Rabbit Chinese horoscope in love. Types of rabbit (hare) according to the eastern horoscope. Rabbit - Pig

The rabbit belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the fourth sign of the Chinese horoscope and it rules from 5 am to 7 am. The season, Rabbit-Horse brings him good luck, is spring, and the apogee period is March. Fixed element - Tree. According to the European Zodiac, he corresponds to the sign of Pisces. Color, Rabbit-brown brings happiness and good luck - white. Plants favorable for the Hare are meadowsweet and fig tree. The most favorable countries for Hare habitat are Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Wales, Canada, Singapore.

The rabbit is happy if it is born in the summer. Then his fate is more peaceful and he experiences less cold of disappointment. Hare's early childhood and youth pass without any special outbursts. Maturity is filled with expectations and knowledge of the outside world. Throughout his life, the nature of the Hare strives for one thing - to find peace. But this does not always work out, because in maturity his life is replete with exceptional situations, dramatic turns and insurmountable obstacles. The Rabbit was not created for struggle and rivalry, he is very afraid of instability, and no matter how he avoids change, they haunt him until old age. And if he does not get rid of this complex, then by the age of thirty he may go crazy or give up his principles, which will throw him to the bottom of society.

The old age of the Hare requires special care: it can pass in loneliness and sadness if at a certain point in his life he did not make the right choice. The Hare can have a quiet life if there are no wars, revolutions and cataclysms. His fate depends on external circumstances, on the era and environment.

Rabbit and character

The first and main duality of the characteristic of the Hare is in the elusive alternation of dependence and wildness. It is necessary to live a long life with the Hare in complete bliss in order to notice that he bypasses all the traps and snares of the enemy. His behavior is unpredictable. They expect courage from him, but he evades, and when you think that he will run away, he will definitely stop. The rabbit is a very sensitive creature, susceptible to climate, sensations, he listens to his intuition and does not believe in convincing explanations. Therefore, it is useless to speak with the Hare in the language of logic. Even if, by virtue of his profession, he works with figures and concrete facts, his reaction still lies in the subjective area. At first glance, it looks easy to tame and adapt. But in fact, he drives his discontent into the secret depths of consciousness. One day, under a combination of circumstances, these emotions splash out. People born under this sign are reserved and moderate. They always show subtlety, diplomacy and do everything to avoid clashes in conflicts and quarrels. They are very sensitive to harmony and require a peaceful climate and caring environment.

Hares are endowed with a sense of exacting strict morality, natural chastity, they are prudent and always thoughtful. They love comfort, tranquility and security. All their lives they work to strengthen the structures.

Their world, first and foremost, is the immediate environment. And only bypassing all their possessions, completely securing themselves, they risk moving on. hares are careful and prudent, always on the alert. This is a waiting position, caused by internal fear, Rabbit breaks the balance of life. This is not an aggressive or warlike sign at all. Its representatives do not rush into difficulties for their own pleasure, if they can be circumvented. In difficult situations, hares feel squeezed into the grip of circumstances. They only become dangerous on rare occasions when cornered. In other cases, they avoid any discussion and flee. It is very difficult to provoke the Hare, because he is a calm and sober pacifist. He is more sensitive than sentimental, but he is very worried about his own problems, more than from world cataclysms. Wars, catastrophes, famine are completely indifferent to him, if they do not personally concern him. But only some trifle will affect him, he considers it unbearable and immediately wants to die. They cry easily and are quickly comforted. Sorrow and melancholy are the main weapons of the Hare. Their weak point is indecision, cowardice and timidity. They do not want to act without knowing what awaits them. hares are not made for stressful situations, so they may miss their chance. Worried about the future, they often stand still. Their state of mind is of paramount importance to them, and they help others only if this does not violate their daily routine. They come up with a thousand excuses to justify their refusal, but in reality it is just self-deception.

Hares are easy to live with because they have a peaceful and calm nature. They agree quickly, rarely get annoyed, always keep calm and composure. These are the most faithful, hospitable and warm people, they are very delicate and attentive to friends. They are understanding and patient. hares cannot stand vulgarity and are easily offended. They are very big conservatives, living by the principles of honor. They are silent and a little incredulous.

consult. On many issues, they are explained easily and naturally. hares are well versed in everyday life and do not adapt well to unexpected situations. If they do not know the outcome of events, they are very nervous, because their happiness depends on many circumstances.

It is hard to imagine so many positive qualities. With a negative set of circumstances, they become superficial people.

hares love company, and company loves them. As friends, they select people from various social strata and are able to recognize them. Often they are gossips, intriguers, but always tactfully get out of the situation. In fact, they never talk about unpleasant things. In fact, these are secular people, sometimes snobs, but without brilliance. They like to show their intelligence and culture, especially if it has been hastily acquired. Often they delve deeply into non-Rabbit topics, but again, to show off their knowledge in society. But at the same time, they miss very important life events.

Financially, this is a lucky sign and therefore the Rabbit is a good businessman. Whoever makes a deal with him will not regret it. The hare is lucky in trade, he can succeed in the sale of antiques, he shows good taste in Rabbit, He is a good diplomat and therefore can show himself excellently in jurisprudence. These factors allow him to live in prosperity.

Women of this sign are talented in the profession, demanding, have good taste and love brilliance. We can give the right advice to politicians so that they marry only a woman - a Hare, because they are cultured and disciplined, excellent housewives and know how to enhance the brilliance of a partner.

The rabbit is affectionate and responsive, bestows love and attention on loved ones, but in spite of everything, he is not created for the family. Sometimes he looks at his relatives and children as strangers, giving preference to friends. But female hares scrupulously fulfill their duty, they are limited by maternal feelings.

Rabbit and material well-being

Because of their fear of getting into unpleasant stories, hares often prefer to be on the other side of the barricades. They always choose neutral positions so that their change of heart is not too conspicuous. Because of their idealism, they try to support the weak side. There is no need to condemn them too much in weaknesses, they themselves suffer from this, on the one hand, sincerely sympathizing with the victims, but not wanting to go with them to the end.

hares are not selfish, but they know exactly how much they need for life, however, they do not take into account unforeseen situations. They all calculate to the smallest detail, as they are thrifty and always have money. Sometimes their financial situation can be shaken because they are wasteful and unreasonable.

