Intercontinental ballistic missile: how it works. Satan - the most powerful nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile Ballistic missile flight parameters

The era of ballistic missiles began in the middle of the last century. At the end of World War II, the engineers of the Third Reich managed to create carriers that successfully completed the tasks of hitting targets in the UK, starting from the ranges of continental Europe.

Subsequently, the USSR and the USA became leaders in military rocket building. When the leading world powers received ballistic and cruise missiles, this radically changed military doctrines.

The best ballistic missiles in the world - Topol-M

Paradoxically, the best missiles in the world, capable of delivering nuclear warheads anywhere in the world within minutes, were the main factor that prevented the Cold War from escalating into a real clash of superpowers.

Today, ICBMs are equipped with the armies of the USA, Russia, France, Great Britain, China, and, more recently, the DPRK.

According to some reports, cruise and ballistic missiles will soon appear in India, Pakistan and Israel. Various modifications of medium-range ballistic missiles, including Soviet-made ones, are in service with many countries of the world. The article tells about the best rockets in the world that have ever been produced on an industrial scale.

V-2 (V-2)

The first truly long-range ballistic missile was the German V-2, developed by a design bureau headed by Wernher von Braun. It was tested back in 1942, and from the beginning of September 1944, London and its environs were attacked daily by dozens of V-2s.

TTX products FAU-2:

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 14x1.65
Takeoff weight, t 12,5
Number of steps, pcs 1
Fuel type liquid mixture of liquefied oxygen and ethyl alcohol
Accelerating speed, m/s 1450
5000 design value within 0.5–1
Warhead mass, t 1,0
Charge type high-explosive, equivalent to ammotol 800 kg
combat blocks 1 inseparable
Type of basing ground stationary or mobile launcher

During one of the launches, the V-2 managed to rise 188 km above the ground and make the world's first suborbital flight. On an industrial scale, the product was produced in 1944–1945. In total, about 3.5 thousand V-2s were produced during this time.

Scud B (R-17)

The R-17 missile, developed by SKB-385 and adopted by the USSR Armed Forces in 1962, is still considered the standard for evaluating the effectiveness of anti-missile systems developed in the West. It is an integral part of the 9K72 Elbrus complex or Scud B in NATO terminology.

It proved to be excellent in real combat conditions during the Doomsday War, the Iran-Iraq conflict, was used in the II Chechen campaign and against the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

TTX products R-17:

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 11.16x0.88
Takeoff weight, t 5,86
Number of steps, pcs 1
Fuel type liquid
Accelerating speed, m/s 1500
Maximum flight range, km 300 with a nuclear warhead 180
Maximum deviation from the target, m 450
Warhead mass, t 0,985
Charge type nuclear 10 Kt, high explosive, chemical
combat blocks 1 not separable
rocket launcher mobile eight-wheel tractor MAZ-543-P

Various modifications of cruise missiles of Russia and the USSR - R-17 were produced in Votkinsk and Petropavlovsk from 1961 to 1987. As the design life of 22 years expired, the SKAD complexes were removed from service with the RF Armed Forces.

At the same time, almost 200 launchers are still used by the armies of the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Belarus, North Korea, Egypt and 6 other countries of the world.

Trident II

The UGM-133A missile was developed for about 13 years by Lockheed Martin Corporation and was adopted by the US Armed Forces in 1990, and a little later by the UK. Its advantages include high speed and accuracy, which makes it possible to destroy even silo-based ICBM launchers, as well as bunkers located deep underground. Tridents are equipped with American Ohio-class submarines and British Wangard SSBNs.

TTX ICBM Trident II:

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 13.42x2.11
Takeoff weight, t 59,078
Number of steps, pcs 3
Fuel type solid
Accelerating speed, m/s 6000
Maximum flight range, km 11300 7800 with the maximum number of warheads
Maximum deviation from the target, m 90–500 minimum with GPS guidance
Warhead mass, t 2,800
Charge type thermonuclear, 475 and 100 Kt
combat blocks 8 to 14 split warhead
Type of basing underwater

The Tridents hold the record for the number of successful launches in a row. Therefore, a reliable missile is expected to be used until 2042. Currently, the US Navy has at least 14 Ohio SSBNs capable of carrying 24 UGM-133A each.

Pershing II ("Pershing-2")

The last US medium-range ballistic missile MGM-31, which entered the Armed Forces in 1983, became a worthy opponent of the Russian RSD-10, the deployment of which in Europe was begun by the Warsaw Pact countries. For its time, the American ballistic missile had excellent performance, including the high accuracy provided by the RADAG guidance system.

TTX BR Pershing II:

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 10.6x1.02
Takeoff weight, t 7,49
Number of steps, pcs 2
Fuel type solid
Accelerating speed, m/s 2400
Maximum flight range, km 1770
Maximum deviation from the target, m 30
Warhead mass, t 1,8
Charge type high-explosive, nuclear, from 5 to 80 Kt
combat blocks 1 inseparable
Type of basing ground

A total of 384 MGM-31 missiles were fired, which were in service with the US Army until July 1989, when the Russian-American treaty on the reduction of the INF came into force. After that, most of the carriers were disposed of, and nuclear warheads were used to equip aerial bombs.


Developed by the Kolomna Design Bureau and put into service in 1975, the tactical complex with the 9P129 launcher has long been the basis of the firepower of divisions and brigades of the Russian armed forces.

Its advantages are high mobility, which makes it possible to prepare a rocket for launch in 2 minutes, versatility in the use of various types of ammunition, reliability, and unpretentiousness in operation.

TTX TRK "Tochka-U":

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 6.4x2.32
Takeoff weight, t 2,01
Number of steps, pcs 1
Fuel type solid
Accelerating speed, m/s 1100
Maximum flight range, km 120
Maximum deviation from the target, m 250
Warhead mass, t 0,482
Charge type high-explosive, fragmentation, cluster, chemical, nuclear
combat blocks 1 inseparable
Type of basing ground self-propelled launcher

Russian ballistic missiles "Tochka" proved to be excellent in several local conflicts. In particular, the cruise missiles of Russia and the USSR, which are still Soviet-made, are still used by the Yemeni Houthis, who regularly successfully attack the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces.

At the same time, the missiles easily overcome the air defense systems of the Saudis. Tochka-U is still in service with the armies of Russia, Yemen, Syria and some former Soviet republics.

R-30 Bulava

The need to create a new Russian ballistic missile for the Navy, superior in performance to the American Trident II, arose with the commissioning of the Borei and Akula class strategic submarine missile carriers. It was decided to place Russian 3M30 ballistic missiles, which have been developed since 1998, on them. Since the project is under development, one can judge about the most powerful missiles in Russia only from the information that gets into the press. Without a doubt, this is the best ballistic missile in the world.

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 12.1x2
Takeoff weight, t 36,8
Number of steps, pcs 3
Fuel type mixed the first two stages on solid fuel, the third on liquid
Accelerating speed, m/s 6000
Maximum flight range, km 9300
Maximum deviation from the target, m 200
Warhead mass, t 1,15
Charge type thermonuclear
combat blocks 6 to 10 shared
Type of basing underwater

At present, Russian long-range missiles have been accepted into service conditionally, since some performance characteristics do not fully suit the customer. However, about 50 units of 3M30 have already been produced. Unfortunately, the best rocket in the world is waiting in the wings.

"Topol M"

Tests of the missile system, which became the second in the Topol family, were completed in 1994, and three years later, it was put into service with the Strategic Missile Forces. However, he failed to become one of the main components of the Russian nuclear triad. In 2017, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stopped purchasing the product, opting for the RS-24 Yars.

Modern rocket launcher of Russia "Topol-M" at the parade in Moscow

TTX RK strategic purpose "Topol-M":

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 22.55x17.5
Takeoff weight, t 47,2
Number of steps, pcs 3
Fuel type solid
Accelerating speed, m/s 7320
Maximum flight range, km 12000
Maximum deviation from the target, m 150–200
Warhead mass, t 1,2
Charge type thermonuclear, 1 Mt
combat blocks 1 inseparable
Type of basing ground in mines or on a tractor base 16x16

TOP is a Russian-made rocket. It stands out for its high ability to withstand Western air defense systems, excellent maneuverability, low sensitivity to electromagnetic pulses, radiation, and the effects of laser installations. At the moment, 18 mobile and 60 Topol-M mining complexes are on combat duty.

Minuteman III (LGM-30G)

For many years, the product of the Boeing Company is the only silo-based ICBM in the United States. However, even today, the American Minuteman III ballistic missiles, which entered combat duty as early as 1970, remain a formidable weapon. Thanks to the upgrade, the LGM-30G received more maneuverable Mk21 warheads and an improved sustainer engine.

TTX ICBM Minuteman III:

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 18.3x1.67
Takeoff weight, t 34,5
Number of steps, pcs 3
Fuel type solid
Accelerating speed, m/s 6700
Maximum flight range, km 13000
Maximum deviation from the target, m 210
Warhead mass, t 1,15
Charge type thermonuclear, from 0.3 to 0.6 Mt
combat blocks 3 shared
Type of basing ground in the mines

Today, the list of American ballistic missiles is limited to Minutements-3. The US Armed Forces have up to 450 units deployed in mine complexes in the states of North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. Replacing reliable, but obsolete missiles is planned to be carried out no earlier than the beginning of the next decade.


The Iskander operational-tactical systems, which replaced the Topols, Tochkas and Elbrus (the well-known names of Russian missiles), are the best missiles of the new generation in the world. Super-maneuverable cruise missiles of tactical systems are practically invulnerable to air defense systems of any potential enemy.

At the same time, the OTRK is extremely mobile, deploying in a matter of minutes. Its firepower, even when fired with conventional charges, is comparable in effectiveness to an attack with nuclear weapons.

TTX OTRK "Iskander":

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 7.2x0.92
Takeoff weight, t 3,8
Number of steps, pcs 1
Fuel type solid
Accelerating speed, m/s 2100
Maximum flight range, km 500
Maximum deviation from the target, m 5 to 15
Warhead mass, t 0,48
Charge type cluster and conventional fragmentation, high-explosive, penetrating munitions, nuclear charges
combat blocks 1 inseparable
Type of basing ground 8x8 self-propelled launcher

Due to its technical excellence, the OTRK, put into service in 2006, will have no analogues for at least another decade. Currently, the RF Armed Forces have at least 120 Iskander mobile launchers.


Tomahawk cruise missiles, developed by General Dynamics in the 1980s, have been among the best in the world for almost two decades due to their versatility, ability to move at ultra-low altitudes, significant combat power and impressive accuracy.

They have been used by the US Army since their adoption in 1983 in many military conflicts. But the most advanced missiles in the world failed the United States during the controversial strike on Syria in 2017.

Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 6.25x053
Takeoff weight, t 1500
Number of steps, pcs 1
Fuel type solid
Accelerating speed, m/s 333
Maximum flight range, km from 900 to 2500 depending on how you start
Maximum deviation from the target, m from 5 to 80
Warhead mass, t 120
Charge type cluster, armor-piercing, nuclear
combat blocks 1 not separable
Type of basing universal land mobile, surface, underwater, aviation

Various modifications of the Tomahawks are equipped with American submarines of the Ohio and Virginia classes, destroyers, missile cruisers, as well as the British nuclear submarines Trafalgar, Astyut, Swiftshur.

American ballistic missiles, the list of which is not limited to the Tomahawk and Minuteman, are obsolete. BGM-109s are still in production today. The production of only the aviation series has been discontinued.

R-36M "Satan"

Modern Russian SS-18 silo-based ICBMs in various modifications have been and are the basis of Russia's nuclear triad. These best missiles in the world have no analogues: neither in terms of flight range, nor in terms of technological equipment, nor in terms of maximum charge power.

They cannot be effectively countered by modern air defense systems. "Satan" has become the embodiment of the most modern ballistic technology. It destroys all types of targets and entire positional areas, ensures the inevitability of a retaliatory nuclear strike in the event of an attack on the Russian Federation.


Name Meaning Note
Length and diameter, m 34.3x3
Takeoff weight, t 208,3
Number of steps, pcs 2
Fuel type liquid
Accelerating speed, m/s 7900
Maximum range of missiles, km 16300
Maximum deviation from the target, m 500
Warhead mass, t 5.7 to 7.8
Charge type thermonuclear
combat blocks 1 to 10 separable, from 500 kt to 25 Mt
Type of basing ground mine

Various modifications of the SS-18 have been in service with the Russian army since 1975. In total, 600 missiles of this type have been produced during this time. Currently, all of them are installed on modern Russian launch vehicles for combat duty. Currently, the planned replacement of the R-36M with a modified version, a more modern Russian R-36M2 Voyevoda missile, is being carried out.

On January 20, 1960, the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 was put into service in the USSR. On the basis of this rocket, a whole family of medium-class launch vehicles was created, which made a great contribution to space exploration. It was the R-7 that launched the Vostok spacecraft with the first cosmonaut into orbit - Yuri Gagarin. We decided to talk about five legendary Soviet ballistic missiles.

The two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile R-7, which was affectionately called the "seven", had a detachable warhead weighing 3 tons. The rocket was developed in 1956-1957 in OKB-1 near Moscow under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. It became the first intercontinental ballistic missile in the world. The R-7 was put into service on January 20, 1960. She had a flight range of 8 thousand km. Later, a modification of the R-7A was adopted with a range increased to 11 thousand km. The P-7 used liquid two-component fuel: liquid oxygen was used as an oxidizer, and T-1 kerosene was used as a fuel. Rocket testing began in 1957. The first three launches were unsuccessful. The fourth attempt was successful. R-7 carried a thermonuclear warhead. Thrown weight was 5400–3700 kg.



In 1962, the R-16 rocket was put into service in the USSR. Its modification became the first Soviet missile capable of launching from a silo launcher. For comparison, the American SM-65 Atlas were also stored in the mine, but they could not start from the mine: before launching, they rose to the surface. R-16 is also the first Soviet two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile on high-boiling fuel components with an autonomous control system. The missile was put into service in 1962. The need to develop this missile was determined by the low performance and operational characteristics of the first Soviet R-7 ICBM. Initially, the R-16 was supposed to be launched only from ground-based launchers. The R-16 was equipped with a detachable monoblock warhead of two types, differing in the power of a thermonuclear charge (about 3 Mt and 6 Mt). The maximum flight range, which ranged from 11 thousand to 13 thousand km, depended on the mass and, accordingly, the power of the warhead. The first rocket launch ended in an accident. On October 24, 1960, at the Baikonur test site, during the scheduled first test launch of the R-16 rocket at the prelaunch stage, about 15 minutes before the launch, an unauthorized launch of the second stage engines occurred due to the passage of a premature command to start the engines from the power distribution box, which was caused by a gross violation of the rocket preparation procedure. The rocket exploded on the launch pad. 74 people were killed, including the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Marshal M. Nedelin. Later, the R-16 became the base missile for creating a group of intercontinental missiles of the Strategic Missile Forces.

RT-2 became the first Soviet mass-produced solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile. It was put into service in 1968. This missile had a range of 9400–9800 km. Thrown weight - 600 kg. The RT-2 was notable for its short launch preparation time - 3–5 minutes. For the R-16, it took 30 minutes. The first flight tests were carried out from the Kapustin Yar test site. 7 successful launches were made. During the second stage of testing, which took place from October 3, 1966 to November 4, 1968 at the Plesetsk test site, 16 out of 25 launches were successful. The rocket was operated until 1994.

