Evgenia Vasilyeva parents. Evgenia Vasilyeva founded a jewelry company and arranged her personal life, - the media. Where is Vasilyeva now and what does she do

Former Defense Ministry official, defendant in the Oboronservis case, Yevgenia Vasilyeva is expanding her business horizons. According to Life, a new trademark "Nonrealism" has been registered for one of the companies owned by her. Judging by the registration classes, books can be published under this brand, furniture, goods for artists, as well as sports and cultural and educational events can be organized.

Evgeny Vasilyeva. Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda/ Global Look

Vasilyeva's company "Rezultat", for which the trademark is registered, previously specialized in the production of exclusively jewelry products. Director of the company Mikhail Koptyaev, in a conversation with Life, said that he had heard about a new intangible asset of his company for the first time, and did not know what products would be produced under it.

The publication suggests that under the brand "Nonrealism", Vasilyeva will create a training center or even an art school. She herself had just graduated from the first year of the Faculty of Arts at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, where he received the specialty of an art critic. It is quite possible that the creative ex-official will create a new unique artistic style, because until now there was no such thing as "non-realism" in the world of painting.

Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS

Recall that the artistic gift of Evgenia Vasilyeva manifested itself in all its glory during the trial. It was then that her first exhibition took place, at which, in particular, a portrait of the former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, executed in brown tones, was presented.

Along with this portrait, Vasilyeva's exposition featured many brighter color schemes. Psychologists said that in the works of the then prisoner of Molochny Lane there is a lot of yellow. It is generally accepted that the presence of green and yellow colors in the images conveys the artist's experience for his personality. Experts considered the artworks of the defendant of "Oboronservis" to be quite adequate to the situation in which she found herself.

According to the SPARK database, Evgenia Vasilyeva is the owner of six companies - Constanta, Your Choice, Argument, Priority, Stroypartner and Result. All firms were founded in 2012, when the criminal case of the ex-official was just being promoted. The post of director in all companies is occupied by the same person - Mikhail Koptyaev, who happened to be a graduate of the Lyceum of Arts and Crafts.

Photo: Pavel Smertin/TASS

During her imprisonment under house arrest, Evgenia Vasilyeva painted about 100 paintings, including portraits of US President Barack Obama and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. Also, a high-ranking prisoner shot a video for the song of her own composition "Slippers" and released a collection of her poems.

Among the firms mentioned above, the most famous company is the Result company, which specializes in the production of exclusive jewelry under the EVA brand. According to the company's financial statements, the company was unprofitable until 2014, but then things started to improve. If in 2014 the loss of "Result" amounted to almost 18 million rubles, then in 2015 the company's net profit amounted to 11 million rubles.

By the way, according to Mikhail Koptyaev, director of Result, during the entire existence of the company, she worked with only "one person and made all the collections for him, and this person himself decided where, why and for whom these jewelry." However, now Evgenia Vasilyeva's company is going to reach a new level by expanding production. In the middle of summer, we plan to launch a workshop in the center of Moscow, the manager said.

During the investigation into a criminal case on the theft of assets of the military department through the Oboronservis holding, about 1.5 thousand items of various jewelry and a collection of 30 paintings worth about $ 4 million were confiscated from the main defendant. Vasilyeva already then explained such a number of jewelry with desire start your own jewelry business.

In May 2015, the Presnensky Court sentenced Evgenia Vasilyeva to 5 years in prison in a penal colony and satisfied the claims of the prosecutor's office to recover 216 million rubles from five defendants in the case. The ex-official spent 33 days in a colony in the Vladimir region and was released on parole.

Earlier it became that Evgenia Vasilyeva was appointed secretary of the meeting of the HOA of an elite house in Molochny Lane, where she lives. The chairman of the HOA is Anatoly Serdyukov.

Evgenia Vasilyeva is a Russian civil servant and business entrepreneur, from 2011 to 2012 she served as head of the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. As a member of the Board of Directors of the Oboronservis holding, she became a notorious personality and the main defendant in a high-profile corruption criminal case against the Russian defense department.

The business woman won the burning interest of society in her own person thanks to her lifestyle - being already under house arrest, the woman began to get involved in music and painting, and without a higher art education she entered the most prestigious International Art Fund in the world and spent many millions of rubles in the capital's boutiques .

Childhood and youth

Evgenia Nikolaevna Vasilyeva was born on February 20, 1979 in the cultural capital of Russia in the family of Russian multimillionaire entrepreneur Nikolai Vasilyev. She was the only child in a wealthy family, so from childhood she lived in luxury and prosperity. For mother Lyudmila Iosifovna and a loving father, the daughter was a real princess, in which they tried to put all the best.

