What kind of person was the prophet Muhammad. Description of the Prophet Muhammad in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. The fragrance that came from the Prophet

“I began to compare it with the month. He was wearing a red cloak, and he seemed to me more beautiful than the moon ”(At-Tirmizi).

With these words, Jabir ibn Samura described the last prophet Muhammad, the leader of the believers, chosen by the Almighty - the messenger of the Lord.

Muhammad's round face was fair, his hair fell to his earlobes, his beard was thick and black, and his eyes were dark. His palms were said to be softer than silk. When he rejoiced, his face lit up, he smiled, but he never laughed out loud. One day the eyes of the chief rabbi of Medina fell on Muhammad and he said that such a noble face could not be the face of a liar.

Muhammad was of medium height, walking slightly leaning forward. He wore tanned leather sandals, mid-calf or knee-length pants.

On the back, closer to the left shoulder, was a seal of prophecy the size of a pigeon's egg.

One of the miracles associated with the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him, can be considered the aroma that emanated from him. Drops of his sweat were compared to pearls. People collected these drops to add them to incense, which made it even more pleasant!

According to Islam, the devil can take on any form and appear in a dream in the form of parents, friends, etc. But if a person saw a prophet in a dream, such as he was described above, then there can be no doubt that it was the prophet Muhammad, for the devil cannot take his image.

He spoke very little, mostly silent, but even his silence was impressive and full of meaning.

Speaking, he spoke only the truth. The prophet spoke in a pleasant voice, slowly, so that those who heard could remember what was said. If someone wanted to write down his words (or count them), they could do it with ease. He was never rude or deceitful, never cursed. His censure was expressed only in the words:

“What happened to this and that?” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

The most hated him was a lie. Sometimes he repeated his words twice, or even thrice, so that those around him would remember them and not add or omit anything when passing them on. His short sermons were heartfelt and expressive: his voice rose, his eyes turned red, as if he was warning about the impending threat of the enemy.

Muhammad lived an ordinary life without luxury. The good of the world did not concern him, he considered it a burden. He could have whatever he wanted, but he preferred not to be distracted by the temporary and always preferred the eternal. He understood perfectly well that earthly life is just a corridor, but not a permanent habitat, a light cloud that will soon dissipate.

But the Lord said:

“Did He not find you poor and make you rich?” (Quran 93:8)

Aisha, the wife of the prophet, said:

“There used to be a whole month, and no fire was kindled in the house of Muhammad. His family lived on two things - dates and water. Some of the inhabitants of Medina brought milk from their sheep. Muhammad drank and gave to his family” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim).

According to her, Muhammad's family never ate their fill of wheat bread for three days in a row, from the moment of moving to Medina until his death - ten years!

With all this, he would wake up in the middle of the night to thank his Lord in prayer. Muhammad stood up the prayer for so long that his legs swelled and swelled. When the wives asked why he prayed so diligently and a lot, the answer was:

“Should I not be a grateful slave?” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim).

As one of the companions of the prophet, Umar, recalled, Muhammad sometimes did not even have spoiled dates to satisfy his hunger.

Abdullah ibn Mas'ud told how one day they saw on the body of Muhammad the imprint of a mat of palm leaves on which he slept. Abdullah exclaimed:

“May my father and my mother be your ransom! Why didn't you let us prepare something soft for you?"

Muhammad replied:

“I have nothing to do with this world. I am here like a rider who has stopped in the shade of a tree for a short time. Having rested, he will continue on his way, leaving the tree behind” (At-Tirmidhi).

History has known many conquerors who shed rivers of blood and left behind mountains of human bones. Muhammad, may Allah bless him, was famous for his mercy. He never took revenge and raised his hand against others only in battle. On the day of the conquest of Mecca, after eight years of life in exile, he showed unprecedented generosity.

Muhammad pardoned those who oppressed him, forced his family to leave their home and live in the mountains for three years, those who called him crazy, an inventor, possessed ... He forgave Abu Sufyan, who conspired day and night against the Messenger of Allah with his wife, Hind, who abused the dead body of her uncle Muhammad. Who else could behave so magnanimously and nobly, except for God's messenger?

