Future simple education scheme. Future Simple Tense is a simple future tense in English. Use of the Future Simple

To make plans and assumptions in English, you need to learn the future tense. Unlike the Russian speakers, the inhabitants of the "foggy Albion" are more picky in this matter. So, you want to know all the secrets of Future Simple?

The Simple (Indefinite) group includes three main tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple Tense. All of them differ in frequency of use, ease of construction and use. Let's start with folk wisdom: "If you want to make God laugh, tell us about your plans." It is very difficult to know something for sure, but to assume, to dream, is just very necessary. This role in English is performed by Future Simple (Indefinite).


Without the participation of auxiliary verbs, not a single tense can fully exist. So it is in this case. Reflect future action help will/ shall, the first of which is used with the subjects You, she, he, it, they, and the second - I, we. This rule has existed for many centuries. But the modern fashion for simplification gives us indulgence, and today it is allowed will with all faces. But the second auxiliary verb is increasingly used as a modal. Although classical grammar adheres to the first option. There is no change to the verb infinitive without to: S + will/shall + V.

More commonly used in colloquial speech abbreviated forms:

I shall=I'll, You will =you'll, she will =she'll

Will not = won't, shall not = shan't


The rules for Future Simple (Indefinite) are very specific, as well as the use cases that are easy to understand.

1. When we express simple action in the future or several consecutive the time frame is vague, then the Future Simple is used.

She will be at home in a few minutes. She will be home in a few minutes.

The day will become shorter soon. The day will soon get shorter.

My mother will vistit a doctor tomorrow, and after then she will go home. - Tomorrow mom will go to the doctor, and after that - home.

2. Also in the case of verbs and adverbs think, believe, to be sure, probably, perhaps, certanly, imagine, expect, be afraid of, hope, who say that we we assume, we think, we express our ideas and thoughts regarding future events, but the information is not accurate: it may be so, or maybe vice versa.

I am sure you will enjoy your flight. I am sure you will enjoy the flight.

They hope she will get a job. They hope she gets a job.

I'm afraid Mr Brown won't wait for you. “I'm afraid Mr. Brown won't be waiting for you.

3. For expression momentary, spontaneous action that arose on the go , during a conversation, and we immediately want to execute it, it is also necessary to use the Future Simple form (important: unplanned).

I am too tired to go on foot. I'll take a taxi. — I'm too tired to walk. I'll take a taxi.

look. You have left the door open. I'll go and shut it. - Look. You left the door open. I'll go and close.

4. Threat, request, promise, advice, offer The English use the simple future tense.

I'll not tell anyone your secret, I promise. I promise I won't tell anyone your secret.

Will you get me a paper while you are out? - Could you give me the documents while you are away?

5. A separate line can be displayed subordinate clauses of condition and time, in the dependent part of which the future tense cannot be used under any circumstances (the present is used instead). Although the Russian version says otherwise. But be careful not to fall for this trick.

As soon as he passes the exams, he will go to the camp. As soon as he passes his exams, he will go to the camp.

If you visit this place one time, you will return there one more. If you visit this place at least once, you will definitely come back again.

The future simple tense, like any other, has its own signal words, which sometimes help to recognize it in context: tomorrow (tomorrow), next month (next month), next year (next year), in a week (in a week), in a month (in a month), the day afrer tomorrow (the day after tomorrow), soon (soon).

Time Comparison

After reading the cases of use, the general picture seemed to be outlined. But when performing exercises or various tests, confusion again arises. After all, Future Simple is often confused not only with future tenses, but also with the present. And all because of the discrepancy between the Russian form and the English one. The table will help you to place accents in all cases.

Future Simple

Future Continuous

Future Perfect

Present Continuous

present simple

Assumed action in the future, without clear time limits Planned action in the future, time frame clearly stated An action that will be completed in the future at a certain time Planned action for the near future, structure to be going to (gather) Action in the future according to a schedule, according to a time set by someone
I will wait for him tomorrow. I will be waiting for him at 6 oclock tomorrow. I will have waited for him by 7 o'clock. I am going to visit my granny. The train leaves at 7.
I will be waiting for him tomorrow. I will be waiting for him at 6 o'clock tomorrow. I will wait for him until 7 o'clock. I'm going to visit my grandmother. I'm waiting (I'll be waiting) for him tonight. The train leaves at 7.

Passive Voice

Future Indefinite Tense also has a passive form. So, all cases of use remain the same, education changes a little.

will \ shall + be + V ed (V 2)

The letter will be sent next week. The letter will be sent next week.

