The hot heart of Dr. Lisa. Glinka Elizaveta Petrovna biography, personal life, family, children (photo and video) Elizaveta Glinka short biography

A lot will be written and said about Elizabeth Glinka. Everything that she did to save human lives can only be overestimated or correctly evaluated by those whom she helped. Dr. Lisa always talked about her activities and the work of the Fair Aid Foundation with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, but almost never talked about her personal life. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Gleb Glinka lived together for 30 happy years.

Fast paced romance

An exhibition of expressionists was held at the House of Artists in Moscow, where Elizabeth met her future husband, Gleb Glinka. Young Lisa asked a stranger for a lighter, and he asked for her phone number. The man was much older than her and seemed very old to her. But in response to a request to call, for some reason she agreed. When asked about the date, she said that she had an exam in forensic medicine.

He met her at the morgue and was shocked by the difference between Russian and American morgues. Gleb Glinka was Russian by origin, but was born and raised in America. However, he was always drawn to historical homeland.

According to Gleb Glebovich, a week after they met, they both knew that they would definitely get married and live together all their lives. She always liked strong men. Attracted Elizaveta Petrovna not physical strength but the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them. If the man was still smart and educated, then she could well fall in love with him. Gleb Glebovich Glinka studied and brilliantly graduated from college English literature, followed by law school, with the same excellent grades. Much later, already in Russia at the age of 60, he passed the exam in Russian advocacy and excellent too.

He was ready to stay in Russia, next to his chosen one, but Lisa only laughed: “You will disappear here!”. In 1986 she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, received the profession of a pediatric resuscitator-anaesthesiologist. And until 1990 they lived in Moscow, then they left for America together, together with their eldest son Konstantin.

Between America and Russia

In America, Elizaveta Glinka graduated from medical school with a degree in palliative medicine. Gleb Glebovich advised her to pay attention to the hospice located not far from their house. Lisa began to help hopeless patients. She studied for five years how hospice work is built, what difficulties she has to face. And at the same time I understood that it is possible and necessary to alleviate the suffering of people.

Later they will return to Russia at the request of Elizabeth, they will spend 2 years in Kyiv because of Gleb's contract. And everywhere Dr. Liza will help people. In Moscow, already having two sons, she will work with the First Moscow Hospice, in Kyiv she will create her first hospice. The most amazing thing is that Gleb Glinka will always support his wife in everything. He, like no one else, understood: helping those in need for her is the same natural need how to breathe.

measure of goodness

When Dr. Liza's mother fell into a coma and was in the Burdenko clinic, Elizaveta Glinka bought meat every day, especially mom's favorite, cooked it, ground it into a paste so that it could be fed from a tube. She knew that her mother did not feel the taste of cooked food, but nevertheless, for two and a half years, she came to the hospital twice a day and fed her mother, holding her hand. That was all she was.

Gleb and Elizabeth raised two sons. But a third boy appeared in their family - Ilya. He was adopted in infancy, but when the boy was 13 years old, his adoptive mother died. When Dr. Lisa began to tell her husband about the fate of the boy, he immediately understood: he would become their son. He again supported his wife in her decision.

Probably, he could forbid his wife to engage in her activities. Elizaveta Glinka herself spoke of her readiness to stop work if she interferes with her family. But Gleb Glebovich believed that he had no moral right to do so.

"We were very happy together"

She loved her family and didn't like talking about them in interviews. She wanted to protect loved ones from publicity, especially when threats began to be heard against her. Dr. Lisa under any circumstances tried to spend the weekend with her family. The only time she changed this habit was December 25, 2016.

It was difficult for Gleb Glebovich to present gifts to his wife. new thing literally in a couple of weeks you could see it on one of your friends or even on her ward from the Paveletsky railway station, where Dr. Liza fed and treated the homeless. And again he didn't protest. But she could not do otherwise and was even proud that her wards looked better than other homeless people.
When she first went to the conflict zone in Donbass to rescue seriously ill children, he realized how dangerous it was. But she again went at the behest of her heart to where she was needed.

