Killer Kids: Chilling Stories. The youngest offenders Who are they? The ugliest child in the world

Some girls dream of getting married so much that sometimes they choose completely inappropriate candidates for their life partners. How else can you explain the marriages of young and beautiful girls with serial killers who ruthlessly killed women and children? Psychologists state: “Such unions speak of low self-esteem or the hope of changing the character of another person with your love.” We remembered the loudest and most scandalous unions of this kind.

Italian passions

23-year-old Serena from Milan to the Khabarovsk Territory. And all for the sake of a loved one, condemned for life. Maxim Kiselev spent 20 of his 36 years of life in prison. He sat down for the brutal murder of six people in the village of Orton, Kemerovo region: a man stabbed to death four men, a woman and a 10-year-old boy. He remembers these events vaguely (if not lying, of course), he says he was very drunk and now regrets only the death of the child. He was sent to prison for the rest of his life.

Maxim's life changed after the Italian director Mark Franchetti arrived in the colony. He made a documentary about the prisoners, which was shown in Italy. Kiselyov suddenly began to write to Italians, who, apparently, felt sorry for the lost Russian soul. Two years ago, he received a letter from 23-year-old Serena Nalana. The girl was ready to support him financially and spiritually. The man was hooked.

“It seemed to me that she had everything that I was looking for in other girls. I felt, no matter how trite it may sound, that she is the other half of my soul. I reread the letters, I look at her photographs, I kiss them. I thought it was some kind of madness, and then I realized that it kind of starts with this ... Well, I don’t know what to call it. Love, - says Maxim.

Serena Nolano is 23 years old, she lives with her parents in the suburbs of Milan and dreams of becoming a famous writer. The girl has already released several books, devoting a chapter in one of them to her Russian killer. Friends and parents are against such a relationship, but the Italian has already decided everything. She left the university and went to work in order to devote her life to Maxim.

This life will look like this: after the wedding, which will take place in a colony under escort, the newlyweds will have a long date instead of a honeymoon - three days, and after Serena will be able to see her husband twice a year for four hours. The girl says that she loves Maxim, not his crimes. The prospects are vague - she has never been to Russia, and Maxim is unlikely to ever be released on parole. Nevertheless, the couple plans a wedding and children.

Born from a maniac

Elena married the Ukrainian maniac Sergei Tkach, who killed more than 40 children. Moreover, the 24-year-old Russian woman was not afraid to give birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, from a 64-year-old prisoner. According to the publication, Weaver was imprisoned in 2008, the investigation then managed to prove 37 murders, the maniac himself claims that he dealt with a hundred girls and girls. His victims are between 9 and 17 years old.

16-year-old Elena fell in love with the defendant maniac when she saw him on TV during the trial. Then she looked for him and for seven years wrote letters to various prisons. Found in Zhytomyr. A correspondence ensued.

The correspondence ended with a date. Elena became pregnant, then they got married, and they had a girl. Their daughter is now six months old, the girl was named Lisa. Half-year-old Lisa is being raised by Elena's parents in Yaroslavl. A granddaughter is not allowed into Zhytomyr. “They are against my husband and I raising our child,” the woman says.

Interestingly, the family is not going to stop at one child - the couple is planning three children: in addition to Elizabeth and Catherine, they want a son, Peter. True, Elena will have to raise these children alone - Tkach was sentenced to four life terms.

Before prison, Sergei Tkach was married twice. His first wife lives in the village and does not want to communicate with journalists. Another - a resident of the Dnieper - also does not comment on the situation. Elena Tkach, agreeing to an interview, explained why she was doing this: her goal is to warn all other women that it is deadly dangerous to approach her lover.

I don't envy the girl who tries to hang out with him. I'm very jealous. I will not let anyone near my loved one, even at a distance of a kilometer - whoever it is, she says.

The maniac was arrested only in 2005, 25 years after he committed the first murder. He willingly told the operatives about the murders, remembering exactly the place of each. He strangled and raped his victims in a perverted form. Sergey Tkach did not leave marks on the bodies of his victims: he took off their clothes and shoes, which could have his fingerprints on them, carefully destroyed the evidence - he did not leave cigarette butts and scraps at the crime scene and trampled down the traces. But the last time I got it.

The bride of the "Bitz maniac"

"Bitsevsky maniac", by his own admission, killed 60 people, although the investigation proved "only" 48 episodes. Alexander Pichushkin first killed homeless people and alcoholics who were supposedly unworthy of life, and then switched to random passers-by.