RT-2 rocket at the Motovilikha Museum, Perm


The R-36 was a heavy class missile capable of carrying a thermonuclear charge and overcoming a powerful missile defense system. R-36 had three warheads of 2.3 Mt each. The missile was put into service in 1967. In 1979 it was withdrawn from service. The rocket was launched from a silo launcher. During the tests, 85 launches were carried out, of which 14 failures, 7 of which occurred in the first 10 launches. In total, 146 launches of all rocket modifications were carried out. R-36M - further development of the complex. This missile is also known as "Satan". It was the most powerful military missile system in the world. It also significantly surpassed its predecessor, the R-36: in terms of firing accuracy - 3 times, in combat readiness - 4 times, in the security of the launcher - 15–30 times. The range of the rocket was up to 16 thousand km. Thrown weight - 7300 kg.



"Temp-2S" - the first mobile missile system of the USSR. The mobile launcher was based on the MAZ-547A six-axle wheeled chassis. The complex was intended to strike at well-protected air defense / missile defense systems and important military and industrial infrastructure facilities located deep in the enemy’s territory. Flight tests of the Temp-2S complex began with the first rocket launch on March 14, 1972 at the Plesetsk training ground. The flight design phase in 1972 did not go too smoothly: 3 out of 5 launches were unsuccessful. In total, 30 launches were carried out during flight tests, 7 of them were emergency ones. At the final stage of joint flight tests at the end of 1974, a salvo launch of two missiles was carried out, and the last test launch was performed on December 29, 1974. The Temp-2S mobile ground-based missile system was put into service in December 1975. The range of the rocket was 10.5 thousand km. The missile could carry a 0.65–1.5 Mt thermonuclear warhead. A further development of the Temp-2S missile system was the Topol complex.

The book tells about the history of the creation and the present day of the strategic nuclear missile forces of the nuclear powers. The designs of intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine ballistic missiles, medium-range missiles, and launch complexes are considered.

The publication was prepared by the department for the release of applications of the magazine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Army Collection" in conjunction with the National Center for Nuclear Risk Reduction and the publishing house "Arsenal-Press".

Tables with pictures.

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By the mid-1950s, almost simultaneously, the military leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States set their rocket designers the task of creating a ballistic missile capable of hitting targets located on another continent. The problem was not simple. It was necessary to solve a lot of complex technical issues related to ensuring the delivery of a nuclear charge to a distance of more than 9,000 km. And they had to be solved by trial and error.

Having come to power in N. S. Khrushchev, realizing the vulnerability of strategic aviation aircraft, he decided to find a worthy replacement for them. He bet on missiles. On May 20, 1954, a joint decree of the government and the Central Committee of the CPSU was issued on the creation of an intercontinental-range ballistic missile. The work was entrusted to TsKB-1. S.P. Korolev, who headed it, received wide powers to involve not only specialists from various industries, but also to use material resources. To conduct flight tests of intercontinental missiles, a new test base was needed, since the Kapustin Yar test site could not provide the required conditions. A government decree of February 12, 1955 laid the foundation for the creation of a new test site (now known as the Baikonur Cosmodrome) for testing the performance characteristics of ICBMs, launching satellites, and performing research and experimental work on rocket and space technology. A little later, in the area of ​​​​the Plesetsk station in the Arkhangelsk region, the construction of an object under the code name "" was launched, which was supposed to become the base of the first formation armed with new missiles (later it began to be used as a training ground and a spaceport). In difficult conditions, it was necessary to build launch complexes, technical positions, measuring points, access roads, residential and working premises. The main burden of the work fell on the military personnel of the construction battalions. The construction was carried out at an accelerated pace, and in two years the necessary conditions for testing were created.

By this time, the TsKB-1 team had created a rocket, which received the designation R-7 (8K71). The first test launch was scheduled for May 15, 1957 at 1900 Moscow time. As expected, it aroused great interest. All the chief designers of the rocket and the launch complex, program managers from the Ministry of Defense and a number of other organizations arrived. Everyone, of course, hoped for success. However, almost immediately after passing the command to start the propulsion system, a fire broke out in the tail compartment of one of the side blocks. The rocket exploded. Scheduled for June 11, the next launch of the "seven" did not take place due to a malfunction of the remote control of the central unit. It took the designers a month of hard and painstaking work to eliminate the causes of the identified problems. And on July 12, the rocket finally took off. Everything seemed to be going well, but only a few tens of seconds of flight had passed, and the rocket began to deviate from the given trajectory. A little later it had to be liquidated. As it was found out later, the cause was a violation of the missile's flight control along the rotation channels.

ICBM R-7A (USSR) 1960

The first launches showed the presence of serious flaws in the R-7 design.

When analyzing the telemetry data, it was found that at a certain moment, when the fuel tanks were empty, pressure fluctuations occurred in the flow lines, which led to increased dynamic loads and structural failure. To the credit of the designers, they quickly dealt with this defect.

The long-awaited success came on August 21, 1957, when the launched rocket fully completed its intended flight plan. And on August 27, a TASS message appeared in Soviet newspapers: “The other day, a new ultra-long-range multi-stage ballistic missile was launched. The tests were successful. They fully confirmed the correctness of the calculations and the chosen design ... The results obtained show that it is possible to launch missiles in any region of the globe. This statement, of course, did not go unnoticed abroad and produced the desired effect.

This success opened up broad prospects not only in the military field. At the end of May 1954, S.P. Korolev sent a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR with a proposal to carry out the practical development of an artificial satellite of the Earth. N. S. Khrushchev approved this idea, and in February 1956, practical work began on the preparation of the first satellite and a ground-based measurement and control complex. On October 4, 1957, at 22.28 Moscow time, the R-7 rocket with the first artificial satellite on board launched and successfully put it into orbit. On November 3, the world's first biological satellite was launched, in the cockpit of which there was an experimental animal, the dog Laika. These events were of world importance and rightfully secured the priority of the Soviet Union in the field of space exploration.

In the meantime, combat missile testers faced new difficulties. Since the warhead rose to a height of several hundred kilometers, by the time it re-entered the dense layers of the atmosphere, it accelerated to enormous speeds. The round-shaped warhead, developed earlier, quickly burned out. In addition, it became clear that it was necessary to increase the maximum range of the missile and improve its operational characteristics.

On July 12, 1958, the assignment for the development of a more advanced missile, the R-7A, was approved. At the same time, the refinement of the "seven" was carried out. In January 1960, it was adopted by the newly created branch of the Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces.

The two-stage rocket R-7 is made according to the "batch" scheme. Its first stage consisted of four side blocks, each 19 m long and with a maximum diameter of 3 m, located symmetrically around the central block (the second stage of the rocket) and connected to it by the upper and lower belts of power connections. The design of all blocks is the same: the tail compartment, the power ring, the compartment of the torus tanks for storing hydrogen peroxide used as the working fluid of the HP, the fuel tank, the oxidizer tank and the front compartment.

At the first stage, in each block, the RD-107 LRE was installed, designed by the GDL-OKB, with pumped supply of fuel components. It had six combustion chambers. Two of them were used as helmsmen. The rocket engine developed 78 tons of thrust near the ground and ensured operation at nominal mode for 140 seconds.

At the second stage, the RD-108 rocket engine was installed, similar in design to the RD-107, but differing mainly in the large number of steering chambers - 4. It developed thrust near the ground up to 71 tons and could operate in the main stage mode for 320 seconds.

Fuel for all engines was used two-component: oxidizer - liquid oxygen, fuel - kerosene. The ignition of the fuel at launch was carried out from pyrotechnic devices. To achieve the specified flight range, the designers installed an automatic control system for engine operation modes and a simultaneous tank emptying system (SOB), which made it possible to reduce the guaranteed fuel supply. Previously, such systems were not used on missiles.

"Seven" was equipped with a combined control system. Its autonomous subsystem provided angular stabilization and stabilization of the center of mass in the active part of the trajectory. The radio engineering subsystem carried out the correction of the lateral movement of the center of mass and the issuance of a command to turn off the engines, which increased the accuracy characteristics of the rocket. The KVO was 2.5 km when firing at a range of 8500 km.

R-7 carried a monoblock nuclear warhead with a capacity of 5 Mt. Before the launch, the rocket was installed on the launcher. Tanks with kerosene and oxygen were adjusted, and the refueling process began, which lasted almost 2 hours. After passing the start command, the engines of the first and second stages were simultaneously started. Jam-proof radio control commands were transmitted to the rocket from special radio control points.

The missile system turned out to be bulky, vulnerable and very expensive to operate. In addition, the rocket could be in a refueled state for no more than 30 days. An entire plant was needed to create and replenish the necessary supply of liquid oxygen for deployed missiles. It soon became clear that the R-7 and its modifications could not be put on combat duty in large numbers. That's how it all happened. By the time the Caribbean crisis arose, the Soviet Union had only a few dozen of these missiles.

On September 12, 1960, a modified R-7A (8K74) missile was put into service. It had a slightly larger second stage, which made it possible to increase the flight range by 500 km, a lighter warhead and an inertial control system. But, as expected, it was not possible to achieve a noticeable improvement in combat and operational characteristics.

By the mid-60s, both missile systems were removed from service and the former R-7A ICBM became widely used to launch spacecraft as a launch vehicle. Thus, the spacecraft of the Vostok and Voskhod series were launched into orbit by a three-stage modified modification of the Seven, consisting of six blocks: a central one, four side ones, and a third-stage block. Later, it also became the carrier rocket of the Soyuz spacecraft. Over the long years of space service, various rocket systems have been improved, but no fundamental changes have occurred.

ICBM "Atlas-D" (USA) 1958

ICBM "Atlas-E" (USA) 1962

In 1953, the command of the US Air Force, after conducting another exercise on nuclear bombardment of objects located on the territory of the USSR, and counting the probable losses of its aircraft, finally inclined to the opinion that it was necessary to create ICBMs. The tactical and technical requirements for such a missile were quickly formulated, and at the beginning of the next year, Conver received an order for its development.

In 1957, representatives of the company submitted for testing a simplified version of the ICBM, which received the designation HGM-16 and the name Atlas-A. Eight rockets were built without a warhead and a second-stage engine (it has not yet been brought to full readiness). As shown by the first launches, which ended in explosions and failures, the first stage systems were far from the required standards. And then fuel was added "to the fire by the news from the Soviet Union about the successful test of an intercontinental missile. As a result, General Shriver, who at that time was the head of the US Air Force Ballistic Missile Directorate, almost lost his job and was forced to give official explanations for the failures in many state commissions.

A year later, the fully assembled Atlas-V rocket was handed over for testing. Throughout the year, launches were carried out at various ranges. The developers have made significant progress. On November 28, 1958, during the next launch, the rocket flew 9650 km and it became clear to everyone that the Atlas ICBM had taken place. This modification was intended for testing the warhead and methods of combat use. All missile launches of this series were completed successfully (the first - on December 23, 1958). Following the results of the latest tests, a batch of missiles, designated Atlas-D, was ordered for transfer to the SAC units of the Air Force. The very first control launch of ICBMs from this series, which took place on April 14, 1959, ended in an accident. But it was an accident, which was later confirmed.

The work on the rocket did not end there. Two more modifications, E and F, were created and put into service in 1962. There is no reason to call them fundamentally new. The changes affected the equipment of the control system (the radio control system was eliminated), the design of the bow of the rocket body was changed.

The Atlas-F modification was considered the most perfect. She had a mixed design. At launch, all the engines started to work simultaneously, thus representing a single-stage rocket. After reaching a certain speed, the tail section of the hull was separated together with the so-called accelerator engines. The body was assembled from sheet steel. Inside there was a single fuel tank with a length of 18.2 m and a diameter of 3 m. Its internal cavity was divided by a partition into two parts: for oxidizer and fuel. To dampen fuel fluctuations, the inner walls of the tank had a "wafer" design. For the same purpose, after the first accidents, a system of partitions had to be installed. To the lower bottom of the tank on the frame, with the help of explosive bolts, the tail part of the hull (skirt), made of fiberglass, was attached in flight.

ICBM "Atlas-F" (USA) 1962

The propulsion system, which consisted of an LR-105 main engine, two LR-89 boosters and two LR-101 steering engines, was located at the bottom of the rocket. All engines were developed in 1954-1958 by Rocketdyne.

The marching rocket engine had an operating time of up to 300 seconds and could develop a thrust of 27.2 tons on the ground. The LR-89 rocket engine developed a thrust of 75 tons, but could only work for 145 seconds. To provide flight control in pitch and roll, its combustion chamber had the ability to deviate by an angle of 5 degrees. Many elements of this engine were identical to the Tor missile rocket engine. In order to simplify the design for the two boosters, the developers provided common elements of the launch system and the gas generator. Exhaust gases from TNA were used to heat helium gas supplied to pressurize the fuel tank. The steering rocket engines had a thrust of 450 kg, an operating time of 360 seconds and could deviate by an angle of 70 degrees.

Kerosene and supercooled liquid oxygen were used as fuel components. The fuel was also used to cool the combustion chambers of the LRE. Powder pressure accumulators were used to launch all three TNAs. The consumption of the components was regulated by a discrete fuel supply control system, special sensors and a calculating device. After the accelerators worked out a given program, they were dropped along with helium cylinders and a skirt.

The rocket was equipped with an inertial-type control system from the Bosch Arma company with a discrete-type computing device and an electronic control device. The memory elements were made on ferrite cores. The flight program, recorded on magnetic tape or magnetic drum, was stored in the rocket shaft. If it became necessary to replace the program, then a new tape or drum was delivered from the missile base by helicopter. The control system provided the QUO of the warhead drop points within a radius of 3.2 km when firing at a range of about 16,000 km.

The head part of the MKZ of a sharp conical shape (on series up to D inclusive, the warhead had a more blunt shape) of the detachable type in flight was stabilized by rotation. Its mass was 1.5 tons. The nuclear monoblock with a capacity of 3–4 Mt had several degrees of protection and reliable detonation sensors. In 1961, a warhead Mk4 weighing 2.8 tons with a more powerful charge was developed, but it was decided to install it on the Titan-1 ICBM.

The Atlas missiles were based in mines with lifting launchers and were ready to launch for about 15 minutes. In total, the Americans deployed 129 launchers with these missiles, and they were in service until the end of 1964.

Even before they were removed from combat duty, Atlases began to be used for space purposes. On February 20, 1962, the Atlas-D rocket launched the Mercury spacecraft with an astronaut on board into orbit. It also served as the first stage of the Atlas-Able three-stage launch vehicle. However, all three launches of this rocket in 1959-1960 from Cape Canaveral ended unsuccessfully. Atlas-F was used to launch satellites for various purposes, including Navstar, into orbit. Subsequently, the Atlases were used as the first stage of the Atlas-Agena, Atlas-Berner-2 and Atlas-Centaurus composite launch vehicles.

But let's go back. In 1955, the US Air Force Strategic Forces Command developed a set of requirements for a heavier missile capable of carrying a powerful thermonuclear warhead. The development task was received by the Martin company. Despite huge efforts, development work on the LGM-25A rocket has clearly dragged on. Only in the summer of 1959, an experimental series of missiles entered flight tests. The first launch, on August 14, was unsuccessful due to a malfunction in the second stage. Subsequent tests were accompanied by numerous failures and accidents. The finishing was difficult. Only on February 2 next year did the long-awaited success come. The test rocket finally took off. It would seem that the black bar is over. But on June 15, in preparation for the launch, an explosion occurred. July 1 had to undermine the rocket in flight due to a large deviation from the desired trajectory. Nevertheless, the efforts of a large team of designers and the financial stimulation of the project yielded positive results, which was confirmed by subsequent launches.