On December 25, 2016, she boarded a plane bound for Syria. Dr. Lisa was carrying medicines for the university hospital. She will never return from this flight.
Gleb Glinka still cannot come to terms with the loss. He refuses to accept the fact that his beloved will never be around again. He will write in the afterword to her book: “I shared my life with her ...”

Dr. Lisa married an American citizen and lived happily with him for 30 years until death separated them.

    Elizaveta Glinka, also known as the estate of Doctor Liza, a well-known public figure, was actively involved in charity work, in particular helping the children of Donbass. She is called the Russian Mother Teresa, because she really helped so many people. Opened the first free hospice in Ukraine.

    Elizabeth Glinka has medical education To be more precise, she is a resuscitator.

    Elizaveta Glinka was born in 1962 in Moscow and died in a plane crash in December 2016. It turns out that at the time of her death she was 54 years old.

    She had a family: a husband and three children, one of whom was adopted.

    Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka known worldwide as Dr. Lisa- head of the Fair Aid charity foundation, always came to the aid of people in need - it was she and her foundation who helped people affected by the military conflict in the Donbass, took children to Moscow for treatment.

    She was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow. She graduated from a medical institute with a degree in resuscitation anesthesiologist, after graduating from the institute she got married and went to live in the USA. Husband - Gleb Glinka, lawyer. In 2007, she returned with her family to Russia, where Elizaveta Petrovna founded her charitable foundation.

    Dr. Lisa has two natural sons and one adopted son.

    Yesterday, December 25, 2016, it became known about the crash of the Tu-154 aircraft near Sochi - Doctor Lisa died in this plane crash. She was 54 years old.

    Elizaveta Glinka was born in 1962 on February 20, in 2017 she would have turned 55 years old, but she unfortunately died in a plane crash on December 25, 2016. Elizaveta Glinka was born in Moscow.

    Elizaveta Glinka is known as Dr. Lisa, she was involved in charity work and helped people who found themselves in a difficult life situation.

    Elizabeth Glinka was executive director

    She is a resuscitator by training. Also she was

    Elizaveta Glinka was married to the American lawyer Gleb Glinka. They have two natural sons and one adopted. They all live in America.

    Dr. Lisa or completely - Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka was born in 1962. She tragically died on December 25, 2016 at the age of 54. Doctor by profession. Husband's surname, he is a lawyer. They lived in the USA, but returned to Russia in 2007. And since then E.P. Glinka is a permanent philanthropist and head of the Fair Aid Foundation. She gave birth to two sons and raised one adopted son. How much good and just she has done, how much more she would have done! But alas...

    A woman whose name is Elizaveta Glinka or she is also called simply Dr. Liza devoted her life to helping people, especially children. She was in the Donbass and in Syria - that is, where there was a war and took people and children from there to Moscow for treatment.

    She is an anesthesiologist by profession.

    On February 20, 2017, she would have turned only fifty-five years old, that is, she has been since 1962.

    Her husband's name is Gleb Glinka and he is a lawyer by profession.

    The couple has three boys - the oldest Konstantin is 28 years old, then Alexei - he is 22 years old and the third, adopted son Ilya is 21 years old.

    Elizabeth Glinka- Muscovite, was born in a military family on February 20, 1962 ( 54 years old).

    In 1986, Lisa graduated from a medical institute with a degree in pediatric resuscitation and anesthesiology.

    Then Lisa married an American lawyer with Russian roots, a descendant of famous composer - Gleb Glinka..

    With her husband, Lisa emigrated to America and there she received her second education. I started working in a hospice.

    In the late 90s, Elizaveta and her family moved to Kyiv, and in 2007 to Moscow.

    Dr. Lisa, as she was popularly called, was the executive director of the fund Fair Aid from 07/01/2007.

    Gleb and Elizabeth have three sons, one of whom is adopted.

