Why Dontsova does not communicate with her eldest son. The son of Daria Dontsova is hiding from justice. Daria Dontsova's house on Novorizhskoe highway

Why did Agrippina Vasilyeva become Daria Dontsova?

How did she meet her third husband, whom she considers the only one? What phrase of the spouse deprived the future writer of all complexes? Dontsova told Kira Proshutinskaya about this and many other things in the Wife program, which we will see on the TV Center channel on Friday, April 27, at 22.10.

- Your parents named you Agrippina. Until what age were you Grunya?

Up to 45 years, and I really did not like it. I have always felt that this is not my name. Always liked the name Dasha. As a teenager, I read Alexei Tolstoy's "Walking Through the Torments" and fell in love with the main character. But my husband sometimes calls me Grushka, Grushenka.

Tell me about your parents...

Mom - Tamara Stepanovna Novatskaya. She was a very beautiful woman, the Georgian blood of her grandfather is visible in her. She graduated from the Institute of Philosophy, Literature and Art, was the director of the Mosconcert. Dad is a writer.

Mom was 38 and dad was 45 when I was born. Mom was dad's third wife. There was such a joke about dad: "A daughter was born to the party organizer Vasiliev." "Wow, how cool! Does his wife know about it?" Dad was not very handsome, but when he started talking, all the women were his.

- As far as I know, you were born out of wedlock. How did mom decide?

I think she just loved dad. But he lived with us, just for various reasons he could not divorce his second wife for a long time.

- Who were your parents?

Mom was an icon. My close friend was my grandmother. And the father is a man who could not be upset ...

- How was it with falling in love at school?

There were classmates that I liked. But I don't have them. Never belonged to the first beauties of the school. The first date was with Igor Avvakumov in the class, probably eighth or ninth. We walked in the park with him ... It was a disaster! It was winter, and I was wearing nylon stockings. I had to wear breeches. But how can I put them on when a boy is standing here?! Kapron "welded" to the legs. Grandma put me in the bath to soak my stockings.

- All love quickly ended?

They were all unresponsive.

- Now you are a strong-willed person. Was it always like this?

It is brought up. In my third year, I was left with a baby in total lack of money. Dad died, and everything ended at once ... There was such a moment: I’m sitting at home, I have a 5-year-old son, I live with a girlfriend, we have nothing to eat and nothing to buy a winter coat for the boy. I understand that something needs to be done. And then a friend comes running: "Grushka, we have a dental clinic downstairs - they need a cleaner there. It's 120 rubles a month!" I'm horrified: wash the floors in the clinic?! But she went. She stepped over herself - and all the complexes ended.

- On the Internet, the number of husbands of Darya Dontsova varies - from two to six.

Once they wrote about twelve! In fact, there were three husbands. But I think it's one. Alexander Ivanovich. (The current husband of Dontsova is Alexander Dontsov, psychologist, doctor of science, academician. - Approx. ed.). The first two - this is so ... No, they were wonderful people ...

- They say that you had a crazy love when you were 18 years old, and he was over 30 ...

Yes, there was. But he left. He didn't come back even though he promised. I waited, and a year later I got married - out of spite. I got pregnant, but we separated very quickly. It is impossible to exist for a long time in a "wedge by wedge" situation. And at the wedding I fell in love with a friend of my husband, he was very similar to my beloved, who left me .... This friend of the first husband became my second husband.

- You gave your son Arkady your maiden name - he became Vasiliev.

I wanted there to be a second Arkady Vasiliev - like dad.

Was the second marriage successful?

We lived for six years. But you know ... Here are two items - a ring and a glass. Well, they are not a couple, not a couple! We stopped talking, we began to live in parallel. We didn’t fight like other spouses before a divorce. It just became clear that something had died.

- There are women who psychologically cannot live alone, without a husband ...

No, it's not me. I didn't want to meet anyone. Two marriages was enough for me to understand that a beast named Grunya Vasilyeva does not live in captivity. But my neighbor and friend Alena was sure that I needed a husband. And she said that there is such an Alexander Ivanovich Dontsov. We definitely need to meet, and so she arranges a birthday party. I was a little late, went in to Alena, looked at the table ... Alexander Ivanovich said that he then thought: "Well, what a fry!" And I looked - a jacket, a beard ... He does not notice me. And proudly went to her apartment.

