The same. Who are famous politicians like? Why Dmitry Medvedev is very similar to Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar

hasid read the material Medvedev is a regicide" that " the ancestor of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was the executioner of the family of the last tsar - Nikolai Romanov ", the first thing I thought about as a sinful thing, they say, someone is playing fellow citizens in honor of April 1.

But then I looked for various electronic sources, and found quite a lot of references to Medvedev (Kudrin), starting from the so-called. "Yurovsky's notes", which indicated " ... Having finished with the execution, it was necessary to transfer the corpses, and the path is relatively long, how to transfer? ...
I instructed to take the corpses Mikhail Medvedev y, this is a former security officer and currently an employee of the G.P.U.
It was he, together with Ermakov Petr Zakharovich, who was supposed to accept and take away the corpses ... ",
to the memoirs of the participant in the execution of the royal family, M.A. Medvedev. Of particular interest in his memoirs is an excerpt stating that Lenin was opposed to the extrajudicial execution of the Romanov family, and also that the All-Russian Central Executive Committee did not give official sanction for the execution:

"When I entered, those present were deciding what to do with former king Nicholas II Romanov and his family. Philip Goloshchekin made a report about a trip to Moscow to Ya. M. Sverdlov. Sanctions of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Goloshchekin failed to get the execution of the Romanov family. Sverdlov consulted with V.I. Lenin, who spoke in favor of bringing royal family to Moscow and an open trial of Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, whose betrayal during the First World War cost Russia dearly.

- Precisely the All-Russian Court! - Lenin argued to Sverdlov: - with the publication in the newspapers. Calculate what human and material damage the autocrat inflicted on the country during the years of his reign. How many revolutionaries were hanged, how many died in hard labor, in a war that no one needed! To answer before all the people! Do you think that only a dark peasant believes in our good father-king. Not only, my dear Yakov Mikhailovich! Has it been a long time since your advanced worker from St. Petersburg went to the Winter Palace with banners? Just some 13 years ago! It is this incomprehensible “racial” credulity that the open trial of Nikolai the Bloody should dispel into smoke ...

Ya. M. Sverdlov tried to argue Goloshchekin about the dangers of transporting the royal family by train through Russia, where counter-revolutionary uprisings broke out every now and then in cities, about plight on the fronts near Yekaterinburg, but Lenin stood his ground:

- Well, what if the front moves away? Moscow is now deep in the rear, so evacuate them to the rear! And here we will arrange for them to judge the whole world.

At parting, Sverdlov said to Goloshchekin:

- Say so, Philip, to your comrades - the All-Russian Central Executive Committee does not give official sanction for execution".
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
M. A. Medvedev (Kudrin):“So they won’t take us anywhere?” Botkin asks in a hollow voice. Yurovsky wants to answer him something, but I'm already pulling the trigger of my Browning and putting the first bullet into the Tsar. Simultaneously with my second shot, the first salvo of the Latvians and my comrades is heard from the right and left. Yurovsky and Yermakov also shoot Nikolai at close range in the chest. On my fifth shot, Nikolai 2nd falls in a sheaf on his back.

In general, the materials of the genealogy of Dmitry Medvedev's family are not available to me, therefore, it is a matter of faith that the information that "the current president Dmitry Medvedev is the cousin of the regicide Mikhail Medvedev-Kudrin: the president's grandfather Afanasy Fedorovich was the nephew of the regicide" or that, according to some evidence another grandfather of Medvedev

You must have already noticed resemblance these two Russian statesmen. The conclusion suggests itself - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is a descendant of the royal family of Russia. But how could this happen? Let's figure it out...

The staging of the execution of the royal family

Surprisingly, the fact of the execution of the Romanov family is still in question. So, whole line commissions to investigate the death of the royal family, came to the conclusion that it was a simulation of the murder. Of course, about the events almost hundred years ago It is difficult to judge, but some facts deserve special attention ...

