Which dog is better to take a boy or a girl. How to choose a puppy: important tips for a future dog owner. Everyone needs to know this! What is the best age to take

So, you have made a choice of a certain breed of dog, but there is another choice - a puppy cable or a bitch. Let's try to figure it out and make the right choice before buying.

Some people, when they call, are immediately determined with the sex of the dog, as they studied the breed in detail and for a long time, and many think only after they call our kennel, and we ask you for a boy or a girl, and then a stupor.

Let's look at all the pros and cons of a girl's puppy.

As a rule, girls are more obedient and try to stay close to the owner, they can rarely run away. Bitches are easier to educate, as their character is soft, they are usually more gentle and affectionate than males. Another important plus is the ability to quickly go to the toilet on the street, in the apartments the bitches do not go to the toilet (only in the tray) due to their physiology of cleanliness. Only during estrus they can mark the bushes, the rest of the time it is enough for them to sit down once, twice and you can go home.

The downside may be the following: estrus at this time you need to protect it from cables when walking and keep it on a leash. Female dogs go into heat twice a year and last about two and a half weeks. Most often girls are bought by women.

Pros and cons of Kobel.

A male who loves to play pranks and adventures can follow a dog in heat on the street and run away. Therefore, always keep males nearby, especially in large cities.

Males are very brave and with age they will strive to take the place of the leader in your family, so you need to educate him correctly and make it clear who is in charge in the house. If you offend him greatly, he may hold a grudge against you. One of the most unpleasant minuses of a male is that when he enters puberty, he can start marking at home, so you need to wean him from doing this and stop him in the bud.

Outcome: The female dog is more loyal, and the male is more hardy and bold.

Choosing a dog of a certain gender in advance is not always successful, as there are even cases when a person goes to our kennel for a Yorkshire terrier boy, and as a result, his choice falls on a Pomeranian girl puppy.

So, the choice is made! A dog of this particular breed - the smartest and most intelligent, the most beautiful and obedient - will become a member of your family, will live in your house, jump for Frisbee, enthusiastically catch the ball and amuse all the kids in the area. I wonder which dog will be closer in terms of character and behavior - a boy or a girl, that is, a male or a female? Thoughts in my head jump, collide, desires are not determined, but the question is actually complex and it cannot be answered unambiguously. What gender the puppy will decide, of course, is up to the owner, and it's not just the external differences in the exterior, in most breeds sexual dimorphism is expressed quite clearly and vividly, males are usually larger than females and always with more masculine "faces". We should talk about the distinctive behavioral features associated with the sex of the animal, its advantages and disadvantages. Let us dwell on the main points, understanding of which will help the future owner decide which dog he will be comfortable living with for at least a dozen years.

Physiology and behavior

Most owners, when choosing a pet for their home and family, do not consider compulsory exhibition activities and do not plan to participate in breeding programs. Therefore, excluding the issue of reproduction, let us dwell on the physiological differences between males and females, and the behavior associated with them.

Girls. When trying to discern the character and temperament of a puppy, one should not forget that bitches are softer, more cunning and generally more obedient, and the estrus period, which lasts about 21-30 days no more than twice a year, will not greatly complicate life, and it is enough not to let the dog down off the leash.

boys. Males, unlike females, are more honest, straightforward, more active in everyday life, they are dominant on the street and more often find out who is in charge in the family, and they are also not averse to finding out relations with neighbor males, with whom they can be on friendly terms.

Breed characteristics and training

boys. Having chosen a cute, glorious, clumsy puppy that looks like a soft toy, be sure to be ready for him to grow up - the baby will grow into a large, bright, but also independent dog with a clear desire to dominate, and also take a higher step in the hierarchy of your family. You will have to deal with this without letting yourself be pushed around, which requires strength - both moral and physical, the strength of your character and endurance. Nevertheless, many dog ​​breeders will prefer the company of a dog for joint trips to the fields, hunting, fishing, just walking or warming up by walking or running in a forest or park. Because any owner appreciates in his dog courage, endurance, tirelessness, the desire to share the joy of mutual communication in any life realities or situations. Such is the striking feature of boys - straightforwardness and devotion.