He soldered his first victims with vodka and, unconscious, threw them into the sewers, where people drowned. Then he began to kill people with a blow to the head with a hammer. In 2007, Alexander Pichushkin was declared partially sane and sentenced to life imprisonment with a mandatory course of psychiatric treatment at the place of stay. One could forget about this killer, but suddenly the story got its continuation.

Natalya appeared in the life of a maniac, who was obsessed with the stories of maniacs. By her own admission, she knew Chikatilo's biography by heart. In high school, the girl began to write letters to prisons. According to her, she was very interested to know how these people think and feel. Then it became more interesting for her to communicate with maniacs. After the divorce, she saw a film about Pichushkin on TV. For two years she was looking for the address of his colony.

For about three years they corresponded, and suddenly Natalya realized that she had fallen in love with the killer, and confessed her feelings to him. In response, the maniac proposed to her, but the wedding did not end there. The maniac was never allowed to meet, and soon letters from Natalya stopped coming. Pichushkin himself claimed that it was all about the administration of the colony, which obstructs loving hearts: after all, Natalya starred in a television program and announced to the whole country her love for a maniac, as well as her desire to marry him.

Bride of Charles Manson

Charles Manson, the leader of the Family sect, whose members committed a number of brutal murders (including the murder of actress Sharon Tate, wife of Roman Polanski, who at that moment was nine months pregnant), was sentenced to life imprisonment. It would seem that all of America should have hated the tough killer, but instead, fans began to write letters to the maniac.

One of them, 26-year-old Afton Burton, even announced the upcoming wedding. Manson himself called this statement outrageous nonsense, and then unexpectedly agreed to the marriage. The wedding never took place. According to Manson, he became aware that his future wife plans to place him in a glass sarcophagus in order to earn money in this way.

Nylon Killer's Wife

The exact number of victims of the killer, rapist, cannibal and necrophile Ted Bundy is unknown - the figure ranges from 26 to 100 (the maniac himself confessed to 30 murders). He operated from 1974 to 1978. His deeds kept the entire east coast of the United States in fear. The trial of the criminal was broadcast on television throughout the country, and the process itself was covered by journalists from all over the world.

Carol Ann Boone, a former colleague of Bundy and a single mother, was not one of those who wanted to deal with a maniac. She began dating Bundy about a year before he was arrested and knew nothing about the murders. But even when the whole world found out about Bundy and the killer was sentenced to death, the woman did not leave him. Shortly before the final announcement of the death warrant, Bundy and Carol Ann declared themselves man and wife in the courtroom (there was no official ceremony).

Eric Smith

Eric Smith is currently in prison for the murder of a four year old boy at the age of 13. Smith lured his victim into a wooded section of a local park, where he strangled him, smashed his head in with a rock, and raped his body. He claimed to be venting his anger at the torment he endured at the hands of local bullies, but was also diagnosed with intermittent temper disorder, which caused his psyche to erupt violently and explosively. Sentenced to life in 1994, Smith was denied parole several times, and his parents supported the decisions to keep him incarcerated.

Brian Blackwell

Once an 18-year-old boy in England, Brian Blackwell took out numerous credit cards and loans in his father's name to show off being rich. When his parents found out, he stabbed them to death - but only after first beating them with a nail puller. He then flew with his girlfriend to New York and Barbados for a luxurious getaway. When he was caught, he confessed and was sentenced to life in prison.

Alyssa Bustamante

Alyssa Bustamante killed her nine-year-old victim in Missouri in 2009 at the age of 15. The young victim was reportedly caught on a forest path, formerly a cemetery, near two of the graves of Bustamante's younger brothers, where she planned the murder. The unfamiliar 9-year-old was strangled, beaten, stabbed in the chest and eventually had his throat slit. Bustamante is said to have told the investigator that she "would like to know how you feel when you kill" someone. In her diary for that day, she wrote: "I must say that this feeling is quite pleasant."

Cindy Collier and Shirley Wolf

Fifteen-year-old Cindy Collier and 14-year-old Shirley Wolf killed an 85-year-old woman at her home in Auburn, CA in 1983. After entering under the pretense of making a phone call, Wolf grabbed his victim by the neck. Collier handed him a knife, and with her, Wolf stabbed the old woman, hitting 28 times. Wolff's diary entry for that day reads, "Today Cindy and I ran away and killed the old lady. It was a lot of fun."

