Which level 10 tank is better. Pz.Kpfw. VII Tactical and technical characteristics

In the next article, we will consider the best medium tank of the 10th level in World of Tanks. If you don't like huge clumsy heavy tanks and nimble but harmless "fireflies", then you can get acquainted with the golden mean of this kind of equipment. Consider the features of the best medium tanks at the maximum level.

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10th place. 121.

The highest damage on the level (440 units) allows you to start skirmishes even with heavy tanks. The main shells of the tank are armor-piercing, so the amount of penetration does not drop so sharply depending on the distance to the target.

Excellent turret armor can withstand even a direct hit from almost any enemy.
Frontal and side hull protection is not inferior to other medium tanks.
The gun does quite a lot of damage per minute.
The car develops speed up to 56 km/h.

The tank is not maneuverable enough.
Tower hatches are a weak point in defense.
Because the tanks are at the front of the hull, they often take damage when hit.
The BC is located on the sides of the tank, so it can be a good target for the enemy.
The angles of declination of the gun are simply terrible.

The tank feels good when exchanging shots, but cannot boast of good dynamics. In battle, it is better to be in a group with other tanks, if possible, then with heavier friends.

9th place. FV4202.

The tank turret has a rather interesting shape. It will often ricochet projectiles on impact, though it does have a few weak spots. The gun may not cause maximum damage, but it is characterized by good penetration.

A very accurate gun among tanks of this class.
Excellent vertical angles for gun aiming.
The tank has a good turret traverse speed.
Very good view from the tower (410 meters).
Screens on the hull can save you from high-explosive shells, although very rarely.

The tank suffers from a shortage of powerful HEAT ammunition.
The mobility of the car leaves much to be desired.
Weak side armor. Enemy artillery deals very high damage.
The back of the hull is poorly protected, so very often in the midst of a battle, the tank's engine lights up.

Excellent elevation angles can be used effectively on uneven terrain. The tank will hide behind the hills, sticking out only the tower. Another variant of tactics is shooting from a greater distance, which allows you to make an indicator of the accuracy of the gun.

8th place. M48A1 Patton.

A kind of representative of this kind of tanks. Impact characteristics are quite average. The vertical aiming angles of the gun allow the owner of this apparatus to successfully use hilly terrain. However, do not forget about the very large commander's tower.

We have an excellent view of 420 meters.
Strong frontal armor and turret armor.
The tank quickly turns around on the spot.
When firing on the move, the guns are well stabilized.

The very large hull dimensions make the tank an excellent target for artillery.
For the same reason, the tank develops low speed.
Such a huge tower.
It takes a long time to repair damage.

The result was a tank with dimensions like a heavy tank, and combat parameters like a medium one. The car as a whole is quite specific, but it all depends, of course, on the player. You need to try so that the enemies do not light up the tank first.

7th place. Leopard.

Leopard can be advised to more experienced players than previous models. The main advantage of a tank is its gun. Although it is better not to get involved in a protracted firefight, since the protection of the tank will not last long.

The gun has good accuracy and is capable of inflicting significant damage to the opponent.
The review is 410 meters.
The tank quickly gains maximum speed and is generally very mobile.
The machine perfectly overcomes sections with rough terrain.

Pretty bulky case.
Very weak armor, and hulls, and towers, and everything else.

Since almost any hit is fraught with sad consequences for the Leopard, it is better to take a position behind the more solid brothers. It is safer to attack the enemy with your armor-piercing gun from the second line of attack. By sticking to this tactic, it will be possible to inflict more damage and benefit the whole team more.

6th place. Object 430.

The most interesting features of this tank are the very strong turret and the very low overall hull. You can use this trick: drive close to the side of a huge heavy tank and hang it thanks to a very high damage per minute. He won't be able to lower the cannon low enough to point it at object 430.

A very fast firing weapon.
Excellent turret armor.
Due to the shape of the hull, enemy projectiles often ricochet.
The tank has an excellent indicator of camouflage.
High top speed.