They decorate their life with various excesses, many outfits, sumptuous dinners and trips. Maybe that's why hares are often middle-class people. In his life, the Rabbit should be less wasteful and more stingy! In the end, the Rabbit finds balance, as he has a sense of foresight.

Rabbit and professions

The Rabbit is cautious, diplomatic, and able to create harmonious relationships with others. hares are able to perform any work and any role, except for the role of a discoverer. Perhaps that is why they do not meet in leadership positions. And there are many reasons for this. Due to their scrupulousness, accuracy and reliability, hares, as a rule, are excellent employees, but they are always afraid to come to the fore. They leave this opportunity to the Dragon or the boastful Rooster, the Rabbits reap the laurels of their labor, and the Rabbits have no pretensions, they just lack ambition.

First of all, they try to arrange a personal and emotional life. In addition, they do not know how to compromise, which does not allow them to reach social heights. hares cannot stand combinations and do not want to get their hands dirty, only in extreme cases can they force themselves to wash dirty linen. Never in their lives will they use repression, they will do everything by someone else's hands and will consider it a necessary evil. They always try to stay soft and aloof.

hares are accustomed to “permanent work, they like to be satisfied, they are appreciated and feel very bad at low-paid work. hares do not like innovation and start from scratch. But they easily adapt to change. They work well in the field of financial, research activities, but prefer administrative work and do not tolerate free professions.

hares do not like disputes, skirmishes, gesticulations and are accustomed to an exceptional position in their work. In their hearts, they are too sensitive and cannot stand criticism. It unbalances them and robs them of confidence. hares show abilities in the field of history, they have an excellent memory.

They achieve particular success in the field of philosophy, religion, diplomacy. Also, hares are excellent fashion models, decorators, antique dealers, hotel administrators, store managers, publicists, actors, lawyers, notaries, stockbrokers and merchants. They often make bureaucrats, politicians of all stripes, except provocateurs.

Rabbit and love

hares are made for love and want to be loved. They are well aware of the principle that before you take, you must give in return. Therefore, they behave excellently with those they like. These are gallant gentlemen endowed with extraordinary tenderness. They will never forget to give their partner flowers on his birthday, they always know the tastes of their loved ones.

When hares get into the soft environment of shared love, they bloom, squandering happiness around them. These people need only warm feelings, for them it is like life-giving air. hares are very faithful by nature and always respect the loyalty of their partner. It is hard for them to breathe in a storm of passions, because they cannot constantly control the situation. If the situation becomes too contentious, they will not engage in bickering, they will quickly give way and leave. If they are completely disappointed in the feelings of their partner, they are very worried and may even get sick,

There are also such hares, Rabbits often change their partners and cannot stop at a particular choice. But they, too, cannot be called superficial, in fact, they cannot find deep affection in their partners, they need so much in Rabbit. If they consider their relationships with others not serious enough, they try to develop them to the maximum possible depth, and when this fails, they withdraw into themselves. hares hate betrayal and breakups. Therefore, sometimes they rush between two fires, which often leads to unnecessary emotions and intrigues.

Rabbit and his family

hares love the family hearth, caresses and the pleasure of marriage, but do not tolerate the role of parents. They make bad teachers. It cannot be said that they neglect their children, on the contrary, they are ready to do everything for them and therefore they are often pampered. They adore children and are sincerely upset by the failures of their pets. As long as children are infancy and carefree in the cradle, they do not create any problems for the Rabbits. They surround children with care and affection, but as they begin to grow up and play pranks at the same time, the situation in the house worsens significantly. Here the Rabbit is simply lost, he is not. knows how to behave - to punish the child or explain to him that this should not be done. Often such parents do not cope with upbringing and become isolated in their own indifference.

The most energetic representatives of this sign try to instill in their offspring the need for discipline, but they fail to do so. - It is easy for hares to get along with children born in the year of Ox, Hare, Snake, Dog and Boar. With Rats and Monkeys. it is difficult to find a common language, because such children drive them crazy, they are too cheeky. Dragons, Tigers and Horses are too independent, which greatly upsets parents.

hares do not become a family slave, because they attach great importance to social life. They try to do a lot to maintain harmony, but still find greater happiness in everyday life.

Rabbit women pay great attention to their own home, they love to receive guests in the house and do it very elegantly. But at the word divorce, the Rabbit woman becomes a real panther.

Rabbit and his inner world

rabbits are extremely sensitive. to the world around them and attach great importance to their daily lives. They adore everything beautiful, comfortable, their apartments are well furnished, they use exquisite things. Sometimes they lack good taste, but the order always remains impeccable, caused by their pedantry. Housewives keep order in the house and are sensitive to the slightest troubles. hares love to arrange receptions, and friends remember their hospitality for a long time. hares try to please everyone, and often their houses become a permanent home for guests.

hares love fresh flowers and fireplaces in the Living Rooms. In any setting, they like to create a warm atmosphere. Everyone feels at home with them. From furniture, they prefer old, kind, classic forms. They have a negative attitude towards modern furniture. hares love beautiful objects, romantic paintings and various trinkets. Often they decorate the walls with memorable photographs and gifts from friends.

Deep in their hearts, they are homebodies and do not like to move and change their surroundings. For them, change means a natural disaster.

Rabbit and intimate relationships

Hares lead a versatile and rich intimate life. They leave deep and unforgettable feelings for their partners. hares conquer them, but do not allow them into their inner world. There is not a single person who would know the real appearance of these people. All contacts with hares are remembered with trepidation, and their partners dream for a long time to fall into their arms again, but hares forget everything and everyone and will always be busy only with themselves.

Hare partners should know that they never like to be deceived. They are very perceptive and quickly recognize falsehood. These are people, the Rabbits are able to combine their intimate fantasy with reality, which often leads them to group intimacy. It is possible that women of this sign can even become prostitutes, because they believe that they are serving humanity.

