Vladimir Kuzmin announced the reasons for the divorce from his wife. Vladimir Kuzmin's wife is not happy with family life Who is Kuzmin dating now

Vladimir Kuzmin and his third wife Ekaterina Trofimova announced a divorce: the couple breaks up after 17 years living together. Rumors that not everything is fine in the marriage of the 63-year-old singer and his 36-year-old wife have been circulating for a long time. It was rumored that Catherine had more than once tried to leave her husband. And after another quarrel with his wife, he allegedly sought solace in alcohol and even allowed himself to go on stage very drunk. However, the musician's entourage unanimously denied all the news about problems in his family life. And then Kuzmin and his life partner, as if nothing had happened, again appeared together on stage. The artist performed his hit “You are a fairy tale in my life”, which he wrote for Catherine, and in response she thanked him with a gentle kiss in front of the touched audience.

But the fairy tale in the life of Kuzmin still ended.

With great respect and love for each other, remaining close friends, Katya and I announce a divorce, ”wrote Vladimir Kuzmin in his. It's time for everyone to go their own way. We have decided not to give any comments in the press about this. Please be understanding.

Vladimir Kuzmin met with future wife in 2000 on the beach in Anapa, where young Katya was relaxing with her parents. The difference of 27 years did not embarrass the star of the scene at all: the artist began to show signs of attention to the spectacular blonde from Yelabuga. Vladimir invited the whole family to a concert, and then, when his beloved returned home to Yelabuga, he persuaded her to fly to him in Moscow. A year later, the couple got married. The couple had no children in this marriage.

But from a previous relationship, Vladimir Kuzmin has four heirs: daughter Sonya from her first marriage with poetess Tatyana Artemyeva - 32 years old, Martha, the middle daughter from a relationship with Irina Miltsina - 31 years old, the youngest daughter of the singer Nicole from a relationship with a fan Tatyana Muingo - 30 years old . Adopted son Nikita (a young man lives in the USA) is also 30 years old.

Two more older children of Kuzmin, who were born in a marriage with Tatyana Artemyeva, died tragically. Daughter Lisa was found murdered in 2002 in her apartment - the 24-year-old girl's throat was cut by her lover. In 2009, her brother Stepan passed away: the young man fell out of the window of his own apartment in the South-West of Moscow, fleeing from a fire. According to neighbors, 26-year-old Stepan used drugs and was registered in a psycho-neurological dispensary.

Vladimir Kuzmin was officially married three times. From 1979 to 1985 - on Tatyana Artemyeva. In 1990, in the USA, the singer married American model Kelly Curzon. In 2001, the artist played a wedding with his current wife Ekaterina. In addition to official trips to the registry office, Kuzmin had numerous hobbies and civil marriages, the brightest of which is with actress Vera Sotnikova. Kuzmin and Sotnikova were together for seven years, from 1993 to 2000.

The rocker's marriage was destroyed by his wife's passion for psychological constellations

In May, we wrote about problems in the family of Vladimir Kuzmin (). His wife Ekaterina Trofimova then talked about the rocker as if they were divorced. But on thestraightquestionrespondrefused.Andhereon thelastweekmusicianmadeofficialstatement:withTrofimovais hemorenotlives.reasonKuzminnotnamed.Ussamebecameknowntoto whomVladimirgonefromspouses.

Back then, in May, we had suspicions that VladimirKuzmin divorced KatyaTrofimova. Judge for yourself - here are her words:

We have time to rest, but separately. He recently traveled to Miami. visited the house there Bobmarley. In the summer, it is unlikely that we will go somewhere together. We don't see him very often. We haven't been close for a long time. I'm tired of going on tour with him. So I'm leaving one. On May 31, he will celebrate his 63rd birthday, as usual, at work - he will give a big concert in Moscow. Of course, friends and relatives will come to it. I didn't decide for myself...

