When you turn on the computer, the system unit buzzes. Why is the system unit noisy. PSU cooler dirty

Is your computer running much louder than usual? Is it buzzing or buzzing loudly, especially when turned on?

In 99% of cases, one or more cooling fans fail, and if you don’t deal with this problem, then you will face not only a migraine from constant noise, but also the very likely death of your computer from overheating.


Any actions inside the computer system unit, or its parts can be performed ONLY with experience in working with electrical appliances and electronics, clearly understanding the mechanism of operation of the device and the essence of the operations performed. All actions inside any devices and mechanisms are performed EXCLUSIVELY when the power is off. Including - a cord pulled out of the outlet and a grounded case.

In general, do not be idiots - follow the rules of electrical safety, and be prudent. I warned.

So, the first step is to find out which cooler (fan) started to act up. To do this, after removing the side cover, simply turn on the computer and listen - with sufficient accuracy, you can localize the source of noise.

There are not so many of them.

case fan

Most often, case coolers located on the rear end or side covers of the system unit fail. Replacing them is easy.

Firstly After turning off the computer, carefully unplug the power cable. It can either be connected to the power supply via a standard molex connector, or to the motherboard using a small 3- or 4-pin connector. If you are poorly versed in computers, remember where the fan was connected. After that, unscrew the four screws that secure the cooler to the case with a Phillips screwdriver. Take it out (cooler).

Although if you really need to replace it, but there is no money to buy a new PSU or call a master, you can try it. I will tell you about the way to replace the cooler on the power supply a little later, in a separate note.

Sometimes the system unit of the computer starts to make a lot of noise. Quite loud sounds are heard from it, similar to rustling, whistling, and even rattle. Why does the system unit make noise and how to fix it?

Noise in the system unit always indicates some kind of computer malfunction. They can be different, from minor to very serious, requiring immediate action. Let's look at the most common causes, as well as how to fix these problems. These tips are suitable for absolutely everyone, since everything is very simple and even a beginner can cope with the problem.

There are four most common causes of loud noise from the system unit.

1) The CPU fan is very dusty

Most often, it is the processor cooler that starts to make a lot of noise due to the fact that a lot of dust collects on it. As a result, it starts to spin badly.

For starters, you can simply vacuum the fan. This is easy to do, but you have to be very careful. It is best to use the nozzle for cleaning cracks: turn on the vacuum cleaner, bring the nozzle close to the cooler, at a distance of 1-2 cm, but in such a way that in no case does it touch it or any other parts inside the computer, and gently vacuum with such a distance.

If such cleaning did not help, then the easiest way in this case is to purchase a new fan and replace the old one. Fans are cheap and very easy to replace.

But you can also save money. It is not at all necessary to buy a new fan, it will be enough just to remove the old one, thoroughly clean it of dust and lubricate it so that the friction is at the right level.

2) The video card cooler is broken

Also a very popular cause of noise in the system unit. Like the CPU cooler, it is one of the main causes of problems. And here's the thing. Usually, the coolers in the system unit are turned upside down, and after long-term operation and heavy dusting, the cooler may shift slightly and begin to rub the blades against the video card.

If the displacement has occurred, then there is a high probability that cleaning or lubrication will help, and replacing the video card fan is quite difficult. Most likely, in this case, the video card will need to be replaced.

3) Depreciation of the computer hard drive

It is extremely rare, but very disgusting, hard drives that have already become obsolete begin to creak or “squeal”. And there are times when brand new hard drives also make such a nasty sound. In this case, only replacing the hard drive will help.

This is exactly the situation when you need to act immediately. Any, even the smallest delay, can lead to a complete loss of all data on the disk. As soon as such sounds appear, immediately copy all important data to another medium (on a USB flash drive, on another disk), and then replace the disk.

4) The power supply fan is dusty or needs lubrication

And cooler again. Do not forget that the power supply also has a fan, which also requires personal care. If extraneous noise appears from the PSU, you need to remove it, disassemble it, lubricate the cooler and clean it of dust. Disassembling it is quite simple and anyone will cope with this task.

These are the main reasons why the system unit may start to make noise. If these tips did not help, then you must definitely call a specialist so that he can identify and fix the problem.

Today we will talk about why the system unit is noisy. Let's talk about the main causes and ways to eliminate them. Our advice will be useful to absolutely everyone, since absolutely anyone can solve the problem, regardless of their experience with a computer. So, let's go directly to the possible causes of the noise that your computer makes.

4 Causes of Loud Computer Noise

  1. Dust has collected on the fan (cooler) of the processor. Very often it is the processor cooler that makes the noise, as a large amount of dust collects on it. As a result, the fan spins imperfectly. In this case, you need to replace the old fan with a new one. It's inexpensive and easy to install. However, you can also do something a little different - clean the cooler and radiator from dust yourself, and lubricate the axle with engine oil to create the proper level of friction.

