Fashionable name for a boy of the year. Names suitable for boys born in the year of the goat. Auspicious names for boys

Together with everyone in the last days of the outgoing year, employees of the registry offices are summing up. In addition to statistics related to birth rates, death rates, the number of marriages and divorces, there is a category that is always of particular interest - what names did parents give their children?

According to experts, 2015 was not the most outstanding year in terms of parental "creativity", but, nevertheless, the employees responsible for registering newborns did not have to be bored.

According to the Main Department of the Civil Registry Office of the Moscow Region, the main trend in 2015 was the return of native Russian names, such as Borislav, Yaroslav, Dobrynya, Zlata, Radomir, Praskovya. Rarely did parents name their children this year. Davids, Glebami and Bogdanami, lost popularity such names as Miroslava, Nika and Eve.

A special category are unique names that parents most often come up with on their own. 2015 enriched the collection of employees of the registry office of the Moscow region with such names of girls as Erika-Margarita-Zlata, Valery-Lorenz, Jolin-Chiamaca, Anastasia Embru and Natalia Ruza. As for the boys, the names were registered Arthur Christian, Bagdat, Denis-Orda,Constantine Krishna, Leonard Gerardus Petrus Maria.

Not without a female name Russia- Recently, the name of the country of their daughters is called by several couples a year.

Sofia and Maxima are popular in Russia

In the regions of Russia, things are simpler. For example, the registry office of the Altai Territory reported that in 2015 the top three most popular names for boys were Artem, Alexander and Daniel. Girls' names are the most popular Anastasia, Alice and barbarian. As for rare names, in Altai the creative touched mainly on girls and was not something out of the ordinary - names such as Spring, Princess and Aelita.

Interesting data from the employees of the registry office of the Kaliningrad region. They noted an interesting phenomenon - for three years in a row, the top three popular names for boys and girls remain almost unchanged - Artem, Maksim, Alexander, Maria, Anastasia, Daria.

By the way, such names as Alexander and Anastasia in recent years have consistently been in the top 5 throughout Russia.

If we talk about preliminary data in 2015 for Russia as a whole, then such female names as Sofia, Maria and Anna. As for boys, here the preliminary ranking includes such names as Maksim, Alexander, Artem, Michael, Daniel and Dmitry.

Moscow Collection: From Pleasure to Jazz

On the website of the Moscow Civil Registry Office, you can find a whole section dedicated to the original names that parents called their children in different years. The collection has not yet been replenished with the masterpieces of 2015, but you can get acquainted with the history of parental creativity in the capital.

So, for example, in 1998 a girl was registered, who was named Pleasure. A year later, another baby was given a double name Polina-Polina.

In 2000, boys eclipsed girls with names such as Dmitry-Amethyst and Matvey-Rainbow. In 2003, Moscow registered Ivan Kolovrat, in 2004 a girl named Golub. In 2006, the capital of Russia replenished with a boy named Kantogor-Egor and the girl they named Princess Daniella.

Born in Moscow in 2009 Casper the Beloved, who in a couple of decades has a chance to marry a peer named Angel Maria. She can compete in the fight for Casper's heart Princess Angelica and Lunalika.

In 2010, parents suddenly switched to the marine theme - a boy appeared in Moscow Whale and girl ocean. Although it is, of course, difficult for them to compete in originality with a peer named Luka-Happiness Summerset Ocean.

In 2013, the name of the girl must be recognized as the absolute leader in the race for originality. Alice Nefertiti.

As for 2014, oddly enough, it turned out to be more calm in terms of names - boys' names stand out Jazz and Sevastopol, and for girls Byzantium and Moon.

What about the neighbors?

The preliminary results of the year were also summed up in the country closest to Russia - Belarus. According to the archive of the registry office of the Main Department of Justice of the Minsk City Executive Committee, the most popular names in Minsk in 2015 were male names Artem, Maksim, Michael and Ivan. Girls topped the list Sofia, Maria, Anna and Daria. In general, the preferences of parents in Russia and Belarus coincide.

Of course, there are no less originals in Minsk than in Moscow. Thanks to this, in 2015 in the Belarusian capital such names of boys as Jacob, Makei, Lazarus, Kim, Elizar. For girls, things are even worse - Aster, Bertha, Spring, Fox, Comet, Lucia, Ellie and Yaseniya.