    Elizabeth Glinka with sons Ilya and Konstantin(last photo)

    with husband and adopted son

    Elizaveta Glinka was born in Moscow on February 20, 1962. Her mother, Galina Poskrebysheva, is a fairly well-known vitaminologist and author of cookery books.

    Elizaveta graduated from a medical institute with a degree in pediatric resuscitation and anesthesiologist. She did not work in her specialty, because in the same year, in 1986, she went to live in the United States. Her husband is an American lawyer with Russian roots, Gleb Glinka.

    In America, Elizabeth worked in hospices, then moved with her husband to Ukraine for two years, opened a hospice there.

    Elizabeth has three sons, one of them is adopted. They live in the USA.

    In 2007, Glinka returned to Russia, her mother fell seriously ill.

    In the same year, she created the Fair Aid charity foundation. The fund is sponsored by the Just Russia party.

    Glinka organized a collection of assistance on her behalf to people affected by forest fires, she traveled to the Donbass many times and took her children to Russia during the hostilities. Now she was flying to Syria to deliver medicines.

    This little woman did a lot of good things.

    In 2012 she was awarded the Order of Friendship, in 2014 - the medal Hurry to do good, in 2015 - the distinction for good deed, in 2016 - the state award Russian Federation for achievements in the field human rights activities.

    Elizaveta Petrovna turned 54 on February 20. And today, many were shocked to learn that she was still on board the Tu 154, the wreckage of which is now being lifted from the Black Sea. Her husband's name is Gleb Glebovich and they have three children. One boy is good. They are already adults. The life of Elizabeth Petrovna was filled with good deeds. Didn't have a fund Fair Aid. She took the children out of the Donbass, just when they needed urgent help from doctors. During the flood in Krymsk organized a charity auction. During the military events in the Donbass, in Syria, I visited these places many times to help people.

    An anesthesiologist-resuscitator by first education and a palliative oncologist by the second, received in the USA, Elizaveta Glinka helped seriously ill people. But she, as a successful doctor and a wealthy wife, could go to social events, spending her time among the cream of society, but Dr. Lisa chose instead to help sick people doomed to death. It was she who helped open the first hospices in Moscow and Kyiv.

    There are many such dedicated doctors in our country. But those who give all of themselves without a trace, who know how to forget about themselves, and think only about these doomed ones, still search.

    Elizaveta Glinka (Sidorova) was born in Moscow. In February 1962. After graduating from pirirovka, she received the profession of a pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist. After getting married, she moved to the USA.

    And then she returned to Russia. She lived in Moscow, lived in Kyiv for two years, where she founded the first hospice. Then she organized the same hospice in Moscow.

    Founder of the charitable foundation Fair Aid. She was always the first to come to the rescue, providing material assistance to victims of fires or floods.

    From the first days of the armed conflict in Ukraine, Dr. Liza provided not only material assistance, collecting and helping with the delivery of medicines. It was she, despite the whistle of bullets over her head, risking own life, flew to Donetsk and Luhansk to pick up wounded and sick children and take them to Russia for treatment.

    It is known that her husband, Gleb Glinka, works as a lawyer in America. His parents emigrated to the US many years ago. Gleb and Elizabeth have three sons, one of whom is adopted.

    Always the death of people brings pain, and hurts in the heart. Especially when such people perish, giving all of themselves to the service of others.

    On December 25, Elizabeth Glinka passed away. She was on board the Tu-154 aircraft, which, after refueling in Sochi, flew to Syria. The doctor brought gifts for the kids New Year. And also, together with the ensemble, Alexandrova wanted to congratulate our military on the upcoming holiday.

    The plane crashed during takeoff.

    Eternal memory to Dr. Lisa, and to all who were on board the aircraft.

    It is a pity that such people who bring goodness and positive to our world are dying.

    Dr. Lisa was such a person, she died in a plane crash at the age of 54.

    Elizaveta Glinka was a doctor not only by profession, she was one by vocation, a woman could not get past someone else's misfortune.

    Elizabeth was married to Gleb Glinka, together they raised three sons, the sons are already adults.

