Life story. Did Vanga have children who inherited the gift of the great soothsayer? Family and personal life of a clairvoyant How long did Vanga live

Vanga is a world famous seer and healer. This simple woman from Bulgaria became famous for her gift to predict the future and heal those in need. For many years she determined the diseases of people with great accuracy and unraveled their fate, thanks to which she became the most authoritative psychic of the 20th century. After her death, people began to worry about the question of whether Vanga had children who could adopt the gift of clairvoyance. Below we will talk about her personal life, relatives and family.

Biography: origin and family

The name of the girl was given according to folk customs: relatives went out into the street and asked the first person they met to name any female name, but they didn’t like it (Andromache), then they asked another person and after that the girl was named Vangelia (“Good News”).

But the fate of the baby was not very successful. With the beginning of the First World War, her father was taken into the army, and her mother died, the neighbors sheltered the girl.

Father, returning home, married a second time. The land plot was taken away from him for debts and the family had to move to live in another village. Here, a misfortune happened to 12-year-old Vangelia - she fell into a strong hurricane, she was littered with trees, and her eyes were covered with sand. There was no cure so she went blind.

For a while, the father sent his daughter to the house of the blind, where she was taught to read and take care of herself. Here she met a young man whom she was going to marry, but her stepmother died and the girl had to return to her father to help raise her younger brothers.

Activity and gift of clairvoyance Vanga

The soothsayer gained public fame during the Second World War, in the surrounding cities they began to say that she could tell about the fate of those who disappeared in the war. And now a stream of people goes to her house, wanting to find their relatives. This happened after becoming very ill, presumably with pleurisy, she was able to quickly recover, while being in an emaciated state, as she constantly had to starve.

According to the seer's followers, Vanga could heal, but if she did not succeed, she sent the person to someone who would definitely help. The most interesting thing is that she never knew these healers, but simply told the patient where and what kind of person lives.

Soon the rumor about the woman spread through the nearest cities, because her predictions really came true. The Minister of Culture of Bulgaria began to provide her with any assistance, in addition, she was registered as a civil servant and a salary was assigned. Previously, the clairvoyant did not take money, she only accepted gifts brought by visitors.

The brightest predictions about Crimea and America

Over time, they learned about her all over the world, newspapers began to print her prophecies and were no longer in demand without them. Many major world events were described to her in advance and came true:

  • At the end of 1952, she foreshadowed Stalin's imminent death, for which she was imprisoned. But in 1953, after his death, she was released;
  • Kennedy's death was predicted to her 4 months before the assassination. Vanga said that there would be an attempt on his life.
  • Vangelia promised perestroika in the USSR 6 years before it began. But at that time this information was carefully hidden from people. However, some data reached the people. For example, Druzhba magazine dared to print her words: "An unusual spring will come to the country."

Some predictions were already about our days. She also warned about the terrible terrorist attacks in America: “ Iron birds will shed innocent blood, the Americans will fall. Fear, fear!". Or the events in Crimea: Crimea will break away from the coast and stick to another". There were many opponents who considered her a charlatan.

Criticism and unfulfilled predictions

The Vanga phenomenon was studied even by academicians. The chairman of the commission to combat pseudoscience, E. Alexandrov, argued that the Bulgarian clairvoyant is a state marketing ploy aimed at attracting pilgrims and tourists.

In this performance, in his opinion, many people participated: taxi drivers and waiters who met visitors at railway stations, hotel employees, reported to the seer the information received about tourists, which she then gave out as her visions.

And even special services, according to the academician, were involved in this. After all, it's no secret to anyone that Vangeliya Gushterova collaborated with them.

Even our security officers were interested in the clairvoyant, one of the KGB generals said that Vanga was often mistaken, but it was unprofitable to expose it, since birds of the highest flight came to her and thus it was possible to get information about them from her. Her specially promoted by local special services - it was profitable on a global scale.

