In search of the killer who shot the businessman in the suburban iksha, the detectives went to the retired Colonel Gru. DNA of an oligarch: millions for an illegitimate daughter Let them say - DNA of an oligarch: millions for an illegitimate daughter

In the spring of 2014, oil tycoon Nikolai Martynov was assassinated. The prospective customer was found very quickly - it turned out to be the metropolitan businessman Anton Erokhin. The wife of the murdered oligarch, Nadezhda Martynova, became the legitimate heir to his entire financial fortune, but Lada Ryasnova entered the struggle for a multimillion-dollar inheritance, claiming that she had an affair with Nikolai and their daughter Yaroslav was born in their love union. Watch the issue Let them talk - the DNA of an oligarch: millions for an illegitimate daughter 11/01/2017

After two DNA tests, it became clear that the daughter of Lada Ryasnova is the daughter of Nikolai Martynov, but the court made a completely different decision and now the girl does not have the surname of her own father. Will Lada be able to defend her daughter's inheritance rights? How to recognize paternity and is it worth seeking? What does Ryasnova really want: to achieve justice or to get the huge fortune of the oil oligarch? In the studio "Let them talk" today we have to answer these and some other questions.

Let them talk - the DNA of an oligarch: millions for an illegitimate daughter

Lada Ryasnova came to the talk show Let them say - the DNA of an oligarch: millions for an illegitimate daughter, to tell why she is trying to acknowledge paternity. The heroine enters the studio with a folder of documents:

“I am a lawyer by training. In order not to be unfounded, I decided to take all the necessary documents with me. First, I’ll tell you how I met Nikolai: I worked in a financial company and I had business meetings with him. One day he said that he really likes the way I work and offered me to work for him.

- For about a year with a little, we worked only as a leader and a subordinate, but then we began to communicate more. Later we found out that both love to skate, and so gradually we began a romantic relationship. Yes, I knew that he was married - his wife lived in France.

- Later I had a conflict with his wife. When my daughter was born, she claimed that Nikolai could not have children. Nikolai did not ask me to give birth to a child for him - everything happened by chance and it was a surprise for both of us. But I was not going to have an abortion and he was not opposed - he promised to help us with the child. He kept his word: Kolya constantly provided for us.

- Kolya kept an eye on his health all the time: he practiced fasting, went in for sports. At his age, he was in excellent physical shape. No one imagined that he would not be ...

DNA of the oligarch Nikolai Martynov. Lada Ryasnova let them talk

- It's been 3.5 years already ... Now I can smile, but at that time it was very difficult. For the first 2 months, I lay face down on the pillow and didn't see or hear anything.

The “Let them talk” program conducted its own investigation: it turned out that Nikolai Martynov had ... another lover! Olesya Manayeva came to the talk show to tell her story of relationships with the oil tycoon:

- My story is a little different: we met, then broke up, but he invited me to his company. I am grateful to him for everything he did for me. And after me, he began to meet with Lada.

Experts in the studio: model Alena Kravets, lawyer Alexander Treshchev, public figure Roman Khudyakov, writer Maria Arbatova, retired federal judge Elina Kashirina, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Pashutin, lawyer Vera Sevostyanova, journalist Leonid Mikulyak and others. - DNA of an oligarch: millions for an illegitimate daughter, aired on November 01, 2017 (11/01/2017).

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Kommersant has learned that the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR for the Moscow Region has completed an investigation into the murder of businessman Nikolai Martynov, who was shot dead two years ago in Iksha near Moscow. The crime, according to investigators, was ordered by a business partner of Mr. Martynov, who contracted Gennady Korotenko, a retired colonel of the GRU, who is now a centurion of the Volga Cossack army, to play the role of a killer. Friends do not believe in the involvement of a veteran, marked with a dozen combat awards, in a contract killing. According to their version, he really did not part with the Makarov pistol, but used the weapon only to protect businessmen and garden plots.

56-year-old Nikolai Martynov, co-founder of the Cypriot company Clinolia Holding Limited, which owns several enterprises in Russia for the production of raw materials and equipment for the oil and gas and chemical industries, was killed on March 30, 2014 near his private house in Iksha, near Moscow. On the evening of that day, the businessman returned home after attending a performance at the Vakhtangov Theater. Leaving the car, he began to open the gate with the key and at that moment came under fire. The killer's bullets hit Mr. Martynov in the head and chest. The driver managed to take the seriously wounded man to the district hospital, but after several operations and intensive care, the businessman still died without regaining consciousness.

Having accepted the criminal case of murder for their proceedings, the investigators of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Moscow Region first qualified the crime as the result of a certain conflict situation that suddenly arose for the businessman - under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder). However, it was not possible to find the criminals for a long time.