ICBM "Titan-1" (USA) 1961

Start of the ICBM "Titan-1"

On September 29, the Titan-1 rocket (this name was given to the new ICBM by that time) was launched to the maximum range with the equivalent of a 550 kg warhead located in a special experimental building. A rocket launched from the Canaveral range flew 16,000 km and fell into the ocean 1,600 km southeast of about. Madagascar. Separated from the warhead at an altitude of 3 km, a container with instruments was discovered and caught by a search group. In total, for the entire flight test cycle, and it lasted until October 6, 1961, 41 experimental launches of Titan-1 rockets were made, of which 31 were recognized as successful or partially successful.

The two-stage ICBM "Titan-1" is made according to the "tandem" scheme. Each stage had two carrier fuel tanks made of high-strength aluminum alloy. The power set and lining of the tail and instrument compartments were made of magnesium-thorium alloy. Despite its solid size, the dry mass of the rocket did not exceed 9 tons. To decelerate the first stage at the time of separation, the remainder of the oxidizer from the tank was released through two jet nozzles located on the top ring of the tank. At the same time, the main engine of the second stage was turned on.

At the moment of launch on the ground, the LR-87 twin-chamber rocket engine, designed by the Aerojet General Corporation, was turned on, developing a thrust of 136 tons. The fuel supply allowed it to work for 145 seconds. The launch of the TNA, which operated on the main components of the fuel, was carried out with compressed nitrogen. The cooling of the tubular combustion chambers was provided by fuel. The combustion chambers were installed in articulated suspensions, which made it possible to create control forces in flight at the pitch and yaw angles.

Roll control was implemented by installing nozzle nozzles, into which exhaust gases leaving the TNA were supplied.

The second stage is equipped with a single-chamber LRE LR-91, which developed thrust in a vacuum of 36.3 tons. Its operation time is 180 seconds. The combustion chamber was mounted on a gimbal suspension and has a tubular design. Part of the nozzle was cooled. The rest of it was a two-layer packing with an inner layer of asbestos-reinforced phenolic plastic. The exhaust gases after the turbine of the turbopump unit were ejected through a nozzle, which ensured the creation of forces on the roll angle. The fuel for all rocket engines is two-component: fuel - kerosene, oxidizer - liquid oxygen.

The rocket was equipped with an inertial control system with radio correction in the active part of the trajectory using a ground-based computer. It consisted of a tracking radar, a special computer "Athena" for calculating the actual trajectory, determining the moment the propulsion system of the second stage was turned off and generating control commands. The inertial device on board the rocket functioned for only two minutes and played a supporting role. The SU provided a firing accuracy of 1.7 km. ICBM "Titan-1" carried detachable in-flight warhead Mk4 with a capacity of 4-7 Mt.

The missile was based in protected silo launchers and had operational readiness for launch in about 15 minutes. The missile system turned out to be very expensive and vulnerable, especially the tracking and control radar. Therefore, the originally planned number of deployable missiles of this type (108) was reduced by 2 times. They were destined for a short life. They were on combat duty for only three years, and at the end of 1964 the last detachment of the Titan-1 ICBM was withdrawn from the SAC.

The abundance of shortcomings and, above all, the low survivability of missile systems with Atlas, Titan-1 and R-7 missiles predetermined their inevitable replacement in the near future. Even during the flight tests of these missiles, it became clear to Soviet and American military specialists that new missile systems needed to be created.

On May 13, 1959, by a special resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the government of the Design Bureau, Academician Yangel was instructed to develop ICBMs on high-boiling fuel components. Subsequently, she received the designation R-16 (8K64). Design teams headed by V. Glushko, V. Kuznetsov, B. Konoplev and others were involved in the development of rocket engines and systems, as well as on the ground and mine launch positions.

ICBM R-16 (USSR) 1961

Initially, the R-16 was supposed to be launched only from ground-based launchers. Extremely tight deadlines were allotted for its design and flight tests.

In the process of preparing the first launch of the rocket on October 23, 1960, after it was refueled with fuel components, a malfunction appeared in the electrical circuit of the automation of the propulsion system, the elimination of which was carried out on a fueled rocket. Since the guarantee of engine performance after filling the turbopump unit with fuel components was determined on the same day, work on preparing for launch and troubleshooting was carried out simultaneously. At the final stage of preparing the rocket for flight, a premature command was sent from the program power distributor to start the second stage engine, as a result of which a fire broke out and the rocket exploded. As a result of the accident, a significant part of the combat crew died, a number of senior officials who were at the starting position near the rocket, including the chief designer of the control system B. M. Konoplev, the chairman of the state commission for testing, the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Chief Marshal of Artillery M. I. Nedelin. The starting position was disabled by the explosion. The causes of the disaster were studied by a government commission and, based on the results of the investigation, a set of measures was planned and implemented to ensure safety during the development and testing of rocket technology.

ICBM R-16 on parade

The second launch of the R-16 rocket took place on February 2, 1961. Despite the fact that the rocket fell on the flight path due to loss of stability, the developers were convinced that the adopted scheme was viable. After analyzing the results and eliminating the shortcomings, the tests were continued. Hard work made it possible to complete flight tests of the R-16 from ground launchers by the end of 1961, and in the same year to put the first missile regiment on combat duty.

Since May 1960, work has been carried out related to the launch of a modified R-16U (8K64U) missile from a silo launcher. In January 1962, the first launch of a rocket from a silo took place at the Baikonur test site. The following year, a combat missile system with R-16U ICBMs was adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces.

The rocket was made according to the "tandem" scheme with sequential separation of stages. The first, booster stage consisted of a tail section, a fuel tank, an instrument section, an oxidizer tank and an adapter. Tanks of the supporting structure with pressurization in flight: the oxidizer tank was pressurized by the oncoming air flow, and the fuel tank was pressurized by compressed air from cylinders located in the instrument compartment.

The propulsion system consisted of a marching and steering engines. The marching rocket engine is assembled from three identical two-chamber blocks. Each of them included two combustion chambers, a heat pump, a gas generator and a fuel supply system. The total thrust of all blocks on the ground is 227 tons, the operating time is 90 seconds. The steering rocket engine had four rotary combustion chambers with one turbopump unit. The separation of the stages was provided by pyrobolts. Simultaneously with their operation, four brake powder engines located on the first stage were turned on.

The second stage, which served to accelerate the rocket to a speed corresponding to the given flight range, had a similar design as the first, but was made shorter and of a smaller diameter. Both tanks were pressurized with compressed air.

The propulsion system was largely borrowed from the first stage, which reduced the cost and simplified production, but only one block was installed as a sustainer engine. He developed thrust in a vacuum of 90 tons and worked for 125 seconds. The designers managed to successfully solve the problem of reliable launch of the liquid-propellant rocket engine in a rarefied atmosphere, and the sustainer engine was turned on after the detached stage was withdrawn.

Installing the R-16 ICBM on the launch pad

All rocket engines ran on self-igniting fuel components on contact. To refuel the rocket with fuel components, supply it to the combustion chambers, store compressed air and issue it to consumers, the rocket was equipped with a pneumohydraulic system.

The R-16 had a secure autonomous control system. It included a stabilization machine, an RKS system, a SOB, and a range control machine. For the first time on Soviet missiles, a gyro-stabilized platform on a ball-bearing suspension was used as a sensitive element of the control system. The firing accuracy (KVO) was 2.7 km when flying at maximum range. In preparation for the launch, the rocket was mounted on the launcher so that the stabilization plane was in the firing plane. After that, the tanks were filled with fuel components. The R-16 ICBM was equipped with several types of detachable monoblock warhead. The so-called light warhead had a capacity of 3 Mt, and a heavy warhead - 6 Mt.

The R-16 became the base missile for creating a group of intercontinental missiles of the Strategic Missile Forces. The R-16U was deployed in smaller numbers, since the construction of mine complexes took more time than the commissioning of complexes with ground-based launchers. In addition, in 1964 it became clear that this rocket was obsolete. Like all first-generation missiles, these ICBMs could not be fueled for long. In constant readiness, they were stored in shelters or mines with empty tanks, and it took considerable time to prepare for launch. The survivability of missile systems was also low. And yet, for its time, the R-16 was a completely reliable and fairly advanced missile.

Let's go back to 1958 in the USA. And not by accident. The first tests of LRE-equipped ICBMs alarmed the leaders of the missile program about the possibility of completing tests in the near future, and the prospects for such missiles also raised doubts. Under these conditions, attention was paid to solid fuel. As early as 1956, some US industrial firms began active work on the creation of relatively large solid-propellant engines. In this regard, a group of specialists was assembled in the research department of the Rocket Directorate at Raymo-Wooldridge, whose duties were charged with collecting and analyzing data on the progress of research in the field of solid fuel engines. This group was assigned to Colonel Edward Hall, the former head of the Thor missile program, who was removed from his post, as is known, due to a number of test failures of this missile. The active colonel, wanting to rehabilitate himself, after a thorough study of the materials, prepared a draft of a new missile system, which promised tempting prospects if implemented. General Shriver liked the project and he asked the management for 150 million dollars for its development. The proposed missile system received the code WS-133A and the name "Minuteman". But the Ministry of the Air Force authorized the allocation of only 50 million to finance the first stage, which provided mainly theoretical research. There is nothing surprising. At that time in the United States, there were many doubters among high-ranking military leaders and politicians about the possibility of the rapid implementation of such a project, which was more based on optimistic ideas that had not yet been tested in practice.

Having been refused full-fledged appropriations, Shriver developed a stormy activity and eventually achieved the allocation in 1959 of a round sum - 184 million dollars. Shriver was not going to take risks with the new rocket, as he had previously, and did everything not to repeat the sad experience. At his insistence, Colonel Otto Glaser, who by that time had proven himself to be a capable organizer, was appointed the head of the Minuteman project, who was well connected to the scientific community and influential circles of the military-industrial complex. Such a person was very necessary, since, having approved the creation of a new missile system, the leadership of the US Department of Defense set strict requirements - to enter flight tests at the end of 1960 and ensure that the system was put into service in 1963.

Work unfolded on a broad front. Already in July 1958, the composition of the development companies was approved, and in October the Boeing company was appointed head of assembly, installation and testing. In April-May of the following year, the first full-scale tests of the rocket stages were carried out. To speed up their development, it was decided to involve several companies: Thiokol Chemical Corporation developed the first stage, Aerojet General Corporation - the second stage, Hercules Powder Corporation - the third stage. All stage tests were successfully completed.

In early September of the same year, the Senate declared the Minuteman missile program the highest national priority, which resulted in an additional $899.7 million for its implementation. But despite all the measures, it was not possible to start flight tests at the end of 1960. The first test launch of the Minuteman-1A ICBM took place on February 1, 1961. And immediately good luck. For those times, for American rocket science, this fact was a "fantastic success." There was a big uproar about this. Newspapers touted the Minuteman missile system as the epitome of US technological superiority. The information leak was not accidental. It was used as a means of intimidating the Soviet Union, with which relations between the United States of America sharply deteriorated, primarily because of Cuba.

However, the reality was not so rosy. Back in 1960, before the start of flight tests, it became clear that the Minuteman-1 A would not be able to fly at a distance of more than 9500 km. Subsequent tests confirmed this assumption. In October 1961, the developers began work on improving the rocket in order to increase the flight range and power of the warhead. Later, this modification received the designation "Minuteman-1B". But they were not going to abandon the deployment of A-series missiles either. At the end of 1962, it was decided to put them on combat duty in the amount of 150 pieces at the Malstrom Air Force Missile Base, Montana.

ICBM "Minuteman-1B" and missile installer

At the beginning of 1963, tests of the Minuteman-1B ICBM were completed, and at the end of this year it began to enter service. By July 1965, the creation of a group of 650 missiles of this type was over. Tests of the Minuteman-1 rocket were carried out at the Western Missile Range (Vandenberg Air Force Base). In total, taking into account combat training launches, 54 missiles of both modifications were launched.

For its time, the LGM-30A Minuteman-1 ICBM was very advanced. And what is very important, she had, as the representative of the Boeing company said, "... unlimited opportunities for improvement." This was not empty bravado, and the reader will be able to verify this below. Three-stage, with sequential separation of stages, the rocket was made of modern materials for that time.

The first stage engine housing was made of special steel with high purity and strength. A coating was applied to its inner surface, which ensured the connection of the body with the fuel charge. It also served as a thermal protection, which made it possible to compensate for the change in the volume of fuel with fluctuations in the temperature of the charge. Solid propellant rocket engine M-55 had four rotary nozzles. Developed traction on the ground at 76 tons. Its operation time is 60 seconds. Mixed fuel, consisting of ammonium perchlorate, polybutadiene copolymer, acrylic acid, epoxy resin and aluminum powder. Filling the charge into the case was controlled by a special computer.

ICBM R-9A (USSR) 1965

The second stage engine had a titanium alloy body. A charge of mixed propellant based on polyurethane was poured into the hull. A similar stage of the Minuteman-1B rocket had a charge of a slightly larger mass. Four rotary nozzles provided flight control. The solid propellant rocket engine M-56 developed traction in a vacuum of 27 tons.

The third stage engine had a fiberglass casing. He developed a thrust of 18.7 tons. The duration of his work was about 65 seconds. The composition of the fuel charge was similar to that of the solid propellant rocket engine of the second stage. Four swivel nozzles provided control to all angles.

The inertial control system, built on the basis of a sequential type computer, provided control of the missile's flight in the active part of the trajectory and a firing accuracy (KVO) of 1.6 km. The Minuteman-1 A carried a 0.5 Mt Mk5 monoblock nuclear warhead, which was aimed at a predetermined target. "Minuteman-1 V" was equipped with a monoblock nuclear warhead Mk11 with a capacity of 1 Mt. Before launch, it could be aimed at one of two possible targets of destruction. The missiles were stored in silo launchers and could be launched a minute after the launch command was received from the detachment's command post. The main engine of the first stage was launched directly in the mine, and in order to reduce the heating of the case by hot gases, it was covered on the outside with a special protective paint.

The presence of such a missile system in service significantly increased the potential of the US nuclear forces, and also created the conditions for delivering a surprise nuclear strike against the enemy. Its appearance caused great concern among the Soviet leadership, since the R-16 ICBM, for all its merits, was clearly inferior to the American missile in terms of survivability and combat readiness, and the R-9A (8K75) ICBM being developed at OKB-1 had not yet passed flight tests. It was created in accordance with a government decree of May 13, 1959, although some work on the design of such a rocket began much earlier.

The beginning of flight design tests of the R-9 (S.P. Korolev was present at the first launch on April 9, 1961) cannot be called completely successful. The lack of knowledge of the LRE of the first stage affected - strong pressure pulsations in the combustion chamber summed it up. He was put on a rocket under pressure from V. Glushko. Although it was decided to create propulsion systems for this rocket on a competitive basis, the head of the GDL-OKB could not lower the prestige of his team, which was considered the leader in engine building.