He will be called the best pupil tomorrow. Tomorrow he will be named the best student.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. That's why it's called simple. Future Indefinite (Simple) can be called the usual future tense, familiar to a Russian speaker. Features such as uncertainty, fuzziness of the period or time of the event clearly distinguish this time from others.

Future simple in translation is a simple future tense. Used in English to describe actions that will happen in the future.

2. Education Future simple

2.1. affirmative form

Verb conjugation table in affirmative sentence

More examples can be found in the article.

Statement Formation Rules

The affirmative form of the simple future tense is formed very simply: the subject is in the first place, after the subject is the auxiliary verb will, after which the verb is written in the first form.

Both pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) and nouns (boy, cars, snow) can be used as the subject.

The first form of the verb is the infinitive without to.

The shortened form of the auxiliary verb will is ‘ll. It can be used with all pronouns. For example, instead of You will go, you can write You'll go.

Previously, the auxiliary verb shall was used with 1st person pronouns (I and we). But now English is greatly simplified and it is officially allowed to use will in all forms.

General scheme

S + will + V1

Where S (subject) is the subject (pronoun or noun)

will - auxiliary verb

V1 (verb) - verb in the first (initial) form

2.2. Interrogative sentences in time Future simple

2.2.1. General issues

Example of verb conjugation in interrogative form
Rules for constructing a question

To form an interrogative sentence, it is enough to move the auxiliary verb will to the first place. The main verb does not change.

Question formula in future simple tense


Where will is an auxiliary verb

S - subject

V1 - verb in the first form

2.2.2. Answer to a general question

2.2.3. Special questions in the future simple tense

Construction rules

A special question is formed from a general question by adding a question word (who, what, when, where) before the auxiliary verb will.

Fix the mastered rules for the formation of special questions by completing.

Formulation formula for a special question

Wh + will + S + V1?

Where Wh is a question word

will - auxiliary verb

S - subject

V1 - verb in the first form

Table with examples of special questions

Rules for writing negatives

To form a negation from an affirmative sentence, it is necessary to write the negative particle not between the auxiliary verb will and the main verb.

Will not is often shortened to a single word won't.

Fix the mastered rules for the formation of questions and negatives by doing.

The general scheme of negation in the Future simple

S + will not (won't) + V1

Where S is the subject

will not (won't) - an auxiliary verb with a negative particle not

V1 - verb in the first form

3. Using the Future simple

The future simple tense is used in the following cases:

A simple single action that will happen in the future

We will go to the park tomorrow - We will go in the park tomorrow.

I will visit my parents on Sunday - I will visit my parents on Sunday.

Actions that will be repeated several times in the future

I will go to Japan a few times next year next year.

The Future Simple tense in English or the Simple Future is necessary in order to talk about upcoming events. It is important to understand the cases of use and the features of the formation of the structure.

How Future Simple is formed

To communicate plans for the future in English, you will need to use the following grammatical formula: will (I will) + verb in the initial form . Features of Future Simple education will be clearer for children and adults if you look at the tables.

affirmative sentences

Previously, the Future Simple tense rules suggested using the verb shall instead of will in the first person singular and plural. In many English grammar textbooks, similar examples have been preserved, which also indicate an action in the future: I shall go to Africa next month. – I will go to Africa next month./ Anna and Frank shall meet at the theater tonight. Anna and Frank will meet at the theater tonight.


Singular Plural
I won't draw a picture. – I will not draw a picture. We won't draw a picture. We will not draw a picture.
You won't draw a picture. You won't draw a picture.
He/She/It won't draw a picture. – He/She/It will not draw a picture. They won't draw a picture. They won't draw a picture.

In negations, native speakers often use abbreviations. According to the scheme for the formation of such a sentence, the verb will, combined with the negative particle not, turns into won't.

Interrogative sentences and short answers

Will I play chess? – Will I play chess? Yes, you will./No, you won't.

Will you play chess? – Will you play chess?

Yes, I will./No, I won't.
Will he/she/it play chess? Will she/he/it play chess? Yes, he/she/it will./No, he/she/it won't.
Will we play chess? - Shall we play chess? Yes, we will./No, we won't.
Will you play chess? - Will you play chess? Yes, I/we will./No, I/we won't.
Will they play chess? Will they play chess? Yes, they will./No, they won't.

Special questions in the Future Simple tense are formed by adding special words that clarify some information to the beginning of the sentence:

  • Who - who:

    Who will take out the rubbish? Who will take out the trash?

  • What - What? Which?:

    What will you do tomorrow? - What will you do tomorrow? What car will you buy next time? What car will you buy next?

  • When - When?:

    When will he celebrate his birthday? When will he celebrate his birthday?

