What is a brotherhood. The history of the creation of the "combat brotherhood". Executive Committee of the Organization

Nikolay Mikhailovich Shuba, First Vice-Chairman of the Military Brotherhood of Armed Forces, reserve colonel and Afghan veteran, shared with us about new challenges in a rapidly changing world, the role of the “BROTHER IN BATTLE” in the system of modern national security of the country and new technologies for fighting for the minds of young people.

The BROTHER IN BATTLE organization was originally conceived as a veteran organization, but today both the history and the events that surround our country pose new challenges. What is "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" today?

Over the 18 years of its existence, the organization has developed many areas of activity. All this time, on a voluntary basis, we led a patriotic bloc. Today, topics related to Crimea, Ukraine and other events sounded more relevant.

Together with the regional authorities, we are starting to organize patriotic camps, we are preparing our youth for service in the Armed Forces. We strive to ensure that people understand the importance of serving the Fatherland. We introduce young people to military service. And people begin to rethink their attitude to serving the Fatherland in a new way.

"BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" today becomes part of the system of interaction with state bodies of national security of the country.

The charter of our organization says that every person can become a member of the organization. It's one thing - it's a veteran backbone, people who have gone through military operations, who are in the organization. And the other is patriotic people who share our views and ideas. They can freely come to the organization and join our ranks.

Today, more than ever, people have a need to do something for the country. A lot needs to be done to ensure that our youth is brought up in the traditions of our state on a patriotic basis.

There is an opinion that bulky organizations are very clumsy. The BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE, especially within the framework of the Anti-Maidan activities, is quickly and efficiently transforming, fulfilling new tasks, including a trip to Kostroma and various mass events related to counteracting the “color revolutions”. Where does this enthusiasm, technology and strength come from? What drives a huge organization, allows you to quickly respond to the challenges that time puts?

The main value of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" is people. Each member of the organization has a certain experience that has been gained in different structures. After all, we not only served in the Armed Forces.

The fact that the organization initially assumed membership, today helps to structure it. People who join it feel like a part of it. Defining a new direction, each of us begins to quickly navigate it, because once he has already performed similar tasks.

- As you said, people in the organization have been working for 18 years on enthusiasm. What is holding them up?

First, we all served. We went through different wars, and we are united by an understanding of what it means to defend the Fatherland. It has always united and will unite us. Secondly, in the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" we have the opportunity to serve. This postulate is very important for many.

There are professions that, in my opinion, have always stood apart, and special people have always gone into these professions. I am now talking about doctors, teachers and the military. You are also a soldier. Why did you choose this path?

The choice was probably due to the fact that my two grandfathers died near Moscow in the first months of the Great Patriotic War. My uncles fought, who went through the whole war. For me, they have always been an example. They told me about the war and the defense of the Motherland. Perhaps this was the reason why I chose this profession.

The world is on the brink of disaster. A ring is tightening around Russia. The goal of the West is to destroy Russia. In this context, the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" voluntarily creates a system in which a person can come at any age and offer his help to protect and revive his country. How can people who come to the veterans' association today be useful to Russia?

We are actively developing the humanitarian project "People's Ministry of Emergency Situations". We help the people of Donbass, including the Novoazovsky district. I see how people feel about it. They are ready to support each other, they realize how important it is. We send humanitarian aid to Syria as well.

The most important thing is understanding people. And it is. So we are on the right track.

In addition, the issue of people's diplomacy is very important. At one time, when I was already a deputy of Russia, I myself headed one of the groups that dealt with captured soldiers. We negotiated as people's envoys. Today, the issue of public diplomacy is also very important. And I think it will develop.

- How often do young people join the organization? Or is the organization still aging?

First of all, our children are drawn to us. Many of them went through the cadet corps. They became the first link that we tried to attract. Today they are already standing next to us. In general, young people are very willing to reach out to us. We show her by our own example what we do. We hope that young people will want to realize themselves in the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" with us. In this today we see our mission.

In addition to humanitarian projects, the project “Military experts of the BROTHER IN BATTLE” is developing very strongly. You always keep your finger on the pulse, constantly follow the agenda. What new projects are being prepared?

The involvement of military experts is very important to us. Experts specializing in various areas of military art are ready to explain their point of view. People are interested in this project because knowledgeable professional people explain it to them. Such projects activate young people, who begin to react, correspond both on our website and in social networks.

In general, as far as the media space is concerned, BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE has made a serious breakthrough. We have pages in all social networks, actively disseminate information about our activities. Most importantly, we show the result of our work. What do we do when we gather patriotic clubs? We are creating a platform for communication between young people from different regions of Russia. We strive to promote friendship. Thus, we collect our "patriotic pool".

The people you gather in patriotic clubs today will be defenders of the Fatherland tomorrow. What parting words would you give the guys?

At all times, the defense of the Fatherland was not just a duty, it was an honorable duty. You must understand that a person who goes to serve and defend his homeland will always be respected. And it's worth it.

I would like to wish that every young man who goes to the service understands that behind him, first of all, are his relatives - mother, father, sister, brother. And he is at the forefront. Their peaceful life will depend on how he serves, how he performs the assigned tasks. Therefore, I wish them fortitude and courage.

Report of the Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization at the IV Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD"

Report at the IV Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD"

Chairman of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" Gromov B.V.

"Results of the activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD"

for the reporting period and the main areas of work to implement its statutory and program goals”

Distinguished delegates, fighting friends, comrades!