Wahshi, the slave of Hind, who deserved pardon for the murder of the uncle of the prophet, fled to Taif after the conquest of Mecca by the Muslims. Later, Taif also submitted to the Muslims. Muhammad will forgive anyone who accepts Islam - they informed him. Wahshi gathered all his courage and came to the prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him, announced that he had accepted Islam, and the prophet had mercy on him.

Khabbar ibn Aswad also knew the mercy of Muhammad, may Allah bless him. Zeinab, the daughter of the prophet, was on her way from Mecca to Medina. The Meccans, among whom was Khabbar ibn Asuad, tried to stop her. Because of him, the pregnant Zainab fell off her camel and lost her baby. Khabbar, fearful of possible revenge, fled to Iran. But the Lord softened his heart, and he came to the judgment of the prophet, uttered the words of the shahada: "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger." Muhammad forgave him.

By the will of the Almighty, Muhammad performed miracles. He pointed to the moon, and it shattered as proof of the truth of his words. One of the greatest miracles was a night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem (Isra) on a wonderful animal - Burak and ascension to Heaven (Mi'raj), where he met with the prophets and, having reached the limit of seven heavens, spoke with the Almighty.

He healed the sick and the blind, cast out devils with one command. When people were thirsty, water miraculously made its way between his fingers, and his food itself praised the Lord.

Being so great, he remained simple and modest. He did not sit on a throne, but sat with the rest on the ground, ate on the ground and slept on the floor. According to the companions, if a stranger came to their meeting, he could not distinguish which of those sitting was a prophet. Anas, his servant, said that in nine years of service, the prophet never offended or accused him. It was so simple that a child could come up, take him by the hand and take him away. Muhammad visited the sick and attended the funerals of those he did not even know. He used to walk behind the caravan, helping the weak, and praying for them. He accepted the invitations of the slaves, even if they were to taste only bread.

He was the best husband. Aisha said:

“He was engaged in household chores, and when it was time for prayer, he performed ablution and went to the mosque. He mended his sandals and clothes. He was an ordinary person who cleaned clothes from insects, herded sheep, worked at home (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

He treated his family the best. He had a character that never repulsed people.

Such was the noble prophet of the Lord. We must love him more than ourselves. The Almighty spoke about him.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is truly one of the most influential figures in the history of Islam. But few people know what kind of person the great prophet of Islam really was. The following facts are the most amazing about the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

  1. He was an orphan

The Prophet's father died before the birth of Muhammad. According to the ancient Arab tradition, little Muhammad was given to be raised by the Bedouins. When Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was 6 years old, his mother died while returning from Medina, where she went to visit relatives. After that, his grandfather Abdulmuttalib became his trustee, and Ummu Ayman looked after him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) later said that she was his second mother. When he was 8 years old, his beloved grandfather also died. His uncle Abu Talib became his trustee, according to the will of his grandfather.

  1. He married for love

The widow Khadija was 40 years old, the Prophet Muhammad was 25 years old, the Prophet Muhammad worked for Khadija, and was engaged in escorting trade caravans. Khadija, noticing the pious disposition of Muhammad, herself invited him to marry her. Truly, this was a great love, based on respect and caused by the attraction to a good disposition. Muhammad was young and could have chosen another young girl, but it was Khadijah who gave his heart and they were married for 24 years until her death. Muhammad yearned for Khadija for 13 years before he left the world himself. His subsequent marriages were driven by a personal drive to help and provide social protection. In addition, Muhammad had children only from Khadija.

  1. His first reaction to receiving the prophecy is doubt and despair.

At a certain age, Muhammad developed a need for solitude. He was haunted by questions to which he could not find answers. Muhammad retired to the cave of Hira and spent his time in meditation. During one regular seclusion, he received the first revelation from Allah. He was then 40 years old. In his own words, at that moment the pain was so intense that he thought he was dying. The meeting with the Angel of the Most High became inexplicable for him. Muhammad was seized with fear and despair, from which he sought peace from his wife Khadija.

  1. The prophet was a reformer

The message of Muhammad, who became a prophet, who found the true message and revelation, ran counter to the established norms of Arab society. Muhammad's message was against the corruption and ignorance of Meccan society. The continued revelations coming to Muhammad demanded social and economic justice, which caused the dissent of the elite.

