Never feel sorry for Andrew. Andrey Dementiev: “Never regret anything after

Reader Viktor Astrakhantsev

* * * * *Never regret anything after
If what happened can't be changed.
Like a note from the past, crumpling your sadness,
With this past, break the fragile thread.

Never regret what happened.
Ile about what can't happen anymore.
If only the lake of your soul is not cloudy
Yes, hopes, like birds, soared in my soul.

Do not regret your kindness and participation.
Even if for everything you - a smile in response.
Someone in the genius got out, someone in the authorities ...
Do not regret that you did not get their troubles.

You started late or left early.
Let someone play the flute brilliantly.
But he takes songs from your soul.

Never, never regret anything -
No wasted days, no burnt love.
Let the other brilliantly play the flute,
But you listened even more brilliantly.

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No matter how great the Russian language is, the poet still lacks words to reveal his images, and he is preoccupied with the search for a bright and accurate word. Some even come up with new words, while others, on the contrary, introduce words or lines written by others into their text, rethinking or quoting them. Which gives rise to perplexed questions about such repetitions and borrowings. Indeed, the appearance in the new work of previously created means of expression- this is a powerful and sensitive moment for the authors, and it does not go unnoticed.

Perhaps that is why the publication of Violetta Basha appeared
"Bottomless and homeless." Borrowing - from discoveries to the stamp "
I invite you to reflect on this topic - what are borrowings, and what are their goals and boundaries?

In her publication, Violetta raises the question of the origin of the verbal form “bottomless - homeless”, brilliant in form and deep in meaning. The author asks the question "Bottomless and homeless - who is the first?" And, answering it, he concludes that this brilliant consonance first arose in the poems of Margarita Aliger "The House in Meudon" in 1967, and then was repeated by the author of the publication in 1998 in the poem "And again there are cranes in the sky."
The author concludes:
= Thus, the discovery of the "bottomless-homeless" is Aliger in the footsteps of Tsvetaeva. I, alas, only the second. But after - off we go. =

Indeed, the combination "bottomless - homeless" produces the effect of consonant sound. In these twin words, almost all sounds are repeated, with the replacement of the sonorant N with M. And the infinity of homelessness creates a tense emotional image.
However, despite the trace indicated by the author, these words were not found in M. Tsvetaeva's poems. Not in a line, not in a rhyme.
Only in one poem does M. Tsvetaeva use the word "homeless": in the 6th part of the cycle "Insomnia" dated August 1. 1916:
= Tonight I am alone in the night –
Sleepless, homeless blueberry! =
But in this line you can not see the trace of this sonorous repetition
And although the restlessness of Marina Tsvetaeva - characteristic her tragic fate, and the heart of a real poet, according to E. Yevtushenko, is the house of homelessness, however, Marina Tsvetaeva is not involved in the creation of this verbal pearl.

These twin words were introduced into Russian poetry by Alexander Blok in his poems “The scores are over with peaceful happiness ...”, 1910. Here are these lines:
. . . . . . . .
Desert life homeless, bottomless,
Yes, I believed it ever since
As the siren sang to me in love
The one that flew through the night, the motor.

The way of life with a terrible spiritual emptiness for Blok is not accidental. In a slightly modified form, it also appears in the verses "Commander's Steps"

Life is empty, crazy and

bottomless !
Come out to battle, old rock! =

These word images "homeless, bottomless" are a feature of A. Blok's poetic thinking and are included in the core of his poetic vocabulary. A few examples of that:

= …In this bottomless azure,
In the twilight of near spring
Weeping winter storms
There were starry dreams. (The wind brought from afar)

As in the years of youth, I do not know
Bottomless the spell of your soul ... (Vyacheslav Ivanov)

20th century... More homeless,
The haze is even more terrible than life ... (Two centuries)

And blue eyes bottomless
Blooming on the far shore. (stranger)

How scary! how homeless (Deception)

I will carry you over the abyss
Her abyss teasing. (Daemon)

= We homeless familyless, disorderly, poor - what do we have to lose? (Intelligentsia and revolution). Margarita Aliger absorbed the entire line of Blok into her poems, replacing only the words “Life is deserted” with the word “everything”:
= A to Kama from Meudon
Everything is homeless and bottomless =
and filled the abyss of Blok's loneliness with the realities of M. Tsvetaeva's life:
= No address, no shelter.
There is no voice, no word.
No daughter, no husband.
Only horror, only cold. =
Very strong and precise lyrics!

In her poem, Violetta repeats the same move, taking the line from M. Aliger,
and rearranging the words:
= In the movement of slow summer,
In the bends of pitcher days,
In patterns of sunlight
On my bent hand
In eyes bottomless and homeless
Tired at the end of the day
In a tear that rolled down from the icon,
There is only God. But there is no you. =

But are there any borrowings in these two cases?

