Wing lift presentation. An airplane wing is designed to create lift. Wing lift

|| Roofing roll materials || Roofing mastics for roll materials. Classification of mastics || Sealing materials || Sheet and piece roofing materials. Asbestos-cement roofing materials || Thermal insulation materials. Purpose and classification || Materials for leveling screeds and protective layer of roofs || Paints and putties. Drying oils || Mineral binders. Purpose and classification || Building solutions. Types and classification of solutions || General information about roofs, roofing and the organization of roofing work. Roof classification || Preparation of the bases under a roof. Substrate surface preparation || The device of roofs from rolled materials. Preparation of roofing materials || Installation of mastic roofs. Roofs from bituminous, bituminous and polymeric and polymeric mastics || The device of roofs on panels of coverings of the increased factory readiness. Complete panels || The device of roofs from piece materials. Roofs from small-piece materials || Roofs from a metal tile. General information || Sheet metal roofing. Preparatory work || Roof repair. Roofs from rolled materials || Safety

In the process of acceptance of roofs from rolled materials, the surfaces of the finished coating are examined, especially at funnels, in grooves and at junctions with protruding parts of buildings. It is necessary to pay attention to the inspection of transitions from a horizontal plane to a vertical one: they should be smooth. The waterproofness of roofs made of rolled materials is checked after heavy rain. At the final acceptance of work, the correctness of the layer-by-layer laying of the roofing carpet, the density of gluing panels in adjacent layers, the correctness of adjoining to the ledges of the roof, parapets, expansion joints, ventilation shafts, exit hatches are checked. The strength of the adhesive is checked by slowly tearing off a test sample of one panel from another. In this case, the gap should not occur along the mastic, but along the rolled material. The surface of the glued layers of rolled carpet must be smooth, without dents, deflections and air pockets. Tests should be carried out no earlier than 48 hours after laying the coating. In the roof presented for delivery, the specified slopes must be maintained. For pitched roofs, the deviation of the actual slope from the design value should not exceed 1 ... 2%.

Acceptance of the finished roof is formalized by an act with a mandatory assessment of the quality of the work performed and the issuance of a warranty passport to the customer. The passport indicates the name of the object and the amount of roofing work, their quality and the period during which the contractor will eliminate defects if they are detected. In the process of installing roofs from built-up materials, they also check the quality of the materials used and their compliance with the requirements of the current GOSTs and TUs: the correctness of the implementation of individual stages of work; readiness of individual structural elements of the coating and roofs for subsequent work; compliance of the number of layers of the roofing carpet with the instructions of the project. The results of the checks are recorded in the work log. Local irregularities, installed along the gap 3 (Fig. 92) between the surface of the base and the control three-meter rail attached to it, should not exceed: in the direction along the slope - 5 mm, perpendicular to the slope (parallel to the ridge) - 10 mm; gaps are allowed only gradually increasing in length no more than 1 m.

Rice. 92.
1 - deviation of the actual slope from the design one; 2 - increase in the density of the heat-insulating material from that adopted in the project; 3 - the size of the gap between the surface of the base and a three-meter control rail across the slope; 4 - minimum slopes of the base of the roof in the grooves; 5, 6 - deviations in the dimensions of glued plate insulation

The solvent must be applied evenly over the entire area of ​​the panels. A visual assessment of the normal amount of the applied solvent can be the absence of streaks on the panel after the passage of the adhesive installation and the continuity of the surface wetting. The tension of the panels when laying them on the base should eliminate the residual waviness and wrinkles on the surface of the material. After gluing, the panel laid on the base must firmly adhere to the base, be free of waves and swellings. The rolling of the panels ensures that the remaining air is squeezed out of the adhesive seam and the creation of a monolithic bonding. In case of detection of non-glued places, the cloth in this place is pierced. A solvent is injected into the pierced hole at the rate of 130 g/m2 and after 7...15 minutes the non-glued place is rubbed. The quality of the sticker of individual layers and the entire roofing carpet is determined by examining its surface. The carpet should not have cracks, shells, swellings, delaminations and other defects; the dressing should be coarse-grained and in sufficient quantity over the entire surface of the top layer of the roof; the edges of the panels of welded materials in places of overlap must be glued to the underlying layer.

During the production of roofing works, the following are subject to mandatory control:

Foundation preparation;

The quality of vapor barrier and thermal insulation;

The quality of the leveling screeds;

The quality of the main and additional roofing carpets;

Connection quality.