  1. Prophet Muhammad stood for peace

The Prophet throughout his life was subjected to many difficulties, including the rejection of him as a prophet, the militia of polytheists, organized oppression of him and his followers. The Prophet never responded with aggression to aggression, he always maintained a sound mind and tolerance, calling for peace. The highest point of the peacefulness of the Prophet is his sermon delivered on Mount Arafat, where the messenger urged his followers to respect religion and peoples, not to harm people even with a word.

  1. He died without leaving a successor

The Prophet left the world without a successor, since all his children had died before him. Under such conditions, many thought that the prophet would clearly state his desire for a successor, but this did not happen.

Sayda Hyatt

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Name: Prophet Muhammad

Age: 62 years old

Activity: prophet, merchant, politician

Family status: was married

Prophet Muhammad: biography

Muhammad is an Arab preacher of monotheism, the founder and central figure of the religion of Islam, the prophet of Muslims. According to Islamic beliefs, Allah revealed to Muhammad the holy scripture - the Quran.

The Messenger of Allah was born in Mecca on April 22, 571. The arrival of a special child to Muhammad's mother was announced by an angel who came in a dream. The birth of the prophet was accompanied by amazing events. The throne of the king of the Persians Kisra shuddered under the ruler as from the shock of an earthquake. 14 balconies collapsed in the royal hall. The boy appeared circumcised. Those present at the birth saw the newborn raise its head and lean on its hands.

Mohammed belonged to the Quraish tribe, considered by the Arabs as an elite. The family of the future preacher of the Koran belonged to the Hashemites, a clan named after the great-grandfather of Muhammad - Hashim, a wealthy Arab who was honored to feed the pilgrims. The father of the prophet Abdollah is the grandson of the powerful Hashim, but he did not amass wealth like his grandfather. The small merchant barely earned his family food. The father did not see the son who became the greatest prophet - he died before the birth of Muhammad.

At the age of 6, the boy became an orphan - Amina, Muhammad's mother, died. The woman temporarily gave her son to be raised by the Bedouin Halima, who lived in the desert. The orphaned boy was taken in by his grandfather, but soon Mohammed ended up in his uncle's house. Abu Talib was a kind but extremely poor man. The nephew had to take up work early and learn how to earn a living. For a penny, little Mohammed grazed goats and sheep belonging to wealthy Meccans and picked berries in the desert.

At the age of 12, the teenager first plunged into the atmosphere of spiritual quest: together with his uncle, Muhammad traveled to Syria, where he got acquainted with the religious movements of Judaism, Christianity, and other beliefs. He worked as a camel driver, then became a merchant, but questions of faith did not leave the guy. When Mohammed turned 20, he was taken as a clerk in the house of a widowed woman, Khadija. The young man, carrying out the instructions of the hostess, traveled around the country, was interested in local customs and beliefs of the tribes.

Khadija, being 15 years older than Muhammad, offered the 25-year-old boy to marry her, which the woman's father did not like, but she was stubborn. The young clerk got married, the marriage turned out to be happy, he loved and respected Khadija. Marriage brought prosperity to Muhammad. He devoted his free time to the main thing, to which he was attracted from a young age - spiritual quests. Thus began the biography of the prophet and preacher.


The biography of the main Muslim prophet says that Muhammad moved away from the world and fuss, plunging into contemplation and meditation. He liked to retire in deserted gorges. In 610, when Muhammad was in the cave of Mount Hira, the archangel Gabriel (Jibril) appeared to him. He called the young man a messenger of Allah and ordered to memorize the first revelations (verses of the Koran).

History says that the circle of followers of Muhammad, who preached after meeting with Gabriel, constantly grew. The preacher called his fellow tribesmen to a righteous life, urged them to observe the commandments of Allah and prepare for the coming judgment of God. The Prophet Muhammad said that the Almighty God (Allah) created man, and with him all living and non-living things on earth.

The Messenger of Allah called Musa (Moses), Yusuf (Joseph), Zakaria (Zachariah), Isa () as predecessors. But a special place in Muhammad's sermons was given to Ibrahim (Abraham). He called him the forefather of the Arabs and Jews and the first to preach monotheism. Muhammad saw his mission in restoring the faith of Ibrahim.