    Dr. Lisa devoted her whole life to helping sick people, for this purpose she organized a fund called Fair Helpquot ;.

    Recently she lived in Moscow, although the children live in the USA, but Lisa believed that her place was here.

Dr. Lisa Glinka was a real hero of Russian charity. The Kingdom of Heaven to Elizabeth Petrovna and all those who died in this catastrophe.

Today we remember Dr. Lisa - hot, selfless, sometimes tough, sincere and very lively. Below is her biography and her statements from various interviews.


Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka (Poskrebysheva), known under the network pseudonym "Doctor Liza", was born in Moscow on February 20, 1962 in Moscow in a military family. The mother of Elizabeth Glinka is a famous doctor, author of books on cooking and TV presenter Galina Poskrebysheva.

After graduating from the Pirogov Second Moscow State Medical Institute in 1986 with a degree in pediatric resuscitation anesthetist, she left for the United States with her husband, an American lawyer of Russian origin Gleb Glinka. There she began working in a hospice, and received a second medical degree in palliative medicine, graduating from Dartmouth Medical School (Dartmouth Medical School).

In the late nineties, Elizaveta Glinka and her husband, who got a job in Ukraine, moved to Kyiv. There she became the organizer of the patronage palliative care service and the first free hospice in Ukraine at the cancer center. After the expiration of her husband's contract, the family returned to the United States, but Elizaveta Glinka continued to support the Kyiv hospice.

In 2007, after returning to Moscow, she founded and headed the Just Help charity foundation. Initially, it was assumed that he would provide hospice care to non-cancer patients. However, later the organization had to take care of various categories of those in need, including the homeless and the poor. Foundation volunteers distribute food, warm clothes and medicines to the homeless. Dozens of families in need also receive regular assistance. different regions Russia.

In the summer of 2010, the Fair Aid Foundation participated in the collection of aid for victims of numerous forest fires. The campaign launched at that time attracted significant attention to his activities. public attention. In the winter of 2010-2011, the foundation organized heating points for the homeless in Moscow.

In January 2012, Elizaveta Glinka became one of the founders of the League of Voters, which is associated with the then unscheduled audit of the fund and the temporary blocking of its accounts. In the fall of 2012, she was included in the Development Council under the President of the Russian Federation civil society and Human Rights (HRC).

With the beginning of the armed conflict in the south-east of Ukraine, Elizaveta Glinka took Active participation in rendering assistance to the inhabitants of the unrecognized republics, including the evacuation of wounded and sick children to Russia. These actions, as well as her statement that she did not see in Donetsk Russian troops, provoked accusations from a number of former associates.

Elizaveta Glinka was a member of the board of the Vera Hospice Assistance Fund, established in 2006. In addition to Kyiv and Moscow, she supervised the work of hospices in other cities of Russia, as well as in Armenia and Serbia. Being an orthodox person, she has repeatedly publicly opposed the legalization of euthanasia.

Elizaveta Glinka left behind three sons (two relatives and one adopted).

For her work, Dr. Liza has repeatedly become a laureate of various state and public awards and prizes. In particular, in May 2012 "for the achieved labor successes, many years of conscientious work, active social activities" she was awarded the Order of Friendship, in December 2014 "for an active citizenship in protecting the human right to life" - the medal of the Commissioner for Human Rights " Hurry to do good", in March 2015, "for a great contribution to the charity and social activities”- the insignia “For good deed”.

In December 2016, Elizaveta Glinka became the first laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation for achievements in human rights work.

On the morning of December 25, 2016, a Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation crashed over the Black Sea near Sochi. Among its passengers was Elizaveta Glinka, who accompanied a humanitarian cargo of medicines to a Syrian clinic.

About the profession

I have wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember. Even when I was a little girl, I always knew - not what I wanted, but always knew that I would be a doctor. When you work at your place, your work does not seem to you the most difficult

On the cost of saving children

My task is to take out the wounded and sick children so that they receive a qualified free help, warm clothes, food and supplies of medicines. And I don't care how it's done.