The breakthrough in the investigation occurred, one might say, by accident, and the operational measures carried out 400 km from the capital contributed to the disclosure of the crime. On August 5, 2015, in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, operatives from the regional FSB and the police opened a private garage, which was literally filled to the brim with army weapons. Among the seized were Kalashnikov assault rifles, assault rifles with optical sights, two machine guns, underbarrel grenade launchers, a collection of daggers, sabers and other edged weapons, countless ammunition of various types and calibers, and, finally, the Igla portable anti-aircraft missile system.

On the same day, the owner of the garage, a local resident Gennady Korotenko, was detained, who had a Makarov pistol in his pocket at the time of the meeting with the operatives. The detainee himself explained that he took the PM to protect the garden plots, in which his organization is involved - "Cossack freemen named after Yermak Timofeevich", which is structurally part of the Volga Cossack army. The found arsenal, according to the Cossack, did not belong to him, but to some "accidental acquaintance" to whom he rented his garage. The tenant was allegedly involved in the supply of goods to gun shops and could use the garage as a transshipment base for goods.

However, the police version of Mr. Korotenko, who started the investigation, did not believe it - the centurion was arrested on charges of illegal arms trafficking (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Some time later - apparently, thanks to the examinations - the investigation managed to establish that a businessman in the Moscow region was shot dead with a pistol seized in Nizhny.

In this regard, the Nizhny Novgorod episode was combined with a criminal case of murder and transferred to the production of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Moscow Region. There, in addition to the charges already brought against the Cossack, the charge of murder was added. It is worth noting that after his interrogation, the crime was already qualified as custom-made and committed as part of a group (clauses “g” and “h”, part 2, article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Four months later, the probable customer of the murder was found and taken into custody - he turned out to be Mr. Martynov's 35-year-old business partner Anton Erokhin. According to the investigation, about a year before the assassination attempt, serious disagreements arose between the businessmen. The partners, who own Clinolia Holding Limited in equal shares, could not divide the company and its assets in any way. Among them were several enterprises in the Nizhny Novgorod region that produce acetone, ethanol and other chemicals used for the needs of the oil and gas industry - Sintez OJSC, Sintez Acetone LLC, etc. First, the co-founders agreed that Mr. Erokhin would buy from Mr. Martynov, his stake in Clinolia for 2.6 billion rubles, but at some stage of the auction, the price, apparently, seemed too high to the buyer. As a result, according to investigators, he decided to simply eliminate the seller by contracting the Cossack Korotenko, who provided him with security services, for this action. The centurion, as the investigation believes, agreed to organize and carry out the murder for 1 million rubles.

It should be noted that neither the defendants themselves, nor their lawyers, having familiarized themselves with the charges, did not agree with the position of the investigation. So, for example, representatives of Anton Erokhin believe that he had no motive for killing a partner, since, shortly before the crime, the businessmen, according to their version, concluded a "mutually beneficial deal." With the death of Mr. Martynov, the financial position of the prospective customer "significantly worsened." This, by the way, is evidenced by the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, which declared Mr. Erokhin, who owed more than 383 million rubles to one of the banks as a guarantor for loans, bankrupt.

Do not agree with the accusations and representatives of the Volga Cossacks, who consider the centurion Korotenko a hero and an example to follow. The retired colonel, according to them, took part in at least three wars - Afghan, Abkhaz and Chechen. He was awarded the Orders of Courage, the Red Banner and the Red Star, the medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit", and besides, he received the title of Hero of Abkhazia and for a special manifestation of courage and courage - the Order of Leon of a little-recognized republic.

As Sergey Akimov, chairman of the board of Volnitsa, explained to Kommersant, having detained his comrade-in-arms with a weapon, law enforcement officers simply decided to “hang” a murder on him, to which he had nothing to do. Now the investigation, according to the Cossack, is dragging out time under various pretexts, since it does not have "a single proof" of the centurion's involvement in the crimes. So, in his opinion, the fingerprints of the centurion Korotenko were not found on the seized weapons, and the suspicious tenant of the garage in the Avtozavodsky district, about which he spoke, was never identified.

“Old man Korotenko is not a mummer, of which there are many now, but a real tribal Cossack,” Mr. Akimov said. “In the past, he was a military officer, a colonel of the GRU. has been in Abkhazia for the time being, being a hero and an honorary citizen of this country".

Cossack Akimov, according to him, does not undertake to judge the origin of the Makarov pistol found in Gennady Korotenko, but he is sure that the centurion needed the weapon exclusively for peaceful purposes. For the protection of garden plots in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in which "Volnitsa" is constantly involved, and infrequent business trips to the capital - in Moscow, the centurion worked as a guard for businessmen.