The damage from a single shot is extremely low.
The gun takes a very long time to come down.
Due to poor stabilization, shooting on the move will not work.
Tanks on the hull very often light up when hit.

The tactics of playing for this tank is determined by the parameters of its gun. Since the horizontal aiming angles are lame, and the gun itself is reduced for a long time, you need to boldly go into close combat. In this case, you can maximize the use of high damage per minute.

5th place. E50 Ausf. M.

A wonderful example of German military equipment. The tank's gun has unprecedented accuracy, and it's a sin not to use it. Moreover, the penetration rate is 270 units. The machine develops up to 60 km / h, and weighs as much as 62 tons - this allows you to successfully ram the enemy.

Accurate punching tool.
Great speed for such weight and dimensions.
The tank has thick armor on the hull.
The strength of the tank is 2050 units.

The gun takes a very long time to reload.
The tower is poorly protected.
Very large tank.

You need to take a position on the second line in order to use the advantages of the gun, and not its disadvantages. Climbing forward is not profitable, since the tank has a weak spot in the NLD and low damage per minute. If the enemy approaches the tank, boldly and more often use a ram.

4th place. STB-1.

The very low shape of the tank increases the camouflage parameter. Which is extremely important, since the enemy artillery piles on him in full. The turret perfectly ricochets shells, but sometimes they hurt right into the cannon.

A very strong tower.
Fast gun reload.
Low body.

The body armor is very weak.
Standard projectiles lack penetration.

It is best to use the ricochet tower more. Let the enemies shoot at her more often than at the body. Ride out at massive DPM.

3rd place. T62-A.

They are a pleasure to play. It can be taken by those who do not want to bother too much with tactical features.

Of course, huge damage per minute.
Thick turret armor.
Quick turn of the chassis and turret.
Possibility of turning on the spot.
Handles rough terrain well.

Small one-time damage.
Low speed.
Tanks are located in front of the hull.

Suitable for almost any combat mission. You can use all the advantages of a medium tank.

2nd place. Object 140.

In all respects, this is the same as the T62-A. Indeed, there are a couple of differences.

Excellent gun stabilization. You can easily shoot on the move.
Wider vertical angles.
Excellent top speed.

Hatches on the tower and its roof are vulnerable.
Still, the tanks are in front, and this is fraught with frequent fires.

The game plan is the same. You need to win on huge damage per minute and protect the frontal part of the hull.

1st place. Bat Chatillon 25t.

A very peculiar, and therefore interesting combat vehicle.

The highest top speed. Almost like a light tank.
He has very little armor, but it is at a good slope.
You can not be particularly afraid of cumulative shells.
Unfolds in place.
With an average damage, the drum knocks out 2000 units.

Small ammunition (30 shots).
Poor weapon stabilization.
High chance of crew death.
Small mass of the tank (25 tons).

First, we choose the right ammunition load. Since the armor of the tank is very weak, you need to go to the rear of the enemy, shoot a drum at him and hastily retreat. The speed of the tank will allow this to be done. Most medium tanks will be destroyed from one drum even in a head-on firefight.

Compiling a list of the best tier 10 medium tanks in World of Tanks was not easy enough. In the process of forming leaders, not only the characteristics were taken into account, but also the ease of use in the game, as well as the percentage of victories in battle on a particular tank.

Do you know the pros and cons of technology? Not? Then a review of the best and worst tier 10 tanks in World of Tanks is for you!

Each Word of Tanks player wants to have in his hangar that combat vehicle that would stand out from the competition with something unusual. Therefore, it will be useful to find out which tanks are the best and worst among others, according to some characteristics. The presented information carries only a cognitive note and, in no case, does not push you to choose to play on a specific technique.

In order not to get confused, we will divide all the tanks into categories, although the developers have already done this for us. The highest and lowest scores will be presented among the 10 tiers of each vehicle class.

Let's start with the "bush" type - tank destroyers.

HP min/max -FV4005Stage II (1850HP) / Jagdpanzer E 100 (2200HP).

Frontal hull armor min/max - FV4005 Stage II (76 mm) / T110E3 (305 mm).

