How to paint eggs for Easter with onion peel, brilliant green, beets, carrots, turmeric, nail polish? Coloring eggs for Easter: marble. How to dye eggs with turmeric and beets

Festive table, and ritual for Easter. After all, it has long been a symbol of renewing life. ,

For the holiday, many housewives paint eggs. Some use chemical Easter dyes and special synthetic films, while others prefer natural dyes, because they are much safer for health, and the color and patterns are a little paler, but also very beautiful.

Thanks to this natural dye Like beets, eggs take on various shades of red, from delicate pink tones to darker burgundy. It depends on the amount of time that the eggs will be in the beetroot juice, as well as on the concentration of the solution itself.

How to dye eggs for Easter with beets - method number 1

To obtain pink color shells, boiled hard-boiled eggs, put in a bowl with freshly squeezed beetroot juice. If you leave the eggs in a bowl of juice overnight in the refrigerator, they will take on a darker burgundy hue.

How to dye eggs with beets - method number 2

Peel 2-3 beets from the peel, grate on a coarse grater and pour a small amount of water. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. Dip hard-boiled eggs into this broth. The longer they stay in the decoction, the better they stain.

How to dye eggs with beets - method number 3

Peel the beetroot and rub it on a fine grater to make a gruel. Rub the hard-boiled eggs with this gruel. The longer the eggs stay in the beets, the more intense and darker their color will turn out.

How to dye eggs for Easter with beets - method number 4

The most economical option on how to color eggs with beets is to boil them together with beets. Thus, the eggs will be colored, and the beets can be used to make a salad.

Coloring Easter eggs - little tricks

Eggs should be boiled at room temperature, not from the refrigerator, otherwise they may burst during the cooking process. You can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.

To get patterns on dyed eggs, you can wrap them with threads, ribbons or roll them in groats and wrap them in gauze before dyeing. You can also attach parsley leaves (or other small herbs) to the eggs and wrap them tightly with gauze.

To make colored eggs shine when you take them out of the beetroot solution, dry them, grease the eggs vegetable oil and wipe with a natural cloth.

How to paint Easter eggs? This question becomes relevant for many housewives on the eve of the holiday of Christ's Resurrection. Bright multi-colored Easter eggs are also a decoration holiday table, and a ritual gift for Easter 2018. After all, the egg has long been a symbol of renewing life.

How to paint eggs for Easter? Some use chemical Easter dyes and special synthetic films, while others prefer natural dyes, because they are much safer for health, and the color and patterns are a little paler, but also very beautiful.


Today we will tell you a few simple ways how to paint eggs for Easter with beets.

Thanks to such a natural dye as beet, eggs take on various shades of red - from delicate pink tones to darker burgundy. It depends on the amount of time that the eggs will be in the beetroot juice, as well as on the concentration of the solution itself.

How to paint eggs for Easter with beets - method number 1

To get the pink color of the shell, place hard-boiled eggs in a bowl of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. If you leave the eggs in a bowl of juice overnight in the refrigerator, they will take on a darker burgundy hue.

How to dye eggs with beets - method number 2

Peel 2-3 beets from the peel, grate on a coarse grater and pour a small amount of water. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. Dip hard-boiled eggs into this broth. The longer they stay in the decoction, the better they stain.

How to dye eggs with beets - method number 3

Peel the beetroot and rub it on a fine grater to make a gruel. Rub the hard-boiled eggs with this gruel. The longer the eggs stay in the beets, the more intense and darker their color will turn out.

How to paint eggs for Easter with beets - method number 4

The most economical option on how to color eggs with beets is to boil them together with beets. Thus, the eggs will be colored, and the beets can be used to make a salad.

Coloring Easter eggs - little tricks

  • Eggs should be boiled at room temperature, not from the refrigerator, otherwise they may burst during the cooking process. You can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.
  • To get patterns on dyed eggs, you can wrap them with threads, ribbons or roll them in groats and wrap them in gauze before dyeing. You can also attach parsley leaves (or other small herbs) to the eggs and wrap them tightly with gauze.
  • To make the painted eggs shine when you take them out of the beetroot solution, dry them, brush the eggs with vegetable oil and wipe them with a natural cloth.
  • If you take white eggs for coloring, then the shade will turn out to be soft pink, and if dark, then the color will be enriched with darker and more saturated tones.

