Low glycemic index foods table in ascending order. Products with a low glycemic index for weight loss - list and menu. High GI Foods - Prohibited

The glycemic index of foods (GI) is a measure of the effect of foods on the rate at which blood sugar rises. The concept of the glycemic index is actively used to form a diet for diseases of the endocrine, digestive systems, and for weight loss.

There are three product groups:

  • Products with a low glycemic index have an indicator of up to 50-55 units. This group includes almost all vegetables and some raw fruits, as well as dishes high in protein and fat.
  • The average level - from 50 to 65 units - have some types of vegetables, fruits and cereals. For example, bananas, pineapple, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas, beets.
  • Food with a high GI has a digital value of more than 70 units. This group includes fast carbohydrates: sugar, beer, flour products from white flour of the highest grade, etc.

Why is it important to consider the GI of foods

After eating food, the glucose contained in the food enters the gastrointestinal tract and increases blood sugar levels (glycemia). At the same time, the effect of foods on glycemia differs depending on the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars.

Fast carbohydrates (or simple, consisting of simple sugars - monosaccharides) have a high GI and quickly increase the concentration of sugar in the blood to the highest levels (hyperglycemia). In turn, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to lower sugar levels.

After eating fast carbohydrates, the concentration of glucose in the blood is extremely high, so a significant amount of insulin is released, which lowers the sugar level to below normal levels, causing hypoglycemia - a lack of glucose in the blood. This is the danger of products with a glycemic index above 80, since sugar surges, intensive work of the pancreas and the deposition of glucose in the form of fat reserves lead to diabetes and obesity.

In a completely different way, slow (complex) carbohydrates with complex polysaccharides in the composition, which, as a rule, have a low GI, act.

After eating a low GI food, blood glucose rises slowly, depending on the rate at which complex sugar molecules are broken down into simple ones. Thus, slow carbohydrates do not cause a jump in glucose and insulin, while an optimal state of all body systems is observed.

Who is a low GI diet for?

The use of foods with a low glycemic index, as the basis of the diet, is indicated for diseases of the endocrine system:

  • when the pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin to lower glucose levels after eating simple carbohydrates, type 2 diabetes;
  • with insulin resistance (pre-diabetic state), when insulin is secreted in excessive amounts, as a result of which the cells lose sensitivity to the hormone;
  • in chronic pancreatitis to reduce the load on the pancreas and reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Low glycemic index food table

Using the list of products makes it possible to quickly create a menu for diabetes or for weight loss, taking into account the glycemic index and calorie content.

Products with low GI have a number of advantages, as they have only a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • contribute to a stable level of glucose in the blood;
  • enable the body to use energy for life for a long time for 2-3 hours after eating;
  • contain more fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and maintains good microflora in the intestines;
  • do not contribute to weight gain, since an increase in fat stores occurs during high blood insulin levels after eating a large amount of simple carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.
Grocery list GI Calories per 100 g
Bakery products, flour and cereals
Rye bread 50 200
Rye bread with bran 45 175
Whole grain bread (no flour added) 40 300
Whole grain bread 45 295
Rye bread 45
Oat flour 45
Rye flour 40 298
Flax flour 35 270
Buckwheat flour 50 353
Quinoa flour 40 368
Buckwheat 40 308
brown rice 50 111
Basmati rice, unpeeled 45 90
oats 40 342
Whole grain bulgur 45 335
Meat dishes and seafood
Pork 0 316
Beef 0 187
Chicken 0 165
Pork cutlets 50 349
Pork sausages 28 324
Pork sausage 50 Up to 420 depending on variety
Veal sausage 34 316
All kinds of fish 0 From 75 to 150 depending on the variety
fish cakes 0 168
Crab sticks 40 94
sea ​​kale 0 5
Sour-milk dishes
Skimmed milk 27 31
Low-fat cottage cheese 0 88
Curd 9% fat 0 185
Yogurt without additives 35 47
Kefir low fat 0 30
Sour cream 20% 0 204
Cream 10% 30 118
Chees Feta 0 243
Brynza 0 260
hard cheese 0 From 360 to 400 depending on the variety
Fats, sauces
Butter 0 748
All types of vegetable oils 0 From 500 to 900 kcal
Salo 0 841
Mayonnaise 0 621
Soy sauce 20 12
Ketchup 15 90
Broccoli 10 27
White cabbage 10 25
Cauliflower 15 29
Onion 10 48
Olives 15 361
Carrot 35 35
cucumbers 20 13
Olives 15 125
Bell pepper 10 26
Radish 15 20
Arugula 10 18
Leaf salad 10 17
Celery 10 15
Tomatoes 10 23
Garlic 30 149
Spinach 15 23
fried mushrooms 15 22
Fruits and berries
Apricot 20 40
Quince 35 56
cherry plum 27 27
Orange 35 39
Grape 40 64
Cherry 22 49
Blueberry 42 34
Pomegranate 25 83
Grapefruit 22 35
Pear 34 42
Kiwi 50 49
Coconut 45 354
Strawberry 32 32
Lemon 25 29
Mango 55 67
Mandarin 40 38
Raspberry 30 39
Peach 30 42
pomelo 25 38
plums 22 43
Currant 30 35
Blueberry 43 41
Sweet cherry 25 50
Prunes 25 242
Apples 30 44
Nuts, legumes
Walnuts 15 710
Peanut 20 612
Cashew nuts 15
Almond 25 648
Hazelnut 0 700
Pine nuts 15 673
Pumpkin seeds 25 556
Peas 35 81
Lentils 25 116
Beans 40 123
chickpeas 30 364
Mash 25 347
beans 30 347
Sesame 35 572
Quinoa 35 368
soy cheese tofu 15 76
Soy milk 30 54
Hummus 25 166
canned peas 45 58
Peanut butter 32 884
Tomato juice 15 18
Tea 0
Coffee without milk and sugar 52 1
cocoa with milk 40 64
Kvass 30 20
Dry white wine 0 66
Dry red wine 44 68
Dessert wine 30 170

