I yell at physical education without subjects. Shout at the lesson of physical education. General developmental exercises with the ball

When it comes to physical activity of a person, we mean sports exercises. Physical activity includes active games and entertainment. Any person needs physical activity, so doctors recommend performing a set of general developmental physical education exercises several times a week, especially if he is not able to assess how much he moves per day and does not go to the gym.

Everyone needs to be physically active every day to stay healthy. During exercise, the musculature is strengthened, the muscles become more resilient, and a person can optimally expend his energy. Performing a load on individual muscle groups, you can increase their volume. Gymnastics also allows you to control your weight: by doing exercises, you can get rid of extra pounds by spending extra calories that the body receives due to malnutrition.

The positive effect of general developmental exercises (ORU):

  1. The heart is also a muscle, so training the cardiovascular system is good for human health. Proper and dosed loads make the heart healthier and more resilient. With physical activity, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic.
  2. Motor skills are being developed. Special exercises help a person develop flexibility, a sense of balance. During the exercises, sports equipment is better mastered.
  3. Physical activity helps to actively deal with stress. If a person suffers from depression or anxiety, then physical education copes well with such problems. Active exercise can lower the amount of cortisol hormones and increase the number of pleasure hormones - endorphins.

It is useful to do gymnastics with someone - this is a great way to communicate.

A set of developmental physical education exercises improves heart function. People who are active in sports have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It also reduces the risk of stroke and diabetes. These diseases often appear due to excess weight. Constant control over the body and muscles allows you to regulate extra pounds.

Physical education according to the scheme developed by the attending physician helps older people. If a person shows active physical activity all his life, then in old age he has fewer diseases. Physical education helps to keep mental clarity, because the brain works better with physical activity.

Gymnastics helps pregnant women prepare for childbirth. And after the appearance of the baby, the mother will quickly come into shape.

Joint performance of physical exercises increases trust in a married couple. Exercise improves mood and well-being.

Not all people can control the amount of food eaten, ORU in physical education helps to deal with this problem. When performing simple exercises, the number of ghrelin hormones, which increase appetite, decreases.

A person who loves sports can quickly get rid of bad habits. Active movement reduces cravings for smoking and drinking alcohol. Sports increase the dose of pleasure hormones that were previously replaced by nicotine.

Exercise does little to no harm. If you follow the safety rules when performing complex complexes, you can avoid injuries. When performing initial exercises, you do not need to chase results. The intensity of training should be increased gradually. This is especially important for beginners, who, due to excessive zeal, can get injured or stretch their muscles. You can not combine active training with strict diets, because the body is quickly depleted, and there will be no strength left to perform physical exercises. Gymnastics has contraindications:

  1. neurological diseases.
  2. Spinal injury.
  3. Any wounds on the body.
  4. Phlebeurysm.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. High or low pressure.

If a person has a cold, then it is better to postpone classes until complete recovery. Exercises are resumed only after consultation with the attending physician. If physical education is associated with weight lifting, then it is not recommended to lift a lot of weight, otherwise you can get stretched or injured.

During exercise, you need to control the pulse and breathing. If a person is actively engaged in physical education, then it is necessary to correctly draw up a daily routine, allocating time for proper sleep and rest. Any movement performed incorrectly can lead to injury. With an active motor load, it is necessary to eat properly and evenly. Only in this case, classes will benefit and not harm the body.

An average person needs 9 to 20% fat for the normal functioning of the body. If the percentage of fat is too low, then you can face serious diseases. When doing exercises, you need to remember that it is not the duration of the workout that matters, but its intensity. If you miscalculate the time of physical education, you can harm your health. One complex should be performed no more than 60 seconds, but the pace should be intense. For full physical development, it is necessary to perform gymnastics for the muscles of the whole body.

General developmental complex

Most people are shown general developmental physical education exercises. For students, schoolchildren and other people who spend a lot of time at the computer, in a sitting position, such classes are simply necessary. In addition, they do not take much time and you can do them at home.

First, exercises for the arms and shoulders are performed. Over time, the upper limbs and shoulders lose their elasticity and become relaxed. As a result, posture may deteriorate. Performing a simple complex, you can tighten the tone of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. The training is carried out in several visits. Before doing any exercise, you need to warm up.