The aristocrats of Mecca saw Muhammad's sermons as a threat to power and plotted against him. Companions persuaded the prophet to leave the dangerous land and move to Medina for a while. He did just that. Hundreds of companions moved to Medina (Yasrib) in 622 after the preacher, forming the first Muslim community.

The community grew stronger and, as a punishment to the Meccans for having expelled the preacher and his associates, attacked the caravans leaving Mecca. The funds from the robbery were directed to the needs of the community.

In 630, the previously persecuted prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca, solemnly entering the holy city 8 years after the exile. Merchant Mecca met the prophet with crowds of admirers from all over Arabia. Mohammed's procession through the streets was majestic. The Prophet, dressed in simple clothes and a black turban, sitting on a camel, was accompanied by tens of thousands of pilgrims.

The saint entered Mecca as a pilgrim, not a triumphant. He walked around the holy places, performed rituals and offered sacrifices. 7 times the Prophet Muhammad traveled around the Kaaba and touched the sacred Black Stone as many times. In the Kaaba, the preacher announced that "there is no God but the one Allah," and ordered the destruction of 360 idols that stood in the temple.

The surrounding tribes did not immediately accept Islam. After bloody wars and thousands of human casualties, they recognized the Prophet Muhammad and accepted the Koran. Mohammed soon became the ruler of Arabia and created a powerful Arab state. When Muhammad's proteges and commanders appeared in Mecca, he returned to Medina, visiting the grave of his mother Amina. But the prophet's joy at the triumph of Islam was overshadowed by the news of the death of the only son of Ibrahim, on whom his father had placed his hopes.

The sudden death of his son crippled the preacher's health. He, sensing the approach of death, again moved to Mecca to pray for the last time in the Kaaba. Hearing about the intentions of the prophet and wanting to pray with him, 10 thousand pilgrims gathered in Mecca. The Prophet Muhammad traveled around the Kaaba on a camel and sacrificed animals. With a heavy heart, the pilgrims listened to the words of Muhammad, realizing that they were listening to him for the last time.

In Islam, for believers, the name is endowed with sacred meaning. Muhammad is translated as "worthy of praise", "praised". In the Qur'an, the name of the prophet is repeated four times, in other cases, Muhammad is called Nabi ("prophet"), Rasul ("messenger"), Abd ("servant of God"), Shahid ("witness") and several other names. The full name of the Prophet Muhammad is long: it includes the names of all his ancestors in the male line, starting with Adam. Believers call the preacher Abul-Qasim.

The day of the Prophet Muhammad - Mawlid al-Nabi - is celebrated on the 12th day of the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Rabi al-awwal. Muhammad's birthday is the third most honored date for Muslims. The first and second places are occupied by the holidays of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha. During his lifetime, the prophet celebrated only them.

The descendants celebrate the day of the Prophet Muhammad with prayers, good deeds, stories about the miracles of the saint. The birthday of the prophet became a holiday 300 years after the advent of Islam. The life story of Mohammed (Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed) is sung in the book of the Azerbaijani writer Huseyn Javid. The drama is called The Prophet.

More than a dozen films have been made about the central figure of Islam. In the mid-1970s, Mustafa Akkad's American-Arabic film The Message (Muhammad the Messenger of God) was released. In 2008, viewers saw the 30-episode series "The Moon of Hashim", filmed by film studios in Jordan, Syria, Sudan and Lebanon. About the life and character of the saint, the film "Muhammad - the Messenger of the Almighty" directed by Majid Majidi was shot, which premiered in 2015.

Personal life

Khadija surrounded the young husband with maternal care. Muhammad, freed from the hassle and business affairs, devoted his time to religion. The union with Khadija was generous for children, but the sons died. After the death of his beloved wife, Muhammad repeatedly married, but the number of wives of the prophet's sources are different. Some indicate 15, others indicate 23, of which Muhammad had physical relations with 13.

The British Arabist and professor at the University of Edinburgh William Montgomery Watt, in his works on the history of Islam, reveals the reason for the different number of wives of the prophet: the tribes, claiming family ties with the saint, attributed wives to Muhammad. The Prophet Muhammad entered into marriages before the Qur'anic prohibition allowing marriage four times.