As a child, Vasilyeva was an ordinary child - she went to school, walked in the yard with her friends, attended creative circles. She was surrounded by the love of relatives and friends, which allowed her to do any business she liked.

After graduating from high school, the future head of the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Law. At the university, the girl studied with the daughter of the former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Yulia Zubkova, and the ex-Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, whose life paths were closely intertwined in the future.

In 2001, Evgenia graduated with honors from the university, after which her career quickly crept up - starting with work in several real estate offices, the future defendant in the Oboronservis case literally became the general director of the branch of the largest construction company Su-155 in just 5 months.


Evgenia Vasilyeva got into the world of politics and business thanks to a useful acquaintance in Cannes with Vladimir Resin, who at that time held the post of first deputy mayor of Moscow. He invited her to become his adviser, which the careerist, of course, did not refuse. Having moved to the capital, the woman, accustomed to luxury, immediately settled in an elite house in the center of Moscow in Molochny Lane - according to the USRR, her apartment consisted of 4 rooms with a total area of ​​200 square meters. m.

In 2009, the future head of the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation became an adviser to the deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, and a year later, as an adviser, she got into the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, headed by Serdyukov. In 2011, Vasilyeva was appointed head of the department of property relations of the department, for successful work in which in 2012 the current president of the Russian Federation was awarded the Order of Honor.

In parallel with her work in the defense department, the official is on the board of directors of Oboronservis, a controlled organization of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Over the entire period of the existence of this holding, scandals have repeatedly flared up around it. The last of them was crime, the main character of which was Vasilyeva.

The assets of Oboronservis were so impressive that the organization seemed like a "tasty morsel" for officials who wanted to cash in on the state's expense. The passion for a luxurious life, apparently, was the reason for such an unhappy end to the career of Evgenia Nikolaevna, who was removed from her position in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, after which she was charged with fraud and theft of state property.

The case of "Oboronservis"

In November 2012, the FSB of the Russian Federation detained Yevgenia Vasilyeva on suspicion of committing serious crimes committed during the period of managerial activity at Oboronservis. She and other employees of this organization were accused of organized fraud and theft of property of subsidiaries of a holding company controlled by the Russian Defense Ministry in the amount of more than 350 million rubles. The former head of the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense refused to plead guilty to the incriminated criminal case, saying that she did not intend to cooperate with the investigation.

A press release from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation indicated that Vasilyeva was involved in the sale of valuable real estate owned by the Ministry of Defense at reduced prices, many of which were purchased by “necessary” buyers with stolen money from Oboronservis. According to the episodes incriminated to Evgenia Nikolaevna, the loudest was the sale of the State Design Institute, which is of strategic importance for the Russian military department. The amount of damage caused by Vasilyeva and her accomplices to Russia is estimated by the Prosecutor General's Office at 3 billion rubles, lost by the country on the sale of 8 capital properties.

During the investigation into the criminal case of Oboronservis, Vasilyeva's apartment was searched. Police officers seized documents of interest to the case under investigation, cash in the amount of 3.5 million rubles, antiques, watches of famous brands, collections of expensive paintings and about 1.5 thousand pieces of jewelry in total from the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Defense. weighing 19 kg in the amount of 130 million rubles.

With a declared income of 6 million rubles. a civil servant, of course, could not afford such a luxury, but Vasilyeva's father said that all the seized jewelry were his gifts to his daughter.

After the indictment, the Khamovniki Court refused to release Yevgenia Nikolaevna on bail in the amount of 15 million rubles, and chose a preventive measure for her until the end of the investigative process in the form of house arrest. A month later, Vasilyeva asked to be allowed to live with former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, with whom, by her own admission, she has been on close terms for several years. The court did not satisfy the petition of the defendant, but allowed her to see relatives and Serdyukov, as well as use a computer and the Internet.

At the beginning of 2013, all of Vasilyeva’s property was seized, and in October of the same year Evgenia Nikolaevna was charged in the final version - she was charged with 12 episodes of fraud, legalization of criminal funds, abuse and abuse of power and embezzlement of state funds in particular large size in his position in the defense department. After the indictment, Vasilyeva's property in the amount of 450 million rubles. was arrested, which included bank accounts, 6 properties and jewelry.

The trial of Yevgenia Nikolaevna began on July 1, 2014 and lasted for 10 months. On May 8, 2015, the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Defense was found guilty of fraud in the sale of assets of the military department and sentenced to 5 years in prison to be served in a penal colony.