Among other things, now it is becoming more and more known about unfulfilled predictions:

  • In 2010, she promised the start of the Third World War with the use of nuclear weapons;
  • In 2014 - mass death of people from oncology and skin diseases.

Which call into question her competence and, probably, for the better.

Vanga's family and children

In 1942, the woman met a young man whom she married. They lived in marriage for 20 years, in 1962 her husband died, as he suffered from alcoholism and suffered from cirrhosis of the liver.

The couple could not have their children, the clairvoyant claimed that she was barren. But they decided adopt a 6 year old girl Violetta .

After the death of her husband, Vangelia adopted a terminally ill boy for adoption. He was supposed to die soon, but miraculously survived. In honor of her husband, the new mother named her son Dimitar.

Both children grew up, got an education and live their own lives today. Vanga's son works as a prosecutor in his mother's hometown, in addition, he founded a foundation named after her. The daughter got married, nothing more is known about her, since her mother forbade her to tell anyone about her life until the time comes.

Vanga died in 1996 from breast cancer. She left an interview for us, where she told how hard it was for her to live like this. According to her, she is jealous of others who do not see and do not hear what she saw.

So, we briefly told you about the fate of a phenomenal woman, whose gift scientists from all over the world tried to unravel. Now you know if Vanga had children who could have clairvoyance and how it affected her life. Many condemn her prophecies, someone sincerely believes. In any case, Vangelia Gushterova became one of the famous personalities of the 20th century, thanks to her gift to see the future.

Video about the heiress of Vanga's gift

In this video, Pyotr Morozov will tell you how a simple French girl became Vanga's successor and demonstrate her gift:

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Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) (January 31, 1911 - August 11, 1996) - Bulgarian "clairvoyant". She was born in Macedonia to a poor peasant family. According to the reviews of some prominent scientists of the first half of the 20th century, she had the gift of telepathy and foresight.

Almost all sources on the Internet indicate the wrong date of birth. Vanga was born on October 3, 1911, and not on January 31, as many sources say

Vanga was born on October 3, 1911 in Strumica, in Yugoslavia, in the family of a small landowner. She was born two months before her due date, with undivided fingers and toes. She was born so weak that her parents did not give her a name for two months and thought: the girl is not a tenant. However, the girl not only survived, went through many trials, but also became one of the most famous personalities of the twentieth century.

Vanga was only three years old when her mother died during her second birth. Vanga's father, Pande Suochev, was very worried about the future of his daughter. And she grew up a lively, sociable girl. Her favorite pastime was the game in the hospital, in which she invariably imagined herself as a doctor. Shortly after the end of the First World War, my father remarried, for some time the family lived quite well. But this prosperity turned out to be short-lived: the plot of land owned by Pande was taken away by the new authorities, and he became a shepherd. The family fell into poverty, in which they had to live for many years.

Once, when Vanga was 12 years old, she, along with other children, was walking near the village. The day was bad, and the children noticed a strange cloud in the sky. “Thunderstorm,” the guys thought. But there was no thunderstorm. An ominous cold wind fiercely tore young foliage from the trees, drove clouds of dust along the road, curled like funnels of a tornado, stepped closer - and suddenly picked up Vanga. There, in the roaring mouth of a tornado, she felt as if someone's palm touched her head and ... lost consciousness. I woke up on the ground. Headache and dusty eyes.

Littered with stones and branches, Vanga was found in a field. When they brought her home, everyone tried to alleviate the suffering of the girl, but nothing helped. By evening, her eyes were filled with blood, and then the iris turned white.

Vanga was taken to the doctor, who said that an urgent operation was needed. The girl underwent two operations, but they did not help - Vanga went blind. She fell into despair, prayed for a miracle, but the miracle did not happen.

In 1925, Vanga was sent to the house of the blind, which was located in the city of Zemun. Here she learned a lot: Braille, playing the piano, as well as knitting, cooking, cleaning the house. All this later on was very useful to her in life.