More than five years ago, on December 6, 2005, the III Congress of the Movement established the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans “BOE BROTHERHOOD”, adopted the Charter and the Program, elected updated governing and control and audit bodies, clearly defined its organizational structure, expanded the social base, introduced a fixed membership , approved the form of the membership card, awards and symbols, concretized the goals and objectives of the Organization.

As the practice of our work has shown, the congress made absolutely correct decisions that allowed the Organization and all its structural divisions to successfully develop and improve.

Looking back at the path we have traveled, analyzing our five-year activity, I report to the delegates that the main goals and tasks set by the Third Congress have been largely achieved.

During the inter-congress period, the governing and control and auditing bodies of the Organization organized their work, held meetings and reported in the prescribed manner, within the terms strictly defined by law and the Charter.

Topical and important issues for the successful development of the Organization were brought up at the meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee, specific decisions were made, which were promptly communicated to the departments, and measures were taken to implement them.

The practice of holding outreach expanded meetings of the Executive Committees with discussion of specific areas of activity of the Councils of regional branches, their work experience has justified itself.

Such meetings were held in the Moscow region, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Tyumen, Tver, and the experience of the chairmen of the Councils Sergey Avezniyazov, Igor Vysotsky, Dmitry Lisichkin, Vladimir Mironov, Sergey Knyazev, Vitaly Turbin, Valentin Yakovlev was brought to all organizations and published in the press .

During this period, the Control and Auditing Commission, headed by Viktor Karpovich Shilin, worked quite intensely and efficiently during this period. Her conscientious and objective checks, reports and recommendations helped to eliminate shortcomings and contributed to the establishment of work both in the regional offices and in the Central Office of the Organization.

Article 6 of the current Charter defines the tasks of the Presidium of the Central Council in developing proposals for the strategy and tactics of the Organization. During the five years of its existence, this collegiate body has never met to discuss any issues. It is obvious that it was far-fetched and will be correct if we exclude this article from the Charter.

The vice-presidents of the Organization and the Central Council conscientiously carried out their duties and my instructions, and built their work with great benefit for the veterans.

As a shortcoming inherent in the members of all the governing bodies of the Organization, my deputies, the Office of the Central Council must recognize their weak connection, insufficient assistance to the activists and members of the “BROTHER IN BATTLE” directly on the ground. Rare trips of the Organization's leadership to the regions are connected mainly with financial difficulties. Although there are other reasons.

As the Chairman of the Organization, I felt the daily help and support of the leaders of the organizations, all members of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE. At meetings of the governing bodies, in letters and appeals addressed to me, you made businesslike and thoughtful proposals, gave useful advice and recommendations.

I want to express my warmest words of gratitude to all of you, dear comrades, for many years of disinterested, friendly joint work, for taking on your shoulders a heavy burden - caring for your comrades, their families, many of whom cannot defend themselves against the well-known reasons, and do this work with a clear conscience and high responsibility. Kudos to you for this.

What conclusions can be drawn from the results of our joint five-year work? What results have we achieved?

The main result of our activity is that the All-Russian Organization "BOE BROTHERHOOD" has taken a worthy place in the International Veteran Movement, has become well-known and authoritative among Russian public organizations, capable of significantly influencing the consolidation of society, the social policy of the state.

The organization is a member of the International Federation of Veterans. Together with other members of the Federation - the Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan (leader - Frants Adamovich Klintsevich), the Association of War and Military Service Veterans (Marshal Alexander Nikolayevich Efimov), we maintain permanent and business contacts with veteran organizations in the USA, Serbia, Slovakia, Germany, Italy, other European countries, as well as with UN structures dealing with veterans' issues.

We constantly cooperate with the Committee for the Affairs of Internationalist Warriors under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS Member States (Ruslan Sultanovich Aushev) and the Coordinating Council of the International Union (Aleksey Ivanovich Sorokin).

We are actively developing bilateral relations with veteran organizations of the CIS and Baltic countries in the interests of achieving the goals and objectives of the International Union of Public Associations of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood".

As a result of the introduction of new approaches to the construction and development of all structural units, we have formed a qualitatively new public organization.

It is important to note that an understanding has been reached by all governing bodies of the need to create well-managed, socially active, responsible to the society and veterans of regional organizations with a widely ramified network of local and primary branches.

For five years they have been created again in 14 regions of the Russian Federation, in 8 their activities have been restored anew, the number of the Organization has grown by more than 70 thousand people, and the grassroots branches have more than tripled.

To date, regional branches of the Organization have been created and are successfully operating in all subjects of the Russian Federation and in Baikonur, as well as its representative offices in Transnistria and Sevastopol. They include 873 local, 528 primary branches, more than 102 thousand individual members. Each of them has a single membership card. All 84 regional branches have been registered and have the right of a legal entity. We no longer have dead and empty organizations.

Behind these figures lies a large organizational and executive work of the governing bodies in the center and especially in the localities, in the regions.

Today, the most numerous and capable are the organizations of Bashkiria and Tatarstan, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar and Primorsky territories, Amur, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Orenburg, Saratov, Rostov, Moscow, Kemerovo, Omsk regions, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The growth in the number of members of the Organization, local and primary branches, the constant renewal of the forms and methods of their work are among the priority, extremely important areas of our activity and are a necessary condition for the development and improvement of the Organization as a whole.

This is the essence of its qualitative transformation. Help in this area of ​​​​work is available to you.

We are well aware that the regional offices are the main wealth of the Organization, and therefore we build our regional policy with great responsibility and caution. The main thing in this work is a respectful and careful attitude to personnel, especially to the heads of Organizations.

