Impact of urban landfill on human health. Research work: "Household waste and its impact on human health." Impact on the soil

Department of Education of the Administration of the Soviet District of Gomel

State educational institution

"Secondary school No. 22"

Competitive work

"Industrial and domestic waste and their impact on human health"


Romanenko Nikolai Sergeevich

student 11 / "B" class

Romanyuk Evgenia Alexandrovna

student 11/ "B" class

Scientific adviser:

Chizhova Inna Sergeevna

biology teacher

Gomel 2009


1. Main body

1.1 Waste classification

1.2 Waste management


List of sources used

Annex A


Objective: study the different types of waste, where they are buried (authorized and unauthorized landfills), how they are recycled, and the impact of different types of waste on human health.

The main task of the work is to collect information about the types of waste, the impact on the body, as well as unauthorized dumps in the city and beyond, which are followed by administrative penalties.

Object of study:

Subject of study

Relevance of the topic: Environmental problems Environmental pollution, waste disposal is the number one problem not only for the Ministry of Environmental Protection, but also for the state as a whole. Waste and our handling of it has led to a number of environmental problems, such as the release of greenhouse gases, heavy metals and other environmentally harmful chemicals. As long as there is life on earth, humanity produces waste. The same amount of time is the task: to solve the problem of waste more efficiently and in the most environmentally friendly way. The well-being and existence of mankind depends on the solution of this problem.

Practical value: The data obtained can be used to inform the public about the impact of waste on human health, as well as the importance of storage, recycling and obtaining secondary raw materials, in order to reduce the amount of garbage on the streets of the city. And also about the existence of unauthorized garbage collection sites and administrative responsibility for the creation of such dumps in the city and in the vicinity.

1. Main body

1.1 Waste classification

One of the main sources of pollution of urban areas are industrial, resulting from the production process, and municipal solid waste (MSW) that occurs during a person's life in a dwelling and depreciation of household items. No less important as an environmental pollutant are urban wastewater, which combines industrial, domestic and rainwater.

In large cities of Belarus, up to 104 kg is accumulated annually. and more waste per inhabitant, in general, only 3.5% of MSW is processed by industrial methods, the rest is taken to landfills and landfills.

Waste is divided into two main classes:

1. production waste

2. consumption waste

Consumer waste includes:

1. municipal solid waste (MSW)

2. worn sophisticated household appliances

3. waste from the repair of housing stock

All wastes are divided into five hazard classes according to the impact on the environment:

I hazard class ─ extremely dangerous . There is no recovery period. (arsenic, cadmium, mercury, selenium, zinc, lead, fluorine, benzopyrene ) Hazard class II ─ highly dangerous. The recovery period is at least 30 years. (boron, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, copper, antimony, chromium)

III hazard class─ moderately dangerous . The recovery period is at least 10 years. (barium, tungsten, vanadium, manganese, strontium, acetophenone)

IV hazard class─ low-risk . The self-healing period is at least 3 years.

Hazard class V─ practically harmless. The impact on the environment is practically not disturbed.

Industrial waste ─ Industrial waste includes products, materials, products and substances generated as a result of human production activities that have a negative impact on the environment, the secondary use of which at this enterprise is unprofitable.

Toxic industrial waste includes physiologically active substances that are formed during the technological production cycle and have a pronounced toxic effect on warm-blooded animals, as well as on humans.

Construction waste ─ These include solid mineral waste (expanded clay, ceramics, asbestos cement, gypsum, concrete waste), wood and other materials used in construction. These wastes are equated to the 5th hazard class.

Solid household waste ─ The bulk of MSW consists of waste paper, glass cullet, household items that are not suitable for further use, food waste, apartment and street estimates, construction debris left over from the current repair of apartments, and broken household appliances. The qualitative composition of solid waste practically does not depend on the geographical location of the city. The norms of accumulation of solid waste in cities largely depend on the degree of well-being of the housing stock, the specificity of public facilities. Thus, among residential buildings, the largest amount of solid waste was noted in poorly equipped houses with local heating on solid fuel and without sewerage, and among public facilities, trade and cultural institutions - in urban markets.

1.2 Waste management

Waste management ─ activities related to the formation, collection, transportation, storage and disposal of waste. Waste and our handling of it has led to a number of environmental problems, such as the release of greenhouse gases, heavy metals and other environmentally harmful chemicals. Hazardous waste contains toxic substances. hazardous waste- wastes that contain in their composition substances that have any dangerous property or a combination of them (toxicity, infection, explosiveness, fire hazard, high reactivity or other similar properties) and are present in such a form that these wastes alone or upon entry into contact with other substances may pose an immediate or potential danger, causing harm to the environment, human health or property of persons, including as a result of their harmful effects on the environment, are divided into classes. They must not be handled in the same way as normal consumer waste, as this may result in serious environmental pollution or harm to people or animals. We now know more about the dangerous properties of many chemicals. More and more hazardous substances that used to end up in landfills are now being collected and handled properly, but not all of them. For example, used electrical appliances and electronics (TVs, refrigerators, etc.) continue to be landfilled even though they contain harmful substances. Old landfills contain a large amount of hazardous waste and toxic chemicals that have been deposited for years and seep into the environment.

Since toxic waste poses a significant danger to the environment, including human health, their disposal and disposal should be carried out in strict accordance with existing rules and standards. For example, MSW landfills accept toxic waste of only III and IV hazard classes, and certain groups and types of waste are accepted to landfills in limited quantities and stored under special conditions. The list of industrial wastes allowed for disposal at landfills (table 1) of MSW is regulated by regulatory documents. Such waste, for example, includes: asbestos-cement scrap, spent graphite, mold and core mixtures, slags (boiler houses, thermal power plants, iron foundries), grinding and abrasive waste, polymer, rubber, textile, electrical insulating and other materials

Table 1 - Hygienic classification of non-recyclable industrial waste

Category Characteristics of non-recyclable industrial wastes by type of contaminants they contain Recommended storage or disposal methods
I Practically inert Use for planning work or joint storage with solid waste
II Biologically oxidizable, easily decomposing organic matter Storage or processing together with MSW

Slightly toxic, slightly soluble in water, including when interacting with

organic acids

Storage together with MSW
IV Oil-like, not subject to regeneration in accordance with current guidelines Incineration, including together with municipal solid waste
V Toxic with low air pollution (exceeding MAC by 2-3 times) Storage at a special industrial waste landfill
VI toxic Group or individual decontamination at special facilities

Disposal─the use or consumption of waste after appropriate processing (processing, neutralization, as well as all types of use, including backfilling of goaf).

