Kursovik Recreational assessment of landscapes. Relief. Landscape and recreational potential and landscape and recreational zoning of the territory. Territory of regulated recreational use. Bioclimate. Hydromineral and unique natural resources


Department of "Geography of tourist destinations"

1. Landscapes 5
1.1. Relief 5
1.2. water bodies 9
2.2. Hunting and fishing grounds 22
3. Ecological state of the natural environment 24
4. Landscape and recreational potential 26
5. Integrated landscape and recreational zoning of the territory 29
6. Climate and bioclimate 29
6.1. Main climate-forming factors 30
6.2. Solar radiation mode 30
6.3. atmospheric circulation 32
6.4. Thermal regime 34
6.5. wind regime 35
6.6. Humidity mode 35
6.7. Precipitation regime 37
7. Bioclimatic potential 40
8. Bioclimatic zoning of the territory 40
9. Hydromineral resources 41
9.1. Mineral water 41
9.2. Therapeutic mud (peloids) 43


Objective: analysis of natural recreational potential and identification of prospects for the development of nature-oriented forms of tourism in the Oryol region.

Work tasks:

assessment of landscape and recreational potential and drawing up landscape and recreational zoning of the territory;

characteristics of territories of regulated recreational use;

assessment of bioclimatic potential and preparation of bioclimatic zoning of the territory;

characteristics of hydro-mineral resources;

Research methodology.

The main research methods were: the method of observation, statistical, comparative and cartographic analysis, methods of mapping and zoning of the territory.

Natural recreational resources in the course work were evaluated on a three-point system by a factor-integral method. The main evaluation criterion is the degree of favorableness of landscape components, bioclimate conditions, objects or factors for various types of nature-oriented tourism (health, sports, ecological, hunting and fishing).

Materials used.

The work is based on educational and local history literature on the natural conditions and resources of the Oryol region, atlases and maps, collections of scientific articles, analytical reports and statistical materials. To a small extent, data from the Internet was used.

Brief information about the territory.

The Oryol region was formed in 1937. It includes 24 administrative districts, 7 cities (3 cities of regional subordination - Orel, Livny, Mtsensk, and 4 cities of regional subordination - Bolkhov, Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky, Maloarkhangelsk, Novosil), 13 urban-type settlements and more than 3 thousand rural settlements. The administrative center of the region is the city of Orel.

The subjects of the region are the following administrative districts (indicating the district center): Bolkhovsky (Bolkhov), Verkhovsky (Verkhovye), Glazunovskiy (Glazunovka), Dmitrovsky (Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky), Dolzhansky (Dolgoye), Zalegoshchensky Zalegoshch), Znamensky (village of Znamenskoye), Kolpnyansky (village of Kolpny), Korsakovskiy (village of Korsakovo), Krasnozorensky (village of Krasnaya Zorya), Kromsky (village of Kromy), Livensky (city of Livny), Maloarkhangelsky (city of Maloarkhangelsk) , Mtsensk (Mtsensk), Novoderevenkovskiy (Khomutovo town), Novosilskiy (Novosil), Orlovsky (Orel), Pokrovskiy (Pokrovskoye town), Sverdlovskiy (Zmievka town), Soskovskiy (Soskovo village), Trosnyanskiy (with Trosna), Uritsky (town Naryshkino), Khotinetsky (town Khotynets), Shablykinsky (town Shablykino) (Fig. 1.).

The territory of the region lies between the parallels - 53º30' and 51º55'N, and between the meridians - 34º45' and 38º05'E. The meso-EGP of the Oryol region is determined by its position in the southwestern part of the European territory of the Russian Federation, in the center of the Central Russian Upland, in the southernmost part of the Central Economic Region.

The region has no access to the seas. Neighbors (of the first order) for it are the regions of the Central and Central Black Earth economic regions of the Russian Federation (Fig. 2): Tula in the north, Kaluga in the north-west, Bryansk in the west, Lipetsk in the east and Kursk in the south.

From the point of view of the micro-EGP for the Oryol region, a particularly favorable factor is the location of sections of its northern, western and southern borders. In the first case, this is access to a dynamically developing metropolitan region, in the next two - to the Slavic countries of the near abroad (Belarus and Ukraine), with which the region can develop close economic and cultural ties.

In terms of territory (24.7 thousand km2), the Oryol region is the smallest among all adjacent regions and ranks 67th in this indicator (among 89 subjects) in Russia. Its average length in the meridional direction is slightly more than 150 km, and in the latitudinal direction - over 220 km. The administrative center - the city of Orel - is close to the geographical center of the region.


1. Landscapes

The landscapes of the Oryol region belong to the class of plains. Here two natural zones adjoin: forest and forest-steppe.

1.1. Relief

The relief as the main component of the landscape is the most important natural recreational resource that determines the landscape diversity of the landscape. When evaluating the relief from the standpoint of its suitability for recreational activities, one usually takes into account its picturesqueness, mosaicism and the degree of dissection, the steepness of the slopes, and the presence of focal observation points. It is also taken into account that different types of recreational activities have different requirements for terrain conditions. So, in some cases, preference is given to a flat relief (for agro-recreation), in others - mountainous, strongly rugged (alpine skiing, mountaineering, etc.). For recreational purposes, the most favorable is a large-hilly, or ridge, relief, a relatively favorable slightly hilly and undulating terrain; smooth, flat, monotonous surfaces are unfavorable from the point of view of the aesthetics of landscape perception and due to the functional unsuitability of this type of relief. For health-improving recreation, both functionally and aesthetically, the most favorable is rugged terrain with slight excesses.

The formation of the modern relief of the region (Fig. 3.) is closely related to the geological and neotectonic conditions of the development of the territory in the Quaternary. Orographically, the territory of the Oryol region is confined to the Central Russian Upland and only in the extreme northwest - to the Desninsko-Dneprovsky trough.

In neotectonic terms, the vast majority of the territory of the region belongs to the Central Russian anteclise, as a structure of the first order (Fig. 4.). Within the anteclise, uplifts and troughs of the second order and fine local structures of higher orders are distinguished. G.I. Raskatov distinguishes the Dmitrov and Novosilsk uplifts, the Oksky and Livensky troughs.

The formation of large neotectonic structures here is closely related to the inheritance of the plan and sign of bed movements from the Cretaceous, and possibly from the Jurassic. The low thickness of the Quaternary deposits and the wide development of modern denudation processes also indicate the trend of continuing uplift of these areas. Within the uplifts, small structures are noted - uplifts and troughs of a local plan of higher orders. Between the Dmitrovsky and Novosilsky uplifts is the Oksky trough, and south of the Novosilsky uplift is the Livensky trough, which are characterized by an increase in the thickness of Quaternary deposits and a lesser development of modern denudation processes.

According to the hypsometric position, the territory of the region can be divided into an elevated plain (abs. height more than 240 m) and a relatively low plain (abs. height less than 240 m) with varying degrees of dissection , . For elevated plains, the degree of dissection of the relief ranges from 1.7-2.5 km/km2 with a dissection depth of up to 70-120 meters. Relatively low plains are characterized by a degree of dissection of 50-80 m (mainly in neotectonic troughs). The main type of the region's relief, therefore, is a strongly and deeply dissected gently hilly erosion-denudation plain in the non-glacial region (watersheds of the rivers Oka, Sosna, Zushi, Neruch, Lyubovsha). Water-glacial deposits are found only in the basin of the river. Desna and its tributaries - r. Nerussa, Navlya, on the territory of Dmitrovsky and Shablykinsky districts.