The Central Council, when deciding to hold pre-Congress conferences in the regional branches, set the task not only to preliminarily discuss the issues submitted to the congress and elect delegates, but also to give the leaders, the Councils of the regional branches an opportunity to deal with the state of affairs in their organizations, as well as provide an opportunity for conference participants to express their opinions, evaluate the work of the governing bodies in the localities and at the center, significantly increase their numbers, renew their personal composition and make them efficient. Employees of the Office of the Central Council took part in the work of 12 conferences.

It was a review of the maturity, business activity and competence of the governing bodies of all structural divisions of the Organization.

Most of the leaders successfully accounted for their work and retained their posts. At the same time, during the inter-congress period, 59 leaders were replaced in 45 departments for various reasons. Two of them - S. Golov (Astrakhan) and V. Alekseev (Leningrad region) - were expelled from the members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" for serious failures in their work and released from their duties as leaders.

At the conferences, the Councils of regional branches are formed from 11 to 45 people. In total, they include 1,655 active and efficient members of the Organization, of which 395 people were elected for the first time.

The frequent turnover of personnel obliges us to constantly and carefully engage in their selection, education and training.

To this end, it is necessary to consolidate the practice of holding classes, seminars, round tables with them, studying and disseminating best practices, and visiting the members of the Central Council and its Administration in the regions to provide practical assistance.

It's time to sort out the reasons for the ineffective activity of some organizations, the unwillingness of individual leaders to engage in public work, their misunderstanding of the importance of creating grassroots branches as a necessary condition for uniting and rallying veterans around the "Battle Brotherhood".

I ask the leaders of organizations to evaluate the results of their work more strictly and self-critically, not to give us false information, and even more so not to allow additions and deceit. Quite often, behind the figures and successful reports, individual leaders do not see the true face of their organization, the narrowness of the forms and methods of their work.

Strengthening our regional branches with well-trained, authoritative leaders who fully share the ideology of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE", able to lead people and defend their interests in all branches and levels of government is a task of paramount importance.

The second, no less important component of our Organization is veterans' associations - legal entities that voluntarily became its members in different years.

I am pleased to note that all 27 associations in the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" have earned the reputation of our reliable partners and comrades-in-arms in the veterans' movement.

However, today we need new approaches, concrete practical actions to reorganize their work from collective members and common presence to effective work in the Organization according to a single agreed plan, without losing their individuality.

We have examples of such work. In 2007, we became the founders of new organizations: medical workers - participants in hostilities and families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland. The holding of meetings to create them stirred up the Russian public, brought to the surface a huge layer of problems that no one had seriously delved into and solved before.

The newly created associations became part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", which increased our authority in the regions and, of course, added problems. But we have done a noble deed - united the most needy categories of people and took responsibility for their material well-being.

These organizations today unite about 70 thousand people and successfully work according to a single plan with us under the leadership of the chairmen of the Soviets Yuri Viktorovich Nemytin and Tatyana Viktorovna Ruban, the Councils of the branches of the "BROTHER IN BATTLE" in the regions.

The families of the fallen soldiers have a lot of problems. I ask all delegates to the congress: do not leave them alone and continue to provide them with all possible assistance. This is our sacred duty.

In addition to the organizations that are part of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", there are a number of other associations of veterans representing the interests of pensioners, military personnel, and the general population.

In recent years, significant adjustments have been made to the practice of our relations, including the conclusion of bilateral agreements, the mutual delegation of representatives to the governing bodies.

During this period, we entered into agreements with the Russian organization of veterans of internal affairs bodies and internal troops (Shilov Ivan Fedorovich), veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moiseev Mikhail Alekseevich), war and military service (Efimov Alexander Nikolaevich), the National Association "MEGAPIR" (Kanshin Alexander Nikolaevich), Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The strengthening of business ties at the regional level between organizations of various veteran associations has become noticeable. The problems of relations between them in the regions have been removed.

We all need to develop the habit of constantly communicating with both leaders and members of the collegiate governing bodies of veterans' associations. After all, each of them has a unique experience. Its practical use will help to avoid mistakes, diversify the forms and methods of our work.

As an example, I will cite the work of the Organizing Committee, which was created on the initiative of veteran associations in connection with the preparations for the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the 65th anniversary of the Victory.

During his work, quite a lot of new forms of cooperation were born and put into practice.

It became an important milestone and the main stabilizing body in the development of the entire veteran movement in Russia. Joint meetings of the Organizing Committee with members of the Central Council, the Executive Committee, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Coordinating Council of veterans' organizations of the CIS countries created a favorable, trusting environment for interaction between veterans' associations and communication between their leaders.

The All-Russian Organizing Committee served as a good example for the creation of committees and coordinating councils under the heads of regional administrations, which today work in 63 subjects and have a good development prospect.

About three years ago, the Organizing Committee of the Saratov region was headed by the first deputy chairman of the government of the region Alexander Georgievich Babichev, with the active assistance and participation of the chairman of the Council of the regional organization "Battle Brotherhood" Sergey Klimentievich Avezniyazov.

On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, the Committee summed up its work. As a result, 36 state and municipal institutions, public organizations and military units were awarded the Badge of Honor of the Organizing Committee "Military Glory of Generations", and the head of the Saratov branch, Sergei Avezniyazov, was appointed Minister of the Region - Chairman of the Committee for Public Relations and National Policy. Already in his ministry, Sergey Avezniyazov created a department of three combat veterans to work with war veterans and families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

This is a natural result of the good, friendly work of our public organization and the regional administration.

