The project of a private hotel 9x18. How to open a hotel from scratch

  • Capital investments: 15,000,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 630,000 rubles,
  • Net income: 190,000 rubles,
  • Payback: 83 months.

An example of a business plan for opening a mini-hotel, which can be used as an example for obtaining investor funds, a bank loan.

Target: Attracting investments to launch a small city hotel.

1. Planning a mini-hotel

1.1. Project idea.

Currently, 5 hotels are open in the city "N", the total fund is about 400 rooms, the occupancy rate is 70-80%. In April 2013, it is planned to start work on the construction of a new cement plant, with a capacity of 2 million tons per year. The completion date for the construction of line 1 of the plant is April 2015, line 2 - December 2017. Work at the new plant will be performed by both local contractors and contractors from other regions (both Russian and foreign). In connection with this circumstance, a significant influx of business trips to the city is expected.

To meet the needs of business travelers in housing, it is necessary to build at least 100 additional rooms. The construction of a mini-hotel is currently very relevant business undertaking.

The hotel is planned to open at the address city "N", st. Stroiteley, 117, number of rooms 15. At this address there is an administrative building with an area of ​​430m 2, which is for sale.

To open a hotel, it is necessary to buy the building, redevelop and repair the internal premises and communications.

1.2. Marketing plan.

Room rates will be on average price segment, the price per room is 1,500-2,000 rubles, depending on the season. Guests will be served breakfast (the cost is included in the price of the room).

1.3. Personnel plan.

The staff of the hotel will consist of 9 people. 4 people per shift (administrator, 2 maids, 1 cook)

Starting from 2015, annual indexation was included in the plan wages on 10 %.

2. Project implementation plan

2.1. Calendar plan

The business plan for opening a hotel involves monthly forecasting of the implementation of the project, broken down into stages. Let's consider them in the form of a convenient scheme.

Stage name 07/12 08/12 09/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 01/13
Company registration
Purchase of premises
Repair, redevelopment
Replacement of windows, doors
Acquisition Furniture, TV, sanitary equipment, other equipment
Coordination of permission to open activities (fire service, SES, others)
Start of activity

The start of construction of the plant is scheduled for February 2013, in connection with this, the hotel should be open before this date.

2.2 Deciphering the stages of opening

Stage name: Who will be doing:
Company registration On one's own
Purchase of premises On one's own
Repair, redevelopment Repair and redevelopment of the premises will be carried out by a construction company. The selection of a firm will be done through an auction.
Replacement of windows, doors
Installation of ventilation, air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems The work will be carried out by a special company. The choice will be made through an auction.
Acquisition Furniture, TV, plumbing0 appliances On one's own
Coordination of permission to open activities (fire service, SES, etc.) The issues of coordination of all permits for opening a hotel will be dealt with by a specialized company with experience in these matters
Recruitment On one's own
Advertising On one's own

2.3. The total cost estimate for the implementation of the project

To open a mini-hotel with 15 rooms, an investment of 15 million rubles is required.

Project investment schedule

Investment distribution schedule:

3. Calculations and forecast of economic indicators

Planned performance indicators of the enterprise for 2013-2020

3.1. Planned revenue and profit

Revenue is planned based on the room rate of 1,800 rubles per day and room occupancy by 65%. Starting in 2015, the plan included an annual increase in the cost of the room by 10%.

3.2. Expenses

Below is a schedule of hotel expenses, so the largest share (25%) is occupied by the cost of employees' salaries, the share of other expenses is less than 10%. The net profitability of hotel activities is 25-35%.

4. Calculation of project payback

  • Project start date: July 2012
  • Hotel opening: January 2013
  • Operating break-even: March 2013
  • Full payback of the project: December 2019
  • Payback period of the project: 84 months.
  • Return on investment: 14,29% per annum.


If you need a detailed business plan with calculations, then get acquainted with the BiPlan Consulting offer. 2 versions are available: paid and free, paid contains everything necessary calculations for loans and subsidies. .

The construction of a hotel complex or even a small hotel requires a separate approach to the layout of the premises. It is important to take into account not only internal arrangement rooms, but also corridors, and a hall, and even utility rooms. Therefore, the hotel project is drawn up, focusing first on the needs of future guests and taking into account the convenience of service by the staff.

Hotel types

It must be said that initially designers do not focus on the number of stars or other insignia of hotels. First of all, you need to decide on with total area and expected number of visitors. For example, mini-hotel projects should make rational use of free space, while large hotels can afford spacious halls and even terraces.

