Evgenia Kutsenko daughter of Gosha. Gosha Kutsenko's wife - photo, children, personal life. When it became known about the replenishment in the Kutsenko family

You will recognize him from a thousand ... ". What is worth only his hair. Today we are talking about the Russian actor, director and screenwriter Gosha Kutsenko. His biography is a series of eventful events, in which thousands of his fans all over Russia are interested. The female half is especially interested in the personal life of the actor. We hasten to upset them. The man is happily married.

Moreover, Gosha Kutsenko can be safely considered a father of many children. The man has three daughters. Despite the fact that they are from different women, the actor tries to pay attention to each of them. The celebrity especially loves to spend time with her youngest. Recall that this summer the actor became a father.

Actor biography

Gosha Kutsenko is primarily known as an actor. As a screenwriter and director - already later. How a man came to this, read in our article. Gosha Kutsenko - he is Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko. The man comes from the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. Gosha celebrates his birthday on May 20th. This year the actor celebrated his birthday. He is 50 years old.

His parents had nothing to do with art. Mother is a doctor, and father worked in the industry. The only one who theoretically could have a creative influence on little Gosha is his grandmother. In her youth, the woman was an opera singer. However, closer to old age, her career did not work out.

Childhood photo of the actor

The real name Gosha has an interesting history. It was named after cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. As a child, my mother called the boy Gosha. He liked it, because he did not have to quickly learn how to pronounce the letter Y.

After moving to the West, Gosha entered the Lviv Polytechnic University. Failed to learn. He was drafted into the army. The move to Moscow took place in 1988. Gosha entered MIREA, but did not finish his studies. Then there was the Moscow Art Theater School. He graduated from it in 1992.

Now Gosha works in the theater of the Moscow City Council. He also starred in commercials. In 2016, the actor announced that he intends to no longer act in films, but wants to start directing.

Actor in his youth

The most famous works in the cinema Gosha Kutsenko:

  1. "Mom, don't worry."
  2. "Antikiller".
  3. "That's what's happening to me."
  4. "Love-carrot".
  5. "Savages".

In total, there are more than three dozen films in the filmography of Gosha Kutsenko. He voiced three cartoons and directed 3 films. This list will be expanded in the future.

On the set of the film "Antikiller"

How did the family happiness of the Russian Bruce Willis?

Photos of Gosha Kutsenko with his wife often appear on the network. The actor appreciates his family very much, so he tries to show his personal life only superficially. There are several marriages in the biography of Gosha Kutsenko. Kutsenko met his ex-wife, actress Maria Poroshina, at the Moscow Art Theater School. The girl just entered the educational institution. Gosha was 6 years older than Maria.

Soon after they met, the young people decided to live together. In 1996, the couple had a girl. They named her Polina. Unfortunately, the marriage of young people did not last long. After 5 years, Gosha and Maria made a decision - they need to leave. Unlike other Russian famous couples, Kutsenko and Poroshina have maintained exceptionally friendly relations.

With his first wife Maria Poroshina

Actors can often be found on the set of the same pictures. In addition, they communicate and off the set.

The second time Gosha was seen in official relations only in 2012. From unverified sources, it is known that Kutsenko met with his second wife for 10 years. Relatively recently, lovers decided to officially legalize their relationship.

Who is Irina Skrinichenko?

The second wife of Gosha Kutsenko is even younger than the first wife of the actor. Irina is 13 years younger than her star husband. This does not prevent the couple from finding a common language in disputable situations and adhering to mutual understanding in relationships. Irina is a fashion model. The woman also acted in films. But she cannot be called a full-fledged actress.

The second wife of Gosha Kutsenko decided not to advertise their relationship. The wedding was very modest. Only his mother-in-law witnessed the change in status in the actor's personal life. Unfortunately, in the biography of Gosha Kutsenko there is no information whether there was any celebration on the occasion of the beginning of his life together with his first wife, Maria Poroshina.

The second wife of the actor Irina Skrinichenko

As Gosha Kutsenko said, the secret painting is an initiative exclusively of Irina. It was she who did not want to arrange a magnificent celebration. Gosha himself would not mind inviting guests to a magnificent banquet.