Thus, taking into account the stay under house arrest, Evgenia had to spend the next 2.5 years in prison. After the verdict was passed, the convict was taken into custody in the courtroom and imprisoned in a pre-trial detention center in Pechatniki. In July 2015, Vasilyeva was transferred to a women's colony in the Vladimir region.

On August 25, 2015, Evgenia was released. Lawyers on the eve filed a petition for parole of the ex-official due to the fact that Vasilyeva promptly compensated the damage to the injured party (over 216 million rubles were paid by her father).

It follows from the court ruling that the ex-civil servant will not change her place of residence and work for the next 2 years, 2 months and 28 days.

Personal life

Convicted in the criminal case of "Oboronservis" has never been married and has no children. The former head of the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense dreamed of a child, but she has not yet succeeded in becoming a mother.

According to the official statement of her lawyer Khasan Ali Borokov, in 2012 Vasilyeva lost her baby, as severe stress during the search of her apartment and investigative measures in the criminal case of Oboronservis caused a miscarriage, after which Evgenia is unlikely to be able to become pregnant and bear a child .

The only man seen next to her was the ex-Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Anatoly Serdyukov, in close relations with whom Vasilyeva herself admitted. According to Evgenia, in Anatolia she found a reliable person with whom she was ready to connect her life. The former Minister of Defense was married to the daughter of a statesman, but his connection with the official of the Ministry of Defense became known to the public.

Even during the search of the housing, the ex-official Evgenia Vasilyeva and Anatoly Serdyukov were together in the apartment. Information appeared in the media that Yulia Zubkova filed for divorce, but Anatoly Serdyukov did not confirm the fact of parting with his wife.

The scandal provoked public interest in the person and biography of Evgenia Nikolaevna. Reporters exaggerated rumors that the accused is a cousin, the wife of Dmitry Medvedev.

This fact was confirmed by the loyalty of the ex-president to the activities of his former subordinate Anatoly Serdyukov. In addition, at the beginning of 2012, she received the Order of Honor from the hands of Medvedev Vasiliev. And after Yevgenia's arrest, they talked about the fact that Svetlana Vladimirovna repeatedly visited the prisoner. But the most inquisitive users assure that these speculations are unfounded - the names of the grandfathers of the two women differ, which excludes their close relationship.

After being placed under house arrest, Evgenia Vasilyeva kept silent for a while. The woman was sure that her persecution would stop in the near future, she considered all the accusations against her to be absurd. When she realized that the case would be brought to an end, she began to meet with journalists. During this time, the defendant in the Oboronservis case gave an interview to the deputy editor-in-chief of the REN TV channel.

Then Vasilyeva became interested in creativity. She was interested in painting. The works of a woman in the style of primitivism were exhibited in the Moscow gallery "Expo-88". The exposition was called "Flowers from Captivity". According to the artist, she created up to 12 paintings per night.

Vasilyeva posted photos of her own paintings on social networks. Provocative pictures with Evgenia herself often appeared there, in which she appeared in a swimsuit or skimpy outfits.

The former official also tried her hand at poetry and music. She published a book of poems, recorded a number of musical compositions. A video for her song "Slippers" was presented on YouTube.

Now the personal life of Evgenia Nikolaevna has again become a subject of public interest. At the end of the summer of 2018, the media space was blown up by the news that Serdyukov and Vasilyeva. The marriage of two former colleagues was immediately dubbed by reporters as the "wedding of the year."

The information was provided by a popular TV journalist who interviewed an ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. However, the former Minister of Defense himself categorically refused to comment on such speculation, stating that "they will remain on the conscience of the one who distributes them."

While at large, Evgenia took up the promotion of the Result jewelry brand. In 2017, Vasilyeva received a position in the structure of the HOA of her house, and also registered a new trademark "Nonrealism".

In 2018, she defended her master's degree from the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University. It is possible that in 2019 the ex-official under a new trademark will start publishing books, producing furniture or opening her own art salon.

Evgenia Vasilyeva and Anatoly Serdyukov became the parents of three children. In mid-September 2019, together with her husband, she took custody of a boy and a girl. In the same year, the couple's own heir was born from a surrogate mother.

Family of Evgenia Vasilyeva

Father - Nikolai Anatolyevich Vasiliev.
Mother - Lyudmila Iosifovna Vasilyeva.

