Congratulations to subject teachers for the last call 11. Poems for subject teachers for graduation. Wishes for the last call to the physics teacher

Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, last call or graduation - not a single holiday is complete without congratulations to teachers, class teacher, subject teachers. Everyone wants to say the warmest words of gratitude for their invaluable work, maternal warmth and care, endless patience and teacher's strictness!

Biology teacher:

You understand children all from the inside.
You know your subject well.
And you explain all the topics perfectly
The structure of the cell, a lot - about us,
About our environment with you.
... Probably a beautiful creation -
To have disciples in your deeds.
And you have a lot of them.
And each of us has to
Everyone at school knows:
(name of teacher)
Teach at all of us
With great success!

Geography teacher:

You, teacher, revealed to us
Rivers, countries, cities!
We love your item
And we will remember forever.
Our teacher is kind, glorious,
Congratulations, we love you!
You are our Teacher with a capital letter.
Teacher's Day! your class.

Russian language teacher

So that in a decent society
Don't be shy, don't blush
It is necessary, brothers, excellent
We can read and write!
The teacher is indispensable
We want to wish you
Be persistent, tireless
On the teacher's path!

Chemistry teacher:

Calcium, boron, beryllium, lithium!
Wake up in the middle of the night
We will answer together:
You need to know chemistry!
Our teacher dear,
We congratulate you
Happiness, great joy
We wish you in life!

We had a wonderful dream last night:
Another topic you explained to us
And so we clearly understood everything!
That the author of chemistry O. S. Gabrielyan
I copied the control from our (th) (name of the excellent student in your class)!
We have learned the subject well
The whole class was rated "excellent"!!!

Math teacher:

The Queen of Mathematics!
We respect her without a doubt.
Although with her experienced a lot of torment,
We are endlessly in the joy of learning!
Thank you math teacher
We remember science forever.
And even though you are a pragmatist in mathematics,
But in life you are a sincere person!

Foreign language teacher:

Without an interpreter we can understand you
You have great pronunciation...
We come to the same opinion
English lessons continue.
And you? Do not ask strictly
After all, we clearly understand
That everyone in the class is in love with English.
And this is clear to everyone:
It is so nice to speak English with you!

OBJ teacher:

He says:
- An example of others - that's science for you !!!
And it's not at all boring
Listen to you! Only you! Already!
In all OBZh lessons!!!

Physics teacher:

To achieve a lot
At school or at home
You need to understand physics:
Know Ohm's Law!
Our favorite teacher
We respect you
May God give you health
We wish you happiness!

You need to know both physics and astronomy -
She tells us every now and then.
But we don't get tired of listening to it.
She's good at telling a story
About the current strength and conductor resistance
About part of the Galaxy, Heavenly bodies.
- She is very strict, - you can only hear from the lazy.
But the one who wants to know - knows her science,
And in the lessons - "four", "five"
Received with great success.

Literature teacher:

Oh, how many pages you, (name of the teacher), asked us today!
In thought, we: will we be able to read ???
And we open the book, and we must:
We can't take our eyes off her.
Until we reach the end...
And this is not flattery at all,
What do we say: we respect you
For kindness, psychological approach.
According to Pushkin, we assure you
That everyone and everything we trust you
And we guarantee - Your Honor
And we boldly entrust ourselves to her.
And yet we have not forgotten you,
After all, you taught us well
Not only writing essays on "five",
And think before you speak!

Economics teacher:

You are a wonderful person - no matter where!
It is not easy for us to understand economics.
But after your explanation - just nonsense!
You know the banking system well.
And just like cracking nuts,
Explain topics to us in class.
To understand everything in life
It only takes time
Which we will spend without laziness.
And you probably don't know for sure.
What great economists
You will bring up in our class!!!

Physical education teacher:

Run, jump, push up
I couldn't quite admit it...
But thanks to physical education -
I have changed in shape!
On a holiday, Teachers Day,
I'm in a hurry
Congratulations, my teacher,
O health guardian!

Let's plunge into sports
Let's play volleyball, show judo
After all, (name of the teacher) is ours, his teacher
He will cheer us up, where necessary - he will help us.
We understand well
That you need to exercise.
And we will douse ourselves with cold water
And in old age the legs will not be tangled.
Phys-ra is our favorite subject!
And doing every day
We will live in health for many years!

History teacher:

In your lessons - silence.
Only your voice is heard
When you are telling a story.
What lived, lives today the whole country
Why is work always respected everywhere ...
We always think a lot at the blackboard
How we live, how we live...
True, we do not always know how to surprise everyone with the answer.
We think what to cite as examples
To get "excellent" in the lesson.
P.S. When you conduct discussions and tests with us -
Once again we understand:
Life lessons must be learned!