The quality of work is regularly checked during the execution of individual elements of the roof and the entire roof as a whole with marks in the production log.

Any acceptance is made with the participation of the customer and designers and drawing up an act with an assessment of the quality of work.

The quality of roofing materials must meet the requirements of GOST and TU, as well as storage and transportation must be carried out according to the rules established by the manufacturers of materials.

When checking and accepting the bases of flat roofs, their strength, rigidity, evenness are determined (between the surface and the attached 3-meter rail in any place, the tolerances should not exceed 5 mm). For load-bearing structures, they also check the quality of filling the joints of panels with concrete, the arrangement of expansion joints, compliance with the slopes of the valley and the quality of the laid concrete from light compositions.

Validity of the valley:

The slope is at least 2%, and at the drain funnel at a distance of 1 m from its axis - at least 5%;

The width of the valley at the funnel is at least 0.6 m;

The height of the watershed is calculated by the formula:

H8 \u003d (sp / 200) + 0.05,

where Hv is the height of the watershed; c - distance between funnels, m; p - slope of the bottom of the valley,%;

The distance between the axes of two parallel valleys is 12-24 m;

For load-bearing structures (girders and battens) they are checked;

The location of the surfaces of the shelves in the runs in the same plane;

The quality of the purlins and lathing (rigidity, no splits, sags, gaps of more than 5 mm when a 2-meter wooden lath is applied anywhere on the surface).

Vapor barrier is checked in the same way as rolled (when glued) and mastic (when coated) roofing.

Thermal insulation must comply with the project in terms of thickness and density, uniformity and humidity, as well as the quality of the device. The density should not be more than 5% higher, and wet insulation (when the humidity is above 15%) should be replaced.

Screeds are checked for strength and surface evenness. That is, they check the grades of binders, the gaps when applying the rail, the absence of cracks and peeling from the base, as well as the junction device.

Roll roofs must meet the following requirements:

Gluing the carpet to the base and gluing the layers together is strong, without peeling. Strength is checked by slow tearing in a small area - the gap should not go through the mastic, but through the material.

Gluing is made evenly and carefully - without wrinkles, dents, bubbles and deflections.

Water resistance and water drainage are checked after rain or an artificial bay: complete drainage of water through gutters must be carried out.

Mastic roofs must meet the above requirements. Additionally, spider probes up to 25 mm long determine the thickness of the applied and finished (hardened) layers.

Roofs made of asbestos-cement sheets and tiles should not have crescent-shaped gaps, cracks, sags, distortion of profiles, through holes; fastening and laying correspond to technology.

The process of quality control of roof structures includes the following procedures:

1. Organization of stage-by-stage acceptance control of device quality:

  • bases for the roof structure (for vapor barrier);
  • vapor barrier;
  • thermal insulation;
  • screeds;
  • structural elements;
  • waterproofing coating;
  • protective layers.

2. Organization of control over compliance with the technological regulations for roofing.

3. Organization of compliance with the requirements of instrumental control.

4. Organization of acceptance control of the quality of the roof.

5. Mandatory documentation of the results of quality control.

5.1 Organization of quality control of roof structures

1. When accepting roof structures, quality control of the base, vapor barrier, heat insulation, screeds, waterproofing and protective layers should be carried out with an entry in the work log and drawing up acts for hidden work.

2. At each stage of acceptance, the Contractor (contractor) must provide the Customer with a manufacturer's passport for the materials used. The customer has the right to conduct an independent input control of the materials used in accredited laboratories.

3. Upon acceptance of the vapor barrier layer, the Contractor draws up a certificate of inspection of hidden works based on the results of visual inspection of the vapor barrier layer (presence of cracks, swelling, ruptures, holes, delaminations) and compliance with the instructions of part 1.

4. Upon acceptance of the foundation, the performer draws up certificates of examination of hidden works based on the results of instrumental control of the evenness of the surface of the base, its humidity, slope and level of surface depression at the locations of the funnels of the internal drain, as well as assessing visual control for compliance with the instructions of part 1.

5. To formalize the procedure for accepting the waterproofing layer, the performer draws up certificates of examination of hidden work based on the results of instrumental control of the roof slope, the level of surface depression at the locations of the internal drainage funnels, the amount of mutual overlap of panels and an assessment of visual control of compliance with the instructions of part 1.