Turret armor min/max - AMX 50 Foch (155) (0mm) / FV215b (183) (254mm).

Maximum forward speed min/max - T110E3 (24 km/h) / Object 263 (55 km/h).

Maximum reverse speed min/max - T110E3 (8 km/h) / Object 263 (20 km/h).

Review min/max - Object 268 (370 m) / FV4005 Stage II (390 m).

Next in line are heavy tanks with their maximum and minimum performance.

Min/max durability points - AMX 50 B (2100HP) / Maus (3000HP).

Frontal hull armor min/max- 113 (120 mm) / T110E5 (254 mm).

Overviewmin/max- T57 Heavy Tank (400m) / FV215b (410m).

Maximum forward speed min/max- Maus (20 km/h) / AMX 50 B (65 km/h).

Max reverse speed min/max- Maus (15 km/h) / AMX 50 B (20 km/h).

Turret armor min/max - AMX 50 B (100 mm) / Object 260 (350 mm).

Let's move on to a very popular class of medium tanks, which have recently gained sympathy among many players for their versatility.

HP min/max - Bat.-Châtillon 25 t (1800HP) / E 50 Ausf. M (2050HP).

Hull front armor min/max - Bat.-Châtillon 25 t (60 mm) / E 50 Ausf. M (150 mm).

Overview min / max - 121 (400 m) / M48A1 Patton (420 m).

Maximum forward speed min/max - FV4202 (40 km/h) / Bat.-Châtillon 25 t (65 km/h).

Maximum reverse speed min/max - FV4202 (20 km/h) / Bat.-Châtillon 25 t (23 km/h).

Turret armor min/max - Leopard 1 (52 mm) / Object 907 (288 mm).

Having considered the main classes of equipment, let's move on to everyone's favorite and not loved at the same time artillery.

HP min/max - Bat.-Châtillon 155 58 (490HP) / G.W. E 100 (550HP).

Frontal hull armor min/max - T92 (25 mm) / Conqueror Gun Carriage (178 mm).

Viewmin/max - Conqueror Gun Carriage (350m) / T92 (400m).

Maximum forward speed min/max - T92 (32 km/h) / Bat.-Châtillon 155 58 (62 km/h).

Maximum reverse speed min/max - T92 (10 km/h) / Bat.-Châtillon 155 58 (14 km/h).

Turret armor min/max - G.W. E 100 (0 mm) / Conqueror Gun Carriage (51 mm).

The class of light tanks is not represented due to the lack of tier 10 vehicles.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that the same tank in its class can have both the best data and the worst. Of course, you should not judge tanks only by these parameters. There is also a lot of performance characteristics, which determine how the vehicle will show itself in the battle of Word of Tanks.

It is hard to isolate and collect such a volume of information alone, given the amount of vehicles in the game. Therefore, I hope that this information turned out to be interesting and useful for many players.

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Now we will try to figure out what the medium tanks of the tenth level are like, we will find

Now we will try to figure out what the medium tanks of the tenth level are like, find the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

121(10th place)

And immediately note the pros and cons of this tank

+ Strong tower, often saving from the largest guns
+ Pretty good hull armor for a medium tank of its tier
+ The largest alpha of 440 units among all St-10s
+ Fairly good top speed of 56 km/h
+ Good DPM
+ Main AP shells, hence less loss of penetration with distance compared to sub-caliber shells, and greater normalization

-Weak dynamics of the tank as a whole
- Disgusting gun depression angles
-The location of the tanks in the forehead of the hull
- Vulnerable turret hatches and poor roof armor
-Like many Soviet STs, the BC is located on the sides of the hull, and therefore it is often damaged

The tank is clearly not for everyone, it is better to ride it on the battlefield in a group with heavy tanks, because we have disgusting gun depression angles, but when shooting with heavy tanks, we feel comfortable, it is exchanged extremely well in DPM.

FV4202(9th place)

+Excellent accurate penetrating tool

+A peculiar ricochet turret that often holds back the largest guns
+ Good tank dynamics
+Good penetration with high-explosive shells for gold (hello, full damage to cardboard bats, etc.)