Three weeks later, Alena appeared on the doorstep with cigarettes, said that she and Alexander Ivanovich had been sitting up at work. She is engaged in the history of the theater. And, of course, she needed a consultation with a psychologist. She kept him until ten in the evening, until I came home. You can’t smoke at her place, and they came to smoke to me. And then Alena says: "Oh, half past one already! The metro is closed, you won't catch a taxi!" Alexander Ivanovich understands that he is being persecuted like a fox by hunting dogs, he asks: "What to do?" Alena says: "Grunya has a large two-room apartment, she will make a bed for you on the sofa." I was scared - what if he thinks that this is from my submission? And a very funny conversation begins ... I tell him: "I'm sorry, please. I don't want to get married! Alena came up with this!" He says: "My God, I just got divorced, I have no plans for marriage!" We were so happy and sat down to drink tea - somewhere at half past one in the night. And he didn't leave again. We've been living like this for 28 years. And I understand that this is the only person with whom I can live my life.

... A week after he stayed, he brought a suitcase with things - he left everything, including the apartment, to his wife. A week later, his son Dima came running to see where dad lives now. And stayed. We call it "migration group". So I became a mother of two boys. Dima calls me mom, and I think that this is the biggest reward. My sister-in-law Rita also calls me mom. And for their girls, I'm a grandmother.

- Was there a declaration of love with Alexander Ivanovich?

He, like many Russian men, is embarrassed to express his feelings with words. Bring my favorite chocolates - put on the nightstand. If he sees that I came tired, he will go, open the bed, and I will flop there. Well, come and say: dear, beloved wife. I adore you!

The words "I love you" hit him when I got to the hospital ... But it was always clear that he loves me.

My husband once said a brilliant phrase - he wanted to kill me several times, but never get a divorce.

- A common child - was it a conscious decision?

The birth of Masha's daughter is a completely conscious decision. If a woman in her thirties has a baby by chance, she's an idiot.

- You lived happily, and then this terrible disease came ...

I object to the word "creepy." It's just a disease. She is being treated. Of course, I had a period of fear and horror, but it quickly passed. There was more fear for the family - I have three children! What will happen to them?

How did your husband take the diagnosis?

Outwardly calm. But when I was admitted to the hospital, he, a completely non-drinking person, got drunk.

- Did your husband talk to you like a sick person?

No, and I am very grateful to him for that. Alexander Ivanovich, for example, planned what we would do for the New Year, that now there is an opportunity to buy a ticket. I immediately thought: yeah, so I'll live until the New Year ...

- What transformation of feelings occurred after your illness? Is everything still the same?

Alexander Ivanovich said one phrase that deprived me of all my complexes. There are six women in the ward, five of whom are killed because they are no longer women. I look at them with deep amazement and say: "Girls, if the rotten parts were cut off from you, have you become worse?" But they sobbed, they were afraid that their husbands would leave. And I once asked my husband - maybe they are right, but am I somehow wrong? And he answered: "One was cut off, another was cut off, the third was cut off ... And one ear from Grushka remained. I will live with this ear!"

- In the hospital you took up writing ...

The husband said: "You were whining all the time that you couldn't start writing. You have a lot of time in the hospital - write!" She took the paper and put it on the book. I lie all in the tubes and think: how do people write? She wrote the first phrase: "I got married many times." Since then, I can't stop.

- Does your husband take what you write seriously, or condescendingly?

My husband thinks I'm brilliant!

When one of the spouses breaks ahead - financially, creatively - something can break in the relationship. In your pair, it seems to me, you escaped ...

What seems to be tinsel on a Christmas tree. Alexander Ivanovich reached such scientific heights, he had nowhere else to go - he collected all the scientific generals' shoulder straps. And my current fame never hurt him. He is proud of me.

- You are a non-religious person, but the guardian angel is certainly present in your destiny ...

I'm not just a non-religious person - I'm a non-church person. But there is something or someone in the world. And it's watching you closely. And he puts the bar on the man: he jumped - here's a higher bar for you. As long as you jump, you are alive. If at this moment you break down, you are dead. But if you jump, it's something or someone that rewards you. No test is in vain. Everything bad that happens happens for the better.

Regardless of the attitude to the genre itself, the writer Daria Dontsova, the author of many ironic detective stories, is probably known to everyone. Her legacy is more than a hundred books with twisted detective stories. And this is in just 17 years, since the writer began her literary activity at the age of 45. And until that moment, she worked as a correspondent, translator, tutor and remained a faithful and devoted mother children of Daria Dontsova.

