How to attract the media. How netizens are trying to draw the attention of the authorities to road problems The youth at risk

The following are ways to get the attention of the media (media). The order in which they are listed does not correlate with their degree of importance or effectiveness.

Speech presentation: One way to get into the local media with your appeal is to prepare an oral presentation to the residents of the area and invite representatives of the local media to a meeting. If you choose to speak about the lack of jobs, your assistant can speak with representatives of the local plant. If you're raising the need for affordable health care, your assistant could give a speech to retirees. Try to meet with the school teachers' council and discuss the need to improve the public education system. Plenty of possibilities. It is very important to consider the timing of such events so that media representatives can certainly come and talk about your communication with the residents of the area.

Short radio interviews: During any meeting, the speaker's assistants can record the entire text of the speech on audio tape, then select the most interesting places and provide the material to the radio station. Or the speaker may arrange an interview with a local radio station for an on-air interview. If the representatives of the local radio did not come to your performance, call them yourself. As a rule, they will be happy to interview you by phone.

Newspaper strips: Many newspapers, especially weeklies, have several columns for information about the activities of elected officials. If you don't put your name in the papers, then maybe you should think about it. Do not be surprised that in an election year, many newspapers will want to increase the number of such columns. If you can afford to pay for the publication of your information, consider using newspaper columns.

Meetings with editors/reporters: It is very important to know the editors and reporters you will be working with. One of the ways to get to know newspapermen better is to visit the editorial office of a local newspaper during your next trip to the region. Such visits by your team members should be planned in advance. Relationship building can also be facilitated by periodic phone calls to the newsroom, short lunch breaks together, or arranging meetings with newspaper reporters in their newsroom where the candidate or elected official talks to the reporters about various issues. It may be flattering for a newspaper editor to have an elected official call him and ask for his opinion on a subject. The purpose of such contacts is to establish a good working relationship, and not to contact the media only when you need something from them.

Meetings with citizens: Consider holding a meeting with the residents of the city on a burning issue. For example, if you want to "earn a few points" on the issue raised, announce the meeting, give a strong, well-crafted speech to the city's residents, take the right stand on the issue raised, and then give those present an opportunity to express their opinion. During these meetings, you can distribute a questionnaire in which the citizens present would write down their name and address. Thus, you will replenish the lists of voters that will be useful in the future. Of course, such events take a lot of time to organize, but meetings with voters can be very effective and generate positive media coverage. However, if you are meeting with the citizens in an election year, be aware of the possible presence of members of your opponent's team, who will not fail to interfere with the normal flow of the meeting.

Press conferences: Press conferences are not only inviting media representatives, speaking from the rostrum and distributing press releases. It's something more. If the location of the press conference is not of visual interest, then the TV people may not come. Why would they film a politician when they could film a woman who grew a squash shaped like the outline of Ohio. To make sure that your press conference material gets into the TV news coverage, you need to think about the visual aspect of the press conference venue and its content. The location of the press conference should be relevant to the topic of your speech. For example, if you are talking about the need to improve the education system, hold a press conference in the classroom; if you want to draw attention to the problem of solid waste disposal - the city dump will be the right place for a press conference; the need for affordable health care can be discussed in the hospital. It is very important to consider the timing of the press conference. If there are three major events in the city at the same time, you shouldn't hold your press conference at the same time. If you are hosting an offsite press conference, it is very important that someone you trust prepares and checks every last detail (acoustics, lighting, invitations to participants, assistants during the press conference, etc.) in advance in order to Everything went like clockwork and there were no unpleasant surprises. Nothing could be worse if it rained at a press conference scheduled outside and you don't have a fallback option. After the conference, contact reporters who didn't show up, give them press releases, and give them the opportunity to ask questions.

Opening ceremonies: Opening ceremonies are always covered by the local media. For you, they may be of particular interest if we are talking about the opening of a new workshop of the plant or this event has something to do with the creation of new jobs. If the next grand opening matters to the people of the area, ask permission to attend, don't wait to be invited.

Charity events: You can take part in charitable events that are held all the time by various organizations. You could donate blood, spend the day serving in the canteen for the poor, and so on. Do not wait for an invitation, just arrange your participation with the organization responsible for the charity event.

Thematic events: If you're interested in one issue and would like to build a reputation for trying to solve the issue, schedule a series of events from today through Election Day. For example, if an elected official wants to create an image of a supporter of the improvement of the education system, he can be scheduled to visit schools, speak to teachers' councils, teach a lesson, etc. Each of these events must be announced. When holding thematic events, you will constantly be in sight, you will have to travel around the region, maintain relationships with representatives of local media. The key to the success of such events is to make them interesting for reporters.