At any cost, I stress that I have spoken about this everywhere and will continue to speak about it. I will save at any cost, I will negotiate with anyone, I will take it anywhere, even to China! If only he lived. Because I did not give this life to this child. And if someone takes it away, it's not my business to figure out why and why. Because I am a doctor. My job is to get him out of hell and put him in a normal hospital.

I work with those people whose beliefs are not shared by - well, I will say this - the vast majority of society. These are the homeless, these are the poor, these are the poor, these are the sick. And finally, the mentally ill, there are especially many of them here now.

I work with outcasts and devotees. And not everyone understands me.

Six years ago, for example, there were people who helped our Fair Aid Foundation, gave me money, but said: “Not for the homeless.” And today, you know what has changed? Today it is like this: there are people who give money to the foundation and say: “Not for the homeless”, but there are people who give money and say: “Only for the homeless”.

I react to it like this: I respect freedom of choice. So I am grateful to everyone who helps me to help.

In short, I do not re-educate or convince anyone in anything. But I reserve the right to do as I see fit.

I am often asked: why do I help those I help? All this strange scary people. I answer: “Because they are people too. There are no other reasons."

You can’t reproach anyone with a piece of bread - even the homeless. Or rather, the homeless in particular. You have to do the deed and forget about it. Even if they deceive me. I'd rather feed someone who isn't very hungry anyway than accidentally refuse someone who doesn't really have anything to eat.

There are times when this happens. I want to quit everything, take care of my three children, spend time with my family ... But this is never connected with homeless or dying patients. It has to do with officials. In this regard, burnout occurred long ago and finally.

I stopped writing letters to authorities - except for some extreme cases. And as a rule, these letters are terribly humiliating. I do not understand how in the state structures responsible for social services, people who hate the homeless can work. In our state shelters, the sick are divided into categories, like chickens in a store: the disabled are fed three times a day, some other group - twice, a third group - once. This is not the case in any other country in the world!

But in relation to the sick and the homeless, I don’t have “burnout”. I don't get tired of them, they don't push me away. I love them and they love me. It only happens that I want to sleep ... I found such a criterion: as long as I feel sorry for this person and I listen to him and feel sorry - then everything is still fine. But if I don’t care what he says, if I understand that I’m just bandaging him automatically, but I can’t hear him anymore, then I need to go to sleep.

The needs are great. If the blockade of the country by the Ukrainian army is not lifted, the situation may worsen.

About people - I will not say that they are starving, but they eat little and poorly. The salaries are not very high. Winter is winter, if you don’t have your own garden, there’s nothing. People in the war are very bad. Add to that the endless shelling that for some reason began after the US elections were over. During this time, I visited the Donbass twice: because of the dividing line, they start shooting at six in the evening, and do not stop until the morning - five hundred or more shells ... A very tense situation in Gorlovka. But people do not give up, people live - and they need to be helped, while observing the rules that apply during the war.

The famous Doctor Liza (Elizaveta Glinka) died in the Tu-154 plane crash near Sochi.

The famous Elizaveta Glinka, known to many as Dr. Liza, was located in it.

Until recently, her work colleagues refused to believe that Elizabeth was on board and flew on that ill-fated flight to Syria. However, the sad news is that Dr. Lisa is no more.

She was the head of the Fair Aid charity foundation, a doctor palliative medicine, philanthropist, well-known public figure, member of the board of the Vera Hospice Fund.

Sick children called her simply: "Doctor Liza." This brave woman took out many from under whistling bullets in Donbass. Helped many in Syria. She solved the problems of sick people, arranging them in best clinics Moscow and St. Petersburg. She did not know how and could not refuse, she helped everyone free of charge ...

Doctor Liza (Elizaveta Glinka)

Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow in the family of a military and nutritionist, culinary specialist and famous TV presenter Galina Ivanovna Poskrebysheva.

In addition to Lisa and her brother, their family also included two cousins ​​who were orphaned early.