1.3. land cover

In terms of soil cover, the Oryol region is a zone of transitional soils from soddy-podzolic to chernozem (Fig. 6.). The variety of soils is determined by different conditions of soil formation, which change from northwest to southeast. Given this trend, three soil zones are distinguished in the region: western, central and southeastern. Western the zone is made up of Bolkhovsky, Khotinetsky, Znamensky, Uritsky, Shablykinsky and Dmitrovsky districts with a predominance of light gray, gray and dark gray forest soils, occupying 85% of arable land. Part central zone includes Mtsensk, Korsakovsky, Novosilsky, Orlovsky, Zalegoshchensky, Sverdlovsky, Kromsky, Glazunov and Trosnyansky districts, where gray forest, dark gray forest soils and podzolized chernozems (86% of arable land) are mainly located. Novoderevenkovsky, Krasnozorensky, Verkhovsky, Pokrovsky, Maloarkhangelsky, Livensky, Kolpnyansky and Dolzhansky districts are included in southeasternzone with a clear predominance of podzolized and leached chernozems (3/4 of the area of ​​arable land).

The territory of the region is characterized by high agricultural development - over 80% of the total area, 4/5 of which is plowed (Fig. 8 (2).). Over the past decades, the area of ​​agricultural land has significantly decreased (by almost 10%). Not so noticeable, but very tangible, the main means of production in crop production, arable land, is declining. Characteristically, the share of pure fallows in the composition of arable land accounts for up to 23% (313 thousand ha) (Fig. 8 (3).). The area of ​​perennial plantations over the past 10 years (by 2002) has decreased from 24 to 13 thousand hectares. Fallow land compared to the mid-1990s. increased almost 7 times. In the structure of sown areas (1.6 million hectares, 2002), cereals account for 708 thousand hectares (the share of winter crops is 35%), fodder - 330 thousand hectares, potatoes and vegetable and melon crops - 66 thousand hectares (4%), industrial crops - 41 thousand hectares (3%).

2. Territories of regulated recreational use

Category lands of regulated recreational use include territorial objects that have the status of specially protected natural territories of federal, regional and local significance - national parks and reserves, estates and museum-reserves, various types of natural monuments, etc.

2.1. Ecotourism Resources (PAs)

Under ecotourism we understand one of the forms of recreation, directly related to the use of natural potential. This is travel and outdoor recreation in a natural, little-modified habitat. This is healing in harmony with preserved nature. Ultimately, ecological tourism is a vivid example of a combination of nature, sports and ecology with the aim of developing spiritual, physical and cognitive principles in a person (Pozdeev, 2000.).

Despite the right to use the forest for recreation officially enshrined in the Fundamentals of Forest Legislation, the problem of organizing the latter in Russia in general and in the Oryol region in particular remains largely unresolved. This is partly due to the lack of an unambiguous definition in the specialized literature of the concept of "recreational forests". Our approach to the definition of this concept involves the assignment to the category of recreation those forest areas in which the recreational function dominates and determines the tasks of management. These include parks and forest parks in cities and suburban areas, individual sections of natural national parks intended for visitors to relax. The most important qualitative sign of recreational forests is their readiness for mass recreation (saturation with a road and path network, including asphalted health paths, sanitary and hygienic facilities, etc.).


As of the beginning of the 2000s, the list of protected natural objects of various status and purpose included 134 units (Fig. 10) with a total area of ​​almost 640 thousand hectares (a quarter of the regional territory). As part of their area, 84% is represented by hunting reserves. Oryol Polesie (with a relatively strict protection regime) accounts for over 13%; the rest of the protected area is represented by natural parks (or natural monuments of local importance) (Table 2.).

Tab. 2. Types of protected natural areas of the region.

Type of protected area

Name of protected area

Dendropark Arbuzov
Natural monument of local importance Telegino Park
Natural monument of local importance Tract "Young"
place of interest Park-estate. N. Khitrovo
Natural monument of local importance Lake Red
Natural monument of local importance Fragments of a linden alley and a garden
Natural monument of local importance The tract "Planting"
Natural monument of local importance The tract "Khotkovskaya Dacha"
place of interest N.V. Kireevsky Park
place of interest "Khotkovsky Park"
************************** Lake "Zvannoe"

Natural monument of local importance Old park in the village of Malaya Rakovka
Natural monument of local importance Garden "Melnik"
Natural monument of local importance Park in the village of Grunets
Natural monument of local importance Solitary long-lived tree (Linden heart-leaved)
National Park of Federal Importance "Oryol woodland"
Natural monument of local importance "Verochkina Grove"
Natural monument of local importance Arboretum VNIISPK
Natural monument of local importance Natural Park "Naryshkinsky"

The total area of ​​the Oryol Polesie National Park is over 84,000 hectares. Its boundaries include lands of other owners and users without their withdrawal from economic exploitation (49 thousand hectares). The main value of the national park is represented by forests (40% of the territory), which have preserved unique complexes of the southern taiga groups, in which a large number of rare plants and animals are concentrated; 12% of the territory is represented by meadow phytocenoses (Appendix 1.). The value of the plant communities of the park lies in the fact that they are located on the border of two botanical and geographical zones (European broad-leaved and Eurasian steppe) that are very susceptible to any anthropogenic interference.

According to the existing classification, natural monuments are divided into 7 types: forest (45), garden and park (44), hydrological (15), botanical (10), dendrological (9), geological and botanical and landscape (1 each). The total area of ​​natural monuments of regional significance of the region (130 natural objects) is almost 13 thousand hectares. An analysis of the features of their location (Fig. 11.) and functioning allows us to draw the following conclusions:


Recreational comfort of water bodies in the region is quite low, including due to significant anthropogenic pressure. For example, in one of the main objects of recreational water use, the Oka, an excess of MPC for biological oxygen demand (BOD5) was noted with a maximum indicator of up to 4.52 mg/l; for biogenic pollutants, the excess of MPC ranges from 1.5 to 5.3 (Report ..., 2000). The beach digression of river NTCs is also significant, especially near residential areas.

A negative factor in the decline in the quality of the climatic resources of the region is a significant anthropogenic pollution of the atmospheric air, which is especially strong in the areas of the cities of Orel, Livny, Mtsensk. The structure of gas emissions by various enterprises is very diverse, but in terms of the impact on humans and the environment, the following deserve attention in the first place: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, salts of hydrofluoric acid, lead and dust.

Table 4. Factor-integral assessment of the ecological state of the natural environment.


Score in points

Air basin condition 3
The state of the water basin 2
Soil condition 1
Integral assessment


Components of the natural environment on the territory of the Oryol region are experiencing significant anthropogenic pressure, which manifests itself in poorly controlled emissions into the air, wastewater discharges into water bodies and soil degradation. However, in recent years, the anthropogenic impact on ecosystems has noticeably decreased. The ecological situation in the Oryol region is generally favorable for the development of recreational activities.

Rice. 15. Bioclimatic zoning of the Oryol region.


The main constraining factors in the use of recreational resources in the Oryol region are the following.

Weak development of most components of the natural resource potential.

De facto, ecological tourism, in the direct sense of this term (if you do not include lovers of hunting and sport fishing), is not developed in the region. This is confirmed by the absence of a stable flow of visitors (local or from other regions) to most of the protected natural sites. There is also no so-called rural tourism in the region, which is explained by the unwillingness of the local rural population to receive guests on a commercial basis, to provide them with specialized recreational services.

