Six men of Ekaterina Vilkova. Six men of Ekaterina Vilkova The best day and the birth of children

“In our entire life together, we had a fight twice,” says the actress. - It's hard for me to understand my acquaintances when they tell how they quarrel with their wives or husbands, pout at each other for weeks. If Ilya didn’t even give a flower for his birthday, I won’t even have a thought: “How could it be, how could he?”

- Ekaterina, you are 31 years old, and you have more than 40 films behind you, you are happily married, you have two children. Do you feel like an adult, wise woman?

Of course, I am wisdom itself! Kidding! Perhaps a somewhat infantile attitude towards life and myself is now speaking in me, but the fact that I have a decent number of roles over 13 years of my career, a drop dead husband (actor Ilya Lyubimov. - Approx. "Antennas") and wonderful children, I don’t think its merit. Somehow, everything just appeared. As for the adult... When I come to kindergarten to my daughter Pavle and find myself among other mothers, I understand: here they are - adult, sensible women. Not even in the sense of age, but some kind of feeling that these are mothers, they are responsible for their children. I feel myself in their society like this: "They asked me to sit with the child, let me pick it up, where is mine, let's go, let's go faster from these adult and smart people." A wise woman is not my portrait. But at the moments when I scold my son and daughter, I am mature and serious. At least I'm trying to convince them of this.

Photo by Lyubov Shemetova/HELLO!

- Due to the profession, both you and your husband are often not at home. Who helps with the children?

I have a wonderful mom and dad. Thank God, they are healthy, they have enough strength for their grandchildren and, most importantly, there is an inexhaustible fountain of desire to mess with them. If it were their will, they would not give us children at all. This happens from time to time, when I come to pick them up, they tell me: “Leave these to us, but give birth to yourself!” The parents have a dacha where Pavla and Petya live like Mowgli: they spend a lot of time outdoors, walk a lot, and Petya even does without a stroller. That is, the parents' children lead the same lifestyle that I had in childhood. In a big city, given its rhythm and the availability of a car, this is simply impossible. When the son and daughter are in Moscow, of course, the nanny helps us.

- Can Ilya alone cope with his son and daughter?

It seems to me that Ilya manages them much better than I do. I would not say that he immediately comes up with a billion games, he just communicates with them as with adults, sane people, and everything goes smoothly. If the children stay with dad, then you don’t have to worry. It is only necessary to provide them with food in advance, which will only need to be warmed up. And bathing, feeding, playing, putting to bed is not a problem for Ilya, he, unlike some fathers, does not panic alone with his children. Plus, we both already know from experience: if Ilya feeds Pavel and Petya not soup, but pasta with a cutlet, then nothing bad will happen. Will they go to bed later than usual? Nothing will happen either, the regime will break a little. Well, Ilya thought that we no longer give our daughter a nipple, and she did not want to fall asleep without it, but in the end she fell asleep, and she no longer needed the nipple! That's how I accidentally weaned.

Which of you is the stricter parent?

Ilya. He is by nature a very calm person, and I am emotional. If I don’t see children for a long time, then when I return home, I try to compensate for my absence - to cuddle them, to allow them everything, to pamper them. Toddlers quickly grasp such moments and begin to speculate on your emotions as well. But two days later, the lava ends ... In general, I can also be strict when necessary.

- How do you relax together, have fun?

Now Pavla and Petya are so old that their favorite pastime is uncontrolled bouts of rabies! When mom and dad support them, they run with them, jump, fight, butt, throw them up, they really like it.

- You and Ilya are such a harmonious couple. Share what is the secret of family happiness?

It seems to me that there is practically no merit in this. I would not say that the secret is that you need to love each other, and you will have everything. For my part, I just try to obey Ilya. Not in the sense that he stands with a whip and beats me, or every time I want to buy a loaf of bread, I ask permission. We simply do not live alone, we consult a lot, and not so that one would allow something to another, but because we really need to know each other's opinion.

Photo by the film company "Nashe Kino"

- What can you fight about?