Vanga spent three years in the house of the blind. Here she knew her first love. Her lover, also a blind pupil at home - Dimitar, invited her to marry him. Vanga was happy. But life took its own course.

Vanga's stepmother died during the birth of her fourth child. Vanga was forced to return home to help her father with the housework and in raising children. So she said goodbye to her first love.

At home, Wang was met with terrible poverty. Her brother Vasil was 6 years old at that time, Tom was 4 years old, and the smallest, Lyubka, was 2. Blind Vanga became their mother, protector, mistress of the house.

The girl knitted quickly and beautifully. In the surrounding villages, they soon learned about this and began to bring skeins of yarn to her. For work, they gave small things or old clothes, which she bandaged for children.

Vanga began to weave. She did not like to sit without work and did not allow anyone to idle. In their house, despite the great poverty, it was always clean and tidy.

There is an interesting custom in those parts. In the evening on the eve of St. George's Day, the girls throw various objects into the jug in order to find out their fate from them the next day. The jug was usually placed in Vanga's courtyard, and the girls often, perhaps out of pity, appointed Vanga as an "oracle".

Vanga, taking out items from the jug in the morning, predicted the fate of her friends. All her predictions usually came true. It was surprising - after all, then no one suspected that Vanga had the gift of a soothsayer.

Once, in the herd that Vanga's father was tending, a sheep disappeared. He was very distressed about this, because he was afraid that he would be driven away, and Vanga told him: “Don’t be angry, your sheep is at Atanas from the village of Monospitovo.” The father was amazed because he did not know such a person, and Vanga, all the more, could not know him. He asked his daughter how she could know where the sheep was, to which she replied that she had seen it in a dream. She always said that she saw something in a dream, and all dreams came true. The father went to the village indicated by Vanga and really found a sheep there with the person she was talking about.

One winter night, a rider on a white horse galloped into the village. He entered the house, illuminating it with divine radiance, and said: "The world will soon turn over, many people will die, be lost. You will stand in this place and broadcast about the dead and the living. Do not be afraid! I will tell you what to broadcast." Such a vision visited the 30-year-old Vanga in January 1941.
So Vanga became a soothsayer. She had clairvoyant abilities before. Maybe even she developed them herself. Even before she went blind, the girl very annoyed her father with her strange games - she hid various things in the garden or in the house. And then, tightly closing her eyes, she looked for them.

When the news of the unique abilities of Baba Vanga crossed the borders of Bulgaria, people from different countries went to her - for help and advice. To one she prescribed treatment and explained the cause of the disease, to others she warned against wrong steps, to the third she helped to find missing people.
Blind, she saw a lot - both in the past and in the future. The house of the prophetess in Rupita - a place at the junction of the Bulgarian, Macedonian and Greek borders - is now considered by many to be a source of incredible "cosmic" energy. It was he who fueled the phenomenon, which during his lifetime was called Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova.