Christian Fernandez

In 2011, Christian Fernandez was accused of beating his 2.5-year-old brother to death and raping his 5-year-old half-brother. At 13, Fernandez was the youngest person ever to be charged with first-degree murder in the history of Jacksonville, Florida.

David Brom

In 1988, 16-year-old David Brom killed his entire family, including his 14-year-old sister and nine-year-old brother, with an axe. In his native Rochester, Minnesota went to school the next day as usual, but decided to brag about the murders to classmates. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Mary Bell

Mary Bell was only 11 when she killed four and three year old boys in Scotswood, England. Born to a prostitute mother, Bell was forced to engage in sexual acts with men from the age of four, and her father is unknown. It is also suspected that her mother tried to kill her several times during her childhood, hoping to make the death look like an accident. She served 12 years in prison, and lived under an assumed identity starting after her release in 1980.

Edmund Kemper

Edmund Kemper is best known as a serial killer who killed and dismembered six women and then killed his mother and friend as adults. In California in 1964, then 15-year-old Edmund shot and killed his grandparents. Apparently, five years in juvenile prison was not enough for him to eradicate his desire to kill, and when he turned himself in in 1973 and asked for the death penalty, he was sentenced to life in prison - only because California suspended the death penalty at the time.

Jesse Pomeroy

First arrested at 11 for sexually harassing and torturing seven other boys. Jesse Pomeroy continued to kill: a four-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl fell victim to him. In 1874, at the age of 14, Pomeroy was arrested for his crimes and ultimately convicted as the youngest person ever convicted of first-degree murder in Massachusetts. He spent most of his life in solitary confinement until his death in 1932.

Kipland Kinkel

After killing his parents, Kipland Kinkel shot more than 37 people at his school in Springfield, Oregon in 1998, killing two of them. The day before he was expelled from school, so he returned and brought a gun to school because of the "voice" in his head that ordered him to kill. After neutralizing him by seven fellow students, Kinkel tried to "die at the hands of the police", rushed at the officer with a knife, fought in the police station. He failed and was sentenced to 111 years in prison.

Barry Loukaitis (Barry Loukaitis)

In 1996, Barry Loukaitis, dressed in Western cowboy attire, opened fire on his classmates in Moses Lake, Washington. Bringing a rifle, two pistols and 78 rounds of ammunition, Loukaitis killed three and wounded one before being stopped by the gymnastics coach. He was given two life sentences and an additional 205 years in prison.

Lyle and Erik Menendez

Eric and Lyle Menendez, aged 18 and 21 respectively, shot their parents with a 12-gauge shotgun. In 1989 for murder, earned a lifetime in prison, without the right to parole.

Jasmine Richardson and Jeremy Steinke

Canadian Jasmine Richardson was only 12 years old when she convinced her 23-year-old boyfriend Jeremy Steinke to kill both parents on April 23, 2006. He went even further and killed her 8-year-old brother by slitting his throat upstairs in the house. Legally too young to be prosecuted as an adult, Richardson was released from a psychiatric hospital in 2011, and in 2012 it was reported that her recovery was going well.

Seth Privacky

When his father threatened to kick him out and the rest of the family said nothing, 18-year-old Seth shot them all, along with his father, with a .22 Ruger. He also killed his girlfriend for the full set when she accidentally came to the house and witnessed the murder. Seth was sentenced to life in prison. He died there in 2010, shot to death in a failed escape attempt.

Stacey Lannett

After being sexually abused by her father at the age of 8, Stacey shot and killed him while he was sleeping at his home in St. John, MO. Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1990 at the age of 18. The sentence was modified at the behest of Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt in 2009, she was released six days later at the age of 36 after serving 18 years for her crimes.

Larry SwartzLarry Swartz

The murder of his parents by Larry Schwartz spawned the bestselling "Sudden Fur" and propaganda TV movies starring Neil Patrick Harris as the killer. In 1984 at age 17, Schwartz used a steak knife to stab his stepfather to death, and then it was time bludgeon his adoptive mother with a wooden cleaver.At the trial, the judge heard about the abuse of his adoptive parents, and sentenced both Schwartzes simultaneously to 20 years in prison.

Jon Venables and Robert Thompson

In 1993, John Venables and Robert Thompson, both aged 10, killed a 2-year-old near railroad tracks in Bootle, England. They bludgeoned him to death and then left his body on the tracks as if he had been hit by a passing train, hoping to mislead investigators as to the cause of his death. CCTV footage of them kidnapping a boy from a local mall led to their capture and they became the youngest convicted murderers in England in the 20th century.