While for our life together they swore twice. I don’t even remember what the reasons were, probably some kind of stupid mood attacked. It is extremely rare for us to have some kind of "grater". Ilyusha supports me in everything, sometimes it even seems that he lives more with my worries than I do with him. It is very difficult for me to understand my acquaintances when they tell how they quarrel with their wives or husbands, pout at each other for weeks. Can't you talk? To say that it was a shame for you to hear this, that you didn’t like it, to offer to find a compromise. For me, it's always easier to ask the right questions than go to bed with a grudge under your nose!

- May 1st was your fifth wedding anniversary. Did you do something special for this?

Didn't arrange anything. The anniversary coincided with Easter, and when we came to our cheerful Orthodox company, our friends reminded us: “Guys, it’s five years today for you, let’s drink to that!” That's all the celebration. Probably, Ilya and I are some kind of wrong people, we rarely celebrate birthdays and holidays with pomp and do not always give each other gifts. After all, a holiday can happen at any time - any day and month. So why bother with a date?

- But does the husband give flowers?

Gifts are not Ilya's strong point. Well, he didn’t even give a flower for his birthday, I won’t even have a thought: “How so! How could he? But Ilya helped me organize everything: buy food, go to the country, I allowed myself a couple of glasses, because he was driving. Why bouquets if my husband supports me in every way? And then, flowers are such a strange thing, they need to change the water, they will wither, they will start to smell bad, they will have to be thrown away ... In general, they have disadvantages ... Or I just reassure myself.

- Many women affectionately call their men “darling”, “bunny”, but you write on your social networks that Ilya is the coolest man!

Do you see him like this? Well, he doesn’t look like a “bunny”, or a “cat”, or a “fish”! For me, he is the coolest man! I am certainly proud of him and cannot imagine even for a split second how I could exist without Ilya.

- The film “Classmates” about strong female friendship is being released, where you played one of the main roles. Men often say that women and friendship are incompatible.

If we talk specifically about school friends, then I have one such, sometimes we don’t call each other for years, and sometimes, on the contrary, we communicate very actively. I would not say that in principle I have many girlfriends, but since they are, it means that I believe in female friendship!

- In this film, you and Ilya starred together for the first time, and even played husband and wife.

It was a little scary to work with Ilya, I was afraid that I would be bitten. After all, he, like no one else, knows me “from” and “to” ... But it turned out that playing with my husband is cool. Not that it helps, but psychologically you are very comfortable.

Ekaterina Vilkova tries to do her job well, so for the entire time of her career she was not ashamed of her roles, and it doesn’t matter in which project the shooting was - in a full-length picture or a regular television series.

The acting profession for Vilkova is not only earnings, but also self-realization, as well as the love of fans, which she cherishes very much. In the biography of the actress, the family occupies a huge place, however, she correctly prioritizes, so this does not affect her career in any way.

Children's interest in theater

Ekaterina was born in 1984 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Despite the fact that parents have ordinary professions (father is an electrician, and mother is a watchman), they have a good sense of humor and artistry. It is not surprising that the future actress, even in her childhood, was cheerful and often made fun of her friends. Parents instilled in their daughter a love for sports: a 3-year-old baby first went in for badminton, and then she was enrolled in rhythmic gymnastics.

In this sport, she achieved good results, becoming a candidate for master of sports, however, after working out for 11 years, she quit training. Soon the girl became interested in the theater stage, playing in various productions of the drama club. After leaving school, she became a student at the Evstigneev Theater School, from which she graduated in 2003. But Vilkova dreamed of pursuing a career in the capital, so she immediately left her hometown, successfully enrolling in the Moscow Art Theater School.

Quick career jump

For a long time, the future actress went to audition, but she was not offered the role. And only in 2005, the girl got the opportunity to demonstrate her talent: in the historical series Satisfaction, she played Sofya Golitsyna. Soon, two more projects appeared in her filmography, based on the adaptation of the works of the classics: in the film “Demons”, Ekaterina created the image of the pupil of the general’s wife Stavrogina, and in the film “Fathers and Sons”, Fenechka became her heroine. Having passed the casting in Valery Todorovsky's film "Dandies" in 2008, the actress brilliantly played a fashionable and stylish young lady named Betsy, opening her way to a big movie. In the melodrama Palm Sunday, her heroine, having learned that her real mother died in prison because of her rapist father, returns her good name. In 2009, Vilkova starred in the fantasy film Black Lightning, once again in the spotlight. According to the plot of the film, her character, student Nastya Svetlova, helps her classmate to believe in himself and acquire the qualities of a real superhero.