Perhaps even more often than Russians, Belarusians give their children double names. In 2015, Minsk registry offices registered Tatiana-Anna and Anna Carolina, Maria Elena and Clarissa-Victoria, Amelia Francis and Vladislav-Maria. This applies not only to girls, but also to boys - now they live in Minsk Vadim-Francesk, Timur-Pet R, Svyatoslav-Nikolai, Yakov-Alexander, as well as Alexander-Fyodor and Andre-Fyodor.

But, no matter how the parents call their children, the main thing is that their fate develops safely, regardless of the name. Moreover, according to the law, upon reaching the age of 18, each of those who, by the will of their parents, acquired original names, can rename themselves according to their own understanding - if, of course, such a desire arises.

There is a popular misconception in our culture - choosing a name according to the time of year or month.

Lists are in great demand - what name to give the child in 2015, and for each month a couple of dozen names. On many portals, the authors of such articles do not give any explanation at all - why such a name, what tasks these names will help solve completely different, unique children. Nothing about efficiency. Just lists of names.

Some sites still use astrological interpretation. And they offer to strengthen the astrology data of a particular month of quality, or vice versa to compensate, even out weaknesses. As a rule, ideas to strengthen what is / strengthen what is not alternate at random. For soft fish, softness is enhanced, for hard rams, softness. And the child needs to develop other qualities, and then softness / hardness? And each site has its own list of names, unlike other sites. The exception is calendars of Christmas time, the lists are the same from year to year.

These are all delusions and irresponsibility of the authors of the articles. Because the name should be chosen only for a specific child, the tasks of his soul and other factors that non-specialists do not even know about. And a heavy manifestation of misunderstanding is advice - choose the name you like.

Not a specialist, that is, a person without special education, intuition / clairvoyance, purity, wisdom cannot choose a name with a positive effect on a person’s fate. Just as an ordinary amateur with good intentions cannot fix an engine or do a blood test (not to mention serious research). Kindness and a desire to help a child do not replace knowledge and skills. The result will be unpredictable. In cases with health and technology, the common sense of parents prompts to go to specialists, so why, in matters of the fate of the child, common sense ceases to fulfill its critical function.

The influence of a name on destiny is not limited to a soft or rough quality, a simple or rare name in culture. The fate of a person is influenced by many more parameters of a name than a melodic or astro-numerological miscalculation gives.

A superficial choice between a soft or a rough name has nothing to do with the analysis of the essence of the child.

Therefore, it is impossible to give a list of names that have a positive impact on the fate of all children born in a particular month.

Without analyzing the complete data of your child, any lists of names are incorrect and harmful in terms of influencing fate.

How to name a child born in January 2015

Children born in January of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be stubborn and materialistic. But even this is not certain. A superficial choice between a soft or a rough name has nothing to do with the analysis of the essence of the child. And even more so, it is impossible to advise any names in a general form.

How to name a boy born in February 2015

Children born in February of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be dreamy and capricious. There is no connection between the influence on the life task and the characteristics of a particular child with common names at all.

How to name a girl born in March 2015

Children born in March of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be fantasy and subtle natures. Nothing can be said about the name.

How to name a son born in April 2015

Children born in April of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be stubborn and economic. Based on the general data, no list of names can be recommended.

How to name a daughter born in May 2015

Children born in May of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be rich and very material. There is no connection with the names.

How to name a son born in June 2015

Children born in June of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be cunning, relaxed and energetic. Without the data of a specific child, any lists of names are incorrect and harmful.

How to name a child born in July 2015

Children born in July of the year of the wood goat are likely to be cheerful and compassionate. But this does not say anything about the impact of a set of 20 names on a child.

How to name a baby born in August 2015

Children born in August of the year of the wood goat are more likely to be smug and hyperactive. But this does not say anything about the character of a particular child and the effect of a name on fate. Therefore, general recommendations of names are harmful - they lead away from the essence of the impact of the name into strong networks of delusions.

How to name a boy born in September 2015

Children born in September of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be with reduced tone and corrosiveness. It is incorrect to give general lists of names without analyzing a specific child.

How to name a child born in October 2015

Children born in October of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be active, creative and eccentric. It is impossible to give a list of names that have a positive impact on all children born in this month.