In the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR, Kommersant confirmed the end of the investigation in the high-profile case, saying that now the defendants are getting acquainted with the materials of the investigation.

Sergei Mashkin; Roman Kryazhev, Nizhny Novgorod

The trial of the Nizhny Novgorod Cossack Gennady Korotenko began in Moscow. Our compatriot is accused of murdering businessman Nikolai Martynov on the order of his partner Anton Yerokhin. At one time, "LS" has already talked about this sensational story.

Murder in the suburbs

Recall that Nikolai Martynov was shot dead in March 2014 in the village of Iksha near Moscow. According to investigators, the murder was ordered by his business partner, who contracted Gennady Korotenko, a retired colonel of the GRU, who at that time was a centurion of the Volga Cossack army, to play the role of a killer.

Korotenko is a very famous person in certain circles. One might even say legendary. The retired GRU colonel participated in at least three wars - Afghan, Abkhaz and Chechen. He was awarded the Order of Courage, the Red Banner and the Red Star, medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit". He is an honorary citizen of Abkhazia, and in 2011-2012 he even worked as an adviser to the honorary consul of this republic in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

So what could connect this person with the criminal showdowns of the capital's merchants?

So, 56-year-old Nikolai Martynov, co-founder of the Cypriot company Clinolia Holding Limited, which owns several enterprises in Russia for the production of raw materials and equipment for the oil and gas and chemical industries, was killed on March 30, 2014 near his private house in Iksha near Moscow. On the evening of that day, the businessman returned home after attending a performance at the Vakhtangov Theater. Leaving the car, he began to open the gate with the key and at that moment came under fire. One bullet hit the businessman in the chest, the other got stuck in the eye socket. Martynov's driver did not wait for the ambulance to arrive and took him to the nearest hospital himself. A few hours later, the wounded was taken to Moscow. But after several operations and intensive care, the entrepreneur died without regaining consciousness.

A cartridge case from a Makarov pistol was seized from the crime scene. For a long time, the investigation was marking time. In the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in the Moscow Region, the crime was first qualified as the result of a conflict situation that suddenly arose in the deceased. Like, he quarreled with someone on the road, and he was shot dead. But it soon became clear that this version does not hold water.

Arsenal in the garage

To reveal, as it has now become clear, a contract killing, an accident helped. On August 5, 2015, in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, operatives from the regional FSB and the police opened a private garage, which turned out to be the largest cache of weapons found in recent years. 100 firearms and their components were found in the garage. There were pistols, shotguns, Kalashnikov assault rifles, carbines with telescopic sights, two machine guns with magazines, grenade launchers, and even an Igla portable anti-aircraft missile system!

On the same day, the owner of the garage was also detained. It turned out to be a former GRU officer Gennady Korotenko, and he had a Makarov pistol with him. True, the detainee immediately stated that he had nothing to do with the arsenal, that he rented the garage to a stranger who could be related to the supply of goods to weapons stores, and Korotenko's pistol was needed to protect garden plots, in which his organization was involved " Cossack freemen named after Ermak Timofeevich.

However, the mysterious garage tenant was never identified. Perhaps it does not exist at all. And when the weapon confiscated in Nizhny Novgorod passed an examination, it turned out that Moscow businessman Nikolai Martynov had been killed from a Makarov found in Korotenko's garage.

The episode with the illegal circulation of weapons was connected with the criminal case of the murder and transferred to the production of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in the Moscow Region. Gradually, investigators restored the picture of the crime.

Version of the investigation

So, disagreements arose between Nikolai Martynov and the second co-owner of Clinolia Holding Limited, Anton Erokhin. The partners could not divide the company and its assets in any way, including several enterprises in the Nizhny Novgorod region that produce acetone, ethanol and other chemicals used for the needs of the oil and gas industry: Sintez OJSC, Sintez Acetone LLC, etc. . At first, the co-founders agreed that Erokhin would buy out his share in Clinolia from Martynov for 2.6 billion rubles, but at some stage of the auction, the price, apparently, seemed too high to the buyer. As a result, according to investigators, he decided to simply eliminate the seller.

And the "free Cossack" Korotenko, it turns out, not only protected the gardens from thieves, but also provided security services to the capital's businessmen. He also worked for Erokhin. So between them, according to the investigation, a conspiracy arose. The merchant offered the Nizhny Novgorod citizen to eliminate Martynov for a million rubles, which he did ...