glycemic index diet

The glycemic index diet is an effective way to lose weight, as the diet is based on low GI foods.

High GI foods contribute to rapid weight gain. High insulin levels cause glucose from the blood to replenish fat cells. Insulin also blocks the body's ability to take energy from fat stores.

A diet with a low glycemic index for 10 days leads to a weight loss of 2-3 kilograms, which is facilitated by the following factors:

  • the absence of fast carbohydrates in products, as a result of which there is no increase in the supply of adipose tissue;
  • in the absence of fast carbohydrates in the diet, edema decreases and excess water is removed from the body;
  • decreased hunger caused by normal blood sugar levels.

The diet should be built according to the following principle: three main meals and 1-2 snacks in the form of fruits or vegetables. At the same time, it is forbidden to eat food with an indicator above 70 for the first time after the start of the diet.

Upon reaching the desired weight, you can diversify the diet by adding foods with higher rates in a limited amount: 100-150 grams once a week.

The diet has a lot of advantages, as it contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the whole organism, namely:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening immunity due to the lack of sugar in the diet, which significantly reduces the body's defenses;
  • reducing the likelihood of heart and liver disease;
  • lack of deficiency of vitamins and minerals due to the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits.

For type 2 diabetes

Proper nutrition is an important element in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The use of foods with a low GI slightly increases the level of glycemia, which makes it possible to avoid insulin therapy.

In the treatment of the disease, a low-calorie diet of 9 tables or a low-carbohydrate diet with a reduced content of complex carbohydrates is used. At the same time, despite the choice of diet, it is imperative to abandon foods with a high glycemic index.

A proper diet for diabetes allows not only to maintain blood glucose within the normal range, but also to lose weight, which, as a rule, is combined with diabetes.

How to lower your GI

The glycemic index of food, in most cases, is a constant value, but there are some tricks that can reduce the performance of both a single product and a combined dish from different products, namely:

  • The GI of raw vegetables is always 20-30 units lower than thermally processed.
  • To reduce carbohydrates, you must simultaneously consume high-quality fat (cheeses, coconut oil, etc.) or protein (eggs, fish, meat). But this technique does not work with the simultaneous use of sugar and fat.
  • The more fiber consumed in one meal, the lower the GI of the total meal.
  • To lower the GI of rice, it is necessary to boil rice groats with the addition of vegetable oil (1 tablespoon per liter of water), and then drain and freeze. Oil and freezing change the structure of starch in rice, which leads to a decrease in glycemic values.
  • The glycemic index level drops as the food cools down.
  • Use whole grains instead of cuts, flakes, etc.
  • Do not boil grains and vegetables during cooking.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits along with the peel, as the peel is the best source of fiber.
  • Refuel food with lemon juice, since acid slightly reduces the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates in the composition of dishes.

Foods with a low glycemic index for weight loss are those that do not increase blood sugar during meals. They are important not only for diabetics, but also for people who want to lose weight. This is because in food containing carbohydrates, not only the calorie content, but also the glycemic index matters. What is this concept, what is it for, how does GI help to lose weight? Would you like to know? Read the article!

What is the glycemic index

The glycemic index is the main indicator of how quickly a product is absorbed by the body, how much insulin and glucose rise after eating. Michel Montignac, an illustrious French nutritionist, identified three categories of foods based on the rate of assimilation: low, medium, high GI. High GI includes bakery products, sweet, floury, fatty. They interfere with gaining a slender body, losing extra pounds.

For people who want to lose weight, doctors recommend eating all carbohydrates with a low glycemic index - slow carbohydrates. The use of an average GI is allowed if you have achieved certain results in losing weight: some fruits, vegetables. At the last stage, when a person switches to maintaining weight and slim figure, in rare cases, the use of sweets is allowed, you can eat whole grain bread, and other harmful foods with a high glycemic index.

What does it affect

In addition to the fact that eating food that contains sugar and other harmful substances leads to an increase in insulin and glucose, this indicator also affects:

  • to a feeling of satiety. This is due to the fact that bakery products, sweets, sweets do not satisfy hunger like cereals, durum wheat pasta, etc. The feeling of fullness passes quickly, so a person begins to overeat;
  • on the number of calories eaten. According to studies, those who ate a lot of food with a high glycemic index gained 90 calories more than the rest of the subjects. This is directly related to the fact that sweets, starchy foods are quickly digested, so there is a desire to quickly eat something else to eat;
  • for weight loss. People who prefer foods with fast carbohydrates are more obese than those who prefer less high-calorie foods. Using low GI weight loss foods in your diet can help you lose weight faster.

