Issuance of a felling ticket for sanitary felling and reconstruction of green spaces, Mospriroda. Permit for felling trees and forests When do I need a permit for legal felling of trees and who issues it

Planting green spaces within cities and towns, in suburban areas, in forests are subject to strict control by the Department of Environmental Management (DPiEP). If it is necessary to carry out work related to felling, replanting, compensatory restoration, crowning, the issue of obtaining a permit document becomes relevant. Any actions within departmental territories without its presence are classified as illegal.

The preservation of green spaces is of particular importance for the environment during construction, as uncontrolled destruction causes irreparable harm. Company "Promterra" provides services for conducting dendrological surveys and issuing permits for cutting down green spaces for construction, replanting work on a land plot or within forestry. Geography of work on engineering dendrology within the whole of Russia, including Moscow and the Moscow region

Permission to cut down green spaces during construction

Urban planning activities on a land plot involve resolving the issue of trees and shrubs growing on it. According to the established norms, it is necessary to obtain a positive decision of the state examination. To do this, the drawn up dendrological plan is sent to the Department of Nature Management, combined with the general construction plan (1:500). Subsequent issuance of a logging ticket in this case is not required.

The regulation provides for mandatory notification of the city's executive authorities about the intentional felling of trees and shrubs 10 days in advance. The contractor has the right to carry out work on the basis of obtaining a building permit. A prerequisite is the official payment of the compensation cost for causing harm. The full cost can be found in the DPiOOS.

A permit for felling trees in Moscow in the form of a felling ticket may be required if the construction project has passed an examination in a non-governmental organization or in a state institution that is under the department of a federal executive body. This applies to the construction and reconstruction of facilities.

Fundamentals of lawful felling of trees and shrubs

Land owners need to know the legal basis for their rights to replant and cut green spaces.

A permit is required in a number of the following cases:

  • the land is leased;
  • no property rights to the site;
  • the trees are located on federal or municipal territory;
  • The site is located within the boundaries of a specially protected natural area.

If the rights to the land plot are established, this can be confirmed by relevant documents, then shrubs and trees are the property of the owner. He has the right to take any action necessary to him. In this case, you do not need to obtain permission to cut down green spaces.

Sanitary felling and its features

In the process of dendrological studies of the area, a decision may be made to carry out sanitary felling of emergency, windfall and transplant other categories of trees. In this case, issuance of a logging ticket is mandatory. A permit for cutting down dead wood must also be issued. It is prohibited by law to destroy dry trees for individual purposes and as a raw material for firewood.


There is an established procedure for issuing permits for felling green spaces, regardless of species. Detailed instructions can be found in Decree of the Government of Moscow dated September 10, 2002 N 743-PP "On approval of the Rules for the creation, maintenance and protection of green spaces in the city of Moscow."

According to the norms, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

  • application in the prescribed format;
  • dendrological plan and transfer sheet;
  • an act of an expert opinion on the state of green spaces;
  • certificate of ownership of the land plot;
  • contract with contractors for cutting works.

Obtaining a permit for cutting down trees and shrubs depends on the area, the value of the plantations and the scale of their growth. This may be the Department of Nature Management in Moscow, Gosnadzor, departments of state administrations, the environmental service or special committees for nature protection.

A document for chopping work may not be received. The reason must be clearly stated. Issuance of permits for felling trees and shrubs is carried out within 30 days from the date of application.

Tree replanting and compensation payments

Booking, replanting, pruning of green spaces are carried out with permission and a justified reason for such actions. You can get permission from the DPiEP or other government agency. It indicates the address of the work, the number of transplanted copies, the validity period of the document.

If it is necessary to obtain a permit for logging for business or personal purposes (for firewood or repairing a house after a natural disaster), the procedure for considering the issue is similar. A cutting ticket is required. In some cases, when cutting forest land, compensatory planting of new seedlings is a mandatory requirement. This is a good and necessary practice for the restoration of the green fund, but it is not universally applied.

Registration of permits and logging tickets for different types of green spaces is one of the areas of activity Companies "Promterra". Competent assistance in conducting dendrological research, drawing up a dendroplan and a package of initial documents for submission for examination in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Russian Federation.

Download documentation and templates for engineering dendrology

  • Power of Attorney for a Felling Ticket

  • Power of attorney for the delivery of a cutting ticket

Any landings on the territory of cities and towns today are strictly regulated and are under the control of environmental authorities. The need to cut down trees, pruning, replanting, restoring, crowning and other work requires prior obtaining a special document-permission. Any actions without it are illegal and entail serious consequences in the form of administrative and even criminal punishment.