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Everyone knows the expression “children are the flowers of life”, but it does not always justify itself. History knows many examples when very young girls and boys broke the law: they stole, committed petty offenses and showed cruelty. Today we recall the most famous juvenile delinquents who went down in history as cold-blooded killers.

Jessie Pomeroy

Perhaps one of the most brutal child killers is Jesse Pomeroy, nicknamed "Marble Eye". The appearance of the little maniac was specific - a cleft lip and an eyesore. Pomeroy was born in Boston in 1859.

The father beat the boy after stripping him naked. Jessie's aggression as a teenager was directed at younger children. At age 12, he tied a boy named Payne to a crossbar and beat him unconscious. In 1872, he tortured three more children. Then the police managed to catch a teenager, he was sent to a reform school, where he stayed until 1874.

Jesse Pomeroy almost became the second Jack the Ripper

Shortly after his release, a new scandal erupted: Pomeroy was accused of killing two girls. The body of one victim, Mary Curran, was found in the basement of the house where he lived with his family, another girl was found mutilated and dismembered in a suburb of Boston. Jesse was sentenced to death, but the execution was delayed due to his young age. A little later, the punishment was changed, sentencing Pomeroy to life in solitary confinement. He died in 1932 at the age of 72.

Mary Bell

Charming girl Mary Bell was nicknamed "spawn of the devil" and "monster baby".

She was born in Newcastle in 1957. Mary grew up in a dysfunctional family, her father did not work, and her mother suffered from mental disorders and once tried to poison her daughter with pills. According to other sources, she offered Mary to men when she was only 4 years old. The cruel nature of the girl was revealed early: at the age of 11, she, along with a 13-year-old girlfriend, committed two murders with a break of several months. Little boys aged 3 and 4 were strangled. On the body of one of them, Mary carved her initials.

Pretty girl Mary Bell committed two murders at the age of 11

The court found her guilty of manslaughter and took into account the extenuating circumstance - the doctors diagnosed Mary with a psychopathic deviation. She was released in 1980 and now lives in the UK under a new name and surname.

Arkady Neiland

The attention of the public of the Soviet Union and foreign countries was riveted to the "case of Neiland". Neiland was born in Leningrad in 1949 into a simple family. He began to run away from home early, was registered in the children's room of the police. At the age of 12, Neiland's mother handed him over to a boarding school, from where he soon fled.

After another arrest for theft, Neiland decided on a "big deal" - robbery and murder. As he later said in court, he wanted to get money and leave for Sukhumi in order to "start a new life." On January 27, Neiland, disguised as a postal worker, entered the apartment where 37-year-old housewife Larisa Kupreeva and her three-year-old son were staying. Neyland hacked to death a woman and a child with an ax, which he had previously stolen from his parents. In the apartment, he found money and a camera, on which he took several pictures of the murdered woman in obscene poses. He hoped to sell these photos later. Neyland decided to cover his tracks, turned on the gas and set fire to the wooden floor, but the firemen managed to put out the fire almost immediately. At the crime scene, he forgot the axe. On January 30, Neiland was detained in Sukhumi.

The USSR court sentenced Neiland to death, although he was 15 years old

He did not deny, confessed to his deed and helped the investigation. He also suggested that “everything will be forgiven” to him as a minor. The trial of Neiland attracted attention not only in the USSR, but also abroad. The teenager was sentenced to death, despite the fact that he was only 15 years old (this measure of punishment could be applied to those who reached 18). The verdict forced the foreign press and the Soviet intelligentsia to talk about the disregard for the law and the oppression of individual freedom in the Union. On August 11, 1964, Neiland was shot.

John Venelbs and Robert Thompson

These 10-year-olds are responsible for the death of a three-year-old boy, James Patrick Bulger. The mother left the child unattended in the supermarket, where Venelbs and Thompson noticed him. They took the child away, brutally beat him with an iron rod and stones. After that, the baby was smeared with paint and thrown onto the rails, hoping that they would be able to make everything look like an accident. The crime was solved thanks to the recording from the surveillance camera in the supermarket.

The trial took place in 1993, the boys were sentenced to 10 years in prison, but released early. In March 2010, Venelbs was sent back to prison for parole violations. The whereabouts of the second killer, Thompson, is being kept secret by the British authorities.