Lack of assessment of the socio-ecological potential of the territory and natural recreational resources of the region, insufficient knowledge of the real and potential needs of the population in recreation and in the volume of recreational services.




Avakyan A.B. Reservoirs, their economic importance, problems of creation and complex use // Influence of reservoirs on surface and underground runoff. M., 1972.

Alexandrov I. Geography of the Oryol region. - Tula, Priokskoe book publishing house, 1972

Atlas of the Oryol region. Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia. - Moscow, 2000.

Barteneva O.D., Polyakova E.A., Rusin N.P. The regime of natural light on the territory of the USSR. L., 1971.

Belinsky V.A. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and sky. M., 1968.

Report on the state of the natural environment of the Oryol region. 1997-2000

Behind the pages of the textbook of geography of the Oryol region. Brief local history essays. – M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2004.

Ivanov V.V., Nevraev G.A., Fomichev M.M. Map of therapeutic mud of the USSR. M., 1968.

Studying the geography of the Oryol region at school. Physical geography: Teaching aid for teachers of geography / Under. ed. IN AND. Quiet. - Eagle, 1997.

Information bulletin on the state of the geological environment on the territory of the Oryol region for 1998 - Orel, 1999.

Pozdeev V.B. Ecological tourism in the context of regional development / Sat. Problems and prospects for the development of tourism in countries with economies in transition. - Smolensk, 2000.

Natural wealth of the Oryol region. - Eagle, 1997.

Raskatov G.I. The most important features of the tectonic structure of the northwestern part of the Voronezh anteclise / Issues of geology and minerals of the Voronezh anteclise. - Voronezh, VSU, 1970.

Recreational resources of the USSR: problems of rational use / V.N. Kozlov, L.S. Filippovich, I.P. Chalay et al. M., 1990.

Quiet V.I. Economic and social geography of the Oryol region. - Eagle, 2000.

EGP - economic and geographical position.

The degree of dissection is understood as the length of the valley-beam network, related to 1 km2 of area.

For the Central Russian Upland, it is accepted: weak dissection (less than 1.2 km/km2), medium (1.2-1.6 km/km2), strong (more than 1.6 km/km2).

May have exclusively federal significance.

Terrenkur (German) - a specially equipped path for dosed therapeutic walking.

1. Hunting and fishing grounds

In total, there are about 60 species of mammals, over 200 species of birds, almost 40 species of fish, 6 species of reptiles and 9 species of amphibians in the Perm region. More than 30 species of mammals are of commercial importance.

Of the carnivores, the pine marten is widely represented in the region. Its favorite habitats are overripe, cluttered forests, especially in the southern regions. The Perm region is one of the first places in the country in terms of the number of martens. Stoats and weasels live everywhere in the forests. In the southern and central regions - badger and otter, and in the northern - wolverine. Throughout the territory, except for the very south, bears and lynxes are found, although their numbers are small. The wolf is also found everywhere.

Most of the region's animals are of European origin, but Siberian species also penetrate. So, at the end of the nineteenth century, columns appeared in the eastern regions.

Of the artiodactyls in the Kama region, moose prevail, living along forest edges and copses. In winters with little snow, roe deer enter the eastern regions from the neighboring Sverdlovsk region. Deer penetrate from the Komi Republic to the northern regions.

Most carnivores and artiodactyls are of great commercial importance. Hunting for some of them (sable, otter, marten, elk) is possible only with special permits (licenses). Roe deer and reindeer are under protection, hunting for them is prohibited.

The wolf, wolverine and lynx cause considerable damage to animal husbandry and therefore hunting for them is encouraged. Small mustelids (polecat, weasel) destroy mouse-like rodents, but sometimes they contribute to the spread of infectious diseases (tick-borne encephalitis, rabies).

A lot of work is being done in the region on acclimatization and artificial breeding of some species of game animals - beavers, raccoon dogs, muskrats, arctic foxes and minks.

Of the 200 species of birds in the region, the most common are capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, crossbills, several species of tits, among migratory birds there are starlings, thrushes, rooks, swallows. Of the birds of prey, eagles, owls, crows and magpies are most often found. Of the birds, the capercaillie, black grouse and hazel grouse are of the greatest commercial importance.

The reservoirs of the region are inhabited by more than 30 species of fish, of which 15 are of commercial importance. Such mass species as bream, roach, sabrefish, perch, pike form the basis of fishing and recreational fishing.

The stocks of the main commercial species are in a satisfactory condition, however, the commercial fish productivity of the Kama reservoirs is one of the lowest in Russia and is only 2-3.5 kg/ha. Low rates of commercial productivity of reservoirs are due to shortcomings in the organization of fishing, as well as the low production capacity of reservoirs. The main limiting factors are massive industrial pollution and the unfavorable hydrological regime of reservoirs.

Despite the high level of anthropogenic pressure, the main fishery reservoirs of the region - the Kama and Votkinsk reservoirs - provide more than 90% of the catch, which is an average of 850-100 tons of fish over the past decade.

The reform of state management systems had a negative impact on fisheries. Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a steady decline in catches of almost all major commercial species. The catches of bream, pike perch, pike, as well as roach and sabrefish at the Votkinsk reservoir have dropped sharply. With an increase in the number of blue bream, its catches did not increase.

Catches of amateurs, licensed fishing and poaching are practically unaccountable. But even assuming that the unrecorded prey of poachers and recreational fishermen is equal to organized fishing, there is an underutilization of the commercial stock.

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Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) include: nature reserves, natural monuments, protected forest areas, national parks, nature reserves. The main purpose of these territories is the protection of valuable natural objects: botanical, zoological, hydrological, geological, complex, landscape.

The strict nature protection function of protected areas determines the regulation of the use of these territories for other types of economic development. At the same time, the uniqueness of these natural objects determines their high value for educational tourism, which allows us to consider protected areas as important natural recreational resources, the use of which in tourism should be strictly regulated. Permissible type of recreational activity in protected areas is recorded in the passport of a specific protected object.

Nature reserves, natural monuments and protected areas of the forest are territories allocated for unique, rare or typical natural complexes, the protection of which is entrusted to the land users of these territories: forestries, forestries, if the protected areas are located on the lands of the state forest fund (SFF), or rural administration, if they are located within the lands of former collective farms, state farms, etc. The land users of these protected areas are not involved in the organization of recreational activities on them.

Consider the types of protected areas and their purpose.

Botanical reserves, created to protect certain types of vegetation, are usually used for regulated winter hunting or fishing.

AT zoological reserves , where representatives of the fauna are protected, the regulated collection of mushrooms, berries and medicinal plants is allowed.

Geological and hydrological reserves are of interest for walking educational tourism, school excursions and training sessions for students of geographical and geological faculties of universities.

For the purposes of educational tourism, of particular importance are complex reserves , in which tourists are introduced to rare species of flora and fauna, picturesque landscapes. As a rule, setting up tourist camps on the territory of nature reserves is prohibited, only the laying of tourist trails is allowed.

Monuments of nature- these are unique natural objects (waterfalls, caves, picturesque rocks, etc.) or memorial natural objects (for example, larch in the Yaropolets estate, under which A. S. Pushkin rested). Natural monuments are always tried to be included in tourist routes as the most attractive natural objects.

Protected areas of the forest are allocated by foresters as reference (typical) or unique forest areas important for the conservation and reproduction of certain plant formations. Their visit is usually included in the routes of ecological tourism.

National parks and reserves are special types of protected areas that have an administration whose function is to organize both nature protection and recreational activities. True, the significance of recreational activities in them is different: in reserves, the nature protection function dominates and the cognitive recreational function is limited, in national parks both functions are of equal importance.

