When the poplar row begins to grow. Features of the collection and cultivation of poplar row. ✎ Belonging and generic features

Tricholoma populinum

Poplar rowing - a little-known edible mushroom, grows in autumn under poplars, for which it received one of the names - poplar.

Description of the mushroom rowing poplar

A fungus with a fruiting body shape characteristic of rows, if it grows, then it grows massively, under poplars or in the presence of poplars. It has a characteristic pleasant powdery aroma.

When and where does poplar row grow?

So far, I have come across this mushroom only once, on November 2, 2015. Under poplars and willows on the banks of the Desna River in the Brovarsky district.

Why is the poplar row bitter?

Familiar mushroom pickers explained that the taste of the poplar row depends on the trees next to which these mushrooms grow. Speaking specifically, the poplar row, which grows under aspens, is not bitter. And under poplars - it can be very bitter, almost inedible. It is advisable to immediately taste the pulp of raw poplar poplar, nibbling a little raw mushroom while still in the forest - this will help determine the method of cooking and, in general, decide whether you intend to take this mushroom home or limit yourself, for example, to photographing.

There is also an opinion that the bitterness in taste depends on the presence of rains (supposedly, in dry weather, the mushroom is bitter, but not in rainy weather, but it raises deep doubts, because once we compared poplars, collected almost on the same day in one and the same district, but one party was bitter, and the second was not.Therefore, we discard this version and mention it only in order to draw attention to its failure.

How to cook poplar row?

The fact is that if poplar is bitter, then bitterness can be felt even after frying or stewing. Friends advised to pre-boil the mushroom twice for 20 minutes, but this did not help. And then it is better to use this mushroom for pickling or pickling. For example, among poplars, pickled in early November, by mid-February, the bitterness practically disappeared while they were waiting in the banks for their fate. Another option for preparing such poplar rows is variations of various Korean-style pickles, using hot seasonings such as chili peppers, ginger and garlic, which will hide bitterness.

A high-quality poplar row does not have bitterness, and then it is quite suitable for stewing in sour cream or for roasting. True, this mushroom is much harder in consistency than the more common and familiar mushrooms, and connoisseurs advise using poplar mushrooms, for example, in pies or dumplings, taking recipes with meat offal as a basis and replacing them with poplar mushrooms.

Video for the description of poplar rowing

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Despite the fact that poplar rowing (podtopolniki) is not the most popular mushroom, there are several interesting recipes that allow you to cook real delicious hot dishes, as well as salting for the winter.

There are several interesting recipes that allow you to cook real delicious hot dishes, as well as salting for the winter with a row

Mushroom rowing is also called poplars, because basically mushroom pickers find them under poplars. Before you start cooking, mushrooms need to be processed in a certain way. The preparation technology is the same, regardless of which particular recipe is chosen:

  1. First, the mushrooms, as usual, are thoroughly washed from dirt, dust, and twigs are removed.
  2. Then comes the most crucial stage - since the rows have a little bitterness, they need to be soaked. To do this, mushrooms are placed in a large basin, poured with cold water and left for 2-3 days.
  3. In this case, you need to constantly change the water - at least twice a day.

When the caps become elastic enough that they stop breaking when pressed, this is a sure sign that you can start cooking.

Mushroom rowing is also called poplars, because basically mushroom pickers find them under poplars

What can be prepared from poplar row

Many mushroom pickers do not know that quite a lot of good dishes can be prepared from a row, so they bypass this mushroom. Below are simple and affordable recipes for cooking hot first and second courses based on poplars.

Fried poplars

Almost all mushrooms can be fried and used as an addition to the second course. All components are taken arbitrarily, in the required quantities:

  • mushrooms;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil;
  • flour;
  • any greenery.

In this case, you can not soak the mushrooms, since the bitterness completely disappears from heat treatment. The recipe includes the following steps:

  1. First, the rows are washed and poured with boiling water for just a couple of minutes.
  2. Then it is important to dry the poplars very well - you can simply put them on a napkin and wipe them, or you can put them in the oven for a short time at + 100 ° C.
  3. The oil in the pan needs to be hot enough so that the mushrooms are fried, and not stewed.
  4. Then the mushrooms are fried for 5 minutes on each side.
  5. It is very important to add salt, pepper and herbs at the end of cooking - because if you do it right away, the hats can give a lot of juice.

How to prepare a row (video)

In fact, this is a modification of the previous recipe, however, in this case, water does not need to be removed from the mushrooms, since they will not be fried, but stewed.

You will need mushrooms, as well as:

  • 3 tablespoons low-fat sour cream;
  • spices to taste;
  • any greenery.

After blanching poplars in boiling water, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. First of all, fry the onion in oil until half cooked so that it dries out a little.
  2. Then finely chopped rows are introduced, stewed until half cooked.
  3. After that you need to add all the spices and mix well.
  4. And after that, after a minute, sour cream is introduced, letting it warm up.