Researchers agree that the prophet had 13 wives. Heading the list is Khadija bint Khuwaylid, who married Muhammad against her parents' will. Historians claim that none of the subsequent wives of the prophet took the place in his heart that went to Khadija.

Of the 12 wives who appeared after the first, Aisha bint Abu Bakr is called the beloved. This is the third wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Aisha is the daughter of the caliph, she is called the greatest of the seven scholars of Islam of her time.

All the children of the prophet, except for the son of Ibrahim, were born by Khadija. She gave her husband seven offspring, but the boys died in infancy. Muhammad's daughters lived to see the start of their father's prophetic mission, converted to Islam and moved from Mecca to Medina. All except Fatima died before their father. Daughter Fatima died six months after the death of the great father.


The health of the Prophet Muhammad deteriorated after the farewell Hajj to Medina. The Messenger of Allah, having gathered the remaining strength, visited the graves of the martyrs and performed the funeral prayer. Returning to Medina, the prophet retained a clear mind and memory until the last day. He said goodbye to relatives and followers, asked for forgiveness, distributed his savings to the poor and released the slaves. The fever intensified, and on the night of June 8, 632, the Prophet Muhammad died.

The wives were not allowed to wash the body, the male relatives washed the deceased. The Messenger of Allah was buried in the clothes in which he died. For three days, believers said goodbye to the Prophet Muhammad. The grave was dug in the place where he died - in the house of his wife Aisha. Later, a mosque was erected over the ashes, which became the shrine of the Muslim world.

Pilgrimage to Medina, where Muhammad is buried, is considered a charitable deed. Believers make a journey to Medina along with a pilgrimage to Mecca. The mosque in Medina is inferior in size to the mosque in Mecca, but it amazes with its beauty. It is built of pink granite and decorated with gold, embossing and mosaics. In the center of the mosque there is an adobe hut where the prophet Mohammed slept, and the tomb of the saint.


  • “Leave the doubt that inspires you and turn to that which does not cause doubt in you, because the truth is peace, and the lie is doubt.”
  • “Let your tongue constantly enjoy the remembrance of Allah.”
  • “The most beloved of good deeds in the sight of God is that which is permanent, even if it is insignificant.”
  • "Religion is lightness."
  • "As you are, such are those who rule over you."
  • “Those who show excessive scrupulousness and excessive severity will perish.”
  • “Woe to you! Hold on to your mother's feet, Paradise is there!"
  • "Paradise is in the shadow of your swords."
  • “My Allah, I resort to You from the knowledge of useless…”.
  • "A man with the one he loves."
  • “A believer will not be stung twice from the same hole.”
  • The words “If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain” have nothing to do with the activities of the Prophet Muhammad. The expression is based on the story of Khoja Nasreddin. The British scientist and philosopher in his book "Moral and Political Essays" replaced Hodge with Muhammad, submitting his own version of the story about Hodge.
  • The London magazine "Time Out" named the Prophet Mohammed the first ecologist.
  • Kefir fungus was previously called "Prophet's Millet". According to legend, under this name, Mohammed passed the secret of its cultivation to the inhabitants of the Caucasus.

  • Muhammad allegedly suffered from epilepsy with convulsive attacks and twilight confusion. The Qur'an reports that the unbelievers called the prophet possessed. But the Qur'an also says that "Muhammad, by the grace of God, is a prophet and is not possessed."
  • The footprint of the Prophet Muhammad, imprinted in stone, is stored in the Turba - the mausoleum in Eyup (Istanbul).

  • Muslim theologians consider the Koran to be the main miracle of Muhammad. Even though the authorship of the Qur'an in non-Muslim sources may be attributed to Muhammad himself, devotional hadiths say that his speech was not similar to the Qur'anic.
  • The outstanding artistic merits of the Koran are recognized by all connoisseurs of Arabic literature. According to Bernhard Weiss, humanity in its entire medieval, modern and recent history has not been able to write anything like the Koran.
  • There is a tradition in the Koran about bread, similar to the story of how Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish.

For Muslims, the most significant religious figure is the Prophet Muhammad, thanks to whom the world saw and read the Koran. Many facts from his life are known, which gives a chance to understand his personality and significance in history. There is a prayer dedicated to him that can work miracles.