  2. Faulty cooler on the video card. Also a popular reason is the cooler on the video card. It can even be called almost the main cause of problems. The fact is that coolers are usually located upside down, as a result of a long time of operation, as well as excessive dust, the cooler may shift (the blades will begin to rub against the video card case). In this case, cleaning the cooler or lubricating the axis does not always help, and replacing such a fan is much more problematic. Therefore, in this case, most likely, you will have to change the outdated video card.

  3. PC hard drive worn out. A rare but nasty creak is created by hard drives that are already close to their “last hour”, and sometimes new HDDs can make a similar noise from the system unit. In this case, you need to either replace the hard drive, or make its contact with the case minimal, for example, attach it in such a way that there is a rubber layer between the metal.

  4. Dusty or poorly lubricated PSU cooler fan. The power supply also contains a cooler, which requires timely cleaning, so do not forget to clean it if you hear extraneous noises. Disassembling the PSU is quite simple - unscrew all possible screws and remember where and what was ...

Noise or hum from the computer is what annoys all users. But, some computers make so much noise that they are more like a transformer box. If this is your case, then this article should help you. Here you will find out why the computer is buzzing or making noise and what to do to reduce this noise.

There are usually only two sources of noise in a computer, these are noise from fans (coolers) and noise from hard drives. The noise from hard drives is so low that it can only be noticed if the fans are running very quietly or not at all. Therefore, hard drives can be completely ignored and focus on reducing fan noise.

Coolers in the computer cool only three components, these are:

  • Power Supply.

Plus, usually in a computer case there is at least one so-called case cooler. The task of case coolers is to remove heated air from the computer case, as well as to drive fresh and cooler air inside.

As for the noise level that each of the fans produces, it depends on the following parameters:

  • Fan speed. The faster the fan spins, the more noise it makes.
  • Fan size. The smaller the fan, the more it makes noise and the less useful it is.
  • Fan quality. Fans are very different in price and as a result in quality. Cheap fans are usually made with cheap bearings and low quality plastics. Therefore, cheap fans are much more noisy.

Also, the case itself affects the level of noise that a computer user hears. Cheap cases are made of thin metal, which rattles and thus amplifies the noise from the fans. In addition, in cheap cases there is no layer of soundproofing material.

What to do if the computer is very buzzing or noisy

So, we figured out the causes of noise and hum from the computer. Now you can disassemble the main ways to reduce noise.

Method number 1. Decrease fan speed.

The easiest and most effective way to reduce the noise level from your computer is to reduce the fan speed. The speed of fans that are connected via a 4-pin connector can be adjusted through the BIOS or through special software, for example, the SpeedFan program is often used for this.

Speedfan program

If the cooler is connected via a 3-pin connector, then its rotation speed can be reduced using special adapters that lower the voltage to the fan and thereby reduce its speed. There are also so-called reobass or cooler controllers, through which you can adjust the rotation speed of any coolers.

Reobas for coolers

It is important to monitor temperatures as the fan speed drops. Since there is a possibility of overheating. It may be needed on the processor and video card in order to maintain normal temperatures with reduced airflow.

Method number 2. Replacing coolers with quieter ones.

A more complicated way to reduce the noise level from a computer is to replace existing coolers with better ones and, as a result, quieter ones.

New cooler

Replacing the coolers on the computer case and on the processor is the easiest option. To do this, you need to measure the size of the installation site and buy a new cooler of the appropriate diameter. When choosing a new cooler, it is best to take the largest possible fan.

In the case of a video card and power supply, the process of replacing the fan is a little more complicated, since in this case the fan is more difficult to reach. However, the process of replacing the cooler is no different. We determine the size of the fan, buy a new one and install it in place of the old one.

If the replacement of fans is combined with a decrease in their speed, then a significant reduction in the noise level from the computer can be achieved.

Method number 3. Disabling case fans.

If the computer is used only as an office machine, then you can completely abandon case fans. Disable them and observe the temperature of the computer components. Most likely, the temperature will rise by about 8-15 degrees, but will remain within tolerable limits.

Case cooler

It should be noted that disabling case fans is only suitable for computers used in office mode. If you work with heavy programs or play computer games, then you cannot turn off the case fans.

Also, you can not turn off the fans on the processor, video card or power supply. Because it will cause these components to overheat.

Method number 4. Replacing the computer case.

Replacing the case is also a good option. If you purchase high-quality sound-absorbing material with a layer, you can significantly reduce the noise level from the computer.

Sound-absorbing material on the lid of a computer case

Usually such cases come with high-quality coolers out of the box, so you don’t have to look for suitable ones, buy them separately and install them yourself.

In this article, we'll talk about what to do if your desktop computer makes noise and hums like a vacuum cleaner, crackles or rattles. I will not limit myself to one single point - cleaning the computer from dust, although it is the main one: we will also talk about how to lubricate the fan bearing, why a hard drive can crack and where the metallic rattling sound comes from.