Girls. Unlike males, females are usually much calmer, more obedient, affectionate, gentle and friendly with the owner. It is believed that the intelligence of bitches is much higher than that of males, they are more intelligent, docile, with a good instinct for self-preservation and a developed emotional perception of the outside world. Females rarely claim key positions in the family, however, leadership is also inherent in them, but at the same time they are thinner, more cunning, adapt well to life circumstances, due to which they are easier to train and communication with them is much richer due to the more complex, multifaceted and less direct than in males, character.

There is a popular belief about the so-called "cross-selection" of a puppy - a male owner should choose a female, and a female owner should choose a dog.


A little about such a delicate issue as the cost of a puppy. Do not be surprised, but females are somewhat more expensive due to their breeding value, and in some breeds, the price of a male can be an order of magnitude lower than the cost of a female.

Purpose of purchase: for breeding or "soul"

boys. If you decide to become the owner of a stud dog, then you need to remember that only 5% of dogs with a pedigree and a quality exterior are used in breeding. In addition to an excellent exterior and a considerable number of exhibition titles, high-quality rearing with specialized feed, appropriate physical activity and sports training, a stud dog must have good health and mentality, the absence of marriage not only in his own, but also in the closest related offspring, etc.

Girls. The requirements for choosing a stud bitch are not as strict as for males, it is possible to purchase a puppy with minor deviations from the standard, these may be minor flaws and always without defects. But, again, it should be remembered that if the purchase of a female is planned to create a kennel, then when choosing, in addition to the pedigree, it is necessary to take into account both the exterior, and high-quality rearing, and care, as well as the requirements for health and psyche should be as high as and the stud dog.

If you look at the question of choosing the sex of a puppy a little wider, then it will still be important not the sex of the dog, but its character and temperament, and their closeness to the character and temperament of the owner himself. Therefore, you should pay attention first of all to compliance with breed characteristics, and the puppy will be a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter at all, because once you like it, then yours is from the tip of the nose to the tip of the wagging tail. Look carefully at the puppies you like - maybe you will see an impudent bully girl that you like more, or vice versa, a kind, sociable boy will sink into your soul. So choose a character that is close to yours, without limiting yourself to certain settings for a dog or a bitch.

So, the choice is made! A dog of this particular breed - the smartest and most intelligent, the most beautiful and obedient - will become a member of your family, will live in your house, jump for Frisbee, enthusiastically catch the ball and amuse all the kids in the area. I wonder which dog will be closer in terms of character and behavior - a boy or a girl, that is, a male or a female? Thoughts in my head jump, collide, desires are not determined, but the question is actually complex and it cannot be answered unambiguously. What gender the puppy will decide, of course, is up to the owner, and it's not just the external differences in the exterior, in most breeds sexual dimorphism is expressed quite clearly and vividly, males are usually larger than females and always with more masculine "faces". We should talk about the distinctive behavioral features associated with the sex of the animal, its advantages and disadvantages. Let us dwell on the main points, understanding of which will help the future owner decide which dog he will be comfortable living with for at least a dozen years.

Physiology and behavior

Most owners, when choosing a pet for their home and family, do not consider compulsory exhibition activities and do not plan to participate in breeding programs. Therefore, excluding the issue of reproduction, let us dwell on the physiological differences between males and females, and the behavior associated with them.

Girls. When trying to discern the character and temperament of a puppy, one should not forget that bitches are softer, more cunning and generally more obedient, and the estrus period, which lasts about 21-30 days no more than twice a year, will not greatly complicate life, and it is enough not to let the dog down off the leash.

boys. Males, unlike females, are more honest, straightforward, more active in everyday life, they are dominant on the street and more often find out who is in charge in the family, and they are also not averse to finding out relations with neighbor males, with whom they can be on friendly terms.

Breed characteristics and training

boys. Having chosen a cute, glorious, clumsy puppy that looks like a soft toy, be sure to be ready for him to grow up - the baby will grow into a large, bright, but also independent dog with a clear desire to dominate, and also take a higher step in the hierarchy of your family. You will have to deal with this without letting yourself be pushed around, which requires strength - both moral and physical, the strength of your character and endurance. Nevertheless, many dog ​​breeders will prefer the company of a dog for joint trips to the fields, hunting, fishing, just walking or warming up by walking or running in a forest or park. Because any owner appreciates in his dog courage, endurance, tirelessness, the desire to share the joy of mutual communication in any life realities or situations. Such is the striking feature of boys - straightforwardness and devotion.