This was the cause of the explosions during the first launches. Design teams led by A. Isaev and N. Kuznetsov also took part in the competition. The design bureau of the latter, as a result of the curtailment of the program for the construction of engines for aircraft, was left with practically no orders. The Kuznetsov LRE was built according to a more advanced closed circuit with afterburning of exhaust turbogas in the main combustion chamber. In the LRE Glushko and Isaev, created according to an open scheme, the gas exhausted in the turbopump unit was discharged through the exhaust pipe into the atmosphere. The works of all three design bureaus reached the stage of bench tests, but the competitive selection did not work out. The “lobbyist” approach of OKB Glushko still took the upper hand.

In the end, the problems in the engines were eliminated. However, the tests were delayed, since the original method of launching from a ground-based launcher was abandoned in favor of the mine version. Simultaneously with the increase in the reliability of the rocket, OKB-1 specialists had to solve a problem on which the very possibility of finding the "nine" on combat duty depended. We are talking about methods for long-term storage of large quantities of liquid oxygen for refueling rocket tanks. As a result, a system was created that ensured oxygen losses of no more than 2–3% per year.

Flight tests were completed in February 1964, and on July 21, 1965, the rocket under the R-9A index was put into service and was on combat duty until the second half of the 70s.

Structurally, the R-9A was divided into the first stage, which consisted of a tail section of the propulsion system with nozzle fairings and short stabilizers, cylindrical fuel and oxidizer fuel tanks and a truss adapter. Instruments of the control system were “embedded” into the shell of the inter-tank compartment.

The "Nine" was distinguished by a relatively short section of the first stage, as a result of which the separation of the stages took place at a height where the influence of the velocity pressure on the rocket is still significant. The so-called "hot" method of stage separation was implemented on the rocket, in which the second stage engine was started at the end of the first stage sustainer engine. In this case, hot gases flow through the truss structure of the adapter. Due to the fact that at the time of separation of the LRE the second stage was operating at only 50% of the rated thrust and the short second stage was aerodynamically unstable, the steering nozzles could not cope with the disturbing moments. To eliminate this shortcoming, the designers installed special aerodynamic shields on the outer surface of the tail section to be dropped, the opening of which, when the stages were separated, shifted the center of pressure and increased the stability of the rocket. After the rocket engine entered the operating mode of thrust, the fairing of the tail compartment, together with these shields, was dropped.

ICBM R-9A (USSR) 1965

With the advent of the United States systems for detecting ICBM launches using a powerful engine torch, the short section of the first stage became the advantage of the "nine". After all, the shorter the torch's lifetime, the more difficult it is for missile defense systems to respond to such a missile. On the R-9A engines were installed on oxygen-kerosene fuel. S. Korolev paid special attention to such fuel as non-toxic, high-energy and cheap to produce.

At the first stage there was a four-chamber RD-111 with the exhaust of spent steam and gas from the HP through a fixed nozzle between the chambers. To provide control of the rocket, the cameras were made swinging. The engine developed a thrust of 141 tons and worked for 105 seconds.

A four-chamber liquid-propellant rocket engine with steering nozzles RD-461 designed by S. Kosberg was installed at the second stage. He had a record specific impulse for that time among oxygen-kerosene engines and developed thrust in a vacuum of 31 tons. The maximum operating time was 165 seconds. To quickly bring the propulsion systems to the nominal mode and ignite the fuel components, a special launch system with pyro-igniters was used.

A combined control system was installed on the rocket, which ensured firing accuracy (KVO) at ranges over 12,000 km, not more than 1.6 km. On the R-9A, the radio channel was eventually abandoned.

For the R-9A ICBM, two versions of monoblock nuclear warheads were developed: standard and heavy, weighing 2.2 tons. The first had a capacity of 3 Mt and could be delivered to a distance of over 13,500 km, the second - 4 Mt. With it, the range of the missile reached 12,500 km.

As a result of the introduction of a number of technical innovations, the rocket turned out to be compact, suitable for launching both from ground and silo launchers. The rocket, launched from a ground launcher, additionally had a transition frame, which was attached to the tail compartment of the first stage.

Despite its merits, by the time the first missile regiment was put on combat duty, the "nine" no longer fully met the set of requirements for combat strategic missiles. And not surprising, since it belonged to the first generation of ICBMs and retained their inherent features. Surpassing the American Titan-1 ICBM in combat, technical and operational characteristics, it was inferior to the latest Minutemen in terms of firing accuracy and launch preparation time, and these indicators became decisive by the end of the 60s. R-9A became the last combat missile on oxygen-kerosene fuel.

The rapid development of electronics in the early 60s opened up new horizons for the development of military systems for various purposes. For rocket science, this factor was of great importance. It became possible to create more advanced missile control systems capable of ensuring high hit accuracy, to a large extent automate the operation of missile systems, and most importantly, automate centralized combat control systems capable of ensuring guaranteed delivery of launch orders to ICBMs coming only from the high command (president) and prevent the unauthorized use of nuclear weapons.

The Americans were the first to start this work. They did not need to create a completely new rocket. Even during the work on the Titan-1 rocket, it became clear that its characteristics could be improved by introducing new technologies into production. At the beginning of 1960, the designers of the Martin company set about modernizing the rocket, and at the same time creating a new launch complex.

The flight design tests that began in March 1962 confirmed the correctness of the chosen technical strategy. In many ways, the rapid progress of work was facilitated by the fact that the new ICBM inherited a lot from its predecessor. In June of the following year, the Titan-2 missile was adopted by the strategic nuclear forces, although control and combat training launches were still ongoing. In total, from the beginning of testing to April 1964, 30 launches of this type of missiles at various ranges were carried out from the Western Missile Range. Rocket "Titan-2" was intended to destroy the most important strategic targets. Initially, it was planned to put 108 units on duty, replacing all of the Titan-1. But plans changed, and as a result they were limited to 54 missiles.

Despite being closely related, the Titan-2 ICBM had many differences from its predecessor. The way fuel tanks are pressurized has changed. The oxidizer tank at the first stage was pressurized with gaseous nitrogen tetroxide, the fuel tanks of both stages were pressurized with cooled generator gas, the second stage oxidizer tank was not pressurized at all. During operation of the engine of this stage, thrust constancy was ensured by maintaining a constant ratio of fuel components in the gas generator using Venturi nozzles installed in the fuel supply lines. The fuel has also been changed. Stable aerozine-50 and nitrogen tetroxide were used to power all rocket engines.

ICBM "Titan-2" in flight

ICBM "Minuteman-2" in the silo

At the first stage, a modernized two-chamber rocket engine LR-87 with a ground thrust of 195 tons was installed. Its turbopump unit was spun using a powder starter. The mid-flight rocket engine of the second stage LR-91 has also undergone modernization. Increased not only its thrust (up to 46 tons), but also the degree of expansion of the nozzle. In addition, two steering solid propellant rocket engines were installed in the tail section.

On the rocket, fire separation of the steps was used. The main engine of the second stage was switched on when the pressure in the combustion chambers of the rocket engine dropped to 0.75 nominal, which gave the effect of braking. At the moment of separation, two brake engines were turned on. When separating the warhead from the second stage, the latter was decelerated by three brake solid propellant rocket motors and taken away.

The flight of the rocket was controlled by an inertial control system with a small-sized GPS and digital computer, which performed 6000 operations per second. A lightweight magnetic drum with a capacity of 100,000 units of information was used as a storage device, which made it possible to store several flight tasks for one rocket in memory. The control system provided a firing accuracy (KVO) of 1.5 km and automatic conduct, on command from the control center, of the pre-launch preparation and missile launch cycle.

Due to the increase in throwable weight, the Titan-2 was equipped with a heavier monoblock warhead Mkb with a capacity of 10–15 Mt. In addition, she carried a set of passive means of overcoming missile defense.

Due to the placement of ICBMs in single silo launchers, it was possible to significantly increase their survivability. Since the rocket was in the mine in a refueled state, the operational readiness for launch increased. It took a little over a minute for the rocket, after receiving the order, to rush to the chosen target.

Before the advent of the Soviet R-36 missile, the Titan-2 intercontinental ballistic missile was the most powerful in the world. She was on combat duty until 1987. The modified Titan-2 rocket was also used for peaceful purposes to launch various spacecraft into orbit, including the Gemini spacecraft. On its basis, various versions of the Titan-3 launch vehicles were created.

The Minuteman missile system also received its further development. This decision was preceded by the work of a special Senate commission, whose task was to determine the further and, if possible, more economical way for the development of strategic weapons for the United States. The conclusions of the commission indicated that it was necessary to develop the ground component of the American strategic nuclear forces based on the Minuteman missile.

ICBM "Titan-2" (USA) 1963

In July 1962, Boeing received an order to develop the LGM-30F Minuteman 2 rocket. To meet the requirements of the customer, the designers needed to create a new second stage and control system. But the missile system is not only a rocket. It was necessary to significantly modernize ground technological and technical equipment, command post systems and launchers. At the end of the summer of 1964, the new ICBM was ready for flight tests. On September 24, the first launch of the Minuteman-2 ICBM was carried out from the Western Missile Range. The entire set of tests was completed in a year, and in December 1965, the deployment of these missiles began at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota. In total, taking into account combat training launches conducted by regular crews to gain experience in combat use, for the period from September 1964 to the end of 1967, 46 launches of ICBMs of this type took place from the Vandenberg base.

On the Minuteman 2 rocket, the first and third stages did not differ from those of the Minuteman 1 B rocket, but the second was completely new. Aerojet General Corporation has developed the SR-19 solid propellant rocket engine with a vacuum thrust of 27 tons and an operating time of up to 65 seconds. The engine housing was made of titanium alloy. The use of fuel based on polybutadiene made it possible to obtain a higher specific impulse. To achieve the specified firing range, it was necessary to increase the fuel supply by 1.5 tons. Since the rocket engine now had only one fixed nozzle, the designers had to develop new ways to generate control forces.

The pitch and yaw angles were controlled by controlling the thrust vector by injecting freon into the supercritical part of the solid propellant rocket engine nozzle through four holes located along the circumference at an equal distance from each other. The control forces on the angle of roll were implemented by four small jet nozzles that were built into the engine case. Their functioning was provided by a powder pressure accumulator. Freon stock was stored in a toroidal tank, put on the top of the nozzle.

An inertial control system with a universal digital computing device assembled on microcircuits was installed on the rocket. All gyroscopes of the GSP sensitive elements were in the untwisted state, which made it possible to maintain the rocket in a very high readiness for launch. The excess heat released in this case was removed by a thermostating system. Gyroblocks could operate in this mode continuously for 1.5 years, after which they had to be replaced. A storage device on a magnetic disk provided storage of eight flight tasks calculated for various objects of destruction.

When the missile was on combat duty, its control system was used to carry out checks, calibrate on-board equipment and other tasks that were solved in the process of maintaining combat readiness. When firing at maximum range, it provided a firing accuracy (KVO) of 0.9 km.

"Minuteman-2" was equipped with a monoblock nuclear warhead Mk11 of two modifications, differing in charge power (2 and 4 Mt). The rocket managed to place the means of overcoming missile defense.

By the beginning of 1971, the entire group of Minuteman-2 ICBMs was fully deployed. It was originally planned to supply the Air Force with 1,000 missiles of this type (upgrading 800 Minuteman-1A (B) missiles and building 200 new ones). But the military department had to reduce requests. As a result, only half (200 new and 300 modernized) missiles were put on combat duty.

After the Minuteman-2 missiles were installed in the launch silos, the very first checks revealed failures of the onboard control system. The flow of such failures increased markedly and the only repair base in the city of Newark could not cope with the volume of repairs due to limited production capacity. For these purposes, the capacity of the manufacturer of the Otonetics company had to be used, which immediately affected the pace of production of new missiles. The situation became even more complicated when the modernization of the Minuteman-1B ICBM began at the missile bases. The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon for the Americans, which also led to a delay in the deployment of the entire group of missiles, was that even at the stage of developing tactical and technical requirements, an insufficient level of reliability of the control system was laid down. Requests for repairs were dealt with only by October 1967, which of course required additional cash costs.

At the beginning of 1993, the US strategic nuclear forces had 450 deployed Minuteman-2 ICBMs and about 50 missiles in reserve. Naturally, over the long period of operation, the missile was modernized in order to increase its combat capabilities. The improvement of some elements of the control system made it possible to increase the accuracy of fire to 600 m. The fuel charges were replaced in the first and third stages. The need for such work was caused by the aging of the fuel, which affected the reliability of the missiles. Increased protection of launchers and command posts of missile systems.

Over time, such an advantage as a long service life has turned into a disadvantage. The thing is that the established cooperation of firms engaged in the production of missiles and components for them at the stage of development and deployment began to disintegrate. Periodic updating of various missile systems required the manufacture of products that had not been produced for a long time, and the costs of maintaining a group of missiles in a combat-ready state were steadily increasing.

In the USSR, the UR-100 missile, developed under the guidance of Academician Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomey, became the first second-generation ICBM to be equipped with the Strategic Missile Forces. The task was issued to the team headed by him on March 30, 1963 by the relevant government decree. In addition to the head design bureau, a significant number of related organizations were involved, which made it possible to work out all the systems of the missile complex being created in a short time. In the spring of 1965, flight tests of the rocket began at the Baikonur test site. On April 19, a launch took place from a ground-based launcher, and on July 17, the first launch from a mine. The first tests showed the lack of knowledge of the propulsion system and control system. However, the elimination of these shortcomings did not take long. On October 27 of the following year, the entire flight test program was fully completed. On November 24, 1966, the combat missile system with the UR-100 missile was adopted by the missile regiments.

ICBM UR-100 was made according to the "tandem" scheme with sequential separation of stages. The fuel tanks of the supporting structure had a combined bottom. The first stage consisted of the tail section, propulsion system, fuel and oxidizer tanks. The propulsion system included four sustainer liquid-propellant rocket engines with rotary combustion chambers, made according to a closed circuit. The engines had a high specific thrust impulse, which made it possible to limit the operating time of the first stage.

ICBM PC-10 (USSR) 1971

The second stage is similar in design to the first, but smaller. Its propulsion system consisted of two liquid-propellant rocket engines: a single-chamber sustainer and a four-chamber steering.

To increase the energy capabilities of the engines, to ensure refueling and draining of rocket fuel components, the rocket had a pneumohydraulic system. Its elements were placed on both steps. Nitrogen tetroxide and asymmetric dimethylhydrazine, self-igniting upon mutual contact, were used as fuel components.

An inertial control system was installed on the rocket, which ensured a firing accuracy (KVO) of 1.4 km. Its component subsystems were distributed throughout the rocket. The UR-100 carried a single-block warhead with a nuclear charge of 1 Mt, separated in flight from the second stage.

The great advantage was that the rocket was ampouled (isolated from the external environment) in a special container in which it was transported and stored in the silo launcher for several years in constant readiness for launch. The use of membrane valves separating fuel tanks with aggressive components from rocket engines made it possible to keep the rocket constantly refueled. The rocket was launched directly from the container. Monitoring the technical condition of missiles of one combat missile system, as well as pre-launch preparation and launch, were carried out remotely from a single command post.

The UR-100 ICBM was further developed in a number of modifications. In 1970, the UR-100 UTTKh missiles, which had a more advanced control system, a more reliable warhead and a set of means to overcome anti-missile defense, began to enter service.

Even earlier, on July 23, 1969, flight tests of another modification of this missile, which received the military designation UR-100K (RS-10), began at the Baikonur training ground. They ended on March 15, 1971, after which the replacement of the UR-100 missiles began.