Numerous descendants

It is no secret that the royal family was closely connected with noble families all over the world. It is not surprising that throughout the 20th century, “miraculously surviving” descendants of the Romanovs appeared in different parts of the world. Information about the most famous of them is publicly available on the Internet, so we will not delve into all the stories of real and not real Romanovs. Let's talk about the next story.

Kosygin - Tsarevich Alexei

One of the greatest Soviet reformers, Alexei Nikolaevich Kosygin, was most likely the son of Nicholas 2. At least, Stalin directly called him “Tsarevich” in a narrow circle of close associates.

Surprisingly, Kosygin's contribution, like his views on the development of the country, is delightful. It was thanks to his actions that the USSR revived relations with China, which, by the way, still remains a stronghold of communism. He was respected by colleagues and even ill-wishers did not dare to openly oppose him.

But the death of Kosygin mysteriously remained without attention. All because it coincided with Brezhnev's birthday. And in the USSR, as you know, it was not customary to overshadow the holidays of national importance.

Descendant of the King

Of course, the main factor in this confusing story is the stunning resemblance. The role of Dmitry Medvedev as one of the leaders of the State is also beyond doubt. This means that the likelihood that at least one of their members of the royal family managed to avoid execution, and the Romanov family, albeit not publicly, but remained in power, may well exist.

Of course, the operation not only to save the heir, but also to return to power, would be unprecedented in world history. In addition, this would require the support of special secret organizations. But it is quite possible and quite likely. After all, for a family with complete power, it would be very strange to simply accept the disappearance ...

For many months I was tormented by the question of the similarity of our two Russian rulers from different centuries. Today I was going to post the whole thing, but here you are... It turned out that the entire Runet blogosphere had already noticed this before me. Even as far back as 2008. Just when Medvedik was elected president.

Well, and figs with him. I'm stubborn, so I picked up pictures that clearly demonstrate this similarity. Compare.

That means Tsar Nicholas himself

And here is a comparison of their similarities.

The second example seems to me not very successful. The bear is too plump there. I liked this collage transformation better.

And finally, here is such a toad. Pretty cute =)

Photos pulled from all sorts of different blogs found by Google, do not blame me. And here is another note from the "New Region" - just dated 2008.

SHOCK! Dmitry Medvedev and Nicholas II have the same face (PHOTO)

Moscow, May 16 (New Region, Andrey Romanov) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev looks very similar to Russian emperor Nicholas II. If the current head of state grows a beard, he will be practically indistinguishable from a representative of the royal family.

As the correspondent of RIA "New Region" reports, bloggers in "LiveJournal" discovered similarities. By using computer program Dmitry Medvedev was painted with a beard, as a result of which his face in the photograph became very similar to the appearance of the last Russian emperor.

RIA "New Region" invites readers to compare the modified photo of Dmitry Medvedev and Nicholas II, which was posted in his "LJ" blogger under the nickname furious_lamb, without comment (see photo).

As a matter of fact, as an example, there is a picture that I posted penultimate.

Maybe reincarnation, right?

The Internet space has long been a convenient field for discussion, condemnation and approval of any, even the most crazy thought or idea. The movement that appealed to the majority of users spreads at lightning speed, goes beyond World Wide Web and is being continued in real life. This happened, for example, with one of the most popular memes in our country about the similarity of the current Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the last Russian Tsar Nicholas 2.

Origin of the question

The whole history of the Romanov family has been shrouded in mystery for a hundred years, and therefore it becomes even more tempting and interesting for supporters of various conspiracy theories. Immediately after the terrible murder in Russia, France and Germany, “miraculously surviving” heirs to the throne began to appear. Some of them even managed to gain popularity and established themselves in life due to scandalous fame.

But there is no reliable evidence of the possibility of saving anyone from the royal family, especially since the remains of the emperor, his wife, children and servants were identified by geneticists and buried according to all Orthodox canons. But all these facts do not prevent the emergence of new rumors about the surviving heirs to the throne, now related to modern Russia.

