Cost measurement and methodological bases of the accounting of economic processes. He - deviations of actual costs from the norms (savings or overspending) The cost measurement of accounting objects includes

LECTURE 2.3. valuation methods

Essence and meaning of cost measurement

Measurement- one of the main elements of the accounting method, which allows obtaining quantitative indicators characterizing a particular object.

From the moment of purchase, all objects are accounted for in accounting at their acquisition price until they are fully or partially used in the activities of the organization (transfer their value to another object) or lose their value for other reasons, are written off the balance sheet by reducing the corresponding source. The actual cost of new objects produced or the change in the cost of previously acquired objects as a result of the organization's activities is determined by calculation based on accounting data.

The need to use cost measurement in accounting practice is due to the operation of the law of value and the presence of commodity-money relations.

Thus, the cost measurement of accounting objects in our economy is carried out by directly evaluating them when buying and selling outside the organization using a price system, or by calculating the actual cost if the object changes its value, is used or re-created within the internal economic space of the organization .

Evaluation, its principles and measurement procedure

To reflect property and liabilities in accounting, the organization evaluates them in monetary terms.

The assessment of economic assets is the starting point of accounting and the real basis for its construction, since without monetary measurement at the present stage of development it is impossible to obtain generalized indicators. The objectivity of the characteristics of the organization's resources, as well as the accuracy of determining the financial results, depend on the correctness of the assessment, since the distortion of the amount of costs leads to an incorrect calculation of the amount of profit.

The correctness of the assessment of economic means is achieved by observing the principles of its reality and unity.

Reality of assessment- this is a reflection in the monetary indicator of the actual value of labor costs included in economic assets. Compliance with this principle is ensured by the fact that all in-kind and labor indicators are converted into money using prices set by the state or the manufacturer, which are based on socially necessary labor costs.

Valuation of property purchased for a fee is carried out by summing up the actual expenses incurred for its purchase; property received free of charge - at market value on the date of its posting; property manufactured in the organization itself - at the cost of its manufacture.

The actual costs incurred for the purchase of property include the cost of the property itself, customs duties, other payments, as well as the costs of procurement and delivery of property, including those incurred by other organizations.

The market value is formed on the basis of the price for this or a similar type of property, effective on the date of posting the property or received free of charge. Data on the price valid on the date of posting of the property must be confirmed by documents or by expert means.

The cost of manufacturing the property includes the actual costs associated with the use of fixed assets, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, labor resources in the process of manufacturing the property, and other costs for its production.

Liabilities are valued in monetary terms based on the price specified in the contract.

Valuation of property and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency, is made in Belarusian rubles by converting foreign currency at the official rate established by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of the business transaction.

The principle of unity of assessment consists in a uniform monetary measurement of homogeneous funds of various organizations. This means that in the balance sheets of all organizations, the same funds are valued in the same order. Moreover, this assessment is maintained during the entire time that economic assets are in one or another stage of the circulation. Correct observance of this principle also requires that economic assets be shown in the same assessment, both in the balance sheet and in current accounting.

Depreciation of fixed assets;

other costs.

The subdivision of costs by costing items is used for analytical accounting of production and costing of products.

Classification of costs by calculation items:

1. Raw materials and materials;

2. Returnable waste (subtracted);

3. Purchased products and semi-finished products;

4. Fuel and energy for technological purposes;

5. Depreciation of fixed assets;

6. Basic wages of production workers;

7. Additional wages for production workers;

8. Deductions for social needs;

9. Costs for preparation and development of production;

10. General production (shop) expenses;

11. General business (factory) expenses;

12. Losses from marriage;

13. Other production expenses;

14. Selling expenses.

The total of the first 13 items forms the production cost of production, and the total of all 14 items - the total cost of production.

Classification by economic elements is necessary at the planning stage in order to identify the required amount of material, labor and financial resources, classification by cost items - to determine the actual costs of producing a unit of output.

Accounting for the production process. Accounting for the process of selling products and goods. Quantitative indicators are: for an industrial enterprise, indicators of the quantity of manufactured and sold products; for transport organizations, the volume of transported goods; for trade turnover. Qualitative indicators make it possible to assess the economic feasibility of business operations or processes taking place at the enterprise, profit and profitability, labor productivity, unit cost, etc.

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Valuation of fixed assets

Valuation of intangible assets

Evaluation of profitable investments in material assets


Unfinished production

Selling expenses

Future spending

Finished products

Goods for resale

Goods shipped, works delivered and services rendered


Authorized capital

Extra capital

Reserve capital

Undestributed profits

Reserves for future expenses

Obligations to legal entities and individuals

Valuation as a method of cost measurement of accounting objects

To really determine the state of the financial and economic activities of the organization, it is necessary to assess its property and liabilities. Evaluation of accounting objects. accounting depends on the types of objects and purposes of accounting.

Valuation of property and liabilities is a way of expressing certain types of property and sources of their formation in monetary terms in accounting and reporting.

For organizations of all forms of ownership, a unified procedure for assessing property and liabilities has been established:

1) property, liabilities and business transactions are valued in rubles;

2) entries in the book. accounting for currency accounts, as well as for operations in foreign currency, are carried out in rubles by converting foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective on the date of the operation. At the same time, these entries are made in the currency of settlements and payments;

3) boo. it is allowed to keep records of property, liabilities and business transactions in amounts rounded up to whole rubles. The resulting differences are charged to the results of economic activity.

Property valuation is carried out as follows:

purchased for a fee - by summing up the actual costs incurred for its purchase;

received free of charge - at market value on the date of posting;

produced in the organization itself - at the cost of its manufacture, including the actual costs associated with the production of the property.

Valuation of fixed assets

Fixed assets in accounting are evaluated by types: initial cost, replacement cost, current value, residual value.

The initial cost of fixed assets acquired for a fee is the amount of the organization's actual costs for the acquisition, construction and manufacture, with the exception of value added tax and other refundable taxes (except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

The actual costs for the acquisition, construction and manufacture of fixed assets are:

1) the amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the supplier (seller), as well as the amounts paid for the delivery of the object and bringing it into a condition suitable for use;

2) amounts paid to organizations for the performance of work under a construction contract and other contracts;

3) amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of fixed assets;

4) customs duties and customs fees;

5) non-refundable taxes, state duty paid in connection with the acquisition of an item of fixed assets;

6) remuneration paid to an intermediary organization through which an object of fixed assets was acquired;

7) other costs directly related to the acquisition, construction and manufacture of fixed assets.

General business and other similar expenses are not included in the actual costs for the acquisition, construction or manufacture of fixed assets, except when they are directly related to the acquisition, construction or manufacture of fixed assets.

The actual costs for the acquisition and construction of fixed assets are determined (reduced or increased) taking into account the amount differences arising in cases where payment is made in rubles in an amount equivalent to the amount in foreign currency (conventional monetary units). The sum difference is understood as the difference between the ruble valuation, expressed in foreign currency (conditional monetary units), of accounts payable for payment of fixed assets, calculated at the official or other agreed rate on the date of its acceptance for accounting, and the ruble valuation of this payable, calculated at official or other agreed exchange rate on the date of its redemption.

The initial cost of fixed assets received by an organization under a gift agreement (free of charge) is their current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting as investments in non-current assets.

If it is impossible to establish the value of the valuables transferred or to be transferred by the organization, the cost of fixed assets received by the organization under agreements providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary funds is determined based on the cost at which similar items of fixed assets are acquired in comparable circumstances.

Capital investments in perennial plantings, for radical land improvement are included in fixed assets annually in the amount of costs related to the areas accepted for operation in the reporting year, regardless of the date of completion of the entire complex of works.