Congratulations and poems about subject teachers. Yes, you are not in vain now are here. Indeed, on the eve of the last call, the graduation ball, and subject teachers will remain at school, and you will disperse along your roads. A little sad and believe not only you. Teachers are no less attached to you, although there are many more graduates than teachers. But believe me, if in 10 years you accidentally meet a teacher on the street, he will remember who you are, what grade you are from and what your name is.

So maybe you really should treat these hardy and hardworking people with honor, respect and gratitude? Choose the best, in your opinion, congratulations in verse to teachers in all subjects and present them not on a piece of paper or on a postcard, but memorize and solemnly pronounce in their honor.

Poems for teachers in subjects for the last call

We really hope that you will find exactly that verse about subject teachers that touches the hearts of our dear and patient teachers!

The very last bell for 11th grade students is approaching. It will ring, and they will never hear it again as students of the school. And so that this event will be remembered forever, we invite you to tell beautiful and funny, funny and comic, touching and simply interesting poems for the last call in grade 11 to subject teachers. For you, we have collected a selection of poems for teachers, and you can tell them on your last call.

The first poem, of course, is for the class teacher. It was he who helped you always and in everything. Therefore, be sure to tell the poems to your beloved and caring class teacher.

Next on the list we have poems for a teacher of the Russian language and literature. And if you are going to recite poetry to him, then let the student do it, who can read poetry beautifully and with expression. After all, a teacher of literature will immediately understand where is trash and where is beauty!

It is impossible to ignore the physical education teacher on this day. For him, we also prepared poems with humor and funny.

Who in your class is the best at mixing chemical elements and conducting experiments? So give him the honor to tell poetry to a chemistry teacher. Let him tell poetry, and if he wants, then show a couple of experiments.

It's no secret that only a few in the class like physics. But, nevertheless, it is impossible without physics in the modern world. Therefore, the following verses are the last call for a physics teacher.

Who told you about pistils and stamens? That's right, a biology teacher. The following verses are for him. And in the verses there are also about pistils, and with stamens, and about much more. The biology teacher will love it.

Are you going to go on vacation in the summer? Do you know which sea is warm and where it is beautiful? Thank your geography teacher for your knowledge. And tell him the following verses at the very last call.

Who, when and why something said and did? History knows the answer! Further interesting verses for the history teacher on the last call.

Are you being scammed in stores? So you are good at counting. And for that, a huge thank you to the math teacher. See below for beautiful and cool poems for a math teacher.

You, teacher, revealed to us
Rivers, countries, cities!
We love your item
And we will remember forever.
Our teacher is kind, glorious,
Congratulations, we love you!
You are our Teacher with a capital letter.
Teacher's Day! your class.

So that in a decent society
Don't be shy, don't blush
It is necessary, brothers, excellent
We can read and write!
The teacher is indispensable
We want to wish you
Be persistent, tireless
On the teacher's path!

Calcium, boron, beryllium, lithium!
Wake up in the middle of the night
We will answer together:
You need to know chemistry!
Our teacher dear,
We congratulate you
Happiness, great joy
We wish you in life!

And so we clearly understood everything.

We have learned the subject well
The entire class was rated "excellent".

The Queen of Mathematics!
We respect her without a doubt.
Although with her experienced a lot of torment,
We are endlessly in the joy of learning!
Thank you math teacher
We remember science forever.
And even though you are a pragmatist in mathematics,
But in life you are a sincere person!

Without an interpreter we can understand you
You have great pronunciation
We come to the same opinion
English lessons continue.
And you? Do not ask strictly
After all, we clearly understand
That everyone in the class is in love with English.
And this is clear to everyone:
It is so nice to speak English with you!

To achieve a lot
At school or at home
You need to understand physics:
Know Ohm's Law!
Our favorite teacher
We respect you
May God give you health
We wish you happiness!

Run, jump, push up
I couldn't quite admit it
But thanks to physical education -
I have changed in shape!
On a holiday, Teachers Day,
I'm in a hurry
Congratulations, my teacher,
O health guardian!

We had a wonderful dream last night:
Another topic you explained to us
And so we clearly understood everything.
That the author of chemistry O. S. Gabrielyan
I copied the control from our (go) (name of an excellent student in your class)!
We have learned the subject well
The entire class was rated "excellent"!

The traditions of this holiday began in ancient times and throughout the time have changed quite differently.