National parks- these are environmental institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, intended for use in environmental, recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes. The task of national parks, along with the nature protection function, is to create conditions for regulated tourism and recreation in natural conditions. This provides for the development and implementation of scientific methods for the conservation of natural complexes in terms of recreational use. A differentiated protection regime is established on the territories of national parks, taking into account local natural, historical, cultural and social characteristics. In accordance with this, the territory of the parks is divided into the following functional zones:

· zone of protected regime - any recreational and economic activity is prohibited;

· zone of custom regime – preservation of natural objects under strictly regulated recreational use;

· zone of cognitive tourism - organization of environmental education and familiarization with the sights of the park;

· zone of recreational use, including areas for recreation, sports and amateur hunting and fishing.

As can be seen from the established functional zoning of the territories of national parks, recreation and tourism are given a large place in them.

All over the world, national parks are actively covered by the tourism industry, performing, in addition to health-improving functions, the tasks of environmental education of the population. In Russia, national parks developed with a great delay, but in recent years interest in them has increased dramatically. Currently, 32 national parks operate in our country, and it is planned to organize another 40.

reserves- environmental institutions, the territory of which includes natural complexes and objects of unique ecological value, intended for use in environmental, scientific, scientific and educational purposes. Unlike national parks, nature reserves have a very limited recreational use, mainly for educational purposes only. This is reflected in the functional zoning of the reserves:

· zone of protected regime, in which flora and fauna develop without human intervention;

· a zone of scientific monitoring, in which the scientific staff of the reserve monitor the state and development of protected natural objects;

· zone of environmental education, where the nature museum of the reserve is usually located and strictly regulated trails are laid along which groups of tourists are guided to get acquainted with the natural features of the complex;

economic and administrative zone.

National and natural recreational parks (regional and local level)

The concept of sustainable development of nature and society provides for the creation of a network of specially protected natural and natural-historical-cultural territories, the area of ​​which, according to world standards, should occupy 10-12% of the area of ​​each state.

This network includes the following types of protected areas:

Nature reserves, natural monuments, protected areas of the forest, representing a certain cognitive interest for ecological tourism, recreational activities on the territory of which are organized by institutions that are not responsible for their protection;

Reserves (nature reserves) and national parks (organized to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the country), in which the administration of these institutions is responsible for both recreational and environmental activities.

In national parks, unlike nature reserves, the recreational component is on an equal footing with the environmental component, and therefore their territory is not only a model of a valuable natural landscape complex, but also of interest for its recreational and aesthetic merits for visitors.

In most countries of the world, national parks have become the dominant form of protected areas. Under them, according to the definition of Maksakovsky N.V. (1996), the territories of the most valuable recreational, aesthetic and cognitive natural and historical and cultural resources are allocated for the purpose of using them in the field of tourism, excursion business and environmental education. Along with national parks, usually smaller natural and natural-historical parks of regional or local significance are created.

Recreational parks are necessary not only for remote exotic areas such as Kamchatka, but also for urbanized areas, especially in the zone of influence of large metropolitan areas. The formation of a network of protected recreational parks makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of losing valuable natural lands in suburban recreation areas.

Currently, the system of natural recreational parks of all levels in Russia is at the initial stage of formation. This is evidenced by:

Underdevelopment of parks (32 national parks in the Russian Federation);

The extreme unevenness of their distribution, as a result of which many physical and geographical regions are not represented in the network of national parks (there are only 6 national parks in Siberia, concentrated mainly in the Baikal region);

Lack of parks in the nearest radius of accessibility (up to 200 km) for most million-plus cities;

Incomplete coverage by national parks of exotic areas that attract the main unorganized flow of tourists.

All this sharply raises the question of the need to develop recreational parks in Russia in order to form an integral park system capable of solving the main environmental, recreational and educational tasks for eco-tourism facing our society.

National and recreational parks can have a variety of content and, accordingly, different technological forms.

The specifics of the parks are determined by the following factors:

General geographical location;

Character of the region: urbanized resorts or “wild territories”;

Position relative to large cities: agglomeration (Losiny Ostrov National Park), inter-agglomeration (Meshchersky National Park), extra-agglomeration (Komi Yu National Park);

Territory genesis: natural or natural-historical parks;

Functional recreational use: walking and landscape, mushroom and berry, hunting, sports and tourism, educational.

By analogy with world parks, one can distinguish the North American type (preserved natural complex) and the European type (picturesque rural landscape with historical and cultural complexes).

Maksakovskii N. V. proposed the following basic principles for the formation of a system of natural recreational parks in Russia.

Choice of geographic base is determined by the need to represent each of the 58 bioregions of Russia in the park system, which will allow to fully reflect the natural diversity of the country.

Choosing a territory for the park is determined by a combination of unique and typical properties in a given natural complex. The representativeness (specificity) of the landscape for a given bioregion is determined by the geographical location of the park. The recreational, aesthetic and educational value of the area is necessary for the organization of various forms of recreation in the park.

Key criteria for choosing a park area- high recreational potential (possibility of multifunctional recreational use, comfort of natural and climatic conditions, landscape diversity) and cognitive potential (concentration of natural and historical and cultural attractions).

It is also necessary to define additional criteria that determine the area and boundaries of the park:

Inclusion of ecologically key sites that maintain hydrological balance and a healthy human environment; ecological "autonomy" of the territory (basin principle - binding to watershed boundaries);

Resource-protective (resource-reproductive) significance of the territory (inclusion of high quality forests, high-quality sources of water supply, commercial hunting and fishing lands);

Transport accessibility (the share of the area of ​​the national park located in the zone of easy transport accessibility should not exceed 50% of its territory);

Compatibility of the national park with the existing system of nature and land use (absence or low presence in the territory of the national park of anthropogenic elements alien to nature protection tasks);

Predominance of federal ownership of land and other resources in the territory (Goslesfond, Gosvodfond);

Correspondence of the external boundaries of the national park with visual boundaries (power lines, roads, canals, rivers, mountain ranges) and landscape (valuable ecosystems should be included in the entire national park);

It is desirable that the outer boundaries of the park correspond to administrative and economic (land of agricultural and forestry enterprises) and political and administrative boundaries (region, territory, etc.).

Additional factors in the formation of the Russian park system:

Organization of several parks in areas of strong urbanization to provide recreation for large masses of the urban population and disperse places of organized recreation throughout the region in order to regulate visits and more effectively protect natural complexes;

Formation of additional parks in bioregions with universally recognized unique exotic areas (for example, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the mountains of South Siberia);

Mandatory formation of national parks in every major subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of national autonomies.

Principles of placement of recreational parks in an urbanized area

There are stimulating and limiting factors for the organization of parks in urbanized regions. Drivers include the huge demand for active and positive outdoor recreation in major metropolitan areas. The limiting factors hindering the creation and development of suburban recreation areas are: strong development of the territory, excessive transport accessibility, a dense network of political and administrative boundaries and a complex land use system.

Recreational parks in an urbanized region should be represented by three forms:

Local natural parks, concentrated in the forest park zone, intended for one-day recreation;

Regional recreational parks located in the middle radius of accessibility and in some places on the periphery of the region, focused on weekend and possibly long-term recreation;

National parks occupying peripheral zones with a well-preserved natural environment.

Between recreational parks there is a buffer “vacuum” zone corresponding to highly developed agricultural or industrial production.