Among the waste disposal methods, the first place currently belongs to municipal solid waste landfills, where about 90-95% of waste is removed (burning is not higher than 10%). At the same time, there was a strong opinion: if it were, if solid waste is stored, then by doing so they are neutralized. This is far from the truth. Landfills are delayed-action mines that will operate for decades, causing enormous environmental and social damage to the natural environment and, thereby, to the population.

Waste storage─ temporary storage of waste in authorized places of their disposal in accordance with established rules and terms until they are removed for the purpose of neutralization or use.

Storage and disposal of waste at the facility is carried out taking into account hazard classes, state of aggregation, water solubility, hazard class of substances and their components. Waste disposal─ isolation of waste, excluding the possibility of their further use and direction to prevent the interaction of these wastes with the environment, in which there may be a danger of causing harm to human health or property of persons. When burying waste containing poorly soluble substances of hazard class I, additional measures should be provided for waterproofing the walls and bottom of the pits to ensure a filtration coefficient of not more than 10 -6 cm / s. solid pasty waste containing soluble substances of II-III hazard classes, insoluble in water, is carried out in pits with waterproofing of the bottom and side walls. Production and consumption wastes of III-IV hazard classes are allowed to be stored together with municipal solid waste in a ratio of not more than 30% of the MSW mass. Industrial waste allowed for joint storage with MSW must not be explosive, spontaneously combustible and with a humidity of not more than 85%. The facilities must be provided with centralized water supply and sewerage networks, it is allowed to use imported water for household purposes in accordance with the hygienic conclusion.

The maximum amount of waste on the territory is determined by the enterprise in agreement with the bodies and institutions of the state sanitary supervision based on the classification of waste: according to the hazard class of the waste, according to their physical and chemical properties - state of aggregation (solid, liquid), volatility, the possibility of chemical reactions.

Disposal of waste into water in swampy and flood-filled areas is not allowed.

The second direction of MSW disposal is processing into organic fertilizer (compost). Of the known processing methods (with air blowing in stacks, in mesh chambers, on louvered shelves, in vertical towers), the most effective and hygienic today is the bioprocessing method in rotating cylindrical drums (up to 4 meters in diameter and up to 30-60 meters long) . The process takes place in complete isolation from humans.

The difficulty of implementing this method lies in the need for complex sorting and preliminary processing of MSW, since there is no system for the targeted collection of sorted and uncontaminated secondary raw materials from the population, which entails the need to build an additional waste sorting plant for separating and collecting secondary raw materials: film, paper, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, glass.

Unfortunately, due to the low ecological culture of the population, paints, batteries, fluorescent lamps and much more get into household waste, which can lead to compost oversaturation with heavy metals and harmful components.

In this regard, the paper proposes a method for non-waste disposal of solid waste. The essence of the proposed solution is to carry out a number of technological stages of organic waste processing, depending on the state of aggregation. Solid organic waste mixed with calcium oxide is converted into calcium carbide. Liquid and gaseous wastes are converted into synthetic oil products by passing them through calcium carbide under supercritical conditions for acetylene T>=500°C and P>=0.2 MPa and subsequent condensation and separation of the resulting products. The use of the proposed method of waste processing allows not only to dispose of household waste, but also to obtain valuable hydrocarbons of the oil series, as a result of which the costs of waste processing will be significantly reduced and, ultimately, will lead to energy savings.

Tree branches, leaves and wood are used to produce wood chips - additional energy that is used to heat the waste processing plant itself. This method of obtaining energy is environmentally friendly and safe.

1.3 Impact of waste on the environment and human health

The severity of the impact of waste treatment and disposal on the environment depends on the amount of waste generated, its composition, the amount of illegally dumped waste, the amount of waste placed in landfills, and the standards at waste treatment plants. The future impact of the waste management process will depend on how these factors change. Final waste treatment, today, means either landfill or incineration, and these two types of final treatment have different, but in both cases negative, impact on the environment.

Waste disposal in landfills leads to the release of methane, one of the greenhouse gases and hazardous chemicals that have a harmful effect on the environment.

Waste incineration leads to the release of gases from the chimneys of plants that burn them. These gases contain hazardous chemicals such as cadmium, mercury and lead. The toxicity of heavy metals during their isolated action on a warm-blooded organism has been sufficiently studied. It is known that when they enter the body, they can affect the function of hematopoiesis, cause changes in the morphological composition of peripheral blood, block sulfhydryl groups, and pose a danger, contributing to the development of carcinogenic, genetic and other long-term biological effects. In addition, the natural environment is affected by the release of biogas - methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide, the content of which can be tens of percent. These values ​​exceed sanitary standards and can cause suffocation of a person. Biochemical decomposition and chemical oxidation of the landfill material may be accompanied by the formation of heat emission centers with an increase in temperatures up to 75°C, i.e. spontaneous combustion of the waste is possible. The rotting of MSW material is accompanied by the spread of odor over a distance of more than 1 km.

Harmful effects on humans─ the impact of environmental factors that pose a threat to human life and health, or a threat to human life or health of future generations.

2. Materials and research methods

The objects of study are: household and industrial waste.

Subject of study: authorized and unauthorized garbage collection site.

The research program includes the solution of the following problem:

collection of information about the types of waste, the impact on the body and the environment.

Collection of information on methods of disposal and recycling of waste

Finding unauthorized garbage collection sites in the city and beyond.

In the course of the work carried out, unauthorized dumps were discovered and examined in the villages of Teleshi in the Gomel region, in the villages of Uza and in the city of Gomel on Voiskovaya Street, where the wasteland is temporarily located. An excursion was made to the waste processing plant - ESBMZ household secondary resources.

During the experimental work, the following technique was used - photography.