However, before embarking on such a diet, you need to visit your doctor who will examine your health. Do not forget that low blood sugar can lead to a hypoglycemic state. This condition will negatively affect health, increase the risk of developing pathologies. Do not eat only complex carbohydrates. If you can control the level of what you eat, then a small portion of sweets in the morning will not hurt.

How to calculate GI

First you need to define a starting point. In our case, it is glucose. Its index is 100. Anything above 70 is a high GI. It includes: Borodino bread, fried and baked potatoes, white rice, store-bought mayonnaise, marmalade, chickpeas, nuts. Products between 40 and 70 are considered average: risotto, boiled potatoes, muesli, raw and boiled beets. If the mark is below 40, then these are products with a low GI for weight loss: oatmeal, buckwheat, cereals, peanuts, sweet potatoes.

There are negative calorie or zero GI foods. The main product of this category is grapefruit, natural juices from it. The body spends more effort on its processing than when it consumes fruit. But they should not be abused, because the high level of acid in grapefruit with frequent use can lead to ulcers and other stomach problems.

Glycemic index of products - table for weight loss

The glycemic table of products for weight loss is the best option for calculating the GI. It will help you find out the indicator of the product of interest.

Do not forget that the figures in the table are inaccurate. With different methods of cooking (with the addition of salt, pepper, flour), the glucose indicator will be different. In a salty dish, the GI increases. For example, boiled carrots have a higher index than chocolates. But eating the first one is much better.

How to Lower the Glycemic Index

This figure can be reduced by properly compiling a diet. What are the methods to cheat the GI? How to cook prohibited foods and what to keep in the refrigerator? There are several secrets:

  1. The combination of proteins with carbohydrates. Scientists have proven that protein prevents and slows down the entry of glucose into the blood. GI decreases.
  2. acidic foods. Such as lemon, soy sauce, orange, due to their high acid content, help to reduce the rate of glucose absorption.
  3. Pasta. They must be hard varieties, and they must not be cooked until fully cooked.
  4. Potatoes. It's better to puree it. Potatoes do not need to be peeled, just cut and boil. You can add some butter and milk. Such a dish will lose about 10-15 positions in the GI.
  5. Fruits and vegetables. The level of sugar in the blood depends on the degree of their maturity. For example, a young banana has a GI of 40, while a ripe one has a GI of 65. In addition, thermally unprocessed fruits and vegetables contain less starch, which is why sugar and glucose do not rise so much.

What foods have the lowest GI

Low GI foods for weight loss are greens, vegetables. From fiber can be distinguished: lettuce, dried and fresh parsley, dill, onions, cucumbers, canned peas, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms. Their GI ranges from 0 to 15. Meat products can be added to this list: poultry, animals, all varieties of fish, seafood, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt. The GI of the above products is even less than that of greens and vegetables, ranging from 0 to 5.

List of low glycemic foods

In addition to fiber, meat, there are other types of low GI products for weight loss that contain a low level of glucose in the composition. Among them are fruits and cereals. They are the main sources of carbohydrates, fast and slow, which energize the human body. The use of such food should be given special importance. But here it is important not to overdo it and take only those products that will not cause harm.


As mentioned earlier, the rate of glucose absorption depends on the state of the products. Fruits are of different types: fresh, dried, canned. So, a green apple has a fresh GI of 30, dried - 55, canned - about 80. Fruits do not need to be peeled, as it contains fiber, which slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood.

The list below includes low GI fruits:

  1. Pineapple - 65.
  2. Grapefruit - 22.
  3. Mango - 55.
  4. Lentils - 25.
  5. Peach - 35.
  6. Cherry - 25.
  7. Blueberries - 28.
  8. Raspberry - 30.
  9. Cranberry - 20.
  10. Strawberries - 32.
  11. Kiwi - 50.


Kashi is the basis of our diet. No breakfast, lunch or dinner is complete without them. You need to know which cereals are useful in order to gain a slender body. Low GI cereals are listed below:

  • sweet potato;
  • boiled basmati rice;
  • some varieties of spaghetti;
  • oatmeal - 45;
  • barley - 20;

As in any other dish, the glucose level indicator depends on the way the cereal is cooked, the additives that are used during the preparation of the dish. Before preparing food, find out the GI of the products used: drinks (tea, coffee), sugar (brown, white). So you count calories and recognize low glycemic foods for weight loss. Look for healthy recipes for home daily cooking. Be sure to add them to the menu. They will not only help you stay in shape longer, but also delight you with delicious flavors!


The concept of the glycemic index is relatively new. It was discovered in the early eighties of the last century by a Canadian doctor Jenkins. What is the glycemic index of foods? This is an indicator that shows how the amount of sugar in the blood rises after eating any food relative to glucose. Her GI is taken as a basis and is one hundred units.

How is it distributed according to the glycemic index?

So, taking pure glucose as the GI standard, it can be argued that the list of products with a high index level is made up of those samples in which it exceeds 70 units. An index ranging from 70 to 56 represents average products. And less than 55 units of the indicator are products with a low GI. They are the most beneficial for the human body.