Gennady Korotenko did not admit his guilt. His friends - the Cossacks - do not believe that he could have committed this crime. “Old Man Korotenko is not a mummer, of which there are many now, but a real tribal Cossack. In the past - a military officer, Colonel of the GRU. He was seriously wounded, has a disability, but the investigation ignores his illness, since the father is still in Abkhazia at the medical office, being a hero and an honorary citizen of this country, ”said Sergei Akimov, chairman of the board of the Cossack Freemen. According to him, his fingerprints were not found on the pistol seized from Korotenko. That is, there is no direct evidence. However, investigators have a different opinion.

Meanwhile, another, shall we say, piquant incident appeared in this case. Lada Ryasnova, who worked as an employee of the control and audit service in Martynov's company, filed a civil lawsuit with the Zyuzinsky District Court of Moscow. She stated that she was in a civil marriage with a businessman (the official wife of the oilman had already lived abroad for several years by that time) and gave birth to his daughter Yaroslav. Ryasnova asked to establish the paternity of Martynov in relation to her daughter, which would allow giving the child his last name and "realizing the inheritance rights of a minor." At the request of the court, the investigators provided data on the DNA profile of the businessman Martynov, which were used during the investigation and filed with the case as material evidence. It was the results of DNA examinations that became one of the key evidence of Gennady Korotenko's involvement in the crime.

Expertise war

The court ordered the study to be conducted at the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The experts established the paternity of the murdered in relation to the girl with a probability of more than 99.9%. They also compared her DNA with that of the businessman's 24-year-old son, establishing their paternal relationship with a probability of over 99.7%.

For their part, the defendants in the case - Nikolai Martynov's relatives - rejected Ryasnova's claims, and their lawyer Anastasia Tsvetkova, in the past, by the way, a judge of the same Zyuzinsky court, saw in her actions an attempt at fraud in order to obtain part of the inheritance. They also stated that in the last years of his life, the businessman was barren, and when a girl was conceived, he was generally abroad. As a result, data from Aeroflot, Raiffeisenbank, medical institutions and the World Class fitness club were presented to the court, indicating that during the period of development of relations with Ryasnova, the businessman was still in Moscow and did not apply to doctors with complaints of infertility.

Interestingly, during the trial, a certain Nizhny Novgorod resident came to court, declaring that he was the girl's father. True, our fellow countryman could not explain where and when he talked with Lada, and incorrectly described her appearance eight years ago. The court appointed a DNA examination, which showed a zero probability of paternity of the Nizhny Novgorod citizen, while re-confirming the relationship of Yaroslava and the son of Nikolai Martynov.

As a result, Judge Elena Safyan denied Ryasnova's claims in full. At the same time, the decision did not even mention the results of a genetic examination conducted using the DNA profile of the murdered Martynov and confirming his paternity with almost one hundred percent probability, although it was this DNA profile that helped the investigation to bring charges against Gennady Korotenko. It is possible that the lawyers of the accused in court will take advantage of this circumstance.

Thus, it is still problematic to predict how the trial of the Nizhny Novgorod Cossack will end. However, it is known that if the court finds Gennady Korotenko guilty of contract murder, he faces a life sentence.


A retired GRU colonel is accused of high-profile contract killing.

The investigation into the murder of businessman Nikolai Martynov, committed two years ago in Iksha, Moscow region, is almost completed. According to investigators, the crime was ordered by a business partner of Mr. Martynov, who contracted Gennady Korotenko, a retired colonel of the GRU, who is now a centurion of the Volga Cossack army, to play the role of a killer.

Nikolai Martynov, 56, co-founder of the Cypriot company Clinolia Holding Limited, which owns several enterprises in Russia for the production of raw materials and equipment for the oil and gas and chemical industries, was killed on March 30, 2014 near his private house. On the evening of that day, the businessman returned home after attending a performance at the Vakhtangov Theater. Leaving the car, he began to open the gate with the key and at that moment came under fire. The killer's bullets hit Mr. Martynov in the head and chest. The driver managed to take the seriously wounded man to the district hospital, but after several operations and intensive care, the businessman still died without regaining consciousness.

Having accepted the criminal case of murder for their proceedings, the investigators of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Moscow Region first qualified the crime as the result of a certain conflict situation that suddenly arose for the businessman - under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder). However, it was not possible to find the criminals for a long time.

The breakthrough in the investigation occurred, one might say, by accident, and the operational measures carried out 400 km from the capital contributed to the disclosure of the crime. On August 5, 2015, in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, operatives from the regional FSB and the police opened a private garage, which was literally filled to the brim with army weapons. Among the seized were Kalashnikov assault rifles, assault rifles with optical sights, two machine guns, underbarrel grenade launchers, a collection of daggers, sabers and other edged weapons, countless ammunition of various types and calibers, and, finally, the Igla portable anti-aircraft missile system.