Reason for interest

A few years ago, Internet bloggers discovered an amazing similarity between Medvedev and Nicholas 2. There were suggestions about the reincarnation or the royal origin of Dmitry Anatolyevich, as well as many warnings about the special significance of this fact in the history of Russia. The movement gained extraordinary popularity among ordinary citizens and journalists, parallels about the similarities between Medvedev and Nikolai 2 began to be made by anyone.

Such a keen interest did not arise from scratch and is the result of not only simple curiosity, but one of the measures of the opposition forces to denigrate the existing government. The reactionaries have a great way to propagate the “imminent” overthrow of Putin and his regime by comparing one of his leaders with the last Russian emperor who destroyed the great Empire.

External similarity

It all started with a comparison of photographs of the two rulers of Russia. The bloggers of LiveJournal, using a computer program, painted on Dmitry Medvedev's beard, and the result simply blew up the Internet. The secrecy of information about former president, inconsistencies in the fact of birth, questions about his parents and his alleged Jewish roots.

The journalists tried to make a detailed comparison of external data and individual characteristics that Nikolay 2 and Medvedev possessed. The photo allows you to see the following similar features:

  • physique - both stocky, with a head slightly larger than usual;
  • eye shape;
  • facial structure;
  • several unusual shape ears.

Some historians note the same smile and laughter of the leaders. You can talk about the level of similarity that Medvedev, Nikolai 2 have for a long time, it all depends on the individual attitude towards these two persons. In this matter, the reaction following the publications is interesting. Society exploded with dozens of suggestions about what caused such a similarity.

Biographical parallels

Internet users went beyond a simple comparison of external data and tried to find common features in the life and activities led by Medvedev, Nikolai 2. Both rulers received a good education, the main direction of which is jurisprudence. According to teachers and other witnesses, the future emperor was not distinguished by strong perseverance and excellent grades, although his teachers were one of the most famous scientists of those years, N. N. Beketov and N. N. Obruchev.

Dmitry Anatolyevich graduated from the Leningrad State University them. A. A. Zhdanov and, according to fellow students, did not stand out in any way either in studies or in public life. His institute acquaintance Nikolai Korpachev, who later became the rector of St. Petersburg State University, noted the diligence and perseverance of a young energetic man.

But all these traits can be attributed with a high degree of probability to millions of young men. different countries and times. It is difficult to compare the path of the heir to the Russian throne, brought up from childhood with the confidence that he and a person from an ordinary Soviet family whose parents wanted for only son good education and successful career.

Characteristics of the last Russian emperor

If, when comparing photographs, there is some degree of confidence in the assertion that Nikolai 2 is similar to Medvedev, then a comparison of characters can only be made approximately. The reasons can be the memories of contemporaries about the last emperor of Russia, as well as interviews, journalistic assumptions and observations about the passions and worldview of Dmitry Anatolyevich.

The publicity of a person obliges to behave as society expects from him, however, even a well-thought-out image is not always strong and collapses due to small but significant actions or facts. Everyone knows that Nicholas 2 is usually called a weak and weak-willed manager. This is supported by the events that took place during his reign, which did not hide from the eyes of the people and did not put the emperor in the best light.

Evaluation of the emperor as the leader of the country

Crush at the coronation, dispersal of a peaceful demonstration in 1905, admission civil war, mass arrests - all this approved the nickname Bloody for Nicholas 2. But Ivan the Terrible and Peter I were also not famous for their peaceful actions, it was not this that revolted the population, but the weakness of Nicholas as a leader.

Rumors spread throughout Russia about great influence on the emperor either Grigory Rasputin, or Stolypin and other charismatic personalities. And Nikolai 2 himself was somewhat aloof from the tasks assigned to him.

Characteristics of the Prime Minister of Russia

Medvedev is similar to Nicholas 2 just by this popular impression of the rating of the country's government. From his very appearance on the political slope, oppositionists, journalists, and simply opponents of the system saw in his figure only another way of V.V. Putin to prevent a stranger from reaching the top of the leadership and leave power in the same hands.