Who is Prophet Muhammad?

Preacher and prophet, the messenger of Allah and the founder of Islam - Muhammad. His name means "Praised". God through him transmitted the text of the sacred book for Muslims - the Koran. Many are interested in what the Prophet Muhammad was like in appearance, so, according to the scriptures, he differed from other Arabs in a lighter skin color. He had a thick beard, broad shoulders and large eyes. Between the shoulder blades on the body there is a "seal of prophecy" in the form of a relief triangle.

When was Prophet Muhammad born?

The birth of the future prophet took place in 570. His family came from the Quraysh tribe, who were the keepers of ancient religious relics. Another important point is where the Prophet Muhammad was born, and so the event took place in the city of Mecca, where modern Saudi Arabia is located. Muhammad did not know his father at all, and his mother died when he was six years old. His uncle and grandfather were engaged in his upbringing, who told his grandson about monotheism.

How did Prophet Muhammad get the prophecy?

Information about how the prophet received revelations for writing the Qur'an is minimal. Muhammad never spoke in detail and clearly on this subject.

  1. It is established that Allah communicated with the prophet through an angel, whom he calls Jibril.
  2. Another interesting topic is how old Muhammad became a prophet, so according to legend, an angel appeared to him and said that Allah chose him as his messenger when he was 40 years old.
  3. Communication with God was through visions. Some researchers believe that the prophet fell into a trance, but there are scientists who are sure that the reason is the weakness of the body due to long fasting and lack of sleep.
  4. It is believed that one of the evidence that the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Koran is the fragmentary nature of the book and this, according to historians, is due to the inspiration of the preacher.

Prophet Muhammad's parents

The mother of the founder of Islam was the beautiful Amina, who was born into a wealthy family, which gave her a chance to get a good upbringing and education. She married at the age of 15, and the marriage with the father of the Prophet Muhammad was happy and harmonious. During childbirth, a white bird descended from the sky and touched Amina with its wing, which saved her from her existing fears. Around were angels who took the child into the world. She died of illness when her son was five years old.

Prophet Muhammad's father, Abdullah, was very handsome. Once his father, that is, the grandfather of the future preacher, made a vow before the Lord that he would sacrifice one son if he had ten of them. When the time came to fulfill the promise and the lot fell on Abdullah, he exchanged him for 100 camels. Many ladies were in love with the young guy, and he married the most beautiful girl in the city. When she was in her second month of pregnancy, the father of the Prophet Muhammad died. At that time he was 25 years old.

Prophet Muhammad and his wife

There is different information regarding the number of wives, but official sources traditionally present 13 names.

  1. The wives of the Prophet Muhammad could no longer marry after the death of their spouse.
  2. They must cover their entire body under clothing, while other women may expose their face and hands.
  3. It was possible to communicate with the wives of the prophet only through the curtain.
  4. They received double recompense for each done.

The Prophet Muhammad married the following women:

  1. Khadija. First wife to convert to Islam. She bore the Messenger of Allah six children.
  2. Sauda. The prophet married her a few years after the death of his first wife. She was pious and pious.
  3. Aisha. She married Muhammad at the age of 15. The girl told people many sayings of her famous husband related to her personal life.
  4. Umm Salama. She married Muhammad after the death of her husband and lived longer than his other wives.
  5. Maria. The Egyptian ruler gave the woman to the prophet, and she became a concubine. They legalized the relationship after the birth of their son.
  6. Zainab. She was in the status of a wife for only three months, and then she died.
  7. Hafsa. The young girl was distinguished from others by her explosive character, which often angered Muhammad.
  8. Zainab. The girl was first the wife of the adopted son of the prophet. Other wives did not like Zainab and tried to present her in a bad light.
  9. Maimouna. She was the sister of the wife of the prophet's uncle.
  10. Juwayria. This is the daughter of the leader of the tribe that opposed the Muslims, but after the marriage the conflict was settled.
  11. Safiya. The girl was born into a family that was at enmity with Muhammad, and she was captured. Released by her future husband.
  12. Ramla. The first husband of this woman changed his faith from Islam to Christianity, and after his death she married a second time.
  13. Raykhana. At first, the girl was a slave, and after the adoption of Islam, Muhammad took her as his wife.