6. When accepting the protective layer, the contractor draws up acceptance certificates based on the results of instrumental control of the total thickness of the protective layer, the fractional composition of the gravel and the assessment of visual control of compliance with the instructions of Part 1.

7. The procedure for acceptance of the finished roofing structure must be documented by an acceptance certificate with an assessment of the quality of the work performed and the issuance of a warranty certificate to the Customer.

5.2 Quality control methods for roof structures

1. This section establishes methods for determining the following indicators:

  • strength, moisture and frost resistance of the base material under the roof;
  • thickness and evenness of the surface of the base under the roof;
  • parameters of the heat-insulating layer;
  • the slope of the base under the roof;
  • the level of lowering the roof surface at the locations of the funnels of the internal drainage system;
  • adhesion strength of roofing from rolled and mastic materials with screeds;
  • the height of the sticker of the rolled material at the points of contact with vertical surfaces;
  • frost resistance of gravel and concrete for the protective layer, the total thickness of the protective layer.

2. When testing roof elements for compliance with the instructions of technical requirements, their results are recorded in the protocol of the testing laboratory.

3. The results of tests during the input or operational control of the materials used are also recorded in the protocol and in the acts of examination of hidden works.

4. The sample size during measurement control is determined in accordance with the requirements of SP 71.13330.

5. Determination of the strength, humidity and frost resistance of the base under the roof of monolithic thermal insulation during operational control is carried out in accordance with GOST 17177 and GOST 10060.

6. Determination of the thickness of the heat-insulating layer from loose (fibrous) or bulk (such as expanded clay gravel) materials and leveling screed are performed using a needle thickness gauge (Figure A.1) or similar devices with a measurement range of 0 to 150 mm with an error ±1 mm and specific load 0.005 kgf/cm 2 ; a metal plate measuring 100x50x3 mm and a caliper according to GOST 166.

7.Structural layer thickness- a heat-insulating layer (monolithic or slab) based on a cement or bituminous binder, leveling screed - measured during the installation of this layer (during operational control). The measurement is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings using a needle thickness gauge installed on the surface of the heat-insulating layer or screed at the ends of the completed section in accordance with Appendix P.

8. Determination of thermal insulation parameters in the roof structure and control samples of materials can be performed in accordance with the technology given in Appendix P.

9. Determination of the amount of overlap of sheet materials (asbestos-cement sheets, metal profiled sheets, metal tiles, etc.) along the slope is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings (Appendix P).

10. The thickness of the prefabricated screed (from cement-bonded particle board or asbestos-cement pressed sheet) is measured before laying with a caliper on a batch of slabs from 10 to 15 pcs. The measurement result is rounded to the nearest 1 mm.

11. Determining the evenness of the surface of the base under the roof is carried out using a wooden or metal hollow (aluminum) rail measuring 2000 ^ 30 ^ 50 mm and a metal ruler. The rail is laid on the surface of the base under the roof in the designated places (see clause 5.3.3), and the largest deviations of the base surface under the roof from the lower edge of the rail are measured in height with a metal ruler. The measurement result is rounded to the nearest 1 mm.

12. Determination of the slope of the base under the roof (the ratio of the fall of the roof section to the projection of its length on the horizontal plane) is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of TsNIIProm-buildings using an inclinometer or spirit level.

13. To measure the slope of the roof or foundations, electronic inclinometers can be used in accordance with Appendix P.

14. The moisture content of the completed base for rolled or mastic roofing is assessed before gluing roofing layers in a non-destructive way using a surface moisture meter, for example, VKSM-12M type or similar, or on samples taken from the base in accordance with GOST 5802 or GOST 17177 for thermal insulation material. The technology of modern methods for determining the moisture content of base materials is given in Appendix P.

15. Determining the level of lowering the roof surface at the locations of the funnels is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings using a wooden or metal hollow rail, as given in Appendix P.

16. The physical and technical parameters of the materials used during the input control are determined in accordance with the current regulatory documents for these materials.

17. Determining the height of the sticker of the rolled material at the junction of the roof to the vertical surfaces is carried out during the installation of the roofing (during operational control). The measurement is performed with a metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427 or a tape measure of the 2nd class in accordance with GOST 7502 every 7-10 m of the length of the vertical surface (walls, parapet, etc.) and at each junction with local structures protruding above the roof (ventilation shafts, pipes etc.). The result is rounded up to 1 cm.