In one of the previous articles I already wrote, if this is what you need, just follow the link. The information provided here applies to desktop PCs.

I can’t give an exact answer to the question of how often you need to clean your computer: in some apartments where there are no pets, no one smokes a pipe in front of the monitor, the vacuum cleaner is used regularly, and wet cleaning is a habitual action, the PC can remain clean for long time. If all of the above is not about you, then I would recommend looking inside at least once every six months - after all, the side effects from dust are not only noise, but also spontaneous shutdown of the computer, errors during operation when the RAM overheats, as well as a general decrease in performance .

Before proceeding

Do not open the computer until you turn off the power and all the wires from it - peripheral cables, connected monitors and TVs, and, of course, the power cable. The last point is required - do not perform any actions to clean the computer from dust with the power cable connected.

After this is done, I would recommend moving the system unit to a well-ventilated place where dust clouds are not very scary - if it's a private house, then a garage will do, if it's an ordinary apartment, then a balcony can be a good option. This is especially true when there is a child in the house - he (and no one) should not breathe what has accumulated in the PC case.

What tools will be needed

Why am I talking about dust clouds? After all, in theory, you can take a vacuum cleaner, open the computer and remove all the dust from it. The fact is that I would not recommend this method, despite the fact that it is fast and convenient. In this case, there is a possibility (however small) of static discharges on the components of the motherboard, video card or other parts, which does not always end well. Therefore, do not be lazy and buy a can of compressed air (They are sold in stores with electronic components and household). In addition, arm yourself with dry wipes for wiping dust and a Phillips screwdriver. Plastic zip ties and thermal paste might also come in handy if you're going to get serious.

Computer disassembly

Modern computer cases are very easy to disassemble: as a rule, it is enough to unscrew the two bolts on the right (when viewed from the back) of the system unit and remove the cover. In some cases, no screwdriver is needed - plastic latches are used as fasteners.

If there are any power-connected parts on the side panel, such as an additional fan, then you will need to disconnect the wire to completely remove it. As a result, you will see something like in the picture below.

In order to facilitate the cleaning process, you should disconnect all components that are easily removed - RAM modules, video card and hard drives. If you have never done this before, it's okay, it's pretty simple. Try not to forget what was connected and how.

If you do not know how to change thermal paste, then I do not recommend removing the processor and cooler from it. In this guide, I will not talk about how to change the thermal paste, and the removal of the processor cooling system implies that then you definitely need to do it. In cases where you just need to get rid of dust in your computer, this action is not necessary.


To start, take a can of compressed air and clean out all the components that were just removed from the computer. When dusting off a graphics card cooler, I recommend holding it in place with a pencil or similar object to prevent it from spinning from the airflow. In some cases, dry wipes should be used to remove dust that does not blow off. Pay attention to the video card cooling system - its fans can be one of the main sources of noise.

After the memory, video card and other devices are finished, you can move on to the case itself. Pay attention to all the slots on the motherboard.

Just like when cleaning a video card, when dusting the fans on the CPU cooler and power supply, fix them so that they do not rotate and use compressed air to remove the accumulated dust.

On the empty metal or plastic walls of the case, you will also find a layer of dust. You can use a tissue to clean it up. Also pay attention to the grilles and slots for ports on the case, as well as to the ports themselves.

Upon completion of cleaning, return all removed components to their place and connect them "as they were". You can use plastic ties to keep the wires in order.

When completed, you should have a computer that looks just like new on the inside. With a high degree of probability, this will help solve your noise problem.

The computer is rattling and strangely buzzing

Another common cause of noise is sound from vibrations. In this case, you usually hear a rattling sound and you can solve this problem by making sure that all components of the case and the computer itself, such as the walls of the system unit, video card, power supply, disk drives and hard drives are securely fastened. Not with one single bolt, as is often the case, but with a complete set, in terms of the number of mounting holes.

Also, strange sounds can be caused by a cooler that needs lubrication. How to disassemble and lubricate the cooler fan bearing in general terms you can see in the diagram below. However, newer cooling systems may have different fan designs and this guide will not apply.

Cooler cleaning scheme

Cracking hard drive

Well, the last and most unpleasant symptom is the strange sound of the hard drive. If before he was quiet, but now he began to crack, plus you sometimes hear how he makes a click, and then something starts to buzz weakly, picking up speed - I can upset you, the best way to solve this problem is to go for it right now with a new hard drive before you lose important data, as it will cost more to restore it than a new HDD.

However, there is one caveat: if the described symptoms occur, but they are accompanied by oddities when you turn on and off the computer (it does not turn on the first time, it turns on by itself when you plug it in), then there is a chance that everything is fine with the hard drive (although in the end it can be spoiled like that), and the reason is problems with the power supply - insufficient power or a gradual failure of the PSU.

In my opinion, he mentioned everything that concerns noisy computers. If you forgot something, mark it in the comments, additional useful information never hurts.

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