Gosha also said that despite the absence of guests, their wedding with Irina can be called full-fledged. The bride came to the painting in a wedding dress. The groom put on a suit. As for wedding gifts to each other, Gosha said that he gives gifts to his wife every day. Kutsenko shared with reporters that he gives his wife absolutely everything he has. Irina appreciates it very much.

The younger daughters of the actor

Polina is not the only daughter of Gosha Kutsenko. His second wife, Irina Skrinichenko, gave birth to his middle and youngest daughter. In 2014, Evgenia was born. The baby's parents say that her creative abilities all went to her dad. Gosha has already managed to shoot his daughter in his video "Love is like that." The girl was named the youngest Russian actress. In 2017, the youngest daughter was born to Gosha Kutsenko.

With second wife and daughter

The girl was named Svetlana. Information has repeatedly appeared in the press that the couple should have a boy. However, a girl appeared again in the Kutsenko family.

It is not known who the actor wanted more. He's crazy about his daughters anyway. It is possible that in the future the wife will still give Gosha a son.

When did it become known about the replenishment in the Kutsenko family?

Gosha Kutsenko with his youngest newborn daughter

The second pregnancy of the current wife of actor Irina Skrinichenko became known shortly before the birth of a woman. In early June, the couple again became the happiest parents. A few days after the birth of his daughter, the actor showed her picture to Internet users. The photo was just published on the eve of Father's Day. Gosh commented on the post with humor.

Another daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Evgenia, is only three years old. The eldest Polina is 21 years old.

What connects the artist's former and current wives?

In ordinary life, tender friendship between the former and current wives of one man is very rare. It probably doesn't even occur at all. But when it comes to Russian and foreign celebrities, everything is possible. Gosha Kutsenko is very lucky. Two of his close women managed to find a common language.

Maria Poroshina and Irina Skrinichenko often meet at Gosha's concerts. Moreover, women even visit each other. Women even managed to act together in one picture. Together with Poroshina and Skrinichenko, the eldest daughter of Kutsenko, Polina, took part in the filming. Between Maria and Kutsenko himself there are also exceptionally friendly relations.

Kutsenko with her eldest daughter Polina

Look at the photo of Gosha Kutsenko. Once he was very happy in his personal life with Maria Poroshina. But the paths of their biographies diverged. Gosha's ex-wife says that she would accept his choice unconditionally. But she was lucky. The woman had a good relationship with her new wife Kutsenko. Maria says that Ira is a very erudite and talkative woman. They are interested in talking.

To the surprise of everyone, Maria was very happy about the news about the replenishment in the Kutsenko family, both for the first and second time. Actress Maria Poroshina says that motherhood has changed Irina a lot. With the advent of babies in her life, Ira became more tender and feminine. Maria believes that motherhood is her only benefit.

The actor is happy in his second marriage

An interesting fact - the eldest daughter Kutsenko maintains a relationship with the younger ones. Children consider themselves sisters, despite the fact that they have different mothers.

The daughters of Maria Poroshina from actor Ilya Drevnov consider the daughters of Gosha Kutsenko and Irina Skrinichenko to be their sisters. Papa Gosha is very touched.

Every Russian and not only knows about Gosha Kutsenko. A charismatic actor, singer, producer, screenwriter and just a talented person. He equally well performs the roles of both mafiosi and "humble nerds." His roles in films capture the attention of viewers. He never starred in uninteresting scenarios, he deliberately chooses films that become bestsellers.


Childhood and youthful years of the charming Kutsenko

Yuri (Gosh) Kutsenko was born on a May day in 1967 in Zaporozhye. Here he spent his childhood. In connection with the transfer of the boy's father to another job, the family moved to Lviv. There, Yuri went to school, and in parallel with his studies, he was professionally engaged in wrestling. The highlight of the actor - a hooked nose, he got just during his sports career. However, the actor's fans do not at all consider his nose to be a flaw, rather, on the contrary, they call it a sign of masculinity.