Sometimes they are very dramatic events, but still know how to create a pleasant relaxed atmosphere. Hares early comprehend the intricacies of intimacy and their tendency to please others does not allow them to respond negatively. They are very freedom-loving and prefer variety in erotic games. They are easy to turn on and can be creative by reading a fashion magazine. Their natural inclination to theatricality helps to increase the love appetite of a partner. Once they understand the tastes and needs of their lovers, they can keep them in check.

First meeting with a hare

Hares always think about the consequences, so it is difficult to find an approach to them. They will think a million times whether a partner is right for them or not, so they often have to be taken by storm. hares are waiting for the first step towards. His partner should not be afraid of failure, the Rabbit will help him complete his plan. And if you get hurt badly, he will sympathize and be the first to reach out.

The rabbit is waiting for a partner to pull him out of the house. And to keep the one who deserves attention, he will show patience. But sometimes he can lie. You don’t need to pay much attention to this, because deep down, hares are deeply truthful. But if the Rabbit finds out about the deception, he will not make violent scenes, but will try to find out the details and only in this case will he reproach the partner.

Rabbits practically do not have divorces, maybe only if the partner was not suitable. The second case is when the partner leaves the Hare, since the Rabbit will never dare to do it first.

If you need to make a gift to the Hare, for this you should choose a beautiful trinket, He can decorate his room with a rabbit, You should not think about the Usefulness of this thing. A hare can only be interested in a pleasant interior, old bourgeois-style restaurants, where quiet pleasant music plays.

Famous People Born Under the Sign of the Rabbit

Prince Albert, Harry Belafonte, Ingrid Bergman, Fidel Castro, Confucius, Cary Grant, Whitney Houston, Garry Kasparov, Rogers Mayer, Frank Sinatra, Arturo Toscanini, Queen Victoria, Joseph Stalin, Catherine de Medici, Martin Luther, Marie Antoinette, Anne Boleyn, Giusehgae Garibaldi, Albert Einstein, Henri Stendhal, Georges Simenon, Walt Whitman, Henry James, Jean Martin Charcot, Marie Curie, Fernand Fernandel, Nicola Fouquet, Edvard Grieg, Louis XI, Queen Marie Louise, Jacques Offenbach, Edith Piaf, Sergei Prokofiev , Raphael Santi, Saint-Simon, Johann Friedrich Schiller, Walter Skrolikt, Lev Trotsky, Matvey Blanter, Mario Del Monaco, Yevgeny Dolmatovsky, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Mikhail Matusovsky, Arthur Miller, Georgy Milyutin, Yevgeny Mravinsky, Ugarbe Pinochet, Julius Raizman, Svyatoslav Richter, Mstislav Rostrapovich, Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Svetlov, Georgy Sviridov, Irving Stone, Georgy Tovstonogov.

Rabbit Compatibility with Other Signs

Rabbit and Bunny

Such partners can understand each other, as both strive for harmony. They will not argue with each other, cutting off any friction. They get along great. Probably, this union rather lacks dynamism. They will live quietly side by side, and possibly for a very long time. But if one of them is too ambitious, misunderstanding is possible. But, as a rule, in their life this couple is like an ideal family. In their house it seems that you are in a cozy, peaceful corner.

Rabbit and Rat

rabbits can't stand tension. They are designed for peace and security and do not tolerate extreme situations at all. The Rat believes that the Rabbit wants to outwit her. But in this she is completely mistaken, since their forces are equal. Rather, they have deep internal contradictions. And the Rabbit does not see at all that the Rat is a doubting and unbalanced creature. This is due to the fact that the Rat is a wonderful actress and, deep down, laughs at the unlucky Hare. Rats are made for risk, and hares are afraid of losing their hair. Emotionally, it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other, but in friendship they have no equal.

Rabbit and Ox

This is the perfect union. The hare needs security and harmony, the Rabbit can only give him an alliance with the Ox. Rabbit is a potential Don Juan, but if you look deeper, you can see in him the features of a Family Man who loves his home. The ox knows how to show loyalty to this type of people, but he cannot leave his suspicion. In any case, he will never spy in his life. Both are afraid of life changes, so they consider their home a fortress. It is better if Ox took over the active side in this union, because he is more suitable for the role of a fighter. And the Rabbit will show maximum diplomacy in order to smooth out all the sharp corners of the delicate situations. The only thing that the Ox cannot like is the blurriness and veil of the Hare's answers. In this case, the Rabbit should be more decisive and self-confident. All other difficulties Ox will solve himself. This union is great for love, but not for business, because both do not like to take risks and they will need a third.

Rabbit and Tiger

These two signs have a lot in common. Both signs love5 to profit. In all respects, they are excellent businessmen, but at the same time they want to maintain a sense of freedom. They both love to travel, and then warm up at the family hearth. These are two independent animals, Rabbits do not need to be fenced in with four walls. But the Rabbit does not behave as risky as the Tiger, and thinks more about his own safety. In this union, it is better if the Rabbit takes second positions. The tiger must earn a living, and it is better for the Rabbit to take care of the organization of comfort. In this case, the Rabbit should become a small deterrent for his reckless partner. The Tiger will certainly be annoyed by the prudence of the Hare, the Rabbit will begin to control the Tiger. This can give rise to quarrels, but still the diplomat has the last word.

Rabbit and Dragon

The union of the Hare with the Dragon is possible if the head of the family is the Rabbit. The rabbit is a bit of a philosopher and is capable of self-denial. But the Dragon is too temperamental, and therefore it is difficult for the Hare to endure a passionate partner for a long time. The rabbit cannot burn like a fire, so after small victories he will prefer a long rest. He is patient and willing to compromise, but he does not like being stepped on, and the Dragon is sure to annoy him. For a short time, the Rabbit will stoically endure the hurricanes generated by the Dragon, but then he will begin to resent. One day he will express everything to the Dragon and the last word will remain with him. Perhaps this is the only case when the Rabbit will show firmness. Harmony in this union can only be achieved if the Dragon is out of the house from time to time, and if everyone shows maximum patience with each other.