In 1986 she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute. N. I. Pirogova, specializing in pediatric resuscitation anesthesiologist. In the same year, she emigrated to the United States with her husband, an American lawyer of Russian origin Gleb Glebovich Glinka.

In 1991 she received her second medical degree in palliative medicine from the Dartmouth Medical School of Dartmouth College. She had American citizenship. Living in America, she got acquainted with the work of hospices, giving them five years.

She participated in the work of the First Moscow Hospice, then, together with her husband, moved to Ukraine for two years.

In 1999, she founded the first hospice in Kyiv at the Oncological Hospital in Kyiv. Member of the Board of the Vera Hospice Assistance Fund. Founder and President of the American Foundation VALE Hospice International.

In 2007, in Moscow, she founded the Fair Aid charity foundation, sponsored by the Just Russia party. The Foundation provides material support and medical assistance to dying cancer patients, low-income non-oncological patients, and the homeless. Every week, volunteers go to the Paveletsky railway station, distribute food and medicine to the homeless, and provide them with free legal and medical care.

According to a report for 2012, on average, about 200 people a year were sent by the fund to hospitals in Moscow and the Moscow region. The Foundation also organizes points for heating the homeless.

In 2010, Elizaveta Glinka collected financial assistance on her own behalf in favor of victims of forest fires. In 2012, Glinka and her foundation organized a collection of things for flood victims in Krymsk. In addition, she participated in a fundraising campaign for flood victims, during which more than 16 million rubles were collected.

In 2012, along with other well-known public figures became the founder of the League of Voters - an organization that aims to control the observance of the electoral rights of citizens. Soon, an unexpected check was carried out at the Fair Help Foundation, as a result of which the organization's accounts were blocked, which, according to Glinka, they did not bother to notify them. On February 1 of the same year, the accounts were unblocked, and the fund continued to work.

In October 2012, she became a member of the federal committee of the Civic Platform party. In November of the same year, she was included in the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights (list of members approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2012 No. 1513).

Since the beginning armed conflict in eastern Ukraine provided assistance to people living in the territories of the DNR and LNR. In October 2014, she accused International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in refusing to provide guarantees for a cargo of medicines under the pretext that we do not like the policy of your president. The head of the ICRC's regional delegation for Russia, Belarus and Moldova, Pascal Kutta, denied these accusations.

At the end of October 2014, Elizaveta Glinka gave an interview to the Pravmir portal, where the words allegedly sounded: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I affirm that there are no Russian troops there, whether someone likes to hear it or not.”

Together with the All-Russian Popular Front, she organized the procession and rally "We are United" in the center of Moscow on November 4, 2014, in which a number of parliamentary and non-parliamentary parties of Russia took part. According to Glinka herself: “the purpose of the action is to demonstrate that we are for unity and peace, that we need to be able to negotiate, and if society does not know how to listen to each other, then such tragedies happen, as in the Donbass,” and also: “a reminder of unity Russian people about the need to combine it. Now around Russia there is a very difficult situation. These are both sanctions and unsubstantiated accusations.”

In 2015 and 2016 she visited a citizen of Ukraine, over whom trial in the city of Rostov. According to the detainee's sister and lawyers, the Russian woman offered Savchenko to plead guilty and get a term, after which she would be pardoned.

Since 2015, during the war in Syria, Elizaveta Glinka has repeatedly visited the country with humanitarian missions - she was involved in the delivery and distribution of medicines, and the organization of medical care for the civilian population of Syria.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, on December 25, 2016, she was on board the Tu-154 that crashed near Sochi. Her husband confirmed this fact.

Personal life of Elizabeth Glinka:

Her husband is an American lawyer of Russian origin Gleb Glebovich Glinka, the son of a Russian poet and literary critic, an emigrant of the second wave Gleb Alexandrovich Glinka, a descendant of a famous noble family.

Children: three sons (two natural and one adopted) who live in the USA.