But without official confirmation, we could not write about the rocker's divorce. And on last week Vladimir admitted to reporters:

With great respect and love for each other, remaining close friends, Katya and I announce a divorce. It's time for everyone to go their own way. We have decided not to give any comments in the press about this. Please be understanding.

And everything came together. That is why Ekaterina spoke coldly and distantly about Kuzmin. That is why they have not had closeness for a long time ... Only Vladimir was still cunning. If you believe people from the musician's entourage, the couple broke up far from yesterday.

"Expensiveedition!- someone Cyril sent us an email when we reported Kuzmin's intimate problems. - Notcanyounotnotify,VladimirdivorcedwithTrofimovaalreadyasyear.Withnewpassionis heliveslotyears.girlname isSvetlana.She is 26years.She iswithhimon theallconcerts,on thetour."

We tracked down that same Svetlana. She turned out to be a pretty blonde from Kaliningrad, a graduate of the Baltic Federal University. Kant. After graduating from the Institute of Light, she moved to Moscow. In the Mother See, the girl studied at a business school with a degree in Management in the Music Business and the Entertainment Industry. Svetlana loves the sea and can rightfully call herself a yachtswoman: the fingers of two hands are not enough to count how many times the girl went sailing.


Kuzmin often rides on a yacht with his lover. He even gave her a small but nice little ship, which was given the name "Pretty Woman" in honor of the rocker's hit about "good weather" and "unnecessary boat".

In early May, it was with Svetlana Kuzmin that he traveled to Miami and Jamaica. And in June, Vladimir went with his beloved, the bass player of the Dynamic group SergeyTyazhin and other mutual friends on a river cruise. A week after the celebration of the 63rd anniversary at the Izvestia Hall club. The guys, led by Captain Sveta, set off on a journey from Moscow to Solovki. Last week the team made a big stop in Kalyazin, a city on the Volga. There they were caught in a storm.

Our brave skipper was drenched in a cold wave! - said one of the participants of the adventure NataliaGanina.- The whole team was ordered to take safe places, but she herself did not lose her presence of mind. Funoooo!

The love and creative life of this singer was as exciting, tender and touching as his songs. However, the artist had to go through a lot of tragedies. The biography of Vladimir Kuzmin, his path to fame and the women who won the heart - all this can be read in the material.

Excellence and Musician

The future artist was born in Moscow, in a simple family naval officer and teachers foreign language. His birthday was May 31, 1955. In connection with military profession Boris Grigoryevich's children (Volodya, brother Sasha, sister Ira) and his wife often moved from place to place.

In 1961, the boy went to first grade. The child did very well at school. He paid especially much attention to the English lessons taught by his mother. There were no problems with studies, so the diligent student was an excellent student.

The biography of Vladimir Kuzmin was associated with creativity very early. The father enrolled his sons in a music school. Then Volodya was 5 years old. The child liked to play the violin. Even today, many years later, a man often picks up this instrument and gives excellent concerts.

little rocker

When his mother gave Vova a guitar, the boy became very interested in the strings. The soldiers helped him to master the new "weapon". The officer's son went to the barracks freely and without interference. There the boy received basic lessons. Further, Vladimir Kuzmin developed his skills independently. The songs of this artist are known to everyone, but few people know that the author wrote the first composition at the age of 6. The kid then played yard football and, on emotions, created an anthem for the team.

The family lived in Murmansk region. And only a few hundred kilometers away was Europe. And no matter how hard the Soviet government tried to jam foreign waves, in this section of the Union Volodya could easily enjoy the songs of popular foreign groups.

Melodies from the West greatly influenced his taste in music. The teenager began to get involved in rock and even created his own group. At school parties and discos, the future singer Vladimir Kuzmin performed songs by The and The Beatles.

Choice of profession

The father officer did not like the fact that his son was wearing long hair and enjoys foreign music. However, despite the comments of the leadership, Boris Grigorievich did not forbid Volodya to continue doing what he loved. Although he himself dreamed that the guy would choose a military career.