In the photo - Daria Dontsova with her husband Alexander Ivanovich

If we count the husbands and children of Darya Dontsova, then there will be exactly three of them. The writer does not like to talk about her failed marriages. Only out of necessity, she mentions that from the first union she has a son, Arkady Vasiliev. But about the third wife - Alexander Dontsov - he speaks with undisguised pride and love, because besides the fact that he is a professor of psychology, he is also exactly the person who did not quit during a difficult period of illness. It was he who brought blank sheets to the hospital, which, upon returning home, were already full-fledged manuscripts of the first four books. Since 1983 (the year of the marriage), Daria Dontsova considers his son from a previous marriage, Dmitry, to be his own. And daughter Maria is their common.

In the photo - Daria Dontsova with her eldest son Arkady

Of course, all the children of the writer are adults and independent people. Now they only occasionally get together in a huge house that their parents built a dozen years ago. Daria Dontsova is already rich not only with her book heritage and children, but also with her grandchildren. Arkady has a son, Nikita, from his first marriage to a girl named Natalya. However, judging by the reports in the press, not only the marriage itself, but also the life of the eldest son of the writer did not go according to the plan. Three years ago, a criminal case was opened against him and, since he fled in an unknown direction, he was put on the wanted list.

In the photo - Daria Dontsova and her family: husband, son Dmitry with his wife Margarita and daughters Arina and Anastasia, daughter Maria with her husband Yuri

The son of Alexander Dontsov Dmitry is happily married today. His wife Margarita gave her husband two daughters - Arina and Anastasia. The common daughter of a married couple Maria graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. As the writer said earlier in her interviews, from the age of 15 she got used to an independent life, since her parents, busy building a country house, were forced to move and leave her as a mistress in a Moscow apartment. Of course, the distance made it possible to visit her daughter often, but her parents soon stopped interfering in everyday matters. At the age of 19, Maria finally decided on the choice of her betrothed and settled with him under the same roof. In 2013, after 7 years, the couple officially formalized their relationship. The husband of Daria Dontsova's daughter's name is Yuri Subbotin. By profession, he is a specialist in the field of computer technology.

She was born in the family of the writer Arkady Vasiliev and director of the Mosconcert Tamara Novatskaya. Papa's fate was not easy. At the time of the birth of his daughter, he had not yet been divorced from his previous wife, and therefore could not marry the next one. At birth, the baby, who will become famous under the name Daria, received the name Agrippina and lived with him for a significant part of her life.

Creative parents could not get decent housing, so the first years of her life, little Grunya lived with them in a barracks. Then he was settled, and dad and mom were given such a tiny room that the daughter had to be sent to live with her grandmother for a while - there was simply nowhere to put her crib.

Despite the difficult living conditions, everything was not bad with the finances of the house. They allowed Grunya to hire two governesses, a German and a French. They almost did not speak Russian and taught the baby their languages. The humanitarian inclinations of the girl first appeared at a very young age. She quickly learned her nannies' native languages. German was especially easy for her.

The daughter amazed her parents with her curiosity, and they decided to send her to a music school as well. But after the meeting, the teachers decided: the girl has no hearing at all. The news upset the Vasiliev couple, and they began to take their daughter to the opera and ballet more often, until they noticed that they were simply experiencing unbearable longing there.


Only closer to the daughter's school years, the family finally received a large apartment in a house specially built for writers and writers. Dontsova says that the classics of Russian and Soviet literature still live there today, and then the girl's family had famous friends.

Once a funny thing happened to her. The teacher at a literature lesson asked an essay: “What was Valentin Kataev thinking about when he wrote the story “The Lonely Sail Turns White”?” Without embarrassment, the future writer went to her friend, Valentin Petrovich Kataev, and bluntly asked him a question.

He gladly helped the daughter of friends, and was quite surprised when she was given a low mark for the essay, and they wrote right in the notebook in red ink that Kataev could not think about this!

At school, the girl stood out for her passion for the humanities, but the teachers who taught the exact sciences were upset. Grunya left their mathematics completely unattended. It was clear that the girl would be doing something related to literature.


While still a schoolgirl, she recovered with her dad to Germany - some of the writer's works were going to be published there and his presence was required. My daughter went with him to show off her German and see a new country.