Frame from the film "I Believe".

It is also worth noting her work in the comedy "Exchange Wedding", which was released in 2011. Thanks to make-up artists and stylists, the actress looked like a real beauty queen in the frame, which Catherine herself really liked. Having gained experience, she began to receive not only secondary, but also the main roles. She managed to embody completely different heroines on the screen, and also managed to act in 4-5 projects at once a year. In 2016, Vilkova appeared in the comedy series Hotel Eleon, which added to her popularity. Her heroine Sophia Yanovna is not easy to be the manager of the institution, perhaps that is why she seems to many a tough and too correct young lady, however, later it becomes clear that she is soft and vulnerable. 2017 also became fruitful and successful: Ekaterina took part in such projects as Odnoklassniki: A New Turn and The Last Hero. Currently, she has about 100 works behind her, however, she does not slow down, continuing to actively act in new projects.

Acting union and parenting

When the actress met her future husband, Ilya Lyubimov, he already took place as an actor, playing in the P. Fomenko Workshop Theater and acting in various film projects. However, having a lot, he did not feel happy, because there was no beloved woman nearby. When the acquaintance took place, Lyubimov immediately realized that this was his future wife. The wedding of the lovers took place on May 1, 2011, moreover, they had not had close relations with each other until that time. A month after the celebration, the newly-made spouses learned that they would soon become parents. In February 2012, the long-awaited replenishment happened in the family: the daughter of Pavel was born, and two years later the son Peter was born. The children of actors have never been deprived of attention, as nannies always take care of them. Often, the actress takes her daughter and son to Nizhny Novgorod to her grandparents, who instill in their grandchildren an interest in both music and sports.

In the photo, Ekaterina Vilkova with her family: husband Ilya Lyubimov and children.

Vilkova's relationship with her husband is built on mutual understanding and love, but there is no professional competition between them. The actress shares her problems and experiences with him, receiving the necessary advice and support from her loved one. Despite the birth of two children, Catherine retained her girlish figure: with a height of 170 cm, her weight is just over 50 kg.

Ekaterina Vilkova is a bright actress who has long become an important part of Russian cinema. In her filmography there are dozens of famous screen roles, and in life there are many personal successes.

It is especially pleasant to talk about our today's heroine. That is why today we simply could not resist digging a little into the biography of this charming actress.

Early years, childhood and the family of Ekaterina Vilkova

Ekaterina Vilkova was born on July 11, 1984 in the city of Gorky, which is now called Nizhny Novgorod. Her family was the most ordinary, and therefore did not differ much from hundreds and thousands of other Nizhny Novgorod families. The father of the future actress worked as an electrician, and her mother worked as a simple watchman.

Only Katya herself was a really bright personality in their family. From childhood, she was a very mobile and restless child. Especially our today's heroine loved sports. Therefore, in her daily schedule of affairs there was always a place for badminton, rhythmic gymnastics and some other sports. In the sports field, the girl always made good progress, but despite this, she always lacked some perseverance necessary for real champions.

By virtue of her character, she always very quickly caught fire with any idea, but subsequently she could also quickly lose interest in it. That is why one fine day, having already earned the title of candidate master of sports, Ekaterina Vilkova suddenly left rhythmic gymnastics and decided to take up acting.

Surprisingly, however, parents have always supported their daughter in all her endeavors. Hearing that Katya wants to become an actress, they not only did not oppose her decision, but also supported their daughter in every possible way. Perhaps the reason for this was the passion of Vilkova's parents for cinematic art, or perhaps the simple love for their daughter.

One way or another, already in her teens, Catherine began to attend acting classes in the workshop of V. Bogomazov, who worked at one of the schools in Nizhny Novgorod. However, at some point it seemed to her that such an education was not enough. That is why, after graduating from school, our today's heroine collected all the necessary things and went to Moscow, where she soon successfully entered the Moscow Art Theater School.

While everyone is at home. Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov

At a Moscow university, the girl began to study at the studio of Igor Zolotovitsky, and in her free time from school she went to auditions in search of the first roles. This approach did not bring results immediately, but already in 2005, our today's heroine still managed to get her first role.