It is believed that the human body is initially programmed to eat food with a low GI. While food with a high GI is mostly an invention of the second half of the last century. Its production is advantageous due to its low cost and an abundance of sugar in the composition, which makes people buy such food products again and again, only once they have tried them. After all, it is profitable, tasty and satisfying.

Glycemic index for diabetics

Fortunately, the harmful list of products has long been known to the public. Thanks to this, a modern person has the opportunity to know for sure what he uses, and to have an idea in advance of what harm this may cause to his health. Glycemic indexes of products for diabetics are much more important than for anyone else.

The action of the hormone insulin

The fact is that insulin is a hormone whose "duty" is to regulate metabolism and control sugar levels by inhibiting the process of glucose molecules appearing in the liver. Thanks to him, the cells of the body can make reserves of glucose in the form of glycogen, the body accumulates fat deposits more efficiently and consumes them more slowly. Some insulin is stored in the pancreas, and an increase in sugar levels is an excellent opportunity to release and produce additional insulin.

Insulin production in diabetic patients

As a matter of fact, its development in a healthy person is carried out constantly and uninterruptedly. The only difference is how fast it happens. In a person with diabetes, the production of the hormone is impaired, and the use of sugar-containing foods in this case carries a direct threat to life. Having a table of low glycemic index foods on hand can be a real lifesaver and clue for a diabetic.

Food with the lowest index

For example, seafood, meat and eggs have a zero index. That is, you can use them without fear of health problems. Next on the list are a variety of spices, then vegetables (including raw cabbage). Particularly useful are leaf lettuce, avocados, cucumbers, eggplants, as well as bran - an exceptionally healthy product for the health of the stomach and intestines. Many nuts are also included in the low glycemic index food table. Eggplant has the highest GI. It is followed by berries - currants (black and red), raspberries and strawberries, cherries. Then - dairy products, beets and tomatoes. And only after - fresh fruit, as well as low-fat yogurt without any additives.

Dried fruits have a slightly higher GI - prunes and dried apricots (dates, by the way, have a literally sky-high glycemic index - 135 units), slightly damp pasta, brown rice and buckwheat porridge.

Glycemic index and caloric content of foods

Many believe that the higher the index, the higher the energy value, respectively. However, contrary to the erroneous opinion of most people, the glycemic index of foods has nothing to do with the energy value. A weight loss table usually contains information on calorie content, sometimes supplemented by nutritional value, that is, the content of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in food. Data on whether a particular food will provoke a jump in blood sugar is, in most cases, neglected. But the table of foods with a low glycemic index is a storehouse of knowledge on how to effectively and permanently lose weight, as well as what to eat to avoid weight gain in the future.

An experiment that challenges the relationship between calories and GI

There was a previously reliable statement that the amount of sugar in the blood is equivalent to the amount of carbohydrates contained in the food consumed by a person. Scientists from Toronto ventured to refute this hypothesis and, bypassing the theoretical part, went straight to practice. Having recruited a group of people for this purpose, they began to offer them different dishes and products, along the way measuring the blood sugar level of the experimental subjects. At that time, the results of the study were a real shock to the public and a true sensation. It turned out, for example, that a toast of bread made from refined wheat flour provokes a jump twice as large as when eating a relatively sweeter and fatter ice cream.

The benefits of separate meals in terms of the glycemic index

When a product with a high GI enters the body, sugar almost instantly "jumps", and the body, trying to lower its level, responds with a sharp release of insulin - "ambulance". The breakdown slows down, the intake of new sugar is blocked, but at the same time, the processing of carbohydrates into fatty acids is accelerated. Thus, the latter quickly move into body fat.

How "safe" foods become sources of body fat

Take, for example, potatoes. There is nothing terrible and threatening to the figure in eating a moderate portion of boiled root vegetables, because, in fact, the hormone insulin "produces" fat from almost nothing. However, it is curious that if this very potato is not boiled in water, but fried in vegetable oil (or, even worse, in lard), and is eaten with a juicy, no less fatty piece of meat, fish or a portion of salad dressed with mayonnaise, all the fats that are in this dish, insulin will immediately send directly to the subcutaneous fat.

Diagram of insulin action

In this case, the calorie content of individual products will no longer be a weighty argument, as well as the calorie content of the daily diet. Everything happens according to an extremely simple scheme: blood sugar has increased, the amount of hormone produced has increased dramatically, fatty acids have been sent to deposits. Accordingly, the glycemic index of products plays a decisive role. The weight loss table, which combines data on nutritional and energy values, is unfortunately devoid of this important information.

Fats, proteins and glycemic index

By the way, proteins and fats have zero GI, which means that their consumption will in no way affect the amount of sugar in the blood and the intensity of insulin production. However, one has only to eat them with something that has a high index - and there is no way to save yourself from gaining excess weight. This unpleasant nuance regarding fats is especially relevant. It is for this reason that separate nutrition can rightly be considered not an unfounded myth, but a fully valid theory, knowledge of which is indispensable for those who set themselves the goal of losing weight.