Rabbit and snake

These partners are very fond of peace, reliability and aesthetics. They attach great importance to the external environment, home and beautiful things. Together they get along perfectly, they can spend hours decorating their own home and improving their lives. For complete peace of mind in this union, it is better for the Snake to give the opportunity to think about the well-being of the house, as she is used to being a mistress and mistress. A more active principle belongs to her, even in the field of feelings. But sometimes the indecision of the Hare annoys the more flexible Snake. Their union is successful in two respects, both in friendship and in love. A patient Rabbit will be able to make the Snake listen to the opinions of others. In turn, the Snake is not afraid of danger - and quickly adapts to the situation, she will help the Hare become an even greater philosopher.

Rabbit and Horse

The union can work out, the Rabbit will fall completely in love with the Horse, and this love will make him softer. - According to the Horse, the Rabbit is sentimental and romantic, and her passion and warmth will seem irresistible to him. After all, the Rabbit often hesitates, he cannot flaunt his dignity, so he will provide the Horse with the opportunity to take the first step. The Horse will charm the Hare, but further life will be complicated, because the Horse is prone to mood swings and can rashly say a few harsh words. In such a situation, the Rabbit will feel guilty and will begin to curry favor with the Horse. In this case, the union is very useful for both, because the Horse calms down and gives dynamics to the Hare. He should not restrain a zealous girlfriend when she wants to frolic in freedom. Reasonable advice from a partner may seem like a prison to her.

Rabbit and Sheep

This is a very successful union, because both gravitate towards peace. Sheep can get used to everything, provided that they leave freedom and sufficient space for external actions. The rabbit is very sensitive, but not very jealous. He loves his home and can protect anyone who needs support. The Hare really likes the rich imagination of the Sheep, it will definitely help him go beyond the everyday, the Rabbits sometimes interfere with him. The seriousness of the Hare and his perseverance in work will provide them with a joint living wage. The union can only be shaken if misfortune befalls their family, loss of money, or distrust of each other appears. As a result of these worries, the Sheep will begin to dramatize the situation, and this may lead to divorce.

Rabbit and Monkey

The monkey is smart and cunning, knows how to deftly manage the situation, but likes to take a break from family ties from time to time, counting on the understanding of the Hare. Sometimes, in order to get out of a predicament, the Rabbit becomes cunning.

The Monkey should not advise the Hare to become more flexible and quick, he absolutely does not need it. Their union can achieve incredible harmony and intimacy, there will be no place for others in Rabbit. These signs are very interested in each other, they have no desire to have a partner on the side. In business, misunderstandings may arise between them, because the Rabbit does not like to violate principles, and the Monkey is used to cruel jokes and can cause a scandal with his irritability. Such actions will cause criticism of the Hare, which will lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

Rabbit and Rooster

This is a very strange and dangerous union, Rabbit can end in a fight, be it love, friendship or work. Even the patient Rabbit cannot stand the fidgety Rooster. At first, he will be amused by the awkward actions of a motley partner, but then it becomes obsessive. Then the Hare's patience comes to an end and he starts to get angry. The Rooster can literally bring to white heat, then the Rabbit loses control and wants to pluck the feathers of the Rooster. The Rooster has absolutely no bad intentions and therefore considers the Hare simply evil. And in this case, he is right. If the man is a Rabbit, then he will try to accustom the Rooster woman to the role of an obedient mistress. But she will not be able to play this role until the end. As soon as he goes beyond the threshold, she will definitely fly out the window. But if a man was born in the year of the Rooster, the Rabbit woman will simply bite him with her criticism.

Rabbit and Dog

This union can become happy and permanent. These people need a little help from chance. According to classical traditions, this union is considered incompatible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology, they have a lot in common. They love security, are deeply decent, jealously protect their property, and are endowed with many virtues. They understand each other and can support in difficult times. Their life flows monotonously, without much upheaval. In case of misunderstanding, the Dog can overcome fear in itself and sacrifice its own ambition, because it is reasonable and knows how to see in a partner what it lacks. In turn, the Rabbit hates trouble and will prefer to follow a determined partner.

Rabbit and Boar

This is the best union of all combinations. They respect each other, as they value positive qualities, they have more than enough rabbits. Sometimes the Pig wants to be alone, and the Rabbit will not make a tragedy out of this, he knows how to adapt and is used to pleasing his partner. All free time the Rabbit uses for home improvement. Both will try to avoid everything that can interfere with their family well-being. The Rabbit will help the Boar to avoid rash acts. They will warn them in time. But in any union, disadvantages are not ruled out. The Boar is too sensual, and the Rabbit is possessed and even in the most passionate situations does not throw off the veil of modesty, which will make the Boar laugh very much, and the Rabbit may not understand the reasons for laughter.

Rabbit (Hare) belongs to the Yin group. This is the fourth sign in the Chinese horoscope and governs the time interval from 5 am to 7 am. The season of the Rabbit is spring, it brings him good luck in everything, and the best month is March. Its element is Wood. On the European Zodiac, it corresponds to the sign Pisces. The color that brings good luck and happiness is white. Favorable Plants for the Rabbit (Hare) - fig tree and meadowsweet. The best countries for their residence: Belgium, Switzerland, Wales, Holland, Singapore, Canada.

Years of the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) in our century

  • January 29, 1903 - the element of the year is water
  • February 14, 1915 - element of the year tree
  • February 2, 1927 - the element of the year is fire
  • 1939 February 19 - element of the year earth
  • 1951 February 6 - element of the year metal
  • 1963 January 25 - element of the year water
  • 1975 February 11 - element of the year tree
  • 1987 January 29 - element of the year fire
  • 1999 February 16 - element of the year earth
  • February 3, 2011 - element of the year metal


Fidel Castro, Walt Whitman, Frank Sinatra, Ingrid Bergman, Harry Belafonte, Confucius, Whitney Houston, Cary Grant, Rogers Mayer, Garry Kasparov, Arturo Toscanini, Joseph Stalin, Queen Victoria, Martin Luther, Catherine de Medici, Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, Albert Einstein, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Georges Simenon, Henri Stendhal, Henry James, Marie Curie, Jean Martin, Nicola Fouquet, Fernand Fernandel, Louis XI, Edvard Grieg, Jacques Offenbach, Queen Marie, Sergei Prokofiev, Edith Piaf, Saint-Simon, Raphael Santi, Walter Scott, Johann Friedrich, Matvey Blanter, Leon Trotsky, Monaco, Prince Albert, Georgy Tovstonogov, Mario Del, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Arthur Miller, Mikhail Matusovsky, Evgeny Mravinsky, Georgy Milyutin, Julius' Reisman, Irving Stone, Ugarbe Pinochet, Mstislav Rostropovich, Svyatoslav Richter, Mikhail Svetlov, Eldar Ryazanov, Georgy Viridov.