It was from there, inspired by a new genre for her, that she first brought a pile of detective novels in German. For the future writer, this was a real discovery, but so far she did not understand that she could write like that herself.

After school, a writing girl with a penchant for languages ​​easily entered the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. And after graduating for some time, she worked first as a translator from French in Syria, and then as a journalist in Fatherland and Evening Moscow.

For the first time, she tried to take up a pen and create something artistic in 1984. The story was published in the magazine "Youth", but it did not cause much enthusiasm in anyone. Daria, being a real optimist, did not despair and decided that someday she would try herself in another genre.


So time went on. She enjoyed the interesting life of a metropolitan journalist, traveled, fell in love, was disappointed and fell in love again.

For the first time, she fell into the abyss of passions when she was very young. From her first marriage, which the writer rarely remembers, she had an eldest son, Arkady, who has now made Daria a grandmother. The second marriage of Daria Arkadyevna is generally not mentioned anywhere.

After the first two attempts, she was no longer going to marry. “I realized that the beast Grushka Vasilyeva does not live in captivity,” the writer said about herself. But everything, as often happens, was decided by chance.

Her kind neighbor wanted to marry the kindest optimist Vasilyeva. She invited me to a birthday party, warning that there would be a wonderful Sasha Dontsov, social psychologist, professor. Grunya grunted, but she came to the holiday.

“He thought: what a freak!” says the writer. She herself, too, did not appreciate the strict appearance of a new acquaintance and was offended by the fact that he did not even look at her. Defiantly went to her apartment without waiting for the birthday cake.

Only three weeks later, a neighbor without ceremony came to her in the evening with the same Sasha. They sat up on some scientific work, and since it was strictly forbidden to smoke in Alena's apartment, the idea came to go to Grunya.

“I don’t want to get married!” the future wife reported to Dontsov. It turned out that he just got divorced and is not going to marry "never again." They laughed at the unsuccessful matchmaking, drank tea, and remained together in this apartment forever now. In the mid-80s, they got married, and a little later their common daughter Masha appeared in the family.

There would be no happiness

She still remained Grunya and was not a writer. Until one terrible day, thunder rumbled: a woman was hospitalized with a diagnosis that completely turned her life around.

And now let Dontsova say that cancer is just a disease that can and should be fought, when she was given the fourth, most severe degree of oncology, the days of despair and real horror came.

Now she actively supports the Together Against Breast Cancer program and literally takes readers with a similar diagnosis to the hospital by the hand, makes them agree to an operation, endure chemotherapy and hope for the best.

Then the inexhaustible optimism of this wise woman and her loving family helped to answer oncology with dignity. She underwent four operations, she had 14 more to come. She literally “settled” in intensive care when her husband said: “You always wanted to sit down for an affair, but you didn’t have enough time. Now you are in the hospital, you have plenty of time ... "

When the visitors left, Grunya, wrapped in pipes, put a sheet of paper on some book and wrote the first sentence of her first novel, The Tough Heirs. It took only four days, and upon her return home she brought back the manuscripts of five novels.

Darya Dontsova

All works were accepted by the EKSMO publishing house. Before that, editors had never come across such a genre - among Russian-speaking writers, no one wrote like that. Especially for the new writer, the name "ironic detective" was coined.

The writer says that to this day she has not learned how to use a computer and writes all her books by hand. She refutes the arguments of gossips accusing her of using the powers of "literary slaves" and can prove that every word of numerous novels belongs to her.

A few words about the Soviet writer, old Chekist and public prosecutor Arkady Vasiliev.


In one of the posts on Facebook I read a few lines related to Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, where the name of the writer Arkady Vasiliev is mentioned. If anyone does not know, this is the father of the prolific writer Daria Dontsova. I decided to write about this person, about whom many do not know anything, in order to dot the * and * and close this topic. Or open.

So, Vasiliev Arkady Nikolaevich (1907-1972) - Soviet writer, screenwriter.

He came from a working-class family: his father worked at a weaving factory, his mother served as a day laborer.
Officially signed with the mother of Agrippina Vasilyeva (Daria Dontsova), only when she went to school. Prior to that, he was married to a journalist for the Pravda newspaper.

Vasilyeva-Dontsova has many memories of her family, but you won’t find the hard-hitting truth about a famous relative in them, well, yes, it’s understandable who wants to write about their father’s activities, knowing that he was an unscrupulous guy.