State awards and public recognition of Elizabeth Glinka:

Order of Friendship (May 2, 2012) - for labor achievements, many years of conscientious work, active social activities;
- Badge of distinction "For beneficence" (March 23, 2015) - for a great contribution to charitable and social activities;
- State Prize of the Russian Federation (2016) - for outstanding achievements in the field of human rights activities;
- Medal "Hurry to do good" (December 17, 2014) - for active citizenship in protecting the human right to life;
- Winner of the ROTOR competition in the nomination "Blogger of the Year" (2010);
- "Muz-TV Award 2011" in the nomination "For Contribution to Life";
- "Hundred most powerful women Russia" (2011), 58th place;
- "100 most influential women in Russia" magazine "Spark", published in March 2014, took 26th place;
- Laureate of the "Own track" award for 2014 "For loyalty to medical duty, for many years of work in helping the homeless and powerless people, for saving children in the east of Ukraine."

The film "Doctor Lisa" by Elena Pogrebizhskaya about the activities of Elizaveta Petrovna was shown on REN TV and won the TEFI-2009 award as the best documentary film.

Dr. Lisa (documentary)

Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow into a military family. It was noted that Glinka's mother Galina Poskrebysheva is a well-known vitaminologist, author of cookery books.

In 1986, Glinka graduated from the Pirogov Second Medical Institute with a diploma in pediatric resuscitation anesthesiologist. During her studies, she worked in the intensive care unit of one of the Moscow clinics (according to other sources, "Elizaveta Glinka did not work a single day in her specialty"). In the same year, Glinka emigrated to the United States with her husband, a successful American lawyer with Russian roots, Gleb Glinka, a descendant of known kind, to which the composer Mikhail Glinka belonged (in some media publications, however, it was claimed that Elizaveta Glinka herself is a descendant of the composer Glinka).

In America, Glinka, on the initiative of her husband, began working in a hospice and, in her own words, was shocked by the human attitude towards hopeless patients in these institutions (“These people are happy,” Glinka later recalled. “They have the opportunity to say goodbye to their relatives, to get more from life that something important"). In 1991, Glinka received a second medical education in the United States, graduating from Dartmouth Medical School with a degree in palliative medicine: doctors in this specialty provide symptomatic care to terminally ill patients, primarily with oncological diseases(some media indicated that she "became an oncologist" in the USA).

In 1994, Glinka, in her own words, "learned that a hospice was being opened in Moscow after Peter", met and became friends with his chief physician, Vera Millionshchikova. In the late 90s, Glinka moved to Kyiv, where her husband worked under a contract. Having learned that there was no system for helping the dying in Ukraine, Glinka organized a patronage service for palliative care in Kyiv and the first hospice wards in the surgical department of the oncology center. In September 2001, the American foundation VALE Hospice International (Glinka was mentioned in the media as the founder and president of this organization) founded the first free hospice in Ukraine in Kyiv. When Gleb Glinka's two-year contract expired, the family returned to the United States, but Yelizaveta Glinka continued to visit the Kyiv hospice regularly and participate in its work. She also said that back in the 90s she tried to open a branch of the fund in Russia, but could not: "Officers rested, referring to the law on the registration of commercial foreign enterprises."

In 2007, when her mother fell ill, Glinka moved to Moscow. In July of the same year, she founded the Just Help charity foundation and became its executive director. Initially, it was assumed that the foundation would provide palliative care to non-oncological patients for whom there were no hospices in Russia, but subsequently the circle of its wards expanded significantly. The organization was engaged in helping low-income patients and other socially unprotected categories of the population, including people without certain place residence. Starting in 2007, every week on Wednesdays, the foundation's volunteers went to the Paveletsky railway station in Moscow, where they distributed food, clothes and medicine to the homeless, as well as provided them with medical care. In 2012, Fair Aid took care of more than 50 low-income families from Nizhny Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Tyumen and other Russian cities.

In August 2010, the Fair Aid Foundation organized a fundraiser for victims of forest fires that engulfed various regions of the country. This charity campaign, as noted by the media, brought Glinka all-Russian fame. In the winter of 2010-2011, the foundation founded by Glinka for freezing people was organizing points for heating the homeless and collected tens of kilograms of humanitarian aid.