Rabbit (Hare) - refers to the animals of the Yin group, it symbolizes the West, the beginning of autumn and the full moon. Rabbits come in two varieties - white and grey. But there is also a domestic rabbit, whose coloring is very diverse. In the eastern countries, the Rabbit is called the Hares or the Cat. These universal favorites, with golden or green eyes, were called sorcerers, and even raised them to the rank of gods, heavily adorned with Jewels. This is how Steinberg wrote about Cats: “God created the Cat in his own image and likeness, and later, created man for only one purpose, so that he would serve the Cat, and be his slave at the end of his centuries. God gave the cat sobriety of mind and indifference, and to the man - skill, labor enthusiasm and infidelity. Man created his civilization, only based on his inventions, on intensive consumption and production, but in fact the development of civilization was only for one purpose - to provide comfort to the Cat.

Rabbit, this affectionate fat man, at first glance seems to be an incomprehensible and mysterious creature. The Rabbit does not cause hostility and superstition in anyone, and does not generate superstitious fear, as the Cat does. Black cats were always accompanied by witches and were a symbol of black magic. In front of the cat, the Rabbit (Hare) looks helpless and funny. He never shows aggression and always flees. He is a small and affectionate god, he does not like night walks, it is impossible to tame him or lock him up in a small world, but on the contrary, it is easy to get into the world of fairy tales with him. This is one of the animals that cannot be trained. Have you ever seen a trained Rabbit (Hare) in a circus?

The rabbit is an animal with soft pleasant paws, a mixture of unknown and beautiful reality, sweet and captivating. Less has been written about Rabbits than about Cats, but they were not burned at the stake with the witches. It symbolizes a calm, wise companion, as opposed to evil spirits. Rabbits cause adoration and never generate hatred. The indifference of people does not affect their fate in any way. In Chinese astrology, this is one of the most difficult signs of the zodiac to describe, because it has many different subtle shades. Because of this, it is very difficult to express specific and simple words about the Rabbit.

Rabbit (Hare) loves different trips, but without any risk, he will never go camping without a first aid kit. It can often be found on sparsely populated paths.


The Rabbit (Hare) is very happy if born on a summer day. In the summer Rabbit, fate passes more calmly and he experiences much less disappointment and cold. The Rabbit's childhood and youth pass without any outbursts, and maturity is filled with knowledge of the outside world. In the process of the entire life path, the nature of the Rabbit (Hare) strives all the time to find peace. But this does not always work out, because the Rabbit in maturity is replete with dramatic events, insurmountable obstacles and exceptional situations. The rabbit is not created for rivalry and struggle, he is very afraid of instability, but no matter how hard he tries to avoid change, they pursue him until old age. If a person born under the sign of the Rabbit does not rid himself of this complex, then by about thirty years he can easily go crazy or leave his life principles, which will lower him to the bottom of society.

In old age, the Rabbit must be careful: he can spend his old years in sadness and loneliness if he fails to make the right choice at a fateful moment in his life. The Rabbit can have a quiet life, if cataclysms, revolutions and wars do not suddenly happen. His fate often depends on external factors, on the environment and the era.


The duality of the characteristics of the Rabbit lies in the alternation of dual dependence and wildness. You need to know the Rabbit very well to see how he bypasses all the traps of the enemy, his behavior is often unpredictable, when they expect a bold act from him, he evades when he is sure that the Rabbit will run away - he will take it and stop. The rabbit is a very sensitive creature, well receptive to the climate, he trusts his intuition and feels good when noodles are hung on his ears. It is difficult to speak with the Rabbit in the language of logic, even if he works with numbers, his reaction will still lie in the subjective area. It may seem that the Rabbit is easy to adapt and tame, but in fact he hides his discontent in the depths of consciousness and one day, under certain circumstances, all his emotions will spill out. People born under the sign of the Rabbit are moderate and reserved. They always show diplomacy and subtlety to avoid conflict situations and quarrels. They are sensitive to harmony and are very demanding in maintaining a caring environment and a peaceful climate.

Rabbits are endowed with natural chastity, a sense of strict morality, they are always thoughtful and prudent. They are very fond of safety, tranquility and comfort. All their lives they work to strengthen their structures.

Rabbits are considered the happiest people, they are created for well-being and harmony. It is very pleasant to spend time with them. Rabbits are very ambitious, reserved, refined. Everyone wants to be in the company of Rabbits because they are pleasant and kind companions, and always share with their surroundings.

Their world is the immediate environment, and only bypassing their territorial possessions, and fully convinced of the safety, they can risk moving on. Rabbits are cautious and cautious and always on the alert. This is a waiting position, it is caused by internal fears that often upset their life balance. The Rabbit is not at all a warlike or aggressive sign of the zodiac. Its representatives will never rush into difficulties for their own pleasure, if they can be circumvented. In a difficult environment and situation, Rabbits feel squeezed in the grip of circumstances. They are dangerous in rare situations, only when they were cornered. In all other situations, they try to avoid unnecessary discussions and flee. It is difficult to provoke the Rabbit, because he is sober and calm - a pacifist. The Rabbit is more sensitive and not particularly sentimental, but he is more concerned about his own problems than world cataclysms. Hunger, catastrophes, wars are completely indifferent to him, if they do not concern him personally. But as soon as the little things touch him, he immediately finds it unbearable. They are quickly comforted and cry easily. Melancholy and sorrow are the main weapons of the Rabbit. Their weak point is timidity, cowardice, indecision. They will not act if they do not know what awaits them. Rabbits are not made for critical situations, so they can easily miss an interesting chance. Worrying about the future, they often stand still. In Rabbits, peace of mind is of paramount and major importance, and help to others is provided only if their life order is not disturbed. They can come up with a thousand different excuses to justify their refusal, but in reality this is self-deception.