  • Where - Where? Where?:
  • Why - Why? Why?:

    Why will she study Spanish next year? Why will she study Spanish next year?

  • How much / how many - How much? (much is used with uncountable nouns, many with countable ones):
  • How long - How long?:

    How long will you stay in Moscow? – How long will you stay in Moscow?

When translating Future Simple sentences, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the phrase, where the verb will (will) in the Russian version does not always remain: I will make a lot of money. – I will earn a lot of money. He will write a new book. He will write a new book.

Features of the use of the Simple Future Tense

It is necessary not only to understand how the Future Simple is formed, but also to understand when this grammatical phenomenon is used in speech. This knowledge will help when writing letters, essays, etc.

  • To indicate a one-time action in the future:

    They will go to the mountains tomorrow. They will go to the mountains tomorrow.

  • To report regular actions that will be repeated at certain intervals in the future:

(am, is, are) in the future tense takes the form will be(less often shall be).

Will in modern English it is used with all numbers and persons.
Shall only used with first person I, We(obsolete usage).

In modern English, with all numbers and persons, only will and this is not a mistake. But shall can still be found in newspapers, old texts or texts when interviewing for a job, when entering an educational institution, in fiction.

  • I shall go for a walk tomorrow.- Tomorrow I will go for a walk.
  • my husband will buy this ring for me. My husband will buy me this ring.
  • We will find your key tomorrow. We will find your keys tomorrow.
  • The project will be presented next week. The project will be presented next week.
  • shall = 'll (abbreviation)
  • I 'll go to the cinema next week.- I'm going to the cinema next week.
  • will = ‘ll
  • He 'll fly to Paris next winter. He will fly to Paris next winter.



The formation of a general question in Future Simple occurs with the help of an auxiliary verb will or shall at the beginning of a sentence before the subject.

  • Will I go for a walk tomorrow?- Shall I go for a walk tomorrow?
  • Will my husband buy this ring for me? Will my husband buy me this ring?
  • Will we find your key tomorrow? Will we find your key tomorrow?
  • Will the project be presented next week? Will the project be presented next week?

special question in Future Simple is formed with the help of an interrogative word or phrase, which is placed at the very beginning of the sentence. Further word order is the same as in the general question for Future Simple.

  • Where will I go tomorrow?– Where will I go tomorrow?
  • What will my husband buy for me? What will my husband buy me?
  • When will we find your key? When will we find your key?
  • Why will the project be presented next week. Why will the project be presented next week?

Using the Future Simple

Common Future

Future Simple used to describe single, repetitive, or sequential actions in the future.

  • He will come here tomorrow. He will come here tomorrow.
  • I will run every morning next summer.– Next summer I will run every morning.
  • They will go to the cinema, buy some snacks, and watch good movie next Monday. They will go to the cinema, buy something to eat and watch a good movie next Monday.

Assumptions about the future

Future Simple used to describe assumptions about future actions. In this case Future Simple often used together with verbs and expressions in the Present Simple: think(think), believe(believe), expect(expect), be afraid(afraid), be sure(to be sure) or adverbs: probably(probably), perhaps(Maybe), certainly(undoubtedly).

  • I think he will win this competition. I think he will win this match.
  • I'm afraid she won't come here on time. I'm afraid he won't come on time.
  • They will probably find the way out.“Perhaps they will find a way.

Promises, fears, hopes

Future Simple used to express promises, descriptions and hopes for the future. Often in a sentence this tense is used with the words: promise(promise), wear(to swear), guarantee(guarantee) hope(hope), threat(threaten), warn(warn), request(to ask, request) offer(offer).

  • I promise we will go to the seaside next year. I promise we will go to the sea next year.
  • We hope he will enter the university. We hope that he will go to university.
  • She swears she will come home in time. She swears she will be home on time.

Forecasts for the future

Future Simple is used to describe things that are bound to happen in the future and over which we have no control.

  • next week - next week
  • next month - next month
  • next year - next year
  • next century - in the next century
  • in a week - in a week
  • in a month - in a month
  • in three year - in three years
  • in two days - in two days
  • in one of these days - one of these days

The Future Simple Tense is a simple future tense in English. It is a temporary form that is able to express a single, permanent, as well as periodically or constantly repeating action that refers to the future tense and is described in speech.

Education Future Simple

Affirmative sentence form

The formation of Future Simple is not a complex issue. You need the auxiliary verb will. It should be noted that the Future Simple formula is built quite simply and is easy to understand for someone who is just starting to learn a language: first, the subject will be in the sentence, then the verb will will be located, and in third place is the main verb, which will lack the particle to. Earlier auxiliary verbs were shall and will. Now the latter is the only variant of the auxiliary verb of this tense, and shall is only sometimes used to build some questions, which is discussed below.