The sauce must be removed from the heat after a couple of minutes so that the sour cream does not break into 2 layers. Then the dish is decorated with herbs. This sauce will be a good addition to any meat second courses and side dishes, especially buckwheat and mashed potatoes.

Sour cream sauce from poplars

Poplar caviar

You can make a real vegetable snack from rows - mushroom caviar. To do this, take a kilogram of mushrooms and vegetables, as well as spices:

  • carrots and onions - 2 medium pieces each;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • dried cloves - 2 buds;
  • sunflower oil - 3 large spoons.

The recipe is the following:

  1. First, the mushrooms are washed and boiled to a boil, and then the water is drained.
  2. Poplars are again put in water and boiled for another half an hour after boiling (the fire is rather weak).
  3. In the meantime, vegetables (onions and carrots) are fried separately, spices are added and turned into gruel using a blender or ground in a mortar.
  4. After that, you need to combine the gruel with mushrooms, which are also chopped by hand, in a meat grinder or in a blender.

Caviar from podtopolnikov

Recipes for poplar rowing for the winter

There are several types of salting poplars, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages.

How to pickle poplar mushrooms for the winter in a cold way

First of all, you can salt the row with the so-called cold method - i.e. without pre-cooking. Mushrooms will take much longer to prepare, but as a result, the caps will be very elastic and crispy.

For cooking, you will need mushrooms and spices:

  • 0.5 kg rows;
  • 3-4 teaspoons of salt;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • bay leaf, black peppercorns and garlic cloves - to taste.

After preparing the mushrooms for salting, you need to do the following:

  1. The jars are sterilized and the bottoms are placed in them with their caps down.
  2. The layer is sprinkled with salt and spices.
  3. Then comes the second layer.
  4. Then more spices.
  5. The last layer should consist of spices. The load is placed on top.

Salting poplar mushrooms for the winter in a cold way

Poplars are salted within 1 month, and they can be stored in this form for up to six months.

During storage and salting, you need to consider a few rules:

  1. First of all, the best cooking option is wooden containers. It is forbidden to take tin, because the brine can severely damage the surface.
  2. Store jars, regardless of the method of salting, in a cold, cool place.
  3. After a month, you need to check that there is enough juice that stands out - if there is too little brine, you can add a little water.

How to pickle rows (video)

The recipe for salting poplar rows in a hot way

The hot method has several advantages:

  • first of all, mushrooms do not need to be soaked - they can be used immediately after washing;
  • salting lasts only 1 week, after which the dish can immediately be put on the table;
  • rows can be stored in this form for 7-8 months.

It can be assumed that 2 tablespoons of salt without a slide are taken per kilogram of poplars. You can also use traditional spices to taste:

  • Bay leaf;
  • black peppercorns;
  • clove buds;
  • dill;
  • peeled horseradish - no more than 20 g;
  • garlic cloves.

The recipe is quite simple and involves the following steps:

  1. Washed poplars are boiled in slightly salted water (the taste should be clearly undersalted) for 30 minutes (when it boils, the fire is reduced to medium).
  2. Further, the technology is no different from the previous method: mushrooms are placed in jars with caps down, then a layer of spices and salt follows.
  3. The last layer consists of salt, after which the weight is placed. Salting goes on for 2 weeks.


After boiling the mushrooms, let the water drain as much as possible and wait if necessary. Ideally, the caps and legs should be slightly damp.

Row poplar - the same delicious delicacy as the rest of the mushrooms

Salting poplar row for the winter with carrots and onions

Finally, if you want to get a beautiful, elegant dish, you can supplement the recipe with carrots and onions - this way you will learn tastier. For salting, you can adhere to the same ratio - 2 tablespoons of salt without a slide per kilogram of poplars.

The following products and spices are taken:

  • sugar 1 small spoon;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • pepper, lemon zest, bay leaf - to taste.

The technology is quite simple:

  1. First you need to cut the onion and carrot (do not grate).
  2. Put a saucepan with 1.5 liters of cold water, add vegetables and bring to a boil.
  3. Then cook on low heat for 7-8 minutes.
  4. A few minutes before cooking, add vinegar and all spices, including zest.

Mushrooms for this recipe are prepared in a cold way - by simple soaking. However, if there is no time, you can use the hot method. Sterilize the jars, pour the marinade and roll up the lids. Readiness depends on the method - in the case of cold 1 month, in the case of hot - 2 times less.

How to pickle rows (video)

Row poplar - the same delicious delicacy as the rest of the mushrooms. Moreover, you can cook dishes from it quickly, if you do not soak, but simply boil the mushrooms.

Enjoy your meal!