Rabbits are very easy to live with, they have a calm and peaceful nature. They rarely get annoyed, quickly agree, always keep cool and calm. These are warm, hospitable and the most loyal people, they are very attentive and delicate to their friends. They are patient and understanding. Rabbits cannot stand vulgarity, so they are easy to offend. People under the sign of the Rabbit are very big conservatives, they live by the principles of honor. They are a little distrustful and silent.

Rabbits are very fond of shining in a public environment and are highly respected in a narrow circle of their friends. They are too cautious, and even a little shy, they will not take any action until everyone has calculated all the pros and cons. For many people, these Rabbit talents are very valuable, and many are consulted with them. In many matters they are explained naturally and easily. Rabbits are perfectly oriented in everyday life and do not adapt well to some unexpected situations. If the Rabbit does not know the outcome of the event, then he is very nervous, because their happiness often depends on many circumstances.

People under the sign of the Rabbit quickly lose their positive qualities, with a negative and bad set of circumstances, they often become superficial people.

Rabbits love their close company, and the company loves them too. They often have people from different social strata in their friends, and they are good at recognizing them. Rabbits are often intriguers, gossips, but they get out of the situation tactfully and accurately. In life, they never try not to talk about unpleasant things. Rabbits are secular people, they are very fond of showing their culture and intelligence, especially if it was quickly, hastily acquired. They delve deeply into most topics, but only to surprise with their knowledge of society, and often do not notice important life events.

Rabbit is a good businessman, so he is doing well financially. Those who make a deal with him will not regret it at all. The Rabbit is lucky in trade, he can also be successful in the sale of antiques, for which the Rabbits have good taste. They are also good diplomats and therefore can show themselves excellently in jurisprudence, all these properties allow them to live in prosperity.

Women of the Rabbit sign love glitter, they have good taste, they are talented in their profession and demanding. For Politicians, the Rabbit is an ideal partner, Rabbit women are excellent housewives, disciplined, cultured and know how to enhance the brilliance of a partner.

The rabbit is responsive and affectionate, gives love and attention to loved ones, but in spite of all this, he is bad, created for a large family, he often looks at children and his loved ones as strangers, and prefers friends more. But Rabbits women scrupulously fulfill their family duty, they are very attached to maternal feelings.

  • From 01/29/1903 to 02/15/1904 - Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit;
  • From 02/14/1915 to 02/02/1916 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Rabbit;
  • From 02/02/1927 to 01/22/1928 - the Year of the Fire (Red) Rabbit;
  • From 02/19/1939 to 02/07/1940 - the Year of the Earth (Yellow) Rabbit;
  • From 02/06/1951 to 01/26/1952 - Year of the Metallic (White) Rabbit;
  • From 01/25/1963 to 02/12/1964 - Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit;
  • From 02/11/1975 to 01/30/1976 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Rabbit;
  • From 01/29/1987 to 02/16/1988 - the Year of the Fire (Red) Rabbit;
  • From 02/16/1999 to 02/04/2000 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Rabbit;
  • From 02/03/2011 to 01/22/2012 - Year of the Metal (White) Rabbit;
  • From 01/22/2023 to 02/09/2024 is the Year of the Water (Black) Rabbit.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Cancer.

Strengths of character

A person born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat, Hare) has pronounced diplomatic qualities. He is pleasant and polite in communication, knows how to listen carefully to the interlocutor, and therefore makes the most favorable impression. The rabbit has the gift of persuasion. Even if his proposal or idea is not of interest to another person, the Rabbit will find the right words and convince him of the opposite. He knows how to influence even entire groups of people, but he never acts aggressively or rudely.

Refinement is the second strong point of the Rabbit characteristic. Of all the symbols of the eastern horoscope, he ranks first in elegance. By nature, the Rabbit is endowed with good taste and aristocratic manners, and the environment in which he grew up has almost no effect on him.

Since people like the Rabbit and inspire confidence in them, he easily makes the necessary acquaintances and provides himself with a decent standard of living. The representative of this sign will find a way out of almost any situation, but he will not do it with his own hands. However, it is not the method of action that is important, but the result.

Weaknesses of character

A person born in the year of the Rabbit attaches great importance to trifles, and often, because of this, is distracted from the essence. He is so concerned about minor details that the end result may suffer as a result. This happens especially often when speed of action could decide everything. While the Rabbit hesitates in making a decision or developing a perfect plan, there will be someone more agile.

The intelligent and sophisticated Rabbit is powerless in front of arrogant people who behave rudely. He himself is not aggressive, and the only method of defense that he knows is the manifestation of cunning and intellectual superiority. Unfortunately, this is very often not enough to defeat an opponent. If the Rabbit finds himself in a difficult situation, and the environment around him is hostile, he begins to panic. In a panic, he is inclined to make mistake after mistake, and if outside help does not arrive in time, he will have a hard time.

In love

The rabbit does not always act decisively, but at the same time he has every chance to win over the one he is interested in. In charm, he has few equals. The rabbit will never shock a person with an unexpected declaration of love. First, he will approach him as a friend or well-wisher, along the way observing how they react to him. A person born in the year of the Rabbit does not like to take risks, and this also applies to personal life.

Rabbit is conservative. He welcomes only permanent relationships, and even if they have exhausted themselves for a long time, he will not rush to break them. Very often, this person is so afraid of losing what he has, but is no longer happy that he is missing out on real chances to find happiness in the company of another person.

The rabbit is a rather secretive sign of the eastern horoscope. If the situation develops in such a way that he begins to lead a double life, he will comply with all security measures so as not to give himself away. It will not be easy for him to make a choice. A rabbit can live for two families for years, waiting for everything to be decided by itself.