In the first case, it is indisputable that Margarita Aliger saves not only original text, but also its general tonality, emotional content. Describes the wanderings of Tsvetaeva through the elevatedness of Blok. Violetta Basha transfers only the phrase into poetry, while allowing a decrease in the style and height of the original image. This loss of drama and emotional thickening of the image removes the question of borrowing. Only twin words remain from the primary image.
The absence of borrowing is also confirmed by the fact that the author of the poems, as it turned out, was not known for certain about the origin of this poetic image. But this is a completely different side of the matter.

In the network poetry of the last decade, there are many variations of the use of the combination "homeless - bottomless". This full-sounding image is very attractive, allowing you to give it a diverse character.
From attempts to express longing and sadness:
= My sadness bottomless, love homeless
A tramp walks the earth. = (from a song by Stas Piekha)

To reckless arrogance:
= I - homeless,
I - bottomless,
I'm a luxury bully
I am an orchestra of wild songs,
Daring, cheerful, bold and drunk. = (poems by Andrey Sokolov)

However, despite the use of twin words in these texts, it is also not correct to consider them borrowed from Blok. There are no traces of the depth of the original image.
In addition, for many network authors, the initial concepts are torn off from each other and spaced into different verbal structures:

= human crueltybottomless….
Witness of hell, doghomeless =(

= Here I stand - homeless -
But the city bottomless
In the eyes ... = (author - Alexey Sverchkov)

Not wishing to further bore the reader with pearls of network poetry, I will only note that in the examples given, the original phrase and its word-image in Blok's interpretation are torn off from each other. Only sound repetitions or, at best, rhymes remained, and they cannot be considered borrowing. And in general it is doubtful whether these poets even knew about the primary source of these beautiful words.

Now let's look at the verses of Svetlana Romashina quoted by Violetta:
= And again there are cranes in the sky
Curl in the blue bottomless.
They took me on wings
In dreams of a tramp homeless.
I dive with them into the clouds,
Under the dome of the sky as a pilgrim,
I am life's essence for sure
I recognize in a flock of cranes. =

The twin words "bottomless - bottomless" became isolated, turned into rhymes and definitions of different objects. One word describes the blueness of the sky, the other is assigned to a vagabond. Breaking away from each other, they lost the effect of their bell sound. The original integrity of the image is lost, there is no fact of borrowing.

The inclusion of some bright words in the poems does not mean at all that one author catches goldfish from another. He can find them on his own, without intentionally repeating someone else's pattern. Words have their own life, and words taken from a dictionary or from a book are not yet the subject of authorship. They have to go through art.
So, for example, the rhyming of the words “freedom” and “the people” does not at all mean imitation of Pushkin.
And only merging into one phrase: “Freedom to the people!” they become a slogan or a slogan.

These notes, as already mentioned, are written in the development of V. Bashi's publication, which considers the negative connotation in relation to borrowings. And it's understandableafter all questions of a priority are very sensitive for authors.

However, there is another approach to borrowing, repeating a theme, plot, to direct or indirect imitations. After all, models of artistic consciousness live independent life regardless of time, unexpectedly manifesting itself in the most unexpected moments of creative thinking.
Russian poetry is rich in talented imitations or development famous topics and images. For example, Pushkin wrote several imitations: the Koran, Anacreon, Dante, as well as poems based on Chenier, Pindemonti. Some of them are more poetic than the original. Pushkin's Onegin is caused by the personality of Byron and his heroes. Lermontov has "Imitation of Byron", borrowings from Zeidlitz " flying ship". Nekrasov's imitation of Lermontov is "In the unknown wilderness."Readers can continue this series.
Foreign literature is also rich in borrowings.

In his imitation, the author seeks to develop a theme or literary image, enrich it with a new vision, development, compare with it or challenge it.
In addition, authors are always attracted by the desire to comprehend eternal plots and images: Don Zhaun, Don Quixote, Hamlet, Solveig, Demon, etc.
Ironic imitation of the original underlies the whole genre of literary parody.
In addition to literary images, individual phrases and winged words, individual phrases from plays, for example, by Shakespeare, A. Griboyedov, Ostrovsky, and others, from fables, live an independent life. Among them are also poetic tropes, figurative or sonorous and beautiful phrases, one of which is “homeless-bottomless”, which was the reason for this publication.
When evaluating them, the decisive moment is the talent of development, the depth or modernity of understanding the original image.
All mentioned uses in own composition previously known represents a vast literary space of vocabulary and images, which saturates creativity, causes moments of creative competition and thereby develops literature.
Therefore, the real interest is not only the one who first said “E”, but also those who, having heard A, say B, C and the next letters of the alphabet.