Hotels with 10 rooms

Buildings of this type are considered the most compact and are often created with their own specific maintenance. Some projects of hotels with 10 rooms often do not have separate bathrooms in the rooms, but assume their location in the form of a block for several users. They also minimize the space dedicated to registering visitors.

If the rooms themselves are equipped with a toilet and a shower, then when designing them, special attention should be paid to communication systems. They should not take up much space, it is best to bring them to two separate risers. It is also worth thinking about organizing a separate shutdown of at least several sections.

Some projects of hotels with 10 rooms are carried out in the form ordinary house, but with an extensive system of rooms. Such a solution fully justifies itself from the side of both saving space and comfort for customers. The result is a cozy home-style hotel, where people meet in the common dining room in the morning, and in the evening they can chat in the living room.

Hotels with 20 rooms

When creating a hotel project for 20 rooms, it is important to understand what it is already necessary for such a number of visitors to have. Considering this, you should immediately take care of allocating a room for his rest, storing personal belongings and eating. You also need to create a room for a warehouse and other similar premises.

Most often, such hotels are made either in the form of a house on several floors or have rooms under one roof, but on the entire area. Usually the owners of such hotels try to save space and prefer the first version. However, when it comes to roadside establishments, such a 20-room hotel project suggests a large parking lot, which can be surrounded by separate buildings.

Hotels with 50 rooms or more

These designs belong to full-fledged hotel complexes and, in addition to ordinary rooms, have whole line additional buildings and facilities. Such buildings are erected on several floors, trying to arrange everything necessary for maintenance in the basement or at the basement level. Typical projects of hotels with 50 rooms usually have a spacious hall, left-luggage offices, places to relax and a host of other areas necessary for receiving guests on the ground floor.

Also, such hotels often have their own restaurant, intended not only for guests. It is located on the ground floor and is equipped with an additional separate entrance. In fact, the plan of the restaurant itself is a separate project, and they are developing it, focusing on the already finished space allotted during the manufacture of the main building.

Almost all such complexes provide a range of additional services, which include laundry, massage, gym and much more. Therefore, when projects of hotels with 50 rooms are created, this moment must be taken into account, especially if the room needs communications.

Hotel Design Principles

Typical placement of rooms implies the presence of which rooms are located. Such a hotel project is considered the most common, and it is used almost all over the world. The fact is that it is thanks to him that you can save maximum space and create convenience for future visitors and staff. However, there are other principles for the location of rooms, suggesting a special design or level of comfort.


Most often these are projects of mini-hotels. They are made in the form of two-storey buildings with terraces on both levels. These structures perform the function of a conventional corridor open type. At the same time, this placement of rooms involves the creation of a separate administrative building with a small store. Canteens or restaurants are usually not provided in such options.


Very often, projects involve the presence of several rooms for wealthy clients. They are located on a separate floor and can have their own administrator's desk and even separate security and servants. At the same time, given the dimensions of these rooms, there can be only two of them.

Some hotel owners, when designing these floors, insist on creating a separate entrance from the parking lot. This is very convenient if pop stars or politicians visit the hotel. If this is not possible, it is proposed to make a special elevator with closed access.


Such a hotel project is rare. However, if it is possible to make such a structural change, then this should be used. The fact is that on this square it is very convenient to create elite rooms for wealthy clients or rent them out for banquets and holidays.

Given this specificity, it is very important to properly organize the access of visitors to this floor. Therefore, such projects often include the presence of freight and passenger elevators. However, do not forget about the rules fire safety and take into account the possibility of emergency evacuation.

Furnishings of the rooms

Typically, a hotel room project is created depending on the desired level of comfort. However, if we talk about the average conditions for living in standard hotels, then you should pay attention to the mandatory criteria inherent in these areas.


  • First of all, the room must have a bathroom. Almost all hotel construction projects take this into account and take care of all the necessary communications in advance.
  • The area of ​​the bathroom is determined based on the dimensions of the entire room allocated for the organization of the room. Given this, many hotel owners are trying to save money and are planning to install a shower cabin, which greatly saves space. This is especially important if the redevelopment of the old building is being designed, and not construction from the foundation.
  • A typical layout assumes the presence of at least one window. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to install a bed under it, which means that there should be enough free space in the room. This is often taken into account by moving the window as close as possible to one of the walls in the presence of one bed or by setting it in the center, taking into account two beds.
  • In general, the issue of planning such rooms is very individual and depends on the personal preferences of the owners. At the same time, there are certain catalogs produced by well-known publications that offer to adhere to certain foundations in this area. It is believed that the uniformity of standard rooms does not cause discomfort or inconvenience for people who are constantly traveling and using such services.


