What is the difference between ice and ice? Ice and ice: differences, features and methods of struggle. What is ice and ice. Safety precautions and rules of conduct material (senior group) on the topic Black ice definition

Ice and... Russian spelling dictionary

ice- ice, and ... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.

ice- ice... Dictionary of the use of the letter Yo

Ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

ICE, ah, husband. A layer of ice on the surface of the earth or on objects, formed after the freezing of raindrops, drizzle; the time at which such a layer of ice forms. Ice time. | adj. icy, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

BUT; m. A layer of ice on the surface of the earth, on trees, wires, etc., formed when raindrops, drizzle freeze on them; the state of the weather during the formation of such a layer of ice. On the street of the city: after a drizzle it froze. A city was formed on the wires ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

A layer of dense ice that grows on the surface of the earth and on objects due to the freezing of drops of supercooled rain, drizzle or fog. It is usually observed at temperatures from 0 to –3 °C, less often at temperatures as low as –16 °C. In strong winds... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

ice- ICE, a, m The same as ice. By evening, frost hit, and such ice formed on the sidewalks that it was completely impossible to walk ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

ice- ice, frost, ice sediment formed on solid surfaces (trunks and branches of trees, soil, grass, shrubs, etc.). It is most often observed at temperatures from 3 to 0°C in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods. At… … Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary


  • Ice, Tatiana Brooks. Time changes our life. Political frosts, winds and blizzards, hot and cold wars not only change the structure and system of government in countries, they freeze destinies... electronic book
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Winter manifestations of nature now affect the citizens insofar as they prevent them from getting to work or home. Based on this, many are confused in purely meteorological terms. It is unlikely that any of the residents of megacities will be able to answer the question of how ice differs from sleet. Meanwhile, understanding the difference between these terms will help people, after listening to (or reading) the weather forecast, better prepare for what awaits them outside in the winter.

Distinctive features of ice

To begin with, meteorologists associate it with atmospheric precipitation such as rain, hail and snow. Although, of course, it is in the final version that ice does not “come” from the sky. It is an unpleasant accompaniment to other fog, drizzle or rain - when the temperature outside the window is zero or slightly lower (down to minus three). However, stereotypes work: most people, in response to the question of how ice differs from icy, will say that icy is on the ground, and people fall from it, and icy is everything else. Which is fundamentally wrong. First of all, ice is accompanied by icing of branches of bushes and trees, wires and protruding parts of buildings. But the most important thing is that it lasts only when the precipitation that caused it (fog, for example) is present, and the ice crust formed by the ice is very thin. Although, if the right weather lasts long, freezing can be significant; then power lines break and antennas, branches and trees break.

The positive aspects of ice

Of course, this natural phenomenon is accompanied by unpleasant consequences for people and their property (communications, green spaces, etc.). But there is also a pleasant sign of how ice differs from icy. As already mentioned, it lasts exactly as long as precipitation falls. If they end quickly, the ice growth stops, and the thin layer of formed ice quickly melts. Another advantage of ice is that in its pure form it is extremely rare. Nevertheless, many conditions must coincide: winter and not snow, but rain or fog, the temperature is not lower than three degrees of frost. So a meeting with the consequences of this particular manifestation of the elements happens infrequently.

Icing - what is it?

Since people are more interested in the condition of sidewalks and highways, they pay little attention to objects raised above the ground. Is that the icicles are watched vigilantly: their fall can seriously harm health, and even interrupt life. In principle, both phenomena manifest themselves in almost the same way. The main difference between ice and icy ice is that the latter builds up an ice crust on compacted snow, most often after rain or thaw, when a cold snap has struck. Most of the water in this process accumulates on the ground, and therefore antennas, branches, etc. are less burdened with weight. So it is possible to point out a significant difference between icy and icy conditions, which is fundamental for the townspeople: in the second case, those moving on the ground suffer more and plantings and communications suffer less.

