Biography of Svetlana Abramova leading channel 1. Abramova Svetlana: what is hidden behind a chic appearance? Court and business

Many fans of watching TV are interested in the biography of the presenter Svetlana Abramova, see her photo, find out her age and look behind the veil of the personal life of the TV presenter.

Beauty will certainly save the world and Sveta Abramova is another confirmation of this. July 2, 1987 is the date of birth of the future Russian TV presenter and at the time of 2018 Abramova's age is 37 years old.

At that time, many participants in the Ten Years Younger project were preparing to take final exams or to receive university diplomas. However, the age difference that happened between the host and the heroines of the project does not prevent the native Petersburger from being imbued with the stories of women, in every possible way to contribute to their adaptation to the project. This also means that Svetlana deserves her biography to become a role model for the younger generation.

For those who have not watched the series of programs from the first channel “Ten Years Younger” and are not familiar with other activities of the presenter, it is worth visiting Instagram. According to the presented photos, you can add up the first and capacious opinion about Svetlana Abramova, understand her life focus, evaluate what the girl values.

Svetlana Abramova and entering the leading profession

Most famous personalities become famous in childhood, or at least dream about it much more than others. It happened with Abramova, as a little girl she wanted to become an actress and really loved the stage. Now, from the height of past years, the TV presenter says that from an early age she was distinguished by her determination, responsibility and the ability to make important decisions.

After graduating from school, Svetlana Abramova, like many graduates of her peers, found herself at a crossroads, where to go to study? Journalism and theatrical university lost in a dispute with a legal education. However, beauty and dream demanded their own. Sveta took part in the beauty contest "Miss St. Petersburg State University" -2007 and won it. After that, jurisprudence began to gradually fade into the background. After the girl appeared at the Miss Russia -2008 and Miss Moscow contests of the same year. But participation on the podium did not turn her head and the university was completed, although a further career was built regardless of the received special higher education.

This period of life for Svetlana herself was overshadowed by nit-picking about her own appearance and a constant, unreasonable desire to lose weight. Yet creativity and common sense prevailed.

In the same stormy 2008, the girl graduated from the Higher National School of Television and Radio. Already in 2009, she became the host of the Ren TV channel, a sports section in the news. The start of a career was laid. As it developed, Abramova moved up to the leading program "Coming out", telling about the events of cultural Moscow (2011).

The appearance of "10 Years Younger"

Somehow, the presenter Svetlana Abramova found out about the release of such programs on English television. The girl liked the idea: talking about the fate of women, showing their transformation and self-esteem increase is interesting. In addition, the experience of European colleagues showed that the program is a huge success with the public. Therefore, initiating the release of programs on the REN TV channel turned out to be quite a feasible task for a young TV journalist.

Subsequently, namely in March 2015, the program "moved" to Channel One and became another hallmark of Russian television as a whole.

The work of a whole group of specialists is actually evaluated by passers-by on the street. First, people are invited to determine the age of the heroine from the photo. To start, the arithmetic mean is taken. Then the work begins: designers, stylists, plastic surgeons and even dentists where it is required. Sveta talks about the biography of her heroine, through questions to herself, her relatives, and colleagues. Viewers should have no doubt that the invited woman deserves respect and effort. This is due to the efforts of Svetlana Abramova, including.

Personal life on scandal

Abramova's fans, who have looked at Instagram, simply cannot miss the fact that the girl is anxious about her marriage. A lot of tender and attractive photos of a happy young couple are published in the application.

Despite a stellar stay in Moscow, Svetlana found her fate in a St. Petersburg cafe. Anton Shurenko is a physicist, he himself showed interest in the girl. How long their romance lasted is unknown. They say that one and a half years. But in any case, it soon became clear that Anton was married and was raising a 12-year-old daughter. According to a relative of Shurenko's wife, she did not know for a long time about her husband's glamorous relationship with the TV presenter. Only the public fame of Abramova contributed to the speedy disclosure of lovers. Already in June 2016, Anton and Valeria (first wife) terminated their marriage.