How to name a daughter born in November 2015

Children born in November of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be terribly capricious and spontaneous. This does not determine the character of a person, does not say anything about his life tasks or anything about the effect of specific names on fate.

If replenishment is about to occur in your family, then it will not be superfluous to find out which popular names for boys in 2015 recommended by experts.

In general, choosing a name for a baby is a great sacrament. Mothers tell incredible stories when the name of the unborn child came to them in a dream. Sometimes it happened that the pre-selected name did not suit the newborn at all, and the mother, only when she saw him, chose a new one.

Someone used the method of drawing lots, someone turned to the saints, someone himself came up with a name, striving for extreme originality. There are many ways, and there are more than enough beautiful names. How to proceed?

The most common way to choose a name is still the calendar. The prospect of choosing a heavenly patron for a baby is very tempting. By the way, name days in Russia were especially revered, it was a double holiday, on which the saint and the birthday man himself were glorified. The children knew the story of their invisible helper, they strove to be like him in courage, humility, prudence, calmness, and the ability to believe.

So today you can choose according to the holy calendar. By tradition, they prefer the names of saints that fall on dates after the birth of the child. It used to be that a baby, if he is healthy, should be baptized on about the fortieth day from birth. The priest called him the name of the saint, the patron saint of this day.

According to the saints popular names for boys in 2015 may well become:

  • in January - Timothy, Ignatius, Daniel, Adam, Stepan, Fedor, Mark, Joseph, Jacob, Athanasius, Philip, Pavel, Mikhail, Maxim
  • in February - Fedor, Efim, Grigory, Arkady, Ephraim, Roman, Ignatius, Hippolytus, Tryphon, Nikolai, Yuri, Julian, Prokhor, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Alexei, Onesimus
  • in March - Daniel, Ilya, Kuzma, Timofey, Athanasius, Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Konstantin, Arkady, Valery, Grigory, Efim, Rostislav, Kirill
  • in April - Ivan, Innokenty, Kirill, Stepan, Tikhon, Efim, Daniel, Rodion, Fedor, Terenty, Leonid
  • in May - Victor, Alexander, Gabriel, Clement, Egor, Mark, Semyon, Vitaly, Kirill, Makar, Boris, Gleb, Peter, Arseny, Methodius, Herman, Efim, Bogdan
  • in June - Ivan, Timofey, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikita, George, Konstantin, Hilarion, Vasily, Arseny, Yuri, Elisha, Tikhon,
  • in July - Gleb, Gury, Terenty, Vasily, Tikhon, German, Anton, Peter, George, Sergey, Demyan, Konstantin, Efim, Afanasy, Fedor, Kirill, Stefan, Pavel
  • in August - Seraphim, Ilya, Ivan, Gleb, David, Yermolai, Nikolai, Konstantin, Mikhail, Evdokim, Stepan, Leonid, Julian, Fedor, Hippolyte, Maxim, Arkady, Pavel, Denis
  • in September - Timofey, Andrei, Athanasius, Arseny, Ivan, Daniel, Bogdan, Gleb, Zakhar, Kirill, Makar, Pavel, Sergey, Semyon, Leonty, Nikita, Victor
  • in October - Igor, Fedor, Kondrat, Peter, Vladislav, Galaktion, Mikhail, Herman, Mark, Aristarchus, Grigory, Khariton, Denis, Vladimir, Philip, Julian, Yakov, Nikita, Efim, Anton, Lazar, Konstantin,
  • in November - Ivan, Hilarion, Irakli, Dmitry, Mark, Stepan, Demyan, Grigory, German, Kirill, Bogdan, Gabriel, Rodion, Maxim, Philip, Matvey
  • in December - Roman, Adrian, Anatoly, Mikhail, Makar, Yuri, Innokenty, Gabriel, Andrey, Ivan, Nikolai, Pavel, Arseny, Evgeny

Do you want to be original?

Not all parents are happy popular names for boys. In 2015, as before, there will be creative people who will come up with strange names for their sons, not caring about the consequences.

If you want to be known as originals, do not forget that, firstly, the boy will have this name until the age of 14, only then he will be able to change it (by the way, psychologists say that this is quite traumatic for the psyche). Secondly, if he still decides to leave him, getting used to it, then think about what patronymic your grandchildren will have?