The new missile surpassed its predecessors in terms of firing accuracy, reliability and performance. The propulsion systems of both stages were modified. The service life of LRE has been increased, as well as their reliability. A new transport and launch container was developed. Its design has become more rational and convenient, which made it possible to facilitate the maintenance of the rocket and reduce the maintenance time by three times. The installation of new control equipment made it possible to fully automate the cycle of checking the technical condition of missiles and launcher systems. The security of the missile complex facilities has been increased.

ICBM UR-100 in TPK on parade

PC-10 ICBM assembly without warhead (outside the launch canister)

For the beginning of the 70s, the rocket had high combat characteristics and reliability. The flight range was 12,000 km, the delivery accuracy of the megaton-class monoblock warhead was 900 m. on duty until 1994. In addition, the PC-10 family has become the most massive of all Soviet ICBMs.

On June 16, 1971, the last modification of this family, the UR-100U rocket, launched on its first flight from Baikonur. It was equipped with a warhead with three dispersing warheads. Each block carried a nuclear charge with a capacity of 350 kt. During the tests, a flight range of 10,500 km was achieved. At the end of 1973, this ICBM entered service.

The next ICBM of the second generation, which entered the equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces, was the R-36 (8K67) - the ancestor of Soviet heavy missiles. By a government decree of May 12, 1962, Academician Yangel's Design Bureau was instructed to create a rocket capable of significantly supporting N. S. Khrushchev's ambitions. It was intended to destroy the most important strategic objects of the enemy, protected by missile defense systems. The terms of reference provided for the creation of a rocket in two versions, which should have differed in the methods of basing: with a ground launch (like the American Atlas) and with a mine launch, like the R-16U. The unpromising first option was quickly abandoned. And yet, the rocket was developed in two versions. But now they differed in the principle of building a control system. The first rocket had a purely inertial system, and the second - an inertial system with radio correction. When creating the complex, special attention was paid to the maximum simplification of the launch positions, which were developed by the design bureau under the leadership of E. G. Rudyak: their reliability was increased, rocket refueling was excluded from the launch cycle, remote control of the main parameters of the rocket and systems was introduced in the process of combat duty, preparation for launch and remote missile launch.

ICBM R-36 (USSR) 1967

1 - the upper part of the cable box; 2 - second stage oxidizer tank; 3 - fuel tank of the second stage; 4 - pressure sensor of the traction control system; 5 - frame for fastening engines to the body; 6 - turbopump unit; 7 - LRE nozzle; 8 - steering rocket engine of the second stage; 9 - brake powder engine of the first stage; 10 - protective fairing of the steering motor; 11 - intake device; 12 - first stage oxidizer tank; 13 - block of the missile control system, located on the first stage; 14 - fuel tank of the first stage; 15 - protected oxidant supply pipeline; 16 - fixing the frame of the rocket engine to the body of the tail section of the first stage; 17 - LRE combustion chamber; 18 - steering engine of the first stage; 19 - drainage pipe; 20 - pressure sensor in the fuel tank; 21 - pressure sensor in the oxidizer tank.

ICBM R-36 on parade

The tests were carried out at the Baikonur test site. On September 28, 1963, the first launch took place, which ended unsuccessfully. Despite the initial failures and failures, members of the state commission under the leadership of Lieutenant General M.G. Grigoriev recognized the missile as promising and had no doubts about its ultimate success. The system of testing and development of the missile system adopted by that time made it possible, simultaneously with flight tests, to launch mass production of missiles, technological equipment, as well as the construction of launch sites. At the end of May 1966, the entire test cycle was completed, and on July 21 of the following year, the DBK with R-36 ICBMs was put into service.

The two-stage R-36 is made according to the "tandem" scheme of high-strength aluminum alloys. The first stage provided rocket acceleration and consisted of a tail section, a propulsion system, and fuel and oxidizer fuel tanks. The fuel tanks were pressurized in flight by the products of combustion of the main components and had devices for damping vibrations.

The propulsion system consisted of a six-chamber marching and four-chamber steering liquid rocket engines. The marching rocket engine was assembled from three identical two-chamber blocks mounted on a common frame. The supply of fuel components to the combustion chambers was provided by three HPs, the turbines of which were spun by the products of fuel combustion in the gas generator. The total thrust of the engine near the ground was 274 tons. The steering rocket engine had four rotary combustion chambers with one common turbopump unit. The cameras were installed in the "pockets" of the tail compartment.

The second stage provided acceleration to a speed corresponding to a given firing range. Her fuel tanks of the supporting structure had a combined bottom. The propulsion system located in the tail compartment consisted of a two-chamber marching and a four-chamber steering liquid-propellant rocket engines. The RD-219 sustainer liquid-propellant rocket engine is in many respects similar in design to the first-stage propulsion units. The main difference was that the combustion chambers were designed for a large degree of expansion of the gas and their nozzles also had a large degree of expansion. The engine consisted of two combustion chambers, a TNA feeding them, a gas generator, automation units, an engine frame and other elements. He developed thrust in a vacuum of 101 tons and could work for 125 seconds. The steering engine did not differ in design from the engine installed in the first stage.

ICBM R-36 at launch

All LRE rockets were developed by GDL-OKB designers. For their power, a two-component fuel self-igniting on contact was used: the oxidizer was a mixture of nitrogen oxides with nitric acid, the fuel was unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine. For refueling, draining and supplying fuel components to rocket engines, a pneumohydraulic system was installed on the rocket.

The steps were separated from each other and the head part by actuating explosive bolts. To avoid collisions, braking of the separated stage was provided due to the operation of brake powder engines.

For R-36 developed a combined control system. The autonomous inertial system provided control on the active part of the trajectory and included a stabilization machine, a range machine, a SOB system that provides simultaneous production of oxidizer and fuel from tanks, and a missile turn system after launch to a designated target. The radio control system was supposed to correct the movement of the rocket at the end of the active site. However, during flight tests, it became clear that the autonomous system provides the specified firing accuracy (KVO about 1200 m) and the radio system was abandoned. This made it possible to significantly reduce financial costs and simplify the operation of the missile system.

The R-36 ICBM was equipped with a monoblock thermonuclear warhead of one of two types: light - with a capacity of 18 Mt and heavy - with a capacity of 25 Mt. To overcome the enemy's anti-missile defense, a reliable set of special means was installed on the rocket. In addition, there was a system for the emergency destruction of a warhead, which was triggered when the movement parameters on the active section of the trajectory deviated beyond the permissible limits.

The rocket was launched automatically from a single silo, where it was stored in a refueled state for 5 years. A long service life was achieved by sealing the rocket and creating an optimal temperature and humidity regime in the mine. The DBK with the R-36 possessed unique combat capabilities and significantly surpassed the American complex of a similar purpose with the Titan-2 missile, primarily in terms of nuclear charge power, firing accuracy and security.

The last of the Soviet missiles of this period, which entered service, was the combat solid-fuel ICBM PC-12. But long before that, in 1959, in the design bureau headed by S.P. Korolev, the development of an experimental rocket with solid fuel engines, designed to destroy objects at medium ranges, began. Based on the test results of the units and systems of this rocket, the designers concluded that it is possible to create an intercontinental rocket. A discussion ensued between supporters and opponents of this project. At that time, the Soviet technology for creating large mixed charges was just in its infancy, and naturally there were doubts about the ultimate success. Everything was too new. The decision to create a solid-propellant rocket was made at the very "top". Not the last role was played by news from the United States about the start of testing ICBMs on mixed solid fuel. On April 4, 1961, a government decree was issued, in which the Korolev Design Bureau was appointed as the head of the creation of a fundamentally new stationary-type combat missile system with a solid-fuel intercontinental missile equipped with a monoblock warhead. Many research organizations and design bureaus were involved in solving this problem. On January 2, 1963, a new test site, Plesetsk, was created to test intercontinental missiles and implement a number of other programs.

In the process of developing the missile complex, complex scientific, technical and production problems had to be solved. So, mixed solid fuels, large-sized engine charges were developed and the technology for their manufacture was mastered. A fundamentally new control system has been created. A new type of launcher was developed, which ensures the launch of a rocket on a sustainer engine from a blank launcher.

RS-12, second and third stages without warhead

ICBM PC-12 (USSR) 1968

The first launch of the RT-2P rocket took place on November 4, 1966. The tests were carried out at the Plesetsk test site under the leadership of the state commission. It took exactly two years to completely dispel all the doubts of skeptics. On December 18, 1968, the missile system with this missile was adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces.

The RT-2P rocket had three stages. To connect them to each other, connecting compartments of the truss structure were used, which allowed the gases of the sustainer engines to freely escape. The engines of the second and third stages were switched on a few seconds before the pyrobolts were activated.

Rocket engines of the first and second stages had steel housings and nozzle blocks, consisting of four split control nozzles. The rocket engine of the third stage differed from them in that it had a body of mixed design. All engines were made in different diameters. This was done in order to provide a given flight range. To launch the solid propellant rocket engine, special igniters were used, mounted on the front bottoms of the hulls.

The missile control system is autonomous inertial. It consisted of a set of instruments and devices that controlled the movement of the rocket in flight from the moment of launch to the transition to uncontrolled flight of the warhead. Calculators and pendulum accelerometers were used in the control system. Control system elements were located in the instrument compartment installed between the head and the third stage, and its executive bodies - at all stages in the tail compartments. The firing accuracy was 1.9 km.

The ICBM carried a monoblock nuclear charge with a capacity of 0.6 Mt. Monitoring the technical condition and launching of missiles was carried out remotely from the command post of the DBK. The important features of this complex for the troops were ease of operation, a relatively small number of service units and the lack of refueling facilities.

The appearance of missile defense systems among the Americans required the modernization of the missile in relation to the new conditions. Work began in 1968. On January 16, 1970, the first test launch of the modernized rocket took place at the Plesetsk test site. Two years later, she was adopted.

The upgraded RT-2P differed from its predecessor by a more advanced control system, a warhead, the nuclear charge power of which was increased to 750 kt, and improved operational characteristics. Firing accuracy increased to 1.5 km. The missile was equipped with a complex to overcome missile defense systems. The upgraded RT-2P and the previously fired missiles, which were delivered to the missile units in 1974 and modified to their technical level, were on combat duty until the mid-1990s.

By the end of the 1960s, conditions began to emerge for achieving nuclear parity between the United States and the Soviet Union. The latter, rapidly building up the combat potential of its strategic nuclear forces and, above all, the Strategic Missile Forces, in the coming years could catch up with the United States of America in terms of the number of nuclear charge carriers. Overseas, such a prospect of high-ranking politicians and military did not please.

RS-12, first stage

The next round of the missile arms race was associated with the creation of multiple reentry vehicles with individually targetable warheads (MIRV-type MIRVs). Their appearance was caused, on the one hand, by the desire to have as many nuclear charges as possible to hit targets, and on the other hand, by the inability to infinitely increase the number of launch vehicles for a number of economic and technical reasons.

A higher level of development of science and technology at that time allowed the Americans to be the first to start work on the creation of MIRVs. Initially, dispersing warheads were developed in a special scientific center. But they were only suitable for hitting area targets due to the low pointing accuracy. Such a MIRV was equipped with the Polaris-AZT SLBM. The introduction of powerful on-board computers made it possible to increase the accuracy of guidance. At the end of the 60s, the specialists of the scientific center completed the development of the Mk12 and Mk17 individual guidance MIRVs. Their successful tests at the White Sands army test site (all American warheads with a nuclear charge were tested there) confirmed the possibility of their use on ballistic missiles.

The Mk12 carrier, the design of which was developed by representatives of the General Electric company, was the Minuteman-3 ICBM, which Boeing began designing at the end of 1966. Possessing high firing accuracy, according to the plan of American strategists, it was supposed to become a "thunderstorm of Soviet missiles." Based on the previous model. Significant alterations were not required, and in August 1968 the new missile was transferred to the Western Missile Range. There, according to the program of flight design tests for the period from 1968 to 1970, 25 launches were carried out, of which only six were recognized as unsuccessful. After the completion of this series, six more demonstration launches were carried out for high authorities and ever-doubting politicians. All of them were successful. But they were not the last in the history of this ICBM. During its long service, 201 launches were carried out both for testing and training purposes. The rocket showed high reliability. Only 14 of them failed (7% of the total).

Since the end of 1970, the Minuteman-3 began to enter service with the SAC of the US Air Force to replace all the remaining Minuteman-1B missiles and 50 Minuteman-2 missiles at that time.

ICBM "Minuteman-3" structurally consists of three successive marching solid propellant rocket motors and docked to the third stage MIRV with a fairing. Engines of the first and second stages - M-55A1 and SR-19, inherited from their predecessors. The SR-73 solid propellant rocket engine was designed by United Technologies specifically for the third stage of this rocket. It has a bonded solid propellant charge and one fixed nozzle. During its operation, the control in pitch and yaw angles is carried out by injecting liquid into the supercritical part of the nozzle, and in roll, using an autonomous gas generator system installed on the hull skirt.

The new NS-20 brand control system was developed by Rockwell International's Otonetics division. It is intended for flight control on the active part of the trajectory; calculation of the trajectory parameters in accordance with the flight task recorded in the memory devices of the three-channel onboard computer; calculation of control commands for actuator actuators of the rocket; management of the warhead disengagement program when aiming them at individual targets; implementation of self-control and control of the functioning of on-board and ground systems in the process of combat duty and pre-launch preparation. The main part of the equipment is placed in a sealed instrument compartment. The GSP gyroblocks are in the untwisted state when on combat duty. The released heat is removed by the temperature control system. SU provides shooting accuracy (KVO) of 400 m.

ICBM "Minuteman-3" (USA) 1970

I - the first stage; II - the second stage; III - the third stage; IV - head part; V - connecting compartment; 1 - combat unit; 2 - platform of warheads; 3 - electronic blocks of automation of warheads; 4 - starting device solid propellant rocket motor; 5 - charge of solid rocket engine fuel; 6 - thermal insulation of the rocket engine; 7 - cable box; 8 - device for blowing gas into the nozzle; 9 - solid propellant nozzle; 10 - connecting skirt; 11 - tail skirt.

We will focus on the design of the Mk12 head part. Structurally, the MIRV consists of a combat compartment and a breeding stage. In addition, a complex of means of overcoming missile defense can be installed, in which chaff is used. The mass of the head part with a fairing is a little more than 1000 kg. The fairing originally had an ogive shape, then a triconic one and was made of a titanium alloy. The warhead body is two-layer: the outer layer is a heat-shielding coating, the inner one is a power shell. A special tip is installed at the top.

At the bottom of the dilution stage is the propulsion system, which includes an axial thrust engine, 10 orientation and stabilization engines, and two fuel tanks. Two-component liquid fuel is used to power the propulsion system. The displacement of components from the tanks is carried out by the pressure of compressed helium, the supply of which is stored in a spherical cylinder. The thrust of the axial thrust engine is 143 kg. The duration of the remote control is about 400 seconds. The power of the nuclear charge of each warhead is 330 kt.

In a relatively short time, a group of 550 Minuteman-3 missiles was deployed at four missile bases. The missiles are in the silo in 30-second readiness for launch. The launch was carried out directly from the shaft after the first stage solid propellant rocket engine entered the operating mode.