In December, Svetlana Abramova told fans about the future wedding, which took place in Barvikha (2017). Among the guests was a narrow circle of friends and relatives. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Venice.

Svetlana Abramova was born in St. Petersburg. In 2007 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University.

In 2008 she graduated from the Higher National School of Television and Radio. In 2009 Svetlana Abramova came to the REN TV channel - became the host of sports news and press reviews.

In 2011, she became the host of the Going out program on REN TV. Weekly television poster "The publication" told REN TV viewers about the main cultural events of the capital, and its presenter Svetlana Abramova revealed all the details of the upcoming events. "Going out" did not contain critical reviews, providing the most detailed information about the events that each viewer could attend in an easy and unobtrusive way. Each issue of Going Out included a detailed story about 5-6 new films with comments from the creators and film experts.

On March 29, 2015, the show “10 years younger” started on Channel One ", hosted by Svetlana Abramova. The task of the experts of the show "10 years younger" is to transform the main character.

The host of the show “10 years younger” Svetlana Abramova: “Most women come unhappy, and the reason often lies in their personal lives. But our heroines are ready to go to great lengths to become more beautiful. All women want to use the services of a plastic surgeon, but when they directly encounter this - they come to the clinic, undergo standard procedures - panic sets in. Even the bravest have fear. But this is the peculiarity of Russian women - to make sacrifices for the sake of men!

First, a survey is conducted on the street, passers-by are asked how old the heroine looks. From this, the arithmetic mean is derived. Then a whole team of specialists, consisting of a plastic surgeon, dentist, stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser, decide what procedures the heroine needs. Plastic surgery, Botox, laser eye surgery - professionals in their field will take up the work, who will reshape the faces and bodies of the heroines.

Svetlana Abramova. Personal life

In December 2016, the host of the reality show “10 years younger” on Channel One, Svetlana Abramova, received a marriage proposal from her lover Anton Larsen. The chosen one of the TV presenter works in the field of innovative technologies. Svetlana Abramova met her future husband in her native St. Petersburg by chance: Anton approached the TV presenter in a cafe.

In March, Svetlana and Anton went on a honeymoon trip to Venice. “My beloved says that he will give me the whole world, but he started with Venice. I dreamed of visiting here from the moment I heard that St. Petersburg is called the Venice of the North. Hurray, it became possible to find similarities and differences, ”the TV presenter wrote in her microblog.

In July 2017, a wedding ceremony was held in the Barvikha hotel near Moscow with close friends. Officially, Svetlana Abramova and Anton Larsen registered their relationship a few weeks before the celebration in St. Petersburg.

The wedding ceremony was held by one of the heroes of the program "10 years younger" - a professional showman Igor Lychev, who worked in Cannes with world-class stars, including Eva Longoria. Among the invited guests at the wedding of Svetlana Abramova and Anton Larsen were experts from the show "10 years younger": a plastic surgeon Sergey Blokhin, dentist Oleg Konnikov, stylist

Svetlana Abramova. She was born on July 2, 1987 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian TV presenter.

According to Svetlana, since childhood she dreamed of becoming an actress, she loved everything that was connected with the stage.

From an early age she got used to making all decisions herself and being responsible for them.

After leaving school, she chose between journalism, law and theater. Svetlana considered that she was too serious a girl for the theater and applied for the legal - "Putin" - faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Therefore, her first education is legal.

While studying at the university, she participated in beauty contests. In 2007, she became the winner of the Miss St. Petersburg State University beauty contest. And in 2008 she reached the finals of the Beauty of Russia and Miss Moscow contests.

All this time she worked not only on her education, but also improved her body: “From the third year of the institute, she began to participate in beauty contests. the thought was constantly sitting: “We need to lose weight!” It seems to me that many girls with forms think the same way. I have, as they say, a heavy bone. What the scales show does not always correlate with appearance. At 171 centimeters and 50 kilograms, I look painfully thin. " In the end, I chose the optimal ratio between weight and height.