3. Results of the study and their discussion

In the process of the work carried out, it was found that the main methods of dealing with garbage in the city are its collection and disposal at landfills, temporary storage on the territory of enterprises, as well as the disposal and processing of garbage in order to obtain secondary raw materials.

We have two landfills in the city:

Polygon PNPO, located in the village of Borba, Vetka district.

The PBO polygon, located along the Rechitskoye Highway, 5th kilometer.

The PBO landfill is a landfill for household waste. According to the plant, this landfill was organized a long time ago and during its existence it has almost exhausted all resources. And also in recent years, the distance between the city and the landfill has decreased due to the expansion and development of the city. Now the state is faced with the task of finding a new place to create a PBO test site. Also at this landfill there is a threat of a large accumulation of gas due to the constant decay and "souring" of waste. Based on this, a project is being developed to collect and use this gas to generate additional energy. It would not be a bad decision in the fight against environmental problems, but the project is expensive and in practice it is still of little use. The territories where landfills and landfills are located cannot be used for other purposes for a long time, as they become polluted for a long time. So, metal can lie in the ground for about 100 years, and, for example, glass for several hundred years. Newsprint can last up to 10 years in a landfill.

In addition to disposal at landfills, garbage enters the ESBMZ plant, located on the street. Bypass 11, where it is processed into secondary raw materials. According to the plant, 30% of recyclable materials are obtained from 100% of the amount of garbage.

The main task of the plant is sanitary cleaning of the city.

The plant is mainly operated by hand. Recyclables are put on sale, but the income from the sale does not cover the costs of processing. The 2nd line of the plant is being designed - automatic, for obtaining better and more expensive recyclable materials (combustion closet - plastics processing). The main way to obtain recyclables at ESBMZ is sorting, pressing, and then selling. Wood is processed into wood chips, which are used as fuel and put up for sale, fabrics, paper, plastics and glass are pressed and processed, what cannot be recycled is taken to landfills.

About 100 thousand types of chemicals are produced annually in the world, and a thousand new ones are added to this list every year. Chemicals are ubiquitous throughout the world and can be found in food, cosmetics, and children's toys.

When we buy, for example, soap, face cream, medicines or tights, we can be sure that they contain chemicals in their composition. They are added to a wide variety of products to add a pleasant smell or kill bacteria, change color or clean surfaces.

Table 2 - Content of various chemicals in waste

Waste types Types of chemicals
PLASTIC Organochlorine compounds, organic solvents in PVC containers
PESTICIDES organochlorine compounds, organophosphorus compounds
MEDICINES organic solvents and sediments, traces of heavy metals
PAINTS heavy metals, dyes, solvents, organic precipitates

oils, phenols and other organic compounds, heavy metals, ammonia, acid salts, caustic soda


heavy metals, dyes, salts of abrasive coatings, oils, phenols

LEATHER heavy metals
TEXTILE dyes containing heavy metals, organochlorine compounds

Human exposure to chemicals can occur in a variety of ways: by inhalation, by skin contact, and by ingestion (with food). Once ingested, the chemicals are distributed to different parts of the body, where they are metabolized, which can be accompanied by the transformation of these substances into both less toxic and more toxic than the parent compound.

Children are exposed to harmful chemicals under certain circumstances:

eat contaminated food;

drink contaminated water and drinks;

play in polluted areas;

have access to harmful chemicals that are stored inappropriately;

help adults with agricultural work.

Table 3 - Pollution of the environment and possible violations of human health

Major pollutants Possible human health disorders
Heavy metals, lead, cadmium, zinc. Disorder of hemoglobin biosynthesis, changes in the body's defense mechanisms. Functional and organic disorders of the cardiovascular system. Intoxication of the central nervous system. Mental disorders. Functional disorders of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Accumulation of lead in the body (in bones, blood, urine), lagging behind the physical development of children, up to death.
Fumes of metallic mercury, its inorganic and organic compounds. Mercury Accumulation of mercury in the body (in the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, muscle tissue, blood, milk, cerebrospinal fluid, hair). Neuropsychiatric disorders, increased overall morbidity. In children - hypertension, increased tooth decay. Irreversible damage to the central nervous system and brain.
Oils, phenols Increase in general morbidity, respiratory diseases
Hydrocarbons, including benzapyrene Irritation of the respiratory tract, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness. Decreased immunological activity of the body.

As can be seen from the table, heavy metals are of particular danger, causing damage to almost all organ systems, especially the nervous system and respiratory organs. No less dangerous are sewage and fecal effluents from cities. A particular danger in this case is associated with the possibility of epidemics of infectious diseases.

In our country, 104 kg is thrown out per year. waste per person. This figure could decrease if a person did not help to pollute our city. Every year there is an increase in unauthorized dumps in the city and in the vicinity.

We have found such dumps in the villages of Teleshi in the Gomel region, in the villages of Uza and in the city of Gomel on Voiskovaya Street, where the wasteland is temporarily located. A person throwing garbage in the wrong place does not think about the consequences of their actions. But this garbage contains the entire bouquet of those substances that are toxic to humans.

In the world and in our city, there is a fight against unauthorized waste disposal. Table 4 presents the main penalties for such activities.

Table 4. - Administrative offenses against environmental safety, the environment.

Article title Administrative responsibility.
15.21. Violation of the procedure for the use of the forest fund. Imposition of a fine in the amount of five to thirty basic units, on an individual entrepreneur - from 10 to 100 basic units.
15.30. Pollution of forests and other trees and shrubs Pollution with household waste - a fine of up to 20 base units
15.48. Air pollution
15.51. Water pollution Fine from 4 to 20 base units.
15.58. Lighting fires in prohibited places It entails a warning or a fine of up to 20 basic units.
15.63. Violation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on waste Fine from 20 to 50 base units.
15.2 Violation of environmental safety requirements Fine from 10 to 40 base units.

15.4 Violation of safety rules when handling genetically engineered organisms, environmentally hazardous substances and waste

1. violation of the rules for storage, use, transportation, burial or other handling of radioactive, bacteriological, chemical substances or production and consumption waste

15.5 Violation of the order of disposal of radioactive waste, products, materials and other items It entails the imposition of a fine from 10 to 50 basic units.