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*borrowed from the Auditor" by N. Gogol.

Andrey Dementiev
Never regret anything after
If what happened can't be changed.
Like a note from the past, crumpling your sadness,
With this past, break the fragile thread.

Never regret what happened.
Ile about what can't happen anymore.
If only the lake of your soul is not cloudy
Yes, hopes, like birds, soared in my soul.

Do not regret your kindness and participation.
Even if for all you - a smile in response.
Someone in the genius got out, someone in the authorities ...
Do not regret that you did not get their troubles.

You started late or left early.
Let someone play the flute brilliantly.
But he takes songs from your soul.

Never, never regret anything -
No wasted days, no burnt love.
Let the other brilliantly play the flute,
But you listened even more brilliantly.

Lilia Mazikina
Everything is fine with me, neither shaky, nor rolls -
I am either near the foot, or on the crest of a wave.
In this sea of ​​blows, I'm almost like a mermaid
I'm almost an armored train in this world of war.
Everything is fine with me - I walk like mines,
Like a swamp swamp, like the smooth surface of the water.
I don't have to learn to be strong anymore
I no longer erase the signs of trouble from my body.
I am fine. It's just a cold
It's just tired and it just hurts
Letters and piles of dishes are just piling up,
It's just that someone whines with my throat at night ...

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 28.04.2016. ***
  • 04/27/2016. About happiness and loneliness.
  • 04/25/2016. Time for birch sap
  • 14.04.2016. Never regret anything in pursuit

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to the family of Andrei Dementiev. The famous poet died on June 26 at the age of 90. Dozens of songs have been written to his poems, which are known by heart in Russia and the Commonwealth. More details - correspondent of "MIR 24" Anna Derkach.

If I was born a poet

True, he would glorify himself with a verse.

I would write a lot about this and that.

Again about this, but more about that!

Andrey Dementyev composed these lines in the sixth grade. Rather, as a joke - then I did not think seriously about poetry. And it was not before that in the post-war 40s: professions were then chosen rather satisfying.

The Military Medical Academy offered full state support. And the Dementiev family barely made ends meet. But the past of the Gulag father got in the way. I had to carry the documents to the pedagogical institute in my native Tver. There, a first-year student Andrei Dementiev showed himself as a poet. The regional newspaper published his poems.

“I sat in the printing house all night, waiting for a sheet with my poems to appear. For the first time in your life, right? I was then nineteen years old, maybe less, ”Dementyev recalled about his literary debut.

Devotion and gratitude, the ability to forgive and accept fate are one of the main themes in his poems. From under the pen of Dementiev came the most vital lines. “Do not dare to forget teachers”, “Do not be offended by children”, and, of course, the eternal - “Never regret anything after”. Just as poignant and love lyrics poet. On March 8, he dedicated his poems to all the women of Russia.

As long as I live, I will pray to them.

I prefer love to other delights.

The Lord showed us a woman, like a miracle,

By entrusting this beauty to the world.

An entire era of the Yunost magazine is associated with the name of Dementiev. It was under him that authors banned in the USSR began to be published there. If there had been someone else in his place, he would have lost his chair of the editor-in-chief long ago. But Dementiev, without fear, gave the green light to the printing of Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Vasily Aksenov and Fazil Iskander. After the publication of his "Rabbits and Boas", the editor-in-chief was even threatened.

“They called me to the censorship, I didn’t go, I sent my deputy Alexei Pyanov. He returned and said: Do you know what they asked you to convey? “We will beat until bloody snot,” recalled Dementiev in an interview.

In the 1990s, Andrei Dementiev mastered a new profession. He became a correspondent for the Middle East representative office of Russian television. Later, in Moscow, he himself was the author of popular programs, where he discussed with friends and contemporaries what was happening in the world and in the country.

“I think that patriotism is a feeling that comes from life itself. If you live in a house in which everything is fine, and the people are good, you have it clean and beautiful, and there are a lot of books - this is one thing. And if you live in some kind of shack that you can neither arrange nor remake - that's different. Therefore, the most important beginning of patriotism is to arrange everything in the father's house so that people want to love their homeland, ”said Andrei Dementyev.

Never regret anything after
If what happened can't be changed.
Like a note from the past, crumpling your sadness,
With this past, break the fragile thread.
Never regret what happened.
Ile about what can't happen anymore.
If only the lake of your soul is not cloudy
Yes, hopes, like birds, soared in my soul.
Do not regret your kindness and participation.
Even if for all you - a smile in response.
Someone in genius got out, someone in the authorities ...
Do not regret that you did not get their troubles.