For such megacities as the Moscow region, a network of local recreational parks should be developed in the immediate vicinity of both the capital and large regional centers. Regional recreational parks for various purposes will be located in places of concentration of natural and cultural heritage sites in all sectors of the region.

The existing national park “Losiny Ostrov”, located in the very center of the metropolis, is unique not only in Russia, but also in the world.

On the outskirts of the Moscow region within a radius of 150 - 200 km there are several national parks: "Pereslavl-Zalessky" (Yaroslavl region), "Meshchera" and "Meshchersky" (Vladimir and Ryazan regions) and "Ugra" (Kaluga region).

Currently, it is proposed to create another series of national parks: the natural-historical park "Central Russia" (Volokolamsk, Istra and Ruzsky districts), the historical "Verkhne-Moskvoretsky" (Mozhaisk district), "Volgusha" (Dmitrovsky district), Sergiev Posadsky, as well as a wide network of regional and local parks.

Topic: Bioclimate

1. Formation and significance of climatic resources.

Among natural resources, a special place is occupied by climatic . A person cannot be isolated from the air surrounding him.

The effect of climate on the human body is called bioclimate . In accordance with this, bioclimatic parameters differ from ordinary meteorological characteristics, since they represent a complex effect of the meteorological characteristics of air masses on the human body: temperature, wind speed, humidity, and pressure.

The climate is formed under the influence of three main climate-forming factors:

· solar radiation , which ensures the supply of light, heat and ultraviolet radiation to the earth;

· atmospheric circulation , which is associated with the transfer of air masses in atmospheric vortices (cyclones and anticyclones) and the presence of air mass separation zones (atmospheric fronts);

· underlying surface , which determines the redistribution of solar radiation and atmospheric circulation, depending on the nature of the earth's surface (meso- and microclimatic features of the area).

The climate has both positive and negative effects on the human body. Positive impact is usually used in recreational activities for the organization of climate treatment. Protection from negative factors is required in the form of climate prevention. The use of climatic factors is of great health significance in connection with the training effect of climate on the natural mechanisms of stimulation of the body's vital activity, worked out in the process of evolution: people in the process of historical development adapt to certain climatic conditions. The adaptability of a person to certain climatic conditions is called adaptation. When climatic conditions change (when moving from north to south and vice versa), the human body experiences significant adaptive loads that should be avoided in general, and when organizing recreation, it is imperative to take into account and choose the seasons when the level of adaptive stress of the body will be the lowest.

A person's habituation to new climatic conditions should occur gradually, over a certain time, called adaptation period , during which it is necessary to exclude additional loads on the body (sports trips, medical procedures, etc.). The adaptation period can last from several days to a month. In addition to climatic differences, it is necessary to take into account differences in time zones, i.e. temporary adaptation . With a sharp change in the biological cycle, desynchronosis develops, which adversely affects the entire system of the human body. Consequently, when characterizing different localities, a unified system of bioclimatic parameters is very important, which makes it possible to compare the bioclimatic conditions of different regions. Most people, living in urban areas, almost constantly stay in artificial microclimate conditions of housing and clothing, which weaken the mechanisms of adaptation. When organizing recreation under the influence of a long stay of a person in natural conditions, especially when using climate procedures, the body's resistance to adverse environmental effects increases significantly.

For a unified system for assessing the bioclimatic potential of a territory, as well as for assessing landscape and recreational conditions, a systemic assessment method developed in complex geography is used. The assessment is carried out both factor-wise and integrally according to the level of medical and climatic impact of the bioclimate on the human body.

In recent years, the assessment of the bioclimate developed at the Central Institute of Balneology (now the Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy) in 1988 by I. F. Butyeva has been used. All bioclimatic parameters were evaluated according to the degree of their favorable effect on the human body. At the same time, unfavorable factors that have an increased load on the adaptive systems of the human body are named annoying . Meteorological conditions leading to a less pronounced tension of adaptive mechanisms in the human body are called coaching . In general, they are relatively favorable, and for most people who do not suffer from serious illnesses, they are useful conditions that have a training effect. sparing climatic conditions are favorable for all people without exception, including for weakened patients who are on medical rest in a sanatorium or resort.

The categorization of medical and climatic conditions provides scientifically based criteria for recommendations to the population when developing new territories, choosing a place of residence, planning and designing a profile of resort areas, organizing a sanatorium-resort process, increasing the effectiveness of sanatorium-resort treatment and organizing recreational recreation.

Based on the assessment of the bioclimatic potential and its components, an integral and factor-by-factor medical-climatic zoning of the territory is carried out.

2. Solar radiation mode

The solar spectrum consists of three main parts:

· infrared radiation , which determines the arrival of heat on the earth's surface, which manifests itself in the temperature regime;

· light radiation , which determines the insolation (light) regime;

· ultraviolet (UV) radiation, associated with the biological activity of the sun.

For tourism, light and ultraviolet regimes are of particular importance.

Insolation mode is determined by the duration of sunshine, that is, daylight hours during which various recreational activities are possible. The lack of sunshine duration observed in northern latitudes is an uncomfortable phenomenon. During the polar night, recreational activities are not possible.

In table. 3.1 shows the criteria for assessing the insolation regime.


Department of "Geography of tourist destinations"



1. Landscapes

1.1. Relief

1.2. water bodies

1.3. land cover

2. Territories of regulated recreational use

2.1. Ecotourism Resources (PAs)

2.2. Hunting and fishing grounds

3. Ecological state of the natural environment

4. Landscape and recreational potential

5. Integrated landscape and recreational zoning of the territory

6. Climate and bioclimate

6.1. Main climate-forming factors

6.2. Solar radiation mode

6.3. atmospheric circulation

6.4. Thermal regime

6.5. wind regime

6.6. Humidity mode

6.7. Precipitation regime

7. Bioclimatic potential

8. Bioclimatic zoning of the territory

9. Hydromineral resources

9.1. Mineral water

9.2. Therapeutic mud (peloids)






Objective: analysis of natural recreational potential and identification of prospects for the development of nature-oriented forms of tourism in the Oryol region.

Work tasks :

  1. assessment of landscape and recreational potential and drawing up landscape and recreational zoning of the territory;
  2. characteristics of territories of regulated recreational use;
  3. assessment of bioclimatic potential and preparation of bioclimatic zoning of the territory;
  4. characteristics of hydro-mineral resources;
  5. identification of problems and development of recommendations for the development of nature-oriented forms of tourism in the region;

Research methodology.

The main research methods were: the method of observation, statistical, comparative and cartographic analysis, methods of mapping and zoning of the territory.

Natural recreational resources in the course work were evaluated on a three-point system by a factor-integral method. The main evaluation criterion is the degree of favorableness of landscape components, bioclimate conditions, objects or factors for various types of nature-oriented tourism (health, sports, ecological, hunting and fishing).

Materials used .

The work is based on educational and local history literature on the natural conditions and resources of the Oryol region, atlases and maps, collections of scientific articles, analytical reports and statistical materials. To a small extent, data from the Internet was used.

Brief information about the territory .

The Oryol region was formed in 1937. It includes 24 administrative districts, 7 cities (3 cities of regional subordination - Orel, Livny, Mtsensk, and 4 cities of regional subordination - Bolkhov, Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky, Maloarkhangelsk, Novosil), 13 urban-type settlements and more than 3 thousand rural settlements. The administrative center of the region is the city of Orel.