We don't need to rush anymore
Hearing the bell ring,
But we will never forget
Your main life lesson.

Favorite teachers,
We part forever
But what you put into us
We'll get through the years.

Spring mischief, May knocks on the window,
We've been dreaming about it for a long time.
We are only very sad to say goodbye to you,
We promise to meet again soon.

You have become family to us, teachers!
What they taught was not in vain.
Let the efforts give the highest result,
And the guys always appreciate you.

We congratulate teachers
The last call has come.
A little sad and willy-nilly we remember
The past academic year.

How much you have given us, our relatives
They became a family for us, scolded, taught
And we were made to sweat hard.
All your knowledge was passed on

Thank you all so much.
Your labors and diligence cannot be counted.
For the fact that you believed in us at least a little,
You are greatly honored for this!

The academic year ended perfectly -
Wealth of knowledge you opened before us -
For this we bow to you publicly
And we will say goodbye to you for the holidays.

We would like to personally thank you:
For kindness, for the soul, for smiles,
For not noticing the error
In the construction of illogical sentences

And the summer will pass back - and we will not notice!
And here is our class again, and here is the bell.
We will meet you with love again,
We are looking forward to the lesson.

The bell rings for class.
He sees off this year.
Thank you teachers
for the knowledge transferred.

For precious work for us.
For what you endure, sometimes
Our very complex children's disposition.
We are very grateful to you!

I remember my first call.
On the school floors
Hurrying with a portfolio to the lesson,
I ran first grade.

How did you manage to grow up?
But at the end of the lesson
He finally rang
My last call

We've been together for many years
The ship's crew.
You warmed us from troubles,
My teachers.

Who will stop the passage of time?
The earth is turning
But still in love with you
My teachers.

Today is a sad time
Such a call is ringing
And behind the window of the kids
Still joking.

You led us, outlining the path,
Like a pilot at the helm
And you have aged a little,
My teachers.

May it always be light for you.
How you warmed me
Let your warmth warm
Another baby.

Dear teachers, thank you
For your care, for your patience!
We were unbearable at times
But you taught us humility!

Thank you for understanding
For science, for faith, for hope.
And for the fact that in a changing world
We are the same as before!

Farewell, physics teacher, math teacher!
Physical education teacher and geography teacher!
Farewell, teacher of Russian, law and politics!
For you, we will forever be winners!

You are our beloved ones, you have always tried for us!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of this!
And in your life, let happiness not leave you,
We wish you health, tranquility and peace!

Dear you are my teacher,
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy holiday, which is for sure
In this world, everyone knows!

you will spend today
All our graduates!
Here comes the last bell
So I'm ready!

I will dedicate verses to each teacher,
School has always been my element!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every lesson.
My respect to every teacher!

You have more patience
Lots of energy to learn!
Children who will arrive soon
But, it's time for us to hurry!

Happy last call
My congratulations!
Happiness, joy, kindness
I wish you!

Goodbye, relatives
Now it's our time to leave!
Let the kids love you all
How we all loved you!

That's all, dear teacher,
It's time for us to say goodbye!
May the guardian angel keep
I also wish you happiness!

Just don't be too sad
All of you have done a great job!
And for this you, relatives,
We will remember for a lifetime!

I bow low to those people
Who are called teachers!
You taught us all day
And sometimes they didn't even sleep at night!

And now we're standing in front of you
We are the fruits of your efforts!
Farewell now, you, our relatives,
For everything we give you these flowers!

I want to thank people
That they accepted as their own!
And they put their soul into us,
Now we appreciate every moment!

Soon the last bell will ring
And we will leave the doors of the school!
You prepared us for life
And we are now quite ready!

Today is a very important day
The last day of school is coming!
And I want to congratulate those
Whom we will remember for the rest of our lives!

They are all called teachers
But I call people dear!
Thank you for raising
Thank you for being so loved!

Beautiful days flew by
As if with the speed of the winds!
Week after week went by so fast.
Now you see the graduates!

Those whom you diligently raised,
In whom have you invested your kindness!
My teachers, I say thank you
I'm leaving, but I'll come to visit!

Years flow like through the fingers of the year!
School days, alas, do not return!
And we will never return
To the place where we started our journey!

From the bottom of my heart I thank you!
And the native school, and teachers!
All these moments are unique!
Thanks again for these days!

Is it possible to forget
How interesting was it?
And now we are open
All spaces of the whole world!

From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate
All my teachers!
You will remain in memory
Until the end of all my days!

From the very first class
You made us smarter!
Helped and encouraged
They gave us ideas!