+ Excellent VLD armor
+ Sometimes side screens that save from land mines

-Lack of normal HEAT shells with good penetration
-Extremely low top speed
-Several vulnerable zones on the tower
-Bad armor of the sides and stern of the tank, often hello to full damage from artillery
-Extremely frequent burning of the tank when it hits the engine

We have an extremely specific tank, whose fans still need to be looked for. In combat, it is imperative to play on hilly terrain from a more or less "strong tower", you can also play from the second line in a sniper, thanks to an accurate gun.

M48A1 Patton (8th place)

+ Best visibility at 420 meters
+ Good motion stability
+ Excellent vertical aiming angles
+ Good dynamics
+ U-turn on the spot
+ Pretty good armor for the forehead of the hull and turret

-The tank is just huge (the same T110E5, only ST)
-Due to its large size, a favorite of artillery
-Low top speed
-Huge commander's tower (hence the chance to play from the tower almost comes to nothing)
-Extremely long repair

The tank is extremely difficult to master, the advantages of which are quite problematic to realize. It seems to be the best view among all ST-10s, but due to the size of other STs, we are often the first to be exposed. Thanks to good angles, we are trying to play from the hills, but at the same time we take into account the huge “cap” in the form of a commander’s turret, which will not be difficult to hit

Leopard 1(7th place)

+ Excellent accurate, penetrating gun
+ Good visibility at 410 meters
+ Excellent top speed and dynamics in general
+ Good vertical aiming angles
+ Good cross-country ability

-There is almost no armor anywhere, it breaks easily with any tanks with which it gets into battle
-Quite large sizes, making us an even more tasty target for artillery than Bat
-Again, any hit from artillery -almost always only caterpillars can save for full damage

The leopard tank is clearly not for beginners, this tank requires good hands and skill to realize its advantages. This tank does not forgive mistakes. As a rule, it is used for the second line, where it can distribute well thanks to its accurate gun. Also, at any time, you can change flank or run away from superior enemy forces.

Object 430 (6th place)

+Excellent damage per minute
+Extremely low silhouette
+ Good strong tower
+ Good dynamics and maneuverability
+ Good, ricochet case
+ Due to the low silhouette, one of the best camouflage rates among all ST-10s

-Extremely flammable tank, filled with tanks
-Low burst damage
-Poor stabilization
-Extremely long aiming of guns

The tank does not seem to be much different from object 140 and 62, but the tank is very uncomfortable to use. Here it will not work like 140 to hand out on the move, and for an accurate shot you will still need to reduce. However, it has even more damage per minute than its twin brothers 140 and 62, which is a good plus. On the battlefield, it is used in close combat, due to the rapid-fire gun, we can keep almost any tank on the caterpillar, we feel good when playing from the turret, but the IHP is often not enough. It is also worth noting, to get used to which TT-10 from the side, and he will not be able to do anything to you, the tank is extremely low, and you shoot him thanks to your damage per minute.

So, we are approaching the 5th place, there are just excellent tanks here, everyone can be safely put in 1st place, the places given to them may differ from the opinions of others, they all have their own peculiar advantages.

E50 Ausf. M(5th place)

Here it is, the pride of German engineering

+Great precision weapon
+Best penetration among all ST-10s at 270 units
+ Good top speed of 60 km/h
+The tank is just made for ramming, (ramming master badly needed) 62 tons flying at full speed into Bath are often fatal to him. I always advise you to use a ram against other STs, PTs, and often TTs, many weigh less than us.
+ Excellent booking of the VLD hull, frequent not breaking through even from the PT-10
+Highest HP of 2050, almost like the heavy tank AMX 50B

-The tank is huge, like a royal tiger
-The tank is high, hence more frequent artillery hits on us
-Not the most outstanding DPM
-It flies its 60 km / h only after accelerating well, so we go 45–55 km / h
-Mediocre turret armor, not much hope for it