Gosha in childhood and now

By the way, the boy got his name in honor of the famous cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

After leaving school, the young man entered the Lviv Polytechnic Institute, but he failed to graduate from it. Gosha was drafted into the army, but after demobilization he did not return to Lvov. Yuri's father was transferred to Moscow on duty, and after the army Gosh went after his family.

Gosha recalls his childhood in Ukraine with warmth, and most often associates it with the bounties of the region - mulberries, cherries, summer bathing on the Dnieper.

The young man's parents were difficult people, in Moscow his father served as Deputy Minister of the USSR Radio Industry, his mother was in charge of the x-ray room in the hospital. At first, Yuri decided to remember the lecture course of the Polytechnic University and entered the Moscow Institute of Technology. However, after studying there for two years, the guy realized that he was not interested. His dreams were connected with playing in the cinema, and leaving the technological Gosh, he decided to take the theater by storm.

In an interview, his mother says that she dreamed that her son would become a diplomat and writer, and her husband even tried to prevent his son from entering the theater.

But, the young man, in the meantime, has already conquered the examination board led by Oleg Tabakov with his originality.

The first wife of Gosha Kutsenko - Maria Poroshina

The guy met his first wife in the third year of the Moscow Art Theater. Maria Poroshina became his civil wife. The marriage of the star couple did not last long, only five years. However, in this union, a daughter, Polina, was born to a famous actor. The girl can often be seen in the photo now. Together with her father and his children from her second marriage, she attends star parties and goes on vacation to foreign countries. After a divorce from Gosha, Maria Poroshina married Ilya Drevnov and realized herself both in creativity and in motherhood, the woman has four children.

With civil wife Maria Poroshina

Gosha's second marriage - official wife Irina Skrinichenko

In 2012, the famous actor tied the knot with Irina Skrinichenko, an actress and fashion model. The couple legalized their relationship ten years after they met. Kutsenko's wife is thirteen years younger than him. She said goodbye to the career of a fashion model, she has children growing up in a marriage with an actor - two daughters, Evgenia and Svetlana.

With his wife Irina, the actor is happily married

Daughters of Gosha Kutsenko

The eldest daughter of the actor decided to follow in her father's footsteps. After preparatory courses at the Moscow Art Theater, she tried to enter GITIS, but did not pass the competition. Now she is studying at the Shchukin Theater and has already starred in several films.

Eldest daughter Polina

The second daughter of the actor Eugene is also artistic and very similar to her dad. She began her career at the age of one and a half years, starring in his video. The youngest daughter of the actor Svetlana, a gift to dad for his 50th birthday. The girl was born in June 2017. The personal life of the actor and his family is now full of pleasant surprises. Gosha manages to work at the Kinotavr festival and spend time with his family. Photos of Gosha Kutsenko with his family often flash in the media, which testifies to their friendship and solidarity.

// Photo: Yuri Samolygo / PhotoXpress

In mid-November, the shooting of the video for the track Kutsenko Space (translated from English as "Cosmos") took place. Work on the video lasted several days, filmed in three places: on the roof of one of the houses in the historical center of the capital, on Andreevsky Bridge and at the actor's dacha near Moscow. The main star of the video was not 48-year-old Gosha Kutsenko, but his one and a half year old daughter Evgenia.

“I have long wanted to write a song about love, but about one that I have never experienced,” the actor tells StarHit. - I have an adult daughter, Polina, when she was born, it was a different time, I was different. When Zhenya appeared, she literally blew my heart and I realized: this is the very feeling, I want to sing about it - about her future, present. A friend of Eldar Salavatov helped with the idea of ​​the clip, he has a large computer graphics studio.

The baby’s assistant on the site was her mother Irina Skrinichenko, she herself will appear in the video. “I bribed her by dedicating a song to our daughter,” continues Gosha. - And Zhenechka is a great fellow - she was almost not capricious, she listened to the director and Ira. But children are not easy to photograph. She is mobile, she started walking early, she needs an eye and an eye. With such a beautiful mother, she has all the data to become an actress. She made her debut at a year and five months old. She will have a good memory."