Authorized persons can draw up protocols and impose a fine on the violator of the ecological safety of the environment. If we treat nature carefully, it will delight our eyes with beautiful landscapes for a long time, a person has the right to control his actions, because this will increase his life expectancy.


As a result of the work carried out, the following conclusions were drawn:

in a big city there is a problem of environmental pollution with household and industrial waste. The main measure to combat this problem is: the receipt of waste at the ESBMZ plant, where it is processed in order to obtain recyclable materials.

Non-recycled waste goes to landfills, where it is buried and disposed of. Two polygons have been created in Gomel: PBO and PNPO.

Storing garbage in landfills does not solve the problem of environmental pollution with waste; garbage at landfills and city streets affects health, because various toxic substances enter the human body, which cause damage to almost all organ systems, especially the nervous system and respiratory organs. No less dangerous are sewage and fecal effluents from cities. A particular danger in this case is associated with the possibility of epidemics of infectious diseases.

The amount of garbage is increasing every year, now this figure is 104 kg per person or more.

Every year there is an increase in unauthorized dumps in the city and in the vicinity.

The main measures to combat unauthorized dumping of garbage is the imposition of a fine, on average in the amount of 10 to 50 basic units, depending on the amount of damage. The fine imposed on an individual and legal entity is 10 times higher than this figure.

I would like to advise people to treat the environment more carefully, not to throw garbage anywhere. The common man always has the opportunity to help nature. For example, the collection and delivery of waste paper and scrap metal, which can reduce the storage of household waste on city streets.

1. SP 2.1.7 1038-01 "Hygienic requirements for the arrangement and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste".

2. SP 3183-84 "Procedure for the accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste".

3. Butyagin V.A. Planning and improvement of cities. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1989.

4. Handbook edited by A.N. Mirny. Sanitary cleaning and cleaning of populated areas - M .: Stroyizdat, 1985.

5. Kolbovsky E.Yu. Ecology for the curious, or what you don't learn in class. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", "Academy K", 1998.

6. Nebel B. Science about the environment: How the world is arranged: In 2 volumes - M .: Mir, 1993.

Annex A

PBO polygon


Unauthorized dumps

Man occupies the main position in influencing nature and the surrounding world on planet Earth. Every day we develop and improve. Cities are expanding, population growth is increasing in many countries, the number of enterprises is growing, as with an increase in population, the need not only for food, but also for household items to improve the quality of life, is multiplied.

As a result of the fact that garbage in landfills oxidizes during decay, toxins released into the ground, groundwater subsequently end up in rivers and seas. And since in the process of decay not only toxins are released, but also biological substances (bacteria), when it gets into the water used in everyday life, it causes many dangerous diseases and food poisoning.

Pollution occurs as a result of the release of household products such as motor oils, antifreeze, brake fluid, household chemicals, detergents, hairsprays and hair dyes, cosmetics containing ammonia, mercury, etc. All this has a catastrophic detrimental effect on human, as they contain dangerous chemical compounds and substances. It is enough such precipitation, for example, as rain, or just a strong wind, for all this to go beyond the landfill and negatively affect our health.

Impact on animals

Landfills can affect not only people, but also animals. Do not forget that animals are also carriers of diseases. Most of the garbage is thrown away in plastic bags, where without oxygen, bacteria quickly develop and chemical reactions occur. For example, dogs can easily injure themselves and infect when breaking such packages. Naturally, if this is not a pet, which is basically the case, they do not live long and die quickly from diseases. And in the locality, dogs can transmit the infection directly to people, or through pets.

Greenhouse effect

The biggest danger of landfills is that in the process of heating from the sun's rays, the earth becomes warmer than the air. As a result, various toxins and gases are released with the vapors, which enter the atmosphere. Toxins released with vapor are carried by the wind, enter the lungs of people living nearby. Therefore, landfills should be located far outside the settlements. But methane gas and hydrogen sulfide, entering the atmosphere and reacting with oxygen, heat up and change the climate of our planet, from which the phenomenon of global warming is known.

The landfill is also the direct culprit of this climatic phenomenon. To protect themselves from exposure, many countries separate waste into types of emissions. Garbage that contains substances such as ammonia, mercury, heavy metals and other pesticides are taken out for separate disposal. Landfills are fenced to prevent various animals from entering there. In modern countries, methane gas has begun to be pumped out of landfills, which also protects our environment.

Landfills are a problem and a sore point of modern man. The main thing is to have a desire to protect yourself, and not to do it when the problem of landfills reaches a critical level.

Department of Education of the Administration of the Soviet District of Gomel

State educational institution

"Secondary school No. 22"

Competitive work

"Industrial and domestic waste and their impact on human health"


Romanenko Nikolai Sergeevich

student 11 / "B" class

Romanyuk Evgenia Alexandrovna

student 11/ "B" class

Scientific adviser:

Chizhova Inna Sergeevna

biology teacher

Gomel 2009


1. Main body

1.1 Waste classification

1.2 Waste management

1.3 Impact of waste on the environment and human health

2. Materials and research methods

3. Results of the study and their discussion


List of sources used

Annex A


The severity of the impact of waste treatment and disposal on the environment depends on the amount of waste generated, its composition, the amount of illegally dumped waste, the amount of waste placed in landfills, and the standards at waste treatment plants. The future impact of the waste management process will depend on how these factors change. Final waste treatment, today, means either landfill or incineration, and these two types of final treatment have different, but in both cases negative, impact on the environment.

Objective: study the different types of waste, where they are buried (authorized and unauthorized landfills), how they are recycled, and the impact of different types of waste on human health.

The main task of the work is to collect information about the types of waste, the impact on the body, as well as unauthorized dumps in the city and beyond, which are followed by administrative penalties.

Object of study: household and industrial waste.

Subject of study: authorized and unauthorized garbage collection site.

Relevance of the topic: Environmental problems Environmental pollution, waste disposal is the number one problem not only for the Ministry of Environmental Protection, but also for the state as a whole. Waste and our handling of it has led to a number of environmental problems, such as the release of greenhouse gases, heavy metals and other environmentally harmful chemicals. As long as there is life on earth, humanity produces waste. The same amount of time is the task: to solve the problem of waste more efficiently and in the most environmentally friendly way. The well-being and existence of mankind depends on the solution of this problem.