Any form of an affirmative sentence in the future tense in English will be built like this:

I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will + the first form of the semantic verb.

I will come to you. - I will come to you.
He will do this for you. He will do it for you.

The verb will in the affirmative form can be combined with the pronoun into a more convenient abbreviated form: I'll, He'll, They'll.

The form to be in Future Simple is not considered separately, since the verb to be does not change, as it happens in Present Simple or Present Continuous. The verb to be in the future tense has its original form.

Negative sentence form

Sentences in Future Simple can also be built in negation. To do this, it is enough to add the particle not to the auxiliary verb.

The formula in this case looks like this:
I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will not + the first form of the main verb.

I will not come to you. - I won't come to you.
He will not do this for you. He won't do it for you.

For a normal negative sentence in the Future Simple Active, you can also use the easier to use form with will not: will + not = won't. This wording is used more often than the usual one.

Interrogative sentence form

Questions in Future Simple are also built quite simply. Any interrogative sentence begins with the verb will (with the exception of special questions discussed below), followed by the subject and the semantic verb in its first form. It looks like this: Will + I/he/she/it/we/you/they + the first form of the semantic verb.

Will I come to you? - I will come to you?
Will he do this for you? Will he do it for you?

Special questions

In addition to general questions, special questions are also used in the future tense. To build them, the words are required: who (who), what (what), when (when), which (what), whom (to whom), where (where). In this case, the formula looks like this: interrogative word + will + pronoun + first form of the semantic verb.

In the case of using the interrogative word who (who), there is no pronoun in the formula, since it is the answer to the question asked.

Who will go with you? - Who will go with you?
What will we see in Italy? What will we see in Italy?

Application of the future tense

The rules and examples of using the Future Simple are quite varied.

Time is used to make a guess about a certain action in the future. That is, a person thinks or guesses that some specific action will happen:

The book will give you lots of useful information. You will find a lot of useful information in this book.

In sentences, you can find verbs that directly indicate doubt, some kind of assumption, confidence, or uncertainty about something:

think, hope, believe, expect, imagine;
be sure, be certain, probably, perhaps.

You can pass a variety of values:

  • A simple action and a fact in the future: You will go to the theater tomorrow. You will go to the theater tomorrow.
  • Recurring action in the future: In Italy I will go for a walk every day. In Italy I will go for a walk every day.
  • Consistent future actions: I will cook breakfast and we will eat with my sister. I will cook breakfast and we will eat with my sister.
  • Promise: He will come and help you with all things before leaving. – He will come and help you with all your things before leaving


  • Spontaneous decision: Look at this interesting book! I will buy it immediately! Look at this interesting book! I'll buy it right now!
  • Offer or do something: Will they have a cup of tasty coffee? Will they have a cup of delicious coffee?
  • Asking for something: Will he help her to find a book? Will he help her find the book?
  • Threat or warning: Listen to me or I will be angry. “Listen to me or I'll get angry.
  • An action that will take place over which we have no influence: She will be eleven next month. She will be 11 next month.

Using shall

Is the auxiliary verb shall relevant for use in Simple Future tense? This word has long been considered obsolete, because examples of sentences with it are practically absent in practice.

But you can still meet this auxiliary verb in official documentation and texts, or in outdated formulations. Also, sometimes with its help, sentences are formed in which we ask someone's opinion. Future Simple - examples using shall:

Shall I buy this T-shirt? Should I buy this T-shirt?

You can sometimes meet shall and in such a sense as "should". Using the Future Simple with shall:
She shall buy this T-shirt for me. She should buy this T-shirt for me.

A proposal for spending time together when the Shall we construction is an analogue of Let’s:
Shall we watch TV? - Shall we watch TV?

An offer to do something for someone:
Shall I help him? — Can I help him?

What will be the hint?

To determine the Future Indefinite Tense with accuracy, you need to pay attention to the markers, which are time indicators. By such simple clues, you can understand that you have a sentence and wording from Future Indefinite Active.

Examples of satellite words Future Simple:

Tomorrow - tomorrow
The day after tomorrow - the day after tomorrow
Next day, week - next day, week
In one day - in a day
Tonight - in the evening
Soon - soon.

Demonstrative words can be different, refer to a different period in the future. With the help of such markers, a detailed sentence for Future Indefinite Tense is formed.

The Future Simple and will are used to express one's thoughts about future actions or any states. If you want to start learning English, you will master this time quite quickly, so you can start learning now! If you have any questions or conclusions about your achievements, leave your comments.

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