The fashion for strange names began in the Soviet Union, when, experiencing "dizziness from success", Soviet people vied with each other "excelled" in inventing names for their children. How was the kid supposed to feel, who was called the Thief (Great October Revolution) or Constipation (for order), or Kukutsapol (corn queen of the fields), or, God forbid, Pofivstal (the winner of the fascists I.V. Stalin)?

But the names of the kids - our contemporaries. In recent years, boys have been called Kasper Beloved, Luka-and-Happiness, Arkhip - Ural, Ogneslav and even Lettuce Salad!

The name leaves an imprint on the fate of the child, his communication with other people, character. Psychologists advise with great attention to the obligatory names Tsar, Count, Strongman, Prince.

A baby name should not be a way to perpetuate your love for a book or movie character: Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Spiderman.

In the West, it is not in vain that there is a service that provides parents with services for examining names for children. Specialists investigate whether the name is consonant with obscene words in other languages, as it will be perceived by most people. Maybe it's time to introduce such a service in our country?

Music festival "MILK"
When: July 6, from 13:00
Where: park "Kudykina Gora", with. Kamenka, Zadonsky district, Lipetsk region
Tickets: 1000-1500 rubles.
Unique natural scenery, master classes, movies and cartoons, children's disco, Stand up, performance of Don horses and a lot of good music are waiting for you. And also - setting a Russian record: preparing half a ton of milkshake!
Festival headliners Dima Bilan, Antokha MC, Marseille, Swanky Tunes. All funds raised from ticket sales will be transferred to the Lipetsk charity project "More than good"!

Holiday "City of Happy Families"
When: July 6, from 12:00 to 20:00
Where: Central Park
An animation program, master classes and cryo-shows, free face painting, a photo zone and much more await you.

"Day of family, love and fidelity in the estate of D.V. Venevitinov"
When: July 7 from 12:00 to 15:00
Where: Museum-estate of D.V. Venevitinov
Free admission.
In a programme:
- creative workshops for weaving wreaths, making straw toys, rag dolls and clay souvenirs;
- festive treat - linden tea and cherry jam;
- croquet on the banks of the Don - a park game of the 19th century is perfect for organizing family leisure;
- theatricalization of the old Russian rite "Smotriny bride";
- folk games and fun for all ages and much more.

Project "Charging 1+1"
When: July 7, at 5:00 pm
Where: Central Park, Charging area
Sports activities at the project are adapted for all residents of the city, including people with disabilities, parents of children with mental disabilities and pensioners. The program includes: fun sports competitions, unforgettable performances by artists, interactive activities from the project coaches. A surprise for all guests of the event - a dance party from the FRESH SOUND BAND cover band!

Master class - "snail"(ceramics) 6+
When: July 6, start: 12:00, 14:00; 16:00

Cost: 500 rubles
Duration: 1.5 hours
You will make cute snails out of clay and paint them with safe pottery paints. The finished work can be picked up a few days after drying and firing. Tickets on site.

Journey to the fairy forest. 5+
When: July 7, at 5:00 pm
Where: "Nelzha" (Ramonsky district, Nelzha village, Lesnaya st., 40)
Ticket price 800 rubles.
A real journey into the fairy tale Hut on chicken legs, flying on a broomstick, riddles from an old woman, and searching for a chest with fairy tales. Our journey will take you to the Residence of Father Frost, where we will organize a real reception with a master class on painting fly agaric gingerbread and iced tea with sweets from the Tulinov Dacha cafe. You will have the opportunity to take a photo with Baba Yaga, in the famous Santa Claus chair. The program includes: - an interactive performance with the participation of Baba Yaga and Domovenok Kuzi; - a master class on painting gingerbread at the Zemsky school; - cold tea with sweets from the Tulinov Dacha cafe. Program duration: 1 – 1.5 hours.

School of the young traveler "ARCHEOLOGY" 7+
When: July 6 at 4:00 pm
Where: "Nelzha" (Ramonsky district, Nelzha village, Lesnaya st., 40)
Cost: 1000 ruyu.
Here, the guys will learn what archeology is, as a science, visit a real archaeological camp, take part in excavations and, of course, find ancient artifacts that they can then study! And, of course, at the end of the program, all participants will be able to taste real expedition tea with treats! By the way, depending on the weather, tea will be either cold or hot! The duration of the archaeological adventure will be 2.5 - 3 hours. Please dress appropriately for the weather, as part of the program will take place outdoors!