But in all its power, her talent unfolded during the war years. Desperate, distraught people had no one to turn to. So they went to a woman who could calm, encourage, help with advice. Or at least say where a loved one laid down his head. She advised people how to protect themselves on the battlefields, how to get rid of ailments with the help of herbs, clay, beeswax, where to find the missing good.
Long before world fame, there was ... a prison in her life. The seer was put in a cell for predicting the death of Stalin. Six months later she was released - the prediction came true. But they could solder "ten years without the right to correspond" ... True, she believed the dates of the death of leaders and global catastrophes to a very limited circle of people. Didn't want to scare.
When her brother Vasil left for the partisan detachment, Vanga cried, begged to beware, prophesied his grave death at the age of 23. But Vasil did not believe the prediction. In the same year, in October, he was taken prisoner. He was brutally tortured and then shot dead. How tragic it is to foresee the death of a loved one and understand its inevitability!
Wang could not save her own husband either. For twenty years they lived as a strong family, but in recent years Mitko got drunk and became an alcoholic. When he was dying, Vanga was kneeling by the bed, not wiping the tears flowing from her blind eyes. And, taking the last breath of Mitko, she fell asleep. And waking up, she said: "I accompanied him to the place that was prepared for him."
Wang was not afraid of death. She had her own idea of ​​her: "... After death, the body decomposes, like all living things, but a part of the soul, I don’t even know what to call it, does not decompose. And it continues to develop in order to reach a higher level. This is immortality souls."
When the dying Vanga was brought to the intensive care unit of a government hospital, she refused medical attention and left "everything to the will of God." She spent the last few days in a coma. In the worthless luxury of a separate ward for especially important sufferers. With beads of tears that rolled out of eyes that had not seen for a long time. Relatives say that death was for her deliverance from the burden of years and the torments of sick flesh. She is also very tired of people. From their real troubles and far-fetched tragedies, from unbelief, ambition, endless questions and misunderstanding of the truths that are obvious to her.
She believed that man was born to do good deeds. Every bad deed does not go unpunished. And if the punishment does not overtake the one who commits evil, it will pass on to descendants. Vanga herself tried to carry only good.

Often seers remain lonely throughout their lives. Women who have the ability to foresee are no exception. However, the blind Vanga was happier.

Future Vanga's husband Dimitri Gushterov was a soldier. One day he came to her to find out information about the killers of his brother. The seer did not answer him immediately, only promising that she would tell him about it later. In addition, she made him promise that he would not retaliate. Vanga told Dimitri that he should live to the moment when he witnesses the death of these people, and therefore he does not need to do anything.

Mitko (as Dimitri was called) was struck by the wisdom of Vanga's words and began to visit her quite often. In 1942, he proposed to her to become his wife, to which he received consent. For twenty years they lived peacefully and happily, loving each other. However, in recent years, Mitko became addicted to alcohol. Vanga knew the state of his soul, sympathized with him, knowing his future, but she could not change anything.

Vanga's husband was getting worse, and when he was already on his deathbed, she knelt by his bed, whispered something, and tears constantly flowed from her unseeing eyes. Mitko soon passed away, and Vanga, having stopped crying, fell deeply asleep. It was not an easy dream - she slept until his funeral, and when she woke up, she said that she had taken her husband to the place that was intended for him.

The next day, Lyubka, Vanga's sister, decided to send visitors, saying that the seer could not receive them in such a state. However, Vanga, on the contrary, asked everyone to let them in, saying that from now on she will try to accept everyone who needs her help.

Since the death of Vanga's husband, her relatives have noted strong changes in her behavior. She no longer took off her black scarf, and her face seemed to be petrified. Vaga lived some kind of inner invisible life. And the flow of people to it continuously increased ...

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Surely there is no such person who would not have heard about the gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant - the gift of predicting the future. Her predictions shocked and frightened, but most of them still came true. Blinded at the age of 12, Vanga became a living legend, and the predictions that the clairvoyant left before her death make the whole world guess.

All the predictions that came true

Vanga's real name is Vangelia Pandeva Surcheva. At the age of 12, Vangelia lost her sight, falling into a tornado, after which her visions began. Vanga's gift gained worldwide fame after the end of World War II - it was then that the clairvoyant helped the relatives to search for the bodies of the missing soldiers.

Your visions seer wrote in the form of allegorical quatrains, the meaning of which can be understood only after their commission.