  1. For the exercise you will need dumbbells.
  2. 10 exercises are performed at a time.
  3. It is necessary to lean the knee of the right leg and right hand on a flat surface.
  4. The back should remain straight and the abdominal muscles tense.
  5. You can't raise your head too high.
  6. The dumbbell is taken in the left hand, the brush is bent.
  7. The elbow remains motionless.
  8. Arm with dumbbell straightens.
  9. Then the hand is raised palm up, in this position you need to fix for 5 seconds.
  10. Next, you need to return to the starting position.

An effective workout for the development of the arms and shoulder girdle is push-ups from the knees. At one time, you need to perform at least 10 repetitions. To perform gymnastics, you need to focus on your knees, cross your feet together, raise your torso above the floor. The palms should be close to each other. Then you need to pull in the stomach, while the elbows remain bent, and sink to the floor. Then you need to slowly straighten up and return to the starting position.

For the neck, a set of general developmental exercises is designed in such a way as to do without additional items. The exercises are simple, even a schoolboy can perform them anywhere - in the gym or at home. Typically, such training is carried out in physical education classes in a comprehensive school. If there are problems associated with neurology, then the exercises are recommended to be performed in a static mode.

If during the exercises a person feels discomfort or pain, then the amplitude of the movements is reduced, the number of repetitions should be reduced. If the pain does not stop, then physical education is postponed until the person is completely recovered.

Pendulum exercise:

  1. The person occupies a comfortable and comfortable position, while the head should be straight.
  2. The neck is tilted to the left.
  3. In this position, you need to linger for 10 seconds.
  4. Then a tilt is made in the opposite direction.
  5. Repeat at least 6 times on each side.

The next exercise is called "airplane". You need to lie on the floor on your stomach. Hands spread out to the side. In this position, a person is in 20 seconds. Then, smoothly and accurately, the hand is spread to the sides 3 times. Next, the right hand bends so that it is above the left. Then you should change hands.

The most effective workout for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks is the squat. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. Gymnastics is performed when the thighs are parallel to the floor. 10 approaches are performed at a time.

In the table of a complex of general developmental exercises in physical education, training with leg raising lying down occupies a key position. Gymnastics is well suited for adults and children. During the training, several muscle groups are involved . How to do the Lying Leg Raise workout:

  1. The person lies down on a flat surface.
  2. Both legs are bent and lifted off the floor to form a 45-degree angle.
  3. Then the legs are spread to the side, fixed in this position.
  4. Then slowly come together with the knees.

For effectiveness, you need to perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

Straight posture makes a person more attractive. It is also essential for health. To keep your back straight and even, you need to perform special exercises several times a week.

For posture, the “reed” exercise is well suited. You need to kneel down, hands clasped above your head. Then the brushes are turned inside out. Hands reach for the ceiling. It is necessary to perform 3 slopes in each direction. Then slowly and gently return to the starting position. When performing gymnastics, it is important that the back remains straight and the arms do not bend at the elbows. In total, you need to do 5 approaches.

To perform the "worm" exercise, you need to sit on your heels, put your hands on your knees. The legs are spread apart, the elbows are bent and lowered to the floor. It is necessary to tilt your head and stay in this position for 15 seconds. The recommended number of repetitions is 4 times.

In order for the back to be straight and beautiful, it is necessary to perform a complex for the formation of balance. During gymnastics, all muscles are strengthened and the tone of the back muscles is increased. It is especially indicated for elementary school students, who during this period have a high risk of developing scoliosis due to an unusual load on the back.

The complex is performed using a support or lying on the floor. Exercises are done in one place or when a person is in motion. Gymnastics performed on the spot:

  1. Jumping.
  2. Various movements of the legs and arms.
  3. Body twists.
  4. Straight stance on heels or toes.

Gymnastics in motion includes walking of various types, the use of weights, overcoming obstacles, dance moves and light running.

Breathing to deal with stress

Breathing exercises allow you to get rid of extra pounds, normalize digestion and put your nerves in order. There are 3 main exercises that help you relax and fight stress:

  1. Shoulder straps.
  2. Pump.
  3. Hands.

Exercise "chauffeurs" is performed while standing on the floor. Hands should be pressed tightly to the stomach. You need to take 9 breaths in a row. Between them there is a break of 5 seconds. As you exhale, push your hands to the floor. At the same time, the arms are straightened. When exhaling, the hands are again pressed against the stomach.