Practical value: The data obtained can be used to inform the public about the impact of waste on human health, as well as the importance of storage, recycling and obtaining secondary raw materials, in order to reduce the amount of garbage on the streets of the city. And also about the existence of unauthorized garbage collection sites and administrative responsibility for the creation of such dumps in the city and in the vicinity.

1. Main body

1.1 Waste classification

One of the main sources of pollution of urban areas are industrial, resulting from the production process, and municipal solid waste (MSW) that occurs during a person's life in a dwelling and depreciation of household items. No less important as an environmental pollutant are urban wastewater, which combines industrial, domestic and rainwater.

In large cities of Belarus, up to 104 kg is accumulated annually. and more waste per inhabitant, in general, only 3.5% of MSW is processed by industrial methods, the rest is taken to landfills and landfills.

Waste is divided into two main classes:

1. production waste

2. consumption waste

Consumer waste includes:

1. municipal solid waste (MSW)

2. worn sophisticated household appliances

3. waste from the repair of housing stock

All wastes are divided into five hazard classes according to the impact on the environment:

I hazard class ─ extremely dangerous . There is no recovery period. (arsenic, cadmium, mercury, selenium, zinc, lead, fluorine, benzopyrene ) Hazard class II ─ highly dangerous. The recovery period is at least 30 years. (boron, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, copper, antimony, chromium)

III hazard class─ moderately dangerous . The recovery period is at least 10 years. (barium, tungsten, vanadium, manganese, strontium, acetophenone)

IV hazard class─ low-risk . The self-healing period is at least 3 years.

Hazard class V─ practically harmless. The impact on the environment is practically not disturbed.

Industrial waste ─ Industrial waste includes products, materials, products and substances generated as a result of human production activities that have a negative impact on the environment, the secondary use of which at this enterprise is unprofitable.

Toxic industrial waste includes physiologically active substances that are formed during the technological production cycle and have a pronounced toxic effect on warm-blooded animals, as well as on humans.

Construction waste ─ These include solid mineral waste (expanded clay, ceramics, asbestos cement, gypsum, concrete waste), wood and other materials used in construction. These wastes are equated to the 5th hazard class.

Solid household waste ─ The bulk of MSW consists of waste paper, glass cullet, household items that are not suitable for further use, food waste, apartment and street estimates, construction debris left over from the current repair of apartments, and broken household appliances. The qualitative composition of solid waste practically does not depend on the geographical location of the city. The norms of accumulation of solid waste in cities largely depend on the degree of well-being of the housing stock, the specificity of public facilities. Thus, among residential buildings, the largest amount of solid waste was noted in poorly equipped houses with local heating on solid fuel and without sewerage, and among public facilities, trade and cultural institutions - in urban markets.

1.2 Waste management

Waste management ─ activities related to the formation, collection, transportation, storage and disposal of waste. Waste and our handling of it has led to a number of environmental problems, such as the release of greenhouse gases, heavy metals and other environmentally harmful chemicals. Hazardous waste contains toxic substances. hazardous waste- wastes that contain in their composition substances that have any dangerous property or a combination of them (toxicity, infection, explosiveness, fire hazard, high reactivity or other similar properties) and are present in such a form that these wastes alone or upon entry into contact with other substances may pose an immediate or potential danger, causing harm to the environment, human health or property of persons, including as a result of their harmful effects on the environment, are divided into classes. They must not be handled in the same way as normal consumer waste, as this may result in serious environmental pollution or harm to people or animals. We now know more about the dangerous properties of many chemicals. More and more hazardous substances that used to end up in landfills are now being collected and handled properly, but not all of them. For example, used electrical appliances and electronics (TVs, refrigerators, etc.) continue to be landfilled even though they contain harmful substances. Old landfills contain a large amount of hazardous waste and toxic chemicals that have been deposited for years and seep into the environment.

Since toxic waste poses a significant danger to the environment, including human health, their disposal and disposal should be carried out in strict accordance with existing rules and standards. For example, MSW landfills accept toxic waste of only III and IV hazard classes, and certain groups and types of waste are accepted to landfills in limited quantities and stored under special conditions. The list of industrial wastes allowed for disposal at landfills (table 1) of MSW is regulated by regulatory documents. Such waste, for example, includes: asbestos-cement scrap, spent graphite, mold and core mixtures, slags (boiler houses, thermal power plants, iron foundries), grinding and abrasive waste, polymer, rubber, textile, electrical insulating and other materials

Table 1 - Hygienic classification of non-recyclable industrial waste

Category Characteristics of non-recyclable industrial wastes by type of contaminants they contain Recommended storage or disposal methods
I Practically inert Use for planning work or joint storage with solid waste
II Biologically oxidizable, easily decomposing organic matter Storage or processing together with MSW
III Slightly toxic, slightly soluble in water, including when interacting with organic acids Storage together with MSW
IV Oil-like, not subject to regeneration in accordance with current guidelines Incineration, including together with municipal solid waste
V Toxic with low air pollution (exceeding MAC by 2-3 times) Storage at a special industrial waste landfill
VI toxic Group or individual decontamination at special facilities

Disposal─the use or consumption of waste after appropriate processing (processing, neutralization, as well as all types of use, including backfilling of goaf).

Schwab Maxim, Leonov Dmitry

The work was carried out within the framework of the scientific-practical conference "First steps into science"



Department of Education of the Topkinsky Municipal District

Scientific-practical conference of research works of students "First steps into science"

first step (primary grades)

The impact of garbage on human health

and environment



Chapter 1

  1. Plastic bags………………………………………………………….4
  2. Plastic cups……………………………………………………..6
  3. Baby diapers…………………………………………………………..8

chapter 2

Chapter 3. What contribution can schoolchildren make to the ecology of our village ....... 12


List of sources……………………………………………………………………….12

Appendix A……………………………………………………………………....16

Annex B………………………………………………………………………… 17


Why do we care about the problem of garbage, and we consider this topic relevant? Because we want to see our yard, our village and our country clean and well-groomed. We want our homeland to be beautiful, rich and prosperous. We want to see beautiful picturesque landscapes, not dumps of rotting, far from harmless garbage stench. We want to be proud of our country!