The subjects of the region are the following administrative districts (indicating the district center): Bolkhovsky (Bolkhov), Verkhovsky (Verkhovye), Glazunovskiy (Glazunovka), Dmitrovsky (Dmitrovsk-Orlovsky), Dolzhansky (Dolgoye), Zalegoshchensky Zalegoshch), Znamensky (village of Znamenskoye), Kolpnyansky (village of Kolpny), Korsakovskiy (village of Korsakovo), Krasnozorensky (village of Krasnaya Zorya), Kromsky (village of Kromy), Livensky (city of Livny), Maloarkhangelsky (city of Maloarkhangelsk) , Mtsensk (Mtsensk), Novoderevenkovskiy (Khomutovo town), Novosilskiy (Novosil), Orlovsky (Orel), Pokrovskiy (Pokrovskoye town), Sverdlovskiy (Zmievka town), Soskovskiy (Soskovo village), Trosnyanskiy (with Trosna), Uritsky (town Naryshkino), Khotinetsky (town Khotynets), Shablykinsky (town Shablykino) (Fig. 1.).

The territory of the region lies between the parallels - 53º30' and 51º55'N, and between the meridians - 34º45' and 38º05'E. The meso-EGP of the Oryol region is determined by its position in the southwestern part of the European territory of the Russian Federation, in the center of the Central Russian Upland, in the southernmost part of the Central Economic Region.

The region has no access to the seas. Neighbors (of the first order) for it are the regions of the Central and Central Black Earth economic regions of the Russian Federation (Fig. 2): Tula in the north, Kaluga in the north-west, Bryansk in the west, Lipetsk in the east and Kursk in the south.

From the point of view of the micro-EGP for the Oryol region, a particularly favorable factor is the location of sections of its northern, western and southern borders. In the first case, this is access to a dynamically developing metropolitan region, in the next two - to the Slavic countries of the near abroad (Belarus and Ukraine), with which the region can develop close economic and cultural ties.

In terms of territory (24.7 thousand km 2), the Oryol region is the smallest among all adjacent regions and ranks 67th in this indicator (among 89 subjects) in Russia. Its average length in the meridional direction is slightly more than 150 km, and in the latitudinal direction - over 220 km. The administrative center - the city of Orel - is close to the geographical center of the region.


1. Landscapes

The landscapes of the Oryol region belong to the class of plains. Here two natural zones adjoin: forest and forest-steppe.

1.1. Relief

The relief as the main component of the landscape is the most important natural recreational resource that determines the landscape diversity of the landscape. When evaluating the relief from the standpoint of its suitability for recreational activities, one usually takes into account its picturesqueness, mosaicism and the degree of dissection, the steepness of the slopes, and the presence of focal observation points. It is also taken into account that different types of recreational activities have different requirements for terrain conditions. So, in some cases, preference is given to a flat relief (for agro-recreation), in others - mountainous, strongly rugged (alpine skiing, mountaineering, etc.). For recreational purposes, the most favorable is a large-hilly, or ridge, relief, a relatively favorable slightly hilly and undulating terrain; smooth, flat, monotonous surfaces are unfavorable from the point of view of the aesthetics of landscape perception and due to the functional unsuitability of this type of relief. For health-improving recreation, both functionally and aesthetically, the most favorable is rugged terrain with slight excesses.

The formation of the modern relief of the region (Fig. 3.) is closely related to the geological and neotectonic conditions of the development of the territory in the Quaternary. Orographically the territory of the Oryol region is confined to the Central Russian Upland and only in the extreme north-west - to the Desninsko-Dneprovsky trough.

In neotectonic terms, the vast majority of the territory of the region belongs to the Central Russian anteclise, as a structure of the first order (Fig. 4.). Within the anteclise, uplifts and troughs of the second order and fine local structures of higher orders are distinguished. G.I. Raskatov distinguishes the Dmitrov and Novosilsk uplifts, the Oksky and Livensky troughs.

The formation of large neotectonic structures here is closely related to the inheritance of the plan and sign of bed movements from the Cretaceous, and possibly from the Jurassic. The low thickness of the Quaternary deposits and the wide development of modern denudation processes also indicate the trend of continuing uplift of these areas. Within the uplifts, small structures are noted - uplifts and troughs of a local plan of higher orders. Between the Dmitrovsky and Novosilsky uplifts is the Oksky trough, and south of the Novosilsky uplift is the Livensky trough, which are characterized by an increase in the thickness of Quaternary deposits and a lesser development of modern denudation processes.

By hypsometric position The territory of the region can be subdivided into an elevated plain (abs. height more than 240 m) and a relatively low plain (abs. height less than 240 m) with varying degrees of dissection, . For elevated plains, the degree of dissection of the relief ranges from 1.7-2.5 km / km 2 with a depth of dissection of up to 70-120 meters. Relatively low plains are characterized by a degree of dissection of 50-80 m (mainly in neotectonic troughs). The main type of relief of the region, therefore, is strongly and deeply dissected gently sloping hilly erosion-denudation plain in the non-glacial region(watersheds of the rivers Oka, Sosny, Zushi, Neruch, Lyubovsha). Water-glacial deposits are found only in the basin of the river. Desna and its tributaries - r. Nerussa, Navlya, on the territory of Dmitrovsky and Shablykinsky districts.

1.3. land cover

In terms of soil cover, the Oryol region is a zone of transitional soils from soddy-podzolic to chernozem (Fig. 6.). The variety of soils is determined by different conditions of soil formation, which change from northwest to southeast. Given this trend, three soil zones are distinguished in the region: western, central and southeastern. Western the zone is made up of Bolkhovsky, Khotinetsky, Znamensky, Uritsky, Shablykinsky and Dmitrovsky districts with a predominance of light gray, gray and dark gray forest soils, occupying 85% of arable land. Part central zone includes Mtsensk, Korsakovsky, Novosilsky, Orlovsky, Zalegoshchensky, Sverdlovsky, Kromsky, Glazunov and Trosnyansky districts, where gray forest, dark gray forest soils and podzolized chernozems (86% of arable land) are mainly located. Novoderevenkovsky, Krasnozorensky, Verkhovsky, Pokrovsky, Maloarkhangelsky, Livensky, Kolpnyansky and Dolzhansky districts are included in southeastern zone with a clear predominance of podzolized and leached chernozems (3/4 of the area of ​​arable land).

The territory of the region is characterized by high agricultural development - over 80% of the total area, 4/5 of which is plowed (Fig. 8 (2).). Over the past decades, the area of ​​agricultural land has significantly decreased (by almost 10%). Not so noticeable, but very significantly reduced the main means of production in crop production - arable land. Characteristically, the share of pure fallows in the composition of arable land accounts for up to 23% (313 thousand ha) (Fig. 8 (3).). The area of ​​perennial plantations over the past 10 years (by 2002) has decreased from 24 to 13 thousand hectares. Fallow land compared to the mid-1990s. increased almost 7 times. In the structure of sown areas (1.6 million hectares, 2002), cereals account for 708 thousand hectares (the share of winter crops is 35%), fodder - 330 thousand hectares, potatoes and vegetable and melon crops - 66 thousand hectares (4%), industrial crops - 41 thousand hectares (3%).

2. Territories of regulated recreational use

Category lands of regulated recreational use include territorial objects that have the status of specially protected natural territories of federal, regional and local significance - national parks and reserves, estates and museum-reserves, various types of natural monuments, etc.

2.1. Ecotourism Resources (PAs)

Under ecotourism we understand one of the forms of recreation, directly related to the use of natural potential. This is travel and outdoor recreation in a natural, little-modified habitat. This is healing in harmony with preserved nature. Ultimately, ecological tourism is a vivid example of a combination of nature, sports and ecology with the aim of developing spiritual, physical and cognitive principles in a person (Pozdeev, 2000.).