All Minuteman-3 missiles have been upgraded more than once. The charges of rocket engines of the first and second stages were replaced. The characteristics of the control system were improved by taking into account the errors of the complex of command instruments and the development of new algorithms. As a result, the firing accuracy (KVO) was 210 m. In 1971, a program began to improve the security of silo launchers. It provided for the strengthening of the structure of the mine, the installation of a new missile suspension system and a number of other measures. All work was completed in February 1980. The security of the silo has been brought to a value of 60–70 kg/cm?.

ICBM RS-20A with MIRV (USSR) 1975

1 - the first stage; 2 - second stage; 3 - connecting compartment; 4 - head fairing; 5 - tail compartment; 6 - carrier tank of the first stage; 7 - combat unit; 8 - propulsion system of the first stage; 9 - frame for fastening the propulsion system; 10 - fuel tank of the first stage; 11 - mains of the ASG of the first stage; 12 - oxidizer supply pipeline; 13 - first stage oxidizer tank; 14 - power element of the connecting compartment; 15 - steering rocket engine; 16 - propulsion system of the second stage; 17 - fuel tank of the second stage; 18 - second stage oxidizer tank; 19 - highway ASG; 20 - control system equipment.

On August 30, 1979, a series of 10 flight tests was completed to test the improved Mk12A MIRV. It was installed instead of the previous one on 300 Minuteman-3 missiles. The charge power of each warhead was increased to 0.5 Mt. True, the area for breeding blocks and the maximum flight range have somewhat decreased. In general, this ICBM is reliable and capable of hitting targets throughout the former Soviet Union. Experts believe that she will be on alert until the beginning of the next millennium.

The appearance of MIRVed missiles in service with the US strategic nuclear forces sharply worsened the position of the USSR. Soviet ICBMs immediately fell into the category of morally obsolete, since they could not solve a number of newly emerging tasks, and most importantly, the probability of delivering an effective retaliatory strike was significantly reduced. There was no doubt that the warheads of the Minuteman-3 missiles, in the event of a nuclear war, would strike at silo launchers and command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces. And the likelihood of such a war at that time was very high. In addition, in the second half of the 60s, work in the field of missile defense intensified in the United States.

The problem could not be solved by only creating a new ICBM. It was necessary to improve the system of combat control of missile weapons, increase the protection of command posts and launchers, and also solve a number of additional tasks. After a detailed study by specialists of options for the development of the Strategic Missile Forces and a report on the results of research to the leadership of the state, it was decided to develop heavy and medium missiles capable of carrying a significant payload and ensuring parity in the field of nuclear weapons. But this meant that the Soviet Union was being drawn into a new round of the arms race, and in the most dangerous and costly area at that.

The Dnepropetrovsk Design Bureau, which after the death of M. Yangel was headed by Academician V.F. Utkin, was instructed to create a heavy rocket. In the same place, development work on a rocket with a lower launch mass was launched in parallel.

The heavy ICBM RS-20A went on its first test flight on February 21, 1973 from the Baikonur test site. Due to the complexity of the technical tasks to be solved, the development of the entire complex was delayed for two and a half years. At the end of 1975, on December 30, a new DBK with this missile was put on combat duty. Having inherited all the best from the R-36, the new ICBM has become the most powerful missile in its class.

The rocket is made according to the "tandem" scheme with a sequential separation of stages and structurally included the first, second and combat stages. Fuel tanks of the supporting structure were made of metal alloys. The separation of the stages was provided by the operation of explosive bolts.

ICBM RS-20A with monoblock warhead

The first-stage propulsion rocket engine combined four independent propulsion units into a single design. Control forces in flight were created by deflecting the nozzle blocks.

The propulsion system of the second stage consisted of a propulsion rocket engine, made according to a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering engine, made according to an open circuit. All liquid-propellant rocket engines were powered by high-boiling, self-igniting liquid fuel components on contact.

An autonomous inertial control system was installed on the rocket, the operation of which was provided by an onboard digital computer system. To increase the reliability of the BTsVK, all its main elements had redundancy. During combat duty, the onboard computer provided information exchange with ground devices. The most important parameters of the technical condition of the rocket were controlled by the control system. The use of BTsVK made it possible to achieve high firing accuracy. The QUO of the points of impact of warheads was 430 m.

ICBMs of this type carried particularly powerful combat equipment. There were two variants of warheads: monobloc, with a capacity of 24 Mt and MIRV with 8 individually targetable warheads with a capacity of 900 kt each. An improved complex for overcoming anti-missile defense systems was installed on the rocket.

ICBM RS-20B (USSR) 1980

The RS-20A missile, placed in a transport and launch container, was installed in an OS-type silo launcher in a refueled state and could be on combat duty for a long time. Preparation for the launch and launch of the rocket were carried out automatically after the control system received the launch command. To exclude unauthorized use of nuclear missile weapons, the control system accepted only commands specified by the code key. The implementation of such an algorithm was made possible by the introduction of a new system of centralized combat control at all command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces.

This missile was in service until the mid-80s, until it was replaced by the RS-20B. She, like all her contemporaries in the Strategic Missile Forces, owes her appearance to the development of neutron munitions by the Americans, new achievements in the field of electronics and mechanical engineering, and increasing requirements for the combat and operational characteristics of strategic missile systems.

The RS-20B ICBM differed from its predecessor by a more advanced control system and a combat stage refined to the level of modern requirements. Due to the powerful energy, the number of warheads on the MIRV was brought to 10.

The combat equipment itself has also changed. As the accuracy of shooting has increased, it has become possible to reduce the power of nuclear charges. As a result, the flight range of a rocket with a monoblock warhead was brought up to 16,000 km.

R-36 missiles have also been used for peaceful purposes. On their basis, a launch vehicle was created for launching spacecraft of the Kosmos series for various purposes into orbit.

Another brainchild of the Utkin Design Bureau was the PC-16A ICBM. Although she was the first to enter the tests (the launch at Baikonur took place on December 26, 1972), she was accepted into service on the same day along with the RS-20 and PC-18, the story of which is yet to come.

Rocket RS-16A - two-stage, with liquid fuel engines, made according to the "tandem" scheme with sequential separation of stages in flight. The rocket body has a cylindrical shape with a conical head. Fuel tanks of the supporting structure.

ICBM RS-20V in flight

Space rocket complex "Cyclone" based on the RS-20B

The propulsion system of the first stage consisted of a propulsion liquid-propellant rocket engine, made according to a closed circuit and a steering four-chamber liquid-propellant rocket engine, made according to an open circuit with rotary combustion chambers.

At the second stage, one sustainer single-chamber liquid-propellant rocket engine was installed, designed according to a closed circuit, with a part of the outflowing gas blown into the supercritical part of the nozzle to create control forces in flight. All rocket engines run on high-boiling, self-igniting on contact oxidizer and fuel. To ensure a stable operation of the engines, the fuel tanks were pressurized with nitrogen. Refueling of the rocket was carried out after installation in the launch shaft.

An autonomous inertial control system with an onboard computer system was installed on the rocket. It provided control of all missile systems during combat duty, pre-launch preparation and launch. The embedded algorithms for the functioning of the control system in flight made it possible to ensure a firing accuracy (CVO) of no more than 470 m. The RS-16A missile was equipped with a multiple warhead with four individually targetable warheads, each of which contained a nuclear charge with a capacity of 750 kt.

ICBM PC-16A (USSR) 1975

1 - first stage, 2 - second stage, 3 - instrument compartment, 4 - tail compartment, 5 - head fairing, 6 - connecting compartment, 7 - first stage propulsion system, 8 - steering rocket engine, 9 - propulsion system mounting frame, 10 - first stage fuel tank, 11 - oxidant supply pipeline, 12 - first stage oxidizer tank, 13 - ASG line, 14 - second stage propulsion system attachment frame, 15 - second stage propulsion system, 16 - second stage fuel tank, 17 - second stage oxidizer tank, 18 - oxidizer tank pressurization line, 19 - CS electronic units, 20 - warhead, 21 - warhead fairing attachment hinge.

The great advantage of the new combat missile system was that the missiles were installed in silo launchers previously built for ballistic missiles of the first and second generations. It was necessary to carry out the necessary amount of work to improve some of the silo systems and it was possible to load new missiles. This resulted in significant financial savings.

On October 25, 1977, the first launch of the upgraded rocket took place, which received the designation RS-16B. Flight tests were carried out at Baikonur until September 15, 1979. On December 17, 1980, the DBK with a modernized missile was put into service.

The new missile differed from its predecessor by an improved control system (the accuracy of delivery of warheads increased to 350 m) and a combat stage. The multiple reentry vehicle installed on the rocket has also been upgraded. The combat capabilities of the missile have increased by 1.5 times, the reliability of many systems and the security of the entire DBK have increased. The first RS-16B missiles were put on combat duty in 1980, and at the time of signing the START-1 Treaty, 47 missiles of this type were in service with the Strategic Missile Forces.

ICBM RS-16A assembled without warhead (outside the launch canister)

The third missile that entered service during this period was the PC-18, developed at the Design Bureau of Academician V. Chelomey. This missile was supposed to harmoniously complement the strategic weapons system being created. Her first flight took place on April 9, 1973. Flight design tests took place at the Baikonur test site until the summer of 1975, after which the State Commission considered it possible to put the DBK into service.

Rocket PC-18 - two-stage, made according to the "tandem" scheme with sequential separation of stages in flight. Structurally, it consisted of the first, second stages, connecting compartments, an instrument compartment and an aggregate-instrument block with a split warhead.

The first and second stages constituted the so-called block of accelerators. All fuel tanks are load-bearing. The propulsion system of the first stage had four sustainer liquid-propellant rocket engines with rotary nozzles. One of the rocket engines was used to maintain the operating mode of the propulsion system in flight.

The propulsion system of the second stage consisted of a sustainer rocket engine and a steering liquid engine, which had four rotary nozzles. To ensure the stable operation of the rocket engines of the booster unit in flight, pressurization of the fuel tanks was provided.

All rocket engines operated on self-igniting stable propellant components. Refueling was carried out at the factory after the rocket was installed in the transport and launch container. However, the design of the pneumohydraulic system of the rocket and the TPK made it possible, if necessary, to carry out operations for draining and subsequent refueling of rocket fuel components. The pressure in all rocket tanks was continuously monitored by a special system.

An autonomous inertial control system based on an onboard digital computer complex was installed on the rocket. When on combat duty, the SU, together with the ground-based TsVK, carried out control of the on-board systems of the missile and adjacent systems of the launcher. In all operational and combat modes, the rocket was carried out remotely from the command post of the DBK. The high performance of the control system was confirmed during test launches. The firing accuracy (KVO) was 350 m. The RS-18 carried an MIRV with six individually targetable warheads with a nuclear charge of 550 kt and could hit highly protected enemy point targets and covered by missile defense systems.

The missile was “ampulized” in a transport and launch container, which was placed in silo launchers with a high degree of protection specially created for this missile complex.

The DBK with the PC-18 ICBM was a significant step forward even compared to the missile system with the RS-16A missile adopted at the same time. But as it turned out, in the process of operation, and he was not without flaws. In addition, during training and combat launches of missiles put on combat duty, a defect in the rocket engine of one of the stages was revealed. The matter took a serious turn. As always, there were also guilty “switchmen”. Colonel-General M. G. Grigoriev, First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, was removed from his post, whose only fault was that he was the chairman of the State Commission for testing the missile system with the RS-18 missile.

These failures hastened the adoption of a modernized missile under the same RS-18 index with improved performance characteristics, flight tests of which have been carried out since October 26, 1977. In November 1979, the new DBK was officially adopted to replace its predecessor.

ICBM RS-18 (USSR) 1975

1 - body of the first stage; 2 - body of the second stage; 3 - sealed instrument compartment; 4 - combat stage; 5 - tail section of the first stage; 6 - head fairing; 7 - propulsion system of the first stage; 8 - fuel tank of the first stage; 9 - oxidizer supply pipeline; 10 - first stage oxidizer tank; 11 - cable box; 12 - main ASG; 13 - propulsion system of the second stage; 14 - power element of the body of the connecting compartment; 15 - fuel tank of the second stage; 16 - second stage oxidizer tank; 17- highway ASG; 18 - solid fuel brake engine; 19 - devices of the control system; 20 - combat unit.

On the improved rocket, the defects of the rocket engines of the booster unit were eliminated, while at the same time increasing their reliability, improving the characteristics of the control system, installing a new aggregate-instrument unit, which increased the flight range to 10,000 km, and increased the effectiveness of combat equipment.

The command post of the missile system has undergone significant modifications. A number of systems were replaced by more advanced and reliable ones. Increased the degree of protection against damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The changes made have greatly simplified the operation of the entire combat missile system, which was immediately noted in the reviews from the military units.

From the second half of the 1970s, the Soviet Union began to experience a lack of financial resources for the harmonious development of the country's economy, which was caused not least by large expenditures on armaments. Under these conditions, the modernization of all three missile systems was carried out with the maximum degree of saving financial and material resources. Improved missiles were installed in place of the old ones, and in most cases modernization was carried out by bringing existing missiles to new standards.

The efforts made in the 1970s to further improve and develop missile weapons in our country played an important role in achieving strategic parity between the USSR and the USA. Adoption and deployment of third-generation missile systems equipped with individually guided MIRVs and means to overcome missile defense made it possible to achieve an approximate equality in the number of nuclear warheads on strategic launchers (excluding strategic bombers) of both states.

During these years, the development of ICBMs, like SLBMs, began to be influenced by a new factor - the process of limiting strategic arms. On May 26, 1972, during a summit meeting in Moscow, an Interim Agreement was signed between the Soviet Union and the United States of America on certain measures in the field of limiting strategic offensive arms, called SALT-1. It was concluded for a period of five years and entered into force on October 3, 1972.

The interim agreement established quantitative and qualitative restrictions on fixed ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers and ballistic missile submarines. The construction of additional land-based stationary ICBM launchers was prohibited, which fixed their quantitative level as of July 1, 1972 for each of the parties.

Modernization of strategic missiles and launchers was allowed on the condition that the launchers of light ground-based ICBMs, as well as ballistic missiles deployed before 1964, were not converted into launchers for heavy missiles.

In 1974-1976, in accordance with the Protocol on Procedures Governing the Replacement, Dismantling and Destruction of Strategic Offensive Arms, 210 launchers of R-16U and R-9A ICBMs with equipment and structures of launch positions were decommissioned and eliminated in the Strategic Missile Forces. The United States did not need to carry out such work.

On June 19, 1979, a new treaty between the USSR and the United States on the limitation of strategic arms was signed in Vienna, which was called the SALT-2 Treaty. If it came into force, each of the parties had to limit the level of strategic launchers to 2250 units from January 1, 1981. Subject to restrictions were carriers equipped with MIRVs for individual guidance. In the established total limit, they should not exceed 1320 units. Of this number, for PU ICBMs, the limit was set at 820 units. In addition, severe restrictions were imposed on the modernization of stationary launchers of strategic intercontinental missiles - it was forbidden to create mobile launchers of such missiles. It was allowed to conduct flight tests and deploy only one new type of light ICBM with a number of warheads not exceeding 10 pieces.