Being a teacher is not easy
And not for everyone!
Teach young children
At school, very important!

Farewell my school, farewell my teacher!
Looks like it's time for us to leave.
You seem to have built a ship for us,
And we will continue to go with the flow!

Thank you family for teaching
For giving good advice!
And we won't forget the great time
And how the wall newspapers painted for you!

Earthly life is seething like a river,
And fleeting in joys and troubles -
Last call melody
It will remain in your soul forever!

As before, the fire of the soul burns in you -
An ever-extinguishing lantern over the children's kingdom.
And those who were your kids,
Today they run the state.

You are always surrounded by children,
Not seeing exhaustion in people.
Oh how much good you have sown
On the rocky soil of enlightenment!

Nothing will destroy love and faith -
We will live with them for many years.
Thank you for being in children's souls
The good light born from you burns!

Children's hubbub will meet you in the morning at the school -
There will be a lot of news right away.
You are the only mother in the world
Who has hundreds of affectionate children.

Our teacher's celebrity,
You have been at school for many years.
We love you for your sensitivity and openness,
For a soul that radiates light.

Lakes sway in your eyes
And cheeks glow with poppies from the fields.
You seem to have stepped out of folklore
Sing the epic work of teachers.

Teacher, creator of many values,
Keeps good and wisdom spring.
What is the educator like today?
This is how the student will be tomorrow.

May it be under a lucky star
Your difficult journey around the world and Russia.
And the school is like a spring with living water:
She will return the spent forces.

Let someone love work and physical education,
And today we will say without embellishment:
We fell in love with literature
Just because they love you.

Let no one look at life gloomy:
There are wonderful places under the sun.
We believe: literature will save the world!
And your beauty saves us.

You in valiant labor did not know the measure
And people healed a lot of wounds.
Comparable to cord thread your nerves,
The soul is transparent, like cellophane.

Let businessmen and bastards not come to you,
And God will roll off a bunch of necessary funds.
May there be little alkali in your life,
But a lot of sweet mixtures and substances.

On May 25, in all schools of our country, the bell marks the end of the school year, and for graduates, this is the last school bell in their life. Usually the bell is given in the school yard during the line. The students are smartly dressed, the school is decorated. There are no lessons on this day and in all schools it is considered a day off. After the general meeting, at which warm words, thanks and parting words are heard, young men and women can go on a picnic, an interesting excursion or a boat trip along the river.

Poems, congratulations, and wishes on the holiday last call

The last bell rang

We part with you today

But remember your main lesson -

Keep moving forward!

Already received certificates

It's time to step into the big life.

Let's freeze for a minute before the start,

To thank you.

And wish all the best on earth,

Peace, goodness and sun!

For our native teachers

Let happiness smile!

You have become family to us

Dear teachers!

Let's leave you today

But we will remember many!

We wish you together

Good luck, health, victories.

Let there be everything you need

For happy years!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

For wisdom, for attention,

For experience and knowledge reserve,

Patience and understanding!

Today, when for us

The last bell is ringing

We wish that every hour

A spark of happiness shone for you!

And, like flowers, always

Let the children surround you

Thank you teacher

For the fact that you are in the world!

But on this beautiful evening

We don't say goodbye

And we say to you: “See you!

Thanks again!”

Unaccustomed excitement

Makes the usual call

The last moments came

The hour of parting is near.

And we look at teachers -

Those who have always been a support,

Who is fair, wise, strict

All these years he judged us.

And only now we understand

How hard is your path.

The school door will close behind us,

But we won't forget you!

Became adults now

Graduation finished class,

The door to the big world is open,

Everything is ahead of you!

There are many different roads

The choice is so great!

Your last call is ringing

Good luck graduate!

Ten years passed quickly

But how many events were in them:

And bitter mistakes, and sweet victories,

And joyful, bright discoveries!

And first love, and devoted friendship,

And complex tasks, and a carousel of worries,

But today you need to part:

The time has come! Graduates Go!

Saying goodbye to you, we wish

Good luck, health, success in work,

And happiness bright without edge,

And a lot of creative ideas.

And so that without grief

Have you checked your notebooks?

Cheerfulness to you and patience,

Roads and paths are smooth!

There is no more wonderful profession in the world:

You give knowledge to children,

Help me find all the answers.

And low bow to you for this!

Today, leaving school desks,

We promise you seriously:

Hardworking, courageous and passionate

Look for answers to all questions!

Such a proud name

Your highest calling

To conduct a lesson!

Giving education to others

Very difficult!

Today we give you confessions -

Today it is possible.