When performing the “pump” exercise, a person stands, leaning slightly down. In the middle of the slope, you need to inhale air through your nose. The inhalation ends when the inclination is completed. Then you need to straighten up and take a break for 5 seconds. Do 12 repetitions in a row.

Exercise "palms" is done as follows:

  1. Take 5 deep breaths through your nose.
  2. Exhalation is done quietly through the mouth.
  3. When inhaling, you need to clench your fists.
  4. You need to linger for 7 seconds, and then lower your hands.
  5. When inhaling, the abdomen and shoulders are relaxed.

The palms workout needs to be done 12 times in a row.

Properly distributed physical activity has a positive effect on human health. If you perform simple exercises several times a week, then this has a positive effect on posture and muscles. Physical education helps restore vitality and prolong youth.

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The hectic pace of life, work, household chores. In this cycle, there is no time for your health at all. Not everyone manages to carve out an hour to visit the gym, but our muscles need constant development. We offer you a set of general developmental physical education exercises that will transform your figure and strengthen your body.

Take a deep breath, open your arms...

Remember the song of Vladimir Vysotsky "Charging"? Unfortunately, at present, only a mobile phone is engaged in charging in the morning in homes. But in vain, because just a few exercises will help you strengthen your body and tone your muscles.

It should be noted right away that one-time exercises will not bring any result. We need an integrated approach. A series of exercises of the same type will help to effectively work out problem areas, make your figure chiseled and slender.

A set of physical exercises is always designed to work out several muscle groups. Starting from the top down is a classic. First, the neck is worked out, then the shoulder girdle, chest muscles, abs, buttocks and legs.

All physical exercises should be performed after a good warm-up. To do this, you can take any complex. If your goal is to lose weight, then do some cardio.

Read also:

Remember to pay special attention to the joints. They need to be well kneaded so as not to be injured during the lesson. Be sure to take into account your state of health, you may need to consult a doctor. If you have chronic ailments, you can’t do without consulting a doctor, because he will tell you which set of exercises is best for you.

Sport is power!

Few people remember general developmental physical education exercises. A table of suitable exercises will tell you how to properly perform this or that load. You can find the information you need on the vastness of the global network or consult with a coach.

You can practice without additional equipment. But even in the absence of sports simulators, you need to increase the load. At home, you can use the following devices for this:

  • chair;
  • sofa or ottoman;
  • water bottles;
  • jump rope
  • wide elastic band;
  • disk;
  • metal hoop;
  • expander.

Any item can come in handy during class. Start performing complexes with minimal physical activity. The general set of exercises consists of 5-7 approaches, which in time will take you no more than 15 minutes. If you want to carefully work out each muscle group, then choose large complexes consisting of several blocks. However, please note that such a load requires preliminary preparation.

Get on the charger!

If you were looking for physical education exercises with a description, then you are in luck. We offer an easy, but very effective complex. Professional trainers advise doing any exercise in the morning. So the body can wake up faster and recharge with energy. But you can move the workout to the evening. The peak of physical activity is observed at about 18 hours.

Please note that 2.5-3 hours before playing sports, you do not need to eat. But water is only welcome. It will saturate the body with oxygen and accelerate the metabolism to a crazy speed.

Exercise #1

Let's start with the simplest:

  1. We put our feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Align the back, arms along the body.
  3. We begin to turn our heads to the right and left in four counts.
  4. We make a dot in the center.
  5. We perform the exercise smoothly, without sudden movements. 10-15 repetitions will be enough.

This exercise can be supplemented with circular rotations in different directions.

Exercise #2

We continue to work out the neck, we remain in the same starting position:

  1. Now we need to tilt our head alternately to the right and left in four counts.
  2. Make a dot in the center.
  3. We try to stretch the neck as much as possible, but without jerking.

Exercise #3

  1. We close the fingers in the lock, elbows - to the side, palms - at chest level.
  2. First, stretch your arms forward, turning your palm outward.
  3. Then we return to the starting position.
  4. Next, bring your hands up above your head and again turn your palms outward.
  5. We return the hands to their original position.
  6. 10-15 approaches for a beginner will be enough.