Despite the fact that the SALT-2 Treaty fairly and balancedly took into account the interests of both parties, the US administration refused to ratify it. And no wonder: the Americans thoughtfully approach their interests. By that time, most of their nuclear warheads were on SLBMs, and 336 missiles would have to be eliminated to fit into the established framework of restrictions on carriers. They were supposed to be either ground-based Minutemen-3 or naval Poseidons, recently adopted by modern SSBNs. At that time, tests of the new Ohio SSBN with the Trident-1 missile had just ended, and the interests of the American military-industrial complex could be seriously affected. In a word, from the financial side, this Treaty did not suit the government and the US military-industrial complex. However, there were other reasons to refuse to ratify it. But although the SALT-2 Treaty never entered into force, the parties still adhered to certain restrictions.

At that time, another state began to arm itself with intercontinental ballistic missiles. In the late 70s, the Chinese took up the creation of ICBMs. They needed such a missile to reinforce their claims to a leading role in the Asian region and the Pacific Ocean. With such weapons, it was possible to threaten the United States.

Flight and design tests of the Dun-3 missile were carried out at a limited range - China did not have prepared test routes of considerable length. The first such launch was carried out from the Shuangengzi test site at a distance of 800 km. The second launch was carried out from the Uzhai test site at a range of about 2000 km. The tests were clearly delayed. Only in 1983, the Dong-3 ICBM (Chinese designation - Dongfeng-5) was adopted by the nuclear forces of the People's Liberation Army of China.

In terms of technical level, it corresponded to the Soviet and American ICBMs of the early 60s. A two-stage rocket with a sequential separation of stages had an all-metal body. The steps were joined together by means of a transition compartment of the truss structure. Due to the low energy characteristics of the engines, the designers had to increase the fuel supply in order to achieve the specified flight range. The maximum diameter of the rocket was 3.35 m, which is still a record figure for an ICBM.

The inertial control system, traditional for Chinese missiles, ensured a firing accuracy (KVO) of 3 km. "Dun-3" carried a monoblock nuclear warhead with a capacity of 2 Mt.

Remained low and the survivability of the complex as a whole. Despite the fact that the ICBM was placed in a silo launcher, its protection did not exceed 10 kg / cm? (by pressure in the front of the shock wave). For the 80s, this was clearly not enough. The Chinese missile lagged far behind the American and Soviet models of rocket technology in all the most important combat indicators.

ICBM "Dun-3" (China) 1983

Equipping combat units with this missile was slow. In addition, on its basis, a launch vehicle was created to launch spacecraft into near-Earth orbits, which could not but affect the pace of production of military intercontinental missiles.

In the early 90s, the Chinese modernized the Dun-3. A significant jump in the level of the economy made it possible to raise the level of rocket science. Dun-ZM became the first Chinese MIRVed ICBM. It was equipped with 4-5 individually targeted warheads with a capacity of 350 kt each. Improved characteristics of the missile control system, which immediately affected the accuracy of fire (KVO was 1.5 km). But even after modernization, this missile, in comparison with foreign analogues, cannot be considered modern.

Let's go back to the US in the 1970s. In 1972, a special government commission was engaged in studying the prospects for the development of US strategic nuclear forces until the end of the 20th century. Based on the results of its work, President Nixon's administration issued an assignment to develop a promising ICBM capable of carrying MIRVs with 10 individually targetable warheads. The program received the MX code. The advanced research phase lasted six years. During this time, a dozen and a half projects of missiles with a launch weight of 27 to 143 tons, presented by various companies, were studied. As a result, the choice fell on the project of a three-stage rocket with a mass of about 90 tons, capable of being placed in the silo of Minuteman missiles.

In the period from 1976 to 1979, intensive experimental work was carried out both on the design of the rocket and on its possible basing. In June 1979, President Carter decided on the full-scale development of a new ICBM. The parent company was "Martin Marietta", which was entrusted with the coordination of all work.

In April 1982, bench fire tests of solid propellant rocket motors began, and a year later, on June 17, 1983, the rocket went on its first test flight at a range of 7600 km. He was considered quite successful. Simultaneously with flight tests, basing options were being developed. Initially, three options were considered: mine, mobile and air. So, for example, it was planned to create a special carrier aircraft, which was supposed to carry out combat duty by loitering in established areas and, on a signal, drop a missile, after having previously aimed it. After separation from the carrier, the main engine of the first stage was to be turned on. But this, as well as a number of other possible options, remained on paper. The US military really wanted to get the latest missile with a high degree of survivability. By that time, the main way was to create mobile missile systems, the location of the launchers of which could change in space, which created difficulties for delivering a targeted nuclear strike against them. But the principle of cost savings prevailed. Since the tempting air option was extremely expensive, and the Americans did not have time to fully work out the mobile ground (mobile underground) option, it was decided to place 50 new ICBMs in the modernized Minuteman-3 missile silos at the Warren missile base, and also continue testing mobile railway complex.

In 1986, the LGM-118A missile, called the Peekeper, entered service (in Russia it is better known as the MX). When it was created, the developers used all the latest in the field of materials science, electronics and instrumentation. Much attention was paid to reducing the mass of structures and individual elements of the rocket.

MX includes three march stages and a MIRV. All of them have the same design and consist of a body, a solid propellant charge, a nozzle block and a thrust vector control system. The solid propellant rocket engine of the first stage was created by Tiokol. Its body is wound from Kevlar-49 fibers, which have high strength and low weight. The front and rear bottoms are made of aluminum alloy. The nozzle block is deflectable with flexible supports.

The solid propellant rocket engine of the second stage was developed by Aerojet and differs structurally from the Tiokol engine in its nozzle block. The high-expansion deflectable nozzle has a telescopic type nozzle to increase the length. It is moved into the working position by means of a gas generating device after the separation of the rocket engine of the previous stage. To create control forces for rotation at the stage of operation of the first and second stages, a special system is installed, consisting of a gas generator and a control valve that redistributes the gas flow between two obliquely cut nozzles. The Hercules third-stage solid-propellant rocket engine differs from its predecessors in the absence of a thrust cut-off system, and its nozzle has two telescopic nozzles. Dual-mixture propellant charges are poured into ready-made rocket engine cases.


The steps are interconnected by means of adapters made of aluminum. The entire body of the rocket from the outside is covered with a protective coating that protects it from heating by hot gases during launch and from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

The inertial control system of the missile with the Meka-type BTsVK is located in the compartment of the MIRV propulsion system, which made it possible to achieve savings in the overall length of the ICBM. It provides flight control on the active part of the trajectory, at the stage of disengagement of warheads, and is also activated when the missile is on combat duty. The high quality of the GPS devices, accounting for errors and the use of new algorithms ensured a firing accuracy (CVO) of about 100 m. To create the required temperature regime, the control system in flight is cooled with freon from a special reservoir. The pitch and yaw angles are controlled by deflectable nozzles.

The MX ICBM is equipped with the Mk21 multiple reentry vehicle, consisting of a warhead compartment, closed by a fairing, and a propulsion unit compartment. The first compartment has a maximum capacity of 12 warheads, similar to the AP of the Minuteman-ZU missile. Currently, it houses 10 individually targeted warheads with a capacity of 600 kt each. Propulsion system with rocket engine of multiple inclusion. It is launched at the stage of operation of the third stage and ensures the breeding of all combat equipment. For the MIRV Mk21, a new set of means to overcome anti-missile defense systems has been developed, including light and heavy decoys, various jammers.

The rocket is placed in a container from which it is launched. For the first time, the Americans used a "mortar launch" to launch ICBMs from a silo launcher. The solid propellant gas generator, located in the lower part of the container, when triggered, ejects the rocket to a height of 30 m from the level of the mine protective device, after which the first-stage main engine is turned on.

According to American experts, the combat effectiveness of the MX missile system is 6-8 times greater than the effectiveness of the Minuteman-3 system. In 1988, the deployment program for 50 Pikeper ICBMs ended. However, the search for ways to increase the survivability of these missiles has not ended. In 1989, a mobile railway missile system entered the test. It included a launcher car, a command and control car equipped with the necessary means of control and communication, as well as other cars that ensure the operation of the entire complex. At the training ground of the Ministry of Railways, this DBK was tested until mid-1991. Upon their completion, it was planned to deploy 25 trains with 2 launchers each. In peacetime, all of them were supposed to be at the point of permanent deployment. With the transfer to the highest degree of combat readiness, the command of the US strategic nuclear forces planned to disperse all the trains along the railway network of the United States of America. But the signing of the START Limitation and Reduction Treaty in July 1991 changed those plans. The railway missile system never entered service.

In the USSR, in the mid-1980s, the missile weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces were further developed. This was due to the implementation of the American strategic defense initiative, which provided for the launch of nuclear weapons and weapons based on new physical principles into space orbits, which created an exceptionally high danger and vulnerability for the strategic nuclear forces of the USSR throughout the territory. To maintain strategic parity, it was decided to create new silo and rail-based missile systems with RT-23 UTTKh missiles, similar in their characteristics to the American MX, and to modernize the RS-20 and PC-12 DBK.

The first of them in 1985 received a mobile rocket launcher with the RS-12M missile. The accumulated wealth of experience in the operation of mobile ground systems (for operational-tactical missiles and medium-range missiles) allowed Soviet designers to create a practically new mobile complex on the basis of a mine-based intercontinental solid-propellant missile in a short time. The upgraded missile was placed on a self-propelled launcher, made on the chassis of a MAZ seven-axle tractor.

ICBM RS-12M in flight

In 1986, the State Commission adopted a railway missile system with RT-23UTTKh ICBMs, and two years later, the RT-23UTTKh, located in the silos previously used for RS-18 missiles, entered service with the Strategic Missile Forces. After the collapse of the USSR, 46 of the latest missiles ended up on the territory of Ukraine and are currently subject to liquidation.

All of these rockets are three-stage, with solid fuel engines. Their inertial control system ensures high firing accuracy. The RS-12M ICBM carries a single-block nuclear warhead with a capacity of 550 kt, and both modifications of the RS-22 carry an individually targetable MIRV with ten warheads.

The Rs-20V heavy intercontinental missile entered service in 1988. It is still the most powerful rocket in the world and is capable of carrying twice the payload of the American MX.

With the signing of the START-1 Treaty, the development of intercontinental missiles in the United States and the Soviet Union was suspended. At that time, each country was developing a complex with a small-sized missile to replace obsolete third-generation ICBMs.

The American program "Midgetman" was launched in April 1983 in accordance with the recommendations of the Scowcroft Commission, appointed by the US President to develop proposals for the development of land-based intercontinental missiles. Rather stringent requirements were set before the developers: to ensure a flight range of 11,000 km, reliable destruction of small targets with a monoblock nuclear warhead. In this case, the rocket was supposed to have a mass of about 15 tons and is suitable for placement in silos and on mobile ground installations. Initially, this program was given the status of the highest national priority, and work went on at full speed. Very quickly, two versions of a three-stage rocket with a launch weight of 13.6 and 15 tons were developed. After a competitive selection, it was decided to develop a rocket with a larger mass. Fiberglass and composite materials were widely used in its design. At the same time, a mobile protected launcher for this missile was being developed.

But with the intensification of work on SDI, there has been a tendency to slow down work on the Midgetman program. In early 1990, President Reagan gave instructions to curtail work on this complex, which was never brought to full readiness.

Unlike the American one, the Soviet DBK of this type was almost ready for deployment by the time the Treaty was signed. Flight tests of the rocket were in full swing and options for its combat use were developed.

Start of ICBM RS-22B

Currently, only China continues to develop ICBMs, seeking to create a missile that can compete with American and Russian designs. Work is underway on a solid rocket with MIRVs. It will have three sustainer stages with solid-fuel rocket engines and a launch weight of about 50 tons. The level of development of the electronics industry will allow (according to some estimates) to create an inertial control system capable of providing firing accuracy (CVO) of no more than 800 m. the new ICBM will be in silo launchers.

Strategic nuclear systems have long been turned into weapons of deterrence, and play more into the hands of politicians than the military. And, if strategic missiles are not completely eliminated, then both Russia and the United States will have to replace physically and morally obsolete ICBMs with new ones. What they will be, time will tell.

Missile weapons are the dominant direction in the military defense of all leading powers, so it is so important to know: ICBMs - what is it? Today, intercontinental ballistic missiles are the most powerful means of deterring the threat of a nuclear attack.

MBR - what is it?

A guided intercontinental ballistic missile has a ground-to-ground class and a flight range of more than 5,500 km. Its equipment is nuclear warheads, which are designed to destroy extremely important strategic objects of a potential enemy located on other continents. This type of missiles, according to possible methods of basing, are divided into those launched from:

  • ground stations - this method of basing is now considered obsolete and has not been used since 1960);
  • stationary mine rocket launcher (silo). The most highly protected launch complex from a nuclear explosion and other damaging factors;
  • mobile portable, on the basis of the wheel chassis of installations. This and subsequent bases are the most difficult to detect, but have dimensional limitations for the missiles themselves;
  • railway installations;
  • submarine.

ICBM flight altitude

One of the most important characteristics for the accuracy of hitting a target is the flight altitude of an intercontinental ballistic missile. The launch is carried out with a strictly vertical position of the rocket, for an accelerated exit from dense atmospheric layers. Then there is a tilt towards the programmed target. Moving along a given trajectory, the rocket at its highest point can reach a height of 1000 km or more.

ICBM flight speed

The accuracy of hitting the enemy's target largely depends on the speed correctly set at the initial stage, at launch. At the highest point of the flight, the ICBM has the lowest speed, while deviating towards the target, the speed increases. Most of the rocket passes by inertia, but in those layers of the atmosphere where air resistance is practically absent. When descending to contact with the target, the speed of an intercontinental ballistic missile can be about 6 km per second.

ICBM tests

The first country to start creating a ballistic missile was German Germany, but there is no reliable data on possibly conducted tests, work was suspended at the stage of developing drawings and creating sketches. In the future, tests of an intercontinental ballistic missile were carried out in the following chronological order:

  1. The United States in 1948 launched a prototype MBA.
  2. The USSR in 1957 successfully launched a two-stage rocket "Semerka".
  3. In 1958, the United States launched the Atlas, and later it became the first ICBM in the state to be put into service.
  4. The USSR in 1962 launched a rocket from a silo.
  5. In 1962, the United States passed the tests, and the first solid-fuel rocket was put into service.
  6. USSR in 1970 passed the tests, and was adopted by the state. armament is a missile with three separable warheads.
  7. United States since 1970 adopted by the state. armament "Minuteman", the only one launched from a ground base.
  8. USSR in 1976 adopted by the state. armament first mobile launch missiles.
  9. The USSR in 1976 adopted the first missiles launched from railway installations.
  10. In 1988, the USSR passed the test, and the most multi-ton and powerful ICBM in the history of weapons was put into service.
  11. Russia in 2009 there was a training launch of the latest modification of the Voevoda ICBM.
  12. India tested ICBMs in 2012.
  13. Russia in 2013 conducted a test launch of a new prototype ICBM from a mobile launch facility.
  14. In 2017, the United States tested the ground-based Minuteman 3.
  15. 2017 North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time.

The best ICBMs in the world

Intercontinental ballistic installations are divided according to several parameters that are important for successfully hitting a target:

  1. The best of the mobile installations is Topol M. Country - Russia, launched in 1994, solid fuel, monoblock.
  2. The most promising for further modernization is the Yars RS-24. Country - Russia, launched in 2007, solid fuel.
  3. The most powerful ICBM is "Satan". Country - USSR, launched in 1970, two-stage, solid fuel.
  4. The best of the long-range - SLBM Trident II D5. Country - USA, launched in 1987, three-stage.
  5. The fastest is the Minuteman LGM-30G. Country - USA, launched in 1966.