Star Trek actress Ekaterina Vilkova, filmography

The first work of the actress was the historical film Satisfaction. In this picture, Katya played a relatively small role, but she received a unique opportunity to learn from such recognized masters as Alexander Domogarov and Viktor Sukhorukov.

Perhaps it was this important career experience that helped the young celebrity to make a bright career in the world of acting. In 2006, our today's heroine successfully graduated from a theater university, and also showed herself perfectly in the framework of the diploma production "Do not part with your loved ones." The theatrical work turned out to be very successful, however, despite this, subsequently our today's heroine still chose cinema.

Having set off on a free voyage, the actress began to appear frequently in a variety of projects. In the period from 2006 to 2010, fifteen (!) Tapes with the participation of a talented Nizhny Novgorod actress appeared on the screens at once. She worked with such stars of Russian cinema as Valery Zolotukhin, Viktor Verzhbitsky, Sergei Garmash, Mikhail Efremov and others.

Wedding of Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov

Particularly successful in this regard were the paintings "Black Lightning", "Dandies", "You Can't Catch Us", "The Book of Masters", and some others. It is noteworthy that our today's heroine began acting in large box office projects almost from the very first years of her independent career. The range of her roles was quite extensive.

Over the years, she starred in dramas, comedies, action films and even fantasy films. Thanks to her numerous roles in famous Russian films, already in the mid-2000s, the young actress became a real star of Russian cinema. She was often invited to new films, and therefore the Nizhny Novgorod actress did not have to suffer from idleness.

A striking example of this is the rich filmography of Ekaterina Vilkova. In recent years, twenty new films with the participation of a celebrity have appeared on the screens of the CIS countries at once. Our today's heroine was filmed almost without ceasing, and therefore about 6-8 new films with her participation were released a year.

Ekaterina Vilkova today

Among the most striking works of the latest films are the melodrama On the Hook and Exchange Wedding, the comedies Happy New Year, Moms and Super Managers, as well as the drama films PiraMMMida, Raider and The White Guard. Separately, in this list, it is also worth mentioning the Latvian film "Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg", which stands out among other films with its heartfelt drama.

In 2013, Ekaterina Vilkova slowed down somewhat, presenting the audience “only” three of her new films. Although already in 2014, the career of our today's heroine should turn on full speed again. So, according to some reports, in 2014, five new films with the participation of a celebrity should be released at once. At the time of this writing, the actress was working on the films Sky of the Fallen and Only Girls in Sports.

Personal life of Ekaterina Vilkova

In her personal life, the actress strives for independence and independence. However, despite this, there is already a beloved man in the life of Ekaterina Vilkova. Such is her husband - actor Ilya Lyubimov. In 2011, celebrities legalized their relationship. In February 2012, the couple had a daughter, Pavel, and in April 2014, a son, Peter.

Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov one of the most mysterious and discussed Russian acting couples, and this is all despite the fact that these two do not hide anything from the press - neither their past, nor even their present. Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov met in 2010, their meeting was accidental, the photographer took pictures Catherine for gloss and Ilya Lyubimov, being on this shooting by chance, just stood on the sidelines and admired this angel. Later Ekaterina said she felt like Ilya sees through it and knows everything about it. Even then between Vilkova and Lyubimov a certain attraction began to arise, they even exchanged phone numbers, but did not call each other. If Ilya Lyubimov and Ekaterina Vilkova met several years earlier, then apart from the pain of this obstinate, but gentle sweetheart, this relationship would not have brought anything. The fact is that before becoming a true Christian, Ilya Lyubimov led a very ugly lifestyle: numerous connections with women, drank, tried all kinds of drugs, this guy didn’t just not believe in God, he laughed in the face of all those who wanted to talk to him about faith. But the circumstances were such that Ilya Lyubimov he took the right path, was baptized, began to go to church often, in general, became a righteous man. Confessed and cleansed Ilya Lyubimov I needed a life partner, and one who looked at this world through his eyes, revered God and relied on her husband in everything, and did not contradict him in anything. And as you already understand, such a girl was found. In those times Ekaterina Vilkova she was far from the church and God, going to the temple was just a rare joy for her, everyone went to the temple for Christmas, and she went, her soul wanted a feeling of magic and celebration. And it was on Christmas Eve that she met in church Ilya, although this meeting was not accidental, by that time Ekaterina already knew that Ilya serves in this church as a sexton (rings the bell and sings on the kliros). On the same day at Ilya Lyubimov the thought flashed: "Here it is, my destiny, the wife sent by God." This is exactly what he asked the Almighty - blue-eyed and fair-haired. Word for word, and young people began to meet, and a month later they decided to get married! But the spiritual father Ilya Lyubimov, only laughed at his hasty decision and advised him to walk with the bride by the hand for another year. Like true Christians Ilya and Ekaterina refused to join before the wedding. There were kisses and hugs, but their relationship did not go beyond that. Well, the more joyful and unforgettable was their first night for the lovers.