Against its background, other methods, such as meaningless calorie counting, do not work. In general, the misinformation of the population and the receipt of data from unscrupulous sources become the reason that an obese person does his best to keep himself in tight rein, consumes a minimum of calories, deprives his body of nutrients for the sake of losing weight, and as a result remains full, reducing only the duration of his life.

Glycemic index and metabolism

Having read the above, one can ask a fair question: if the GI really has such an effect, then why are there thin people? After all, logically, everything should have been complete.

The fact is that the metabolic rate of each person is different. It is genetically laid down from birth and continues to form and change throughout the entire cycle of existence. For lovers of hunger strikes, it is very low, and for people who lead an active and healthy lifestyle, on the contrary, it is quite high.

If the exchange occurs relatively quickly, then a noticeable increase in sugar levels does not occur. At least, this rarely happens. Due to the high speed of metabolic processes, the human body processes sugar in the shortest possible time, supplying the released energy.

In general, glucose in the blood plasma is constantly present, only changing its amount in it. Its minimum volume is observed in the morning after a night's sleep and, accordingly, a long period without food. Thus, constantly and the content of insulin in the blood. In direct proportion to the amount of sugar, the amount of the hormone increases, which deposits the excess of the first in the liver and muscles.

If the metabolic rate is high, any increase in the amount of glucose at the same moment is compensated by the corresponding portion of the hormone. The excess volume of sugars is burned due to heat transfer, when excess energy is removed outside or goes to glycogen. Having finished the process, the body again goes into its normal mode of operation.

If the metabolic rate cannot be boasted, then the body will not be able to extinguish the “sugar surge” at the required speed. In this case, the main storage base of the human body is activated - fat deposits. And everything that did not have time to be processed immediately is safely deposited in fat. Sweet fresh fruits contain sugar. But still they are not so dangerous for its level in the blood and figures.

Foods with the lowest glycemic index

Low glycemic index food table

Animal meat, poultry, any kind of fish and seafood, eggs

Spicy herbs, lettuce leaves, avocado, basil and parsley, onion, all types of cabbage, mushrooms, green pepper

Spinach, soy, ginger root, walnut and almond, bran, cucumber


Berries, tangerines, dark chocolate, low-fat cottage cheese, beetroot, carrots

Beans, pomegranate, low-fat yogurt, chickpeas, plums and apples

Buckwheat, pasta and brown rice, dried fruits, grapes

Kiwi, persimmon, mango, plain apple juice

Thus, based on this table, you can make a daily diet that will avoid problems with high blood sugar, and also help you lose weight or keep it at the right level.

Maintaining optimal weight throughout life is the need of every person. There is a wealth of information out there on how to lose weight through diet or exercise.

But most of those who want to look perfect face such problems: inability to adhere to food restrictions for a long time, depression caused by a lack of vitamins due to an unbalanced diet, malfunctions of the body from sudden weight loss. What well-wishers are silent about, advising new weight loss recipes.

In order to really understand what is needed to select the right nutrition, it is necessary to understand such concepts as the glycemic and insulin index, what it is and what it means.

What is the glycemic index of foods (GI), how to find out and calculate it

Everyone knows the division of food by origin into vegetable and animal. You have also probably heard about the importance of protein foods and the dangers of carbohydrates, especially for diabetics. But is everything so simple in this diversity?

For a clearer understanding of the impact of nutrition, it is simply necessary to learn how to determine the index. Even the index of fruits differs in value, depending on their type, despite the fact that they are used in many diets. According to reviews, dairy and meat products behave especially ambiguously, the nutritional value of which depends, in particular, on the method of their preparation.

The index indicates the rate of absorption of carbohydrate-containing products by the body and the increase in blood sugar, in other words, the amount of glucose that is formed during digestion. What does it mean in practice - foods with a high index are saturated with a large amount of simple sugars, respectively, they give their energy to the body at a faster rate. Products with a low index, on the contrary, slowly and evenly.

The index can be determined using the formula for calculating GI with an equal share of net carbohydrate:

GI = Area of ​​Tested Carbohydrate Triangle / Area of ​​Glucose Triangle x 100

For ease of use, the calculation scale consists of 100 units, where 0 is no carbohydrates and 100 is pure glucose. The glycemic index has no connection with calorie content or a feeling of satiety, and is also not constant. Factors affecting its value include:

  • method of food processing;
  • grade and type;
  • type of processing;
  • recipe.

As a generally accepted concept, the glycemic index of foods was introduced by Dr. David Jenkins, a professor at a Canadian university in 1981. The purpose of his calculation was to determine the most favorable diet for people with diabetes. 15 years of testing led to the creation of a new classification based on the quantitative indicator of GI, which in turn fundamentally changed the approach to the nutritional value of foods.

Foods with a low glycemic index

This category is most suitable for weight loss and for diabetics, due to the fact that it slowly and evenly gives useful energy to the body. So, for example, fruits are a source of health - a food with a small index that can burn fat thanks to L-carnitine has a high nutritional value. However, the fruit index is not as high as it seems. Which foods contain carbohydrates with a low and reduced index are shown in the table below.

It is worth remembering that the indicator in question is in no way related to calorie content and should not be forgotten about when compiling a weekly menu.