Intelligent and courteous, the Rabbit is one of the most ambitious signs of the Chinese calendar. He strives to occupy a high position in society, and achieves his plan by cunning and veiled actions. The rabbit does not walk over heads, does not behave arrogantly and straightforwardly, therefore its competitors often do not even realize that they have a rival.

This person treats his job with all responsibility. He always has the cleanest workplace, and everything is in its place. In the thoughts of the Rabbit, too, order. He is attentive, notices any little things, and he also has an excellent memory. If a representative of this sign holds the position of assistant manager, then the success of the business depends primarily on him.

Rabbit Man

The rabbit is primarily a symbol of constancy. A man born under this sign is conservative, attached to the house and leads a measured lifestyle. For him, household comfort and the company of loved ones nearby are very important. The Rabbit man cannot stand being alone and can only feel comfortable in a couple.

For a permanent relationship, a calm and economic woman, focused on family and home, is ideal for him. The Rabbit man is not very sociable, so if his chosen one regularly disappears in the company of girlfriends, a series of conflicts awaits the couple. This person is jealous. He definitely won’t arrange stormy scenes with breaking dishes, but he knows how to create a tense atmosphere like no one else.

The representative of this sign has a very secretive nature, so those who know him well enough can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The rabbit is afraid of criticism, but does not admit it. He can open his soul only to that person who will be ready to accept him as he is.

Rabbit Woman

The Rabbit woman is pleasant to talk to, and next to her people feel comfortable and relaxed. At the same time, she rarely lets anyone close to her, preferring to keep a certain distance. She has many acquaintances and friends, but few friends. She prefers to spend her free time in the company of really close people, tries to avoid crowded places and noisy companies.

In dealing with men, the Rabbit woman behaves intelligently and with restraint. She gives the impression of a lady from high society, who, at the same time, does not emphasize her mannerisms, and therefore it is pleasant and easy to be with her. She belongs to the type of women who are waiting for an initiative to get closer from a man, but are more likely to succeed than the more determined representatives of the weaker sex.

In family relationships, she is constant. The Rabbit woman maintains comfort in the house, she is a wonderful hostess, a loving wife and a caring mother. After marriage, communication with other men ceases to interest her, and she gives all her strength only to her family.

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) - the sign will tell a lot!

Lucky Bunny Colors: green - on the one hand, relaxes, on the other - allows you to quickly gain authority in the eyes of others.

Rabbit: lucky stone talisman- malachite. Helps to run a successful business, protects against losses.

Lucky Rabbit Numbers: 4

Who suits the Rabbit, the best signs for the Rabbit: Goat, Dog, Bull, Snake, Horse, Pig

Who does not suit the Rabbit, the worst signs for the Rabbit: Rat, Dragon, Rooster

Which rabbit corresponds to the sign of the zodiac

If a person was born in the year of the Rabbit, the sign makes him - regardless of gender - a born homebody. As the eastern horoscope assures, the Rabbit feels best in his native four walls, invariably decorated with great taste. As an aesthete and the best cook in the Chinese Zodiac, he is famous for throwing unforgettable parties. Guests are always deliciously fed, fascinated by the impeccable manners of the owner and his ability to conduct an interesting conversation. Those born in the years of the Rabbit are versed in wines, perfumes, they know how to choose clothes adequately to the situation. In addition, they often play chess, poker and bridge very well. They are happy to communicate at various events with people, are members of various societies. The circle of friends of the Rabbit sign is wide, and these are people of different backgrounds and professions.

A person who, according to the sign of the eastern horoscope, is a Rabbit, softens other people's morals and actions, is tolerant of rumors, is an excellent listener, a connoisseur of someone else's frankness. Contact with influential people is the secret key to opening other people's hearts and quickly gaining favor - for them the best guarantee of success in life. Rabbits by nature are such that they do not like risk, they often lack self-confidence, assertiveness, and they are simply afraid of dishonest play and fierce competition. However, let the environment not be seduced by soft fluffy fur, innate pacifism, melancholy and streams of tears shed for any reason. Behind all this is a man with a strong will, reminiscent of hardened steel, with an inventive mind, sometimes not without a truly diabolical cunning, capable of fooling a much stronger opponent. The ancient Chinese spoke bluntly: in the entire eastern horoscope, it is the sign of the Rabbit that has the greatest ability to survive, so do not underestimate it.

In love, if you were born in the year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope, you are extremely faithful, incredibly romantic. One-day relationships, fleeting adventures, intimacy without love, even in a crazy impulse, do not correspond to your nature. A frivolous attitude to feelings will hurt you to the point of pain. In the arms of a partner, you are looking, first of all, for a safe haven in the stormy sea. You are killed by the slightest misunderstandings, quarrels in relationships. Even if you love your soulmate very much, you often have a secret life (not necessarily related to love affairs), sometimes you need solitude. When you seduce someone, the atmosphere, the environment, is very important to you. You put on a spectacle with candlelight, matching music, silk sheets and culinary delights to cater to all the wishes of your loved ones.

Cycle of the year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese zodiac
1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975
January 29 The 14th of February February 2 February 19 February 6 The 25th of January February 11
1987 1999 2011 2023 2035 2047 2059
January 29 February 16 February 3rd
* Dates indicate the first day of the New Year.

Characteristic portrait of a person born in the year of the Rabbit

Rabbits have a calm nature, they are susceptible, but cannot be successful in the competitive struggle - if it is necessary to take risks, they are immediately seized with anxiety. The fragile balance of emotions of rabbits can be easily shaken by an unforeseen situation, they instinctively want to create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere. This makes them very pleasant guests and attentive hosts, they make every effort so that people do not feel lonely and forgotten.

Rabbits understand that details are of great importance in creating a comfortable environment, and they pay attention to literally everything - from the interior and dishes on the table to a pleasant friendly conversation.

If the rabbits are sure that everything is arranged as it should, they can relax and become sociable and intelligent companions. They have a rich imagination and high intelligence, which are combined with openness and generosity, with which they allow them to turn enemies into friends. The Rabbit becomes stubborn only when he feels that the impossible is required of him.