Despite the right to use the forest for recreation officially enshrined in the Fundamentals of Forest Legislation, the problem of organizing the latter in Russia in general and in the Oryol region in particular remains largely unresolved. This is partly due to the lack of an unambiguous definition in the specialized literature of the concept of "recreational forests". Our approach to the definition of this concept involves the assignment to the category of recreation those forest areas in which the recreational function dominates and determines the tasks of management. These include parks and forest parks in cities and suburban areas, individual sections of natural national parks intended for visitors to relax. The most important qualitative sign of recreational forests is their readiness for mass recreation (saturation with a road and path network, including paved health path mi, objects of sanitary and hygienic purpose, etc.).


As of the beginning of the 2000s, the list of protected natural objects of various status and purpose included 134 units (Fig. 10) with a total area of ​​almost 640 thousand hectares (a quarter of the regional territory). As part of their area, 84% is represented by hunting reserves. Oryol Polesie (with a relatively strict protection regime) accounts for over 13%; the rest of the protected area is represented by natural parks (or natural monuments of local importance) (Table 2.).

Tab. 2. Types of protected natural areas of the region.

Type of protected area

Name of protected area

Dendropark Arbuzov

Natural monument of local importance

Telegino Park

Natural monument of local importance

Tract "Young"

place of interest

Park-estate. N. Khitrovo

Natural monument of local importance

Lake Red

Natural monument of local importance

Fragments of a linden alley and a garden

Natural monument of local importance

The tract "Planting"

Natural monument of local importance

The tract "Khotkovskaya Dacha"

place of interest

N.V. Kireevsky Park

place of interest

"Khotkovsky Park"


Lake "Zvannoe"

Natural monument of local importance

Old park in the village of Malaya Rakovka

Natural monument of local importance

Garden "Melnik"

Natural monument of local importance

Park in the village of Grunets

Natural monument of local importance

Solitary long-lived tree (Linden heart-leaved)

National Park of Federal Importance

"Oryol woodland"

Natural monument of local importance

"Verochkina Grove"

Natural monument of local importance

Arboretum VNIISPK

Natural monument of local importance

Natural Park "Naryshkinsky"

total area national park"Orlovskoe Polissya" is over 84 thousand hectares. Its boundaries include lands of other owners and users without their withdrawal from economic exploitation (49 thousand hectares). The main value of the national park is represented by forests (40% of the territory), which have preserved unique complexes of the southern taiga groups, in which a large number of rare plants and animals are concentrated; 12% of the territory is represented by meadow phytocenoses (Appendix 1.). The value of the plant communities of the park lies in the fact that they are located on the border of two botanical and geographical zones (European broad-leaved and Eurasian steppe) that are very susceptible to any anthropogenic interference.

According to the existing classification, natural monuments are divided into 7 types: forest (45), garden and park (44), hydrological (15), botanical (10), dendrological (9), geological and botanical and landscape (1 each). total area natural monuments regional significance area (130 natural objects) is almost 13 thousand hectares. An analysis of the features of their location (Fig. 11.) and functioning allows us to draw the following conclusions:


Recreational comfort of water bodies in the region is quite low, including due to significant anthropogenic pressure. For example, in one of the main objects of recreational water use, the Oka, an excess of MPC for biological oxygen demand (BOD 5) was noted with a maximum indicator of up to 4.52 mg/l; for biogenic pollutants, the excess of MPC ranges from 1.5 to 5.3 ( Report..., 2000). The beach digression of river NTCs is also significant, especially near residential areas.

A negative factor in the decline in the quality of the climatic resources of the region is a significant anthropogenic pollution of the atmospheric air, which is especially strong in the areas of the cities of Orel, Livny, Mtsensk. The structure of gas emissions by various enterprises is very diverse, but in terms of the impact on humans and the environment, the following deserve attention in the first place: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, salts of hydrofluoric acid, lead and dust.

Table 4. Factor-integral assessment of the ecological state of the natural environment.


Components of the natural environment on the territory of the Oryol region are experiencing significant anthropogenic pressure, which manifests itself in poorly controlled emissions into the air, wastewater discharges into water bodies and soil degradation. However, in recent years, the anthropogenic impact on ecosystems has noticeably decreased. The ecological situation in the Oryol region is generally favorable for the development of recreational activities.

Rice. 15. Bioclimatic zoning of the Oryol region.


The main constraining factors in the use of recreational resources in the Oryol region are the following.

Weak development of most components of the natural resource potential.

De facto, ecological tourism, in the direct sense of this term (if you do not include lovers of hunting and sport fishing), is not developed in the region. This is confirmed by the absence of a stable flow of visitors (local or from other regions) to most of the protected natural sites. There is also no so-called rural tourism in the region, which is explained by the unwillingness of the local rural population to receive guests on a commercial basis, to provide them with specialized recreational services.

Lack of assessment of the socio-ecological potential of the territory and natural recreational resources of the region, insufficient knowledge of the real and potential needs of the population in recreation and in the volume of recreational services.




1. Avakyan A.B. Reservoirs, their economic importance, problems of creation and complex use // Influence of reservoirs on surface and underground runoff. M., 1972.

2. Alexandrov I. Geography of the Oryol region. - Tula, Priokskoe book publishing house, 1972

3. Atlas of the Oryol region. Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia. - Moscow, 2000.

4. Barteneva O.D., Polyakova E.A., Rusin N.P. The regime of natural light on the territory of the USSR. L., 1971.

5. Belinsky V.A. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and sky. M., 1968.

6. Report on the state of the environment in the Oryol region. 1997-2000

7. Behind the pages of the textbook of geography of the Oryol region. Brief local history essays. – M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2004.

8. Ivanov V.V., Nevraev G.A., Fomichev M.M. Map of therapeutic mud of the USSR. M., 1968.

9. Studying the geography of the Oryol region at school. Physical geography: Teaching aid for teachers of geography / Under. ed. IN AND. Quiet. - Eagle, 1997.

10. Information bulletin on the state of the geological environment on the territory of the Orel region for 1998 - Orel, 1999.

11. Pozdeev V.B. Ecological tourism in the context of regional development / Sat. Problems and prospects for the development of tourism in countries with economies in transition. - Smolensk, 2000.

12. Natural wealth of the Orel region. - Eagle, 1997.

13. Raskatov G.I. The most important features of the tectonic structure of the northwestern part of the Voronezh anteclise / Issues of geology and minerals of the Voronezh anteclise. - Voronezh, VSU, 1970.

14. Recreational resources of the USSR: problems of rational use /V.N. Kozlov, L.S. Filippovich, I.P. Chalay et al. M., 1990.

15. Tikhiy V.I. Economic and social geography of the Oryol region. - Eagle, 2000.

EGP - economic and geographical position.

The degree of dissection is understood as the length of the valley-beam network, referred to 1 km 2 of the area.

For the Central Russian Upland, it is accepted: weak dissection (less than 1.2 km / km 2), medium (1.2-1.6 km / km 2), strong (more than 1.6 km / km 2).

May have exclusively federal significance.

Terrencourt ( German.) - a specially equipped path for dosed therapeutic walking.