Complete table - list of carbohydrates and list of foods with a low index

cranberries (fresh or frozen)47
grapefruit juice (no sugar)45
canned green peas45
brown basmati rice45
Orange fresh45
whole grain toast45
whole-grain breakfast cereals (no sugar or honey)43
dried figs40
pasta cooked al dente40
carrot juice (no sugar)40
dried apricots40
wild (black) rice35
fresh apple35
meat with beans35
Dijon mustard35
dried tomatoes34
fresh green peas35
Chinese noodles and vermicelli35
fresh plum35
fresh quince35
soy sauce (no sugar)35
fat-free natural yogurt35
fructose ice cream35
compote (no sugar)34
tomato juice33
soy milk30
brown lentils30
green bean30
fresh carrot30
fresh beets30
jam (no sugar)30
fresh pear30
tomato (fresh)30
fat-free cottage cheese30
yellow lentils30
blueberry, lingonberry, blueberry30
dark chocolate (more than 70% cocoa)30
almond milk30
milk (any fat content)30
passion fruit30
fresh mandarin30
green lentils25
golden beans25
fresh raspberries25
Red currants25
soy flour25
Strawberry wild-strawberry25
pumpkin seeds25
peanut butter (no sugar)20
soy yogurt20
cashew nuts15
Brussels sprouts15
fresh cucumber15
hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts15
vegetable marrow15
pickled and pickled cucumbers15
tofu (bean curd)15
leaf salad9
parsley, basil, vanillin, cinnamon, oregano5

As you can see, meat, fish, poultry and eggs are not in the tables, since they practically do not contain carbohydrates. In fact, these are products with a zero index.

Accordingly, for weight loss, the best solution would be to combine protein foods and foods with a small and low index. This approach has been successfully used in many protein diets, has proven to be effective and harmless, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

How to lower the glycemic index of foods and is it possible? There are several ways to lower the GI:

  • food should contain as much fiber as possible, then its total GI will be lower;
  • pay attention to the way food is prepared, for example, mashed potatoes have an index higher than boiled potatoes;
  • Another way is to combine proteins with carbohydrates, since the latter increase the absorption of the former.

As for products with a negative index, they include most vegetables, especially green ones.

Average GI

To maintain nutritional value, it is worth paying attention to table with middle index:

Wheat flour69
fresh pineapple66
instant oatmeal porridge66
Orange juice65
beets (boiled or stewed)65
black yeast bread65
muesli with sugar65
canned pineapple65
maple syrup65
Rye bread65
jacket boiled potatoes65
yam (sweet potato)65
whole wheat bread65
canned vegetables65
Pasta with cheese64
germinated wheat grains63
wheat flour fritters62
pizza on thin wheat dough with tomatoes and cheese61
ice cream (with added sugar)60
long grain rice60
industrial mayonnaise60
cocoa powder (with added sugar)60
papaya fresh59
arabian pita57
canned sweet corn57
grape juice (no sugar)55
canned peaches55
basmati rice50
cranberry juice (no sugar)50
pineapple juice without sugar50
brown brown rice50
apple juice (no sugar)50

Foods with a high glycemic index

There are three main ways to use the energy received by the body from carbohydrates: creating a reserve for the future, restoring glycogen in muscle tissue, and using it at the moment.

With a constant excess of glucose in the blood, the natural order of insulin production breaks down due to depletion of the pancreas. As a result, the metabolism changes significantly in the direction of the priority of accumulation, rather than restoration.

It is carbohydrates with a high index that are most quickly converted into glucose, and when the body does not have an objective need to replenish energy, it is sent to fat stores for conservation.

But are products that have and contain a high index so harmful in themselves? In reality, no. Their list is dangerous only with excessive, uncontrolled and aimless use at the level of habit. After a grueling workout, physical work, outdoor activities, it is worth resorting to the food of this category, for a high-quality and quick set of strength. Which foods have the most glucose, and this can be seen in the table.

Products containing a high index:

modified starch100
white bread toast100
sweet buns95
baked potato95
fried potatoes95
potato casserole95
rice noodles92
canned apricots91
gluten free white bread90
white (glutinous) rice90
carrots (boiled or stewed)85
hamburger buns85
unsweetened popcorn85
rice pudding with milk85
mashed potatoes83
muesli with nuts and raisins80
Sweet donut76
french baguette75
rice porridge with milk75
lasagna (soft wheat)75
savory waffles75
chocolate bar ("mars", "snickers", "twix" and the like)70
milk chocolate70
sweet soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, etc.)70
soft wheat noodles70
pearl barley70
potato chips70
risotto with white rice70
Brown sugar70
white sugar70

Glycemic and insulin index

But modern medicine, including nutrition, did not stop at the study of GI. As a result, they were able to more clearly assess the level of glucose entering the bloodstream, and the time required for release from it thanks to insulin.

Plus, they showed that GI and AI diverge slightly (pair correlation coefficient is 0.75). It turned out that without carbohydrate food or with a low content, in the process of digestion, it can also cause an insulin response. This brought new changes to the common cause.

The Insulin Index (AI), as a term, was introduced by Jenny Brand-Miller, a professor from Australia, as a characteristic of foods in terms of their effect on the release of insulin into the blood. This approach made it possible to accurately predict the amount of insulin injection, and create a list of which foods have the most and least pronounced property to stimulate insulin production.