Preservation of green spaces is a significant process for modern ecology. But if for some reason it is necessary to remove the plant, take care of the execution and issuance of the document - tree felling permit. Specialists of the company "Chisty Les" will help with its receipt. We will not only negotiate with government agencies, but also carry out all the necessary work.

Why is it legal to cut down a tree and when is it necessary?

Grounds for agreeing to cut down trees, fell trees and other procedures related to the removal of a plant from a house plot are necessary in the following cases:

  • The tree is rotten or completely dry. As a result, it does not bear fruit and looks unattractive. The risk of an accident is increasing.
  • Damage to the tree by pests and insects, which cannot be eliminated in various ways. Often there is a solution to problems, but it is not economically viable to implement it. Legal tree removal with consent is the best option.
  • A tree or shrub has grown heavily into a wall or roof.
  • There was a need for sanitary deforestation on the territory of the city by permission.
  • The green space is located in the place where engineering and other communications are laid.
  • Plants are located at the construction site of a private or apartment building according to the project.
  • The need to clear the territory to save people from natural disasters.
  • Trees violate sanitary standards - they close windows, preventing light from entering the rooms, which negatively affects human health.

Types of felling trees and which trees can be cut without a permit

There are several varieties of legal cutting of green spaces, each of which has certain features and procedures:

  • Selective cutting. It involves the partial removal of a plant in order to obtain wood or improve growth rates.
  • Complete cutting. The tree is sawn at one time. This method of removing vegetation is used if it is urgent to clear the area for subsequent development.
  • gradual removal. Green spaces are eliminated by a special organization in several visits, which allows to preserve the functions and fertility of the soil on the site as much as possible.
  • Cutting down for the purpose of forest care. Provides for the elimination of withered, old plantations for the development and fruitful growth of healthy trees.

In the process of obtaining a permit for felling trees in a forest or a felling ticket, the grounds for the procedure, as well as the type of felling to be implemented, must be taken into account.

When do you need to get a permit for legal felling of trees and who issues it?

There are many situations where obtaining a permit is a prerequisite for legal tree felling. The most typical and common:

  • The land on which the green space is located is municipal or federal property.
  • There is a tree growing outside the property that is obstructing a driveway or walkway.
  • The property acquired a plot with a forest. The owner plans to cut it down and organize a vegetable garden / garden in the prepared place.
  • A permit is required to cut down trees during construction in the village.

Deciding to cut plantings, it is important to act according to the law. Professionals of the company "Chisty Les" carry out complex work. We not only cut down, but also help to go through all the stages without any problems and get permission to cut down the forest for construction or other needs.

Types of logging tickets

To obtain a permit for a legal saw cut, deforestation or trees, it is not necessary to make an appointment with the organization, waiting in a long queue. You can leave a request on specialized information portals. This format allows you to significantly reduce the time of paperwork.

A ready-made permit for cutting down emergency trees on the site is given in paper or digital form. Both are legally valid, since a unique number is assigned to each paper. Before preparing a package of documents, it is important to determine the purpose of registration. There are several types of logging tickets:

  • For sanitary felling and reconstruction of green spaces. The document is issued if it is necessary to eliminate diseased, dried or damaged plants. Such plantings pose a serious danger to utilities, people, buildings and movable property. They also damage nearby vegetation. Reconstruction is a set of measures aimed at changing the structure of the green fund on the site. It is implemented if the existing shrubs and trees have lost their functional purpose. Reconstruction of both the entire site and a separate part of it.
  • For the replanting of green spaces for newly built facilities. In this category, there is a division of logging tickets into two subspecies. In the first case, a permit for cutting down trees is issued to prepare the territory according to the law for capital construction (approval paper is also required for the construction). If an additional building permit is not required, a document of the second type is issued. It is necessary when cutting is carried out for the following works: repair and reconstruction of engineering networks / communications, various surveys, overhaul of buildings, installation of non-capital buildings, etc.

In addition to logging tickets, trees and shrubs can be legally cut down on the basis of a special order issued by the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection. The document is issued within five days from the date of submission of the relevant application.

A package of documents for obtaining a permit for cutting trees and forests

Do you need to agree on the legal cutting of trees in the territory? There is a standard documentation list:

  • A written application indicating the reason for the saw cut and the full details of the applicant.
  • The official act of the examination. The information in it confirms the points of the statement.
  • Detailed site planning plan. Green spaces that need to be cut down are necessarily marked on it.
  • Documents on the right of ownership of the site.
  • A contract concluded with a contractor, if several trees need to be cut down, or the location of the plantations requires a special approach.

Other documents can also be added to the minimum package. Each case is considered individually.