Sports activities: One of the entertainments in life is sports. Everyone is following with interest the performances of local sports teams, including media representatives. Don't miss this opportunity. You can speak at the banquet dedicated to the opening of the new sports season, with the resolution of the local sports committee, etc.

Press releases: Use press releases to keep the media informed about your position on an issue. Newspapers and even TV and radio stations may quote portions of your press releases, although they generally prefer to deal with the elected official himself. Send out press releases on time and often, but don't use them as a substitute for holding events or interviews over the phone or in person.

Press package: You should prepare a press package that should include the following information: a photo of the candidate holding an elected office, biography, major accomplishments, recent press releases, documents supporting the candidate's or elected official's key positions.

And also about how to attract the attention of the media.

Once you've decided that media coverage of your activities is important, there are many ways to establish an ongoing working relationship with the media. Some of them are simple, others require creativity and certain costs. If you come up with something new that has not been tested by anyone before you, don't be afraid - try it.

    Send out a weekly schedule of candidate events.

    Send the media a copy of the newsletter you publish for your volunteers.

    Your candidate can comment on current events, even those not specifically related to the life of the region. However, think about how to address the region's issues in your speech.

    Try to arrange for the candidate to speak at an event that will likely be covered by the media.

    Invite members of the media to the candidate's speeches to specific groups of voters.

    Offer a list of all members of the election campaign organizing committee, as well as campaign coordinators in the region.

    Announce a fundraising event the day before and the day after the successful completion of the event.

    Report all those who support your candidate.

    Do not hide the funds allocated and used for the election campaign.

    Create a team dedicated to solving any issue. Tell us about its creation and tasks.

    Announce all visits of dignitaries. Organize trips for them around the region, acquaint them with local problems. Tell about each of these visits before, during and after.

    Organize a non-traditional candidate support group (for example, some of the opponent's supporters in the past have changed their orientation and decided to continue supporting your candidate), come up with an interesting name for this group, tell reporters about it.

    Tell us about the main projects your volunteers are involved in.

    It is desirable that paid information placed in the media arouse reporters' interest and desire to take an additional interview with the candidate for free.

    Leverage your contacts with the media. Ask them to write about your candidate's campaign work: working with the mentally ill, actively including the candidate's family in the campaign.

    Write a note on any topic, using the opportunity to place this article in the column reserved for the opinion of the guests of the newspaper.

    Try to get the support of the editors.

    Watch the mood of the voters. Voter grievances can be used as issues your candidate is addressing.

    Encourage volunteers, helpers, etc. Invite members of the media to such events.

    You learned that citizens are collecting signatures on some issue. Express your concern about the issue raised. Invite the media.

    Follow the activities of the legislature, express your opinion on the bills under consideration, including in the form of written statements. Organize a public discussion of these issues.

    Organize a "Write a letter to the editor" campaign. The meaning of this campaign is that citizens who support your candidate write letters to the editor with positive reviews about him or answers and rebuttals to letters from the opponent's support team.

    Carry a camera with a loaded black and white film. Take pictures of your candidate while accompanying him on trips. Use these photos for press releases and more. Come up with captions for them.

    Which would help authors (drawing more attention to their works) and readers (talking about books that could Engineers needed fresh problems to solve which they could apply their skills. Within a few months ...

    If you can attract your friends and relatives to the training, then you are able to manage people, and this is your key to success in life. At psychodrama trainings, the "protagonist" - one of the participants in the training - tells the group about his problem.

    Today I tried to get permission to publish photos of a particular child in the media. And colorfully describe the prospects, such as an increase in the number of children leaving for families, the possibility of family placement of children with health problems and as a result ...

    In this regard, it can be recommended at parent meetings at school, as well as through the media, to draw the attention of parents to the fact. During an in-depth interview, it turned out that graduates do not experience problems in learning due to the fact that they devote less time ...

    Because the problem of tetanus among mothers and infants is in dozens of countries. How can you bring it to the maximum attention of the public? - It is important to be indifferent, to use for these purposes the possibilities of the media, the talent of creative people.

    How to attract money. How wealth is related to the subconscious. Like any company, IT organizations need promotion in the media. And you tempt him. Well, then work together on the problem. What have you done in the last 3 years to prevent the situation from happening again?

    "Normally, that's not a problem," she replied. "How often do you notice that you smell?" "Well, about once a month," the woman admitted. 150-200 thousand a year depending on the direction, it is interesting to study, students are attracted to work at many events ...

    Suppose we are faced with the task of attracting specialists and investments in our “dream project”. It is necessary to explain what “turnkey” means - what your team does, what the owners of the house themselves cannot do, what problems you free clients from, why do ...

    They edited the evening news in such a way as to focus the attention of viewers on one issue, and the rest went in the background. belief in any nonsense, cat. they say in the media, or, conversely, suspicion of any information, even in In addition, they have up to ...