An assessment of an item of fixed assets, the value of which upon acquisition is expressed in foreign currency, is made in rubles by recalculating the amount in foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective on the date of acceptance of the item for accounting as investments in non-current assets.

The cost of fixed assets, in which they are accepted for accounting, is not subject to change, except for cases of completion, additional equipment, reconstruction, modernization, partial liquidation and revaluation of fixed assets.

Replacement cost is the cost of reproduction of fixed assets in modern conditions.

A commercial organization may not more than once a year (at the beginning of the reporting year) revaluate groups of homogeneous fixed assets at their current (replacement) cost.

When deciding on the revaluation of such fixed assets, it should be taken into account that they are subsequently revalued regularly so that the cost of fixed assets at which they are reflected in accounting and reporting does not differ significantly from the current (replacement) value.

The revaluation of an item of fixed assets is carried out by recalculating its original cost or current (replacement) cost, if this item was revalued earlier, and the amount of depreciation accrued for the entire period of use of the item.

Sv \u003d Sp x (Jv / Jp),

where Sv is the replacement cost of an item of fixed assets;

Sp - its initial cost;

Jv - price index (inflation) as of the date of calculation of the replacement cost;

Jv - price index (inflation) at the time of acquisition of the object.

Current replacement cost - the amount in cash (or its equivalent) that must be paid at market prices if replacement with similar new items is required.

Residual value - the original or replacement cost less accumulated depreciation.

Fixed assets - operating, being mothballed or in stock are accounted for in the reporting at residual value. In accounting, they are reflected at the original or replacement cost.

Valuation of intangible assets

An intangible asset is accepted for accounting at the actual (initial) cost determined as of the date of its acceptance for accounting.

1) the amounts paid in accordance with the agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to the means of individualization to the right holder (seller);

2) customs duties and customs fees;

3) non-refundable amounts of taxes, state, patent and other fees paid in connection with the acquisition of an intangible asset;

4) remuneration paid to an intermediary organization and other persons through which an intangible asset was acquired;

5) amounts paid for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of an intangible asset;

6) other expenses directly related to the acquisition of an intangible asset and the provision of conditions for the use of the asset for the planned purposes.

property value accounting

The cost measurement and current accounting of business transactions is carried out using valuation.

Valuation is a way of monetary expression of accounting objects (property, liabilities and business transactions) by adding up the costs incurred in them to reflect them in accounting and financial statements. The application of the assessment ensures the reality and comparability of the indicators of the economic activity of the enterprise.

Incorrect calculation of the real assessment of individual accounting objects gives an incorrect interpretation of the facts of economic events, which can lead to the adoption of incorrect decisions by the management personnel of the enterprise.

The assessment covers all stages of the life cycle of a manufacturing product: the procurement process, the production process and the sales process. The reliability of the calculation of the financial result depends on the validity and accuracy of accounting actions.

To the assessment, as an element of the accounting method, certain requirements are imposed:

  • ? Reality is the objective correspondence of the monetary expression of the accounting object to its actual price. The reality of the assessment is a necessary condition for the correct assessment of all accounting objects and the accurate calculation of the actual cost of the object. The reality of the assessment requires an accurate calculation of the actual cost of all accounting objects.
  • ? Unity - uniformity and immutability of the reflection of the value of objects (the same accounting object is evaluated at all enterprises during the entire period of the object's stay at one stage or another of the cycle in the same way).

When assessing the property of an organization, its obligations and business operations, one should be guided by the Accounting Regulations "Accounting Policy of the Organization", the Federal Law "On Accounting", the Regulations on Accounting and Accounting in the Russian Federation. In accordance with these regulatory documents, a single procedure for property valuation is established for organizations of all forms of ownership.

Property valuation:

  • ? purchased for a fee, is carried out by summing up the actual costs incurred for its purchase;
  • ? received free of charge - at market value on the date of posting;
  • ? produced in the organization itself - at the cost of its manufacture (actual costs associated with the production of the property).

The actual costs incurred include, in particular, the costs of acquiring the property itself, interest paid on a commercial loan granted upon acquisition, mark-ups (surcharges), commissions (cost of services) paid to supply, foreign economic and other organizations, customs duties and other payments, costs for transportation, storage and delivery carried out by third parties.

The formation of the current market value is based on the price in force on the date of posting the property received free of charge for this or a similar type of property. Data on the current price must be documented or confirmed by experts.

The cost of manufacturing is recognized as actually incurred costs associated with the use in the process of manufacturing property of fixed assets, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, labor resources and other costs for the manufacture of an object of property.

The use of other valuation methods, including by way of reservation, is allowed in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by the regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and bodies that have been granted the right to regulate accounting by federal laws.

Entries in accounting on the organization's currency accounts, as well as on transactions in foreign currency, are made in rubles in amounts determined by converting foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, effective on the date of the transaction. At the same time, these entries are made in the currency of settlements and payments.

Accounting records of property, liabilities and business transactions may be kept in amounts rounded up to whole rubles. The sum differences arising in this case are attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization or an increase in income (decrease in expenses) for a non-profit organization or an increase (decrease) in financing (funds) for a budgetary organization.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov

Department of Accounting and Audit


in the discipline "Theory of Accounting"

Topic: "Value measurement"

Completed by a 1st year student

Mitrofanova Svetlana


Group 4AB-11z

Specialty 080109

Code 301098037


Leonidova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Gubkin 2010

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….3

1. Essence and meaning, types of cost measurement of accounting objects……………………………………………………………….6

2. Features of the assessment of various objects of accounting supervision ... .20

3.Practical part…………………………………………………………………………...…26


List of used literature…………………………………………………………………………..43


Measurement is one of the main elements of the accounting method, which allows obtaining quantitative indicators characterizing a particular object.

A feature of accounting is the measurement of accounting objects, without fail, in a cost, monetary meter. This measure in our country is the monetary unit - the ruble. The use of this universal meter allows you to generalize, “synthesize” the results of measurements of any objects, for any time periods, for any organization, their group, industry and for the republic as a whole. However, in the value meter, only such objects that have value can be measured and reflected in accounting.

The cost of a commodity (or any other object of accounting) is the labor embodied in a commodity, socially necessary for its production. In reality, this value manifests itself only in the process of buying and selling goods on the market in the form of its price, as a monetary expression of the value of the goods.

Cost measurement covers all objects of accounting: economic means and processes.

Cost measurement is characterized by two main elements of the accounting method: valuation and costing.

The method of value measurement of an object in a monetary meter is called an estimate. When evaluating the goods, they compare, measure them with the generally accepted unit of measurement - the ruble, with its reference value (purchasing power). The results of the assessment (i.e. measurement) of an object are expressed in a certain amount in rubles, which is its price.

In market conditions, commodity prices are formed under the influence of many factors. In addition to the total cost of labor or cost, their value is significantly affected by supply and demand. Their collision, opposition in the sale of goods leads to a balancing of the interests of the seller (or manufacturer) and the buyer. As a result, the price of goods on the market is set at a certain level, which is objective and relatively independent in relation to both the seller and the buyer.

A stable and significant change in market prices for certain types of previously acquired funds of organizations leads to the need for their revaluation. Thanks to the revaluation, the value of accounting objects is brought to their real, objectively established value on the market, and the difference from the revaluation (revaluation or markdown) should be reflected in accounting as a separate business transaction or even an independent accounting object. The value of the object after the revaluation is sometimes called the replacement value.

Calculation (from calculo - to calculate) is a method of cost comparison of the processes of procurement of material assets, production of products, their sale, as well as individual stages, elements of the process of expanded reproduction (calculation of gross income, self-supporting cost, etc.).

Calculation, as a way of determining the actual cost of an object, is inextricably linked with the accounting system. It is in the system of synthetic and analytical accounts that the movement of funds spent is reflected, the amount of costs for the facility is collected and data is prepared for calculations. For this, collective and distribution and cost accounts are used.