Today, we can confidently draw, in my opinion, an important conclusion that the new system of relations between the state, public organizations and leading political parties created in recent years has allowed us to reach a new level of interaction, created conditions for better solving the social problems of veterans, low-income strata population.

This system, which includes our representatives in all branches and levels of government, organizing committees, public councils and chambers, in the media, youth and other public organizations, must continue to be strengthened and improved.

Our important statutory duty is to organize the acceptance of membership fees and the proper use of albeit small, but nonetheless voluntarily contributed to the development of our Organization, the money.

This norm of the Charter presupposes, first of all, an educational function. The payment of membership fees disciplines the members of the Organization, increases the responsibility for belonging to the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", allows leaders to communicate regularly with members of their organization. Therefore, it is impossible to reduce the payment of membership fees only to the collection of money. By the way, the collection of membership dues has increased 17 times in five years. This is a good indicator. Apparently, the economic crisis forced us to count money.

Dear delegates!

The five years that have elapsed since the Third Congress have been years of hard work for us in a difficult international and difficult domestic situation. Major terrorist attacks, man-made disasters with loss of life, the global economic crisis, drought and adverse climatic conditions that have taken place in Russia in recent years have certainly increased social tension in society, among veterans, families of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

However, our Organization, together with other veteran associations and authorities, managed to maintain their former standard of living by the measures taken.

In recent years, we have begun to understand the importance and necessity of expanding the representative capacity of the Organization to defend the interests of veterans.

Today, more than 700 members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD” work in all government bodies, including 10 deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. On their initiative, over the past five years, amendments and additions to the current legislation aimed at improving social support measures have been adopted 47 times. Including on pensions, the payment of monthly benefits to the children of servicemen who died and went missing in the line of military service, obtaining a second pension for military pensioners, increasing pensions for older pensioners for seniority in the Soviet period, granting the status of a combat veteran to participants in an armed conflict in South Ossetia.

As you can see, the mechanism we are creating for the social protection of veterans by introducing amendments, developing projects and passing laws with the help of our representatives in legislative bodies is starting to work.

For example, the members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" are widely represented in the power structures of the Tver region. Among them are the mayors of the cities of Torzhok and Kashin, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region Andrey Nikolaevich Epishin. Chairman of the Council Dmitry Yurievich Lisichkin is a member of the Tver City Duma. With such support, many local social projects become real. With their participation, it was decided to pay 1,800 rubles to the invalids of combat operations from the budget of the region, and 500 rubles from the budget of the city of Tver.

The council of the “Battle Brotherhood” branch of the Republic of Tyva obtained from the government the construction and commissioning of a center for restorative medicine and rehabilitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations in Kyzyl. The Amur regional branch, interacting with the city health department, resolved the issue of allocating two chambers for veterans in the hospital of the city hospital in Blagoveshchensk.

The Mari Republican branch has achieved an improvement in living conditions for the mother of a soldier who died in Afghanistan, Furzikova N.V. Saratov residents provided financial assistance for the repair of housing to three families of dead servicemen. With the direct participation of the Krasnodar regional branch, the living conditions of 58 veterans were improved, assistance was provided in the repair of 29 apartments for a total amount of more than 2 million rubles. In general, over the past five years, with our help, 1,660 combatants have improved their living conditions. In Novokuznetsk, veterans are provided with free travel on a bus with the symbolic number 345; in St. Petersburg, food is provided in a social canteen for 420 people. The Perm regional department annually purchases one car at its own expense and donates it to combat invalids. By decision of the Council of the Omsk Regional Branch, a scholarship of 2,200 rubles is paid out of its own funds to pupils of the Omsk Cadet Corps, whose fathers died in the line of duty, based on the results of each quarter.

There are similar examples in every department. On the basis of agreements between regional departments and heads of universities, 115 combatants, including disabled people, 326 children of fallen defenders of the Fatherland, entered and study at higher educational institutions at the expense of budget financing and on an out-of-competition basis.

With the participation of the "BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE" branches in 66 subjects, regional and local socio-economic programs have been adopted and are working, close cooperation has been established with rehabilitation medical institutions in 68 subjects of the Russian Federation.

The above examples show that in solving the social problems of veterans, consolidated actions of public organizations and authorities at all levels are needed.

Considering the peculiarities of the period into which we are entering immediately after the congress, it is necessary without wasting time to determine in each organization the degree of our participation in the most important political events of the country. At this time, elections of the President, deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, legislative assemblies of the regions will be held. Our Organization mainly brings together active and caring people, and we are able to nominate our representatives to all authorities, or, together with other associations of veterans, select common candidates and fight for their victory in the elections. In accordance with the law, it is necessary to fully use the possibilities of the UNITED RUSSIA party, with which we have an agreement, in the elections.

The potential of our Organization in the struggle to improve the lives of veterans has not been exhausted, our possibilities have not been fully realized.

There are still organizations where the living word is replaced by mass events, slogans and rallies. This deprives the asset of the opportunity to work with people in a targeted way, to provide them with concrete and timely assistance.

When working with veterans, especially the disabled, one must keep in mind that it is important not only to provide them with material assistance. It is more important, perhaps, to find them socially useful work. Recognition of their merits, significance and useful activity of a veteran at the place of residence is more important for them and more important than some social benefits, payments and benefits.

They must feel that society needs them, that they are trusted, perhaps the most important thing is the military-patriotic education of young people.