E50 M is extremely good, but the tank is mainly used to support allied tanks from the second line, with our most accurate and penetrating guns, we often hit the smallest pixels. Shooting 1 on 1 with other CTs is stupid, almost everyone has better damage per minute than ours. Also, in any suitable situation, use a ram, especially against other Art. Also, do not rely too much on a strong VLD, from close range we have a huge NLD that is sewn with a bang

STB-1(4th place)

One of the favorite tanks of skillful players

+Excellent ricochet tower
+Excellent gun depression angles
+One of the best DPM of a CT-10
+Low silhouette

-Weak hull armor, you can sometimes even pierce with land mines
-Disgusting gun stabilization
-It often flies into the gun with damage and damage
- Artillery almost always hits with full damage
-Weak basic projectile penetration

STB-1 is an extremely interesting tank, requiring skill to bend everything and everything. On the battlefield, we definitely play from our ricochet tower, we try to breed the enemy with it for a shot. Also, do not forget about one of the highest damage per minute, we confidently throw almost any ST-10. Also, do not forget about the flimsy hull during head-on firefights with other tanks and about artillery

T-62A (3rd place)

T-62 is an extremely easy tank to master, recommended to anyone who decides to pump out their first ST-10

+Excellent damage per minute
+Excellent turret armor, feel free to take damage
+Best running gear on the level
+Extremely fast turret rotation
+Good weapon with good stabilization
+ Low silhouette, hence good stealth
+ U-turn on the spot

-Low burst damage
- Tanks in the forehead of the hull
- Weak maximum speed and low specific power
- Weak vertical aiming angles
-Mediocre frontal armor

The T-62A is by far one of the best ST-10s in the game. This tank is extremely versatile, able to perform almost any task on the battlefield. In battle, we try to play from our “cast-iron tower”, trying to sort everyone out by DPM, trying not to exchange shot for shot, otherwise we are in the red because of our low alpha. It is often worth breaking in and handing out to everyone, especially effective when playing in a platoon

Object 140 (2nd place)

Why is 140 higher than T-62A on the list? The author just likes 140 more, otherwise they are almost the same

+Good damage per minute
+ The best stabilization in motion among all ST-10s, you just drive and the circle almost does not increase, it distributes from the turntable as it should
+ Good dynamics and patency
+ Good vertical aiming angles, it seems to be 1 degree more than 62, but sometimes it is felt
+Good turret traverse speed
+Good turret armor
+Good top speed
+Low silhouette

-Low burst damage
- Vulnerable turret hatches and poor turret roof armor
-Again, tanks in the forehead of the hull burn very often, automatic fire extinguishers are required
-There is also a BC in the forehead of the hull, so we are not surprised by constant damage to the forehead of the hull

140 is almost the twin brother of the T-62, the principle of application is the same
We try to protect our forehead stuffed with tanks and BC and play from good UVN and a strong tower. It is also not advised to engage in a clinch with other tanks, they will pierce into the roof

Bat. Chatillon 25t (1 seat)

The most unusual and amazing level 10 MT

+ The fastest ST-10, not even a ST, looks more like an LT
+ Drum for almost 2000 damage, almost any ST-10 goes behind the drum at medium alpha
+ The tank has almost no armor, if they hit us with cumulative shells, we're better off
+Good armor angles, sometimes even ricochets happen
+ U-turn on the spot

-No armor, any hit from artillery for 90% full damage
-Extremely small ammunition for 30 rounds, you need to use it wisely, there can be no talk of any land mines in the BC for a waffle
-Weak gun stabilization, high dispersion
-The smallest mass of the tank - from the name it is clear 25 tons, so avoid rams like fire
- Weak vertical aiming angles
-High chance of damage to crew and modules
-Small margin of safety in 1800 units

Bat is a very good tank with an extremely peculiar battle tactics. On the battlefield, due to our poor accuracy, we try to fly into the stern of the tanks, land the drum in exchange for their shot and run away to change the drum so that speed allows. It is also very useful to shoot at close range with other CTs, almost 90% of them will go to the hangar from the drum, with each penetration. Also, do not forget about art, we are a tasty morsel for her. And despite its disadvantages, Bat is one of the best level 10 CTs, but the sea of ​​drive that you get when playing on it cannot be compared with other CTs. Also a very good bunch of 2 baht and any ST-10, or 3 baht, just break everything
Well, the choice is yours, based on your preferences.