18. The strength of adhesion (adhesion) of roofing from rolled and mastic materials with screeds will be determined using an adhesive meter in the places indicated by the Customer or a representative of the regulatory authority. In this case, the temperature test conditions provided for by GOST 2678 and GOST 26589 must be observed.

19. Measurements of adhesion by the normal separation method can be performed using adhesion meters according to the technology in accordance with Appendix P.

20. In addition to measuring the adhesion of roofing and other coatings, devices can control the strength of the embedment of fasteners, anchor bolts and dish-shaped dowels, etc. The measurement technology is given in Appendix P.

21. The determination of the frost resistance and fractional composition of gravel for the protective layer is carried out during the input control in accordance with GOST 8269.1, and the frost resistance of concrete (cement-sand mortar) - in accordance with GOST 5802 and GOST 10060.

22. Determination of the thickness of the protective layer of gravel, cement-sand mortar and asphalt concrete is carried out with a needle thickness gauge (Figure P.1) in accordance with Appendix P. In places where the thickness of the gravel protective layer is determined, a section with a diameter of about 150 mm is cleared of gravel, on it a metal plate is laid (in the center of the site), and a needle thickness gauge is installed (above the metal plate) on the surface of the gravel layer and measurements are taken.

Deviations in the thickness of the protective layer of gravel should be no more than ± 5 mm, and of cement-sand mortar and asphalt concrete - no more than + 5 mm.

23. The air temperature of the attic and insulation is checked with a mercury or electronic thermometer. The thickness of the thermal insulation of pipelines is checked with a probe every 5 m of length. The thickness of the attic floor insulation is checked every 3 m at the eaves and every 5 m in the central part of the attic floor.

24. To determine the actual level of thermal protection (reduced resistance to heat transfer) and compliance of objects with regulatory and technical requirements, quality control of repair work, development of recommendations for the further operation of buildings, comprehensive thermal imaging surveys are performed using thermal imagers (Figure 5.1), for example, as given in Appendix P.

25. Thermal imaging (Figure 5.2) allows you to clearly identify the presence or absence of hidden structural, construction or operational defects in the thermal protection of buildings using a thermogram.

The main task of surveys is to identify temperature anomalies, to establish the causes of their occurrence and whether the cold zone belongs to a defect.

As a criterion for defectiveness, thermal protection indicators according to SP 50.13330, limiting the temperature of the internal surfaces of enclosing structures and the difference between the temperature of the internal air and the average surface temperature of enclosing structures are used.

26. In addition to a visual picture of the qualitative state of the roof envelope, it is necessary to obtain data on the actual value of such important normalized heat protection parameters as thermal resistance, coefficient of thermal inhomogeneity, reduced resistance to heat transfer.

Such tasks are solved with the help of a comprehensive examination of the structure. At the same time, in addition to thermal imaging, monitoring of the thermal regime of enclosing structures is carried out with contact temperature and heat flow sensors.

To date, such a survey is the most effective method for measuring the actual value of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures and their elements in natural conditions. The results of a comprehensive thermal imaging survey are used to fill in the column of actual indicators in the energy passport of the building and calculate its energy efficiency class.

27. When determining the parameters of fences, heat flux density and temperature meters (Appendix P) can be used as equipment. Such devices are designed to measure and record the density of heat fluxes passing through single-layer and multi-layer enclosing structures of buildings and structures. At the same time, the values ​​of humidity, air temperature inside and outside the room are measured and recorded. In the process of testing, the heat transfer resistance and thermal resistance of the building envelope are determined in accordance with the methods according to GOST 26254, GOST 26254 and GOST 26602.1.

28. The instrumental controls used must be checked in accordance with PR 50.2.002-94.

5.3 Quality control of substrate preparation

1. The list of control operations is given in Table 5.1. It is especially important to observe the design slopes from the watershed and other higher elevations of the roof slope to the lowest - drain funnels. To do this, a level is installed, and with the help of a rail their marks are determined.

Slopes are determined by the ratio of the excess of marks to the distance between the measured points. If the slope of the base is less than the design one, it is necessary to fix the screed.

2. Testing can be done with a cord. To do this, stretch the cord between all the high points or on the watershed and the low point near the funnel. Places where reverse slopes are found should be corrected.