When creating a hotel project, it is very important to take into account the arrangement of furniture and household appliances in the rooms. This is required in order to correctly bring the necessary communication and understand what dimensions of the room are needed.

The standard furnishings in the room include at least a bed, a chair, a table and clothes hangers. At the same time, many hotel owners install a refrigerator, mini-bar, wardrobe and even a TV. Such filling of the number requires correct placement and extra space.

  • Before proceeding with the development of the project, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the fire safety regulations of a particular region and the requirements of the sanitary service. They can be very different from each other not only in different countries but also in areas that are associated with climate change. At the same time, these recommendations and rules must be strictly observed during development so that the building can be put into operation.
  • If a hotel plans to receive a certain number of stars, then it needs to have all the services and services that a particular category suggests. Therefore, before sitting down to the drawings, it is very important to study the requirements of specific publications and authoritative critics in order to take into account, among other things, those shortcomings that were found even in well-known and respectable hotels.
  • If a we are talking about a small hotel or the redevelopment of an ordinary house into a hotel, then in this case it is very important to save free space, but at the same time not create cramped conditions for future residents. As a result, the level of comfort will be reflected in the cost of living and the income of the entire enterprise. The most responsible owners of such buildings involve even economists and marketers in the development of the project.
  • It is important to remember that some types of such buildings are subject to mandatory registration and approval in the relevant services. Therefore, it is very important to know all the requirements in advance and make an agreement at the development stage.

Mini-hotels are most often large cottages or homestead houses with 2-3 floors or with an attic. Most of them are located in the suburban area or away from the city in a picturesque place, as well as in places that are often visited by tourists. As a rule, mini-hotels are privately owned, and are used as a means to generate income. Rent in full or separate rooms, daily or for a longer period. They are often offered to families or companies for a weekend getaway. Our ready-made projects of mini-hotels are primarily aimed at private entrepreneurs who want to organize or expand the hotel business.

Despite the impressive usable area, these solutions do not look like projects for low-rise apartment buildings. When designing mini hotels, a completely different principle is used, since the purpose of the buildings is completely different. Responding to the market demand that small hotels require today, we have developed our original projects of mini hotels to maintain successful business. For detailed acquaintance with the appearance of the hotel and its layout - click on the photo of the hotel.

Choose a mini hotel project of the required area and functionality

For the construction of a hotel, a suitable project is needed, depending on how many guests this hotel will be designed for. The catalog contains a wide variety of sizes. Project small hotel provides for a useful area from 160 m2 to 240 m2, the average - from 450 m2 to 750 m2. There are also projects of hotels more large sizes- starting from 900 m2. The project of a 10-room mini-hotel with a restaurant and a bar received wide recognition. Some options include a dining room, office space, a spa area, a billiard room, a kitchen and even a pool. For a roadside hotel, we can offer you a project of a one-story wooden hotel with 5 rooms. If the project you have chosen does not contain the required space, our architects will add it. To do this, you need to use the project adaptation service.

Is it possible to develop an individual mini-hotel project?

Nothing is impossible for our architects. Ready-made projects of mini hotels allow you to save both time and money. But if you need an individual project, then we will carry it out according to your sketches. When developing an individual project, we can provide for any construction technology and building materials that you give the greatest preference to. For a preliminary consultation, call the indicated numbers.

According to the material they are:

  • from SIP panels
  • frame
  • wooden from a bar
  • from all kinds of building blocks

By the number of rooms are divided:

  • projects of mini-hotels for 10 rooms
  • projects for 6 rooms
  • mini-hotels with 20 rooms
  • for 8 rooms
  • projects for 15 rooms

Features in the design of mini-hotels

For your future guests, quality and an adequate price are important.

  1. First, the project must stand out with its appearance.
  2. Secondly, you need a terrace with good view and your guests will be delighted.
  3. Thirdly, these are the rooms, which should be spacious enough. Mini hotel projects can have rooms different levels comfort, but most importantly - everything should be clean and tidy, even if simple.

Choose a ready-made project or an individual one?

Designing mini-hotels is a voluminous task, and you need to determine what the future object will do, where it will be located, how many guests to serve. Mini hotels made of sip panels and motels should be designed in such a way that they are constantly filled with at least 70-80%, which will allow you to quickly recoup the money invested in their construction.

Opening a small mini hotel with 10 rooms for tourists will require much lower costs than, for example. However, neither in the first nor in the second case should you rush - first you need a project. There are two ways to further work- either choose finished project or order an individual one. Let's consider both options.