Like Nicholas 2, popular rumor prescribed Medvedev a weakness of character and the approval of not his own initiatives, but those that he was ordered to promote. The Russian presidential duo is often compared to a manifestation of a monarchy, where democracy is out of the question, and the found similarity of the two rulers only fueled this opinion.

Questions of morality

The image of the head of the country should always be, if not perfect in everything, then be sure to strive for perfection. It is pleasant for the people to think that a trustworthy and highly moral person stands above them, even if this is only an appearance. Therefore, the issue of morality of rulers has always been given much attention.

The similarity between Medvedev and Nicholas 2 in matters of morality is difficult and almost impossible to unequivocally assess. There were two directly opposite opinions about the last Russian emperor. One prescribed him the service of Christian ideals, the image ideal husband and father, and the other, created mainly to denigrate the king, spoke of his pride and unwillingness to listen to the common people. This duality is reflected in many studies devoted to Nicholas 2, the majority considered him a good and gentle person, but a weak and short-sighted ruler.

As for Medvedev, it is even more difficult to judge here, since only the media picture has to be evaluated, and there are almost no honest reviews about him by close people, there is no direct information about the politician’s personal life, which, perhaps, could clarify the situation. In the camp of the opposition there is an opinion about Dmitry Anatolyevich's predilection for the representatives of the chosen people, helping the Jews in asserting their positions in Russia. Yes, and Medvedev himself, if they do not consider it, then they certainly rank among the Jews.

Board results

Almost a hundred years separate the time when Medvedev and Nicholas 2 were in power, epoch-making changes in life, culture, technological progress and politics stand between these two people. But those who want to become famous or approve their own crazy ideas are still trying to draw parallels between what is happening in Imperial Russia and modern Russia.

Thus, the Russian poet Yevgeny Gusev brought out several facts that unite the results of the reign of the two rulers. True, much of the following is the statements of a reactionary and opponent of the current government, so the analogy between Medvedev and Nikolai 2 may seem unnecessarily far-fetched:

  • both were leaders of the same country;
  • there is an increased filling of prisons, especially with people dissatisfied with the regime;
  • state values ​​are flowing abroad;
  • degradation and mass reductions in the army;
  • Nicholas 2, following the results of the Russian-Japanese war, was forced to give up a significant territory in the east of the country, and Medvedev "gave" Norway a trail in the Barents Sea;
  • both under the king and under the president social politics failed in terms of combating drunkenness and drug addiction;
  • under both rulers, coins were issued in denominations of 10 rubles, and on the sample of 2011 (Nikolaev money came into use in 1911) was depicted double-headed eagle provisional government;
  • both leaders had no support from populace and in some cases their actions have been the cause of discontent or laughter.

The opinion of the opposition poet seems very far-fetched and unnatural, but to one degree or another they reflect the real opinion of society about the two Russian leaders.

Attitude of the masses towards the last emperor

As already mentioned, Nicholas 2 and Dmitry Medvedev did not have the proper authority among ordinary people. Everyone knows the story of the day of the coronation of the last Russian emperor, when more than a thousand people died due to the disorganized actions of the authorities on the Khodynka field. This event was immediately accepted by the people as a formidable sign of the future troubles of Russia and did not add credibility to the young monarch.

Moreover, at that time revolutionary moods were already ripening in the country in almost every city, so we can say that Nicholas 2 came to power at the wrong time. Underground agitators tried in every possible way to portray the emperor as a weak, proud and stupid ruler who does not care about the needs of the people. So by the beginning of the First World War, the level of trust in the king and the monarchy in general had fallen sharply.

Public opinion about Medvedev

The conditions under which Dmitry Anatolyevich came to power repeat the story of Romanov only in part. Medvedev was not perceived as a full-fledged leader, although propaganda tried in every possible way to separate him from Putin and present him as an independent politician. The Russians were not only dissatisfied with Medvedev's candidacy, part of the population did not feel any interest in what was happening in the political arena, and the other considered him a "continuation" of Putin and therefore did not see any special changes.