From the moment of purchase, all objects are accounted for in accounting at their acquisition price until they are fully or partially used in the activities of the organization (transfer their value to another object) or lose their value for other reasons, are written off the balance sheet by reducing the corresponding source. The actual cost of new objects produced or the change in the cost of previously acquired objects as a result of the organization's activities is determined by calculation based on accounting data.

The need to use cost measurement in accounting practice is due to the operation of the law of value and the presence of commodity-money relations.

Thus, the cost measurement of accounting objects in our economy is carried out by directly evaluating them when buying and selling outside the organization using a price system, or by calculating the actual cost if the object changes its value, is used or re-created within the internal economic space of the organization .

1. Essence and meaning, types of cost measurement of accounting objects.

A feature of accounting that distinguishes it from other types of accounting is the reflection of economic assets, their sources and business processes in monetary terms, that is, in value terms. In other words, accounting reflects those means, processes and phenomena that are subject to cost measurement.

For this purpose, such elements of the accounting method as valuation and costing are used. The assimilation of these elements of the accounting method is one of the most important stages in the study of accounting methodology and the main prerequisite for the study of the current accounting of individual transactions, as well as topics such as "Accounting statements" and "Accounting policies".

In the economic literature, costing is often considered part of the assessment, a method of assessment, its framework is associated only with the determination of the cost of production. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the concepts of "value measurement", "monetary expression", "estimation", "calculation".

Monetary expression is the measurement of economic assets, their sources and economic processes in monetary units (hryvnias and kopecks). The concept of cost measurement has a similar meaning. In this regard, it is correct to characterize accounting as such, which is necessarily inherent in the cost measurement, which involves the use of a monetary meter.

Measurability is considered a necessary precondition for recognition. Measurement, or evaluation, should be understood as the assignment of numerical values ​​to objects and events according to certain parameters. The assessment includes three elements:

1. Object or event.

2. A property to be quantified (quality, attribute, characteristic).

3. A scale of measurement or a set of units of property expression.

Any object or event has several properties that can be measured.

The choice of property is determined by the purpose of the assessment.

The purpose of the assessment is the formulation of the main task that should be solved as a result of the assessment. The purpose of the assessment is formulated as follows:

a) the full and correct name of the object of assessment.

b) the type of assets being valued.

c) the type of property rights that are being assessed.

d) date of assessment.

Therefore, the choice of an adequate assessment and the avoidance of errors in the assessment of the assets and liabilities of the enterprise depends on the correctness of the goal set. Cost measurement covers all objects of accounting: business assets, their sources and business processes. According to Art. 4 of the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine", a single monetary meter is an important principle of accounting and financial reporting, which states: the measurement and generalization of all business operations of an enterprise in its financial statements is carried out in a single monetary unit, namely in a monetary unit Ukraine - hryvnia.

Valuation is a method of cost measurement of economic assets, sources of their formation, and costing is a method of cost measurement of the processes of acquiring material assets, manufacturing products, their sale, as well as individual stages of the process of expanded reproduction.

Evaluation of economic assets (assets) and their sources (capital and liabilities) is the starting point of accounting and the real basis for its construction.

In different sources, this element of the accounting method is defined in different ways. Some define valuation as a way of expressing business transactions in terms of money, others - as a way of solving in monetary terms the costs of living and materialized labor invested in certain types of funds and processes.

Price as a monetary expression of value is the basic category in the valuation of assets and business transactions. Any price consists of the following elements: cost of sales. overhead costs (administrative, marketing, etc.), profits, taxes, trade margins (discounts). The basis for the formation of the price of the manufacturer of products is the cost of production. Determining the cost is the prerogative of management accounting.

Wholesale, retail, weighted average, estimated, accounting and other prices are the basis for the assessment of economic assets. The most common are wholesale and retail prices. Wholesale prices are the prices at which an enterprise sells products to other enterprises, marketing or trading firms. The wholesale price of an enterprise includes: cost of sales, overheads, profits and taxes. Retail prices are the prices at which goods are sold to consumers. They include the wholesale price of the enterprise and the trade margin (discount) in order to cover distribution costs.

The conceptual basis for the preparation and presentation of financial statements of international accounting standards contains the following wording of the assessment: this is the process of determining the monetary amounts for which the elements of financial statements should be recognized and reflected in the balance sheet and income statement. Therefore, accounting should provide a real, factual picture of the availability of economic funds and the state of economic processes.

The theory of accounting sets the basic requirements for the assessment, ensuring the correct display of accounting objects and the reliability of the assessment. These requirements include: reality (adequacy), unity and purposefulness of the assessment.

The reality (adequacy) of the assessment ensures the objective correspondence of the monetary expression of accounting objects to their actual value, the reflection in the monetary meter of the true value of economic assets and operations. The adequacy of the assessment requires an accurate calculation of the actual cost of all accounting objects through inventory and revaluation.

The unity of the assessment ensures the uniformity and immutability of the assessment for a long time and for all business entities (enterprises, organizations, institutions). Unity of evaluation is achieved by establishing mandatory provisions (standards), instructions, accounting and calculation rules.

The valuation system used in accounting has a universal character. Evaluation in accounting is necessary in the process of economic activity: upon receipt and disposal of assets. when rights and obligations arise, when carrying out such operations as buying and selling, renting property, pledge, insurance, investment, revaluation of assets, when creating, merging, liquidating an enterprise, when exercising the right of inheritance, executing a court decision, etc.

This circumstance explains the existence of various monetary valuations: economic, legal, expert, statistical, insurance (actuarial).

Economic valuations are used to determine the value of property upon sale or acquisition. are usually calculative in nature.

Legal assessments can be limited to two groups of assessments arising from the agreements (contracts) concluded, due to the need to compensate for the harm caused.

Statistical estimates characterize the set of objects with some average values. used in macroeconomic accounting and analysis.

Expert assessments are usually carried out by specialists. this is an independent type of assessment in accounting, not devoid of, as you know, subjectivity.

Insurance (actuarial) estimates are calculated individually for each insurance object. are finally established after verification by the insurance organization of the data provided to it by the insured.

Due to the fact that the actual assessment of economic assets and their sources is not always possible, and sometimes it is not economically feasible to obtain, instead of determining the actual cost, certain accounting assumptions are used regarding the cost measurement of one or another accounting object - various assessment bases (methods) are used.

International Accounting Standards provide for the possibility of several different bases of assessment at the same time with varying degrees and in different combinations. The following assessment bases are distinguished:

historical cost. Assets are carried at the amount of cash and cash equivalents paid, or at the fair value of the consideration given to acquire them, at the time of acquisition. Liabilities are measured at the amount of proceeds received in exchange for the obligation or at the amount of cash that is expected to be paid to settle the obligation in the ordinary course of business.

current cost. Assets are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents that would be paid to acquire the same or equivalent asset to date. Liabilities are carried at the undiscounted amount of cash or cash equivalents that would be required to settle the liability at that time.

Cost of sale (repayment). Assets are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents that would be obtained to date from the sale of the asset in the ordinary course of the sale.

Liabilities are carried at settlement cost, that is, the undiscounted amount of cash that is expected to be paid to settle the obligation in the ordinary course of business.

current value. Assets are carried at the present present value of the future net cash inflows that the entity is expected to generate in the normal course of business. Liabilities are carried at the present present value of future net cash inflows that are expected to be needed to settle the liabilities in the normal course of business.

Based on the principle of historical (actual) cost, the basis of the assessment is often taken to be the historical cost - an assessment based on the costs of production or acquisition of assets. Historical cost is usually combined with other valuation bases. Thus, accounting standards require inventories to be recorded at the lower of two estimates - cost (historical) or net realizable value. This combination of evaluation methods follows from the principle of prudence.