Children of the Prophet Muhammad

Only two wives gave birth to the Messenger of Allah, and interestingly, all of his descendants died at an early age. Many are interested in how many children the Prophet Muhammad had, and so there were seven of them.

  1. Qasim - died at the age of 17 months.
  2. Zainab - was married to her father's cousin, gave birth to two children. Died young.
  3. Rukia - was married early and died in her youth, without surviving the disease
  4. Fatima - she was given in marriage to the cousin of the prophet, and only she left the offspring of Muhammad. She died after the death of her father.
  5. Ummu Kulthum - was born after the advent of Islam and died at a young age.
  6. Abdullah - was born after the prophecy and died at an early age.
  7. Ibrahim - after the birth of his son, the prophet made a sacrifice to Allah, shaved off his hair and distributed donations. He died at the age of 18 months.

Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad

About 160 confirmed prophecies are known, which were fulfilled both during his life and after his death. Consider a few examples of what the prophet Muhammad said and what came true:

  1. He predicted the conquest of Egypt, Persia and a confrontation with the Turks.
  2. He spoke about the fact that after his death, Jerusalem will be conquered.
  3. Claimed that Allah will not give people a specific date, and they must understand that the Day of Judgment can come at any time.
  4. He told his daughter Fatima that she was the only one who would outlive him.

Prayer of the Prophet Muhammad

Muslims can turn to the founder of Islam with the help of a special prayer - salavat. It is a manifestation of obedience to Allah. Regular appeals to Muhammad have their advantages:

  1. Helps to be cleansed of hypocrisy and escape from the fire of Hell.
  2. The Messenger of the Prophet Muhammad will intercede on the Day of Judgment for those who pray for him.
  3. Prayer appeals are a way of cleansing and expiation of sins.
  4. Protects from the wrath of Allah and helps not to stumble.
  5. You can ask for implementation through it.

When did Prophet Muhammad die?

There are a huge number of versions related to the death of the Messenger of Allah. Muslims know that he died in 633 AD. from sudden illness. At the same time, no one knows what the Prophet Muhammad was ill with, which causes many doubts. There are versions that in fact he was killed with poison, and this wife Aisha did it. The controversy over this continues. The body of the preacher was buried in his house, which was located near the Prophet's Mosque, and after a while the room was expanded and became part of it.

Facts about Prophet Muhammad

A huge amount of information is associated with this figure in Islam, while some facts are little known to many.

  1. There is an assumption that the Messenger of Allah suffered from epilepsy. In ancient times, he was considered possessed due to unusual seizures and clouding of consciousness, but these are common symptoms of an epileptic condition.
  2. The morals of the Prophet Muhammad are considered an ideal, and every person should strive for them.
  3. The first marriage was for great love and the couple lived in happiness for 24 years.
  4. Many are interested in what the Prophet Muhammad did when he began to prophesy events. According to legend, the first feelings were doubt and despair.
  5. He was a reformer because the revelations demanded social and economic justice, with which the elite did not agree.
  6. The merits of the Prophet Muhammad are enormous, as it is known that in his entire life he did not offend or defame anyone, while he shunned dishonorable people and gossip.

The final messenger of the Almighty Muhammad (s.g.v.) was sent down as a Mercy for the worlds. Every Muslim is recommended to follow his example in everything that concerns not only religion, but also everyday life.

It plays an important role, since the believer must set a good example in everything. But what did the Prophet himself look like?

face outline

Companion Anas bin Malik (r.a.) described the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) as follows: “The skin was not too white and not too dark, and the hair was neither curly nor straight” (Bukhari, Muslim) .

Bara bin Azyb (r.a.) recalled that the leader of the Muslim ummah had very thick hair, the length of which reached the earlobes (Bukhari, Muslim).

The son-in-law of the Prophet (r.a.), one of the closest Sahaba - Ali bin Abu Talib (r.a.) stated: “He had a big head and a slightly rounded face. His hair cannot be said to be curly or lay straight, but was wavy. The color of the eyes is very black, and the eyelashes were long ”(Tirmizi, Hakim).