Husband - Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov (since 2018), former Minister of Defense of Russia.
Son - Nikolai (adoptive)
Daughter - Tatiana (adopted)
Son - (from a surrogate mother)


Vasilyeva Evgenia Nikolaevna

Russian Entrepreneur

Evgenia Vasilyeva was born on February 20, 1979 in St. Petersburg. The girl grew up in the family of Russian multimillionaire entrepreneur Nikolai Vasiliev. Since childhood, she lived in luxury and prosperity. For mother Lyudmila Iosifovna and a loving father, the daughter was a real princess, in whom they tried to invest all the best.

Evgenia went to school, walked in the yard with her friends, attended various circles. After graduating from high school, she entered the St. Petersburg State University at the faculty of jurisprudence. At the university, the girl studied with the daughter of the former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Yulia Zubkova, and the ex-Minister of Defense of Russia, Anatoly Serdyukov, whose life paths were closely intertwined in the future.

In 2001, Evgenia graduated with honors from the university, after which her career rapidly went up: starting with work in several real estate offices, in just five months she became the general director of a branch of the largest construction company Su-155.

Evgenia Vasilyeva got into the world of big politics and business thanks to a useful acquaintance in Cannes with Vladimir Resin, who at that time held the post of First Deputy Mayor of Moscow. It was Resin who offered her to become his adviser, which the woman did not refuse. Having moved to the capital, accustomed to luxury, she immediately settled in an elite house in the center of Moscow in Molochny Lane.

In 2009, Vasilyeva became an adviser to the deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia, Alexander Beglov, and literally a year later, as an adviser, she got into the Russian Ministry of Defense, headed by Anatoly Serdyukov. Then, in 2011, Evgenia Nikolaevna was appointed head of the department of property relations of the department, for successful work in which in 2012 the current president of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, was awarded the Order of Honor.

In parallel with her activities in the defense department, the official was a member of the board of directors of Oboronservis, controlled by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Over the entire period of existence of this holding, scandals have repeatedly flared up around it.

In November 2012, employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia detained Yevgenia Vasilyeva on suspicion of committing serious crimes committed during the period of managerial activity at Oboronservis. She and other employees of this organization were accused of organized fraud and theft of property of subsidiaries of a holding controlled by the Russian Ministry of Defense in the amount of more than 350 million rubles. Vasilyeva completely refused to admit her guilt in the criminal case incriminated to her, saying that she did not intend to cooperate with the investigation.

During the investigation into the criminal case of Oboronservis, Vasilyeva's apartment was searched. Police officers seized a number of documents of interest to the case under investigation, cash in the amount of 3.5 million rubles, antiques, watches of famous brands, collections of expensive paintings and about one and a half thousand pieces of jewelry with a total weight of 19 kg in the amount of 130 million rubles. Vasilyeva's rich father said that all the seized jewelry were his gifts to his daughter.

The trial of Yevgenia Vasilyeva began on July 1, 2014 and lasted for ten months. On May 8, 2015, the former chief of staff of the Russian Ministry of Defense was found guilty of fraud in the sale of assets of the military department and was sentenced to five years in prison to be served in a penal colony. Given the stay under house arrest, Vasilyeva had to spend the next 2.5 years in prison. After the verdict was passed, the convict was taken into custody in the courtroom and imprisoned in the Detention Facility. In July of the same year, she was transferred to a women's colony in the Vladimir region.

A month later, on August 25, Evgenia Nikolaevna was released. Lawyers filed a petition for parole of the ex-official due to the fact that Vasilyeva promptly compensated the damage to the injured party: over 216 million rubles were paid by her father.

In early April 2017, Vasilyeva was returned all the seized property, including six apartments and more than a thousand pieces of jewelry, due to the fact that the woman compensated for the damage caused to the state.

While at large, Evgenia took up the promotion of the Result jewelry brand. In 2017, she received a position in the structure of the HOA of her house, and also registered a new trademark "Nonrealism". In the following year, 2018, the woman defended her master's degree from the Faculty of Arts of Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Vasilyeva also became interested in creativity. She was interested in painting. The work of a woman in the style of primitivism was even exhibited in the Moscow gallery "Expo-88". The exposition was called "Flowers from Captivity". According to the artist, she created up to twelve paintings per night. She also tried her hand at poetry and music, publishing a book of poems and recording a number of musical compositions. At the same time, a video for her song "Slippers" appeared on YouTube.