Graham Young

Young was a gifted child, very early began to be interested in science. Graham's mother died when he was only three months old, the boy grew up in his aunt's family until his father, who remarried, took him to him. Young was an excellent student and once received a gift from his father - a set of chemicals for experiments. Since then, Graham has been spotted more than once in a strange activity - he rummaged through the garbage in the hope of finding ingredients for poisons. Young experimented on mice and frogs, and then on his school friend. One day, his stepmother found a vial of ready-made poison in his possession and demanded that the dangerous experiments be stopped. Then the boy began to add antimony to her food. Soon the stepmother died, and Graham was detained on suspicion of murder.

It was not possible to prove anything - the woman's body was cremated, it was not possible to conduct an examination. Young continued his experiments, adding poison to the food of his father and a classmate. Soon the relatives began to suspect the boy. The police again detained Graham, who did not unlock for a long time and began to brag about his knowledge and crimes. At the trial, he said that he was aware that he was doing “not very well”, but he could not stop. Young was declared insane and sent for treatment to a psychiatric hospital, where he could secretly do what he loved - making poisons.

Graham Young poisoned his stepmother, aunt, father and school friend

According to some evidence, he could synthesize poison from a bay leaf. Soon, one of the hospital patients died of potassium cyanide poisoning, but suspicion did not fall on Young. True, after several cases of serious poisoning among patients and staff were recorded. Young left the clinic at 23. He got a job several times, where he continued his experiments - poured various poisons into the food and drinks of colleagues and bosses. The police arrested Young, he was charged with two murders and sentenced to life in prison. In 1972, at the age of 25, he began serving his term. Young died in 1990 at Parkhurst Prison on the Isle of Wight.

When it comes to children, the imagination immediately draws rosy-cheeked peanuts, causing tenderness in others. Unfortunately, not all girls and boys are so harmless. History knows a lot of facts when a child became a murderer who knows no pity. This review presents the most egregious cases of cold-blooded murders committed by child maniacs.

In the middle of the 19th century, the most famous child killer was the American Jesse Pomeroy ( Jesse Pomeroy) nicknamed "Marble Eye" (because of the specific appearance). Ruthless rigidity developed in the boy because of his father's attitude towards him. Pomeroy Sr. beat Jesse while stripping him naked. It was because of this that the boy directed all his hatred towards the younger children. It is known that the victim of this 12-year-old maniac was a child, whom he beat until he lost consciousness, previously tied to a pipe. This was followed by several similar episodes before Jesse was sent to reform school. After his release, a juvenile maniac brutally mutilated and killed a girl in a suburb of Boston. If not for his young age, Pomeroy would have faced the death penalty. And so it was changed to life imprisonment.

In 1957, another monster child, Mary Bell, was born in Newcastle (UK). Mary Bell). The unhealthy situation in the family also became the impetus for terrible cruelty. According to some reports, Mary's mother had mental disorders and tried to poison her daughter with pills at an early age, according to others, she put the girl to men at the age of 4.

She committed a terrible murder at the age of 11. Together with her girlfriend, the killer girl strangled two little boys and carved her initials on one of them. The court found her guilty, but when sentencing, she took into account a mitigating circumstance - a mental disorder. In 1980, after her release from prison, Mary Bell changed her first and last name and now lives somewhere in the UK.

In the Soviet Union in the early 1960s, the public became aware of the egregious fact of the murder of a woman by a teenager. Arkady Neiland has a standard biography of a dysfunctional child: frequent runaways from home, registration in the children's room of the police, boarding school, street. After a series of thefts, Arkady decided on a bigger "case".

Disguised as a postman, he entered the house of the housewife Larisa Kupreeva and hacked the woman and her son to death with an axe. After the robbery, Arkady took a few more pictures of the murdered woman with her own camera and set fire to the house. Arriving firefighters quickly put out the fire and quickly discovered the criminal. At the trial, Arkady Neiland did not deny and even assisted the investigation in the hope that he, as a youngster, would not be given capital punishment (the execution was imposed only from the age of 18). However, the court was adamant and in 1964, a 15-year-old teenage killer was shot. This fact was vigorously discussed then not only in the USSR, but also beyond its borders. Western media wrote about the violation of the right to individual freedom and the lawlessness of power.

Graham Young ( Graham Young) unlike the previous characters, he grew up in a prosperous family, studied well. On one of his birthdays, the boy received a set of chemicals as a gift from his father. This is what determined the fate of the future poisoner. Graham Young began to prepare poisons. At first, he experimented on frogs, mice, then on his classmate. After the stepmother demanded that her stepson stop dangerous experiments, Graham began to pour antimony into her food.