Let's go to the biography.

1922 - at the Komsomol appeal, he volunteered to serve in the Baltic Fleet
1929 - an employee of the OGPU (United State Political Administration)
1929-1932 - participant in the "complete collectivization"
1932 - was sent to work at the editorial office of the newspaper "Working Land"
1941-1945 - booking for "responsible editorial officer"
60s - member of the editorial boards of the magazines "Crocodile", "Moscow", "Spark"
Secretary of the party organization of the Moscow branch of the Writers' Union of the USSR

And now let's move on to the main thing.

On September 8, 1965, Andrei Donatovich Sinyavsky, a researcher at the Institute of World Literature, a member of the Writers' Union, a teacher at the Moscow Art Theater School, a front-line soldier, was arrested for publishing his literary works abroad. He was forty years old, he was married and had an eight-month-old son.

Two prosperous writers by Soviet standards, Andrei Sinyavsky and translator of the poetry of the peoples of the USSR Yuli Daniel, under the pseudonyms Nikolai Arzhak and Abram Terts, published their works in the West.

While still at university, Sinyavsky met the daughter of the French naval attache, Helene Pelletier, who had come to study Russian. And then the ubiquitous Lubyanka tried to recruit a student to spy on a French subject. Instead of working for the Chekists, he told his friend everything. A strong friendship developed between them, and it was then, and these were still Stalin's times, that they agreed that if Sinyavsky ever wrote a novel about this incident, Helen would publish it.

Everything secret somehow becomes clear. An extensive network of scammers around the world knowingly ate Chekist bread. Sinyavsky and Daniel were arrested "for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" (Article 70 of the Criminal Code of the USSR).
They wanted to deal with writers quietly and without problems, given that in 1948 the Soviet Union acceded to the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", which stated that the right to freedom of opinion includes the ability to "seek, receive and impart information and ideas by any means, regardless from state borders.

But the Western press, having learned about the arrest and the upcoming trial, raised a fuss. Yes, and our citizens, not yet cooled down from the thaw and having ceased to be afraid for some time, staged a demonstration on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow, demanding an open and public trial of writers. Dozens of letters with requests and protests were sent to the Supreme Court, the Politburo and the Ministry of Culture, including from representatives of European writers' circles, including the countries of the socialist camp.

The scandal that broke out prevented the authorities from closing the investigation and the trial.

Korney Chukovsky, Ilya Erenburg, Yuri Nagibin, Konstantin Paustovsky, Bulat Okudzhava and some others tried to intercede for those under investigation. But intercession did not help, on February 2, 1966, Andrei Sinyavsky was expelled from the Writers' Union.

The trial began on February 10, 1966. The public prosecutors at the trial were the first secretary of the Moscow branch of the Union of Writers Arkady Vasiliev and a certain Zoya Kedrina, a literary critic and translator, who was especially distinguished by her frenzy in exposing the anti-Soviet works of Arzhak and Tertz.

On February 14, the court sentenced Sinyavsky to seven years in a strict regime correctional labor colony, Daniel, a war invalid with a crippled arm, to 5 years in camps.

In his last speech, Julius Daniel answered the accuser Vasiliev:

"- The public prosecutor, the writer Vasiliev, said that he accuses us on behalf of the living and on behalf of the dead in the war, whose names are carved in gold on marble on the wall in the House of Writers. I know these marble plaques, I know the names of the dead, with some of them I was familiar, I sacredly honor their memory. But why did the accuser Vasilyev, quoting the words from Sinyavsky's article "... so that not a single drop of blood was shed, we killed, killed, killed ...", why, quoting these words, the writer Vasilyev did not remember other names - or are they unknown to him? The names of Babel, Mandelstam, Bruno Yasensky, Ivan Kataev, Koltsov, Tretyakov, Kvitko, Markish and many others ... These people obviously died of a cold in their beds - this is how the statement should be understood that they "didn't kill"? So how, after all, did they kill or didn't they kill? Was it or wasn't it? , a spit in memory of the dead."

After such a high-profile trial, in order to avoid unpleasant incidents, the house in which the party secretary-writer-prosecutor Vasiliev lived was heavily guarded, and round-the-clock surveillance was established behind the entrance. Day and night, a black Volga with tinted windows was on duty at the gate. All visitors were carefully interrogated and even happened to be escorted to the door of the apartment on the fifth floor.