The most detailed description was left by the grandson of the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) Hasan bin Ali. “The face of the Prophet (pbuh) shone with moonlight, and his forehead looked wide. My grandfather had a big head and wavy hair that he parted. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) had arched eyebrows. His nose had a thin tip. He had a thick beard and a wide mouth. There were gaps between the teeth” (Tabarani, Baikhaky).

According to Jabir (r.a.), the Grace of the Worlds (s.g.v.) had a large slit in the eyes and a wide mouth (according to the hadith from Muslim and Tirmizi). Abu Hurairah (r.a.) said that Muhammad (s.g.w.) had a bright face and “looked like pure silver.” A man named Abu Tufail claimed that the Messenger of God (s.a.w.) had white skin (Muslim, Ahmad).

Body type

From the memoirs of ibn Malik (r.a.) it is known that Muhammad (s.g.v.) was neither tall nor short. Bara bin Azyb (r.a.) describes him in a similar way, adding such a sign as broad-shouldered (both hadiths are cited by both Bukhari and Muslim). According to Ali bin Abu Talib (r.a.), hair stretched from the chest to the navel, and in the middle of the back was the seal of the prophets - a red mole the size of an egg. (Tirmizi).

Hassan bin Ali said that his grandfather's height was slightly above average. Between the chest and the navel was a hairline, and the hair also covered the arms, upper chest and shoulders. His physique was moderately well-fed, his chest and stomach did not protrude forward. The Prophet (S.G.V.) had long forearms and large palms (Tabarani).


Anas bin Malik (r.a.) recalled that the Final Messenger of God (s.g.v.) leaned forward slightly when walking (Bukhari). From Ali bin Abu Talib (r.a.) it is known that his gait was energetic and lively. Moreover, Muhammad (s.g.v.) leaned slightly, “as if he was climbing a mountain.” And when he turned around, he did it with his whole body, and not just with his head (Tirmizi). As Hasan bin Ali said, the Prophet (S.G.V.) walked vigorously, cheerfully tearing off his legs and taking wide steps. At the same time, he lowered his head and constantly directed his gaze to the ground. When he entered or left somewhere, he always let the Sahaba go ahead, and after them he followed himself (Tabarani, Baikhaki).


The Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) loved long shirts (kamis), the sleeves on them reached the wrists (Tirmizi, Abu Daud). He also wore the patterned Kitrian cloaks worn by the inhabitants of Yemen (Bukhari, Muslim).

The clothes of Muhammad (pbuh) were of different colors. Bara bin Azyb (r.a.) recalled: “I have never seen a man in a red robe more beautiful than our Prophet (pbuh)” (Bukhari, Muslim). And a man named Abu Rimsa named two more green robes. At the same time, the Grace of the Worlds (s.g.v.) himself called on the believers: “Wear white clothes, for they are the best of your clothes” (Tirmizi, Abu Daud). bint Abu Bakr (r.a.) said that once Muhammad (s.g.v.) put on a black wool cloth with stripes (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi).

In addition, on top of other clothes, he wore a Rumiian jubba (elongated outerwear with wide sleeves - approx. site). This is evidenced by a hadith narrated from the words of Mughira ibn Shugba and cited in the collections of hadiths by Tirmizi, Abu Dawood and Nasai.

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wore black leather socks, presented to Him by the ruler of Ethiopia, Ashama. From Abdullah bin Buraida it is known: “Negus (the title of the Ethiopian king) presented the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with black leather socks, and he wore them until they deteriorated” (Tirmizi, Abu Daud). Also, Muhammad (s.g.v.) wore sandals with two straps and a double lace (Ibn Maja).


The Most Pure Sunnah says that the Messenger of the Almighty (S.G.V.) wore a ring on his right hand. Anas bin Malik (r.a.) said that it was a ring made of pure silver (Bukhari, Muslim). To them the Prophet (S.G.V.) put seals on the messages that he sent. In one of the hadiths contained in the collections of Tirmizi and Bukhari, it is noted that once Muhammad (S.G.V.) intended to write a message to the Persians, but one person from his entourage reported that they did not accept messages without a seal confirming the sender. And then he asked to make a nominal ring. This product was engraved with the saying "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." After the death of the Prophet (s.g.v.) it was also worn by the righteous caliphs - Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r.a.), and Usman ibn Affan (r.a.) until the ring was dropped into the well ( Bukhari, Muslim).

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