Despite this, the glycemic load of foods is the main factor for the formation of an optimal diet. Therefore, the need to determine the index before proceeding with the formation of a diet for diabetics is undeniable.

How to use GI for diabetes and weight loss

Based on the glycemic index of products, a complete table for diabetics will be the most important help in solving their problem. Since the index of products, their glycemic load and calorie content do not have a direct relationship, it is enough to compile a list of acceptable and prohibited items that meet your needs and preferences, sort them alphabetically, for greater clarity. Separately, pick up a number of low-fat meat and dairy products, and then just do not forget to look into it every morning. Over time, a habit will develop and tastes will change, and the need for strict self-control will disappear.

One of the modern directions for adjusting the diet, taking into account the nutritional value of products, is the Montignac method, which includes several rules. In his opinion, from carbohydrate-containing products, it is necessary to choose those with a small index. From lipid-containing - depending on the properties of their constituent fatty acids. Regarding proteins, their origin (vegetable or animal) is important here.

Table according to Montignac. Glycemic index of products for diabetes / weight loss

"Bad" carbohydrates (high index)"Good" carbs (low index)
malt 110bran bread 50
glucose 100brown rice 50
white bread 95peas 50
baked potatoes 95cereals unrefined 50
honey 90oat flakes 40
popcorn 85fruit. fresh juice without sugar 40
carrot 85coarse gray bread 40
sugar 75coarse pasta 40
muesli 70colored beans 40
bar chocolate 70dry peas 35
boiled potatoes 70dairy products 35
corn 70Turkish peas 30
rice, peeled 70lentils 30
cookies 70dry beans 30
beets 65rye bread 30
gray bread 65fresh fruit 30
melon 60dark chocolate (60% cocoa) 22
banana 60fructose 20
jam 55soy 15
premium pasta 55green vegetables, tomatoes - less than 15
lemons, mushrooms - less than 15

This approach cannot be called a panacea, but it has proven to be credible as an alternative to the classic vision of creating diets that has not justified itself. And not only in the fight against obesity, but also as a way of nutrition to maintain health, vitality and longevity.

To stay healthy, cheerful and cheerful, you just need to watch what you eat.

If there is a problem such as diabetes, you need to count not only calories, but also the glycemic index (GI). Sometimes high calorie foods have a low GI and vice versa.

The table of foods with high, medium and low index was originally researched and calculated by Professor David Jenkins specifically for the diet of diabetics. This was done in order to identify products that are dangerous for patients. It took scientists many years to compile such a table.

But now every person diagnosed with diabetes knows how to avoid the consequences.

Types of Diabetes

Today, several types of diabetes have been identified:

  • insulin-dependent - when beta cells are destroyed in the blood. In this case, the person constantly needs insulin;
  • insulin-independent - there is insulin in the blood, but the cells are insensitive to it;
  • gestational - appears in pregnant women at the last term, but disappears after childbirth;
  • pre-diabetes - elevated blood sugar levels, but not to the point of diabetic diagnosis.

The first and second type of diabetics can eat foods:

  • raw;
  • boiled;
  • for a couple;
  • baked;
  • with a low glycemic index.

Allowed Low GI Foods for Diabetics

Foods with a low glycemic index are slow carbohydrates, the ratio of which does not exceed 50 units according to the table. These include:

  • soy and all soy products - yogurt, milk, cheeses;
  • walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds;
  • white cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli;
  • beans, lentils and beans;
  • any fresh vegetables and juices from them;
  • not baked pears and apples, quince, tangerines, orange, plum, apricots;
  • all berries;
  • whole grain bread or soy flour;
  • porridge from buckwheat and wild rice;
  • fat-free or low-fat dairy products;
  • white meat and fish.

Depending on the characteristics of the organism or the method of preparation of products, the GI indicator may vary. For example, raw carrots have an indicator of 35, and boiled - already 85.

The less the product is processed, the healthier and safer it is.

Lowering the glycemic index will help:

  • reduction of time of heat treatment of products;
  • cooking products either whole or coarsely chopped;
  • eat slow carbohydrates along with fats and fiber.

Prohibited high GI foods for diabetics

Type 1 and type 2 diabetics are strictly prohibited from everything that has an index above 50:

  • roast;
  • fast food and chips;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • pastries from wheat yeast or puff pastry;
  • grapes and bananas in any form;
  • sugar, sweet juice, ice cream, chocolate, dried fruits and other fast carbohydrates;
  • cereals, muesli and instant cereals;

If you eat a small chocolate bar a maximum of once every 2 weeks, then there will be no more harm to the body.

In healthy people, due to a sharp jump in sugar, the pancreas begins to urgently produce insulin, which:

  • distributes glucose throughout the body or deposits it “in reserve” in the form of a fatty layer, thereby reducing sugar levels;
  • prevents fat from being converted back to glucose.

GI and weight loss

To reduce weight, the GI will give a positive result, if at the same time carefully monitor the processing of products - exclude fried, salty, smoked and sweet.

But it should be borne in mind that among the products with a high index there are minerals and vitamins that are important and necessary for the health of the body. They are found in dried fruits, beef liver, watermelon, honey, sweet fruits.