Despite the recent curtailment of a number of patriotic projects due to the crisis, we have not only retained the traditional practice of participating veterans in military-patriotic work, but have also intensified it in all areas with various groups of the population, and especially with young people. In the pre-Congress period, work was intensified to perpetuate the memory of those who died for the Motherland, create memorials, erect monuments, obelisks, memorial plaques, publish books of memory, and take care of military graves. We have created a computer bank of the electronic Book of Memory, which contains information about 14,453 who died in Afghanistan and subsequently died from wounds and injuries.

With your participation, 95 sports facilities and grounds have been built in five years, more than 300 sports clubs have been actively launched.

An important component of the military-patriotic work was a joint project with the UNITED RUSSIA party to intensify search operations at the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, and conduct annual rallies of search teams. D.V. proved to be an active organizer and sponsor of the movement of search parties. Sablin. He is also the curator of the patriotic education of youth in the UNITED RUSSIA party. With his direct participation, search expeditions and gatherings of search teams were organized and carried out in the Crimea, in the Pskov and Leningrad regions. Thanks to his efforts, we have good experience in working with youth associations of the Saratov, Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk regional branches. The activities of these and many other organizations and activists are based on the ideas of patriotism and social justice, and therefore they deserve high praise from both the leaders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the first persons of the state.

President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev for well-organized work in these areas, by his Decree of November 23, 2009 alone, awarded state awards to seventeen heads and members of the Councils of regional branches. For many years of conscientious work and active social work, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Igor Vladimirovich Vysotsky was awarded a Presidential Diploma with an announcement of gratitude in December last year, and the All-Russian Organization "Battle Brotherhood" for active work with veterans, participation in the patriotic education of citizens and a great contribution in the preparation and holding of the anniversary of the Victory - the medal of honor "65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and literacy.

Raising young people in the spirit of patriotism and love for their Fatherland, a sense of high civic duty, internationalism, friendship and brotherhood among peoples is a priority in our work.

The theme of the military glory of generations was recognized as the whole range of events held in the inter-congress period.

Special milestones at that time were the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the 65th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

The Central Council, together with members of the Organizing Committee, created in connection with the preparations for these anniversaries, initiated an appeal to the first persons of the state, heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of ministries and departments, presidents of the CIS countries with a request to provide assistance to veterans of war and armed conflicts, soldiers - "Afghans ”, to family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

On the days of the anniversary celebrations, almost 600,000 Afghan soldiers and about 11,000 members of the families of the victims received material assistance, were awarded commemorative medals, badges of honor, certificates, and gifts. A lot of kind words and wishes were said to them.

An important result of our work is that we jointly convinced the public that in Afghanistan and other "hot spots" the soldiers were fulfilling their duty by decision of the Government and deserve all respect and honor.

On the eve of the 22nd anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, I ask all participants of the congress not to lose what we have achieved by joint efforts, to constantly introduce into life forms and methods of work that have justified themselves, especially an individual approach and specific assistance to the veteran. This is our constant task.

The preparation and celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory revealed a whole range of problems related to material, medical and other support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War. However, if these problems can be solved with the help of public and government structures, then it becomes more and more difficult to defend the truth about the war, to fight targeted campaigns to falsify the course and results of World War II, with attempts to slander the heroes and whitewash criminals from year to year.

That is why the opposition to the falsification of history, to belittling the significance of the Great Victory and the decisive contribution of the Soviet people to the defeat of fascism, to objectively inform society about the Afghan war, other local wars and conflicts, about the courage, steadfastness and heroism of our people at the front and in the rear, we must consider one one of the main areas of our work.

Shortcomings in the work of some organizations are caused, among other things, by economic difficulties. The lack of well-equipped offices, workplaces, office equipment, transport, communications, the Internet, e-mail, management systems, of course, negatively affects their work. Moreover, in the conditions of the economic crisis, the Central Council has sharply reduced financial assistance to the regions. During the inter-congress period, we were able to provide assistance to organizations of veterans and members of the families of fallen servicemen only in the amount of about 30 million rubles.

Having found themselves in a difficult economic situation, 15 percent of branches are still struggling to operate today. At the same time, most leaders began to look for and find ways out of the financial crisis and earn money on their own. This is successfully done by Andrey Babkin, Evgeny Privalov, Denis Sychov, Konstantin Stoyan, Igor Vysotsky, Amir Zainashev, Oleg Korzhikov. The list of economically successful branches is considerable.

For more than two years, projects have been developed and sent to the relevant state and public structures to receive financial grants, the heads of departments Valery Vostrotin, Sergey Knyazev, Dmitry Lisichkin, Alexander Braslavets, Nikolai Lazarev, Alexander Ilyushin, Viktor Zabolotsky, Sergey Govorukhin. During this time they have won 15 grants worth about 29 million rubles. The head of the Arkhangelsk regional branch, Alexander Braslavets, received more than 14 million rubles for 4 grants.

Grants are not just money. First of all, this is well-thought-out work on the implementation of projects aimed at improving the patriotic education of young people, solving the social problems of veterans, the disabled, and the families of fallen soldiers.

The level of public confidence in our Organization is directly related to informing the public about its activities.

The magazine "Combat Brotherhood" has not yet coped with this task. The journal is published at the expense of individual subscribers - as a rule, members of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" and we do not have other opportunities to distribute it among various groups of the population. This obliges us to work closely with the mass media of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to involve them in solving the tasks of the Organization.