  1. We put our feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. We spread our arms to the sides, we clench our hands into a fist.
  3. In two counts, turn the brush in one direction, then in the other.
  4. Immediately bend your elbows and rotate back and forth for two counts.

Exercise number 5:

  1. We put our hands along the body.
  2. Alternately raise each hand up and make double hands.
  3. This exercise can be slightly modified. Hand jerks can be done up and down, as well as to the sides.

Exercise #6

  1. Raise one arm, stretch the other along the body.
  2. We need to cross our arms behind our backs and try to close our fingers in the lock.
  3. We are held in this position for four counts. The back should be straight.

Exercise number 7:

  1. We put our legs slightly wider than our shoulders.
  2. Tilt the body forward so that the back is parallel to the floor.
  3. Keep your legs straight. We spread our hands to the sides.
  4. On the first account, we lean down without arching the lower back.
  5. On the second count, we lower our straight arms down, touching the floor with our palms.
  6. On the count of three or four we make a mill. We try to touch the foot with the palm of our hand.

Exercise #8

We remain in the same position:

  1. Raise your right hand and tilt to the left.
  2. We try to bend as much as possible. You will feel the muscles on the right tighten.
  3. Next, turn the body to the left and stretch with a straight arm forward.
  4. We go down smoothly and touch the left foot with the right hand.
  5. We return to the previous position and do the same on the left hand.

Exercise number 9:

  1. We leave the legs, as they say, shoulder width apart.
  2. We fix the palms at the head, we spread the elbows in opposite directions.
  3. First, we alternately tilt the body to the right and left.
  4. In the middle, we clearly fix the body.
  5. Then we make turns to the sides. We move only the upper body. The hips and legs remain motionless.

Exercise #10

We remain in the same position:

  1. We put our hands on the belt so that the thumbs are in front.
  2. Now we lean forward with the body and perform circular movements to the right and left. The pelvis and legs remain motionless, we work only with the upper part of the body.

General developmental exercises - ORU - are analytically created exercises that include movements of individual parts of the body or their combinations, and have a comprehensive effect on the body. ORUs are simple and affordable in execution, they make it possible to selectively influence the necessary muscle groups, and also allow you to strictly dose the load in the lesson (Popova, E.G., 1999).

There are special terms (designations) in order to name the body positions or movements that make up the exercise. The main positions of the body, from which physical exercises are performed, are the following (according to E.G. Popova, 1999):

On fig. 1 shows the most commonly used body positions and special terms (according to E.G. Popova, 1999).

STANDS: basic stance (feet together, arms down), stance, legs apart, wide stance, legs apart, kneeling stand, single (leg) stand.

STOPS .: crouching emphasis, sitting emphasis, kneeling emphasis.

SQUATS: squat, half squat, squat on one leg.

SEDY: gray, gray on the heels.

LUNCHES: lunge to the side, lunge forward.

Lying position: on the back, on the stomach, on the side.

Typical general developmental exercises without an object

The most common exercises that are the basis for building other outdoor switchgear - with objects, on projectiles, etc. - are exercises without an object. The most common exercises (according to E.G. Popova, 1999) are given below. For convenience, they are best considered on an anatomical basis: exercises for the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, for the back, for the lateral surface of the body, for the legs, etc.

    Exercises for the muscles of the neck

    head tilts to the right, left, forward, backward;

    the same, but hands behind the head, overcoming the resistance of the hands;

    circular movements of the head to the right, to the left (without sudden movements back);

    Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

    flexion and extension of the arms in the elbow and shoulder joints;

    circular movements and swinging arms in different directions;

    jerky movements of the hands in combination with tilts and turns of the body;

    transition from an emphasis crouching to an emphasis lying and vice versa.

    Back exercises

    tilts and turns of the torso forward and backward in I.P. standing;

    raising and lowering the body in and. n. lying on the stomach;

    lifting and swinging your legs back in I.P. lying on the stomach; the same with simultaneous symmetrical or asymmetrical raising of hands;

    holding raised arms and legs in ip lying on the stomach.

    Exercises for the abdominal muscles (front surface of the body)

    lifting the body from the i.p. lying on your back;

    lifting, swinging, circular movements ("bicycle") in I.p. emphasis sitting or lying on your back;

    simultaneous movements of arms and legs in I.P. emphasis sitting or lying on your back.

