Special children of star parents: do not lose faith and love, no matter what. Lolita Milyavskaya showed a noticeably matured daughter with developmental disabilities At what time did Milyavskaya have a daughter

Singer Lolita tries to do everything in her power for the happiness of her daughter. The artist believes that Eva should not repeat her mistakes. As Milyavskaya admitted in the program of Yulia Menshova “Alone with everyone”, most She suffered from dislike throughout her life. According to the star, her parents did not pay enough attention to her in childhood. It took the artist many years to somehow forget these grievances.

Lolita turned to the spiritual center, where she was convinced that she needed to forgive her parents. However, only a year later, step by step, attending meditations, she was able to let go of all the negativity.

“I raped myself, I didn’t understand why. It was easier to break off relations, not to communicate. But it’s impossible,” admitted Milyavskaya.

According to Lolita, “loved children” are very happy, they will never have complexes or worry. In communication with her heiress, she tries to maintain balance.

“Eva will grow in that I was more than given less. In a verbal sense. Yes, Marilyn Monroe is not growing with me, not a model, but I tell her all the time that she is beautiful, good, smart. My mother and I agreed that she would receive what I did not receive. Now they also treat me more carefully, ”Lolita admitted.

There were a lot of rumors on the Web about the artist's daughter. It was rumored that Eva was lagging behind her peers in her development. However, Lolita does not believe that her child is somehow different from the rest. Moreover, soon Eva, who lives with her grandmother in Ukraine, will come to Moscow to enter a university.

“I tell her that I would give everything if in next life I got married successfully for the first time and for life, so that I could not work hard either for my maintenance or for the maintenance of my family. My child had strong lags, because she weighed 1200 grams after birth. What we were just not credited with. Just evil people On the Internet, I am endlessly tortured with autism. She does not have autism, there is a consequence of prematurity ... If I spit on everything, sat on my ass and was only with a child ... It is very expensive to raise children when there is a problem. I'm glad I was able to do it, ”said the artist.

Lolita is grateful to her mother for helping her take care of Eve. According to the star, she has no guilt before the heiress. “I got rid of this complex, read smart books, listened to smart people. She respects me because she watched concerts backstage, saw how I work, ”said Milyavskaya.

The singer claims that her daughter knows how much she loves her. However, the celebrity is trying to educate Eva in severity. Between them established trusting relationship. However, so far the star has no idea how she will live with the heiress in Moscow. “I'm out of the habit of having a baby. She has been with her mother since she was two years old. I was always such a “daddy,” Lolita admitted.

marriages creative people are rarely durable. So it was with Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo. Both artists are emotional, talented people, they often clashed and could no longer live or work together. After 12 years of marriage and joint creativity, each began to build their lives and careers separately from each other.

The couple decided to legalize their relationship in 1998. As Lolita admits, she went for it so that the daughter she was expecting was born in a legal marriage and bore the middle name of Tsekalo.

Although most recently, Lolita opened up in her interview and said that the moment in her life when she became pregnant with her daughter was not quite ordinary.

“God gave her, she was born under such mysterious circumstances. This child is given from above. The birth of this child is a sacrament. She was born on the 40th day after the death of the man I loved."
Lolita said.
“So this is his child?”
- asked her host of the program “Wife. Love story "Kira Proshutinskaya,
“I won't talk. I'm happy that I have a child"
Lolita replied with tears in her eyes.

Lolita makes no secret of the fact that she has been unfaithful in all her marriages.

So in her marriage to Alexander Tsekalo, she was suspected of having a relationship with a TV magnate who had a criminal past. His life ended tragically, he was killed.

Therefore, it remains a mystery who really is Eve's father and whether it is worth blaming Alexander Tsekalo for not paying attention to his daughter at all.

By the way, Milyavskaya's fifth husband, Dmitry Ivanov, replaced the girl's father and loves her very much.

Twelve years ago, one of the brightest duets broke up on the stage - the cabaret duet "Academy". Alexander Tsekalo took up producing, Lolita began to make solo career. In addition to concert recordings and a dozen joint hits, Lolita and Sasha still have common child- Eva's daughter. Lolita dreamed of a child from Alexander Tsekalo from the first day living together. However, the birth of a child was not included in Tsekalo's plans: he dreamed of fame and popularity. When, ten years after the founding of the duo, Milyavskaya found out about the pregnancy, her happiness knew no bounds. However, Alexander reacted coolly to this news. Conflicts began in the family. Tsekalo and Milyavskaya decided to leave. After the divorce, Lola became seriously ill and spent several months in the hospital. All this time, her daughter Eva was with the mother of the singer, who lives in Kyiv. Some time after the birth of Eve, reports began to appear in the press that the girl had autism. Allegedly, doctors diagnosed her with Down syndrome. Lolita did not get tired of refuting this information. And the singer's fans came to the conclusion: the father does not communicate with the child precisely because of the illness, he is afraid of responsibility.
Lolita with her daughter At a recent press conference, in response to a direct question from a Zheltaya Gazeta correspondent whether he communicates with his daughter Eva, Alexander Tsekalo shook his head negatively. And then he complained that their relationship did not work out from the very beginning. Judging by the intonation with which the words were spoken, this situation does not bother him much. Lolita herself does not hide: Tsekalo never had anything to do with the upbringing of Eva. Although Eva was always happy to talk with her father. When the girl was still very young, she was always waiting for his call ...
“Eva knows very well who her dad is,” the singer admitted in a telephone conversation. “I am raising her well. When a daughter sees Tsekalo on TV, she naturally understands that this is her father. Of course, she fixes that someone has a dad, someone does not. But she does not raise this topic at home. Perhaps because she grows up in a family where she is surrounded by love. If in the first years of Eva's life Alexander called her at least occasionally, now he has stopped communicating with her at all. Lolita herself no longer remembers when it was in last time. Several times she called Alexander herself to talk to her daughter. But then she stopped doing it. “I even asked a couple of times: “Sasha, please congratulate Eva on her birthday,” says Lolita. - We must give him credit, he immediately called back and congratulated. When I stopped reminding him, he stopped calling at all. Once, when Eva was four years old, she asked me why dad did not wish her a happy birthday. I explained that he was very busy, that he had a lot of work. Sasha is an adult and lives the way he wants. Deep down, I have no hope that he will begin to communicate with his daughter. This is a person's choice, and it is impossible to influence him. From the fact that I will force him to communicate with Eve against his wishes, there will only be harm. Now he has his own family, God bless him with happiness and love. I have no complaints about him and, I hope, Eva too.
Alexander Tsekalo with his wife With the fact that Tsekalo actually abandoned his daughter, Lolita resigned herself. She is raising the girl on her own. As before, her mother helps her. And the girl’s father is actually replaced by Lolita’s current husband, Dmitry. “She calls Dima not dad, but Dima,” Lolita warns the question. - It suits us all. We do not insist that she call someone dad. When she herself wants, then another matter. With Dima, by the way, they immediately found mutual language which I'm extremely happy about.
Lolita with her husband