    Permissiveness and licentiousness leads to degradation. I don’t think it’s necessary to dump such rubbish on the viewer, this is disrespect for our viewer and buyer (we pay for the time, after all. How to involve the media in the problem?

Did you know that half of the plastic that is turned into food packaging is basically used only once and then thrown away? At the same time, for the decomposition of such a base, which is so easily sent by us to the trash can, nature needs 100-500 years. In other words, almost everything ever made before has not decomposed so far and continues to pollute the environment. It's not hard to imagine that at this rate, with people inactive, by 2050 the amount of plastic on the earth's surface will exceed the number of fish in the sea.

Alas, despite its relevance, the problem is ignored by most of us. Photographer Benjamin Von Wong came up with a very unusual way to draw attention to the coming eco-catastrophe. The enthusiast created a large-scale photo, for the implementation of which he used 10,000 plastic bottles. He chose this number not by chance, but based on statistical data. Von Wong calculated that on average, one American uses 167 plastic bottles every year. If we roughly take into account its lifespan, excluding childhood years, it turns out that for the entire period about ten thousand bottles will be thrown away by one person, which means that irreparable damage to the planet has been caused.
The photographer's concern for the future of the ecosystem is well founded. plastic pollute the ocean, fresh water sources, soil and release toxins that we all constantly breathe in. There is no need to talk about the purity of the air. To contribute to the solution of the existing environmental problem, the photographer gathered volunteers, with whom he created a visual representation of the impact of plastic on the environment. To implement the project, it took a large number of hands and sponsorship. For example, the waste management center Tomra provided the required number of bottles free of charge, and volunteers found through local news and social media helped clean the bottles from labels in a few days. Benjamin's former client agreed to rent his large warehouse for a week of filming.

The image for the model was created by designer Cynthia Brault. Meanwhile, the list of people wishing to participate in the project was constantly growing: not only relatives and friends of the involved assistants became interested in it, but also complete strangers. As a result, there were much more enthusiasts than required, and the project turned out to be really bright. The pictures challenge society, encourage them to reconsider their habits. On the basis of the project, they even organized a petition calling for minimizing the production of plastic. “Change is possible when people come together and fight for what they believe in,” says Benjamin Von Wong.

The Constitution guarantees the right to a favorable living environment for every citizen of the Russian Federation. Some of them calm down. The lives of others are laid on the altar of the struggle for the quality of this very right. It is they who, using fabric printing, decorate the city with social advertising, organize rallies near the walls of "harmful" enterprises, gather the conscious public for volunteer cleaning of parks and organize other "green" marathons.

We infect society with interest in environmental problems

In the matter of propaganda, the already mentioned means of modern printing are very helpful. Their diversity allows you to solve many problems at the same time, achieving high results without any extra effort. For example, a tie with a logo will immediately explain a lot to your counterpart, and perhaps it will interest you in the prospect of personal involvement in the movement of advanced and progressive ones. Flags, T-shirts, advertising banners, souvenirs and even umbrellas - all this can bring an idea to the world and find a lively response in the hearts of those who are not indifferent.

What do environmental activists choose now?

Modern man is not so easy to surprise and hook on the living. But some people still succeed.

    Eco-world blitz news for inspiration:
  1. Graffiti. Residents of Kyiv Podil are admiring a fresh masterpiece by the Briton Fintan Magee. It is unlikely that there is an element of chance in the fact that a huge drawing on the topic of ecology fell on the wall of the State Sanitary and Epidemic Service.
  2. Volunteers of Moscow held the Anti-Plastic action in several stages. Saturdays in August 2015 filled the free time of 1000 volunteers with work for the benefit of society, contests, quests, quizzes. On the crest of a wave of public enthusiasm, about 260 kg of garbage was collected (everything was picked up, not just plastic), scattered along the banks of the main metropolitan waterway, along beaches and in park areas. Everything found is sorted, disposed of, sent for recycling. It remains only to reach out to everyone else: so that they don’t litter in the future.
  3. The news from Lebanon is less comforting. There, on August 23, 2015, a wave of numerical protests took place. It came to explosives, tear gas and clashes between the population and the police. The reason for the unrest was the overfilled landfill threatening the ecology of the city and the inaction of the authorities regarding the settlement of the issue of garbage disposal.

The important thing is to do something. The environment will not improve on its own. Don't sit back, take action!

The state of roads in Russia is traditionally considered one of the main problems. In the pits and potholes on the pavement, residents, as a rule, blame the local authorities. Somewhere the situation is changing for the better thanks to criticism, but somewhere not. found out how Internet users are trying to draw the attention of officials to road problems.

"Hello, I'm a pit!"

In mid-April, at the Novosibirsk road pit, located at the intersection of Kotovsky and Geodeticskaya streets, an account appeared in Twitter. The page was started by marketer Dmitry Mishin.