Marketable securities, as well as other assets for which an active market exists, may be carried at market value. The choice of the valuation basis by an enterprise depends on the requirements of accounting standards, economic feasibility, as well as the current legislation.

Evaluation of various accounting objects, assets, liabilities, capital, business processes - is determined in the relevant accounting standards. For each type of assets, as a rule, several situations are defined in which assets are valued: valuation upon acquisition (receipt), valuation upon disposal, valuation at the balance sheet date (at the end of the reporting period). Acquisition is assessed at historical cost, which, as a rule, is the historical (actual) cost of the asset, at which it is credited to the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Also, when valuing assets, such a valuation method as fair value can be used - the amount at which an asset can be exchanged or a liability paid as a result of a transaction between knowledgeable, interested and independent parties. Fair value measurement should be used in such transactions as the gratuitous receipt of assets, the contribution of assets to the authorized capital (in this case, the cost agrees with the founders), the exchange of assets, etc.

The essence of costing as an element of the accounting method is to calculate in monetary terms the costs of the enterprise for the acquisition, production of a separate type of material assets, products (performance of work, provision of services) and sales costs (sales). So, costing is a process of evaluating the results of business processes: supply, production, sales. Let's take a closer look at this process using the example of costing production.

The objects of calculation of the cost of production are production costs that actually arise and which are grouped according to the relevant characteristics to form cost indicators. Signs of cost grouping reflect various objective characteristics of the production process: the formation of costs and cost. In a narrow sense, the object of accounting for production costs is a sign of their grouping, which determines the data encoding for obtaining information in the interests of control and management.

The primary elemental objects of accounting for production costs are the costs of labor and material resources in the performance of various production operations, the costs of maintaining and operating equipment, instruments, buildings, and production management. Information about these initial costs with the help of elements of the accounting method and accounting procedures are grouped and summarized according to various criteria, forming the accounting indicators necessary for management.

These primary accounting objects belong to certain elements of production - economic cost elements. The distribution of costs on an economic basis and elements of production is due to the fact that the production process, regardless of its social organization, consists of purposeful activity - human labor, the subject to which human labor is directed, the means of labor with which a person acts. Therefore, usually an economic element is an economically homogeneous primary expense that cannot be decomposed into components. There are such economic elements of costs:

Material costs (costs of operating activities of raw materials and materials, purchased semi-finished products and components, fuel and energy, containers and packaging materials, building materials, spare parts, etc.).

Labor costs (expenses for the payment of basic and additional wages in accordance with the wage system adopted at the enterprise, vacation pay, compensation and other payments).

Contributions for social activities (contributions for pensions, social insurance, unemployment, individual insurance).

Depreciation (the amount of accrued depreciation of fixed assets, other non-current tangible assets and intangible assets).

Other operating expenses (the cost of work and services of third parties, the amount of taxes and fees, expenses from foreign exchange differences, depreciation of inventories, write-offs and write-downs of assets, the amount of financial sanctions, etc.).

Cost accounting by elements is carried out by all enterprises and organizations without exception. To do this, the Chart of Accounts provides for a separate class of accounts 8 “Expenses by elements”.

Accounts of this class are intended to summarize information about the expenses of an enterprise during the reporting period and are used mainly by statistical authorities to calculate macroeconomic indicators according to the system of national accounts (SNA), in particular gross domestic product (GDP).

The calculation of macroeconomic indicators for the SNA is based on the balance sheet system of the national economy, the main component of which is the input-output tables (intersectoral balance). They demonstrate how the product produced in the sectors of the economy is used for intermediate and final consumption, accumulation and export, reflect the structure of expenditures for goods and services, the main components of GDP by type of economic activity.

The grouping of costs by economic elements characterizes their relation to the creation of a product, but does not reflect the purpose and purpose of production costs, their expediency, does not fully reveal their role in the technological process of production.

There is a need to regroup production costs, to single out the main ones among them - they are directly aimed at the production of the product, the costs of maintenance, management, marketing and implementation. Therefore, another object of cost accounting is used - by cost items: grouping costs according to their purpose and role in the production process. Grouping by cost items is an object of analytical accounting.

Detailing the grouping of costs by cost items depends on the specifics of the production process and the needs of management. According to the regulations of the national regulation (standard) 16 "Expenses", the enterprise independently chooses a list of calculation items.

For a correct understanding of the purpose of expenses, their economic role in production, the theory of accounting and calculation explores the characteristics of various expenses for several other classifications. Costs are classified according to the following criteria.

1. According to the economic content: the cost of labor, objects of labor, living labor.

2. Regarding the phases of the circulation of production assets (funds): supply and procurement costs, production, marketing costs.

3. As for the technological process: the main costs are directly related to the manufacture of the product, which arise in a single production process. overhead - maintenance and management costs.

4. According to the method of reference to the cost: direct - are included in the cost directly, indirect - are included in the cost by distribution according to certain criteria.

5. Regarding the volume of production: fixed costs do not depend on the volume of production for a certain period of time, variable costs change (proportionately, progressively, regressively) when the volume of production changes.

6. By composition: single-element (simple), complex - contain several economic cost elements.

7. By role in the production process (by area of ​​origin): production, non-production.

8. According to expediency: productive, unproductive.

9. By calendar periods: current, future periods, past periods.

10. According to the frequency of occurrence: everyday, disposable.

11. Regarding the finished product: the cost of work in progress, the cost of the finished product.

12. According to planning coverage: planned, unplanned.

13. According to the scope of normalization: normalized, non-standardized.

14. If possible, control in this unit and at this level of management: controlled, uncontrolled.

Costs are better controlled in the productive (production) use of resources, that is, where the production process or its maintenance takes place. In this regard, on the basis of analytical detailing and grouping of costs, there are such objects of accounting for production costs as cost centers, cost centers and responsibility centers.

Cost center - structural divisions of the enterprise, which organize planning, regulation and accounting of production costs to control and manage the expenditure of resources. In industry, this is a shop, a site, a team.

Cost center - primary production and service units, characterized by the homogeneity of functions and production operations, the level of technical equipment and organization of labor, the direction of costs.

Responsibility centers - grouping costs by departments and responsible persons who control costs, bear collective and individual responsibility and are interested in reducing costs.

The grouping of costs by cost centers, cost centers and responsibility centers helps to strengthen control over the costs incurred, as well as simplify the calculation procedures for the allocation of overhead costs.

Calculation - a set of methods for analytical accounting of production costs and calculation procedures for determining the cost of a product.

Costing is aimed at identifying the cost of the result of production. The objects of calculation are the products of labor - types of products, semi-finished products, partial products (parts, assemblies) of varying degrees of readiness, works, services for which information about their cost is needed.

Calculation as a process includes the following steps: grouping costs. delimitation of expenses between objects of calculation. determining the cost of products, works, services. displaying the cost of products in the cost estimate. control of the plan at cost relative to the standard. cost analysis and result determination.

So, costing is a grouping, delimitation and distribution of costs between costing objects, calculating their actual cost in order to control the results of labor, making management decisions to improve production efficiency.

Calculation as a broader concept includes the following parts: Cost accounting and costing. Calculation is a method of calculation, a certain set of calculation procedures for the cost of a product. At the same time, costing is also the result of costing - a specific and structured list of costs that relate to the product. The order of cost accounting, the system of calculations and the characteristics of the information obtained as a result of it depend on the structure of the calculation. There are several classifications of types of calculations according to various criteria.

Various types of cost estimates are compiled and used depending on the system adopted by the enterprise, the availability of information and the needs of management.

The second component of the costing process is Costing Accounting - a system for analytical accounting of production costs in the interests of reliable and accurate costing. The main task of the cost accounting system is the complete localization of direct costs by calculation objects and accounting for indirect costs, which ensures their most reliable distribution.

