergei Polonsky

The owner of his own island in Cambodia and a failed cosmonaut also intends to put forward his candidacy for the post of head of the Russian state in 2018. The piquancy of the situation is added by the fact that in the past Polonsky was found guilty in the case of fraud on an especially large scale.

Maxim Suraikin

The chairman of the "Communists of Russia" party speaks with the traditional communist program - the nationalization of extractive industries and large enterprises, an increase in social spending and the introduction of the death penalty.

Andrey Bazhutin

The chairman of the "Association of Carriers of Russia", the organizer and coordinator of the "Campaign to Moscow" of truckers calls on Siberian truckers and sympathizers to vote for him in the upcoming presidential elections. He is primarily interested in "problems of education, health care, housing and communal services."

Anton Bakov

The billionaire and head of the "Monarchist Party of Russia" will represent this very party in the presidential elections in 2018 (since Natalya Poklonskaya refused this honor). His electoral program is simple: to restore the monarchy in Russia and create a "monarchist international." Interestingly, earlier Anton planned to revive the Romanov Empire in the pleasant conditions of the Kiribati islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Elvira Agurbash

The vice-president of Mortadel, known for her sharp speeches during the discussion of the new edition of the law on trade, as well as trade wars with Dixy, decided to put forward her candidacy for the post of President of Russia, which she wrote on Facebook. The target audience of the candidate is representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Irina Volynets

Irina, the leader of the National Parents' Committee, is going to dilute the "chronic shortage" of bright and charismatic presidential candidates. So far, in the list of Irina's victories - the second place in the rating in the elections of deputies of the State Duma in the Perm Territory. The candidate pays great influence to the social sphere - an increase in the minimum wage, maternity capital and support for large families.

Boris Yakemenko

In mid-October 2017, Boris, one of the leaders of the Nashi movement and the creator of Walking Together, published his election theses. The main idea of ​​the theses is “work with people”, the transition to “democratic justice” and “fair world order”, as well as “non-subordination to globalized Atlanticism”. So that readers do not have to rummage through dictionaries in search of this term, let us explain that Atlanticism means all-round cooperation between the United States, Canada and the countries of Western Europe. Today, Atlanticism is most fully reflected in the activities of NATO. Boris estimates his chances of winning highly, otherwise he would not have run for office. In general, he is interested in how many votes an ordinary person can gain.

Andrey Bogdanov

Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia, representative of the association of ten non-parliamentary parties, the Third Force bloc and a presidential candidate from the Democratic Party of Russia. Andrey was energized by the highly voted victory of more than 200 candidates whom he said he advised in the Moscow municipal elections.

Vladimir Mikhailov

The Honored Inventor of Russia and a deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma is going to represent “poor and dying Russia” in the 2018 presidential election. At the forefront of his election program, he puts, first of all, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, social protection and a strong army.

Ksenia Sobchak

In mid-October, Ksenia announced that she also wanted to take part in the presidential race. According to her, it was the disappearance of the column “against everyone”, beloved by the people, from the ballots that inspired her to this decision. Ksenia invites everyone who is tired of the current situation with the elections to protest by voting for her. At the same time, the candidate has neither a team nor a coherent election program, but with such a position, this is not required. In addition, according to polls by the Levada Center, Sobchak leads in the rating of distrust of politicians, which was previously headed by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. The popularity of her person and the unusual approach in the form of an association with the “against all” column can play a cruel joke, as happened in the last US presidential election.

Gennady Zyuganov

The head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who consistently occupies second place in the presidential elections from year to year, does not lose hope of becoming the first number in the state. At the beginning of the year, he announced his desire to be a candidate from "all state-patriotic forces," however, representatives of these very national-patriotic forces reported that a necessary condition for their support was the presence of another presidential nominee. Perhaps this means that Zyuganov will no longer be the permanent candidate of the Communist Party. The program of the "father of Russian communism" is traditional and does not change from year to year: the nationalization of natural resources, the dispossession of oligarchs, the revision of privatization results and the abolition of VAT. That's just the electorate he has diminished in recent years.