We respect you very much

And we promise you

That all hopes will be justified

And let's not lose the power of knowledge!

Every new spring

At the appointed time

The ball will open the graduation

Last call.

melodic chime

Doesn't call for lessons

Sounds strange

In silence it is deep.

He sums up

Ready to become a springboard

Skips to the road

The main steps in life!

Both solemn and sad

This loud call.

It contains the bitterness of goodbyes,

And a million hopes!

He will call now

Last call,

No more going back to class

The whole world is at our feet!

We'll say to the school: "Goodbye!"

Everything has its time, its time,

It's time to say goodbye

The last bell rings.

To the sounds of the school waltz

We will circle and circle!

How hard it is to part

Though adult life beckons!

This joy in my heart

Half with sadness

You say goodbye to childhood

And with the teachers

With school walls

And with your favorite party.

Ahead of change

You are standing before the start.

Let me remember the school

Only a kind word

And it will be fun

Your new life!

Everything is behind: lessons, exams,

Changes and answers at the blackboard.

Today we say goodbye to you -

We are now graduates!

And now others are ahead

The tasks and goals are high.

Dear teachers,

Thank you for the lessons!

Before you a new long way,

Accept congratulations and greetings,

Let them not obscure the essence of life

Worries and unanswered questions.

Let the doors open

And the vast world will accept you,

Good luck and victory will smile

And happiness will hug you tightly!

Dear our teachers!

Thank you for the strict views,

For fair marks

Happy for discoveries

Because you believed in us

For everything you have done for us!

Sorry for mistakes.

Your kind smiles

Both instructions and advice

Leave bright memories.

Summer behind the walls, the sun at the feet,

How long is the last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows,

The ringing grows, does not stop,

In a huge hall, glances meet,

Silently everyone says goodbye to the school.

Echoes in the soul will respond in due time

This last school bell!

Youth is a wonderful time!

What is left for you to wish?

Peace, wisdom, kindness

And more sun!

Today each of the guys will say:

“We had an interesting life with you!”

Kind word, affectionate look -

We rejoiced in our victories together!

Thanks for the warmth and knowledge!

Thank you for your concern and participation!

With all our hearts we wish

Lasting and long happiness to you!

School time is over

Turned the page

This carefree spring

Will never happen again!

But maybe we'll be back

To say "thank you" again

Let's smile at teachers

And let's look at the native class!

In the meantime, we say "See you!",

Thank you for everything.

Happy graduation evening

We sincerely wish:

And health, and patience,

And good luck the ocean is deep.

To new generations

Come to your classes.

Our dear teachers!

We sincerely wish you:

May every day be adorned

Good and carefree joy,

And the attention of pets,

And the respect of colleagues,

Let the sun shine bright for you

And time slows down

So that every moment of life

It was happier and brighter!

Health, strength to you, optimism

And long, clear days!

Every year you grow up

Here is the last call

Be wiser and bolder

Make sure you do everything on time!

Temper - life is harsh,

It's going to be hard, stay strong!

And go to new heights

Learn son, learn!

Congratulations on the last call and graduation party

Your road is creeping

And the route is difficult,

And swift.

You will see and know

That there are many events in the world

Simply amazing.

Today you are a little anxious,

A little bit happy today

And you can understand, of course,

After all, you have a new path ahead of you!

He waits, calls, scares a little,

Great things beckon

But let the track be remembered

That she took me to school every day!

Farewell, dear school,

We have grown up!

And we'll meet soon

And sadness lives in the soul.

Gave so much to all of us

Made my mind!..

We bow to the walls

We kiss the board.

Teachers, sorry!

First graders are waiting for you!

Promise to live in happiness!

Thank you for your hard work!

You have gained enough knowledge

Eleven years have passed

Get down to business.

We say goodbye to you:

"Goodbye, goodbye!"

We are following you.

We wish you success

Don't forget school days!

And happy journey!

And evening falls again over the city,

The guitar rang out, and the ball went off.

At least a little warmth of this memorable meeting

Take it with you, take it with you!

And we will not make promises crackling,

Loud words to speak, high oaths to give.

Let's just try to live better on earth,

To never drop the school prestige.


Oh school! My cradle!

Has anyone loved you like me!

Your trampled flower beds

In the midst of the turmoil,

broken branches of trees,

Your dried flowers

Your scribbled desks

Your broken door

Your tattered cards

How will we be without them now?

written on the corners,

Throw papers and notes

Or leave them here in the tables.

Oh school, school! I won't forget

The rubbish that, without shaking off at the entrance,

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