On the same day, the owner of the garage, a local resident Gennady Korotenko, was detained, who had a Makarov pistol in his pocket at the time of the meeting with the operatives. The detainee himself explained that he took the PM to protect the garden plots, in which his organization is involved - "Cossack freemen named after Yermak Timofeevich", which is structurally part of the Volga Cossack army. The found arsenal, according to the Cossack, did not belong to him, but to some "accidental acquaintance" to whom he rented his garage. The tenant was allegedly involved in the supply of goods to gun shops and could use the garage as a transshipment base for goods.

However, the police version of Mr. Korotenko, who started the investigation, did not believe it - the centurion was arrested on charges of illegal arms trafficking (Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Some time later - apparently, thanks to the examinations - the investigation managed to establish that a businessman in the Moscow region was shot dead with a pistol seized in Nizhny. In this regard, the Nizhny Novgorod episode was combined with a criminal case of murder and transferred to the production of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Moscow Region. There, in addition to the charges already brought against the Cossack, the charge of murder was added. It is worth noting that after his interrogation, the crime was already qualified as custom-made and committed as part of a group (clauses “g” and “h”, part 2, article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Four months later, the probable customer of the murder was found and taken into custody - he turned out to be Mr. Martynov's 35-year-old business partner Anton Erokhin. According to the investigation, about a year before the assassination attempt, serious disagreements arose between the businessmen. The partners, who own Clinolia Holding Limited in equal shares, could not divide the company and its assets in any way. Among them were several enterprises in the Nizhny Novgorod region that produce acetone, ethanol and other chemicals used for the needs of the oil and gas industry - Sintez OJSC, Sintez Acetone LLC, etc. First, the co-founders agreed that Mr. Erokhin would buy from Mr. Martynov, his share in Clinolia for 2.6 billion rubles, but at some stage of the auction, the price, apparently, seemed too high to the buyer. As a result, according to investigators, he decided to simply eliminate the seller by contracting the Cossack Korotenko, who provided him with security services, for this action. The centurion, as the investigation believes, agreed to organize and carry out the murder for 1 million rubles.

It should be noted that neither the defendants themselves, nor their lawyers, having familiarized themselves with the charges, did not agree with the position of the investigation. So, for example, representatives of Anton Erokhin believe that he had no motive for killing a partner, since, shortly before the crime, the businessmen, according to their version, concluded a "mutually beneficial deal." With the death of Mr. Martynov, the financial position of the prospective customer "significantly worsened." This, by the way, is evidenced by the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, which declared Mr. Erokhin, who owed more than 383 million rubles to one of the banks as a guarantor for loans, bankrupt.

Do not agree with the accusations and representatives of the Volga Cossacks, who consider the centurion Korotenko a hero and an example to follow. The retired colonel, according to them, took part in at least three wars - Afghan, Abkhaz and Chechen. He was awarded the Orders of Courage, the Red Banner and the Red Star, the medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit", and besides, he received the title of Hero of Abkhazia and for a special manifestation of courage and courage - the Order of Leon of a little-recognized republic.

As Sergey Akimov, chairman of the board of Volnitsa, explained, having detained his comrade-in-arms with a weapon, law enforcement officers simply decided to "hang" a murder on him, to which he had nothing to do. Now the investigation, according to the Cossack, is dragging out time under various pretexts, since it does not have "a single proof" of the centurion's involvement in the crimes. So, in his opinion, the fingerprints of the centurion Korotenko were not found on the seized weapons, and the suspicious tenant of the garage in the Avtozavodsky district, about which he spoke, was never identified.

“Old man Korotenko is not a mummer, of which there are many now, but a real tribal Cossack,” Mr. Akimov said. “In the past, he was a military officer, a colonel of the GRU. has been in Abkhazia for the time being, being a hero and an honorary citizen of this country".

Cossack Akimov does not undertake to judge the origin of the Makarov pistol found in Gennady Korotenko, but he is sure that the centurion needed the weapon exclusively for peaceful purposes. For the protection of garden plots in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in which "Volnitsa" is constantly involved, and infrequent business trips to the capital - in Moscow, the centurion worked as a guard for businessmen.

The Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Kommersant confirmed the end of the investigation in the high-profile case, saying that now the defendants are getting acquainted with the materials of the investigation. It is interesting that earlier the Cossack chieftains themselves became victims of the killer. For example, as reported by the Ruspres agency, the authoritative Anapa deputy Sergei Zirinov is now on trial on charges of attempted murder of Nikolai Nesterenko, ataman of the Kuban Cossack army.

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