After her death, the teenager was detained on suspicion of murder, but to no avail. The evil genius continued to experiment on his father and classmates. At the trial, Graham confessed to everything and even boasted of his knowledge and talent. Young was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where he secretly made poisons and tested their effect on mentally ill patients. After his release, Graham got a job several times and poisoned one of the staff there. The poisoner was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Children should be kind, sweet, cheerful, clean and open. At least that's what adults want to think. But the reality is often very different from the ideal. Childish cruelty, envy, jealousy - this is a terrible mixture that often gives unexpected results. So juvenile delinquents appear, of course, less often than adults, but these are not isolated cases.

At what point does a child become capable of transgressing the law to such an extent that it is not considered an ordinary female prank? It is impossible to answer this question. But to say how young the youngest criminal was is much easier. This is what we will do today.

Marie Bell, 11

In 1968, a girl at the age of 11 strangled a three-year-old baby, cut out her initials in his palms and castrated with tailor's scissors. A few years later, with her 13-year-old girlfriend, she strangled another child who was 4 years old. Between these murders, the girls tripled the mayhem in one of the kindergartens in their hometown of Newcastle upon Time (UK).

Such high-profile crimes cannot go unnoticed by the public, but this time the whole country was in real shock. He only intensified after Marie said at the trial that she did this in order to experience the pleasure of killing.

Perhaps the roots of this behavior are rooted in her childhood. Her mother was a prostitute who gave birth to a daughter at 17, after a failed suicide attempt. From the age of four, the girl also joined the profession.

Doctors discovered that she had many mental disorders, which mitigated the punishment. As a result, in 1980 she was released, changed her name and even gave birth to a daughter.

Eric Smith, 13

The young American Eric Smith, at the age of 13, was an unhappy teenager. Red-haired, freckled, with protruding ears - not a boy, but the dream of all the surrounding hooligans. Perhaps this set the stage for the events that horrified all of America in 1993.

Eric beat, abused and killed a four-year-old neighbor boy. He could not or did not want to explain his act. Psychologists who examined the juvenile killer diagnosed "uncontrollable outbursts of aggression." He was given a life sentence. Lawyers have repeatedly written appeals asking for early release of Eric, but the answer each time was negative. He is still in prison.

Interestingly, the year before, Eric Smith killed a neighbor's cat by strangling it with a lawn hose. Psychologists call this behavior a marker that shows criminal inclinations, and advise paying close attention to them. Perhaps if the death of the cat had not gone unnoticed, then the four-year-old baby would have been alive.

John Venables, Robert Thompson, 13

These two are the youngest criminals to work together. One day they decided to have fun and forcibly took away a 10-year-old boy who was waiting for his mother near the store. Later they said that they played execution. But the game turned out to be too real, especially for the victim.

Passers-by ignored the two teenagers dragging a younger boy, mistaking him for two brothers leading a cranky third home. They brought him to the forest, where the "execution" began.

What would you say by their faces?

The juvenile executioners abused the victim in turn, after which they began to beat him with an iron rod. When he could no longer resist, they threw stones at him and threw him onto the railroad tracks. But even after that he did not die. He was run over by a train.

The perpetrators were found fairly quickly. Both are still in prison, and will stay there for a very long time.


The name of this girl is not known for certain, since in Japan it is forbidden to disclose the names of juvenile delinquents and criminals. But it is well known that in 2004 she stabbed her classmate with a clerical knife. The reason was the desire to take revenge on the girl, who allowed herself to leave quite cruel and offensive remarks about another girl on the Internet. All three were 11 years old at the time of the murder.

When they investigated the house and computer of this dangerous criminal, they found a lot of rather cruel photos and videos in the hentai genre. Psychologists say that this is one of the cases of the infamous hikimori phenomenon in Japan - an extreme degree of social passivity and withdrawal from the real world into the virtual one.

But all records were broken by Francois Bertillon, who was convicted of a crime when he was not yet two years old. True, it is difficult to put his crime on a par with those described above. In 1897, he was accused of gluttony when he bit into all the pears in a basket.

Does he look like a criminal?

But his guilt was fully proved by his father, the inventor of bertillonage, a method of anthropological identification of criminals. It was he who became the prototype of fingerprinting.

And although the last crime is more of a historical anecdote, the others are real events. Children are not always cute. They can be murderers, sadists, rapists, avengers. However, so do adults.

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