Subsequently, many years later, when Kuzmin became a popular singer, his father became his ardent fan. According to the artist himself, the man collected newspapers and magazines with articles about his son and collected records.

After receiving the certificate, the biography of Vladimir Kuzmin a short time was associated with the railway institute. However, very soon they began to complain about the student because of his appearance. His lush hair and rocker image were not within the framework of a normal, Soviet guy. Yes, and Volodya himself understood that he did not belong here.

Therefore, in 1977, after two years of study, Kuzmin left the institute. But a year later he enters the Dnepropetrovsk Musical College.

Gaining Experience

During the years of study, the student also mastered the flute, saxophone. He passed the exam with "excellent", in addition, he fascinated the commission with his perfect game. For some time he performed in restaurants. He also became a member of various groups.

The biography of Vladimir Kuzmin changes after receiving a diploma. He actively tours with famous musical groups. The first serious work was participation in the VIA "Nadezhda". The man was the guitarist. However, Volodya did not stay long in this company. Very soon, the guys from the "Gems" noticed him and invited him to their place. Kuzmin played with them for a whole year.

During this time, he managed to master the nuances of the profession. And in 1979 he created his own group, which was called "Carnival".

step to glory

In the arsenal of the leader of the newly assembled music company, there were already several ideas and a dozen songs. It was thanks to his work that the team immediately became popular. This was the first step towards the big stage that Vladimir Kuzmin took. The songs of "Carnival" diverged at lightning speed. True, only in Moscow. Among the hits of that time are "Empty Word" and "Sudden Dead End". It should be noted that at first these compositions were written in English and only then were they translated into Russian for the Soviet audience. The compositions were recorded on a record, on the cover of which it was indicated: "Rock Group". It was a real sensation in the strict Union.

However, this company did not last long in its original composition. Even before 1982, Volodya and the second member of the team, Alexander Barykin, often began to argue. Men imagined the future in different ways and relied on a completely opposite repertoire. And now a fairly popular artist decides to start all over again. He is sure that his music will be a new start. Vladimir Kuzmin leaves Carnival and gathers the Dynamic team.

unhappy family

At that time, the musician was developing especially rapidly. In 1975, he met a girl sitting on a bench in the park, and a handsome young man approached her. At that time, the young lady was in love with another guy, but that's when they were in a quarrel. Therefore, Tanya allowed Vova to take her home. After this event, they did not see each other for a year. And then they met by chance in a cafe. Vova wrote down Tatyana's phone number and subsequently sat near the entrance for days on end. As a result, the girl accepted the courtship of a young admirer.

The first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin bore him three children. However, the family union was not simple. A man shamelessly cheated on her. From one of the women he even has a daughter, Marta. However, Tatyana also had affairs on the side, and even gave birth to a son from another man. Nikita Volodya adopted. It should be noted that the woman wrote poetry, so she created many hits for her husband. Among them are "When You Call Me" and "White Flowers".

Union with the Primadonna

The family broke up when Kuzmin started working with Alla Pugacheva. Despite the fact that both artists were married, between them broke out whirlwind romance followed by the whole country. Two stars performed together, Volodya wrote songs for the Prima Donna. The first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin believes that this is what made her husband file for divorce and move away from the children.

In 1986, the duet hit "Two Stars" was released. Such an alliance contributed to the popularity of the singer, but very soon he realized that Pugacheva's style was completely alien to him, so their relationship was broken.

The man continues to engage in the Dynamic group. Tours are going well. Crowds of fans run after Kuzmin. Fans do not give the musician peace. Tired of popularity, he travels with a group to the United States. There they perform in bars and clubs, master new styles.

During this period, the man meets American model Kelly Curzon. Young people fall in love and get married. But the woman's father threatened to leave his daughter without an inheritance because of an alliance with a Russian. Therefore, after 2 years, the couple broke up.