In the story, a married couple is going through a crisis in their relationship. And then the universe sends a little astronaut girl to a man and a woman. She arrives and brings peace back to their family. “It happens to everyone, children unite couples!” – says the actor. The release of the video for the song Space is scheduled for January 2016.

It is noteworthy that Gosha does not consider the story mentioned in the music video to be autobiographical. According to the artist, everyone needs family happiness, and therefore the plot will seem close to many. I must say, Kutsenko is proud of the success of his little daughter and believes that he did not in vain involve her in this responsible work.

“I always wanted some hit. For a long time. A high, romantic song about love, - explained Gosha. - There is about the temporality of relationships, parting, about dating. And I wanted a song based on good poetry, for the sake of which music was invented.

// Photo: Personal archive of Gosha Kutsenko

Irina Skrinichenko is a model, born in Moscow in 1980. Today you will not see her at secular parties, but five years ago she did not miss a single event and was known as a socialite. Fashionable blonde posed for photo shoots, starred with her star boyfriend. Soon she began to flicker in the scenes of premiere films. Gosha Kutsenko's wife Irina Skrinichenko met with George for twelve whole years and finally, everything ended with a long-awaited wedding. Kutsenko became a successful director, and the model became a happy mother and faithful wife.

Biography of the wife of Gosha Kutsenko

Young Irina was tall and rather thin, which is why the modeling business was open to her. The well-known Fashion Group agency invited her to cooperate. In 1997, she enters the Plekhanov Academy and receives a successful diploma, soon gets a job as a pr-manager in a production company, where she worked for a wonderful seven years.

Nine years later, she was given the unique right to represent a well-known photographic agency in our country, and a year later she made her debut in the tragicomedy Mermaid. Participation in the action movie Antikiller Danila Koretsky "Love Without Memory" in the episode became a memorable work, Kutsenko's wife starred in the new version of the Diamond Hand and in. dramatic production of "Son", it was this picture that became Kutsenko's debut. In the drama "Doctor" Kutsenko's wife Gosha starred three years later. Today, the woman is involved in charity work and is a member of the Step Together Foundation.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife photo

Gosha Kutsenko met his wife even before the ex-wife Maria Poroshina left. There were a variety of rumors about the connection with Skrinichenko, they either converged or parted again. In 2010, Gosha proposed to her, but the wedding never took place, they practically did not appear in public together. A little later, rumors appeared that Kutsenko had started an affair with the Chi-li soloist. Two years later, since the first attempt failed, Gosha decided to propose to Irina a second time, and the marriage was registered. The personal life of the spouses was simply wonderful, and soon Kutsenko and his current wife had a daughter, who was named Evgenia.

Modern life of the young

The family for a woman is now in the first place, but she does not cease to participate with her husband in his creative projects, he does not cease to advertise his wife's photo on the Internet. She supports Kutsenko in everything, as a result of which an interesting family work appeared to create a video for the song “Such Love”. Here Gosha Kutsenko is a clip maker, and his wife and Zhenechka also took part in the main role, she has already turned a year and a half here. The presentation of this work took place in a famous Moscow cinema and today you can find this touching interesting video on YouTube. Last year, in the summer, Irina gave birth to Gosha Kutsenko another daughter, this is a bright and radiant child, the girl was named Svetlana.

The fifty-year-old actor shares his good news with reporters. So this time he told me that he was expecting a long-awaited son, but in fact, after the appearance of the post on the Instagram microblog, everyone found out that a girl was born. Congratulatory comments began to pour in, and for the father of three children this is real happiness. The first daughter from Maria Poroshina is called Polina, she was born in 1996, but, unfortunately, the relationship did not last long, he participates in every possible way in the upbringing and helps Polina, so she followed in her father's footsteps and even starred with him in the series "The Last Cop ".

Kutsenko is happy to work with his daughter, they are in close relationship and work from morning to night. The shooting brought them closer, you can talk and discuss something, and most importantly, Gosha found out what it is like when a daughter kisses a guy in front of his eyes. Irina speaks very warmly and reverently about the ex-wife of the actor and director, arguing that the first marriage for him is a certain experience that was not wasted.