It is worth switching to such a menu not immediately, but gradually. If you used to eat all foods whose index on the glycemic index table is above 70, then you first need to switch to foods with an average index of 50 to 70. And after a while, to slow carbohydrates, that is, the lowest in the index (up to 40), not forgetting to sometimes include healthy foods with a high index in the diet.

For those wishing to lose weight for weight loss, nutritionists are even recommended to add foods with high indicators in the table to the menu, but they must be consumed along with fats and proteins.

Losing weight should adhere to the following rules:

  • use bread only from wholemeal flour, whole grains or sourdough;
  • for breakfast, be sure to have porridge: barley, buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of potatoes;
  • Eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily.
  • a vegetable salad should be present in the daily diet, preferably seasoned with olive oil.

Daily diet

  1. Eating not one, but several foods with a small index at breakfast (oatmeal and yogurt, or an apple and cottage cheese), there will be no feeling of hunger for a long time. That is why you should start your morning not with sweet tea with buns or cookies, but with cereal and a glass of milk - with complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.
  2. It is preferable to dine with vegetable soups. They are cooked simply on water without broth and potatoes. As a second, palm-sized meat and vegetables or cereals for a side dish are ideal. Pay special attention to the choice of cereals: the larger the grains, the greater the benefit. For weight loss, it is recommended to replace white rice with brown - it has a lower GI.
  3. In the afternoon, it is allowed to have a snack with a fruit that has a low glycemic index or squeeze juice. It will be very useful to mix several types of juice. But you should not buy them in stores - now only juice products with preservatives are on the shelves.
  4. Dinner is worth fresh cottage cheese, boiled fish with a vegetable side dish and herbs. You can decorate the meal with fruits (apples, apricots, plums) and berries. The last meal is recommended three hours before bedtime. If you are used to going to bed early, for example, at 22:00, then you need to go to bed at 19:00. A lot of things have accumulated, and you are light a little later - you can organize an additional meal. You should drink a glass of curdled milk at night and eat bread with bran. Half an apple will also work. The same goes for those who stay up late.

Foods with a low glycemic index

The glycemic index is not about the amount of carbohydrates in foods, but about how quickly blood glucose levels rise. For example, potatoes and pumpkins have the same GI, but there are much more carbohydrates in potatoes, which is why these two vegetables are digested differently.

The following table lists low glycemic index foods and their ratio. For convenience, the listing starts with the highest score and ends with the lowest score, respectively.

Gi productsFrozen or fresh cranberries 47Whole grain bread 45Green peas (canned) 45Grapefruit juice on fructose 45Coconut 45Grapes (all varieties) 45Ready breakfast with fructose 43Buckwheat 40Carrot juice with fructose 40Dried apricot (dried apricots) 40Dried plum (prune) 40Wild rice (dark) 35Nut 35Fresh apples 35Mustard Dijon 35Ice cream with fructose 35Fresh green peas 35Chinese vermicelli 35Sesame 35Fresh oranges 35Fresh plums 35Quince fresh 35Soy Sauce 35Natural low fat yoghurt 35Grenades 34Common beans 34Fresh nectarines 34Dried tomatoes 34Fresh peaches 34Compote on fructose 34Tomato juice 33Fresh yeast 31Soy milk 30Apricots fresh 30Lentils (brown) 30Grapefruit fresh 30Beans (green) 30Curd (low fat) 30Carrot fresh 30Fresh beets 30Jam with fructose 30Pear fresh 30Fresh tomatoes 30Chocolate (cocoa butter from 80%) 30Lentils (yellow) 30Blueberries frozen or fresh 30Almond milk 30Cow's milk (any fat content) 30Cowberries frozen or fresh 30Fresh tangerines 30Garlic 30Blueberries frozen or fresh 30Lentils (green) 25Beans (golden) 25Raspberries frozen or fresh 25Frozen or fresh currants 25Gooseberries, frozen or fresh 25Strawberries, frozen or fresh 25Pumpkin seeds 25Frozen or fresh cherries 25Flour (from soy) 25Blackberries, frozen or fresh 20Eggplant 20Yogurt (from soy) 20Nut paste without sugar 20Artichoke (cones and buds) 20Bran 15Celery roots and leaves 15Cauliflower, broccoli, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts 15Hot pepper (Chile) 15Walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios 15Mushrooms (all) 15Asparagus shoots 15Ginger (root) 15Fresh cucumbers 15Zucchini 15Leek 15Onion 15Rhubarb leaves 15Soy 15Pesto sauce 15Olives 15Tofu 15Spinach 15Pickled and pickled cucumbers 15Avocado 10Leaf lettuce 9Seasonings (all) 5

Products with low GI stay in the body for a long time, gradually break down, and thereby prevent a sharp increase in blood glucose, and the feeling of hunger does not make itself felt for a long time.

The ideal option for weight loss would be a combination of protein foods and foods with a low glycemic index. But high GI foods should also be consumed. It's best to do it in the morning. Only in this way all the extra calories will be used to produce energy, and not to store fat.

Before you radically change your daily diet, you should consult with a therapist or endocrinologist. At the same time, it is worth using a glucometer more often, especially if you constantly take medications or are insulin dependent.

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