Additional documents

It is possible to enumerate for a long time all the situations connected with the felling of vegetation. The most common, which require professional participation and obtaining the appropriate permit for deforestation:

  • The site is leased. The standard package of documentation must be supplemented by a lease agreement and an officially certified power of attorney, which allows you to resolve issues related to green spaces.
  • The land with the disputed tree belongs to the neighbors. Initially, it is worth trying to resolve the issue peacefully. If it didn’t work out, you will have to additionally provide a written complaint about the occurrence of an emergency in addition to the standard list of documents.
  • Installation of communication systems or construction. When clearing the territory, the minimum package is supplemented by: a statement from the developer, a permit for the construction of various facilities, a lease agreement for a site, a project plan, a layout plan for future landscaping, etc.
  • Wood harvesting for personal needs. To avoid problems with the law, you should additionally prepare: an agreement with the owners of the territory in which the felling is planned, a document confirming payment under the terms and an act on the compliance of the volumes of timber received.

Where to order legal logging with a permit?

Cutting down trees according to the law requires taking into account many nuances. Not everyone has time to collect documentation and visit the local administration. Clean Forest Company is an organization that cuts trees, cuts trees and provides other related services. Extensive experience and a professional team - a guaranteed result. Why are we:

  • Low prices for services. Anyone can ask for help.
  • A full range of services: felling, saw cut, crowning, pruning, etc.
  • Established contacts with the administration and other state structures.
  • Assistance in obtaining permits and other documentation.
  • Efficiency. Compliance with the terms of the order.
  • Quick departure of a specialist to the object. You don't have to wait in lines. We respond as quickly as possible to incoming requests.
  • Advising clients on any issues of interest.

Be very careful when obtaining permission to cut down trees in the forest. The slightest inaccuracy can not only slow down the cutting process, but also attract an undesirable result in the form of an administrative or criminal penalty.

Sometimes trees in an urban or rural area begin to interfere with residents. This happens if heavily overgrown plantings block the sunlight and the degree of illumination of individual places becomes unsatisfactory. In addition, after strong hurricanes and snowfalls, some trees begin to roll, and there is a danger of them falling on passers-by, cars, buildings, power lines. In other cases, trees interfere with the reconstruction of buildings or landscaping. One way or another, but for cutting down such trees it is necessary to obtain a special permit - a logging ticket. Read about how to get this document in the Moscow region and in what cases you do not need to pay compensation for cutting down trees, read the material of the portal website.

Who can get a logging permit

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Vladimir Lebedev A logging ticket is issued to individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities and individuals. At the same time, they must have the right to use the property located on the territory of the Moscow Region. A logging permit may be granted to persons authorized on behalf of the owner of real estate to conclude contracts for the reconstruction and construction of facilities, as well as for earthworks and landscaping.

Types of jobs

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Vladimir Lebedev Permission to cut down trees can be obtained for the following types of work:

  • restoration of engineering and technical support networks and structures after the accident;
  • implementation of the project provided for by urban planning documentation;
  • reconstruction of green spaces;
  • restoration of the normative light regime in residential and non-residential premises shaded by trees;
  • sanitary felling (including the removal of emergency trees and shrubs); restoration of landscaping objects (parks, boulevards, squares, streets, courtyard areas);
  • overhaul and current repair of engineering communications;
  • demolition of buildings;
  • carrying out engineering and geological surveys;
  • installation of objects that are not objects of capital construction.

How to get a cutting ticket

Source: Since January 2018, the service for issuing a logging ticket in the Moscow region has become available electronically for state and municipal services. At the same time, the time for obtaining a permit was reduced by half - from 30 to 17 working days. If we are talking about carrying out emergency recovery work, then a logging ticket is issued within three working days.

To obtain a permit, you need to collect the following documents:

  • application for a permit to cut down green spaces. In it, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur indicates the name of the organization, TIN, OGRN / OGRNIP, full name of the head, and the applicant - an individual - full name, SNILS. Also, the text of the application must include the address of the work, indicating the subject of the Russian Federation, urban district or building address, cadastral number of the land plot on which the work will be carried out;
  • passport details of the applicant;
  • a checklist, where the territory of the work is indicated and a complete list of trees and shrubs to be cut down is compiled;
  • dendroplan (a drawing on which the contours of all green spaces are applied).

Depending on the type of work, the following documents must be attached to the application:

  • building permit;
  • territory planning project;
  • a warrant for the right to carry out earthworks (it can also be obtained in the Moscow region);
  • permission to place the object;
  • project documentation;
  • an administrative document of the owner for the demolition of the building or the elimination of engineering and technical support networks;
  • order of the supervisory authorities on the violation of natural lighting in a residential or non-residential premises.