3. The evenness of the entire surface of the base should be checked. To do this, attach a three-meter rail to the surface of the screed (thermal insulation) along and across the slope. The clearance between the base surface and the rail should not exceed the values ​​given in Table 1.3.

4. The moisture value is determined by instrumentation in accordance with the requirements of part 1. In practice, a rough estimate of the moisture level of the base can be determined by covering the surface with plastic wrap. The appearance of a condensate film on the lower surface in a day indicates a moisture content of the screed of more than 5%.

5. To determine the strength of foundations, it is recommended to use concrete and mortar strength and homogeneity meters, for example, by the shock pulse method in accordance with the method according to GOST 22690. Strength control of cellular concrete, polystyrene concrete, foam and other similar materials by pulling out a spiral anchor can be performed as given in Appendix P.

5.4 Quality control of roll and mastic roofing

1. In the process of performing roofing work, it is checked:

  • compliance of the execution of the roof structure with the instructions of the project;
  • correct execution of structural elements;
  • correct execution of all adjunctions of the coating to vertical surfaces;
  • compliance with the technological regulations for the performance of work.

2. Acceptance of the roof should be accompanied by a thorough inspection of its surface, especially at funnels, drainage trays, in the grooves and at the junctions with protruding structures above the roof.

3. The completed roof must meet the following requirements:

  • have predetermined slopes;
  • not have local reverse slopes;
  • roofing must be securely glued to the base, not have delaminations, bubbles, depressions.

4. Manufacturing defects discovered during the inspection of the roof must be corrected before the buildings or structures are put into operation.

5. Acceptance of the finished roofing structure must be formalized by an act with an assessment of the quality of work.

6. When accepting the work performed, it is subject to examination by acts of hidden work:

  • arrangement of bases for vapor barrier;
  • vapor barrier device;
  • arrangement of heat-insulating layers;
  • screed device (screeds);
  • arrangement of protective and separating layers;
  • layered roofing device;
  • arrangement of structural elements;
  • adjoining the roof to water intake funnels, protruding parts of ventilation shafts, antennas, stretch marks, racks, parapets, etc.

7. The final defective statement, which includes all the actual design indicators established upon acceptance, is compiled after comparing these indicators with the design data and taking into account the changes made during the installation process (if any and agreed with the design organization and the customer).

8. The final acceptance of structures with the drawing up of an acceptance certificate is carried out after the elimination of the noted shortcomings according to the defective statement.

5.5 Operational quality control of work

1. Before starting work on the installation of coatings, the readiness of the base is checked in accordance with the requirements of these recommendations, the condition of the mechanisms and devices.

2. When installing mastic coatings, the thoroughness of mixing the mastics, the quality of the preparation of the base, the thickness of the application and the observance of the technology for coating the mastics are controlled. Control is carried out by the laboratory of the construction organization.

3. The quality of the coating is established visually when examining its surface and determining the thickness of the formed layer. Acceptance of each layer of the coating must be carried out, while places not covered with mastic, banding and sagging on the surface of the applied layer are not allowed. The finished coating should have a uniform color, without blisters and other defects.

4. During operational control, surface preparation, compliance with work conditions, the thickness of individual layers and the total thickness of the finished layer of the roof structure are checked.

5. The integrity of the coatings is determined by visual inspection.

6. When monitoring the parameters of the bases for evenness, slope, thickness of structural layers and elements, at least five measurements are performed for every 70-100 m2 (for thermal insulation and bases on an area of ​​50-70 m2) of the surface or on a smaller area determined by visual inspection.

7. The number of layers and the location of the panels in the coating (trial cuts with their subsequent sealing) are determined on the basis of five measurements for every 120-150 m2 of the coating.

8. The adhesion of the mastic layers to the base is checked by tapping with a steel hammer. There should be no change in sound.

9. The results of production quality control of work must be recorded in the work log.

10. At the final acceptance of coatings, data on the results of laboratory tests must be presented, which are recorded in the work logs with acts on the last acceptance of the coating.

11. Defects or deviations from the project found during the acceptance process must be corrected before the facility is put into operation.

12. Requirements for quality control of roofing works are given in the table, instrumental control and acceptance are carried out in accordance with the requirements of part 1.