The insidiousness of ice

If the first mentioned natural phenomenon has some advantages, then sleet is a complete disadvantage. Worst of all, precipitation is not necessary for its onset. Any city itself evaporates water. Moreover, pipe breaks are not uncommon in our area. This is where you begin to realize how important the reasons for which ice and sleet are formed are - the difference is simply amazing. The first phenomenon, however, needs precipitation. And the sleet will immediately take advantage of the opportunity that has turned up, and because the heat supply hatch is simply not tightly covered nearby, an unplanned skating rink appears nearby.

Moreover, the layer formed by icing lasts for an extremely long time - it does not depend on precipitation. The most common option - the ice is covered with fallen snow. In second place is another thaw (or spring). And in the event of an accidental warming, one can only hope that the crust will have time to melt before the next cold snap.

How to deal with it

Since both black ice and ice appear approximately the same, the methods of dealing with them are also not very different from each other, and are mainly associated with overcoming the slipperiness of passers-by and road surfaces of the city. The main methods are sand, gravel, small construction waste, granite chips and salt. It cannot be said that these are very effective methods. First of all, salt corrodes the material from which shoes are made. Rubber boots and boots last the longest, but you can’t walk in them for a long time in the cold. Other materials often do not withstand even a month. Sand is not too good either: it often, when thawed, simply sinks into the resulting porridge and contributes little to slip resistance.

Modern reagents are used in some (especially large) cities, but their effectiveness and safety are still questionable.

And the fight against the freezing of above-ground ice formations is still limited to the fact that icicles are knocked off with varying degrees of success by tired janitors. Nevertheless, people are accustomed to look more at their feet than at what hangs from above.

Unusual American Methods

Both black ice and black ice have really worried the Americans in recent years. And the lack of proven methods of dealing with them greatly developed the imagination and ingenuity of the inhabitants of a distant continent. So, in Wisconsin, the tracks are watered with cheese pickle - waste from the production of cheese. The smell is delicious, but intrusive, and pursues the traveler for many kilometers. But the wheels don't slip and the flavor becomes secondary.

Pennsylvania and New York also “salt” the roads, but they add beet juice to the salt (sugar is produced there). And the smell of cheese is absent, and shoes deteriorate much less.

Ice or ice is not so important, the main thing is not to fall, and so that the car does not skid!

With the onset of the cold period, warnings begin to appear for both ice and black ice (sometimes it is called differently - “black ice”).

What is ice

Ice- deposition of ice on any open surfaces, mainly on the windward side, as a result of freezing of drops of supercooled precipitation (rain, drizzle, freezing rain) falling at a negative temperature.

How often does this happen

Ice is a very common occurrence in the cold half of the year. As a rule, this happens when warm, moist air is carried out from the Atlantic or the Mediterranean Sea. Approximately once every 10 years, it is intense, long-lasting and covers the entire region. The last time ice reached the scale of a natural disaster was in December 2010.

How ice is formed

It is most often observed in the warm front zone, where warm air displaces cold air. Since warm air is lighter, it flows into the wedge of cold air, which causes an inverse vertical temperature distribution in the atmosphere. In the cloud layer, the temperature is higher than near the ground, and the difference can reach 10 degrees. For example, if the ground has -5, then it will be +5 in the cloud layer.

© Gismeteo

As the front moves through a certain point, there is an increase in temperature, first in the cloud layer, then near the ground. At some point in time, the temperature in the cloud layer already becomes positive, while near the ground it still remains negative.

Precipitation, which initially falls in the form of snow, gradually turns into a rain phase. But since the earth remains minus, then when they come into contact with surfaces on it, they immediately freeze.

© alexvirid | Shutterstock.com

It is important to note that the height of cloudiness in the warm front zone, as a rule, does not exceed 100–200 meters. Overcoming this distance, water drops do not have time to freeze.

When the thickness of the ice "shell" increases to 20 mm, ice becomes a dangerous phenomenon. Due to the increased weight load, tree branches break and wires break. For motorists and pedestrians, even light ice causes problems.