Faced with a choice or simply being in a bad mood, Rabbits try to carefully hide their thoughts, considering it indecent to make any demands or impose their opinions on others.

The lifestyle is conservative, they do not like when their safety is threatened, but by preferring safety over risk, they may not take advantage of favorable opportunities.

Rabbits do not like to be in the spotlight, they are afraid of conflict situations, and if there is an opportunity to avoid them, they immediately use it. This does not mean that the Rabbit is frivolous or irresponsible: if he fully understands this, then he becomes serious, persistent and active.


Your intellect and fertile imagination contribute to your career, you always carefully consider your plans before moving on to their implementation. You are prudent, prefer to have information about all the details in order to finally weigh everything. You do not like abrupt changes in business life, you prefer methodical and reliable work, so you have little interest in politics and finance.

Working under pressure makes you nervous, as do unexpected demands to come up with a creative idea. Your creative talents are most revealed when you are allowed to work at your own pace. Many colleagues like your tact and modesty, they understand that you are a good worker and are unlikely to step over others to achieve your goals.

You can pursue a career in literature, art, design, or public relations. You will make a good consultant, lawyer, judge, counselor or secretary.


In a relationship, you need reliability and tenderness, you are completely happy when you manage to create an atmosphere of trust and comfort. You are not looking for emotional upheaval, you are not attracted to romantic impulses, so when your partner's behavior starts to annoy you, you hide in your "hare skin".

Basically, you are confident in your love, but a rash act or a careless remark can suddenly cause you serious doubts. Try to doubt out loud at such moments, and perhaps you will understand that your doubts are unfounded.

When you find the right partner and when they reciprocate your feelings, you can learn to forgive and be interested in your partner's problems, and not focus only on your own.

You enjoy art, informal dining, engaging conversations. It will take time for you to find your soul mate, but when you find it, you will be loyal to that person.

yin and yang

Yin and yang are two great cosmic forces that influence and balance all life. Yin is cold, damp and calm, while yang is heat, weight and dynamism. The rabbit is associated with the earth element, in which yin and yang are balanced. This combination is associated with thinking and caring.


Green. The rabbit is associated with the color green, which is associated with spring. It is the color of new life, tranquility and relaxation. It is believed that good dreams will come true if they have the color green, as it is a happy and influential color, especially when combined with red.

Side of the world

East. Each of the twelve animal signs corresponds to the direction of the compass needle. The rabbit is associated with the east direction, which in turn is associated with the hours of sunrise. This direction is also traditionally associated with the middle of spring - a time when yang continues to gain strength, and yin loses it.

Horoscope for 2011 Eared.

2011 Year of the White Rabbit. What will this cute fluffy creature bring us? What surprises and gifts does it prepare for us? And what hides his soft shaggy nature?

According to the eastern calendar, the Year of the Rabbit is a time of family idylls, happy marriages and great success in professional activities. By nature, the rabbit is extremely timid and melancholic, but at the same time very hospitable, friendly and kind. The rabbit does not like big companies, prefers to spend time in a quiet family and circle, and very carefully follows the atmosphere of home comfort. It is no coincidence that it is in his year that the happiest and most long-lasting marriages are made, because our Big-eared big romantic. He loves apples and greens, categorically denying heavy meat food. It is best to meet the year of the White Rabbit in light and bright outfits, giving preference to soft shades.

In addition to family gatherings, our rabbit still loves to work very much, therefore it promises a lot of professional success for those who sincerely love their work and want to achieve great success in it. Most of all in the New Year, those who have connected their lives with the economy, diplomacy and law will be lucky. However, do not despair for those who earn their living by other work, because Eared patronizes all those who are confident in themselves and always, like a cat, land on four paws. By the way, according to ancient Eastern tradition, the year of the Rabbit is also the year of the Cat. According to legend, when the Buddha distributed places among the animals in the new era, the cat and the hare got one year for two. Being prosperous and friendly, the animals did not swear and decided to rule together.

Most of all, the Rabbit (Cat) patronizes those who were born in the year of the Goat, Horse, Ox and Dragon. It will be more difficult for those who were born in the year of the Tiger, Rooster and Monkey. For the rest of the signs of the eastern calendar, the Rabbit promises to be neutral, but still promises a lot of happiness and good luck.

For Aquarius, the new year promises to be quiet and calm, but advises you to stay away from risky situations and better understand yourself. For Pisces and Sagittarius, the Rabbit portends great success in social activities and great changes that can turn their whole future fate upside down. Aries and Virgo 2011 advises against getting involved in risky activities, they need to beware of deceptions and always be on the alert. Taurus will always need to soberly assess the current situation, but you can safely make new friends and interesting acquaintances. Gemini, Libra, Cancer and Leo should devote more time to their personal lives, because this year can bring them the purest and longest feelings. But the Rabbit sincerely advises Scorpions and Capricorns to do serious business, they will have unmeasured success in business.

New Year 2011 is the Chinese style year 4709 of the White (Metal) Rabbit. Therefore, we will dwell on this element in more detail.

Characteristics of the element Metal

People of the Metal Element are able to concentrate and direct other people for different purposes, they are like conductors of energy and information. Intuitive, emotional, focused, self-confident and aggressive in the process of achieving the goal. These are specifics and practices, since their thinking is aimed at the result. From time to time they need solitude to organize their thoughts. Subject to despondency and melancholy. They may leave their partner to "get away" from the problem. In love, erotic, picky and hardy.

People of the Element of Metal give the impression of being persistent and tough. They are pretty hard to convince. When a problem arises, they tend to dive into themselves. They do not like active advisers, they do not let strangers into the world of their feelings and experiences and do not “cry into a vest”, but tend to look at life realistically.

Since the Metal element is associated with money circulation, they successfully stimulate other people to achieve results and social advancement. They react sharply to injustice, do not tolerate falsehood and deceit. There are cynical, ambitious and eccentric. They are well versed in the intricacies of smells and have a natural flair for the energy emitted by the interlocutor.

If such a person has received a positive life experience and developed intellectually, she becomes more flexible and open, can be a wonderful friend, ready to help at any moment.

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