Her craving for creativity finally took over and Svetlana moved to Moscow, where she found a speech technique teacher who taught her all the intricacies of the TV presenter profession.

In 2008 she graduated from the Higher National School of Television and Radio.

Since 2009, Svetlana Abramova, the host of the REN TV channel, began with sports news and press reviews.

Started running the program in 2011 "The publication" on REN TV about the main cultural events of the capital.

In the 10 Years Younger program, experts are trying to transform the main character. First, a survey is conducted on the street, passers-by are asked how old the heroine looks. From this, the arithmetic mean is derived. Then a whole team of specialists, consisting of a plastic surgeon, dentist, stylist, makeup artist and hairdresser, decide what procedures the heroine needs. Plastic surgery, Botox, laser eye surgery - professionals in their field will take up the work, who will reshape the faces and bodies of the heroines.

"Ask yourself, how many times have you lived? Only in what you love can you succeed. Listen only to yourself, only you know what you really need. Surround yourself with like-minded people, those who believe in you and support you. A person is able to achieve any goal, the main thing - desire, motivation and support. Remember, you are unique, believe in yourself"- says Svetlana Abramova.

The growth of Svetlana Abramova: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Svetlana Abramova:

He is in a relationship with Anton Shkurenko, he is a physicist. As Svetlana said, they met, as Svetlana specified, on July 13 in a cafe in her native St. Petersburg.

Later it turned out that at the time of their acquaintance, Anton was married to a girl named Valeria, with whom he lived for 12 years and had a daughter.

“This Abramova is a pike who coveted someone else’s husband!” Diana Romanova, a relative of Anton’s ex-wife, told reporters. As Romanova said, due to the specifics of his work, Anton often went on business trips, and upon his return he presented his girls with various expensive presents and attention. Therefore, Valeria did not know for a long time that her husband had a relationship with another woman. According to Romanova, Anton pretended to be leaving on business, and he rushed to the eminent mistress: “And so he powdered Lera’s brains for a very long time. Until she caught her eye a magazine on the pages of which her glamorous husband flaunted with TV presenter. It was exactly before March 8. A good gift, right? Just imagine what a shock she experienced! ".

At the same time, Anton had a marriage contract with his ex-wife. In June 2016, he divorced Valeria and, according to media reports, the ex-wife robbed him to the skin. “Antosha gives his former family all his salary, and he lives at the expense of his mistress-leader. He lost his apartment too - Anton’s parents gave it to their former daughter-in-law and granddaughter, so at the moment Shkurenko lives in St. Petersburg with Abramova,” Diana Romanova reported.

In December 2016, Svetlana Abramova announced that she and Anton were going to get married: “Anton made an offer completely unexpected for me. And only then we realized that we met on the night of the 13th to the 14th three and a half years ago. Anton did not want to tie this event to holidays and dates, according to his idea, this should have become a separate event. But it turned out again symbolically, like everything in our relationship coincides and develops by itself, as if someone above is guiding us, and we can only listen to our hearts.

In July 2017 in one of the prestigious hotels in Barvikha.

Svetlana Abramova and Anton Shkurenko - wedding

A wonderful Russian TV presenter, who can be seen every day on the REN-TV channel, Svetlana Abramova is from St. Petersburg. Her childhood and youth passed in the Northern Capital. Here she received her higher education at St. Petersburg State University, where she studied at the Faculty of Law, here she won first place in a beauty contest, and here her television career began. Having finally understood that her recognition was on television, Svetlana abandoned her career as a lawyer and decided to devote herself to television. To do this, she, already having one education behind her, went to study at the Higher National School of Radio and TV. However, she continued to participate in beauty contests. Bright appearance and natural grace allowed her to receive several titles. She became a finalist of the Miss Moscow and Beauty of Russia contests, as well as the winner of Miss St. Petersburg State University. After graduating from the school of television, Sveta got a job as a TV presenter on the REN-TV channel. First she hosted sports news, and then also a press review. Always smart and elegantly dressed, in a good mood and with a sparkle in her eyes, Svetlana in a short time became the favorite of a huge number of Russian viewers. They began to admire her, they began to take an example from her. The young presenter worked hard and hard, trying not only to improve her skill, but to make it perfect. And a worthy reward for this was the proposal received from the channel's management - to host the TV program "Coming out".