Of course, each of us sometimes wondered: “What is the best tank among the tops? Whom to pump to bend over? It is difficult to answer them unambiguously, because there are many opinions and it all depends on individual preferences. In addition, sometimes developers come to the conclusion that a particular tank is too good and nerf it.

But today we will still try to decide which tier 10 tanks are the best in World of Tanks in 2019. When choosing a vehicle, we will be guided by game statistics for 2019, gameplay features and performance characteristics.

All Technical Specifications will be indicated for vehicles with a crew training level of 100% and without taking into account skills. Only pumpable equipment is considered.

This vehicle was introduced into the game in patch 0.9.22 and represents an alternative branch of Soviet tank destroyers with a rear gun. She really powerfully burst into the random due to the excellent performance characteristics that make her an ideal assault anti-tank self-propelled gun. The developers immediately nerfed it a little, but this does not prevent Ob.268/4 from dominating the battlefield now.

A gun with acceptable one-time damage and sufficient penetration, combined with excellent armor, allows you to sweep even heavily armored tanks in its path. DPM is only 2393 units, but a pumped crew with a rammer installed will help reduce reload time and thus increase damage.


Ob.268/4 has a large but well armored NLD. You can only break through it if you aim the bottom bar. The VLD has rational angles of inclination, the cabin is practically impenetrable, and the sides are covered with small screens. The result was a well-armored tank destroyer. Vulnerabilities according to the standard were the roof hatches and the front roller. It is also worth being wary of higher enemies and avoid getting close to them, because it will not be difficult to break through this car from above.


Average damage per battle Percentage of wins
2539 units56.07%

Ob.268/4 ranks 4th in damage and 2nd in winrate.

After update 0.9.22, a new top Soviet CT also appeared in the game, which, by virtue of its performance characteristics, has become a universal fighter. Weapon Ob. 430U broke the Chinese monopoly of "big 122mm barrels". A competent implementation of such a gun will make it possible to inflict 2750 damage within a minute, and the crew with the "Combat Brotherhood" and the rammer will help increase this indicator. The mobility of the tank does not cause delight, but it is quite enough to change the flank or spin the clumsy heavy. To the detriment of the dynamics, the tank received solid armor for a medium tank.


The security of the tank is really impressive and it is not easy to break through it in the forehead. Frontal armor shows itself well in battles with levels 8-9 and can sometimes help out even with 10. Ob. 430 U has a strong turret, but vulnerable hatches on top. The presence of screens along the sides will reduce the likelihood of penetration by cumulatives.


Average damage per battle Percentage of wins
2504 units54.71%

Object 430U occupies the 5th position in terms of % of wins and 6 in terms of damage.

This heavy British tank is in update came to replace the FV215b. The review is normal for level 10 at 400 meters. It has good mobility and patency on the ground, so it quickly picks up maximum speed.

The main pride of the British gentleman was the 120 mm gun. It is devoid of high one-time damage, but has excellent accuracy and rate of fire. Comfortable armor penetration by all types of shells, combined with their high flight speed (armor-piercing and high-explosives 1067 m/s, and sub-caliber 1334 m/s.) allow you to deal 2877 units of damage per minute (without rammer, ventilation and "Combat Brotherhood"), which is one of the highest rates among tier 10 heavy tanks. The implementation of such high potential damage is facilitated by good stabilization of the gun and EHV -10…+15°.


With all this, the tank has good security. The armor of the sides remained almost the same as that of its predecessor at level 9, but a shield was added in the VLD area, which will protect against cumulatives. The most enjoyable part of booking is the Super Conqueror tower. Excellent armor indicators + screen protection + hatch on top has a ricochet shape make it possible to tank through the tower and realize combat potential without losing hit points.

excellent VLD frontal armor and turrets with anti-cumulative screens;low booking NLD;
rational slopes of VLD armor;mediocre dynamics;
excellent gun stabilization;high chance of fire (due to vulnerable sides);
comfortable UVN;frequent criticality of the ammo rack (also located in the side area);
quick-firing gun with good accuracy and fast aiming;high-explosive opponents cause inconvenience, significantly penetrating the tank turret;
good mobility, as for a TT.