© Rashid Valitov | Shutterstock.com

In some cases, some of the drops are still covered with a thin crust of ice, forming freezing rain. When it hits the ground, the “shell” breaks, and the water spreads and freezes. But in this case, the intensity of ice is much less than in the case of supercooled rain.

The duration of supercooled precipitation and, accordingly, the formation of ice is limited by the time of passage of the warm front and usually does not exceed several hours. But in some cases, in the zone of a sedentary atmospheric front, it can last several days. Most often, ice is observed at temperatures from 0 to -7 degrees, sometimes up to -16 degrees.

As the warm front passes, precipitation weakens. When the temperature passes through 0 to positive values, the ice is destroyed, the ice crust gradually melts.

Is ice and ice the same thing?

Glaze should not be confused with black ice - ice saucers on the earth's surface, which are formed as a result of cooling. As a rule, the transition of temperature through 0 to negative values ​​occurs after a thaw in winter or as a result of radiative air cooling at night during the transition period. Unlike ice, ice is local in nature and does not cause a natural disaster.

In this article, we will look at what is the difference between ice and sleet and how not to become a victim of bad weather.

It got colder, the air temperature dropped below zero and, according to the weather forecast, ice began to pass. Or ice. Many of us do not even realize that these are completely different concepts. No, they also have one thing in common - the formation of ice. But here are the different meanings of the words themselves and the origin of natural phenomena. Therefore, we will analyze this topic in more detail.

What is ice and ice: the right concepts, methods of struggle

We, non-professional weather forecasters, would not even think that there are any differences between these two words. Ice, slippery and you need to go carefully - that's what interests mere mortals. By the way, even in the school curriculum we are told about safety rules during ice. Or icy. To avoid such confusion, let's return directly to our terms.

What is ice?

  • In short, ice is a natural phenomenon.
  • Icing (by the way, a synonym for this word is blackberry) is precipitation that forms a dense glassy crust (ice).
  • Ice can be smooth or, conversely, bumpy. By the way, precipitation can be not only in the form of rain, but also with grains of snow.
  • If we talk about the place, then such a beautiful, but dangerous crust can form anywhere! On any surface whose temperature is 0°C and further on the scale with a minus sign. The category includes:
    • trees
    • plants
    • cars
    • borders
    • and other items
    • even on houses and on our glasses, ice can appear
    • but the most dangerous place is the wires
    • By the way, a crust also forms on the surface of the earth
  • Of course, at -25 ° C there can be no ice, it will already be just snow. Therefore, we will clarify to what scale the air temperature can drop. Usually, this phenomenon is observed from 0 to -10 °C.

Interesting! Sometimes this happens even at -15 ° C. But this rarely happens, because the impetus for this should be a sharp temperature drop. That is, from severe frost to zero. In this situation, the air warmed up a little (its temperature ranges from -3°C to + 0.5°C), but the rest of the surfaces still retained that big minus.

  • The thickness of the ice layer is small, as a rule, from a few millimeters to 1 cm. But there are cases when the layer of the formed crust reached limits of several centimeters. It is especially dangerous when there is also wind. Then it creates resistance and, for example, a whole garland of "crowns" of ice can form on the wires.
    • But without wind, the layer of crust turns out to be thinner, but stronger. So, as they say, from which side to look at the problem.
  • By the way, ice will cover objects until the precipitation stops. But they must be chilled, that is, the temperature must have low limits. It usually doesn't last long. At an air temperature close to zero, objects warm up, and therefore cease to be covered with a crust. Basically, this state lasts for about an hour or several hours (but not more than 12).
    • But there are exceptions that ice is formed for several days (up to 6 days), thereby increasing the layer of ice. The reason for this may be drizzle or fog.
  • But such a glass coating can be preserved for a relatively long time - up to several days. Again, if the temperature is not too high.
  • Ice is a rare natural phenomenon (although a lot depends on the climate). But if we compare it with its sister (icy ice), then the first option is much less common. There is even a saying that ice is not remembered for more than 300 days, but those few days that it happens are remembered for a long time.