It was obvious to everyone who remained the leader in the country, so the majority of the population limited themselves to jokes and caustic remarks. On the other hand, the opposition became more active, and then the first “shocking” revelations of the origin of the newly elected president appeared. It should be noted that the frivolous attitude towards Medvedev remained even after the end of his powers as the head of the country. Everyone quoted his unfortunate comments, discussed clothes, flaws in behavior - especially the case with sound sleep during the opening of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. So for fans of the cyclical nature of history, “people's dislike” is another reason to figure out how Dmitry Medvedev and Nikolai 2 are similar and different.

The reincarnation hypothesis

One of the most delusional and hilarious speculations about why two rulers look alike is the idea of ​​transmigration of souls. It would be very funny, if you do not take into account that almost a quarter of the population of Russia, potential viewers of the Battle of Psychics, believe in such nonsense.

Nicholas 2 and Medvedev, whose resemblance is striking, but not surprising, are presented in some Internet publications almost as the embodiment of the spirit of evil, which is sent to our country in order to destroy it. One can only hope that such an assumption is only part of a joke or a hilarious banter.

Assumptions about the origin of Medvedev

Another idea that explains the similarities between Medvedev and Nicholas 2 has much more serious roots. Photos of the two rulers have led some historians to suggest that the current prime minister is a descendant of the imperial family. And here people, eager to find out the hidden truth, even where it was not in sight, somewhat overdid it with hypotheses.

The theory of the fake execution of the royal family, which was set up by the Soviet government itself, and “reliable” facts about the rescue of Tsarevich Alexei, and a lot of information that was not confirmed by anyone and nothing, were mixed in. In this vein, Medvedev was called either the great-grandson of Nicholas 2, or a relative of one of his executioners. official biography the current prime minister is considered to be unreliable, and all relatives are fictitious.

Whatever the truth, it is impossible to ignore the obvious, the two rulers of Russia are really very similar in appearance, and if you wish, you can find parallels in character, worldview and other characteristics. Another thing is how to relate to all this, whether to build conspiracy theories about conspiracy theories, or to look at this fact with humor and surprise. Be that as it may, the photos of Medvedev and Nikolai 2 will excite lovers of historical mysteries for a long time to come.

The Russian poet Yevgeny Gusev explains this striking similarity between the current Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev and Tsar Nicholas II by the phenomenon of reincarnation.

Evgeny Gusev cites their external similarity as the first evidence: “People have long noticed the external similarity of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev.”

Argument two: when reincarnation takes place, a person in his new life shows very similar qualities, which he discovered the last time.

Regarding the similarity of the qualities and deeds of Tsar Nicholas II and Dmitry Medvedev, it is already possible to compile a whole table:

1. leaders of the country with the same name - Russia.

2. Both were accompanied by the police.

3. With both, the filling of prisons grows.

4. both break the commandments of Christ.

5. With both, valuables flow abroad.

6. The army under Nicholas II was divided into red and white, typhus raged - health was at an extremely low level; under Medvedev, the army was divided into the remaining and the dismissed, and 60% of the conscripts are unfit for service for health reasons (the annual US almanac on the state of the world "The World Factbook - 2011").

7. under Nicholas II, the army and the royal secret police were well paid; under Medvedev, the army and the police begin to receive salaries several orders of magnitude higher than all other professions.

8. under Nicholas II, Russia lost Port Arthur, half of the territory of Sakhalin and the Kuriles; and at the end of Medvedev's presidency, our country gave Norway a shelf in the Barents Sea.

9. With both, there is an increase in the growth of vices: theft, drug addiction, drunkenness, prostitution ...

10. both issued coins yellow color 10 ruble denominations and with a double-headed eagle.

The last royal gold chervonets of Nicholas 2 (a coin with a face value of 10 rubles) was minted and put into circulation in 1911.

The last non-gold "chervonets" D.A. Medvedev was released in 2011. It is noteworthy that the issue of modern Russian coins was carried out with the double-headed eagle of the PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT, which ruled Russia from March 2 (15) to October 25 (November 7), 1917.