Average damage per battle Percentage of wins
2626 units53,8%

Conqueror is in 3rd place in terms of damage, but 16th in terms of win percentage.

An alternative heavy Chinese tank appeared in the game after update The WZ-111 5A is a universal TT that can go both with allied heavy tanks and, thanks to its good dynamics, support the breakthrough of medium tanks. Despite the weak specific power, good patency on the ground allows you to quickly pick up speed of 50 km / h. A basic view of 400 meters is average for 10 levels, but this is quite enough.

As a weapon, the WZ-111 5A has a powerful 130 mm gun with a good air pressure drop of -7…+23°. If we compare it with, then the "Chinese" looks more interesting in terms of accuracy, aiming and dispersion of the gun. The potential damage per minute is 2738 units, which with the help of the skills of the crew and equipment can be dispersed over 3000. The average flight speed of all types of projectiles of 930 m/s spoils the impression a little.


Due to the rational angles of inclination of the frontal plates and a strong turret, the tank has good armor. But you should understand that level 10 enemies will not be confused by such indicators. You can slightly improve the situation by placing the tank correctly in a rhombus, then the indicators of the reduced VLD armor can reach over 300 mm. The sides have a ricochet shape and are equipped with additional protection in the form of screens. There is a strong turret with a ricochet shape that allows you to tank, but at the same time there are vulnerable rather noticeable turrets.


Average damage per battle Percentage of wins
2778 units55.14%

WZ-111 model 5A deservedly takes the leading 1st place in terms of damage and 3rd place in terms of win percentage.

Progetto M40 mod. 65

The crowning achievement of the Italian tank branch introduced in patch 1.0.1. The tank has a good specific power and flotation, which makes it easy to reach a maximum speed of 65 km/h. The review is quite normal for a level 10 ST - 400 meters.

The main feature of the Progetto 65 is its armament. The tank has drum reloading mechanism, which, unlike the cassette system (like the Czechoslovak TVP T50 / 51 top), can be accelerated using a gun rammer. Its essence lies in the fact that you can recharge after each shot or after using the entire drum. One of the nuances is that the more charges in the store, the faster the recharge, and the less - longer. Progetto 65 has a very low alpha strike of 360 units, and from this a mediocre damage per minute of 2253 units. In total, there are 4 shells in the magazine, which, depending on the situation, can be used in different ways.

Therefore, the best option is to gradually disassemble the enemy with single shots until it is impossible to pick him up from the clip. You also need to understand that a full reload takes 48 seconds (excluding perks and equipment) and during this time the tank becomes defenseless.

The tank has good stabilization of the gun on the move, -9…+20° EH allowing you to play from the terrain and comfortable enough accuracy to shoot from afar. The game of an ambush sniper is facilitated by the excellent flight speed of shells: sub-caliber 1468 m / s, cumulative 1173 m / s, land mines 732 m / s.


Such armor indicators are purely symbolic, even 8 levels can easily penetrate. It is worth counting solely on an accidental ricochet or failure to penetrate the gun mask. As a small compensation, the tank received a good stealth coefficient of 15.4%.


Average damage per battle Percentage of wins
2664 units55.14%

Progetto M40 mod. 65% wins ranks 4th and 2nd in damage dealt.

Brief summary

You need to understand that there is no super cool tank in the game, which in any hands could bend everyone. There are good cars with the potential to "drag the fight" and shoot a lot of damage, while giving its owner an interesting gameplay.

For a more convenient visual representation of the listed technique, a general comparison.

As you know, tier 10 light tanks appeared in the world of tanks. And what exactly will the new "fireflies" be? What characteristics will lt 10 have? Which tank will be the most powerful and which will be the fastest? Which combat vehicle is the most armored, and which is the strongest? We will try to answer all these questions right now. We present to your attention the final performance characteristics of all Tier 10 tanks presented in World of Tanks.