Watch the video on how to dye eggs in onion skins:

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There are several ways to dye eggs with beets. The one we will use today is the simplest and requires the least amount of time and effort.

So, to dye eggs with beets at home, it is very easy to do. My recipe with a photo will show you step by step all the steps.

All we need is to boil the eggs and grate the beets. Well, and be patient to wait until the eggs are colored. But let's talk about everything in order.


How to dye eggs with beets at home

Eggs, as usual, choose white color so that the brown color of the shell does not affect the color of the colored eggs.

Wash the eggs thoroughly with warm soapy water using a foam sponge. Gently and thoroughly wipe so that there is no dirt and traces of store stamps. Rinse eggs in clean water.

To achieve impeccable cleanliness of the eggs, you can additionally wipe them with a cloth moistened with alcohol. Place the eggs in a saucepan cold water and put on a strong fire. Bring the water to a boil, put salt and, reducing the heat a little, cook for 10 minutes.

After that, the eggs are immediately lowered for 10 minutes in cold water This will make them easier to clean.

We wash the beets, cut off the peel and rinse. We select the container in which we will paint the eggs. It should be any non-plastic container: metal, porcelain or faience.

It is almost impossible to wash a plastic container after beets, so it is best to choose a faience bowl. We select a bowl in such a way that the required number of eggs and grated beets fit freely there.

Rub the peeled beets on a fine grater. Transfer to your chosen bowl.

Carefully place the prepared eggs in the beet pulp. Moreover, each egg should be completely wrapped in gruel, not in contact with others.

From above, the eggs should also be completely covered with beetroot mass. Leave the bowl with beet pulp and eggs at room temperature for 12-14 hours.

Then we remove the eggs from the beet mass and rinse with running water. Eggs are a delicate red-brown hue. The color is not quite uniform - due to the different adjunction of particles of the beet mass. Eggs are obtained as if in a speck.

They are not very bright, but they look pretty. The most interesting thing is that with this method of staining, the protein turns into a soft purple color, the yolk remains yellow.

Krashenki are, perhaps, along with Easter, the brightest decorations on the festive table. Many, fearing poisoning with chemical dyes, return to the traditions of our grandfathers and grandmothers. How to paint eggs onion peel and how to dye eggs with beets- Learn about all the secrets on the site.

How to dye eggs with onion skins: pattern ideas

Onion skins are a common and cheapest way to color eggs quickly. Onions are used in every family, so it will be enough for you to peel a few onions or put the husks in a bag for a while and store in a warm, dry place. The more you collect, the brighter the eggs will be after coloring.

Moreover, painting eggs with onion peel is also a huge space for creativity. No more buying plastic stickers or spending hours carefully scratching out designs. Here are some secrets on how to dye eggs with onion skins so that patterns remain on them:

    1. Wrap the eggs with thick white thread - you can make crosses or something more creative to your taste. After dyeing, bright orange eggs will be decorated with a pale pattern. Looks very nice.
    2. A white lace doily or any textured fabric - and your krashanki seem to be wrapped in the finest gossamer. Wrap the egg like a candy and carefully tie it on both sides with a thread. Remove the lace after the eggs are completely dry so as not to damage the pattern.
    3. Marble pattern is not so difficult. Take the husk, crumple it, put it on cheesecloth along with the egg and wrap it in a bag, then boil the hard-boiled eggs.
    4. The same can be done with various cereals or herbs. Just soak rice, pearl barley, millet or dill, parsley, flower petals, attach to the egg, wrap with gauze and cook until tender.
    5. After dyeing, it is better not to wash the eggs, but put them on a napkin and let them dry. If you want your dyes to shine beautifully, brush them with vegetable oil and pat them gently to remove any excess.