Putin will take part in the presidential elections

On December 6, 2017, all leading news agencies reported the news that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin had finally announced his participation in the 2018 elections.

Initially, everything once again looked like a "statement of intent." During the Volunteer of Russia award ceremony in Nizhny Novgorod, the current head of state asked the assembled volunteers if they would support him if he ran for President of Russia in 2018. Having received an affirmative answer from the hall, Vladimir Putin promised to make a decision to go to the 2018 elections in the near future.

Already in the evening of the same day, speaking to the workers at the GAZ plant, the leader of the country informed the public that Vladimir Putin would be in the 2018 elections!

The place for this kind of statement was not chosen by chance - after all, it is precisely on the workers, according to the politician, that the main

It must be admitted that the day when Vladimir Putin announced his participation in the presidential race and put forward his candidacy was perhaps the most anticipated in the Russian establishment. Politicians, pensioners, state employees, security officials, and housewives were waiting for him.

Even the main non-systemic opposition leader of the country, Alexei Navalny, openly stated that the question of whether the incumbent head of state would go to the polls had long been and unambiguously resolved on the sidelines of power.

It was clear to everyone - 2018, Vladimir Putin will definitely go to a new term!

"Fair Russia" will support Putin in the presidential election

The party decided not to nominate its candidate for the highest state post

The Just Russia party will not nominate its candidate for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, which are to be held in our country on March 18, 2018. The political organization is expected to support the incumbent head of state, Vladimir Putin, in the upcoming elections.

So, on Sunday, December 24, the presidium of the central council of A Just Russia recommended that the congress, which will be held on January 25 in Moscow, support the candidacy of the current president.

At the same time, the leader of the Righteous Russian Federation, Sergei Mironov, noted that representatives of his party would be included in the initiative group for the nomination of Putin and his campaign headquarters, TASS reports.

Recall that on December 6, Vladimir Putin announced his intention to take part in the 2018 presidential election. And a little later it became known that the current head of state would go to the polls as a self-nominated candidate.

On March 18, 2018, presidential elections will be held in Russia. The Russians will have to choose a worthy candidate whom they will trust to run the country for the next six years. How will the 2018 elections be held and who claims to be the head of state? About this in the material of the FBA "Economy Today".

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the new president of Russia will be elected for a six-year term by direct secret ballot. It is legally established that the first round of presidential elections must be held on the second Sunday of the month in which voting was held in the last election. Recall that the previous presidential elections were held on March 4, 2012. Due to a holiday non-working day, the date of the current elections from the second Sunday in March was postponed to the next Sunday. Thus, the elections in Russia will be held on March 18, 2018. And on December 27, 2017, the CEC began the registration of candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation. Documents required to participate in the elections will be accepted until 18:00 on January 31, 2018.

Self-nominated and party candidates

Both self-nominated candidates and candidates from political parties can take part in the presidential elections in Russia. A self-nominated candidate must be supported by an initiative group of at least 500 voters registered with the CEC. To register as a candidate, you must provide a package of documents. It includes: signature lists with signatures of voters supporting the candidate; document on payment for the production of signature sheets; protocol on the results of the collection of signatures of voters; a list of persons who collected voters' signatures; information about changes in data about the candidate; the first financial report of the candidate.

On the timing and stages of the election campaign

The election campaign has clear deadlines and stages. Thus, by the end of January, the formation of polling stations should be completed. Until February 1, the formation of precinct election commissions is underway, and until February 22, the formation of territorial election commissions continues. Until the end of February, all candidates must publish their election programs and submit copies to the CEC.

The election campaign in the media officially starts on February 19 and will continue until March 17. And the publication of the results of a public opinion poll, forecasts of election results is allowed only until March 12.

By the way, until March 13 the candidate has the right to withdraw his candidacy, and the party - to recall the candidate nominated by it. On March 17 - a day before the elections - there comes a "day of silence", when any campaigning is prohibited. The deadline for determining the results of the elections is until March 30, the publication of the results is until April 1. If necessary, the day of the second voting is set on April 8.