At present Ilya Lyubimov and Ekaterina Vilkova raising two children - the eldest daughter Pavel and younger son Petra. The children of this couple are very beautiful, they inherited brown eyes from their father, and blond hair from their mother. This family is happy, they listen to each other, and completely rely on each other.

Look at the photo, Ekaterina Vilkova unpretentious closed wedding dress, everything as it should be for a Christian woman.

In this photo you see Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimova, until their first night remained a matter of hours!

And in this photo Ilya Lyubimov with my son Peter!

This photo is pregnant Ekaterina Vilkova with little daughter Paul

And in this photo Ekaterina Vilkova short hair, such a sacrifice required a new role in the film "Battalion", however, it was not possible to play the actress in this film, because after she found out that she was pregnant, she had to leave the project.

And in this photo Ekaterina Vilkova captured with her children - daughter Paul and son petey.

The former lover of the actress spoke about her nipples in a scandalous flashback novel

Ekaterina VILKOVA today is one of the most sought-after Russian actresses. The beauty, according to her, achieved recognition herself. Talking about the conquest of Moscow, Katya modestly keeps silent that she was helped a little by men, about novels with whom she now prefers not to talk.

Ekaterina Vilkova originally from Nizhny Novgorod. Her father worked at a factory, her mother worked as a watchman. The daughter's decision to become an actress came as a surprise to her parents.

At school, we oriented Katya to physics and mathematics, - says the father of the star Nikolai. - They thought that Lobachevsky would enter our institute. In the ninth grade, she and her friend were sent to the Sputnik camp, where there was a theater group. Returning, the daughter announced that she would enter the theater. My wife and I thought it was not serious, but did not argue. Katya applied to the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School. We look, one round has passed, the second. Already fearful. Well, what kind of artist is she? There were no assignments. Of course, rhythmic gymnastics helped her a lot: keep her posture, perform in front of the public. From the age of five, Katya went to a sports school.

Judging by the further story of the parent, Katenka still had acting inclinations. She loved to be the center of attention from an early age.

There was a funny incident with her on New Year's Eve, when we were still living in a communal apartment that we shared with my grandmother, - Ekaterina's father continues, chuckling. - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden came to us from the factory. The children were asked to recite poems. The daughter was about five years old. She came out, leg forward, hands on her hips and began: “I saw her off to the station. I wanted to shit. I shit a lot of shit that I can’t see the station. ” I am horrified: our colleagues from work are visiting us, serious people. But everyone just laughed. It turned out that her neighbor taught her a poem.

I was amazed that at the age of 14 Katya approached her studies very consciously, - recalls the director of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School Tatiana Tsygankova. - At first she spoke too quietly. But since Vilkova is well built, we immediately pulled her to the main character, and by the end of her studies she entered the top five. In her third year, the Nizhny Novgorod Drama Theater chose her for the role of Ophelia in Hamlet. They offered her to stay in the troupe, but it seemed to me that the girl was worth more.

A graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School worked as the dean of the acting department at the Moscow Art Theater School Sergey Zemtsov. He was gaining a course, and I recommended Katya.

The aspiring actress did not work out with the theater. Tsygankova believes that the girl did not have enough impudence, which is simply necessary on the capital's stage.