The combination of the system of cost accounting and costing is carried out using one or another method of costing - a set of methods for analytical accounting of production costs and methods for calculating the cost of costing objects. Calculation methods differ in the method of cost accounting (orders, redistribution, products) and calculation methods.

There are many classifications of calculation methods. In domestic literature and practice, simple, order-by-order, sequential, normative methods are most often found, however, there is no harmonious classification due to the difficulty of isolating a classification feature that would satisfy all existing methods.

A simple method is used in single-product industries (production of steam, electricity, oil, coal). In these industries, all costs are attributed to this product. Most often this happens in one shop. The cost of a unit of production is calculated by allocating all costs to the quantity of products produced.

In successive productions (when one technological process follows another), the technological process is divided into separate parts - stages (processes), and costs are separately taken into account for each of them. Repartitions often coincide with workshops.

In such sequential productions, the method of cost accounting and calculation of the cost of production is used. In this case, the costs are taken into account for each redistribution (workshop), transferred from the redistribution to the redistribution, and at the latter the cost of finished products is calculated.

In complex parallel productions, when separate parts and assemblies are manufactured in parallel in a number of main workshops, and then assembled in an assembly workshop, the order-to-order method is used. With this method, all costs are collected (grouped) according to the orders for which they were made. The unit cost is determined by dividing the total cost of an order by the number of items produced in the order.

Expenses can be accounted for actually or according to the normative method. The latter lies in the fact that the costs are taken into account according to the norms, and the actual cost is determined as the algebraic sum of the costs according to the norms, deviations from the norms, and also changes in the norms.

In addition, acceptable, in our opinion, is the concept of two methods of costing, one of which is custom-made, and the other is called differently: mass, periodic, process-by-process, transaction-by-operational, by-production. This concept is considered and applied both in domestic accounting and in foreign countries. In this concept, two characteristics vary in the definition of the calculation method: time (period) and process.

In the first method, the cost calculation is individualized for a certain product or their combination, united by one order (process). The second method calculates the average cost of production obtained from production over a given period of time. The latter method is most suitable for calculating the continuous production of mass products, where it is necessary to periodically determine the cost.

The second component of the calculation method is the calculation method - a specific list and calculation procedure for obtaining final information and compiling a calculation directly as a result of the calculation process. The following calculation methods are distinguished: direct calculation, summation of expenses, exclusion of expenses, distribution of expenses, normative method.

2. Features of the assessment of various objects of accounting supervision.

fixed assets. For the needs of accounting, each item of fixed assets is evaluated - a complete device with all fixtures and accessories to it or a separate structurally separate item that is designed to perform independent functions.

The acquired (created) fixed assets are credited to the balance sheet of the enterprise at their original cost. Initial cost - the historical cost of fixed assets in the amount of cash or fair value of assets paid (transferred) as of the date of acquisition (creation) of fixed assets. The initial cost includes the actual costs of acquiring (creating) fixed assets and bringing them to a usable condition. Such expenses can be:

Amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the seller (contractor).

Amounts paid for information and consulting services related to the acquisition (creation) of fixed assets.

Registration fees, state duty and similar payments made in connection with the acquisition (creation) of fixed assets.

Paid duties, taxes and other obligatory payments related to the acquisition of fixed assets that are not reimbursed to the enterprise.

Fees paid to intermediary organizations.

Delivery risk insurance costs.

Costs for installation, installation, configuration.

Administrative and other expenses directly related to the acquisition and bringing of fixed assets to working condition.

It should be noted that the cost of interest on a loan is not included in the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment that was acquired in whole or in part with such a loan.

The costs of acquiring (creating) fixed assets are capitalized and subsequently subject to systematic distribution between reporting periods - depreciation. The next valuation of an item of fixed assets is the balance sheet, which is determined as the difference between the original or revalued cost and the amount of accrued depreciation. Depreciation can be calculated in four ways: straight-line, declining balance, cumulative, production.

In the process of using fixed assets, their initial cost may change. The cost of property, plant and equipment is increased by the amount of the cost of improving the asset, which results in an increase in the future economic benefits originally expected from its use. In addition, an entity may revalue an item of property, plant and equipment at fair value as at 31 December of the reporting year.

Intangible assets. The initial assessment of intangible assets is the cost of their acquisition or creation. The cost of an intangible asset is determined by the amount of cash or cash equivalents or the fair value of other consideration given by the entity to acquire or create it. The cost of a separately acquired intangible asset includes its price, duty, all non-refundable taxes, and other expenses directly related to the acquisition of the asset.

If an intangible asset was received as a result of an exchange for another asset, then its cost is determined at the fair value of the asset received, which is equal to the fair value of the asset given up, taking into account any additional cash payments made during the exchange transaction. The cost of an intangible asset created by an enterprise includes all costs directly related to its creation and bringing it into a condition suitable for its intended use.

The next estimate of the carrying amount of an intangible asset may differ from its cost if additional expenses have been incurred that are expected to increase the inflow of economic benefits to the entity from the use of the asset. The costs of creating or acquiring an intangible asset are capitalized and subsequently subject to distribution over time during its useful life.

Depreciation of an intangible asset carried out on a systematic basis during the useful life, which should not exceed 20 years. Depreciation of an intangible asset may be charged on a straight-line basis or another method if it better reflects the form in which the benefits from the use of the asset are received by the entity.

Capital investment. An example of a capital investment would be construction that is carried out by a non-construction organization, or a process of acquiring fixed assets that takes a significant amount of time.

Evaluate such investments by the sum of the actual costs associated with them.

financial investments. Financial investments - assets that are held for the purpose of increasing profits, increasing the cost of capital or other benefits for the investor (stocks, bonds, shares in the authorized capital of other enterprises and other debt and capital securities). Initial recognition of financial investments is carried out at their historical cost, which includes: the purchase price. commission fees. fees. duty. taxes that are not reimbursed to the enterprise. bank fees, other expenses directly related to the acquisition of investments.

Methodological approaches to further assessment of the book value of financial investments that give ownership and investments in debt securities differ.

Methods for evaluating long-term financial investments that give ownership (hereinafter referred to as capital) depend on the influence of the investor on the enterprise whose shares he has acquired. Long-term investments in capital securities of an enterprise over which the investor does not have significant influence are valued at the lower of the two valuations - cost or market value, determined on the basis of the investment portfolio. Non-marketable securities are valued at their cost over the period they are held.

If the investor has significant influence over the investee (an associate), then long-term financial investments are accounted for either at cost or using the equity method. According to the equity method, the carrying amount of an investment, which is initially valued at cost, increases (decreases) in proportion to the investor's share in the equity of the investee. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the amount of dividends received.

Investments in entities over which the investor exercises control are accounted for either at cost or under the equity method.

Investments in debt securities are valued at the cost of their acquisition.

If investments (in bonds) are of a long-term nature, then the difference between the cost of their acquisition and redemption should be amortized from the moment of acquisition until the end of their validity. The carrying amount of such long-term financial investments is equal to the present value of their repayment in the future.

A financial investment is valued using the cost method if the investment is acquired and held for sale only.

Productive reserves. For accounting purposes, inventories include: raw materials and materials, components and other valuables intended for the production of products, performance of work and provision of services. work in progress, finished goods. products. low-value and wearing items that are used for no more than one year or a normal operating cycle, if it is more than a year.

Purchased or produced inventories are valued at cost. Upon acquisition, the cost of inventories includes the following actual costs: amounts paid to the supplier, fees for intermediary consulting services. import duty. the amount of indirect taxes is not returned to the enterprise. costs for procurement, loading and unloading, insurance, other costs associated with the acquisition and bringing them to a state suitable for use.