Operational quality control of roofing works

Name of parameters to be controlled

Characteristics of quality assessment

Method of control and tool



The direction of laying panels relative to the slope

With a slope of up to 15% - perpendicular, over 15% - along


In progress

The size of overlapping panels, mm (in the side and end seams)

At least 100 with slope< 1,5 %; не менее 70 при уклоне >1.5%; at least 150 in the end. For PVC membranes in side seams - not less than 130 mm (but not less than 40 mm overlap of fasteners), for panels 2 m wide - 140 mm; in end seams not less than 70 mm.


In progress

No creases, wrinkles

Smooth coating surface. For PVC membranes, slight waviness is allowed immediately after installation. Levels out during use.


In progress

The quality of the welds

Lack of penetration, burns, tightness


In progress

The value of the overlapping of the panels of the lower layer of the coating through the watershed, m

When sticking along the slope, at least 1, when sticking across the slope, at least 0.25



The strength of gluing panels to the base and between layers, kg / cm 2

At least 1




Preparing rolls for labeling during the cold season

Warming up for at least 20 hours at a temperature of at least 15 °C


in winter

The presence of additional layers at the junctions (for bituminous materials)

At least one


In progress

The amount of overlap with additional layers of the main coating, mm

Lower additional not less than 150, each subsequent - not less than 100



Humidity of thermal insulation, %

No more than 5

moisture meter


Deviation of the plane of thermal insulation or base from a given slope,%

Not more than 0.2




Deviation of the thickness of the thermal insulation layer from the design,%:

From prefabricated elements

From minus 5 to +10, but not more than 20 mm

thickness gauge


From loose materials

No more than 10

The value of the protrusion between adjacent elements of thermal insulation, mm

No more than 5



Deviation of compaction coefficient of bulk materials, %

According to the project, but not more than 5


In progress

Maximum gap between adjacent thermal insulation boards, mm: - when sticking

No more than 5



When laying dry

No more than 2



The width of the valley at the bottom of the funnel, m

Not less than 0.6



Availability of aprons, caps and other protective elements

By project



Availability of NTD for materials and products

As required



Roofing and insulation works


Composition of operations and controls

Stages of work

Controlled Operations

The control
(method, volume)


Preparatory work


Certificate of examination of hidden works, general work log, passports (certificates)

Availability of a certificate of examination of the device base under the carpet;


Cleaning the base from dirt, debris, snow, ice and drying it;

Availability of a quality document for insulating materials;

Preparation of materials for work (roll materials, mastics)


General work log

The quality of gluing additional layers of material at the junction with vertical structures;


The direction of rolling, the size of the overlaps (joints) of the panels;

visual, measuring

The tightness of the panels to the surface of the base;

Technical inspection

Continuity and thickness of the mastic layer;

Measuring, at least 5 measurements for every 70-100 m in places determined by visual inspection

Outside air temperature;

Measuring, periodic, at least 2 times per shift

The device of a protective gravel covering on a roofing carpet

Visual, technical inspection


General log of work, act of acceptance of work performed

Surface quality of the insulating mat;

Measuring, at least 5 measurements for every 70-100 m of the surface or on a smaller area in places determined by visual inspection

Technical inspection

Strength of gluing layers of rolled material;

The values ​​​​of overlapping panels;


Drainage of water from the entire surface of the roof

Technical inspection

Control and measuring tool: metal tape measure, two-meter rail, level, level, thermometer.

Operational control is carried out by: foreman (foreman), engineer (laboratory assistant) - in the process of work.

Acceptance control is carried out by: employees of the quality service, foreman (foreman), representatives of the technical supervision of the customer.

Technical requirements
SNiP 3.04.01-87 paragraphs 2.16, 2.17, tables 3, 7

When sticking, the panels are overlapped by 100 mm (70 mm across the width of the panels of the lower layers of the roofs with a slope of more than 1.5%).

The strength of adhesion to the base and to each other of the roofing carpet on a continuous mastic adhesive layer of emulsion compositions is not less than 0.5 MPa.

Cold bitumen 0.8 - ±10%.

Temperature when applying mastics, °С:

Hot bituminous - +160, maximum deviation - +20;

Degtev - +130, maximum deviation - +10.

Upon acceptance of the finished roof, it is necessary to check:

Compliance with the design of the number of reinforcing (additional) layers in mates (junctions);

Installation of bowls of water intake funnels of internal drains: they should not protrude above the surface of the base;

Adjacency structures (screeds and concrete): must be smooth and even, without sharp corners;

Water drainage over the entire surface of the roof through external or internal drains: complete, without stagnant water.