Katerina went to the cinema and did not lose, - continues Tatyana Vasilievna. - When she comes to Nizhny, she always comes to visit. The last time the groom brought to introduce. He is also an actor, he starred in the TV series Don't Be Born Beautiful. Ilya Lyubimov turned out to be a church-going guy, with a moral core. Works at Fomenko while singing in the church choir. Katya also became interested in religion, although she had not noticed this before. Ilya said that the wedding would be in Moscow on Krasnaya Gorka (May 1. - A. K., N. M.).

Jealous Millionaire

Close friend of Vilkova Svetlana Vaganova studied with her on the same course in the theater.

During her studies, Katya was in love with Anton Belov- says Sveta. - The guy is two years older than us, he studied at the puppet department. They met at the entrance exams, where he was called as an assistant. They did not have a romance, because Katya came to us as a chicken: small, without breasts.

Against the background of seventeen-year-old young ladies, she lost a lot: the boys did not look at her at all.

The girl blossomed in her second year.

As soon as Katya stopped doing gymnastics, her breasts began to grow. Up to size four! - continues Light. - She was very shy. She said that she should not wear an open T-shirt, or walk around without a bra. And we were jealous.

In the same period, Vilkova began a real romance.

Her first man was Denis Frolov- says Vaganova. - He was older than Vilkova, studied at the School of Economics. Powerful guy. He forbade her to go on stage in revealing costumes. I saw her dress with a deep neckline in the play "Fanfan Tulip" and made it so that Katya had to "knock out" another outfit - with floor-length pantaloons, closed from head to toe.

After graduating from the bachelor's degree, Frolov went to Moscow. Katya did her best to follow him. When there was a distribution, she was offered a job in several theaters, but she said: “I will go where Denis will be!” He entered the magistracy, Vilkov - at the Moscow Art Theater School. But soon they parted.

The former lovers met a few years later: the man became a respectable businessman.

Denis bought a luxurious Porsche Cayenne and an apartment in the center of Moscow, says Vaganova. - They celebrated the New Year with Katya, but they could not renew their feelings.

Husband of Makeeva and Gagarina

Vilkova's next hobby was Petr Kislov- a classmate at the Nizhny Novgorod School, who also entered the Moscow Art Theater.

For her, he became a kindred spirit, and I, to put it mildly, was surprised, - says Sveta. - Peter has always been a womanizer. Once he was crazy about Katya, but she was not interested.

And in the spring of 2004, they came to me together and told me that they were a couple. The novel lasted three months. There was no special love, just sympathy. Kislov is like a sailor whom girls are waiting for in every port. If you ask the girls from our course who had tricks with Petya, it turns out that everyone did! He is damn charming, he rolled up to everyone in such a way that it is impossible to resist! However, no one ever took offense at him. He was loved not only by girls, but also by their mothers. All the teachers were crazy about Kislov!

After Vilkova, Peter switched to an actress Nastya Makeeva: quickly married and just as hastily divorced. The next "muse" of the Nizhny Novgorod macho was the ex-"manufacturer" Polina Gagarina who bore him a son. This marriage also fell apart.

director in love

With director and screenwriter Mikhail Shevchuk Vilkova met in 2005 on the set of Satisfaction. The man was twice as old as the actress.

They began to live together, - says Sveta. - Shevchuk introduced Katya to his parents, but Vilkova left him: all these pots and pans were not for her. Mikhail, by the way, was the first to write the main role specifically for Catherine. It was the series "Panther", for which Katya refused to shoot in "Inhabited Island". Over time, Misha began to be jealous of his beloved for fame. Conflicts began. They say that the girl's departure offended Shevchuk so much that he still has not forgiven her.

Vengeful Writer

Vilkova's most scandalous novel - with a writer and a restaurateur Dmitry Lipskerov.

They were introduced by Yarmolnik at the premiere of the film “Vise,” recalls Vaganova. - Dmitry said that he liked the figure of the girl in the picture.

It's about the sex scene. In fact, Katya never acts naked. There was an understudy in the frame - Vilkova usually carefully selects them herself.

Lipskerov made expensive gifts to his beloved: an Audi car, jewelry. He rented an apartment for her, although he himself had a country house where they lived together.

“They had a strange relationship,” Sveta recalls. - Dmitry did not skimp, but also controlled strictly. He is a dictator. On the 24th anniversary of Vilkova, he arranged a celebration at the Ukraine Hotel. There were many guests and chic presents - for example, someone presented a Rolex watch. Katya took a long time to choose an outfit, and Dima insisted that she wear what he wants - a white dress that he bought for her in the Emirates.