Thanks to her, Svetlana Abramova became known to a wide audience of viewers. The young presenter began to be recognized on the streets. She even has her own fan club. But Svetlana did not stop there. She came up with the idea to create her own show. And this idea was brought to life after she shared it with the producers of Channel 1. And in 2015, it began to broadcast a new show called "10 years younger", the author and host of which is Svetlana Abramova. The essence of this TV project is that random passers-by are asked to evaluate the appearance of the participants and name their age, after which they undergo a complete transformation, as a result of which they look and feel younger by several years. Svetlana Abramova devotes a huge amount of time and energy to her show, but at the same time she continues to come up with something new, creative, which she still keeps secret. In addition, she is often invited to be the host of various shows and concert programs, both on Channel 1 and on REN TV. And this is not surprising, because Svetlana Abramova is the favorite of viewers. And she also acts as a host at private parties and corporate parties, leads weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations. Svetlana Abramova knows the entire cultural life of the capital very well. No wonder she was her columnist for many years. She holds herself very well on stage, feels confident in front of the camera lens. She always looks good and is in a great mood. Little is known about the personal life of the wonderful presenter; she prefers not to talk about her.

Russian presenters, who can be ordered at ProConcert for a holiday, are charming, interesting people, whose performance is a pleasure to watch. A wedding, birthday or anniversary will go like clockwork if you invite such a cool presenter as Svetlana Abramova through us. We know Svetlana Abramova as a creative person who will "turn on" the audience gathered for the holiday from half a turn, offering adequate entertainment for different age groups. The star will direct the event in the right cheerful and friendly direction, fill in the gaps and find a common language with the guests in the hall. The price (fee) for Svetlana Abramova is fully justified.

Abramova Svetlana is a woman that almost every Russian knows. She is a TV presenter on the REN TV channel. For many, Svetlana is an example, because she is not only beautiful and well-groomed, but also smart, educated, famous and successful. It was Abramova Svetlana who was able to conquer a huge number of male hearts and become the idol of millions of female representatives who admire her appearance and character. In this regard, it is interesting how she managed to gain such popularity, become a famous and successful TV presenter.

Svetlana Abramova. Biography

Very little is known about the youth of the TV presenter, but it is worth saying that her creative path and achievements have never been a secret. Abramova Svetlana studied at the Higher National School of Television and Radio, from which she graduated in 2008. The very next year, the girl began working on television. Abramova became the host of sports news, as well as a press review on the Russian REN channel.

She developed and worked hard, after which already in 2011 Abramova Svetlana became the host of the well-known and beloved program called “Coming out”. It is important that it was after this program that she became known throughout the country.

It is worth saying that the presenter Svetlana Abramova became the winner of the beauty contest "Miss St. Petersburg State University", which took place in 2007. However, the achievements of the beauty did not end there. A year later, Svetlana managed to reach the finals of the Beauty of Russia contest, and then Miss Moscow.

"The publication"

“Going Out” is a weekly television poster that presents the channel's viewers with all the major cultural events that have taken place in the country over the past week. TV presenter Abramova talks about all the details of the events that are planned to be held in the near future. It is also worth noting that the program also includes films that absolutely everyone can visit during the next week.

It is worth saying that after watching the television poster "Coming out", information about all the current concerts and exhibitions taking place in the capital of the country becomes known.