Permission to cut down green spaces can be obtained both in your personal account on the public services portal and in the MFC. In the latter case, a copy of the electronic document is certified by the signature of an authorized specialist with the seal of the MFC.

Payment of compensation for cutting green spaces

Trees are perennial plants that play one of the most important roles in shaping the environment. They produce oxygen, absorb carbon monoxide and form microflora in the upper layers of the soil. Forest belts are also home to most wildlife, so the conservation of these plantations is one of the most important tasks for environmental authorities. Remote areas (forests) have their own rules for felling trees - in most cases, specialized organizations receive permission to destroy only certain trees that, based on the survey, were found to be the least important and useful.

Cutting down trees on the territory of nature reserves and other protected areas is practically prohibited, the only exception is the sanitary felling of dead wood and diseased plantations. The situation is similar in large cities, where the destruction of plantings is allowed only with a special permit. In Moscow, such a document is called a logging ticket; it can be obtained from the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection.

Types of logging tickets

Today, to obtain this permit, you do not need to make an appointment and wait in line for receipt. To submit information, there is a specialized information portal (section "services" on the website of the mayor of Moscow), where all data is entered electronically.

This significantly reduces the time for obtaining a logging ticket, since from the moment of submitting an application for the provision of a public service, the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection has only 28 days to issue a permit or refuse to provide such a service (for justified reasons).

The document itself can be obtained on paper or digital media - both are legally valid, since each logging ticket is filled out on a strict reporting form and has its own unique number.

Before starting to prepare the initial data for filing an application, it is necessary to study the issue more carefully and determine for what purposes the final document is drawn up - the thing is that there are several types of logging permits.

Issued when needed remove diseased, dying or damaged trees. Such plantations pose a threat to power lines and other engineering networks, passers-by, buildings and vehicles. They can also adversely affect the rest of the vegetation growing in this area.

A felling ticket for sanitary felling and reconstruction of green spaces is issued when it is necessary to remove diseased and drying trees

Reconstruction of green spaces is a complex set of activities that involves a radical change in the configuration of the green fund on the site. The need for such works, as a rule, arises due to the fact that the existing landscaping is losing its functional purpose. For example, old trees and shrubs lose their attractive appearance, and with a weak development of the deciduous system, planting does not provide sufficient absorption of harmful substances and oxygen production. Both the entire landscaping site and part of it can be reconstructed - in any case, this set of works may be accompanied by cutting down trees.

In this case, there are 2 subtypes of a permit document - the first is issued in the event that when the construction of a capital object is carried out requiring a building permit. But this applies only to objects that are not subject to state construction supervision (otherwise, a positive expert opinion issued by an authorized state institution of the city of Moscow is in itself a basis for the destruction of any plantings).

If a building permit is not required, a different type of logging ticket is issued. The same document is required in cases where trees are cut down during the following works:

  • Construction, repair, reconstruction and modernization of engineering networks and communications.
  • Engineering surveys - geological, geodetic, mineral exploration, etc.
  • Capital repairs of buildings. In this case, the overhaul project may involve an expansion or other change in the configuration of the site, with
  • requiring the removal of trees.
  • Installation of non-permanent buildings - temporary camps, kiosks, container-type buildings and others.
  • Demolition of buildings and elimination of other artificial structures.
  • Restoration of the light regime in nearby buildings (residential and non-residential).
  • Improvement of territories and cutting down of trees causing damage to buildings and structures.

In addition to the logging ticket, deadwood, emergency and fallen trees can be removed on the basis of an order issued by the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow. This document is issued within five days from the date of application.

You can apply for the service:

  • Through a legal representative

Service provision mode:

  • Single window mode

List of required documents:

    For submission of documents:

    1. An application from the balance holder of green spaces for the provision of a public service (the name of the public service is indicated), for legal entities - on a letterhead indicating the details of the organization, for individuals - indicating passport data.

    2. Power of attorney

    The requirements for a power of attorney are established by articles 185, 185.1, 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    General requirements: date, place of drawing up the power of attorney, signature of the Principal and Attorney, name of the legal entity, list of specific actions covered by the power of attorney.
    To identify legal entities in the power of attorney, it is necessary to indicate the name, TIN of the legal entity, for the identification of individuals - full name, passport data.
    Form of power of attorney: free.

    3. The act of surveying green spaces.

    4. A checklist of green spaces to be cut down and (or) pruned, certified by the signature and seal of the balance holder of the territory.

    5. A plan of the territory with an exact indication of the trees and shrubs to be cut down and to be trimmed, certified by the seal of the balance holder of the territory.

    6. Contract with a contractor for the execution of works on felling and (or) pruning of trees and shrubs.

    Documents receiving:

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