Gosha Kutsenko is a fairly well-known film actor. He appeared in a large number of films in which he plays courageous heroes. The man also tried himself in directing. He made several films that became a new word in Russian cinematography.

The actor plays the guitar well. He often performs in nightclubs, striking with his possession of a musical instrument and vocal abilities.

The man was in a relationship with beautiful women twice. Only the last beloved managed to drag the man down the aisle. He is raising two little daughters. The actor does not forget the eldest daughter Polina, who is already an adult.

After the release of the first movie with the participation of the star, many movie lovers became interested in the artist. At present, it is not a secret of information about his height, weight, age. How old is Gosha Kutsenko is reliably known. Currently, the artist has crossed the 50-year milestone. But many fans believe that a man looks several years younger than his biological age.

Gosha Kutsenko, a photo in his youth and now which allows you to see a courageous person, has a height of 184 centimeters. The star weighs about 80 kg. He often visits gyms, where he maintains his physical form.

Biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are amazing and attractive. They are able to interest any person.

A baby was born in the Kutsenko family in the late 60s of the last century. He was named at birth Yuri. Thus, the boy's parents honored the first man on the planet Earth who traveled in space, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Father - Georgy Pavlovich led the industry that produces radio components in the Zaporozhye region. Mother - Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko worked in the hospital as a radiologist.

At the age of 5, our hero moves with his parents to another Ukrainian city. It is Lvov who considers the guy to be his own. During his school years, Yura studied well. He especially liked mathematics. But the guy did not like literature, since it was necessary to pronounce poems, and this showed quite clearly a speech defect. Kutsenko could not pronounce the sound of r.

Yuri attended a music school, he learned to play the guitar quite well. And the guy did not dare to sing yet.

Having received a school certificate, our hero becomes a student at the Polytechnic Institute in his native Lviv on the first attempt. But he could not finish his education, as he was drafted into the armed forces of the Soviet Union. For 2 years, the young man was a signalman. Although he was offered to become a military man, the future actor refused.

In the late 80s, the star of Russian cinema moved with his family to the capital of the Soviet Union. In the early 90s, the guy studies at the Moscow Art Theater School. The selection committee was captivated by the identity of the artist. He withstood all difficulties with honor. In order not to show his burriness, the guy uses his home name. It is called Gosha. Oleg Tabakov enrolls our hero in the number of students. The future star soon corrected all speech defects. He became one of the best students in the course.

After graduating from the theater institute, he gets a job in one of the capital's theaters. The talented actor has played many different roles. He quickly got fans.

Filmography: films starring Gosha Kutsenko

In the cinema, Kutsenko began acting in his student years. His debut film was The Man from the Alpha Team. Many years have passed since then. The artist is invited by the best film directors. His characters are courageous. The best works of Gosha, according to his fans, are the work in "Countess de Monsoro", "Antikiller", "Special Forces", "Turkish Gambit" and many others. Kutsenko sometimes appears in a humorous perspective. The actor showed his talent in Love-Carrots, where pop singer Kristina Orbakaite became his partner. Despite Kutsenko's statements that he stops acting in films, his filmography is still being replenished. Recently, movie lovers could see the work of Gosha in the "Vacation of the President." And now he is filming in the Balkan Frontier.

The actor dubbed several foreign films. He gave his voice to courageous characters. Potanya speaks in the voice of the artist in the cartoon “Three heroes. Horse move."

Our hero tried himself as a director. He made two films: "If you love" and "Doctor", which were appreciated by critics and viewers. The artist wrote scripts for several films.

A man often participates in various show programs in which he judges contestants.

Engaged in Kutsenko and music. He often performs with his own band. Currently, Gosha has released several music albums.

Twice our hero lost his head from love. The first wife never became official, despite the birth of her daughter. In the second marriage, the actor is still happy. He is raising two little daughters.

Family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are topics that the artist can answer endlessly.