To how to paint eggs with onion skins: a step by step recipe

  1. Take the onion peel and put it in the pan.
  2. Pour enough water (so that the eggs are completely placed) and leave for half an hour.
  3. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Cool the broth and strain it into another pan.
  5. Put the eggs in the broth, bring to a boil again and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  6. When the broth has cooled, you can get the eggs.

How to dye eggs with beets

There are several ways how to dye eggs with beets. Depending on the saturation of the broth, the color varies from pale pink to burgundy. Also pay attention to the color of the eggs: the darker they are, the richer the shade will be.

Four options for dyeing Easter eggs with beets:

  1. Place the hard-boiled eggs overnight in a bowl of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. The longer they sit, the brighter the color will be.
  2. Peel 3 beets from the skin, grate on a coarse grater, pour a small amount of water. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and bring to a boil. Bring to a boil and hold for 10 minutes. Dip the boiled eggs into the broth.
  3. Peel the beetroot and grate it on a fine grater. Grate the boiled eggs with the resulting gruel.
  4. Just boil the eggs together with the beets. So they will be painted, and you will not have to waste time on special preparations.

Infographic: how to paint eggs for Easter with onion natural paints

Preparations for painting eggs begin on Holy Wednesday. /

For the Orthodox

, every day of which is also called the Great.

Tomorrow, on Great Wednesday, according to tradition, they begin to prepare eggs for dyeing, stocking up on everything necessary (for example, onion peel, if they want, according to the canon, dye eggs red). The painting itself is done directly from Maundy Thursday.

Easter eggs: drawings

The traditional color of Easter eggs is red (for this they are dyed with onion skins). It symbolizes the blood of Christ.

The tradition of exchanging red eggs for Easter is connected with a story from the Holy Scriptures.

According to tradition, it was not customary to come to the imperial court without a gift to the ruler. The poorest segments of the population brought as a gift an ordinary egg - the simplest and cheapest gift. It was with such a gift that Mary Magdalene also came to announce to Emperor Tiberius: "I saw the Lord! He is risen!" He replied contemptuously: "Rather this egg will turn red than I will believe that Christ is risen" - and the egg immediately changed color to scarlet. The now startled emperor exclaimed: "Truly He is risen!" So the emperor and the whole court, who witnessed the miracle, adopted the Christian faith.

Most often, Easter eggs are depicted sun. It means the arrival of spring, the renewal of life, the liberation from darkness. For Christians, God is like sunlight; all the best that is in life is connected with him.

Cross symbolizes the four directions of the world and the four winds. It is also a reference to the bird in flight. Sometimes the sun was also denoted by a cross. In Christianity, the cross is a symbol of earthly suffering, death and resurrection.

swastika draw those in whose families there are no children. There is a belief that the swastika affects childbearing, drives away trouble and brings joy to the house.

Trining(broken cross) - an image of a figure with three ends - means sunrise, movement during the day and sunset. If the ends of the trining are bent in the direction of the sun, this is a sign of something good, bright. But if, on the contrary, they show a movement opposite to the sun, then they denote something bad and unkind.

Star- a symbol of love, the sun and the dawn. The star pattern contains the image of a straight and oblique cross, a right-handed and left-handed swastika. Such Easter eggs will be presented as a declaration of love.

How to color eggs with beets, turmeric and other natural dyes

How to color eggs with food coloring

White eggs need to be boiled hard (important: they should not crack), cool and dry.

In small containers that easily fit one egg, dissolve the contents of one sachet in 50 ml warm water, add two tablespoons of table vinegar and mix thoroughly. Bring the amount of water to 200 ml (as a rule, 1 sachet is calculated for 200 ml of water) or the desired color saturation.

Dip the egg into the diluted dye solution so that the solution completely covers the egg. At the same time, for uniform coloring, the egg must be constantly turned over.

Painting time is about 3-4 minutes.

Place the eggs on a paper towel or paper towel and let dry.

Attention! To get striped eggs- you need to alternately lower the eggs into containers with different concentrations of paint on different levels.

/ photo:

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Previously, Glavred wrote that . By the way, in Ukraine the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is approved at the state level.

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