We have diluted the dry numbers of performance characteristics for you with a fair amount of analytics. Using our advice, you will be able to choose the right tactics from the very first minutes in a battle on a new tank and get the most out of a light tank. In addition, in connection with the introduction of light tanks, there have been changes in the development trees of all nations of the World of Tanks, which have been added. See the table of changes in development trees at the very end.

TTX LT 10 in World of Tanks

1. The performance characteristics of the German light tank level 10 Rheinmetall Panzerwagen

As you can see from the performance table, the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen light tank has a number of features and advantages. The sloping frontal and side armor allows the tank to deflect shells at full speed. Moving towards the enemy at an armor angle of 45 degrees will allow you to easily reflect most of the shells. High aiming time makes it possible to conduct aimed fire from a tank Rheinmetall Panzerwagen rapidly changing goals. The turret traverse speed significantly increases the capabilities of this combat vehicle in close combat, especially against such classes of vehicles as tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. This tank in the lt 10 line is the most powerful due to which the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen has the best speed of 75 km / h.

2. Performance characteristics of the Soviet light tank 10 level T-100 LT

As can be seen from the data on the characteristics of the T-100LT tank, presented in the screenshot, the communication range of the Soviet light tank is the best among all the new Tier 10 vehicles in World of Tanks. It is also worth noting the impressive thickness of the armor of both the hull and the turret, which gives the Soviet combat vehicle T-100 LT best survivability in combat. With such protection, 1500 HP will seem like an insurmountable obstacle for the opponents to destroy this firefly. The turret of the tank is significantly lowered and getting into it will not be an easy task. This gives the tank a high level of stealth.

3. Characteristics of the American light tank 10 level XM551 Sheridan

One-time damage with a basic projectile is terrifying in its power. In one shot, the American light tank XM551 Sheridan can easily, if not destroy, then remove at least half the damage points of any low-armored tank. As you understand, there is also a fee for such a powerful weapon. At the tank XM551 Sheridan the weakest armor among all tanks, not only level 10, but even levels 9, 8 and 7! Without exaggeration, this tank can be called the weakest link in the armor team. Chip: any large-caliber HE shell for this tank is a one-shot. For self-propelled guns, the Sheridan tank will be an easy target. Only ranged or mid-range combat tactics in the second half of the battle are suitable for him. The low penetration of the projectile practically reduces the chances of penetrating armor with an armor-piercing projectile to zero. The best option for using the XM551 Sheridan tank in WOT would be firing high-explosive fragmentation shells.

4. Tactical and technical characteristics of the LT 10 level of the French tank AMX 13 105

As for the French light tank AMX 13 105, this is the only combat vehicle of this class at tier 10 with a loading drum. The drum charges just 3 projectiles in over 30 seconds. The time between shots is 2.73 seconds, which, with full aiming in 2.21 seconds, makes it possible to unload the shell drum in 8.19 seconds with a maximum efficiency of 878-1464 damage. An impressive figure, agree. Good firefly level 10 AMX 13 105 certainly replaced the French light tanks so beloved by players in World of Tanks.

5. Performance characteristics of the Chinese light tank 10 level WZ-132-1

And now let's dwell on the characteristics of the Chinese light tank WZ-132-1, which has the best average damage per minute among tier 10 tanks. This war machine in capable hands is capable of delivering a fantastic 2712 points of damage. The maximum bar for classmates WZ-132-1 also sets according to the characteristics of armor penetration. Armor up to 308 mm thick can easily be fired by the Chinese top-end firefly. The Chinese LT 10 is perfect for sabotage on enemy territory. Also, the VZ-132-1 will not badly cope with the task of conducting aimed fire from the gun while covering the hull and looking out only from the shelter with the turret.

Table of changes in the development trees of World of Tanks in connection with the introduction of level 10 LT into the game.

As you can see from the tech tree table, many light tanks will change their positions.

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