  • For example, a clairvoyant predicted that Crimea will break away from one coast and grow to another. In May 2014, Crimea really "broke away" from Ukraine and became part of the "other shore" - Russia.
  • Vangelia predicted the death of, perhaps, the most famous Soviet leader - Stalin- six months before death.
  • Vanga predicted the death of US President Kennedy four months before the ill-fated murder.
  • In 1989, the seer talks about steel birds that will attack America, which will shed a lot of blood of innocent people. In 2001, the United States suffered a tragic terrorist attack with the Twin Towers, which resulted in the death of many people.
  • She also predicted the sinking of the Kursk submarine. The clairvoyant said that in 2000 "Kursk will be under water and many people will mourn it".
  • Vanga also predicted the conflict in - and the fall of Donetsk, and unrest in the country, and that "brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children." Interestingly, the seer also mentioned that "what stood for twenty-three years will be rubbed into powder." 23 years - that's how many years Ukraine stood from secession from Russia and before its civil war.
  • The seer also said that in 2015 Russia will help refugees from other countries. Confirmation is the mass exodus of Ukrainian citizens to the territory of Russia, which began after the outbreak of the revolution in the neighboring country.
  • Vanga also spoke about the economic crisis that will shake Russia in 2015-2016. But despite this, Russia will stand and even starve other countries. In this regard, it is worth remembering the sensational sanctions that came out sideways to many European countries that have lost a reliable buyer in the person of Russia.
  • She told and about 2016 - that at that time there will be a big war between the United States and Muslims. Now we can clearly see that Muslims are the notorious group of ISIS, with which the whole world is at war. True, the prophecy said that the Muslims would destroy America with chemical weapons, but this did not happen, probably because Russia intervened in the confrontation and, as usual, saved everyone.

Doomsday forecast

Like all great prophets, Vanga left prophecies about the end of the world. According to her, it will come in 5079 as a result of a worldwide flood. The reason for this will be the collision of the planet Earth with a large asteroid. Small cosmic particles that arose from the impact will cover the entire planet with an impenetrable wall and close all life on Earth for three whole years. Without sunlight, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live.

The apocalypse will be preceded by other terrible events:

  • In 2060, the world's population will reach 10 billion people, and the problem of hunger will become the most pressing.
  • In 2070 - a period of fires and drought, problems with drinking water. Now not food, but water will become a topical problem.
  • By 2080, many coasts of the planet will go under water. The earth will gradually fill with water. On the territory of permafrost, huge swamps will begin to scatter, emitting harmful substances. Epidemics will begin that will affect billions of people. Refugees fleeing disasters will cause multiple conflicts, even wars and diseases such as smallpox, tuberculosis and others.
  • 7000 - the continents moved, the territory of England is completely under water, and the territory of Japan. The western part of Eurasia is in ruins, and bananas, mangoes, avocados sprout in its eastern part. The North American mainland will split. South Africa will be covered with ice and snow.

Last prophecies before death

It is believed that Vanga told the most terrible predictions about the future of mankind before her own death. The prophecies were written down by close people who were with her, and some still remain under a veil of secrecy.

Here are the ones that nevertheless became known to the general public:

  • Vanga said that Russia will become a great power, which, first of all, will be the receptacle of a great spirit. “There is no force that could break Russia,” these were the words of the clairvoyant.
  • She also predicted cooperation with aliens.. People are waiting for incredible discoveries in space, which will lead, among other things, to the immortality of mankind.
  • The seer also said, that the Earth is visited by inhabitants from the mysterious planet Vafim. The people of Vafim are preparing some great events for people, and the meeting with them will take place in two centuries.
  • The prophetess also spoke of that her spirit will continue to live in the body of a girl born in France. This girl will become a great seer, which the whole world will know about. If you believe this, then the French clairvoyant should be about 20 years old.
  • Starting in 2016, global warming will begin, noticeable to everyone. The level of the world's oceans will rise, flooding the coast.
  • From 2015 to 2020, according to Vanga, strong solar flares will be noticeable. This will lead to a large number of earthquakes and natural disasters.
  • Vanga said that a long-forgotten disease would return, as a result of which a person forgets what it is to be a person.
  • The biggest problem facing humanity is the problem of the spirit is the struggle for universal human values, goodness, religion.
  • In 2016 or 2017 there will be a cure for cancer.
  • Vanga spoke and about the global economic crisis and the fact that America and Europe will lose their former greatness and influence. The euro and the dollar as currencies will disappear. But what currency will become the world one remains a secret.
  • and China, according to the seer, create a powerful alliance who will rule the world.