You started late or left early.
Let someone play the flute brilliantly.
But he takes songs from your soul.
Never, never regret anything -
No wasted days, no burnt love.
Let the other brilliantly play the flute,
But you listened even more brilliantly.
Other Boris Pasternak song lyrics

Other titles for this text

  • Andrey Dementiev - Turns of time
  • B.L. Pasternak (read by Andrey Dementiev) - Never regret anything
  • A. Dementiev - "Never. Never. Don't regret anything." I like this poem very much.
  • Andrei Dementiev (performed by B. Pasternak) - Never regret anything!
  • B. Pasternak (read by Andrei Dementiev) - Never regret anything
  • Pepper Man - Don't Be Sorry (Poems by Dementev)
  • Irina Panina - "Never regret anything!"
  • "Never regret anything" - B. Pasternak (read by Andrey Dementiev)
  • A. D. Dementiev - Never regret anything
  • Dementiev A. D. - Do not regret anything
  • Andrei Dementiev - Never regret anything (Reading Boris Pasternak)
  • poems by A. D. Dementiev - Never regret anything
  • Andrey Dementiev - Never regret anything.
  • Andrey Dementiev - Never regret anything.
  • A. D. Dementiev - Do not regret anything
  • A. Dementiev - Never. Nothing. Don't be sorry.
  • Boris Pasternak - Never regret anything.
  • B. Pasternak (read by Andrei Dementiev) - Never regret anything
  • poem by A. Dementiev - Never regret anything
  • Andrey Dementiev - Never regret anything.
  • A. Dementiev - Never regret anything ...

On June 26, 2018, the heart of an outstanding poet of our time stopped beating Andrey Dementiev. He did not quite live up to his 90th birthday. It would seem that quite recently his creative evening was held in Rostov in the Don State Public Library. The poet was cheerful, active, sociable, cheerful and friendly. This creative evening passed with a full house. And then came the sad news.

Andrei Dementiev is one of my favorite poets. He always impressed me with his kindness, openness and optimism. Dementiev did not have the so-called "star fever".

Andrei Dmitrievich was born on July 16, 1928 in Tver. My literary activity started in 1948. He worked in the Kalininskaya Pravda newspaper, was in charge of the Komsomol life department of the Smena newspaper, and was an instructor in the propaganda and agitation department of the Komsomol Central Committee.

Since 1967, Dementiev lived in Moscow. He was the chief editor of the legendary Soviet magazine "Youth" (from 1981 to 1992). The circulation of this magazine under Dementiev was over 3 million copies!

And yet, Dementiev went down in history as a poet, including as a songwriter. AT Soviet time were known and popular songs on his poems "Alyonushka", "Swan fidelity", " Father's house"," The ballad of the mother.

By the way, the song "Apples in the Snow" based on Dementyev's verses, which was wonderfully performed by Mikhail Muromov (he also wrote the music for this song) was a super hit in the Soviet Union in the late 80s of the last century.

Andrey Dementiev's poems have always been loved by the people. I want to remind you that on March 8, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, congratulating women on International Women's Day, read Andrei Dmitrievich Dementyev's poems "I know that all women are beautiful."

Dementiev was also an excellent leader. He hosted various programs on television and radio. He took part in various political talk shows. I remember that he somehow managed to outdo Zhirinovsky himself in Vladimir Solovyov’s program “To the Barrier!”.

Andrei Dementiev has one poem that I especially like. When I feel sad and sad in my soul, I always read it. The poem is called "Never regret anything."

"Never regret anything in pursuit,
If what happened can't be changed.
Like a note from the past, crumpling your sadness,
With this past, break the fragile thread.

Never regret what happened.
Ile about what can't happen anymore.
If only the lake of your soul is not cloudy
Yes, hopes, like birds, soared in my soul.

Do not regret your kindness and participation.
Even if for everything you - a smile in response.
Someone in genius got out, someone in the authorities ...
Do not regret that you did not get their troubles.

You started late or left early.
Let someone play the flute brilliantly.
But he takes songs from your soul.

Never, never regret anything -
No wasted days, no burnt love.
Let the other brilliantly play the flute,
But you listened even more brilliantly.”

Personally, these lines help me to live. I think it's brilliantly written! It must be said that this poem by Andrei Dmitrievich is also very fond of admirers of his talent. Dementiev was always asked to read “Never regret anything” at creative evenings. And the poet has always done it.

But this time I can't say that I don't regret anything. I am very sorry and sad that an outstanding poet and a person with capital letter Andrey Dmitrievich Dementiev.


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