The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (CEC of the Russian Federation) organizes and conducts the 2018 elections. The commission, an independent collegial federal government agency, consists of 15 members with the right to vote.

Who will participate in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation: list of candidates

Several dozen candidates intend to take part in the presidential elections, which will be held in Russia on March 18, 2018. So, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, one of the founders of the

MOSCOW, January 16 - RIA Novosti. Participation in the election campaign for the presidential elections in Russia continues 17 contenders for this post, including two self-nominated; on Tuesday, one candidate dropped out of the race, another withdrew his candidacy, and all the rest will have to go through the registration procedure in order to continue the struggle, enlisting the support of a certain number of voters for this.

So far, none of the candidates for the presidency who have successfully passed the nomination stage have submitted signature lists to the Central Election Commission, although some are already collecting signatures. However, two nominees from parliamentary parties, who by law do not require signatures, have already been officially registered as candidates for the post of head of state - this is the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who traditionally goes to the polls from his party, and the director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinin, nominated by the Communist Party.

The names of registered candidates, if they do not decide to refuse to participate in the elections, voters will see in the ballot on March 18. The CEC will accept documents for registration until 18.00 Moscow time on January 31. After they are received, the department has ten days to check the signatures for authenticity, thus, by February 10, the list of candidates who will appear on the ballot will probably be determined.

“We have completed the procedure for reviewing all documents, there can be no one else. Only if someone is reinstated in court, but I don’t see new court applications, everything that was in court, in my opinion, has been fully considered,” he told reporters deputy head of the CEC Nikolai Bulaev after the meeting on Tuesday.

Starting from the start of the election campaign on December 18 and ending with the final stage of the nomination stage on January 12, the CEC received 70 notifications of the intention to nominate a candidate or stand as a candidate: 24 parties reported holding pre-election congresses, and 46 citizens reported meetings of voter groups in support of self-nomination. But in the end, only slightly more than half of the applicants reached the Central Election Commission with the documents necessary for nomination - 36 out of 70. Among them were 15 self-nominated candidates and 21 party candidates.

Two-thirds of those who declared their desire to go to the polls in the order of self-nomination did not bring their documents, many meetings of groups of voters simply did not take place. Several pre-election congresses have also been canceled, for example, those of the Democratic Party and Civic Position.

But the "Russian United Labor Front" ("ROT Front"), having first been refused registration of its authorized representatives due to violation of the terms of the notice of the congress, re-gathered the delegates and again nominated its presidential candidate - Natalya Lisitsyna, an overhead crane operator of a metallurgical plant . The second attempt ended successfully, she has already opened an electoral account and is running her campaign.

The chairman of the National Parents' Committee, Irina Volynets, also came with documents for nomination to the CEC twice, but as a candidate from different parties. At first, she went to the polls from the People Against Corruption party, but on January 10 she was refused by the Central Election Commission due to violations committed during the congress. For the second time, Volynets came to the department with documents already at the end of the nomination - on January 12 - being a candidate from the "People's Party of Russia". This time the attempt was successful: after examining the documents, the CEC did not find any shortcomings and on Tuesday gave Volynets permission to open a special electoral account.

A similar decision was supposed to be made by the Central Election Commission with regard to the deputy of the Volgograd City Duma, Oleg Bulaev, nominated for the presidency by the "Communist Party of Social Justice" (CPSU). Like Volynets, he submitted documents to the CEC on January 12. However, the candidate, who actually successfully passed the stage of nomination, announced at a meeting of the Central Election Commission on Tuesday that he was withdrawing his candidacy from the elections "so as not to split the communist electorate."

On the last day of the nomination, literally an hour before midnight, the director of the Center for Youth and Longevity in Saratov, Marina Kopyonkina, also managed to submit documents to the CEC, who intended to participate in the elections from the Native Party. However, she was denied registration of authorized representatives of the party, which does not allow her to continue the election campaign. The grounds for refusal were untimely notification of the congress and violations during its conduct, in addition, the candidate did not submit some of the documents necessary for nomination.