In 2012, Glinka also began to actively participate in the socio-political life of Russia. On January 16, 2012, she, along with other public figures, including Yuri Shevchuk, Grigory Chkhartishvili, Leonid Parfyonov, Dmitry Bykov, Olga Romanova, Sergey Parkhomenko, Petr Shkumatov and Rustem Adagamov, became the founder of the "League of Voters" - an association advocating fair elections. It was with this circumstance that the media associated the unscheduled tax audit Fund "Fair Help", as a result of which on January 26, 2012 the organization's accounts were blocked - for the first time in its entire history. Already on February 1, the accounts were unblocked, and the fund continued its work.

In April 2012, Glinka, as part of a League of Voters delegation, visited Astrakhan, where supporters of former mayoral candidate Oleg Shein had been on hunger strike since March, demanding a review of the election results due to alleged fraud. The purpose of the delegation was to draw public attention to the current situation; During the trip, Glinka managed to convince six participants in the action, whose health condition had deteriorated significantly, to stop the hunger strike. At the end of April, Shein himself stopped the protest, saying that he would continue to seek the cancellation of the election results through the courts. On June 15 of the same year, the court refused to satisfy Shein's demands.

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In July 2012, Glinka and her foundation organized a collection of things for the victims of the devastating flood in Krymsk. She also participated in raising funds for the victims of the disaster: on July 17, during a charity auction, which was also organized by Ksenia Sobchak, more than 16 million rubles were collected.

Glinka - member of the board established in 2006 Russian fund assistance to Vera hospices. She has also been mentioned in the media as a member of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Fellow board of trustees Foundation for Assistance to the Rehabilitation of People with Hearing Problems "Country of the Deaf". In addition to Kyiv and Moscow, Glinka supervised hospice work in other cities - in Russia, as well as in Armenia and Serbia. Mentioning that hospices were opened in Tula, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk, Ulyanovsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Astrakhan, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Smolensk, she drew public attention to the lack of attention to the training of future palliative care specialists; according to Glinka, there are "cases where doctors in the regions have no idea what hospices are." “Hospice is not a house of death. It is a worthy life to the end,” she said in an interview.

Glinka (Doctor Liza) is known as an active blogger (lj-user doctor_liza): since 2005, she has been writing in LiveJournal about the activities of the Fair Help organization. In 2010, Glinka became the winner of the ROTOR network competition in the "Blogger of the Year" nomination.

Elizaveta Glinka is an Orthodox Christian. In interviews, she expressed her negative attitude towards euthanasia many times.

Many politicians, musicians and others helped Glinka's charitable activities. famous people. In 2007, Alexander Chuev, then a State Duma deputy from " Just Russia", the chairman of this party, Sergei Mironov, also actively assisted the work of the fund (in an interview, Glinka explained that the name of the fund was her personal gratitude to Mironov). Boris Grebenshchikov, Yuri Shevchuk, Vyacheslav Butusov, Garik Sukachev, Zemfira, Petr Nalich participated in the fund's charitable activities , Svetlana Surganova and Pelageya Glinka's projects were assisted by Anatoly Chubais, Irina Khakamada and Vitali Klitschko.

For my charitable activities Glinka has repeatedly received various awards. Among them is the Order of Friendship, presented to her in May 2012 by President Dmitry Medvedev. Glinka became the laureate of the Artem Borovik journalistic award "Honour. Courage. Mastery" (2008), the Silver Rain radio station award (2010), the Muz-TV award in the nomination "For Contribution to Life" (2011). In 2012, Glinka was included in the ranking of the 100 most influential women in Russia compiled by Ogonyok magazine, the Ekho Moskvy radio station and the RIA Novosti agency. Several films were made about Glinka's activities. documentaries, one of which - "Doctor Lisa" by Elena Pogrebizhskaya - was awarded the TEFI Prize in 2009.

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