11. The people did not like the Tsar, and the people have the same feeling towards Medvedev.

Evgeny Gusev: “What can such a clear resemblance say? Will there be any options? Are they possible? And such a case is not one, not two ..., there are many of them .... "

Napoleon Bonaparte - Adolf Hitler

Napoleon was born in 1760.
Hitler was born in 1889 (129 years difference).

Napoleon came to power in 1804.
Hitler came to power in 1933 (a difference of 129 years).

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812.
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941 (129 years difference).

Napoleon lost the war in 1816.
Hitler lost the war in 1945 (129 years difference).

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52 years old.
Both lost the war when they were 56 years old.

Abraham Lincoln - John Kennedy

Lincoln was born in 1818.
Kennedy was born in 1918 (100 years difference).

Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860.
Kennedy became President of the United States in 1960 (a difference of 100 years).

Both southerners. Both Democrats. Both were killed on Friday. Both in the presence of their wives. Both are headshots.

Before becoming presidents, both were US Senators.
Lincoln was assassinated at the Kennedy Theatre. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln.

John Wilkis Booth, who shot Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939 (100 years difference)

Both names in English spelling(John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald) consist of 15 letters.

Booth fled the theater and was captured in the attic.
Oswald escaped from the attic, he was arrested in the theater.

Lincoln's successor after the assassination is Johnson.
Kennedy's successor after the assassination is Johnson.

The first, Andrew Johnson, was born in 1808.
The second, Lyndon Johnson, was born in 1908 (100 years difference).

Opinions of the great about reincarnation

Heinrich Heine(German poet 1797-1856):


“Who knows in the body of which tailor is now the soul of Plato, in the body of which school teacher is the soul of Caesar? Who knows!"

George Sand(French writer, 1804-1876):


“... after we forget about our previous existence, we are again thrown into this life ...”.

Charles Dickens(English writer, 1812-1870):

Voltaire (French writer, 1694-1778):


“To be born twice is no more surprising than once: everything in nature is subject to the law of rebirth.”

Victor Hugo(French writer, 1802-1885):


"...Souls move from one sphere to another without losing their individuality"

Arthur Conan Doyle(English writer, 1859-1930):


“When the question is asked: where were we before we were born? - the answer is - in a system of slow development on the path of reincarnation with long rest intervals between them "

Mikhailo Lomonosovgreat poet and a scientist - deduced the Law of conservation of energy:


“If something has gone somewhere, it means that something has arrived somewhere.”

According to this formula, if human energy left this world, then it arrived in another world.

Cicero(Roman orator 106-43 BC) publicly said:


“The evidence that people knew a lot of things before they were born is the fact that as young children they grasp any information very quickly. Apparently, this is not the first time they perceive all this, but they remember from their past.

After this, you will believe in reincarnation

A three-year-old boy living near Syria in the Golan Heights region suddenly found himself in the spotlight after his sensational statement: in his past life he was killed with an ax.

A boy from the Druze ethno-confessional group was born with a large birthmark on his head. Druzes believe that birthmarks are directly related to the fact of death in a past life. When the boy began to talk, he told his family that he had died from a blow to the head with an axe.

The boy pointed out to the elders the house where he supposedly lived in a past life. He not only recognized the village where he was from, but also remembered the name given to him at birth in a past life.

Local residents said that the man the boy is talking about really went missing four years ago. The boy also managed to remember the name and surname of his killer. When confronted by the man, the alleged killer turned pale but did not confess to the murder.

The boy then led the elders to the place where his body was buried. Indeed, the skeleton of a man with a head wound was found in the same place, which was located in the same place where the boy had birthmark. On top of that, they found the murder weapon - an axe.

Under the burden of all the evidence presented, the killer confessed to the crime.

The full story of this unique boy is reflected in the book of the German doctor Trutz Hardo " Children Who Lived Before: Reincarnation Today».

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