Intercontinental ballistic missile "Satan"

"Voevoda" intercontinental ballistic missile is the most powerful nuclear installation in existence in the world. In the West, in the NATO countries, she is called "Satan". There are two technical modifications of this missile in service in Russia. The latest of the developments can conduct combat operations (hitting a given target) under all possible conditions, including the condition of a nuclear explosion (or repeated explosions).

ICBMs, what does this mean in terms of general characteristics. For example, the fact that Voyevoda is superior in power to the recently launched American Minuteman:

  • 200 m - hit error;
  • 500 sq. km - the radius of destruction;
  • not infected by radars due to "false targets" created during the flight;
  • there is no missile defense system in the world capable of destroying a nuclear missile head.

Intercontinental ballistic missile Bulava

Bulava ICBM is the latest development of Russian scientists and engineers. The technical specifications indicate:

  • solid fuel (fuel of the 5th generation is used);
  • three-stage;
  • astroradioinertial control system;
  • launch from submarines, "on the go";
  • impact radius 8 thousand km;
  • weight at launch 36.8 t;
  • withstands hit by any laser weapon;
  • tests are not completed;
  • the rest of the specifications are classified.

Intercontinental missiles of the world

The speed and impact indicators depend on how the intercontinental ballistic missile flies (the amplitude of movement). In addition to Russia and the United States, there are several other world powers armed with ICBMs, these are France and China:

  1. China (DF-5A) - range 13,000 km, two-stage, liquid fuel.
  2. China (DF-31A) - range 11,200 km, solid propellant, three-stage.
  3. France (M51) - flight range 10,000 km, solid fuel, launch from submarines.

The military policy of any state is based on the protection of state borders, state sovereignty and national security. Therefore, it is worth asking the question: ICBMs - what can this mean for the effective protection of the borders of the Russian Federation? Russian military doctrine presupposes the right to retaliate when applied against its aggression. In this regard, ballistic missiles in service are the most effective means of deterring foreign aggression.

The intercontinental ballistic missile is a very impressive human creation. Huge size, thermonuclear power, a column of flame, the roar of engines and the menacing rumble of launch ... However, all this exists only on earth and in the first minutes of launch. After their expiration, the rocket ceases to exist. Further into the flight and the performance of the combat mission, only what remains of the rocket after acceleration - its payload - goes.

Nikolay Tsyghikalo

With long launch ranges, the payload of an intercontinental ballistic missile goes into space for many hundreds of kilometers. It rises into the layer of low-orbit satellites, 1000-1200 km above the Earth, and briefly settles among them, only slightly behind their general run. And then, along an elliptical trajectory, it begins to slide down ...

What exactly is this load?

A ballistic missile consists of two main parts - an accelerating part and another, for the sake of which acceleration is started. The accelerating part is a pair or three large multi-ton stages, stuffed to capacity with fuel and with engines from below. They give the necessary speed and direction to the movement of the other main part of the rocket - the head. The accelerating stages, replacing each other in the launch relay, accelerate this warhead in the direction of the area of ​​​​its future fall.

The head of a rocket is a complex cargo of many elements. It contains a warhead (one or more), a platform on which these warheads are placed along with the rest of the economy (such as means of deceiving enemy radars and anti-missiles), and a fairing. Even in the head part there is fuel and compressed gases. The entire warhead will not fly to the target. It, like the ballistic missile itself before, will be divided into many elements and simply cease to exist as a whole. The fairing will separate from it not far from the launch area, during the operation of the second stage, and somewhere along the road it will fall. The platform will fall apart upon entering the air of the impact area. Elements of only one type will reach the target through the atmosphere. Warheads. Close up, the warhead looks like an elongated cone a meter or a half long, at the base as thick as a human torso. The nose of the cone is pointed or slightly blunt. This cone is a special aircraft whose task is to deliver weapons to the target. We will return to warheads later and get to know them better.

Pull or push?

In a missile, all of the warheads are located in what is known as the disengagement stage, or "bus". Why a bus? Because, having freed itself first from the fairing, and then from the last booster stage, the breeding stage carries the warheads, like passengers, to the given stops, along their trajectories, along which the deadly cones will disperse to their targets.

Another "bus" is called the combat stage, because its work determines the accuracy of pointing the warhead at the target point, and hence the combat effectiveness. The breeding stage and its operation is one of the biggest secrets in a rocket. But we will still take a little, schematically, look at this mysterious step and its difficult dance in space.

The breeding stage has different forms. Most often, it looks like a round stump or a wide loaf of bread, on which warheads are mounted on top with their points forward, each on its own spring pusher. The warheads are pre-positioned at precise separation angles (on a missile base, by hand, with theodolites) and look in different directions, like a bunch of carrots, like a hedgehog's needles. The platform, bristling with warheads, occupies a predetermined, gyro-stabilized position in space in flight. And at the right moments, warheads are pushed out of it one by one. They are ejected immediately after the completion of the acceleration and separation from the last accelerating stage. Until (you never know?) they shot down this entire unbred hive with anti-missile weapons or something failed on board the breeding stage.

The pictures show breeding stages of the American heavy ICBM LGM0118A Peacekeeper, also known as MX. The missile was equipped with ten 300 kt multiple warheads. The missile was decommissioned in 2005.

But that was before, at the dawn of multiple warheads. Now breeding is a completely different picture. If earlier the warheads “sticked out” forward, now the stage itself is ahead along the way, and the warheads hang from below, with their tops back, turned upside down like bats. The “bus” itself in some rockets also lies upside down, in a special recess in the upper stage of the rocket. Now, after separation, the disengagement stage does not push, but drags the warheads along with it. Moreover, it drags, resting on four cross-shaped "paws" deployed in front. At the ends of these metal paws are rear-facing traction nozzles of the dilution stage. After separation from the booster stage, the "bus" very accurately, precisely sets its movement in the beginning space with the help of its own powerful guidance system. He himself occupies the exact path of the next warhead - its individual path.

Then, special inertia-free locks are opened, holding the next detachable warhead. And not even separated, but simply now not connected with the stage, the warhead remains motionless hanging here, in complete weightlessness. The moments of her own flight began and flowed. Like one single berry next to a bunch of grapes with other warhead grapes that have not yet been plucked from the stage by the breeding process.

K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh" is a Russian strategic nuclear submarine (Project 955 Borey), armed with 16 Bulava solid-propellant ICBMs with ten multiple warheads.

Delicate movements

Now the task of the stage is to crawl away from the warhead as delicately as possible, without violating its precisely set (targeted) movement of its nozzles by gas jets. If the supersonic jet of the nozzle hits the detached warhead, it will inevitably add its own additive to the parameters of its movement. During the subsequent flight time (and this is half an hour - fifty minutes, depending on the launch range), the warhead will drift from this exhaust “slap” of the jet half a kilometer-kilometer sideways from the target, or even further. It will drift without barriers: there is space there, they slapped it - it swam, not holding on to anything. But is a kilometer to the side an accuracy today?

Project 955 Borey submarines are a series of Russian nuclear submarines of the fourth generation strategic missile submarine class. Initially, the project was created for the Bark missile, which was replaced by the Bulava.

To avoid such effects, four upper “paws” with engines spaced apart are needed. The stage, as it were, is pulled forward on them so that the exhaust jets go to the sides and cannot catch the warhead detached by the belly of the stage. All thrust is divided between four nozzles, which reduces the power of each individual jet. There are other features as well. For example, if on a donut-shaped breeding stage (with a void in the middle - with this hole it is put on the booster stage of the rocket, like a wedding ring on a finger) of the Trident-II D5 rocket, the control system determines that the separated warhead still falls under the exhaust of one of the nozzles, then the control system disables this nozzle. Makes "silence" over the warhead.

The step gently, like a mother from the cradle of a sleeping child, fearing to disturb his peace, tiptoes away in space on the three remaining nozzles in low thrust mode, and the warhead remains on the aiming trajectory. Then the “donut” of the stage with the cross of the traction nozzles rotates around the axis so that the warhead comes out from under the zone of the torch of the switched off nozzle. Now the stage moves away from the abandoned warhead already at all four nozzles, but so far also at low gas. When a sufficient distance is reached, the main thrust is turned on, and the stage moves vigorously into the area of ​​​​the aiming trajectory of the next warhead. There it is calculated to slow down and again very accurately sets the parameters of its movement, after which it separates the next warhead from itself. And so on - until each warhead is landed on its trajectory. This process is fast, much faster than you read about it. In one and a half to two minutes, the combat stage breeds a dozen warheads.

The American Ohio-class submarines are the only type of missile carriers in service with the United States. Carries 24 Trident-II (D5) MIRVed ballistic missiles. The number of warheads (depending on power) is 8 or 16.

Abyss of mathematics

The foregoing is quite enough to understand how the warhead's own path begins. But if you open the door a little wider and look a little deeper, you will notice that today the turn in space of the disengagement stage carrying the warheads is the area of ​​​​application of the quaternion calculus, where the onboard attitude control system processes the measured parameters of its movement with continuous construction of the orientation quaternion on board. A quaternion is such a complex number (above the field of complex numbers lies the flat body of quaternions, as mathematicians would say in their exact language of definitions). But not with the usual two parts, real and imaginary, but with one real and three imaginary. In total, the quaternion has four parts, which, in fact, is what the Latin root quatro says.

The breeding stage performs its work quite low, immediately after turning off the booster stages. That is, at an altitude of 100-150 km. And there the influence of gravitational anomalies of the Earth's surface, heterogeneities in the even gravitational field surrounding the Earth still affects. Where are they from? From uneven terrain, mountain systems, occurrence of rocks of different densities, oceanic depressions. Gravitational anomalies either attract the step to themselves with an additional attraction, or, on the contrary, slightly release it from the Earth.

In such heterogeneities, the complex ripples of the local gravity field, the disengagement stage must place the warheads with precision. To do this, it was necessary to create a more detailed map of the Earth's gravitational field. It is better to “explain” the features of a real field in systems of differential equations that describe the exact ballistic motion. These are large, capacious (to include details) systems of several thousand differential equations, with several tens of thousands of constant numbers. And the gravitational field itself at low altitudes, in the immediate near-Earth region, is considered as a joint attraction of several hundred point masses of different "weights" located near the center of the Earth in a certain order. In this way, a more accurate simulation of the real gravitational field of the Earth on the flight path of the rocket is achieved. And more accurate operation of the flight control system with it. And yet ... but full! - let's not look further and close the door; we have had enough of what has been said.

The payload of an intercontinental ballistic missile spends most of the flight in the mode of a space object, rising to a height three times the height of the ISS. A trajectory of enormous length must be calculated with extreme precision.

Flight without warheads

The disengagement stage, dispersed by the missile in the direction of the same geographical area where the warheads should fall, continues its flight with them. After all, she can not lag behind, and why? After breeding the warheads, the stage is urgently engaged in other matters. She moves away from the warheads, knowing in advance that she will fly a little differently from the warheads, and not wanting to disturb them. The breeding stage also devotes all its further actions to warheads. This maternal desire to protect the flight of her “children” in every possible way continues for the rest of her short life. Short, but intense.

After the separated warheads, it is the turn of other wards. To the sides of the step, the most amusing gizmos begin to scatter. Like a magician, she releases into space a lot of inflating balloons, some metal things resembling open scissors, and objects of all sorts of other shapes. Durable balloons sparkle brightly in the cosmic sun with a mercury sheen of a metallized surface. They are quite large, some shaped like warheads flying nearby. Their surface, covered with aluminum sputtering, reflects the radar signal from a distance in much the same way as the warhead body. Enemy ground radars will perceive these inflatable warheads on a par with real ones. Of course, in the very first moments of entry into the atmosphere, these balls will fall behind and immediately burst. But before that, they will distract and load the computing power of ground-based radars - both early warning and guidance of anti-missile systems. In the language of ballistic missile interceptors, this is called "complicating the current ballistic situation." And the entire heavenly host, inexorably moving towards the area of ​​impact, including real and false warheads, inflatable balls, chaff and corner reflectors, this whole motley flock is called "multiple ballistic targets in a complicated ballistic environment."

The metal scissors open and become electric chaff - there are many of them, and they reflect well the radio signal of the early warning radar beam that probes them. Instead of ten required fat ducks, the radar sees a huge fuzzy flock of small sparrows, in which it is difficult to make out anything. Devices of all shapes and sizes reflect different wavelengths.

In addition to all this tinsel, the stage itself can theoretically emit radio signals that interfere with enemy anti-missiles. Or distract them. In the end, you never know what she can be busy with - after all, a whole step is flying, large and complex, why not load her with a good solo program?

In the photo - the launch of the Trident II intercontinental missile (USA) from a submarine. At the moment, Trident ("Trident") is the only family of ICBMs whose missiles are installed on American submarines. The maximum casting weight is 2800 kg.

Last cut

However, in terms of aerodynamics, the stage is not a warhead. If that one is a small and heavy narrow carrot, then the stage is an empty spacious bucket, with echoing empty fuel tanks, a large non-streamlined body and a lack of orientation in the flow that begins to flow. With its wide body with a decent windage, the step responds much earlier to the first breaths of the oncoming flow. The warheads are also deployed along the stream, penetrating the atmosphere with the least aerodynamic resistance. The step, on the other hand, leans into the air with its vast sides and bottoms as it should. It cannot fight the braking force of the flow. Its ballistic coefficient - an "alloy" of massiveness and compactness - is much worse than a warhead. Immediately and strongly it begins to slow down and lag behind the warheads. But the forces of the flow are growing inexorably, at the same time the temperature warms up the thin unprotected metal, depriving it of strength. The rest of the fuel boils merrily in the hot tanks. Finally, there is a loss of stability of the hull structure under the aerodynamic load that has compressed it. Overload helps to break bulkheads inside. Krak! Fuck! The crumpled body is immediately enveloped by hypersonic shock waves, tearing the stage apart and scattering them. After flying a little in the condensing air, the pieces again break into smaller fragments. The remaining fuel reacts instantly. Scattered fragments of structural elements made of magnesium alloys are ignited by hot air and instantly burn out with a blinding flash, similar to a camera flash - it was not without reason that magnesium was set on fire in the first flashlights!

Everything now burns with fire, everything is covered with red-hot plasma and shines well around with the orange color of coals from the fire. The denser parts go forward to slow down, the lighter and sail parts are blown into the tail, stretching across the sky. All burning components give dense smoke plumes, although at such speeds these densest plumes cannot be due to the monstrous dilution by the flow. But from a distance, they can be seen perfectly. Ejected smoke particles stretch across the flight trail of this caravan of bits and pieces, filling the atmosphere with a wide trail of white. Impact ionization generates a nighttime greenish glow of this plume. Due to the irregular shape of the fragments, their deceleration is rapid: everything that has not burned down quickly loses speed, and with it the intoxicating effect of air. Supersonic is the strongest brake! Standing in the sky, like a train falling apart on the tracks, and immediately cooled by high-altitude frosty subsound, the band of fragments becomes visually indistinguishable, loses its shape and order and turns into a long, twenty minutes, quiet chaotic dispersion in the air. If you are in the right place, you can hear how a small, burnt piece of duralumin clanks softly against a birch trunk. Here you have arrived. Farewell, breeding stage!

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