Girls. Unlike males, females are usually much calmer, more obedient, affectionate, gentle and friendly with the owner. It is believed that the intelligence of bitches is much higher than that of males, they are more intelligent, docile, with a good instinct for self-preservation and a developed emotional perception of the outside world. Females rarely claim key positions in the family, however, leadership is also inherent in them, but at the same time they are thinner, more cunning, adapt well to life circumstances, due to which they are easier to train and communication with them is much richer due to the more complex, multifaceted and less direct than in males, character.

There is a popular belief about the so-called "cross-selection" of a puppy - a male owner should choose a female, and a female owner should choose a dog.


A little about such a delicate issue as the cost of a puppy. Do not be surprised, but females are somewhat more expensive due to their breeding value, and in some breeds, the price of a male can be an order of magnitude lower than the cost of a female.

Purpose of purchase: for breeding or "soul"

boys. If you decide to become the owner of a stud dog, then you need to remember that only 5% of dogs with a pedigree and a quality exterior are used in breeding. In addition to an excellent exterior and a considerable number of exhibition titles, high-quality rearing with specialized feed, appropriate physical activity and sports training, a stud dog must have good health and mentality, the absence of marriage not only in his own, but also in the closest related offspring, etc.

Girls. The requirements for choosing a stud bitch are not as strict as for males, it is possible to purchase a puppy with minor deviations from the standard, these may be minor flaws and always without defects. But, again, it should be remembered that if the purchase of a female is planned to create a kennel, then when choosing, in addition to the pedigree, it is necessary to take into account both the exterior, and high-quality rearing, and care, as well as the requirements for health and psyche should be as high as and the stud dog.

If you look at the question of choosing the sex of a puppy a little wider, then it will still be important not the sex of the dog, but its character and temperament, and their closeness to the character and temperament of the owner himself. Therefore, you should pay attention first of all to compliance with breed characteristics, and the puppy will be a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter at all, because once you like it, then yours is from the tip of the nose to the tip of the wagging tail. Look carefully at the puppies you like - maybe you will see an impudent bully girl that you like more, or vice versa, a kind, sociable boy will sink into your soul. So choose a character that is close to yours, without limiting yourself to certain settings for a dog or a bitch.

By nature, the cat is more affectionate, it is a softer creature. But, on the other hand, the animal is very independent, and, as R. Kipling wrote, it is used to "walking by itself." This is sometimes manifested in the fact that when a cat in childhood is often wanted to be picked up against its will, this causes a reaction of opposition - the cat will never be given into hands. She will come to her arms, purr and fawn only when she wants to.

Another problem is that you have to mess with the kittens. For medical and psychological reasons, it is necessary to tie twice before sterilization. Many people think that three times is better. Kittens are a lot of fun, but troublesome. For two months, when they grow, it will be necessary to prepare food for the kittens separately, monitor their health, and a certain amount of money is required. And lastly, they need to be sold, donated or put somewhere. All this does not bring tangible benefits other than hassle.

In many cases, even Russian blue cats during the onset of puberty may attempt to pee on objects lying on the floor, slippers, bags, plastic bags. This is not a marking of the territory, but rather because the cat does not understand what is happening to it and therefore is looking for ways to attract the attention of the cat or, in extreme cases, ours.

The choice is yours. All of the above, of course, is subjective in nature from 15 years of communication with Russian blue cats.

Comment on the article "Who do you want - a boy or a girl?"

09/06/2013 16:03:39, aidka

Drive such authors vzashey. "For medical and psychological reasons, it is necessary to tie twice before sterilization." Who told him such nonsense? A cat can and should be sterilized nulliparous, she will not have a psychological trauma that she did not continue her race, and childbirth will not add to her health either.

03/30/2011 10:10:25 AM, Ryzh

In general, I like cats more, they are more affectionate. And cat doctors are just as good, especially for a woman in her critical days. But unfortunately I had to get a cat, as I live in a private house. After all, then it will be a pity to kill kittens if no one takes them. But I still love it :)

Total 5 messages .

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