The board of directors of the Tsentrmashproekt enterprise, which is part of the Rostec corporation, has become a new workplace for the ex-minister. According to some reports, Serdyukov was appointed there at the beginning of last month. At the same time, this information was confirmed at the enterprise itself, also specifying that the former head of the Russian military department had already begun to fulfill his duties.


The next position of the scandalous official caused a storm of indignation among Internet users, most of whom reacted extremely negatively to his new appointment. However, the ex-minister of defense obviously does not have to get used to such attention to his person, since the scandalous trail has been trailing him since the fall of 2012, when the official was forced to leave the post of head of the military department as a result of a loud scandal. And it all started with his passion for Evgenia Vasilyeva - a pretty blonde, who eventually played the most direct role in the fate of a high-ranking official.

There is still no exact information about where, how and under what circumstances they met. Someone claims that their first meeting took place at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University back in the middle of the 2000s. The spectacular student Vasilyeva, who received her first education there, allegedly immediately liked Serdyukov, who by that time was making a successful career in the tax office. However, the ex-Minister of Defense himself stated at one of the interrogations that he first saw Vasilyeva in 2009 at one of the meetings in the military department.

It seems, however, that the first version is the most probable. The fact is that Serdyukov received his appointment to the post of Minister of Defense in 2007. Then Vasilyeva's career went up sharply. She moved to Moscow, where, according to some reports, she became an adviser to the first deputy mayor of Moscow and the head of the City Planning Policy Complex of the capital, Vladimir Resin. It was then that the cunning careerist felt a taste for a beautiful life. At the same time, people who knew her claimed that Vasilyeva skillfully knew how to manipulate men for her own selfish purposes.

Apparently, Serdyukov did not escape the charms of the seductress, who, according to the former press secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Viktor Barants, was too indifferent to the female sex. As the ex-representative of the Russian defense department recalled, Serdyukov gathered a real harem around him as a minister and was always very kind to his henchmen, who were appointed by him to many responsible posts. As Baranets noted, this was due to the official's pathological distrust of men and the belief that women would never betray him.

There were many rumors about love affairs in the military department. And this despite the fact that the then head of the Ministry of Defense was officially married to Yulia Zubkova, the daughter of Viktor Zubkov, who held the post of Prime Minister of Russia in 2007-2008. Nevertheless, family ties with the daughter of the second person in the state did not prevent the loving minister from starting new novels and periodically changing his favorites. One of them was Vasilyeva, whom Serdyukov invited to the Ministry of Defense in 2010.

From that time until the end of 2012, she became his main woman both at work and in her personal life. Relations with his wife Serdyukov, according to rumors, were getting worse, but he spent more and more time with Vasilyeva, who settled next door to him in a luxurious 13-room apartment in the center of the capital. Later, she said that she did not even think about falling in love with the Minister of Defense. “Fate so decreed. I sincerely believed that we do not live in the Middle Ages and that a person is free in his choice. Nobody betrayed me,” she said. It was rumored that Vasilyeva eventually became pregnant from him, however, by coincidence, she lost the child after the court placed her under house arrest.

The Dolce Vita, which lasted more than two years, was interrupted at the end of October 2012, when operatives knocked on the door of Vasilyeva's apartment in Molochny Lane. Imagine the surprise of the law enforcement officers when they found the Minister of Defense himself along with the pretty blonde. Vasilyeva was soon tried in a fraud case and sentenced to five years in prison. However, she spent only a month in the colony, after which she was released. Serdyukov never appeared before the court: in 2013, the then former minister was released under an amnesty in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Russian constitution.

After that, the blonde tied up with government agencies, focusing on art and her own jewelry business. Serdyukov, a year after the scandal, receives the post of general director of the Federal Research Center for Mechanical Engineering. The event caused a wide resonance. So, some State Duma deputies called the incident "a challenge to the entire Russian society."

The next place of work of the former head of the military department was the state corporation Rostec. In October 2015, the controversial ex-minister was assigned to oversee the company's aviation assets. According to some reports, structures with an annual revenue of more than 350 billion rubles fell under Serdyukov's leadership. As reported, it was decided to entrust such large and strategically important assets to the disgraced official based on his professional qualities.

Already next year, 2016, the disgraced minister receives another position. This time he was elected to the board of directors of the Rostvertol company, which is part of the Russian Helicopters holding. In fact, Serdyukov was once again entrusted with overseeing strategically important assets: it is Rostvertol that is engaged in the production of such helicopter models as the Mi-26, Mi-35M, as well as one of the main attack helicopters in the modern Russian army - the Mi-28N " Night Hunter".