The initial cost of manufactured inventories (as well as work in progress) is their cost of production. In accordance with the national standard No. 16 "Expenses", the production cost includes: direct material costs. direct labor costs, other direct costs.

general production expenses.

In other cases, some form of fair value is used to value inventories. Retailers use the selling price to evaluate goods.

Inventories are carried at the lower of two measures: cost or net realizable value. Net realizable value is the expected selling price of inventories in the ordinary course of business, less the expected costs to complete their production and disposal. Inventories are carried at net realizable value if they are degraded, obsolete or otherwise have lost the originally expected economic benefit.

Receivables. The assessment of receivables depends on the type of this debt. Debt for goods, works, services is recognized as an asset simultaneously with the recognition of income from sales and is measured at historical cost equal to the fair (contract) value. The current assessment of receivables is carried out at net realizable value, which is determined as the difference between the original cost and the allowance for doubtful debts. The provision is determined on the basis of the solvency of individual debtors or on the basis of the classification of receivables.

Cash and cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents in national currency are valued at face value (cash, hryvnia on accounts), cash and cash documents in foreign currency are recalculated in hryvnia on the date of receipt or on the date of reporting at the NBU rate.

Commitments. All of the above grounds for valuation can be used to value liabilities: the historical cost of the liability. the current cost of the obligation. the cost of repaying the obligation. present value of the obligation. The choice of valuation method depends on the nature of the obligation, its urgency, and the method of repayment.

3.Practical part

Task number 1. Classification of property by types and sources of formation

The purpose of the task is to master the order of grouping property by type and source of education.

Based on the data to complete the task, group the property

Data to complete the task

Table #1

No. p / p Name of certain types of property, sources of their formation and obligations of the enterprise A R I A N T S (amount in rubles)
5 6
1 Currency bank account 430260 248560 312500 219300 300240 268700
2 25600 32100 47700 45600 24300 38410
3 240600 319500 344100 299800 245300 240500
4 Authorized capital 650000 500000 840000 730000 460000 580000
5 Steel tape 23300 18600 29500 32600 24500 32000
6 Diesel fuel 46300 55100 41000 38600 45800 34000

Screw-cutting lathe service life

137600 125500 143600 157800 162300 185000
8 Checking account 56600 41200 38900 47000 35600 59900
9 560 320 80 70 60 120
10 56470 48920 37850 72100 60320 48500
11 5620 3200 8540 2700 3200 4100
12 Reserve capital 56000 125000 85600 97400 32150 67320
13 12560 8900 9400 8600 7800 9100
14 320450 286300 294500 300800 245600 186340
15 7620 3240 2950 3460 2100 3200
16 Cash on hand 1200 840 320 1000 560 630
17 32600 28400 25600 24700 31600 30800
18 Patent with a service life of 5 years 4620 10400 8500 6200 3700 4200
19 15600 18300 14600 12400 13800 11600
20 The debt of the firm "Kaskad" for the received cars 264000 320000 645000 478000 510000 385000
21 Short-term bank loans 50000 70000 65000 80000 60000 85000
22 Trademark (useful life 20 years) 15600 14800 13800 14700 15900 18400
23 Extra capital 85000 79000 96000 71000 68000 69000
24 Spare parts 32000 46000 48700 56200 46700 51500
25 420500 384000 264000 297000 305200 304600
26 86250 97500 65900 74200 71300 65100
27 4620 5210 4860 4100 3640 3800
28 Gasoline AI-93 6340 8420 3210 5640 6870 7100
29 Target receipts 15000 8000 7000 6500 10000 12000
30 26800 32400 36200 34500 28900 30400
31 Sleeping buildings of the health camp 325000 364000 286000 300800 310450 278000
32 4210 5640 2850 3100 3420 2500
33 5100 6400 4500 4000 4100 4200
34 Bedding for a health camp with a service life of more than 1 year 18620 14560 16540 13250 14920 18900
35 1280 860 940 750 480 910
36 450 620 380 610 530 470
37 Health camp equipment with a service life of 10 years 62300 87400 72300 91400 54800 62800
38 aluminum sheet 6420 2800 6100 4800 7050 3620
39 8400 6700 9700 4500 7600 7400
40 132130 88090 117680 112040 115410 83240
41 Palace of Culture building 580000 650000 740000 690000 590000 600000
42 12 year health camp video recorder 4800 6290 6520 6400 5700 4800
43 425000 574000 624000 387000 463000 480000
44 56000 54000 57000 84000 62000 57500
45 100000 150000 200000 240000 150000 180000
46 Debt of Zateya JSC for received cars 84700 85600 95200 78000 68500 76200
47 Transfers on the way 24800 26700 23500 29840 18700 19620
48 500000 560000 500000 500000 560000 500000
49 Reserve for future expenses 554000 582000 584000 463000 747500 338900
50 415600 513600 546000 485200 494100 675200
51 Components 21000 18700 14560 16320 17540 16800
52 Debt to the Health Insurance Fund. 65200 54210 58940 48780 47580 52310
53 Long-term bank loans 500000 350000 350000 250000 350000 300000
54 62340 80620 65420 72300 45600 54210

Grouping property by type

Table number 2
No. p / p The scope of the property Property group Property name Amount (rub)
1 Sphere of production fixed assets Safety shoes with a service life of 3 years 45600
Screw-cutting lathe with a service life of 10 years 157800
The building of the assembly shop of the car factory 300800
Electric cars with a service life of 8 years 24700
Administrative building of the plant 297000
Vice machine tools with a service life of 8 years 34500
Microcalculators with a service life of 5 years 4500
Desks with a service life of 5 years 84000
Total property, plant and equipment 948900
Intangible assets Patent with a service life of 5 years 6200
Trademark (useful life 20 years) 14700
Total intangible assets 20900
Working capital (inventory) Steel tape 32600
Diesel fuel 38600
Production tool with a service life of up to 1 year 3460
Spare parts 56200
Gasoline AI-93 5640
aluminum sheet 4800
Components 16320
Total working capital 157620
Total section 1 11247420
2 Scope of circulation Cash Currency bank account 219300
Checking account 47000
Cash 1000
Transfers on the way 29840
Total cash 297140
Items of circulation Cars in the warehouse of finished products 387000
Funds in settlements Debt of accountable persons 70
Debt to the company "Kaskad" for the cars received 478000
Debts of Zateya JSC for received cars 78000
Total funds in settlements 943070
Total section 2 1240210
3 Non-productive sphere fixed assets Equipment of the Palace of Culture with a service life of over 1 year 72100
Music center for the Palace of Culture with a service life of 8 years 8600
Sleeping buildings of the health camp 300800
Over 1 Year Health Camp Bedding 13250

Equipment for a health camp with a service life of 10 years

Palace of Culture building 690000
12 year health camp video recorder 6400
Total fixed assets of the National Assembly 1182550
working capital Detergents for the Palace of Culture 3100
Detergents for the health camp 750
Total working capital of the National Assembly 1850
Total section 3 1186400
A ll 3554030

Grouping property by sources of education implement in the table of the following form

Table #3

No. p / p Sources of property formation by groups Source name Amount (rub)
1 Capital, funds and reserves Payroll arrears to employees 299800
Authorized capital 730000
Reserve capital 97400
Extra capital 71000
Total equity, funds and reserves 1198200
2 Special-purpose financing Target receipts 6500
3 Profit Retained earnings of the previous year 112040
Total own sources 118540
4 long term duties Long-term loan received from JSC "Diesel" 500000
Long-term bank loans 250000
Total non-current liabilities 750000
5 Short-term liabilities Reserve for future expenses 463000
Debt to the budget for property tax 2700
Personal income tax debt 12400
Short-term bank loans 80000
Debt to the Voskhod plant for spare parts 74200
Debts to employees on deposited amounts 4100
Debt to the Pension Fund 4000
Travel expenses owed to employees 610
Advances received from CMM JSC 240000
Claims owed to Argon 485200
Debt to the Health Insurance Fund 48780
Debt to shareholders on dividends accrued to them 72300
Total current liabilities 1487290
Total borrowings 2237290
All sources of property 3554030

Task number 2. The content of the asset and liability of the balance sheet.