The first broadcast of Svetlana Abramova

Many people are very interested in what was the first broadcast of a famous and popular TV presenter. The girl shared that she was very worried before she had to go live. However, the TV presenter managed to pull herself together and stop worrying. Abramova said that at first, of course, there were mistakes, but she tried her best to correct them and improve. Svetlana succeeded, and she continued her career as a TV presenter.

The show "10 years younger" and its presenter Abramova

On March 29, 2015, a show called “10 Years Younger” started on Channel One, the creator and host of which is Abramova. The main task of the program is the transformation of the main character. At the very beginning, a survey of random passers-by is conducted on the streets, who share their impression of the girl, and also say how old, in their opinion, the main character of the show looks. From all the opinions of people, the arithmetic mean is derived, after which the fun begins. The best professionals in the country are ready to take on the appearance and inner mood of a woman and make her “10 years younger”. The stylist, make-up artist, plastic and hairdresser must decide what procedures are necessary for the main character to transform.

“Our women are ready to do anything for their men!”

Svetlana Abramova has said more than once that, in her opinion, most of the women who come to the program are unhappy. Often this is due to the fact that the personal life of the heroines leaves much to be desired. However, despite all the failures, women are ready for a lot in order to become more beautiful and fall in love with their husband again. Abramova shared that many of the heroines of the program are very afraid of surgery, but nevertheless nothing stops them. “Our women are ready to do anything for their men!” - says the famous TV presenter.

Originality and individuality

Svetlana Abramova is a talented, successful, beautiful and smart TV presenter. Photos of a woman convey how happy she is, how satisfied with her life and herself. The girl does not want to be like others at all and loves to stand out very much. It was this desire for excellence and individuality in everything that made adjustments to the program “10 Years Younger”. Svetlana shared that almost all viewers love programs about the transformation of the main characters with the help of makeup, changes in style, hairstyle, etc. However, the TV presenter wanted to differ from them, and therefore the show team decided to pay special attention to plastic surgery and dentistry. She believes that these are very serious manipulations to correct the appearance, which will benefit the main characters of the 10 Years Younger program.

Attitude leading to plastic surgery

Svetlana Abramova has repeatedly shared that she has an ambivalent attitude towards plastic surgery. She believes that it is not worth promoting these services, because many women, after watching the show, may decide to transform their appearance with the help of a surgeon. Abramova believes that this is not very good, since not all doctors will be able to perform the operation with high quality and without consequences. However, even the surgeon Sergei Nikolayevich (who is participating in the project) repeatedly repeated that it is worth thinking many times and finding a high-class professional before going under the knife and drawing hasty conclusions.

Why did Abramova become a TV presenter and not a lawyer?

Interestingly, Svetlana has a law degree, but she decided not to work in her specialty, but to connect her life with publicity and cameras. The girl shared that since childhood she liked everything that was connected with the stage. “That is why it would be at least illogical to become a lawyer,” says the well-known TV presenter. In her last year of university, she was lucky enough to move to Moscow, where her career began. For a long time she studied and learned the skills of a presenter, after which she began to get used to the cameras. Abramova studied on the REN channel, thanks to which she had a great opportunity to train and study in a real studio. “Naturally, there were mistakes that we sorted out together with my teacher,” the girl shares, but she successfully managed to overcome everything.

Svetlana Abramova, presenter: how old is the beauty?

It is worth saying that, despite the popularity and fame of the TV presenter, very little is known about her age. There is no information in the public domain about when Svetlana was born and how old she is. Like a true woman, she most likely hides her age, but it must be said that in any case, our heroine looks just fine!

A smart, famous, beautiful, educated and successful woman is Svetlana Abramova. REN TV was a great start for her in her career as a TV presenter. It was after the program "Coming out" that she became famous and recognizable, as she worked in the field that she had loved since childhood. Abramova has become an example for most women, because she manages to be successful, in demand and at the same time look great and help those women who need support and transform their appearance.

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