The consequences of the economic crisis were the reason for the narrowing of the ideological base of the Central Office, and hence the conduct of agitation and propaganda work in the interests of the "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD". On the other hand, this prompted the regional branches to explore and expand their own possibilities of ideological influence on people. Unfortunately, only 21 regional branches today have their own media, including five newspapers "Combat Brotherhood", 7 - newspapers close to this name, 9 - Internet sites. The Krasnodar regional branch has its own television studio (Konstantin Vladimirovich Stoyan), the Moscow regional branch has a radio station (Knyazev Sergey Nikolaevich). Most of the chairmen of the Councils, apparently, underestimate the role of the media in the life of the Organization, so they do not have them. And the departments headed by Vnukov V.K., Cherkov V.V., Afaunov I.M., Kaloev G.I., Glushko V.D., Drunk S.P. do not even subscribe to a single copy of the journal “Combat brotherhood”, which is published monthly by the editors of the Central Council Office.

It is not surprising that the population of these regions is poorly informed about the good deeds of the Organization, the social burden that it bears in the interests of veterans. Such miscalculations in the work make our organizations invisible, unattractive both for the leadership and for the public of the region.

Time requires new approaches to this important area of ​​our work.

In the course of preparation for the congress, the governing bodies of all associations did a great deal of important work to introduce amendments and additions to the Charter and Program of the Organization.

For the first time during the existence of the Organization, changes and additions to the governing documents were discussed at conferences, meetings of the Central Council and the Executive Committee, a specially created commission.

As Chairman of the Commission, I inform you that more than 150 amendments and changes have been considered in total. All your fundamental proposals have been taken into account, including those on the formation of the Central Council, the election of delegates to the congress, increasing the responsibility of members of the Councils, heads of regional branches and associations of veterans - members of the “BATTLE BROTHERHOOD”, expanding the powers of the lower levels of the Organization.

The emblem, flag, banner, march of the organization approved by the III Congress are registered in accordance with the procedure established by law and are included in the text of the Charter.

The amendment made to the Charter grants the right to all structural divisions to use the name and symbols of the Organization for statutory purposes.

A separate chapter of the Charter is devoted to primary branches, which is not in the current Charter.

The draft Program not only determines the direction in various areas of activity, but also orients the Organization towards the achievement of concrete results.

Thus, the work carried out in the reporting period ensured the creation of new conditions and opportunities for further improvement of the Organization, enhancing its role in solving the social problems of veterans.

A new period of intensive development and modernization, qualitative transformation and growth of the Organization itself has begun in the life of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE. The main goals and objectives of this stage, the directions of the Organization's activities are set out in the Charter and the Program, which, I hope, will be approved by you today.

In addition, they are reflected in the decision that you have in the documents of the congress. I focused on the most important of them in the report.

As a result of the implementation of the decisions taken today, the implementation of a system of measures to achieve the goals and tasks set by the 4th Congress, the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE, as one of the largest mass organizations, will become an integral part of the socio-political system of the state, with the opinion of which the public, the leadership and all branches of government.


The organization was founded on December 26, 1997, at the 1st Congress of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts in Russia. The original name was the Union of Public Associations "All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood".

The 1st Congress approved the Charter of the Union, elected the Chairman in person and the Coordinating Council.

Key persons

Boris Gromov - Chairman, Hero of the Soviet Union, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Sablin- First Deputy Chairman of the organization, Chairman of the Central Council, member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

Gennady Shorokhov- First Deputy Chairman of the organization, Chairman of the Executive Committee, combat veteran.

Nikolai Shuba- First Deputy Chairman of the organization, veteran of hostilities.

Biography of the movement

The First All-Russian Congress of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts took place on December 26, 1997. It created the Union of Public Associations "All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood".

At the end of the 90s of the XX century, veteran organizations of Russia took the initiative to hold a congress that could resolve the issues of uniting internationalist soldiers and consolidate their efforts in the field of protecting the legal rights and social guarantees of veterans, combat invalids, families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

Boris Gromov, Hero of the Soviet Union, was unanimously elected President of the Movement.

On December 22, 2000, the second congress of the Movement took place, at which a decision was made to transform the Union into the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood".

In the period 2001-2005, in 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the initiative of veterans of local wars and armed conflicts, regional branches of the "Combat Brotherhood" were created.

On December 6, 2005, the third congress was held, at which new Charter and Program were adopted, as well as landmark decisions on the transformation of the Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood" into the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood", on fixed personal membership, a new symbols and awards of the Organization.

The organization became the legal successor of the Movement and the successor of its deeds and traditions.

In accordance with the decisions of the governing bodies in the center and locally, work was carried out to create new structural divisions of the Organization in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The practical activities of the Organization in the subsequent period confirmed the correctness of the chosen course of strengthening interaction and cooperation with the authorities in resolving issues of social support for veterans and invalids of military operations, family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

On January 28, 2011, the fourth congress was held, at which a course was set for the further qualitative development of the Organization, increasing its authority in the veteran environment, the effectiveness of work in the field of social protection and support for veterans, combat invalids and their families.

In 2011, a number of regional branches of the "Combat Brotherhood" joined the ONF.

From July 21 to August 25, 2011, the party and public associations included in the (ONF) held preliminary voting in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on candidates for deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. All regional branches of "BB" have expressed a desire to include their representatives in the lists of candidates for elections to the State Duma.

In December 2012, the Central Council, summing up the results of 15 years of activity of the All-Russian Organization "Combat Brotherhood", made a reasonable conclusion: the construction of the organization as a public association was completed and determined the prospects for its further qualitative development.

In 2014, members of the "Combat Brotherhood" became active participants in the movement.

On February 21, 2015, on the anniversary of the armed coup in Ukraine, members of the "BB" participated in the rally and march of the "Anti-Maidan" movement under the motto "We will not forget! We will not forgive!" on Revolution Square in Moscow.