A year later, Vilkova was tired of being a toy of an adult man and left with a scandal. Lipskerov did not remain in debt: he splashed out the insult in the novel "Bullfinch Meat", in which he described his intimate life with a "Nizhny Novgorod actress" with relish.

Vilkova brought a book and said: “Read about us with him! Wrote!" Sveta recalls. - Dima had to somehow throw out his anger at Katya.

Katya and I had a full-fledged relationship between a man and a woman, - Lipskerov commented to us. - She was still "small": she wanted something, but she was afraid of everything. I always understood that we are not a couple. I was the initiator of the break. I am not offended by her, moreover, I am grateful for a wonderful year. I wrote “Bullfinch Meat” after our parting: it is “writing out feelings from oneself”.

- Dmitry, why did Katya fall into religion after your breakup?

When we lived together, she turned back on the church. I understood that she was tormented by questions, the answers to which she could find in faith. I tried to explain it, but she didn’t want to hear ... After our breakup, she began dating a very famous, but married businessman.

By the way, Vilkova did not tell almost anyone about this “ringed” lover. And a few initiates were strictly forbidden to give their names. Her friends and colleagues hint that the man is not only a major businessman, but also a prominent figure in politics.

The Pious Husband

Today, it seems, the beauty met her man. With an actor Ilya Lyubimov They have been together for a year and plan to get married in the spring.

Ilya is not as wealthy as all her previous men, - Svetlana is surprised at the choice of her friend. - When they arrived, he was driving her car. Ekaterina also paid in the restaurant.

Vilkova and Lyubimov met at the casting. The second time she saw him was in the church, where he sang in the choir.

After the affair with Lipskerov, Katya became devout, Vaganova ends. - At home, she has icons everywhere. I began to go to the service, fast. She says that the moment has come in her life when she wants a family.

hard kiss

Excerpts from the novel Bullfinch Meat, which Dmitry Lipskerov wrote after parting with VILKOVA.

Somehow he was invited to the premiere of a film by a famous director. He looked at a weak movie, and then he was introduced to the leading lady ... he glided over the actress with his experienced gaze, immediately recognizing her as a limiter. Tastelessly dressed, with a low flat ass and an overly round face. Smiled at her...

He was not an artist, but he disassembled the geometry of her body with skill, like a watch collector his favorite mechanism. Here is the clockwork wheel of her chest. At first softly smooth, supple under the fingers, then defiantly protruding ... She has a chest that is not even worth trying to describe. Divine, perfect form, nipples are now pouring brown, although in a calm state they are pink, almost pale ...

You grab her neck with your right hand, press for a while on the vertebrae with your fingertips, climbing into the corner of her mouth ... She bites, and your whole body instantly becomes covered with goosebumps ... you sharply lean towards her face and kiss her mouth. This is a hard kiss of a peasant who has suffered from abstinence ... If only the enamel of her teeth, carefully guarded by a foreign dentist, does not crack ...

You must run as fast as you can down her belly, and since your tongue is already dry, use your nose until you reach the place that turns the heads of all males with its smell ... She screamed when you found her precious stone, suddenly pulled up legs, almost tightly clamping your head ...

Your tongue knows how to make her mouth scream indecently! She screams, and the neighbors are sure to hear her, although you have a separate house ... She still manages to tear you off her stomach and almost throw you on your back.

I love you! - she says quickly and catches with her mouth the very thing that you always remember five times a day ... you can throw one hand behind your head for convenience, but try to stroke the other, squeeze her neck ...

He had a big fleshy nose, and she liked to rub her simple Nizhny Novgorod one with three freckles on it. In those seconds, he almost died...

The next evening she returned from filming, and he did not find the light in her eyes, that ray that lit up his soul a year ago ... When she moved to a rented apartment, he tried to shoot himself, but only shot a battery from a hunting rifle, than more scared her more...


* She played in the films and TV series "Black Lightning", "Book of Masters", "Dandies", "Palm Sunday", "Dostoevsky", "Christmas Trees", "On the Hook" - about 40 films in total.

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