The popular film actor has three daughters. The first was given to him by his first lover. And the next two were born in the second marriage of Kutsenko. He loves all daughters. Gosha also has a godson, who was born in the family of one of the artist's friends.

The father held leadership positions. He worked in Ukraine for many years. In 1988, the man began to work in the Soviet government. In the difficult 90s, the star's dad began to do business. But unsuccessful. Recently, a man passed away, he was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Mom had a great influence on the development of the boy. She has worked in a hospital all her life. Currently, the woman helps raise two little granddaughters, the youngest of whom looks so much like her.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Polina

In the difficult 90s, the artist became a father for the first time. But this did not prompt the official registration of relations with the common-law wife Maria Poroshina. A short time after that, the common-law spouses broke up, but the star of the Turkish Gambit did not stop participating in the life of the child.

Gosha Kutsenko's daughter, Polina, studied well at school. The girl received an artistic education. She graduated from the Shchukin School. Currently, Polina is actively playing in one of the capital's theaters and acting in films.

Recently, at one of the events, the girl appeared with her father. They performed the song together, showing excellent vocal skills. But nothing is known about Polina's personal life. She diligently avoids this side of life in her interviews.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Evgenia

In 2014, our hero became a father for the second time. He was anxious and treats the baby, who is so much like his beloved wife. Zhenechka was born in one of the capital's hospitals. The star father himself was present at the birth.

The daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Evgenia, recently celebrated her fourth birthday. She, according to the actor, will become an actress or a singer. Now the girl is engaged in vocals, dancing. She draws well, tries to read books.

Zhenya helps her mother raise her younger sister. She loves to hang out with her dad and make up funny stories, some of which can be read on her mom's Instagram.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Svetlana

Our hero named his youngest daughter, who was born in mid-2017, in honor of his beloved mother - Sveta. The girl looks like a grandmother. The actor himself assures that sometimes the manner of his mother is manifested in the behavior of his daughter.

The daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Svetlana, recently celebrated her first birthday. The little girl received a large number of gifts. The celebration was attended by many friends of the girl's parents.

The baby loves to play with her sister, grandmother and mother. Who the baby will be is yet to be determined. But it is clear that she will become a good person.

Ex-wife of Gosha Kutsenko - Maria Poroshina

On the set of one of his paintings, the popular film actor met the girl Masha. She immediately attracted the attention of a man. The novel quickly turned into a relationship. At first, the lovers decided to live in a civil marriage, without officially registering the relationship. They worked and rested together, enjoying each other. But after the birth of their daughter, the actors decided to leave.

The ex-wife of Gosha Kutsenko, Maria Poroshina, never prevented her daughter from communicating with her father. She maintained friendly relations with her ex-husband.

The acting fate of the actress was quite successful. She plays a lot and acts in films. Maria recently received a prestigious award for many years of creative work.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife - Irina Skrinichenko

In 2005, at one of the social events, the Turkish Gambit star met a girl who attracted him with her beauty. The artist says that he saw bottomless eyes and disappeared. He was not stopped by a big age difference. Gosha began to look after Ira. And she only after some time responded to his courtship.

In 2012, the lovers officially registered their marriage. The young wife of Gosha Kutsenko, Irina Skrinichenko, is a fairly successful model. She has appeared in several films. Currently, Irina takes care of the house and brings up little daughters. But the girl finds time to participate in fashion shows, leaving her daughters in the care of their grandmother.

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko allows you to fully get acquainted with the life and creative path of the actor.

Wikipedia tells in sufficient detail about the youth of our hero. But about childhood, superficial information is given. Here you can find a list of films in which a man has ever starred. The paintings in which he acted as a director, producer are listed. On the page you can learn a little about the personal life of the actor. The artist's wives and children are listed here.

Instagram Kutsenko fills the gap of Wikipedia. Here you can see pictures of the actor both on stage and in movies, as well as in everyday life. Gosha spends a lot of time with his beloved wife and daughters, as can be seen from the pictures posted on the page. The star talks about her life without hiding anything. Gosha wants everyone to know that he is incredibly happy.

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