The 19-year-old reason for the divorce of Milyavskaya and Tsekalo moved to Moscow in order to covet the billions of her biological father - the opinion of gossip.

The day is approaching when relatives will begin to "cut" the legacy of Joseph Kobzon. The media do not expect a peaceful division, because, in addition to Nelli Mikhailovna, the children of Andrey and Natalya, as well as grandchildren and granddaughters, touch the belongings People's Artist The USSR is entitled to its illegitimate heirs. Among them, the Network includes Eva Tsekalo, the daughter of Lolita and Sasha Tsekalo.

Milyavskaya is a woman without secrets and complexes, so the whole country has long known that her 19-year-old blood is adopted child ex-husband Alexander. biological father Eva's intriguers seriously consider Kobzon. Iosif Davydovich was in close contact with Lolita before the birth of his daughter and supported the young mother when the disgraced Tsekalo left the family. The well-bred master could not do otherwise, because he was directly guilty of Milyavskaya's divorce, and the newborn child needed help, according to social networks.

By the way, the grown-up Eva has some features of Kobzon's appearance, and her health problems (the girl was born with developmental disabilities) can be the cause of poor heredity. At the turn of the century, the health of Joseph Davydovich left much to be desired. He managed to survive a number of severe diseases, and cancer was already slowly developing in his body.

For many years, Lolita hid the alleged illegitimate daughter Kobzon from prying eyes in Ukraine, allegedly preparing her to move to Poland. However, Moscow suddenly became Eve's new home. Milyavskaya took her child to the city-home of the master for a reason. Not for the first month, the singer has been preparing her daughter to fight for the legacy of the People's Artist of the USSR, the Network suspects. At the same time, the cunning Lolita smoothly brings the public to sensational news, starting with regular memories of Kobzon and close friendship with the media with him.

Milyavskaya understands that having a hand in the belongings of Joseph Davydovich, she will automatically become an enemy of millions of Russians. But this is not a problem for a “woman without complexes”, because a prudently bought luxurious mansion in Bulgaria will hide her from the wave of “hate”, social networks concluded.

Fans of Lolita Milyavskaya have condemned Alexander Tsekalo for many years for not maintaining a relationship with his daughter Eva. But it turned out that Eve had a different father.

Even the mother of the singer Alla Dmitrievna a few years ago, in an interview with MN, was offended by her former son-in-law. Like, since he married Victoria, sister of Vera Brezhneva, and in new family daughters appeared, I forgot to think about Yevochka. For all the years, a penny did not help.

Neither Lolita nor Alexander Tsekalo commented on the sensitive topic. Only now the artist decided to reveal the truth.

« Tsekalo is not Eva's father, Milyavskaya admitted. - Our relationship with him cracked, I got another one. Sasha knew about it. And he had his own personal life. But when I became pregnant and then gave birth, he nobly registered his daughter as his own. After a while, we finally broke up both on stage and in life.».

Perhaps the artist should have revealed this truth earlier so that Alexander Tsekalo would not be pecked by Lolita fans and even the former mother-in-law (it turns out that she also did not know the truth) for leaving Eva.

Now Eva lives with her grandparents in Kyiv and does not often see her mother. Lolita Milyavskaya tries not to share photos of her only daughter online. Previously, she didn’t talk about her daughter, so as not to fend off attacks later that she allegedly left Eve to raise her grandparents, who live in Kyiv, and now, so that they would discuss the appearance of their grown daughter less.

« Apple tree from apple tree! The baby is on vacation! French self study report! I don't understand anything, maybe not French?!???✌️?” the singer commented on the video.

In the video, Eva performs an excerpt from Patricia Kaas' song Quand Jimmy Dit. The star's fans were delighted: Lolita's subscribers expressed their admiration for her, and wished Eva success in life and that she would not bury her talents.

Recently, in an interview with reporters, the singer said that her daughter has a pronounced ability to foreign languages: she speaks English, German, Ukrainian and is studying French on her own.

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