The candidate from the "Russian Socialist Party" Irina Gagite withdrew her candidacy from the elections the day before. The CEC had to take a similar decision - to refuse to register the commissioners, since the candidate did not submit the necessary certificate of large expenses for herself and her minor son, which is the basis for the refusal. At the same time, the CEC had suspicions that the documents confirming the holding of regional conferences of the party, which should precede the congress, could be fabricated. Such violation may result in liability up to criminal liability. The department recommended that Gagite withdraw her candidacy if she is not sure of the authenticity of the documents; she followed this advice.

A controversial situation has also developed around the presidential candidate, psychologist Mikhail Kozlov, who is going to the polls from the "Social Protection Party" - he previously received permission to open an electoral account and is already campaigning. As it became known on Tuesday, the CEC found signs of falsification in his documents, in particular, in the power of attorney for the financial commissioner. The relevant materials for verification will be sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

For the rest of the candidates who submitted documents earlier, the CEC has already made decisions. Thus, the current head of state Vladimir Putin and the honored inventor of Russia Vladimir Mikhailov continue to participate in the election campaign, they have successfully passed the stage of nomination and opened electoral accounts, which means they can campaign and collect signatures of voters; to register, self-nominated candidates need to enlist the support of at least 300,000 people.

Earlier, the CEC registered a group of voters created in support of the self-nomination of the leader of the public movement "Vozrozhdenie" Alexander Chukhlebov, but later, at the initiative of the same department, the registration was canceled by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, since the candidate was found to have a residence permit in another state, which does not allow him to participate in the elections.

Another 12 self-nominated candidates were denied registration of voter groups for various reasons. These are Tatyana Volovik, a fighter for the rights of deceived equity holders, Tatyana Volovik, wife of the Mufti of Dagestan and editor-in-chief of the Islam magazine, Aina Gamzatova, businessman Vladimir Kuznetsov, showman and president of the Russian strip club association Lucky Lee, journalist Oleg Lurie, blogger Alexei Navalny, businessman Sergei Polonsky, self-proclaimed "President of the USSR" Tristan Prisyagin, head of the "Do good" center Vasily Pugachev, head of the Orenburg branch of "PARNAS" Sergei Stolpak, IT specialist from Chelyabinsk Viktor Cherepnin and Chelyabinsk businessman Andrey Yatsun.

The presidential elections in Russia will be held on March 18, 2018. Compliance with the electoral legislation will be controlled by state bodies, observers, candidates and media representatives.

Party candidates Yelena Semerikova from the Women's Dialogue and Yuri Sidorov from the Small Business Party of Russia also received refusals earlier, the CEC did not register authorized representatives of the parties due to violations during the congresses. The candidate from the "Social Democratic Party of Russia" Sirazdin Ramazanov submitted documents for nomination, but refused to continue to participate in the elections.

So far, 14 candidates from the parties are running their campaigns, two of them - Zhirinovsky and Grudinin - have already passed the registration procedure. Since they go to the polls from parliamentary parties, they did not need to collect voters' signatures. But candidates from non-parliamentary parties need to enlist the support of at least 100,000 voters to register. The collection of signatures can already be carried out by 12 candidates from non-parliamentary parties who have opened electoral accounts. This is Roman Khudyakov from the HONEST (Human. Justice. Responsibility) party, Grigory Yavlinsky from Yabloko, Boris Titov from the Growth Party, Elvira Agurbash from the Green Alliance, Sergey Baburin from the Russian National Union, Anton Bakov from the "Monarchist Party", Ksenia Sobchak from the "Civil Initiative", Ekaterina Gordon from the "Party of Good Deeds", Stanislav Polishchuk from the "Party of Social Reforms", Mikhail Kozlov from the "Party of Social Protection", Maxim Suraykin from the "Communists of Russia" and Natalia Lisitsyn from "ROT Front".

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