IMPORTANT: At stable low temperatures, ice is extremely rare.

But such a beautiful, refined and, at first glance, harmless crust can cause significant harm. First of all, you need to highlight the following problems:

  • an ice crust forms on cars, which simply blocks them;
  • ice is the cause of many car accidents;
  • leads to injury to people;
  • leads to a massive fall of branches or even entire trees;
  • the most dangerous and flawed side is a broken wire.

Interesting Facts! Ice builds up more in those places that are transverse to its movement. That is, if the front moves from the west, then the crust will be thicker on the wires, the location of which is in the meridional direction. If the movement of air masses is the opposite (they have meridional flows), then there will be more deposits in latitude. By the way, the difference is rather big. Sometimes the difference can be about 3-4 times.

  • And yet! On wires that are energized, the crust layer is always larger (by about 30%). But de-energized wires are not covered so much.
    • The damage itself is not caused by years, but by its evaporation. More precisely, its slow melting.
    • Such growths are considered especially dangerous for wires, because they create additional excess weight, which makes the wires heavier and leads to their rupture.
    • Now let's add the wind load. Especially if the wind speed is more than 10 m/s. Then not only accidents on electrical wires can occur, but even supports and poles will suffer.
    • By the way, the greatest troubles occur where severe frosts often alternate with thaws. That is why weather forecasters mainly transmit ice from the southern and northwestern regions.

IMPORTANT: Ice causes great economic damage.

And now let's remember how weather forecasters often say: "weak ice at night and during the day, and sleet on the roads." We do not even always understand it or hear it to the end. The fact is that these two phenomena most often occur simultaneously. After all, in fact, the conditions they have are similar.

So what is ice then?

Immediately make a reservation that this is not a synonym for the word ice.

  • Moreover, ice is not a phenomenon of nature, but its state.
  • Speaking in an accessible language, this is frozen water after a thaw.
    • Yes, this is the same ice on roads, roofs of houses and other horizontal surfaces. On those where there was water (after snow melting) or moisture (for example, after rain), the air temperature jumped down on the thermometer scale and ice turned out.
  • Ice can also have a smooth surface or be lumpy.
  • Black ice is also called "slippery road". It often happens at the beginning and end of winter (but it also happens in the middle, depending on the climate of residence). For him, the main requirement is temperature fluctuations around zero. It rose higher - the snow melted, lowered - the melt water froze.
  • Thickness may vary. This is also affected by the frequency of weather changes. Ice can freeze several times, each time creating an additional layer of ice.
  • The crust, as a rule, melts for a very long time. A few days or even weeks, and even persists right up to spring. The fact is that new snow often falls on ice. And that makes her even more dangerous. After all, it’s not even clear where to stand, at any moment you can slip on the ice.
    • It can melt again during the day, and freeze again in the evening and in the morning. In general, a long and periodic condition.

The damage from ice is also considerable:

  • she's number one in car accidents (in winter)
  • and how many injuries and bruises can a person get when falling
  • By the way, the most dangerous places are the head (which can lead to a concussion) or, as it is called, the fifth point. In the second case, tailbone strikes are dangerous, which can lead to paralysis.
  • but the greatest damage icy can cause to agriculture. After all, a dense and long crust will lead to the decay of winter crops.
  • And this is also a significant blow to the economy of the country.

To combat icing:

  1. The most common and oldest method is technical salt. But it negatively affects the wear of shoes (significantly reduces it), causes corrosion of cars, negatively affects the plant world, and, in general, does not have the best effect on the environment.
  2. Therefore, they try not to resort to it or at least mix it with sand. Well, how to mix, add up to 10% salt to 90% sand. So there will be less harm, and it will turn out to walk on a slippery sidewalk. But, for example, in a noisy city bustle, this reagent, together with snow and melted ice, turns into a dirty mess. But it's still better than flopping your booty on the ground. And, as they say, "every production has its costs."
    • By the way, they are also thinking about this method. After all, then in the spring it takes a lot of effort and money to remove the sand.
  3. After 2000, they began to diligently conduct experiments to obtain a successful reagent that would cause minimal harm to humanity and the environment. Such experiments are still going on. In the meantime, chemical de-icing reagents are considered the most successful option. They are:
    • in solid
    • and in liquid state
  4. Chemical reagents also have a number of their disadvantages:
    • For example, modified potassium chloride leaves oil marks on the road. What increases the length of the braking distance of the car. Plus the negative impact on our landscaping
    • Also, it only has a duration of 3 hours. In addition, some people may be allergic to these reagents.
    • It was also decided to abandon magnesium, since it showed the ability to accumulate in soil and groundwater.
    • Well, chlorine-containing substances naturally lead to discoloration
    • In general, they are still working on reagents to combat icing

Ice and ice - what's the difference, difference?

We indicated in the previous paragraph what the meaning of each of the words is. Therefore, the picture makes it clear that these are two different (but slightly similar) phenomena. We touched on the side of their differences, so it remains only to summarize them.

  • Ice usually has a dense crust that covers the entire road. Black ice, on the other hand, has a thinner layer (although there are times when it turns into a thick crust after several freezing) and does not always cover the entire surface.
  • Also, it should be noted that ice covers all surfaces, both vertical and horizontal. Ice will be only on horizontal planes and in those places where melt water has frozen.
  • Ice is dangerous on the roads because it often covers the entire surface of the car, including glass. And that reduces visibility. And travel is possible only at low speeds - up to 40 km / h. The catch of sleet is that you can safely drive a certain section of the road at a speed of 60 km / h, and an accidental frozen puddle can cause a skid.

  • Ice makes it difficult for pedestrians to move, because walking on the ice crust is already very inconvenient. But the sleet in this matter is more insidious, you can safely walk along the sidewalk, and accidentally step into the wrong place and get injured. You should be especially careful when snow has fallen after icy conditions. Then it is visually difficult to see where to step.
  • Ice is the most dangerous for wires. It can cause not only their rupture, but also cause significant harm to electricity and the country's economy. And in critical situations, it can completely deprive part of the population or remote villages of electricity. Moreover, repair work is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. Ice has nothing to do with wires. Unless in the event of a car accident, when electricity poles were hit.
  • But on the other hand, ice is worse for the harvest. It can provoke damage to crops such as wheat, rye or barley (their winter forms). What will cause a poor harvest, low productivity and a jump in food prices.
  • Well, it is worth highlighting that ice rarely stays on the surface for a long time. As a rule, after the rain stops, it passes. Of course, this also depends on climatic conditions, in some places ice can last from 4 to 6 days and have a crust several centimeters thick. Icing also persists for a very long time (at least a week).

Safety rules or how to prepare for ice and icy conditions?

At this point, there are also differences and similarities.

  • The first and important rule applies to the female part of the population. In winter weather, and even more so during the period of ice or sleet, you need to give up heels.
  • Winter shoes should be chosen, meeting all the requirements:
    • the sole does not have to be completely smooth. Should be a 3-4 cm high heel
    • there must be clear reliefs on the sole
    • by the way, the pattern should alternate large and small patterns
    • the sole should be thick, but not on a high platform
    • the toe of the shoe should be wide and rounded

  • Shoes should have rubber soles or even be with special rubber prophylaxis (a small pad is attached to the sole itself). Small recommendations:
    • for a while you can stick a small piece of felt to the sole
    • or replace it with foam rubber
    • and for emergency situations, even a medical plaster is suitable, but it will fail very quickly
  • Now let's talk about walking. When there is ice or icy conditions, it is necessary not to walk in the usual way, but to imitate skiing. Or try to walk like a penguin.
  • If it was not possible to escape from the fall, then try to shrink into a ball. Retract your neck, bend your arms and try to protect your head. Yes, for this you need to be able to quickly group. And one more nuance - it is better to fall sideways. In this case, there may be injuries or bruises, but at least avoid a fracture, concussion, or even worse consequences.