Task: based on the data for completing task N1, determine which balance sheet item (active or passive) refers to specific types of property, sources of its formation, and then draw up a balance sheet as of January 1, 200_ (at the beginning of the reporting period) in Appendix No. 1 .

Task number 3. The impact of business transactions on the balance sheet and their reflection in the accounts

The purpose of the task is to assimilate the types of changes in the balance sheet under the influence of business transactions and the order in which they are reflected in the accounts.

Task: Based on the data in table No. 4, reflect the changes that have occurred in the balance sheet for the reporting period (I quarter of 200_). Determine their type and correspondence accounts. Open accounting accounts and reflect business transactions on them using the double entry method, calculate turnover and the final balance.

business transactions for I quarter 200_

Table No. 4

No. p / p V A R I A N T S (in rubles)
1, 7 2, 8 3, 9 4, 0 5 6
1 344200 338500 341200 344600 337700 324900
2 Issued from the cashier under the report 900 750 300 950 500 600
3 22150 36410 28750 22630 24510 32540
4 8100 6200 4500 3800 7640 4980
5 185600 197620 167800 205420 204100 188340
6 66070 70350 59730 73130 72660 67050
7 26300 31400 27600 18940 17500 18840
8 22150 18740 19650 21360 19620 14230
9 264000 320000 445000 250000 200000 385000
10 15200 18100 24300 22100 29700 19500
11 60450 75000 50000 60500 25000 45000
12 54500 68200 74200 56300 62400 48900
13 15000 8000 7000 6500 10000 12000
14 327890 314500 319600 284630 342600 325400
15 25100 26310 22360 27480 27080 24330
16 Dividends issued from the cash desk 62340 80620 65420 72300 45600 54210
17 4620 5210 4860 4100 3640 3800
18 4980 6210 3000 4950 5410 5100
19 450 620 380 610 530 470
20 8500 9500 9500 9500 10000 9000
21 15600 18300 14600 12400 13800 11600
22 50000 70000 65000 80000 60000 85000
23 4120 2800 4650 3900 6400 3500
24 18500 42130 28400 28400 35100 24600
25 629310 670020 611930 623060 690780 646530

Solve the problem in the table of the following form

Types of changes in the balance sheet

Table number 5

opera no. Content of a business transaction Changes in the balance sheet in rubles Type of change Corresponding accounts
ASSETS Passive
1 Spare parts arrived from the Voskhod plant 344600 344600 3 10 60
2 Issued from the cashier under the report 950 950 1 71 50
3 Accrued reserve for future payments at the expense of the main production 22630 22630 3 20 96
4 Steel tape credited at the expense of accountable amounts 3800 3800 1 10 71
5 Salaries of employees of the main production 205420 205420 3 20 70
6 Contributions to social insurance funds are accrued 73130 73130 3 20 69
7 An aluminum sheet was received from Granit LLC 18940 18940 3 10 60
8 Vacation pay accrued at the expense of the created reserve for future payments 21360 21360 2 96 70
9 The settlement account received the debt of the company "Cascade" 250000 250000 1 51 62
10 From the currency account received in. currency at the cash desk 22100 22100 1 50 52
11 Cash received from current account 60500 60500 1 50 51
12 Increased value of fixed assets due to additional capital 56300 56300 3 01 83
13 Special-purpose financing funds issued from the cash desk 6500 6500 4 86 50
14 Spare parts written off for the main production 284630 284630 1 20 10
15 Personal income tax withheld from salary 27480 27480 2 70 68
16 Dividends issued from the cash desk 72300 72300 4 75 50
17 Deposited (not received on time) salary issued from the cash desk 4100 4100 4 76 50
18 Written off gasoline AI-93 for the main production 4950 4950 1 20 10
19 Unused accountable amounts withheld from salary 610 610 4 70 71
20 The cash desk received the debt of Zateya JSC 9500 9500 1 50 62
21 Transferred from personal income tax account 12400 12400 4 68 51
22 A short-term bank loan repaid from the current account 80000 80000 4 66 51
23 The aluminum sheet is decommissioned for the main production 3900 3900 1 20 10
24 Diesel fuel written off for the main production 28400 28400 1 20 10
25 Finished goods received at the warehouse 623060 623060 1 43 20
Total 2012810 1467700 769860 224750
The amount of change in the balance sheet currency 545110 545110
No. pp account number A, rub P, rub
1 1 2013750
2 4 20900
3 10 279170
4 43 387000
5 50 1000
6 51 47000
7 52 219300
8 57 29840
9 60 74200
10 62 556000 240000
11 66 80000
12 67 750000
13 68 15100
14 69 52780
15 70 299800
16 71 70 610
17 76 561600
18 80 730000
19 82 97400
20 83 71000
21 84 112040
22 86 6500
23 96 463000
24 TOTAL 3554030 3554030

Synthetic account schemes

Account 01 Account 04 Account 10

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Sn-2013750 Sn-20900 Sn-279170
12)56300 1)344600 14)284630
4)3800 18)4950
7)18940 23)3900
Od-56300 OK- One- OK- Od-367340 Ok-321880
Sk-2070050 Sk-20900 Sk-324630

Account 20 Account 43 Account 50

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
CH- Sn-387000 CH-1000
3)22630 25)623060 25)623060 10)22100 2)950
5)20420 11)60500 13)6500
6)73130 20)9500 16)72300
14)284630 17)4100
Od-623060 Ok-623060 Od-623060 OK- Od-92100 Ok-83850
Sk 0 Sk 1010060 Ks 9250

Account 51 Account 52 Account 57

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Hs-47000 Sn-219300 Sn-29840
9)250000 11)60500 10)22100
Od-250000 Ok-152900 One- Ok-22100 One- OK-
Ks144100 X197200 X29840

Account 60 Account 62 Account 66

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Sn-74200 Sn-556000 Sn-240000 Sn-80000
1)344600 9)250000 22)80000
7)18940 20)9500
One- Ok-363540 One- Ok-259500 Od-80000 OK-
X437740 Ks499500 Ks 0

Account 67 Account 68 Account 69

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Sn-750000 Sn-15100 Sn-52780
21)12400 15)27480 6)73130
One- OK- Od-12400 Ok-27480 One- Ok-73130
X750000 Ks 30180 X125910

Account 70 Account 71 Account 75

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Sn-299800 Sn-70 Sn-610
15)27480 5)205420 2)950 4)3800 16)72300
19)610 8)21360 19)610
Od-28090 Ok-226780 Od-950 Ok-4410 Od-72300 OK-
X 498490 X4000 Ks 72300

Account 76 Account 80 Account 82

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Sn-561600 Sn-730000 CH97400
Od-4100 OK- One- OK- One- OK-
X557500 Ks730000 X97400

Account 83 Account 84 Account 86

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
Sn-71000 Сн112040 CH6500
12)56300 13)6500
One- Ok-56300 One- OK- Od-6500 OK-
Ks127300 Ks112040 Ks 0

Account 96 Account _____ Account _____

Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
8)21360 3)22630
Od-21360 Ok-22630 One- OK- One- OK-

Task number 4. Analytical accounting

The purpose of the task is to master the procedure for compiling balance sheets for analytical accounts and use their final data for synthetic accounting.