Day of family, love and fidelity in "Arena"
When: July 6
from 16:00 to 19:00 (charging by the pavilion) - game library from "Mosigra" (svintus, monopoly, elias, imaginarium, jackal and other games)
giant basketball championship
When: July 7 at 12:00
Where: Arena shopping mall park, near the Heart art object

Festival of colors
When: July 6 at 20:00
Where: Dynamo Stadium

If a new man has been born in your family, then the question of the name becomes of great importance. The fact is that the Year of the Goat endows all its babies with qualities that are not always good for boys. These guys are capable of deep feelings, gifted with charm and attractiveness beyond measure. Only now their strong shoulders do not always pass the test of life's trials.

In order not to be among such unlucky ones, you need to think through all the circumstances. The very first is the name of the child. This set of sounds, which a person hears all his life, is able to straighten out not only the qualities that he was given by the fact of birth, but also change his fate.

Auspicious names for boys

Almost all boys born in 2015 need to be instilled with reliability. Unfortunately, the Goat does not intend to endow them with such dignity. Under her influence, a boy can become windy, fast, light, lucky. But it will be more difficult for him to maintain achievements. You can correct the influence of the sign of 2015 with the help of a conscious choice of a name. It can affect the child in many ways. Let's take a look at them.

For stability and wisdom

Anatoly, Andrey, Boris, Vadim, Vladimir, Zakhar, Ivan, Kirill, Maxim, Nikita, Roman, Semyon, Taras, Fedor, Julian.

The symbol of the year is a mobile, sociable animal, but it loves bliss very much. The struggle for nourishing meadows is not her element. There are many places in the world where she will be appreciated and cherished just like that, without any difficulties. Such a position makes a man soft and sometimes windy. Therefore, the name should develop in the boy the desire to stand up for himself and for "his own". There is nothing wrong with being able to fight for a family. Such a man will be respected and loved. This skill will help in career advancement. The boy from the Goat has a lot of talents. If he learns to apply them correctly and systematically, then there will be no problems with money, and even satisfaction from his activities will appear.

Names of dynamics and aggression

Anton, Alexander, Artem, Bogdan, Victor, Vitaly, George, Grigory, Dmitry, Eugene, Ilya, Konstantin, Leonid, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Stanislav, Yuri.

The goat knows how to communicate, loves movement, everything new attracts her. Only for a long time to concentrate efforts in one direction does not work for her. The listed names will give their owners the perseverance necessary to achieve the goal. They will be able, without looking back at others, to build their lives. Such boys will be able to independently overcome innate modesty and resolve issues of personal life. Their families will be friendly and strong. Career will be built smoothly. You just need to choose the right direction. If a child is carried away by something to which he has no inclinations, then he runs the risk of slipping into depression.

For well-being and prosperity

Alexey, Arkady, Arseny, Valentin, Vsevolod, Gleb, Yegor, Daniel, Leo, Plato, Ruslan, Stepan, Timur, Felix, Yakov.

The symbol of the year makes its owners “without silver”. Boys born in the year of the Goat 2015 will not strive for money and material wealth. The listed names will help to correct the situation. They won't make your son a miser. He will simply look at the world more realistically. The symbol of the year will make such a man prosperous, sometimes lucky, able to earn huge amounts of money with his talent. In personal life, the name will help to avoid many traumas associated with breaks and betrayals. A man will lead a quiet life, surrounded by comfort. Only the boss will not work out of him. These names are good for creative people.

To develop power and logic

Arthur, Valery, Vasily, Gennady, Denis, Mark, Matvey, Oleg. Pavel, Sergey, Philip, Edward, Yaroslav.

The goat does not gravitate towards power. All her guiding inclinations come down to the obsolescence of scandals and tantrums, in the worst case, an emotional tyranny. However, a number of these names can favorably influence the situation. They add responsibility, confidence, logic to a boy born in the year of the Goat. These will make excellent middle managers. Thanks to the influence of the name, they will be deprived of the variability inherent in the symbol of the year. Having become carried away by a certain topic, they will remain faithful to it and develop it deeply and deliberately. This applies to both personal life and business. The life of a person with the listed names will be restrained, stable, somewhat boring, but confident.

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