IMPORTANT: Hands must not be kept in pockets. This increases the chance of injury.

  • For drivers, there is only one indication - be careful and attentive. Don't try to drive at top speed. Do not forget that it is very difficult to slow down in icy or icy conditions. And at high speed or with sudden movements, the car can even be brought to the side.

The difference in security measures in that:

  • Pedestrians need to carefully look under their feet and around. Exposed and broken wires plus water can cause harm.
  • don't stand under the trees. By the way, cars are also better not to put on ice. The car will be more useful.
  • and yet, do not forget about icicles, houses, trees or even wires. They can fall on your head or car at any time.
  • with ice in this regard, it is easier and safer.

How to say: ice or ice?

We have already chewed on the topic that ice and black ice are different terms. They are not synonymous with each other and, moreover, they are not an abbreviated part of something. Therefore, in professional speech or among weather forecasters, each of these words is called in its own way.

  • That is, ice is ice, and ice is called ice
  • One has only to repeat that icy crust is called ice only on the road, which happens after a thaw and sharp frosts.
  • Ice happens on all types of surfaces, as a result of rain in frosty weather
  • Therefore, do not confuse these concepts, be literate individuals and call a spade a spade

In conclusion, I would like to add that ice and black ice are equally dangerous for human life and health, and also become the first causes of car accidents in the winter. Therefore, be careful and take care of yourself!

Video: 7 rules of behavior in ice

😉 Hello everyone! With the onset of winter, the questions will be relevant: what is ice and sleet: what is the difference? Useful rules of conduct during ice.

Ice and ice: what is the difference

  • ice - a dense layer of ice that forms on the earth's surface, sidewalks, roads, trees, houses, wires. Ice thickness can reach several centimeters;
  • Black ice is a thin layer of ice that has formed on the earth's surface after a thaw or rain as a result of a cold snap. And also after freezing wet snow.

Rules of conduct during ice

Driving on the streets when there is ice on the roads is a serious danger. The flow of victims in emergency rooms increases many times during this period.

The simplest advice, which may seem ridiculous: look at your feet is very relevant. Especially when it comes to the first seasonal ice. In the warm period, people have lost the habit of walking carefully, and do not try to choose safe places on the paths.

It is necessary to calculate the time of your journey, from one point to another, taking into account the ice. Because by reducing your speed limit, the travel time will increase. You need to go slowly, in small steps, without straining your knees, landing on your entire foot.

A very effective way to get around is imitating a skier or a penguin. Movement, as if skis are on the feet, largely protects against falling.

If a fall cannot be avoided, you should try to make it as safe as possible. A timely movement, reminiscent of a squat, will help to reduce the height of the fall. It is advisable to have time to group, bringing together legs and arms.

It is very important to remember that slippery is not only on footpaths. The braking distance of cars is greatly increased. The driver will not be able to brake in front of a fallen pedestrian. In order not to end up in the emergency room as a result of an accident, you need to make sure that the car is far enough away

For older people, if possible, it is better to refuse to go outside on sleet days. If this is not possible, then with special care prepare for weather tests.

You can use a special cane with a spike or rubber tip. Prepare shoes for slippery road surfaces in any of the following ways.

Ice shoes

There are certain requirements for shoes. First, no high heels. Secondly, the obligatory tenacity of the sole.

It is best to have a pair of boots with rubber prevention in your arsenal. The service, according to the sticker of a special rubber gasket, is done in any shoe shop.

Ice access will become reliable protection. They are sold in the sports or hardware departments of stores. Easy to use, they are very helpful in moving around.

You can prepare for icy conditions on your own with some felt on hand. Its pieces, glued with waterproof glue to the sole, can effectively prevent slipping until the felt is worn off. Not for long, but effectively, sandpaper, also previously glued to the sole, fights against slipping. Foam rubber will do.

Urgent measures - a medical plaster glued to the sole. It prevents slipping, but quickly fails.

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