Task: in the balance sheets proposed below for the accounts “Materials”, “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” and “Settlements with buyers and customers”, calculate the balances at the end of the month for each analytical account and enter their final data into the balance sheet synthetic accounts.

Account 10 "Materials" (in rubles without in-kind valuation)

Material name Balance at the beginning of the reporting period (debit) Turnover for the reporting period Balance at the end of the reporting period (debit)


Used up

Safety shoes with a service life of 3 years 45600 45600
Steel tape 32600 3800 36400
Diesel fuel 38600 28400 10200
Production tool 3460 3460
Spare parts 56200 344600 284630 116170
Gasoline AI-93 5640 4950 690
aluminum sheet 4800 18940 3900 19840
Components 16320 16320
Detergents DK 3100 3100
Detergents OL 750 750
Equipment of the Palace of Culture with a service life of 1 year 72100 72100
Total 279170 367340 321880 324630

Account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

Account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

Exercise 5 . Balance sheet

The purpose of the task is to use the information of the previous preparatory work for the preparation of the balance sheet.

Task: Based on the data of the final balances of accounting schemes, draw up a turnover sheet for synthetic accounts (table No. 6) and a balance sheet in Appendix No. 1.

Turnover balance sheet for synthetic accounts for the I quarter of 200 _

Table No. 6

account number Balance at the beginning of the reporting period Turnover for the reporting period Balance at the end of the reporting period
Debit Credit Debit Credit Debit Credit
01 2013750 56300 2070050
04 20900 20900
10 239080 367340 321880 324630
20 623060 623060
43 387000 623060 1010060
50 1000 92100 83850 9250
51 47000 250000 152900 144100
52 219300 22100 197200
57 29840 29840
60 74200 363540 437740
62 556000 240000 259500 296500 240000
66 80000 80000
67 750000 750000
68 15100 12400 27480 30180
69 52780 73130 125910
70 299800 28090 226780 498490
71 70 610 950 4410 4000
75 72300 72300
76 561600 4100 557500
80 730000 730000
82 97400 97400
83 71000 56300 127300
84 112040 112040
86 6500 6500
96 463000 21360 22630 464270
Total 3554030 3554030 2237560 2237560 4174830 4174830


Approval date

Date of dispatch (acceptance)

ASSETS Indicator code At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
1 2 3 4


Intangible assets

20900 20900
fixed assets 120 2131450 2187750
Construction in progress 130
Profitable investments in material values 135
Long-term financial investments 140
Deferred tax assets 150
TOTAL for the section I 190 2152350 2208650


548470 1216990


raw materials, supplies and other similar valuables (10)

161470 206930
Raised and fattened animals (11) 212
Costs in work in progress (23.20) 213
Finished goods and goods for resale (41.43) 214 387000 1010060
Goods shipped (45) 215
Deferred expenses (97) 216
Other inventories and costs 217
Value added tax on acquired valuables (19) 220
Accounts receivable (for which payments are expected more than 12 months after the reporting date) (62, 71, 76) 230
Accounts receivable (for which payments are expected within 12 months after the reporting date) (62, 71, 76) 240 55670 296500
Including buyers and customers (62) 241
Short-term financial investments (58) 250
Cash (50, 51, 52, 55, 57) 260 297140 380390
Other current assets 270 72300
TOTAL for the section II 290 1401680 1966180
BALANCE 300 3554030 4174830
LIABILITY Indicator code At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
1 2 3 4


Authorized capital (80)

730000 730000
Treasury shares (81) 411
Additional capital (83) 420 97400 97400
Reserve capital (82) 430 71000 127300


reserves formed in accordance with the law

Reserves formed in accordance with constituent documents 432
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (84) 470 112040 112040
TOTAL for the section III 490 1010440 1066740


Loans and credits (67)

Deferred tax liabilities (77) 515
Other long-term liabilities 520
TOTAL for the section IV 590 750000 750000


Loans and credits (66)

610 80000
Accounts payable 620 1244090 1893820


suppliers and contractors (60)

621 74200 437740

Debt to staff

organizations (70)

622 300410 502490
Debt to state off-budget funds (69) 623 52780 125910
Debt on taxes and fees (68) 624 15100 30180
Other creditors (62, 71, 76) 625 801600 797500
Debt to participants (founders) on payment of income (75) 630
Deferred income (98, 86) 640
Reserves for future expenses (96) 650 463000 464270
Other current liabilities 660 6500
TOTAL for the section V 690 1793590 2358090
BALANCE 700 3554030 4174830

INFORMATION on the availability of valuables recorded on off-balance accounts

Leased fixed assets (001)

Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping (002) 920
Goods accepted for commission (004) 930
Written-off debt of insolvent debtors (007) 940
Collateral for obligations and payments received (008) 950
Security for obligations and payments issued (009) 960
Depreciation of housing stock (010) 970
Depreciation of objects of external improvement and other similar objects (010) 980
Intangible assets received for use (001) 990
Forms of strict reporting 991


In modern language, accounting can be called an information system. It is a complex, but at the same time an ordered system, within which strict rules operate. In order for the accounting system to effectively perform the tasks assigned to it, a special methodology or accounting method is used, which includes certain methods and techniques, they are usually called elements of the accounting method.

These include

documentation and inventory;

valuation and costing;

system of accounts and double entry;

balance sheet and reporting.

One of the features of accounting is that all business transactions and economic assets of the enterprise must be presented in a single monetary value. Evaluation is a way of measuring in monetary terms the property of an enterprise and the sources of its formation. In the process of evaluation, physical and labor indicators are translated into monetary ones using prices, tariffs, official salaries, etc.

The correctness of property valuation is important for building the entire accounting system, so the valuation must be real and established according to uniform rules. The reality of the assessment is expressed, first of all, in the fact that all economic assets are reflected in accounting at actual cost. For example, the initial cost of acquired fixed assets is formed taking into account the costs associated with their acquisition, and fixed assets received free of charge are valued at their fair market value.

Regulatory documents establish uniform rules for assessing the economic assets of an enterprise, i.e. the uniformity of the reflection of the cost of funds, which is expressed in the fact that the same objects in accounting are equally valued at all enterprises throughout the entire service life.

Calculation is closely related to the assessment of economic assets, which in translation from Latin calculatio means - account, calculation. Calculation underlies the evaluation of accounting objects. However, the purpose of costing is not only to evaluate economic means, but also to evaluate economic processes, that is, to calculate them.

Since the processes of supply, production and sale are represented by a large number of separate operations, costing allows you to calculate all types of costs associated with the acquisition, production and sale, and on the basis of calculating the total amount of costs to determine the cost of accounting objects, for example, the actual cost of purchased inventory values, the cost of finished products by type and the cost of a unit of production.

Thus, costing is a way of grouping and summarizing costs, on the basis of which the cost of material assets, finished products, work performed, etc. is determined. In addition, costing is used not only to calculate the cost of accounting objects, but also to control the amount of costs that form this cost.


1. Astakhov V.P. Theory of accounting. - M .: "Expert Bureau - M", 2005 - 350s.

2. Kiryanova Z.V. Theory of accounting. - M.: "Finance and statistics", 2004.-298s.

3. Kondakov N.P. Accounting, business analysis and audit. - M .: "Perspective", 2002.-304s.

4. Nikolaeva S. A. Income and expenses of the organization: practice, theory, prospects. Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional - M. "Analytics - Press", 2000.-340s.

5. Pashev R.F., Sokolov Ya.V. Accounting Theory / Textbook - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M.: "Finance and statistics", 2003.-317p.

6. Chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities and instructions for its use. Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 No. 94n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2003 No. 38n).

7. Accounting theory: Textbook for university students "Accounting, analysis and audit" / Yu.A. Babaev, V.A. Borodin, N.D. Amaglobeli; Under the editorship of Prof. Yu.A.

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