He posted photos of the pit with humorous comments on his Twitter account, and then, at the request of Novosibirsk residents, started a personal profile for her.

In her posts, Dmitry talks about the everyday life of the pit: she invites extreme driving schools to cooperate, offers her water supplies to drought-stricken African countries, and asks to be included in the register of small lakes.

From time to time, local media publish reports that the road has been repaired, and the pit on Kotovsky has been filled in. However, the pit itself refutes this information. In particular, in early May, on her Twitter, she said that everything was fine with her - she just moved 20 meters towards Vystavochnaya.

According to Mishin, the pit appeared back in 2015. Then the road was repaired and new asphalt was laid, but after the winter the pothole reappeared in the same place. In early April, it was covered again, but due to rains and a large traffic flow, the embankment soon disappeared again.

"Look out, landings!"

Residents of some Russian cities have decided to productively use road pits, turning them into beds. For example, a resident of Chelyabinsk planted potatoes of the Mayor variety in one of the city pits. He said that "the ratings for this potato are just fantastic" and added that they should be planted in potholes on the roads, because "these are urban-type potatoes."

At the end of the video, the man admitted that the potatoes in the pit might not grow, but the pit itself became smaller thanks to his action. He urged other residents to deal with road potholes in the same way: “Take shovels, cucumbers, tomatoes and plant them in the pits of the city of Chelyabinsk. Let's make a garden city out of Chelyabinsk.

Residents of Perm at the end of April held a similar action - "Hell instead of roads." Local media reported that several deep potholes on Vasily Solomin Street were covered with soil in which plants were rooted.

After that, the protesters installed signs on the road beds with the inscriptions “Caution! Landings!”, alluding to the fact that embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated for road repairs is criminalized in Russia.

Omsk roads, notorious throughout the country, have also turned into garden beds. In the pits on the highway connecting the capital of the region with the village of Ust-Ishim, unknown people planted trees. With this action, they hoped to warn drivers of the danger posed by deep potholes, as well as draw the attention of authorities to the poor quality of roads in the region.

Omsk roads

The poor condition of the roads in the Siberian city of Omsk began to be discussed throughout Russia after the post of blogger Ilya Varlamov. In early April, he stated that “there is not a single kilometer of a whole road in Omsk” and confirmed his assertion with many photographs.

Then, during a direct line with the president, a resident of Omsk, Yekaterina Chernenko, spoke about the poor state of roads in the city. Putin acknowledged that the problem of the state of roads in the country has recently become aggravated. According to him, funds from the road fund are often spent inappropriately, and the situation requires changes.

The governor of the Omsk region, Viktor Nazarov, immediately responded to the complaint. He agreed that the situation with the roads in the region is critical, but he saw the reason for this in the "chronic underfunding of the industry over the years."

The next day, officials said that four thousand square meters of roads were repaired in Omsk in a day. However, an Omsk resident complained to the president that the city authorities were misleading everyone and did not carry out any repairs.

A few weeks later, Omsk programmer Vladimir Barsukov created the Omskroad mobile app. It is expected that it will help control the quality of roads. The smartphone on which the application is launched will measure the level of vibration when driving a car using a special accelerometer sensor, which is found in almost all modern gadgets, and transmit this data to the application.

Then the measurement results will be plotted on the map. Good and smooth roads in the application will be colored green, and streets with a lot of potholes will be red. In the future, Barsukov plans to create something like a navigator based on this application, which will help drivers move only on safe roads.

While the application is working in test mode, however, its creator promises that in the near future it will be available for download on Google Play.

What is not a pity

Sometimes local residents decide to draw the attention of the authorities to road problems by patching up the pits on their own, however, in a very unusual way.

For example, dental technicians from Barnaul filled up the pits on Zarinskaya Street with plaster casts of human jaws. The organizers of the furious action are confident that the gypsum teeth will gradually turn into the starting material and thus patch up the pits.

Residents of Murmansk also took up non-trivial road repairs. The FlashNord news agency tweeted a photo of locals filling road pits with cucumbers.

And the most radical repair of road potholes began in the seaside Arsenyev. Motorists poured 34 kilograms of coins and several banknotes into a huge pit on Lomonosov Street, and then filled it with a cement solution. Local media

Solomatin admitted that it was not difficult for him to take photos and videos that formed the basis of the video: for this, he “just had to leave the house.”

Butterfly Effect

It is too early to draw conclusions about whether all these actions will have any effect. Road repairs are carried out in dry and warm weather, and in some Russian regions the snow has only recently melted.

However, for example, the Omsk authorities have already launched an unprecedented road repair campaign. The mayor's office said that they had already begun the first major road repair in the last ten years. By the 300th anniversary of Omsk, which will be celebrated in August, the authorities promise to replace the road surface on 21st Street.

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