The guys in our class decided to find out:

  • what household waste is most often found on the street and at home
  • how much garbage accumulates per day (week)
  • how to dispose of garbage or give it a "second" life
  • what contribution can schoolchildren make to improve the ecology of our village
  • how to draw the attention of as many villagers as possible to this problem

Our hypothesis Garbage is not only harmful to human health, but also to the environment.

To achieve the goal, we had to solve the following tasks:

  • Learn as much as possible about the types of household waste
  • Explore how long it takes for a variety of garbage to decompose
  • Conduct a survey to find out how much garbage accumulates in each family daily
  • To identify the impact of garbage on human health
  • Present the results of the study in the form of a wall newspaper at the school, CDC and speak at an open hour of communication in front of parents (fellow villagers)

In our work, we relied on the following methods:

  • The study of literature on the topic
  • Questioning, conversation
  • Observation
  • Experimental research method
  • Statistical Method

Chapter 1 What kind of garbage can most often be found on the streets and at home

1.1 Plastic bags

In our homes, in various institutions, a variety of waste accumulates all the time: food leftovers, dust swept from the corners, empty packages, things that have served their time (from broken furniture to old newspapers). There are also such items among the garbage that it is dangerous to store at home, for example, mercury from a broken thermometer. Using information from the Internet and our personal experience, we have identifiedthe most common types of waste:

  • Paper and cardboard
  • Plastic container
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Food waste
  • Dangerous trash
  • household waste

Paper, cardboard and food waste are relatively safe for the environment, which cannot be said about plastic containers.

Undoubtedly, it is very convenient to use a plastic bag, but have you ever wondered what a huge harm it caninflict on nature. People throw away these bags everywhere: in the forest, after a picnic, in the river after relaxing or fishing, not thinking about the fact that plastic practically does not decompose in the ground, and when it is burned, carbon dioxide and harmful substances dioxins enter the atmosphere, which cause such a disease. like cancer.

1 trillion plastic bags - that's how much we throw into the trash cans every year. Shocking? But such a number of packages can cover the entire territory of Ukraine.

In our school, they proved in practice that even the so-called "environmental packages" do not decompose in the ground. In 2011, students of the 7th grade of our school under the guidance of Myagkikh N.V. conducted an experiment: a package made of ecological materials, which, judging by the inscription, decomposes in the ground from 8 months to 2 years, was buried on the school grounds. After 2 years, 9th grade graduates decided to check the truth of the inscription on the package. Having dug out the package, they saw that not only did it not decompose, but the names and surnames of the students who signed on the package with felt-tip pens were preserved on it.

Conclusion : even bio-packaging does not decompose in the ground in a short time.

And now some numbers for those who like facts.

* Annually in the world "consumed" from 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags. That's almost 1 million packets per minute.
* According to experts, the annual production of plastic bags would be enough to fill the famous New York skyscraper two and a half times
* Oil to produce 10 plastic bags would be enough to produce enough car fuel to drive 1 km..
* More than 100,000 marine animals, including sea turtles, whales, and dolphins, are killed each year by plastic bags thrown into the sea.

The good news is that in recent years, gradually, but for the better, the situation began to change. Some large stores have begun selling branded reusable paper bags. Many countries have abandoned the use of plastic bags, and laws have been passed prohibiting their use. There are no such laws in our country yet, but we can simply and easily help our nature.

The conclusion is simple : Just go to the store with reusable bags made of paper or cloth. It would seem a trifle, but it will bring a lot of benefits.

  1. A plastic cup

A plastic cup at first glance is so indispensable. And what would people do without a plastic cup? Live longer! This "baby" will outlive each of you! A plastic cup will live for another three hundred years, because it practically does not decompose.

Every five seconds, more than 1.5 million plastic cups are thrown away around the world. If you put these cups one by one, they will last for a distance from Kyiv to Chernigov. Cups are attacking nature, as 19 billion plastic cups end up in landfills every hour. If you add them one to one, you could build the same number of skyscrapers as in New York is now. If this continues, there will be no place left for humanity on its own territory.

Korean designers JangJin-hee and LeeMin-jeong have come up with an effective replacement for the plastic cup. They created an eco-cup called the EcoTumbler. Everyone who loves different interesting and unusual things will be curious to use this cup. She will wordlessly but revealingly thank the user for drinking tea or coffee from her, and not from a plastic cup. In order to open the cup, you need to press the toggle switch, which is located on the lid. The toggle switch activates the indicator built into the bottom of the cup, and a green leaf appears on the surface of the vessel walls, in gratitude for the environmental consciousness of the one who uses this cup, because one discarded plastic cup has become less.

The cup does not take up much space, you can always take it with you. But within a year, or maybe faster (this will depend on how much the owner of the cup will use it), the cup will be decorated with a beautiful image of a world map from green leaves. While this wonderful cup is not on sale, but this is a matter of time. Based on this discovery, you can come up with many other useful things to promote ways to protect the environment.

One of the planet's most important steps towards an environmentally friendly existence was the emergence of the possibility of making oil from plastic bottles. The palm was again won by the Japanese, who developed a method of melting plastic into fuel. With the global problem of plastic recycling and the shortage of oil, this solution is simply unique.

  1. Diapers - happiness for modern parents: dry and comfortable.

However, what happens to the used diaper next? 100,000 tons of diapers end up in landfills every day. 30% of the diaper - side Velcro and the top layer of the diaper is plastic. It takes 300 years for one diaper to decompose. The diapers that were thrown away today will rot when our great-great-grandchildren are born. In addition, after use, they evaporate harmful substances that can lead to an epidemic. There is less harm from Chernobyl than from an innocent diaper. But Canadians gave life to used diapers - they make diesel fuel out of them!

Chapter 2. How much garbage accumulates daily and how it can be disposed of

So, we learned about the most common types of garbage. The next question of interest to us is: how much garbage accumulates?