Post Views: 283

Ryadovka poplar is popularly referred to as poplar mushroom, poplar or poplar. Macromycete got its name for its habitat. It grows in close proximity to or under poplars. Poplar rowing in terms of its taste and nutritional value is ranked in the third category of edibility. This mushroom is completely edible, but first it must be washed well, soaked (to remove bitterness) and boiled. This macromycete is suitable for cooking various dishes, but it is most delicious in pickled and salted form.


Mushroom row poplar at a young age has a hemispherical (sometimes irregular shape) and convex hat. In maturity, it becomes prostrate, and later - depressed, fissured, often has an indefinite shape. The color of the cap varies from yellow-brown to dark brown with a reddish tint. Sometimes there are pale green spots on it. The cap diameter is up to 15 cm. Its edges are variously wavy and somewhat lighter in hue. Its surface is uneven, often with cracks and pits, bare, dry. In wet weather, the hat becomes very slippery. That is why it attracts particles of soil and motes of poplar rowing. Her photos are available in this article.

The flesh of the macromycete is white (grayish-brown under the skin), fleshy, dense. She has a pleasant taste, a floury smell. It crunches when chewed. Intermediate and main plates notched, frequent, light with a pinkish tint. When the fungus ages, they turn brown or red spots appear on them. The legs of different macromycetes may be unequal in size. Some specimens are thick, while others are thin. The height of the leg is up to 7 cm, the diameter is up to 4 cm. It is cylindrical and somewhat flattened. It is yellowish-brown below and whitish above. The surface of the leg is matte, fibrous, dry. The pulp is white. At first, the leg inside is solid and dense, then it becomes loose, and then hollow.


Ryadovka poplar settles in plantings of deciduous type with the presence of poplar. The mushroom is well covered by foliage, so it can be difficult to find it. The poplar row almost always grows in large communities. This fungus is common wherever there are poplars. It can be found in European countries, in the middle lane and southern regions of the Russian Federation, in Siberia, in the Urals, as well as in the Far East. The fruiting season of this macromycete begins with leaf fall. It must be collected at the end of August and September.


When young, poplar rowing in color and shape somewhat resembles crowded rowing, but it greatly exceeds the latter in size, and also has a bitter aftertaste. In addition, the underfloor is always almost completely covered with grains of sand and forest motes. But even confusing these mushrooms is not scary, since the crowded row is a rather valuable edible macromycete. Things are different with the other double. Poplar can sometimes be confused with poisonous tiger row. However, they have two significant differences. Firstly, the podtopolnik almost always settles in large communities, and secondly, it always coexists with poplars.

Ryadovka mushroom is an edible mushroom of the 3rd category. The name is derived from the ability of the fungus to form mycorrhiza with poplar roots.

The poplar row has a fleshy hemispherical cap, 6-12 cm in diameter, with rolled edges, it is often slippery and sticky, which is why the mushroom is covered with litter or moss. The color of the cap varies from grayish-reddish to olive-brown. Often with age, uneven cracks form along the edges of the cap, and the cap itself becomes flat.

The flesh of the mushroom under the skin is reddish. White plates (in adults - brownish) adhere to the leg. Spores are white, spherical. The cap is located on a fleshy brownish stem, reaching a length of 8-10 cm and a width of 4 cm, when pressed on which a small dark spot appears. The flesh of this mushroom is whitish with a floury taste and the same smell, although sometimes it can taste slightly bitter. It occurs from August to the end of November in deciduous forests in groups and singly, in gardens, parks and along roads, mainly under poplars.

Photo row poplar

Growing a row of poplar

The temperature that is necessary for the emergence of fruiting bodies is a feature of growing the rowing mushroom. The first mushrooms appear only if the air temperature drops to 15°C or lower. It is best to start laying the poplar rowing culture in May.

There are two ways to grow mushrooms: outdoors and indoors. Poplar rowing is grown on the street easier in technical terms. It is recommended to lay the culture on the beds, in bags or boxes filled with the substrate. As a substrate, you can use peat, soil for plants or ordinary soil. 100 grams of chalk and 1 liter of water are added to 5 kilograms of soil. 50 grams of mycelium are added to the resulting mixture and gently mixed. Spread the substrate mixed with mycelium in a box or bag and sprinkle with a 5 cm layer of moist earth, cover with a film and provide high humidity and air circulation around the edges. Mycelium grows best at 20°C. After the earth is overgrown with mycelium, the film is removed and the substrate is transferred to a shaded, damp place. The first fruiting bodies appear 4-6 weeks after planting. After each collection of mushrooms, you should water the ground or, even better, add a layer (3-5 cm) of moist soil. Before frost, it is recommended to cover the mycelium with a layer of straw, grass or leaves. In the spring, when a stable temperature is established above 10 ° C, the mushrooms open.

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