The fate of the children

In 1992, Vladimir Kuzmin returned to Moscow. The albums that he released abroad were in English, so they did not receive much popularity at home.

Further, the musician meets the actress and beauty Vera Sotnikova. Within a few days, the lovers settle together. A woman becomes a support for a musician: she inspires songs, refuses roles to be together, and even shoots videos for him. Vera also establishes his contacts with children. It is to this woman that the singer dedicates the song "Siberian Frosts". However, in 2000, this couple also breaks up.

Later he meets a student. The girl was born in 1982 and was significantly younger than the chosen one. Of course, Katya's parents did not support such a relationship. But the talented musician won them over very quickly. The couple soon got married.

In 2002, a tragedy occurred in the singer's family. Vladimir Kuzmin's eldest daughter, Liza, was killed. The culprit was her boyfriend, a drug dealer. And in 2009, son Stepan fell from the 18th floor.

The second daughter, Sonya, participated in the Star Factory-3 project. Now he is engaged in creative activities.

Kuzmin himself today dreams of children from his third wife and is actively touring with concerts.

Vladimir Kuzmin is a famous Russian rock musician, National artist Russia. He was born in Moscow, in the family of an officer. My musical career Vladimir began in 1977, becoming a guitarist for VIA Nadezhda. And in 1979 he created the group "Carnival", which later became very popular.

Vladimir Kuzmin

In 1982, he moved to the Dynamic group, in which he played until 1985. Later, the singer began to collaborate with Alla Pugacheva, write songs for her and perform in her Recital theater. At that time, Vladimir gains real fame.

In 18987, he assembled a new line-up for the Dynamic group, and in 1991 they left for America, where they began to play in clubs. Kuzmin lived there for a whole year. After returning to his homeland, he continues to play in a group.

Vladimir Kuzmin and Alla Pugacheva

Vladimir was married 3 times. His first wife was Tatyana Artemyeva. She was a poetess and even wrote songs to her husband. For 9 years of family life, Tanya gave her husband three children - Lisa, Stepan and Sophia.

The second wife of the musician was the model Kelly Curzon. Later, he lived with actress Vera Sotnikova for 8 years, but unfortunately this relationship did not lead to a wedding.

By the way, in 1986, the singer's illegitimate daughter Marta was born, and in 1987 - Nicole. Also in 1988, he adopted the boy Nikita.

Vladimir Kuzmin with Vera Sotnikova

Unfortunately, Vladimir's two children suffered a terrible fate. In 2002, his daughter Elizaveta was killed in Moscow, and in 2009 his son Stepan died in a fire. By the way, the adopted son of the musician, Nikita, is now accused of financial fraud, fraud and money laundering. Money. He was charged with up to 97 years in prison in a strict regime.

Vladimir with daughter Sonya and wife Katya

Now the rock performer is married to Ekaterina Trofimova. She is 27 years younger than her husband. With this woman, the musician found happiness and peace in his soul. The musician continues to sing today, music will never disappear from his life. And rock and roll will always live in our hearts.

Vladimir with his wife Ekaterina

Znameniy composer, musician and singer - Vladimir Kuzmin. Playing skills in various musical instruments this composer is simply amazing. Vladimir Borisovich is without a doubt a legend of Russian rock, the same applies to the stage.

His compositions belong to such genres as synthpop, blues, and rock fusion. In addition, Kuzmin is the leader of such rock bands as Dynamic and Karnaval. Thanks to such hits as “A Tale in My Life” and “Hey Pretty Woman” and many others that have become real hits, Vladimir secured the title of a legend.

Height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin

Due to the fact that the musician is very popular, the army of his fans wants to know as much information about his idol as possible. For example, physical data - height, weight, age of Vladimir Kuzmin. On the this moment The musician is 62 years old, weighs 75 kilograms, and is 173 centimeters tall.