From the encyclopedia Questions for Why, we learned that there are 3 kg of garbage per person. We decided to check these data on the example of our village. We conducted a sociological survey of students of our school and residents of the village, and after calculations, we found out that on average one person in the village of Cheremichkino throws out about 3 kilograms 360 grams of garbage every day. If we take the number of all residents of the village of Cheremichkino, and there are 770 of them, it turns out that every day 2587 kg of garbage is thrown out in the village! If this continues, we will drown in garbage!

It's no secret that the decomposition of waste is very slow:

  • Paper - from 2 to 10 years (paper itself does not harm the environment, however, the dyes with which it is coated can emit dangerous gases);
  • Plastic bags - at least 200 years old (which is why many states refuse to use plastic bags);
  • Plastic - 500 years (at the same time, hazardous gases are emitted into the atmosphere during the processing of plastic);
  • Glass - at least 1000 years old (glass is made from plastic sand, so it is very resistant even to aggressive influences);
  • Cigarette filters - about 100 years (after smoking, toxic substances remain in the filter, it also contains cellulose acetate, which slows down the decomposition process).

How can you dispose of garbage

How can the Earth be saved from disaster? There is only one answer - you need to learn how to properly dispose of garbage or recycle it.

We learned that inMany countries have long developed and debugged ways to further use or destroy garbage, but the recycling of garbage in Russia has not yet reached the desired level.

The main way to get rid of waste in Russia today is to export and store them in landfills and landfills, which, of course, does not bring any benefits and benefits. The second option is to get rid of garbage by burning, which is also very unsafe.

However, despite the existing problems, Russia still has and is building new waste processing plants near major cities.

There are also mini-factories in our region: in 2008, a factory in Novokuznetsk began work, a little later - in Kemerovo, and on September 6, 2013, a factory in Belovo started working

Mountains of plastic bottles, corrugated cardboard, broken glass, beer cans are already taking on a new life. From the garbage at the enterprises, paving slabs, curbstones, building blocks and many other materials are produced, which are used in the overhaul of yards. improvement of playgrounds for children's attractions.

By 2016, it is even planned to launch a plant for processing biological waste into fuel. Waste recycling is a fairly profitable business, so we can hope for the further development of this industry.

In our time, the pollution of our environment has reached terrifying proportions. And the question deserves special attention: what to do with thousands of tons of garbage?

Popular disposal methods are not very effective due to either excessive cost or imperfect technology. Newelectric combustion techniqueis based on increasing the intensity of waste incinerationusing a powerful electric field, which, acting on the fire of burning waste, several times reduces the toxicity of ash and gases. It has been experimentally proven that when using this method, waste burns faster,leaving behind half as much ash, and, which is also important,odors are eliminated. The number oftoxins released into the atmosphere, while most combustion technologies multiply their volume. Alsoenergy and fuel consumption is significantly reduced, and productivity is increased. It is also noteworthy thatgases formed during disposal are not saturated with metal ions, nitrogen and carbon oxides and hydrocarbons. Some substances are not formed at all, while others decay even in the process of electric combustion. As for the ash, after burning out almost all toxins, it becomes much more environmentally friendly compared to similar combustion products. Another plus is that the process of cleaning exhaust gases has become cheaper and easier, since the gaseous substances themselves have become smaller.

Unfortunately, this method has not been fully studied, although it is patented. But we can already hope that in the near future electric combustion will make our planet cleaner.

Chapter 3 What contribution can schoolchildren make for the ecology of our village

While working on the project, we found out that paper and cardboard are in second place in terms of the amount of garbage thrown out. The issue of disposal of this type of waste is solved very simply - it is simply burned. Our survey also proved this: shops, a post office, a feldsher-obstetric station, the administration of the Cheremichkinsky settlement - get rid of garbage in this way. But this is irreparable damage to the environment! Just imagine that every 40-100 kg of waste paper is 1 tree. It has become a tradition in our school to donate waste paper every year.

Over the past 4 years, students of MBOU "Cheremichkinskaya OOSh" have collected and handed over 4.5 tons of old paper. It is easy to calculate that we saved about 70 trees. There is also a tradition in our school: every year we take part in the “Plant Your Tree” campaign. Thus, we have proved that schoolchildren can also take part in improving the ecology of their homeland.

How to draw the attention of the villagers to this problem?

With this question, our group went to a meeting with the head of the administration of the Cheremichkinsky settlement Balakhnina O.A. with a proposal to organize the actions "Save the Tree", "Save the Earth from garbage". After the conversation, it was decided to unite the efforts of the school and the village in solving the problem. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, separate waste collection is not yet possible in our village, but work is already underway to create a special place outside the village on the site of old garbage collection facilities. In the spring, it was decided to colorfully decorate special containers for garbage and place them in places where garbage can accumulate. We proposed to carry out information work with the population on the issue of collecting waste paper, where not only schoolchildren can take part in the preservation of our forests, but also all fellow villagers who wish. From Oksana Alexandrovna we learned that in our village the administration and deputies pay great attention to improvement. At the end of last year, our village received gratitude for the 3rd place in the district.


Unfortunately, in our country, people prefer to incinerate waste paper, causing irreparable damage to the environment, than taking it to a remote waste paper collection point to the detriment of themselves. We live like this now, but do we want to live like this in the future?

“Wake up - clean up your planet,” said the Little Prince from the work of Exupery. Fortunately, many people have “woken up” and want to put things in order on their planet, and they also need to make it cleaner and more comfortable. Thus, we found out that garbage really negatively affects human health and the environment. People should join forces to solve the problem of waste disposal, thereby preserving their health and preserving nature.

List of sources.

  1. 5 unusual creations from garbage [Electronic resource]//

Annex A

The results of the sociological survey showed:

Annex B

After sunset, you can not take out the garbage.