Finished projects of mini-hotels

The option with ready-made projects is convenient in that you simply select the one you need and order project documentation. The main advantage in this case is speed, you do not need to wait several months to work from scratch. Also, a finished project is usually cheaper, and those who save on design are happy with it. If the soil is normal and the construction zone is not protected - why not? The price for ready-made projects of mini-hotels for 10 or 6 rooms starts from dozens, and goes for hundreds of thousands of rubles, depending on the complexity and number of rooms.

There is only one minus - finished projects do not take into account regional, soil, financial features client. For example, multi-storey projects are not always suitable - in the case of weak soils, groundwater, etc.

Individual design

Discussion of the client's wishes - the beginning of work on an individual project of a mini-hotel from sip panels or timber. Experienced specialists will listen to the owner of the future object, and in case of difficult terrain, they will go to the site.

Specialists together with the owner will take into account the features of the site, the presence groundwater, climatic features and choose the type of foundation, construction material, number of storeys, and a number of other parameters that affect the cost of construction.

  • Simple accommodation?
  • Do you need another restaurant or cafe?
  • Add a bath or sauna?
  • Do you need a pool and spa area?
  • Gym?
  • If the project will be located in a protected area or near healing springs, will the spa stay be included?

After considering and approving the characteristics, engineering systems of the future mini-hotel, specialists will develop appearance and style of the building based on the wishes of the customer. At this stage, the object will be rendered in 3D, you can evaluate its appearance and make comments. After the preliminary design is agreed, plans, schemes, drawings, engineering communications are gradually worked out and coordinated.

Individual design will take into account all the characteristics of the site and the external environment. And of course, such a project will be completely unique, which will help in attracting tourists. Terms of individual design - from 3-4 weeks to several months.

When choosing, future guests will first of all pay attention to price, quality, and their ratio.

  1. The appearance of the hotel project should attract them.
  2. A terrace with a picturesque view will be a great advantage.
  3. People like spacious rooms more. But regardless of the size of the room and its category, the main point is cleanliness and order.

Ready-made or individual project - what to choose?

Even a typical hotel project is a non-trivial work. It is necessary to determine the goals that it will fulfill, the location, the maximum number of guests. Hotels need to be designed in such a way that they are constantly occupied by 75-85%. This will allow the project to pay off faster.

The implementation of rooms for 6 will be less expensive than a hotel project for 20 rooms. But in any case, haste will only get in the way. First of all, we need a hotel project, photos of interiors. You can either buy a standard one or order an individual one, taking into account all your wishes and parameters of the area where the construction will be carried out. Let's try to understand both options:

Advantages of ready-made projects

The finished project is convenient for you because you can simply choose the building you like and order its documentation. It is already ready and coordinated with all controlling organizations. You do not have to spend months developing and agreeing on an individual project. And ready-made projects come out cheaper than individual ones. Therefore, if the ground allows you to build your building, construction in this area is allowed, then why not take a ready-made project? After all, you can buy a hotel project for only a few tens of thousands of rubles.

Please note that typical projects do not take into account the climatic, regional and financial capabilities of the client. When choosing a project, you need to carefully compare all the nuances of the building and the possibilities of construction in your area. But even a typical project can be optimized taking into account the characteristics of the location of the future hotel. By the way, in our company adaptation of the hotel project is free!

Or is it a personal project?

When the client has special wishes and an accurate idea of ​​what he wants, you can start working on an individual project. He will be assisted by experienced staff of our architectural bureau. If necessary, they go to the place chosen for the construction of the hotel, assess the complexity of the terrain, the features of the soil, the proximity of groundwater.

They will help the owner to determine everything technical features construction (basement thickness, maximum height building, which glazing is better to choose, etc.), taking into account the climatic and geological features of the construction site. Then they will prepare a rough estimate and tell you which of the construction stages will be the most costly.

Taking the number of guests as a basis for calculating, they will develop a room stock. Then they will think over the type of heating, the sewerage system and all engineering communications. They will need detailed and accurate answers to the following questions:

  • Will the hotel provide services only for the simple accommodation of guests?
  • How big should the hall be?
  • Are you planning additional facilities (luggage storage, computer area with printer, children's play area)?
  • Need to allocate space for a restaurant or cafe?
  • Do you need a bath or sauna? In the next building or in the basement?
  • Do you need a pool or spa area?
  • Gym?
  • If there are some healing springs nearby, silence, forest and fresh air, then maybe provide for sanatorium and medical services?

When the engineering project is ready, the architects will design the facade and interiors. They can make different interiors in the rooms, which will add zest to your hotel project. At the request of the client, it is created 3D model the entire building. The project is then sent for approval.

The main advantage of such a project is its uniqueness. This will help attract tourists. Minus - the time and effort that you spend on work. After all, the coordination of each aspect in the project can take a lot of time.

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