The fan audience of the musician is very different and not everyone knows what Vladimir Kuzmin was like in his youth. Photos in his youth and now can be found in the public domain, although the quality of photographic materials leaves much to be desired, but still they are. According to the Zodiac calendar, Vladimir is Gemini, because he was born at the very end of May.

Biography of Vladimir Kuzmin

This wonderful musician was born on the last day of the month of May (31st), in 1955. At that moment, when the first screams were heard in the maternity ward, the biography of Vladimir Kuzmin began.

Mother - Kuzmina Natalya Ivanovna was a school teacher in English. Father - Kuzmin Boris Grigoryevich was a marine and had an officer rank.

After graduating from a school at a military camp, it was decided to apply to the capital's railway institute. But it did not grow together with studies due to the realization that Vladimir's life belongs to music.

Musical career began at the moment of graduation from the Dnepropetrovsk Musical College. Vladimir began to play in the Nadezhda ensemble, but due to criticism from the artistic director, the musician left the group.

Later, Kuzmin performed in the Gems and Carnival groups, and in 1982 the legendary Dynamic was created, in which he performed until 1986.

After a year of work with Alla Pugacheva, the musician revives the "Dynamik" and goes to the States. And in the 90s, Vladimir returned to his homeland, where for the third time he collected the same "Dynamik". At the same time, Kuzmin opens a recording studio that is not inferior to those overseas and re-records his music.

Personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin

The personal life of Vladimir Kuzmin is rich and rich. A separate episode of the media highlights the relationship with the prima donna Russian stage Alla Pugacheva. These relationships were quite carefully concealed, and it is only known that there were tender feelings between colleagues in the stage workshop, but creativity came first. Constant competitions in creativity, as well as many musical works, were dedicated specifically to Pugacheva - that's all that can be said about this.

In addition to a huge army of fans, Vladimir Kuzmin had several women with whom he tied the knot of marriage.

Family of Vladimir Kuzmin

In addition to his parents, the musician has a younger brother, whose name is Alexander and older sister- Irina Kuzmina.

When my father was transferred to another garrison, the whole family of Vladimir Kuzmin moved from Moscow to a military camp. In the future, it is only known that Vladimir's brother joined his musical group. After that, he lived for some time in the United States of America, but eventually returned to Russia, where he settled in the capital as well as their older sister Irina. Little is known about her sister, but you can find several photographs where Irina is surrounded by her younger brothers.

Children of Vladimir Kuzmin

Such a topic as the children of Vladimir Kuzmin is associated with both bright and tragic moments in his life. It is known that the musician has three children from his first marriage, but unfortunately the two elders left this world, eldest daughter and died a violent death.

Another tragic moment in the life of Vladimir is the unnatural death of his father. Boris Grigoryevich had an accident. Sharing his son's passion for two-wheeled vehicles, the musician's father preferred to drive on motorcycles. At the time of the car accident, Boris Kuzmin was 86 years old.

The son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Stepan

One of the older children of the musician was born in 1983. The son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Stepan followed his father's paths, becoming a musician. Just like the father, young man there was a dream to make a career as a singer, he even managed to assemble his own group. But evil fate did not allow the guy to realize his goals and dreams.

The guy died, and it happened because of a fire caused by an unextinguished cigarette. The young man fell from more than fifty meters at the moment when he tried to get out of the apartment engulfed in flames. The factor in the fall of the eldest son Vladimir was the flimsy cornice, along which he tried to get over to the neighbors.

The adopted son of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita

The child of the ex-wife Tatyana Artemyeva was not related by blood to the composer, and then he decides to adopt him. Foster-son Vladimir Kuzmin - Nikita was born five years later than the deceased Stepan. The guy also didn’t have a good life, because he, in turn, got involved in one very serious scam. By a court decision, Nikita was sentenced to three years in a penal colony.