Perhaps this is the only sign that everyone knows. This is where our knowledge in this area ends. There are several explanations for this sign. Firstly, it is believed that if you take out the garbage after sunset, then all kinds of gossip will constantly go about you. In the old days, neighbors' eyes vigilantly followed everything that happened outside their home. Usually they tried to finish everything before dark, and then just rested. And if you take out the trash when it's already dark, then this gives your neighbors a reason to gossip about what a bad housewife you are. And what was she doing interestingly all day that she didn’t even have time to take out the garbage. She must be doing everything very slowly. This is happening today. True, in high-rise buildings it is much more difficult to keep track of neighbors, because no one has windows overlooking the garbage chute. Another explanation emphasizes that when you take out the garbage after sunset, you also take money out of your house. Well, the third explanation of this sign is connected with the forces of light that come to everyhouseas soon as it gets dark outside. If they come and see that the house is dirty, they may never come back. So, you can lose their help, which is very often needed.

Do not throw technical garbage and slop into one bucket - money will go out of hand.

We are now being taught that we need to sort the garbage. There are special garbage containers in the yards, which are designed separately for plastic, separately for food waste, and so on. Today, there are factories that are able to process all this garbage. Therefore, they will earn money, not you. But this is only for those who live in the city. And for those who live in the village, food waste collected separately is an opportunity to feed the living creatures that you keep. If you do not collect food waste separately, you will have to spend more on food for animals and birds. This is where the money goes.

During cleaning, you leave garbage on the floor - you will marry a pockmarked one.

Today, this sign is rarely relevant. How did you choose your wife? Come visit and see how clean the house is. If it is clean, then the girl will be a good housewife. And if not, then why is such a hostess needed. For a pockmarked guy, too, not everyone wants to gomarried, so he could marry a lazy person. In general, the sign was invented in order to teach young girls to do good housekeeping. Everyone wanted her husband to be handsome, and love to be until the end of her life.

The pig collects various garbage in its mouth and carries it to where it sleeps - to cold weather.

Everyone knows that animals, like a barometer, feel any changes in the weather. That's whypigsand try to insulate the place where they will sleep. Moreover, there is no doubt that the cold snap will come precisely at night. Pigs usually start warming up their place five or six hours before the weather changes. Therefore, there is no need to be angry with them for pulling something into their mouths that is not needed. And take a closer look, think about it, maybe you should better heat your house.

When moving to a new house, they take the garbage with them - otherwise there will be no life in the new place.

This sign has its own special meaning, and not one. If you leave garbage in the old place, then those who enter the house will remember for a long time that you left garbage behind. In their reasoning, they can even reach the point that you thus wanted to convey to them all your troubles. You won't know about it. But the bones will be washed for you for a long time. And thought, as you know, is material, which means that sooner or later it will affect you. If you throw garbage near your former home, you may be harmed by neighbors who are jealous of you. If there are none, then another law will apply. In the event that you were happy in your old house, then along with the garbage you refuse this happiness. So, it is not known how your future life will turn out in a new place. If you want to get away from something bad - leave the garbage there, but so that no one sees it. But if you consider yourself a happy person, then collect all the garbage, take it with you and throw it away near your new home. Then your happiness will move with you.

We found that in the village, the final processing of waste, today, means either their burial in a landfill or incineration, and these two types of final processing have different, but in both cases negative, impact on the environment. In order to study the issue of the impact of household waste on human health, we visited the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Boguchansky District.

We found that the maximum accumulation of garbage occurs in autumn, since in autumn the share of garden waste in terms of volume is equal to all other categories of garbage combined. Old landfills contain a large amount of hazardous waste and toxic chemicals that have been deposited for years and seep into the environment. Waste disposal in landfills leads to the release of methane, one of the greenhouse gases and hazardous chemicals that have a harmful effect on the environment.

Waste incineration leads to the release of various gases. These gases contain hazardous chemicals such as cadmium, mercury and lead. It is known that when they enter the body, they can affect the function of hematopoiesis, pose a danger, contributing to the development of carcinogenic, genetic biological effects. In addition, the natural environment is affected by the release of biogas - methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide, the content of which can be tens of percent. These values ​​exceed sanitary norms and can cause human suffocation [see. Appendix 6, tab. 5]. Biochemical decomposition and chemical oxidation of the landfill material may be accompanied by the formation of heat emission centers with an increase in temperatures up to 75°C, i.e. spontaneous combustion of the waste is possible. The rotting of MSW material is accompanied by the spread of odor over a distance of more than 1 km.

End-of-life electrical appliances and electronics (TVs, refrigerators, etc.) continue to be landfilled, although they contain harmful substances. Human exposure to chemicals can occur in a variety of ways: through inhalation, skin contact, and ingestion of food. Once ingested, chemicals are distributed to various parts of the body, where they are metabolized, which may be accompanied by the transformation of these substances into toxic [see. Appendix 5, tab. four].

A person throwing garbage in the wrong place does not think about the consequences of his actions. But this garbage contains the entire bouquet of those substances that are toxic to humans. It's good to know that:

Ø Rotting food waste - a breeding ground for microbes; decomposition time: 1–2 weeks; It is strictly forbidden to throw into fire, as dioxides may be formed.

Ø Waste paper. The paint with which the paper is coated can emit toxic gases, and when decomposed, toxic substances; Decomposition time: 2-3 years;

Ø Tin cans are poisonous to many organisms; decomposition time on earth is several tens of years, in fresh water about 10 years, in salt water 1–2 years.

Ø Iron compounds are poisonous to many organisms; decomposition rate: on the ground - 1 mm deep in 10-20 years, in fresh water - 1 mm deep in 3-5 years, in salt water - 1 mm deep in 1-2 years.

Ø Foil decomposition time on the ground is several tens of years, in fresh water - several years, in salt water - 1-2 years.

Ø Cans of beer and other drinks decompose on the ground - hundreds of years, in fresh water - several decades, in salt water - several years. The time of decomposition of glass containers on the ground is several hundred years, in water - about 100 years.

Ø Plastic products prevent gas exchange in soils and water bodies; can release toxic substances during decomposition; decomposition time: about 100 years or more.

Ø Batteries are very dangerous waste! Poisonous to humans and many organisms; decomposition time: on land - about 10 years, in water - several years, in salt water - about one year.

Dumps near settlements become the main gathering place and food for many birds and mammals. A large number of rats, mice, cats and dogs live here. In landfills, they are attracted to food waste. These animals are simply weaned from chasing live prey, they are completely satisfied with the dregs of the human table. These animals become carriers of various infectious diseases.

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