Currently, the "Combat Brotherhood" includes 84 regional branches that were created in 83 subjects Russian Federation and in Baikonur, Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the ranks of all structural divisions, there are about 110 thousand personal members, 951 local and 623 primary branches.

Elected to legislative, executive and public councils at various levels 1,575 veteran members of the organization, including 9 veterans are deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

scandals rumors

From time to time, information appears in the press that even at the dawn of its existence, the "Combat Brotherhood" organized a collection of money from entrepreneurs in exchange for "power" services. At first, its members acted on their own initiative, and then, under the guidance of Dmitry Sablin this activity was "centralized" and put on stream.

In 2000, the leader of the organization Boris Gromov decided to run for governor of the Moscow region, and the "Combat Brotherhood" became his main "support group".

During the election campaign, which was rich in scandals, the "Combat Brotherhood" was engaged exclusively in organizing support for Gromov's candidacy in all available forms.

After Gromov became governor, information appeared in the media that, at the request of Gromov's right hand, Dmitry Sablin Alexander Svetakov acquires "Absolut Bank". This bank not only provided financial support to the Combat Brotherhood, but also became a key link in the schemes for the massive withdrawal of land from agricultural use and their transfer to the category of land for individual residential construction.

In 2007, Absolut Bank, which serviced all budget accounts in key State Unitary Enterprise of the Moscow Region and land deals in the interests of the "Combat Brotherhood" was sold for $ 1 billion to Belgian investors.

Land assets in the amount of more than 100 thousand hectares worth $ 2 billion remained at the disposal of the "Combat Brotherhood" and were subsequently re-registered for structures affiliated with the "Combat Brotherhood". In total, in the process of resale through the bank of collective farm shares into private hands, a land fund of about 400 collective farms of the Moscow region.

The "Combat Brotherhood" was also accused of recruiting guest workers from the states of Central Asia. According to bloggers, this organization has established interaction with the Association of Veteran Warriors (Internationalists) Republic of Uzbekistan "VETERAN", whose chairman Tahir Muradov illegally recruits, then accepts and draws up documents for anyone who wishes for a fee, instead of veterans who want to leave the republic to work in Russia. Employers in Russia for Muradov are looking for representatives of the leadership of the "Combat Brotherhood".

In 2007, the "Combat Brotherhood" decided to reach a new level, becoming a party from a public organization. Articles appeared in the press about the forests and collective farm lands of the Moscow region sold off cheaply, and the governor himself had a conversation with him, who explained to him "the current political moment."

Then, after a failed attempt to turn the "Combat Brotherhood" into a party, into Administration of the President of the Russian Federation seriously thought about who to replace Gromov as governor of the Moscow region. There was talk that the governor of the Moscow region could become, Vladimir Kozhin or .


October 15, 2010 was the date of formation of the Khakassian Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD". Then, in the city of Abakan, a founding conference was held, which was attended by more than 200 veterans of local wars and military conflicts. The conference was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia Vladimir Kraft, the representative of the Central Council of the Military Brotherhood of the Military Brotherhood Yuri Shepotko, representatives of cities and regions of Khakassia, who represented the interests of all combat veterans living in the republic. After long discussions, disputes, as well as speeches by the veterans, representatives of the administration and guests, the conference delegates elected the council of the regional branch, which included participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya. The founding conference proclaimed the creation of the Khakass regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", founded by combat veterans living in Khakassia. Vekshin Alexander Vasilievich headed the Council, and Aleksashin Alexander Yakovlevich was elected the first deputy.

On the eve of the founding conference, meetings of combat veterans of Afghanistan and other "hot spots" living in the regions were held throughout Khakassia. At the training camp, representatives of the administrations introduced Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Battle Brotherhood", Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, to those present, and elected delegates from among the veterans who will attend the founding conference and represent the interests of veterans of their cities and regions.

The organization "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD" is more than 12 years old. It includes 80 regional branches and more than 30 public associations. There are 11 branches in the Siberian Federal District, and there are none in Khakassia alone. But 3,567 veterans of combat operations in Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic, the North Caucasus and other "hot spots" live here. Many of them, as well as combat invalids, family members of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland (4,230 people) need not only social assistance from the state, but also psychological support from public veteran associations. To solve these and other tasks, the leader of the BROTHERHOOD Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov calls for the creation of a regional branch of the veterans' union in the Republic of Khakassia. And also to identify leaders - people worthy, respected, with an impeccable reputation, possessing the skills of organizational work, able to rally people around them.

January 28, 2011 delegates from the Republic of Khakassia Vekshin A.V. and Aleksashin A.Ya. took part in the fourth congress of the All-Russian public organization of veterans "BATTLE BROTHERHOOD", which summed up the work over the past five years, discussed and made additions to the Charter of the organization.

In the final part of the congress and in a solemn atmosphere, the banner of the republican branch was handed over to the Chairman of the Council of the Khakass Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Battle Brotherhood" Alexander Vasilievich Vekshin. The banner was presented by the chairman of the Moscow branch, Hero of the Soviet Union, veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Colonel General Valery Vostrotin.

The end of the 90s of the 20th century that has gone down in history was marked by very noticeable events in the socio-political life of the country. State and government structures practically did not solve the social and everyday problems of combat veterans, the disabled, family members of fallen servicemen, and employees of other law enforcement agencies.