The good news for him was the consideration of an amnesty. The guy was amnestied right in the courtroom. In addition to this high-profile case, press officers more information could not be obtained.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Elizabeth

The eldest daughter Liza saw this world for the first time in 1977. At the age of twenty-five, Vladimir Kuzmin's daughter, Elizaveta Kuzmina, died a violent death at home.

The girl who lived at that time in the capital of the Russian Federation was inflicted sixteen knife wounds. The girl died from profuse blood loss and damage internal organs. When investigating the case, the police, having reached a dead end, could not find the individuals who committed such a terrible crime. And on one of the walls in the apartment was written "The Matrix has you", which means: "You are bogged down in the Matrix" - a quote from the film, then still the Wachowski brothers, The Matrix.

Daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya

Regarding the youngest daughter of our hero, the information covered by the press is negligible. The daughter of Vladimir Kuzmin - Sonya is youngest daughter among the children from the singer's first marriage, as well as the only girl living daughter from the same marriage.

Sonya was born in 1985. Deciding to follow in the footsteps of her star parent, she became a singer, the public understood this when the girl got on a project called "Star Factory". It was the third season of the Russian television musical project to support young performers. There is no more information about the musician's daughter in the public domain, and even if there is, it is only at the level of rumors, gossip and likely discussions.

Illegitimate daughters of Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole and Martha

The period from 1985 to 1987 was very eventful for the musician, in those years Vladimir gave birth to two girls. Illegitimate daughters Vladimir Kuzmin - Nicole and Marta, whom the musician recognized were born from different women. Martha was born on International Women's Day, March 8, 1986. Actually, that's why the girl was called "Martha". The girl's mother is Irina Miltsina, that's all the information about Martha.

Another daughter born out of wedlock is Nicole. The girl was raised and raised by her grandmother, who lived in the American City of Angels. The composer found out about the existence of his daughter only 26 years after the birth of the girl.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Tatyana Artemyeva

The musician has unique ability to charm women, and therefore by marriage he tied himself more than once. The first ex-wife of Vladimir Kuzmin is Tatyana Artemyeva. The woman was a great poetess, thanks to this, not a single text was written for Vladimir's songs.

Together, the couple lived for almost a decade and over the years, they had three children. And the reason for the gap was the problems of everyday life, as well as the musician's addiction to alcoholic beverages. Tatyana is not at all angry with her ex-spouse, in fact, like his other women.

Former wives of Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova

Next marital relations famous musician lasted only two years. The next marriage partner was American top model Kelly Curzon. Other than that, nothing else is known.

Vera Sotnikova is the third wife of the legendary composer. It is worth noting the fact that the third marriage became civil. Vera is closely associated with the world of cinema, as she was an actress, as well as a presenter on television. After seven years married life The couple decides to separate. ex-wives Vladimir Kuzmin - Kelly Curzon and Vera Sotnikova are not at all angry with their ex-husband.

Wife of Vladimir Kuzmin - Ekaterina Trofimova

For the composer, this is the fourth marriage and it is worth noting that he is very happy in it. The wife of Vladimir Kuzmin, Ekaterina Trofimova, is twenty-seven years younger than her husband, but this fact did not become an obstacle in their lives. The couple love each other very much.

Another love of Vladimir is love with alcoholic drinks, because of which family bonds were under great threat, even on the verge of ruin, but despite this, his young chosen one is still next to the composer.

There are many rumors about plastic surgery that Vladimir did, so that his face would not be wrinkled and he would at least slightly correspond to the image of his wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vladimir Kuzmin

Starting the theme of the media composer, you can’t say much. Instagram and Wikipedia Vladimir Kuzmin is twofold thing. Thanks to his merits and fame, the composer has his own page in the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. But in the service for sharing photos "Instagram", the musician's profile cannot be found, since it simply does not exist.

But he has an account on Twitter, where you can find fresh photographs from creative life Vladimir, as well as exclusive videos. In addition, anyone can ask questions or leave a wish for a celebrity. Article found on alabanza.ru

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