Before her death, the date of which she knew in advance, Vanga appealed to the people to remember what makes a person a person, and not to lose hope even in the face of death and illness.

List by years

  • 2010 - the beginning or prerequisites of the Third World War.
  • 2014 - chemical weapons used against Europe. There are practically no people in Europe.
  • 2016 found a cure for many diseases. One of the ingredients of the panacea will be animal hormones.
  • 2018 China is becoming a powerful world power. Those who were oppressed will finally gain power and freedom. India will join the alliance between Russia and China.
  • 2023 the Earth's orbit will change. The event will go unnoticed.
  • 2024 - the time of well-being and prosperity will come in Russia.
  • 2028 – Found an alternative source.
  • 2033 - The level of the world's oceans will rise significantly due to global warming. Some areas of land may be flooded.
  • 2043 – world politics is being harmonized. In Europe, the ruling elite will be Muslims.
  • 2046 – a breakthrough in medicine: it is now possible to grow absolutely any internal organs.
  • 2050 - the spiritual development of mankind. Invented ships flying at the speed of light.
  • 2066 - wars of Muslim Europe with America. Chemical weapons will be used, causing Rome to freeze.
  • 2076 - classless society. There will be no more wars and crimes. All mankind will be busy restoring nature.
  • 2088 - a new disease will appear, as a result of which a person will age in a few days. The cure will be found in 12 years.
  • 22nd century- The artificial sun was invented.
  • 2111 - people become cyborgs. There are no more sick and disabled people.
  • 2125 - Hungarian scientists will establish a connection with extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • 2130 - with the help of alien friends, people will settle on the bottom of the ocean.
  • 2164 Animals will become demi-humans.
  • 2167 - the emergence of a new religion, the roots of which grow in the past of mankind. A new teaching will come from Russia, although it is already known.
  • 2170 - worldwide drought. On Mars - a colony of earthlings.
  • 2187 - the eruption of two large volcanoes, which can be avoided through technical innovation.
  • 2195 - in underwater cities it will become completely autonomous.
  • 2196 - a new race will arise from the former Asians and Europeans.
  • 23rd century- cooling.
  • 2221 - an unknown virus has been brought to the planet from the outside.
  • 2256 - a terrible disease for which there will be no cure. The disease will be brought by one of the spaceships. Mars is threatened by a comet. The orbits of the planets shifted sharply.
  • 2271 – the fundamental physical constants will turn out to be wrong in the changed world. Recalculation of physical indicators.
  • 2273 - the emergence of new races.
  • 2279 - extracting energy from nowhere. There is a version that “out of nowhere” are black holes.
  • 2288 the first time travel. The first alien tourists.
  • Late 23rd century- cooling of the sun.
  • 2299 - revolt against the religion of Muslims in France.
  • 2304 - the secret of the "dark" side of the moon is revealed.
  • 2341 - a terrible disaster will come to Earth from the expanse of space.
  • 2354 - an accident on one of the artificial Suns created by mankind, which leads to a drought.
  • 2371 - world hunger.
  • 2378 - the emergence of a new rapidly breeding race.
  • 3005 - War on Mars.
  • 3010 - the comet will crash into the Earth and cut through it through and through.

After this date, Vanga's predictions vary greatly and more and more resemble a fantastic story.. According to one version, all life on Earth will die and humanity will move to another planet, according to another, humanity will completely go to underwater cities until the end of the world, according to the third, humanity ceased to exist and became one of the alien races, according to the fourth, humanity died from a collision with a comet.

In any case, looking so far into the future is not safe.

Not all Vanga's predictions came true, but such is the future - it can be changed by human efforts. Let's hope that all the terrible diseases and wars predicted by the Bulgarian clairvoyant will be avoided.

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