Negative processes rapidly developed in the financial and economic sphere, which caused sharp condemnation and discontent among the population. Relations in society have become aggravated, both between individuals and various public groups, including public organizations claiming privileged positions in receiving various benefits and preferences from the government.

Yesterday's close acquaintances and relatives, fighting friends and comrades, allies and business partners, due to financial and property problems, disagreements and claims, became completely strangers to each other, and sometimes even sworn enemies.

Under these conditions, in order to reduce confrontation and tension in society, large veteran organizations of Russia took the initiative to hold a congress that could resolve the issues of uniting veteran organizations of internationalist soldiers and consolidate their efforts in the field of protecting the legal rights and social guarantees of veterans, combat invalids actions, families of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.

The First All-Russian Congress of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts took place on December 26, 1997. It created the Union of Public Associations "All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts Combat Brotherhood". This event marked the birth in Russia of a new social movement "Combat Brotherhood".

At the second congress of the Movement, held on December 22, 2000, it was decided to transform the Union into the All-Russian Public Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood". The Governor of the Moscow Region, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Gromov Boris Vsevolodovich was unanimously elected President of the Movement.

In the period 2001-2005, in 75 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on the initiative of veterans of local wars and armed conflicts, regional branches of the "Combat Brotherhood" were created.

At the third congress of the Movement, which took place on December 6, 2005, delegates from 75 regional branches of the All-Russian public movement "Combat Brotherhood" and 36 other all-Russian and interregional public associations were represented.

At the congress, new Charter and Program were adopted, as well as landmark decisions on the transformation of the Movement of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts "Combat Brotherhood" into the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood", fixed personal membership, new symbols and awards.

The organization became the legal successor of the Movement and the successor of its deeds and traditions.

In accordance with the decisions of the governing bodies in the center and locally, hard work was carried out to create new structural divisions of the Organization in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and in a number of cases to recreate the previously announced regional offices and resume their practical activities. At the same time, measures were actively taken to carry out the registration of structural divisions and acquire the rights of a legal entity.

On the initiative and direct participation of the All-Russian organization “Combat Brotherhood”, in April and September 2007, the Interregional Public Organization of Medical Workers of Combatants and the All-Russian Public Organization of the Families of the Fallen Defenders of the Fatherland were created, respectively.

The practical activities of the Organization in the period from January 2006 to the present and its results clearly confirmed the expediency of the decisions taken, as well as the timeliness and correctness of the designated development vector.

In the same period, there were serious personnel changes in the leadership of the regional offices. For various reasons, 59 chairmen of the councils were replaced in 48 departments, including the Astrakhan and Leningrad regional ones - at the initiative of the Central Council Office. Six heads of departments died untimely due to illness and accident.

Today, the All-Russian Organization "Combat Brotherhood" includes 84 regional branches, which have been established in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in the city of Baikonur, the Republic of Kazakhstan. Practically all of them, with the exception of the recently created Khakassian Republican, Nenets and Chukotka district, Vologda regional branches, have legal registration. Representative offices in the city of Tiraspol, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and in the city of Sevastopol actively operate within the framework of the Charter activities of the Organization. In the ranks of all structural divisions there are more than 102 thousand personal members, over 870 local and more than 520 primary branches.

Membership in the All-Russian organization "Combat Brotherhood" of 27 all-Russian and interregional public associations has been legally registered. Business partnerships are maintained with another nine such associations.

The All-Russian Organization "Combat Brotherhood" is open for cooperation with other public associations operating in Russia and abroad within the framework of the current legislation and generally accepted international norms.

In order to consolidate the veteran movement and establish strong partnerships, bilateral cooperation agreements were concluded with the Russian Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Colonel-General I.F. Shilov), the All-Russian Public Organization of War and Military Service Veterans (Aviation Marshal A N. Efimov), the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (General of the Army M.A. Moiseev), the Synodal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies (Archpriest Fr. Dmitry Smirnov), the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia” (B.V. Gryzlov).

The All-Russian Organization "Combat Brotherhood" is one of the founders and an active member of the International Union of Public Associations of Veterans "Combat Brotherhood". In December 2006, the Organization was admitted to the World Federation of Veterans.

In preparation for the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan and the 65th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the Organization initiated the creation of an Organizing Committee to celebrate these significant events. The Organizing Committee included well-known people in the country and authoritative among veterans. At the suggestion of F.A. Klintsevich and the unanimous decision of the members of the Organizing Committee was headed by B.V. Gromov. At the suggestion of the Organizing Committee, regional organizing committees were created in 63 constituent entities of Russia, which played a decisive role in honoring veterans of the Great Patriotic War and Afghan soldiers.

Actively nominating its members to state and executive authorities of various levels, as well as local self-government structures and representative bodies, the Organization sets itself the task of promoting legislative and other initiatives that ensure the solution of social problems and improving the standard of living of veterans of various categories, disabled people, families of fallen defenders of the Fatherland. Along with this, the presence of an administrative resource gives regional and local branches the opportunity to more effectively carry out their practical activities in the field of patriotic, moral and physical education of citizens, perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the fatherland.

At present, nine members of the "Combat Brotherhood" are deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, including D.V. Sablin, First Deputy Chairman of the Organization. Members of the "Combat Brotherhood": head the administration of municipalities - 163 people; work in the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of Russia - 82 people; defend the interests of veterans in the councils of municipalities at various levels - more than 300 people; 45 people are represented in the public chambers of the constituent entities, and V.V. Zabolotsky (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug) and A.G. Ruzhnikov (Nenets Autonomous Okrug) - in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; more than 160 work in various responsible positions in executive power structures.

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