However, the flow of new posts for the "strong business executive" Serdyukov did not even think of stopping. In August last year, the media reported that the scandalous ex-minister would henceforth be in charge of the personnel and remuneration committee at Rostec. However, a little later it turned out that one position in the corporation was not enough for the former minister, and in addition to the personnel and remuneration committee, Serdyukov headed the Rostec strategy committee.

At the same time, against the background of career "journeys" from one position to another, the ex-head of the defense department had problems with his youngest daughter Natalya. In November last year, reports came that the girl ran away from home and did not return. Nevertheless, some time later, the fugitive was found by the police. Nothing was said about her motives at the time.

It is noteworthy that at the same time, Serdyukov for some reason decided to abandon housing, which is located next to Vasilyeva's apartment. Some experts suggested that such a step of the ex-official is explained by his desire to evade paying taxes. According to media reports, the former head of the defense department decided to donate all his apartments in an elite mansion in the center of Moscow to his sister, Galina Puzikova.

Thus, almost five years after the resonant scandal, Serdyukov occupies a number of responsible positions and oversees entire branches of the defense industry. Nevertheless, the former minister is clearly trying to be invisible to the public, leading a rather quiet life and trying not to give unnecessary reasons for his mention in the media.

All damage in the amount of more than 216 million rubles. She returned the money for herself and the rest of the convicts in this case. According to Gazeta.Ru sources in law enforcement agencies, the father contributed the money.

“Funds in the amount of 216 million 287 thousand 223 rubles. brought in by Vasilyeva's father,

and last week they came to the accounts of organizations and enterprises recognized as victims in this case, ”says the interlocutor.

The father of Evgenia Vasilyeva is a large St. Petersburg businessman. From 1995 to 2001 he headed CJSC Sevkabel-Optik, since 2001 he has been the chairman of the board of directors of CJSC Plastcom. The company specializes in the manufacture and comprehensive supply of plastic pipes, accessories, optical cables for linear communication facilities.

“To date, the enterprise has produced more than 30 thousand kilometers of PPT (protective polyethylene pipes. - Gazeta.Ru) for major operators, such as SCS Sovintel LLC, North-West Telecom OJSC, VolgaTelecom OJSC, OAO Uralsvyazinform, RUE Gomeltransneft Druzhba, says the company's website.

According to the Kommersant-Kartoteka website, in 2014 Plastcom CJSC was reorganized into Plastcom LLC with an authorized capital of more than 7 million rubles. The share in this LLC is 41%. He is also a co-owner and director of OKS-01.

According to Rosstat, in 2013 the company's revenue was 540 million rubles, and net profit - 163 million. In 2014, revenue increased to 603 million, and profit to 416 million.

In addition to companies associated with telephony, OKS-1 supplied its products to FSUE GUSST No. 5 for facility 318 /PK/1r in the city of Kozelsk. Behind this cipher is one of the units of the Strategic Missile Forces.

According to open sources, in 2012, work began on re-equipping the Kozelsky missile system (mine version) with RS-24 Yars missiles. This is a Russian solid-propellant mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile with a multiple reentry vehicle. In the future, it should replace the PC-18 and RS-20 ICBMs and, together with the Topol-M, form the basis of the strike. During the installation of new launchers, communication lines were laid, where products were used, including those from the OKS-01 enterprise, owned by Nikolai Vasiliev.

Vasiliev's payment of her daughter's debt means that she received the right to apply for parole.

On August 13, Yevgenia Vasilyeva filed a petition for parole. As explained in the Vladimir Regional Court, they received a petition from Vasilyeva's lawyers, which states that to date there are no unsatisfied claims against the ex-official. The administration of the colony has already given Vasilyeva a positive reference, which is considered a key document when considering such cases. The youngest judge of the Sudogda district, 31-year-old Ilya Galagan, will consider the issue of parole. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, August 21st.

Recall that Yevgenia Vasilyeva was sentenced in the so-called Oboronservis case to five years in prison in a penal colony, but she will spend half as much time in custody, since she has been under house arrest since November 2012. The court found the ex-head of the department of property relations guilty of legalizing money obtained by criminal means, of fraud and theft of agency fees. On May 8, 2015, she was placed in the Pechatniki pre-trial detention center. And three months later it turned out that Vasilyeva was absent from prison. At the same time, the RAPSI website, citing its sources, wrote that the ex-official was allegedly seen walking in the center of Moscow. Neither journalists nor human rights activists who sent relevant requests received any answers. she also stated that Vasilyeva was transferred from the pre-trial detention center to serve her sentence.

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