2. Territories of regulated recreational use Category lands of regulated recreational use include territorial objects that have the status of specially protected natural areas of federal, regional and local significance - national parks and reserves 4 , estates and museum-reserves, various types of natural monuments, etc. 2.1. Ecotourism Resources (PAs) Under ecotourism we understand one of the forms of recreation, directly related to the use of natural potential. This is travel and outdoor recreation in a natural, little-modified habitat. This is healing in harmony with preserved nature. Ultimately, ecological tourism is a vivid example of a combination of nature, sports and ecology with the aim of developing spiritual, physical and cognitive principles in a person (Pozdeev, 2000.). Despite the right to use the forest for recreation officially enshrined in the Fundamentals of Forest Legislation, the problem of organizing the latter in Russia as a whole and in the Oryol region in particular remains largely unresolved. This is partly due to the lack of an unambiguous definition in the specialized literature of the concept of "recreational forests". Our approach to the definition of this concept involves referring to the category of recreation those forest areas in which the recreational function dominates and determines the tasks of managing. These include parks and forest parks in cities and suburban areas, separate sections of natural national parks intended for visitors to relax. The most important qualitative sign of recreational forests is their readiness for mass recreation (saturation with a road and path network, including paved terrenkura-mi 5, objects of sanitary and hygienic purpose, etc.). **************************************************** As of At the beginning of the 2000s, the list of protected natural objects of various status and purpose consisted of 134 units (Fig. 10) with a total area of ​​almost 640 thousand hectares (a quarter of the regional territory). As part of their area, 84% is represented by hunting reserves. Oryol Polesie (with a relatively strict protection regime) accounts for over 13%; the rest of the protected area is represented by natural parks (or natural monuments of local importance) (Table 2.).

Tab. 2. Types of protected natural areas of the region.

Type of protected area

Name of protected area

Dendropark Arbuzov

Natural monument of local importance

Telegino Park

Natural monument of local importance

Tract "Young"

place of interest

Park-estate. N. Khitrovo

Natural monument of local importance

Lake Red

Natural monument of local importance

Fragments of a linden alley and a garden

Natural monument of local importance

The tract "Planting"

Natural monument of local importance

The tract "Khotkovskaya Dacha"

place of interest

N.V. Kireevsky Park

place of interest

"Khotkovsky Park"


Lake "Zvannoe"

Natural monument of local importance

Old park in the village of Malaya Rakovka

Natural monument of local importance

Garden "Melnik"

Natural monument of local importance

Park in the village of Grunets

Natural monument of local importance

Solitary long-lived tree (Linden heart-leaved)

National Park of Federal Importance

"Oryol woodland"

Natural monument of local importance

"Verochkina Grove"

Natural monument of local importance

Arboretum VNIISPK

Natural monument of local importance

Natural Park "Naryshkinsky"
total area national park"Orlovskoe Polissya" is over 84 thousand hectares. Its boundaries include lands of other owners and users without their withdrawal from economic exploitation (49 thousand hectares). The main value of the national park is represented by forests (40% of the territory), which have preserved unique complexes of the southern taiga groups, in which a large number of rare plants and animals are concentrated; 12% of the territory is represented by meadow phytocenoses (Appendix 1.). The value of the plant communities of the park lies in the fact that they are located on the border of two botanical and geographical zones (European broad-leaved and Eurasian steppe) that are very susceptible to any anthropogenic interference. According to the existing classification, natural monuments are divided into 7 types: forest (45), garden and park (44), hydrological (15), botanical (10), dendrological (9), geological and botanical and landscape (1 each). total area natural monumentsregional significance area (130 natural objects) is almost 13 thousand hectares. An analysis of the features of their location (Fig. 11.) and functioning allows us to draw the following conclusions: ********************************* ************************** The recreational comfort of the region's water bodies is rather low, including due to significant anthropogenic pressure. For example, in one of the main objects of recreational water use - Oka - an excess of MPC for biological oxygen demand (BOD 5) was noted with a maximum indicator of up to 4.52 mg / l, for biogenic pollutants the excess of MPC was ranges from 1.5 to 5.3 (Report..., 2000). The beach digression of river NTCs is also significant, especially near residential areas. A negative factor in reducing the quality of climatic resources of the region is significant anthropogenic pollution of the atmospheric air, which is especially strong in the areas of the cities of Orel, Livny, Mtsensk. The structure of gas emissions by various enterprises is very diverse, but in terms of the impact on humans and the environment, the following deserve attention in the first place: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, salts of hydrofluoric acid, lead and dust.

Table 4. Factor-integral assessment of the ecological state of the natural environment.


Score in points

Air basin condition

The state of the water basin

Soil condition

Integral assessment

******************************************************* ************************** Components of the natural environment on the territory of the Oryol region are experiencing significant anthropogenic pressure, which manifests itself in poorly controlled emissions into the air basin, discharges wastewater into water bodies and soil degradation. However, in recent years, the anthropogenic impact on ecosystems has noticeably decreased. The ecological situation in the Oryol region is generally favorable for the development of recreational activities.

Rice. 15. Bioclimatic zoning of the Oryol region.

PROBLEMS HINDERING THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURE-ORIENTED FORMS OF TOURISM IN THE OREL REGION The main constraining factors in the use of recreational resources in the Oryol region are the following. Weak development of most components of the natural resource potential. De facto, ecological tourism, in the direct sense of this term (if you do not include lovers of hunting and sport fishing), is not developed in the region. This is confirmed by the absence of a stable flow of visitors (local or from other regions) to most of the protected natural sites. There is also no so-called rural tourism in the region, which is explained by the unwillingness of the local rural population to receive guests on a commercial basis, to provide them with specialized recreational services. in terms of recreational services. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* ******************************** RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURE-ORIENTED FORMS OF TOURISM IN THE OREL REGIONCONCLUSIONLIST OF USED SOURCES
    Avakyan A.B. Reservoirs, their economic importance, problems of creation and complex use // Influence of reservoirs on surface and underground runoff. M., 1972. Alexandrov I. Geography of the Oryol region. - Tula, Prioksky book publishing house, 1972. Atlas of the Oryol region. Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia. - Moscow, 2000. Barteneva O.D., Polyakova E.A., Rusin N.P. The regime of natural light on the territory of the USSR. L., 1971. Belinsky V.A. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and sky. M., 1968. Report on the state of the natural environment of the Oryol region. 1997-2000 Behind the pages of the textbook of geography of the Oryol region. Brief local history essays. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2004. Ivanov V.V., Nevraev G.A., Fomichev M.M. Map of therapeutic mud of the USSR. M., 1968. Studying the geography of the Oryol region at school. Physical geography: Teaching aid for teachers of geography / Under. ed. IN AND. Quiet. - Orel, 1997. Information bulletin on the state of the geological environment in the Oryol region for 1998 - Orel, 1999. Pozdeev V.B. Ecological tourism in the context of regional development / Sat. Problems and prospects for the development of tourism in countries with economies in transition. - Smolensk, 2000. Natural resources of the Orel region. - Eagle, 1997. Raskatov G.I. The most important features of the tectonic structure of the northwestern part of the Voronezh anteclise / Issues of geology and minerals of the Voronezh anteclise. - Voronezh, VSU, 1970. Recreational resources of the USSR: problems of rational use / V.N. Kozlov, L.S. Filippovich, I.P. Chalay et al. M., 1990. Quiet V.I. Economic and social geography of the Oryol region. - Eagle, 2000.

1 EGP - economic and geographical position.

2 The degree of dissection is understood as the length of the valley-beam network, referred to 1 km 2 of area. 3 For the Central Russian Upland, it is accepted: weak dismemberment (less than 1.2 km / km 2), km 2), strong (more than 1.6 km / km 2).

4 May have exclusively federal significance.

5 Terrencourt ( German.) - a specially equipped path for dosed therapeutic walking.

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