Not allowed:

Cross sticker of panels;

The presence of bubbles, blisters, air pockets, tears, dents, punctures, spongy structure, streaks and sagging on the surface of the coating.

Requirements for the quality of the materials used

GOST 10923-93*. Ruberoid. Specifications.

GOST 2889-80. Mastic bituminous roofing hot. Specifications.

Roofing felt is produced in rolls with a width of 1000, 1025, 1050 mm, the permissible deviation in width is ± 5 mm. The total area of ​​the roll should be: 10.0±0.5 m, 15.0±0.5 m, 20.0±0.5 m.

Roofing material with coarse-grained and scaly dressing must have a clean, unsprinkled edge at least 70 and not more than 100 mm wide from one edge of the front surface along the entire web. The minimum length of the canvas must be at least 3 meters.

Roofing felt cloth should not have cracks, holes, tears, folds. More than 2 tears 15-30 mm long are not allowed on the edges of the canvas. Tears up to 15 mm are not standardized.

Each batch of roll materials must be accompanied by a quality document indicating:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Number and date of issue of the document;

Number of rolls;

Material brand;

date of manufacture;

Roll area, roll weight;

Test results;

Designation of this standard.

The roofing material must be stored sorted by grades in a dry closed room in a vertical position no more than two rows in height. Warranty period of storage - 12 months.

Hot bituminous roofing mastics, depending on heat resistance, are divided into grades: MBK-G-55, MBK-G-65, MBK-G-75, MBK-G-85, MBK-100.

In appearance, the mastic should be homogeneous, without foreign inclusions and filler particles not covered with bitumen.

Mastic must firmly glue rolled materials.

Acceptance and delivery of mastic is carried out in batches in steel or wooden barrels. Each batch of mastic must be accompanied by a quality document.

Mastic should be stored separately by brands indoors, storage - one year from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the mastic must be checked for compliance with the standard.

Work instructions
SNiP 3.04.01-87 paragraphs 2.14-2.17, 2.21-2.22

Rolled materials before the sticker must be marked at the place of installation; the layout of the panels of rolled materials should ensure compliance with the values ​​​​of their overlap when gluing. The mastic should be applied in accordance with the project in a uniform continuous, without gaps, or stripe layer. Each layer of rolled roofing should be laid after the mastics have hardened and strong adhesion to the base of the previous layer has been achieved. The sheets of rolled materials should be glued in the direction from low to high areas perpendicular to the water flow with roof slopes of up to 15%, in the direction of flow - with roof slopes of more than 15%.

The device of each element of the roof should be carried out after checking the correctness of the implementation of the corresponding underlying element with the preparation of an inspection report for hidden work.

Dedusting of substrates must be carried out before applying primers.

The priming of the surface must be continuous and without gaps or breaks. The primer should have a strong adhesion to the base, no traces of binder should remain on the tampon applied to it.

Rolled insulating materials during work at negative temperatures must be warmed up to a temperature of at least 15 ° C within 20 hours, rewound and delivered to the place of installation in an insulated container.

When sticking panels of the roofing carpet along the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of the lower layer must overlap the opposite slope by at least 1000 mm. The mastic should be applied directly under the roll being rolled out in three strips 80-100 mm wide. Subsequent layers must be glued onto a continuous layer of mastic.

When sticking panels across the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of each layer laid on the ridge should overlap the roof slope by 250 mm and be glued to a continuous layer of mastic.

The type of sticker of the rolled carpet must correspond to the project. When installing a protective gravel coating on the roofing carpet, it is necessary to apply the mastic in a continuous layer 2-3 mm thick and up to 2 m wide, immediately scattering a continuous layer of dust-free gravel over it, 5-10 mm thick.

Acceptance of roofing works is carried out both in the process of performing work (intermediate acceptance), and after their completion.

During intermediate acceptances, they check the quality of work, the compliance of the individual structural elements of the roof and the materials used for them with the requirements of the project, as well as Building Codes and Rules. In the process of intermediate acceptances, acts are drawn up for hidden work on the following completed parts of the roof: roof load-bearing structures (slabs, panels and joints between them); steam and heat-insulating layers; screeds and vertical planes at the junctions; roofing roll carpet with its protective layer; adjoining the carpet to the protruding elements of the roof; drainage devices (valleys, grooves, water intake funnels). The results of quality control of work and materials to be laid are recorded in the work production log. All detected deviations and deviations from the project are corrected before the building is put into operation. Bases for vapor barrier and screeds for rolled and mastic roofs must be solid, solid, and even.