Arkady Vasiliev was one of the first to join the persecution of Solzhenitsyn and organized a meeting of Moscow writers to adopt a resolution condemning and accusing the dissident writer of anti-Soviet activities.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky compiled a list of people whom he asked not to be invited to his funeral. The writer Arkady Vasiliev was also on this list.

The poet Andrei Klenov, in his interview, describing the housemates on Chernyakhovsky Street, where Soviet writers lived, recalled:

“Soon it became hard to live in this house. And not for me alone. From the first days, our house became a byword because of the many bad people who settled in it. Daniel." Even cursory meetings with such inhabitants of the writer's house were unpleasant, spoiled the mood. But even when I came home and closed the door with a lock, no, with two locks, I felt the invisible presence of the Vasilievs in this accursed house. "

Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya:

"Arkady Nikolaevich Vasilyev is a powerful member of the editorial board of the Moskva magazine, an old Chekist (which he was frankly proud of, showing the employees the Chekist badge that adorned his chest). Vasiliev's literary works are characterized by a trilogy entitled by Lenin's famous statement on the eve of the seizure of power: "There is such a party" ...

In what year, month, day, by whom, when, to whom the order was given not to republish and print my articles and books, I do not know. I only know that at party meetings in the Writers' Union, the late Arkady Vasilyev (formerly a Chekist, then a writer and secretary of the Union's party organization, and in 1965 - a "public prosecutor" at the trial of Sinyavsky and Daniel) - well, I only know that Vasiliev twice demanded my exclusion (from the Writers' Union - approx.): in October 69th and in May 70th.

I think Vasiliev was not ashamed. He settled well and was favored by the Soviet authorities, had a good apartment in a Stalinist building near the Aeroport metro station, a dacha in Peredelkino, traveled abroad, and was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

For the works "Boldly, comrades, in step!" (trilogy), "Dress rehearsal", "Arseny", "There is such a party" (trilogy) and others, where he denigrated still living people, but vile scamming activity, for devotion to the cause of the Cheka-NKVD-KGB a very average opportunistic Soviet writer Vasiliev was honored to be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.
He died in 1972 after an unsuccessful operation on the gallbladder.

In a conversation with Leroy Kudryavtseva, Daria will share the details of her personal life, reveal the secrets of the past and openly talk about the stormy romances of her youth. Dontsova will reveal the secret of how she fell in love with a witness at her first wedding. Also, the queen of detectives will tell what caused her divorce from her second husband. The writer will tell how she managed to marry her third husband.

Fans of Dontsova's work are ready to line up for her autograph - they say that it brings good luck. But not everyone knows that Daria wrote her first novels in a hospital ward, being on the verge of life and death in intensive care. Then the doctors gave her a terrible diagnosis: breast cancer. However, after going through 18 chemotherapy courses and 4 surgeries, the writer calls everything that happened luck. Thanks to which she became known not only in Russia, but also abroad. In the Secret for a Million studio, Dontsova will talk about what helped her overcome the disease, and how she manages to maintain her unique cheerfulness no matter what. In addition, Daria will meet with a person dear to her, with whom she lost contact 30 years ago.

Daria Dontsova will frankly tell about the secrets of happiness, a rich personal life and the fight against a terrible disease in the Secret for a Million program on Saturday on the NTV channel.

Daria Dontsova fell in love with readers with fascinating detective stories, serials were filmed based on her works, which were greeted with admiration by the audience. However, the writer hid from her fans for a long time that she had stage 4 cancer.

Daria was married three times. However, she believes that only with her last husband, Professor Alexander Ivanovich, did she really find happiness. Dontsova previously admitted in an interview that her first love was a married French businessman. He was 20 years older than the writer. The man promised to divorce his wife, but flew to France. Dontsova never saw him again. She was very upset by parting with her first love, she thought that the man had abandoned her.

“I met him here in Moscow. I was then sent to an international exhibition - to earn extra money as a translator, because I speak French fluently. And he was one of the guests of that exhibition. It could have ended sadly for me, but everything worked out, ”Dontsova shared.

Only in the mid-80s did Dontsova still receive news of the Frenchman. The man's wife wrote to her. It turned out that he divorced her and was going to return to Moscow to Daria, but crashed in an accident.

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