    Exercises for the muscles of the lateral surface of the body

    lifting, swinging legs from SP lying on the side;

    springy torso to the side from ip standing;

    lifting - lowering the pelvis from the I.P. lying on your side.

    Exercises for the legs and pelvic muscles

    exercises for the feet and lower leg: lifting on toes, half-squatting, walking on toes, jumping and jumping on one and two legs, rolling from heel to toe;

    exercises for the hips and lower leg: squats, lunges in various directions, walking in a semi-squat and squat, running in place with a high hip raise, etc .;

    exercises for the development of mobility in the hip joint: circular movements of the pelvis while standing, deep forward bends with the capture of the lower leg, half twine, twine, deep springy lunges, leg swings with a large amplitude.

    Relaxation exercises. These exercises are necessarily present in the ORU complex, performing the function of restoring breathing and relieving excessive muscle tension. These are, for example, free arcuate movements of the hands in combination with lifting on toes, a half-squat, a half-tilt; shaking hands, forearms, shoulders, lowering relaxed arms down with an emphasis on exhalation and relaxation of the upper body and arms, waving relaxed arms and shaking legs in various I.P.

    Combined (complex) exercises. These are exercises that simultaneously or sequentially involve several major muscle groups, such as the arms, legs, and torso. Example:

I.p. – o.s.

1 - tilt forward, arms to the sides.

2 - crouching emphasis.




I.p. – o.s.

1 - arms to the sides

2 - hands up, rise on toes

3 - arms to the sides

The pace is calm, keep the balance

1-4 - circular movements of the head to the right

5-8 - the same to the left

The pace is slow, perform without sudden movements

I.p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt

1-3 - three spring forward tilts

Tilt to perform with a straight back, look forward

I.p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, arms up

3-4 - the same to the left

Tilt to perform exactly to the side, arms straight

I.p. – o.s.

1 - half squat, arms forward

3 - squat, arms to the sides

Back straight, do not hold your breath

I.p. - stand, hands up

1 - swing right forward, arms down

3-4 - the same with the left

Do not bend your legs during the swing, the back is straight

Continuation of the table. 2.

11. General developmental exercises with objects

The use of objects significantly expands the possibilities of the impact of exercises on the body of those involved, makes it possible to develop physical qualities more directed, since each object has its own specific advantages of use. So, exercises with a stuffed ball, dumbbells contribute to the development of strength, with a skipping rope - develop jumping ability, with a gymnastic stick - contribute to the development of accuracy of movements, are aimed at correcting posture defects. In addition, the use of objects optimizes the lesson, introduces an element of unusualness, emotionally colors the lesson. We will consider exercises with ropes, hoops and gymnastic sticks.

Preparation and conduct of the lesson.

When conducting classes with objects, it is necessary:

    prepare inventory according to the number of students;

    distribute students at a safe distance from each other;

    to teach those involved in the basics of manipulating objects (starting positions, grips), to familiarize them with the physical properties of objects.

Features of terminology.

The recording of exercises with an object from an open switchgear without an object differs in that after indicating the i.p. and the position of the legs, the position or method of grasping the object is indicated, and then, instead of indicating the movements of the hands, the movement of the object is indicated.

Example: i.p. - stand, legs apart, stick on the shoulder blades.

Jump rope exercises.

This group of exercises is mainly used for jumping exercises. These exercises, in addition to jumping, develop the coordination abilities of those involved, since the skill of jumping with a rope is coordinationally difficult - you need to learn how to coordinate jumping, landing and rotation of the rope. First, you need to adjust the length of the rope in accordance with the growth of the student - standing in the middle of the rope, pull the rope up to the shoulders. If the rope is longer or shorter, then jumping will be uncomfortable. Here are some examples of jump rope exercises.

    jumping rope, with rotation forward, backward;

    jumping into a rope folded in half, four times (the same in a squat);

    jumping with double rotation of the rope (perform two rotations of the rope during one jump).

In addition to jumping, there are many other exercises with a rope, including those to develop coordination and flexibility.

    rotation of a rope folded in half in different planes (sideways, above the head, “eight”);

    “turning” twice (three times or more) the folded rope back and forth with straight arms;

    forward bends, the rope is folded four times behind the legs, pull the torso to the legs by bending the arms.

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