In the process of acceptance of finished roofs, their surfaces are examined, especially at funnels, in grooves and at junctions with protruding parts of buildings. Particular attention is paid to the inspection of transitions from a horizontal plane to a vertical one: they must be smooth.

The waterproofness of roofs made of rolled materials is checked after heavy rain.

At the final acceptance of work, the correctness of the layer-by-layer laying of the waterproofing carpet, the density of gluing panels in its adjacent layers, the correctness of adjoining to the ledges of the roof, parapets, expansion joints, ventilation shafts, exit hatches are checked. The strength of the adhesive is checked by slowly tearing off a test sample of one panel from another. In this case, the gap should not occur along the mastic, but along the rolled material. The surface of the glued layers of rolled carpet must be smooth, without dents, deflections and air pockets. Tests should be carried out no earlier than 48 hours after laying the coating.

In the roof presented for delivery, the specified slopes must be maintained. For pitched roofs, the deviation of the actual slope from the design value should not exceed 1 ... 2%.

Acceptance of the finished roof is formalized by an act with a mandatory assessment of the quality of the work performed and the issuance of a warranty passport to the customer. The passport indicates the name of the object and the amount of roofing work, their quality and the period during which the contractor will eliminate defects if they are detected.

In the process of installing roofs from built-up roofing materials, they also check: the quality of the materials used and their compliance with the requirements of the current GOSTs and TUs; the correctness of the implementation of individual stages of work; readiness of individual structural elements of the coating and roofs for subsequent work; compliance of the number of layers of the roofing carpet with the instructions of the project. The results of the checks should be recorded in the work log.

Local irregularities, established along the clearance between the surface of the base and the control three-meter rail attached to it, should not exceed: in the direction along the slope - 5 mm, perpendicular to the slope (parallel to the ridge) - 10 mm; gaps are allowed only gradually increasing in length no more than 1 m.

Solvent application should be uniform over the entire area of ​​the panels. A visual assessment of the normal amount of the applied solvent can be the absence of streaks on the panel after the passage of the adhesive installation and the continuity of the surface wetting.

The tension of the panels during their laying on the base should eliminate the residual waviness and wrinkles on the surface of the roofing material. The stretched panel laid on the base after gluing must firmly adhere to the base, not form waves and swellings.

The rolling of the panels should ensure that the remaining air is squeezed out of the glue joint and create a monolithic bonding.

In case of detection of places of non-gluing, the panel is pierced in this place. A solvent is injected into the punctured hole at the rate of 130 g/m 2 and after 7...15 minutes the non-glued place is thoroughly rubbed.

The quality of the sticker of individual layers and the completed roofing carpet is determined by examining its surface. The carpet should not have cracks, shells, swellings, delaminations and other defects; the dressing should be coarse-grained and in sufficient quantity over the entire surface of the top layer of the roof; the edges of the panels of the built-up roofing material in the places of overlap must be glued with the underlying layer.

test questions

  • 1. What works are preparatory?
  • 2. What is the difference between mastic and emulsion?
  • 3. What is the technological sequence for the preparation of hot and cold bituminous mastics?
  • 4. What are antiseptic additives and why should they be added to mastics during preparation?
  • 5. What means of mechanization are used to deliver hot and cold mastics to the workplace?
  • 6. What is the sequence for installing a two-layer roll roof? three-layer? four-layer?
  • 7. Tell us about the order of the overlaps of transverse and longitudinal.
  • 8. What is the method of laying multi-layer roofing at the same time?
  • 9. What is the peculiarity of the structures of the roofing carpet at the points of junction with vertical surfaces, on cornices, in valleys, to water intake funnels and expansion joints?
  • 10. What is built-up roofing material?
  • 11. What is the basis of the non-flammable method of gluing the built-up roofing material?
  • 12. In what cases is the method of heating the cover layer of the surfaced roofing material more preferable?
  • 13. What means of mechanization are used in the construction of roofs from built-up roofing material by heating the cover layer?
  • 14. What are the main safety requirements in the production of roofing?
  • 15. Tell us about roofs made of rolled polymer materials.
  • 16. What is the peculiarity of roofing at low temperatures?
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