Alexander Myasnikov: biography and personal life. "Kremlin" doctor Alexander Myasnikov: Coffee is harmless, but meat provokes cancer! Proper nutrition is the key to longevity

"Don't worry about the future. Live for today. And live right!" - advises Dr. Alexander Myasnikov to the audience of the program "About the most important thing". It seemed that his fate was predetermined from birth. He simply had to become a doctor and continue the dynasty of outstanding physicians. By his own admission, he absorbed the love of medicine not even with his mother's milk, but with her blood. Today Alexander Myasnikov is a lucky and successful person. He seems to have always been lucky. But few people know what he had to go through to get that invaluable experience that he shares with his viewers every day today.

As a child, Alexander Myasnikov often spent weekends with his grandfather, an academician who watched Stalin's health in the last days of his life and who went down in history as one of the founders of Soviet cardiology. And in 1957, his grandfather, by the way, the full namesake of the doctor - Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov - gave useful and necessary advice to Soviet viewers in the documentary "This concerns each of us." Little Alexander, when they tried to give him fish oil to drink, hid in his grandfather's office under a huge piano that stood there. And the child's favorite toy was a stethoscope.

One day, grandfather, having quarreled with everyone, took his six-year-old grandson and took him to the dacha. There they both celebrated the New Year. Alexander still remembers this holiday very well, then they talked all night. "Grandfather was an outstanding person. He loved beautiful paintings, beautiful women," Myasnikov told Boris Korchevnikov. Alexander found out about the sudden death of Myasnikov Sr. when his mother brought him to his grandparents for the weekend - the concierge told them about this as soon as they entered the entrance. Then the little boy still reassured his mother and said in the elevator: "Maybe he did not die, but only injured."

Parents separated when Alexander was seven years old. Almost immediately after the divorce, Myasnikov's father was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - kidney cancer. The professor of medicine lived another ten years, he died at 45. “I know my mother’s character well. She is a maximalist and a very tough person. She does not forgive the slightest falsehood, so it’s difficult with her. And it was always difficult for me with her, I received very hard from her and still receive,” Alexander shared Leonidovich.

"The second tough woman" in Myasnikov's life was Natalya. It is she who he thanks for the fact that she made him study further when he wanted to remain a simple paramedic. And they met at a party, although each came not alone. Alexander was with his first wife, and Natalya with her husband. They left together. “Apparently, some kind of chemistry still exists, love at first sight,” Myasnikov said and added that he also beat Natasha’s husband then. As a result, Natasha left her husband, a dentist, for a graduate student with a salary of 90 rubles. To support his family, Myasnikov worked as a taxi driver at night and wrote his dissertation during the day.

After graduating from the institute, Myasnikov and his wife went to Africa, the young family spent six years in warring Mozambique. The doctor went there to earn money, but he found out that they were shooting there when he was already on the plane. The newcomers were presented with a pistol each. “I saw death on the very first day. They brought me a man with his legs torn off. I couldn’t think of anything better than to listen to his heart with a stethoscope, but I quickly realized that I heard my own, it was pounding like that…” recalls a famous cardiologist. He carried a weapon with him all the time, but quickly realized that if something happened, even it would not save him. Mines exploded before his eyes, they were shot at, he saw the decapitated corpses of his colleagues who lived in neighboring houses. Leaving for work, Alexander left detailed instructions to his wife on how to use weapons. Then the doctor went to Angola for three years.

“I didn’t want children. Why? I want to travel, see the world. After Africa, there were constant business trips to America, then I got a job as a doctor at the Russian Embassy in France,” Myasnikov said. When he found out about the pregnancy of his 40-year-old wife, he immediately offered to have an abortion. But Natasha was so angry then that she almost killed her husband himself. She insisted on her own and gave birth to a son. “I turned out to be a completely crazy father, and life went differently,” admitted the host of the “About the Most Important” program.

Now the son of a famous doctor is 24 years old, and his daughter Polina, born from another woman, is already 13 years old. Children are familiar, however, they are rare, since Leonid lives in France. Natasha accepted this situation and forgave her husband.

What caused the sudden death of the famous grandfather Myasnikov? How long did Alexander Leonidovich live in America? Why did his wife begin to abuse alcohol? How did they deal with her illness? What miracle happened to them in Tibet? And how did another child appear in his life, whom his whole family still cannot accept? The answers to these and other questions are in the program.

Details Created: 05/03/2017 19:58 Updated: 12/19/2017 14:15

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich is a talented, extraordinary, purposeful doctor and scientist who was born into a famous dynasty of doctors and healers of the 19th century. How did he achieve success and what does he hide in his personal life? Let's find out below.


According to sources, a talented boy was born September 15, 1953 in the city of Leningrad (today St. Petersburg) in a family of doctors. According to the horoscope, Virgo is a modest, impeccable, scrupulous and very neat man. Unfortunately there is no information about his early childhood. But now, he recalls his parents in more detail in the book " PEDIGREE. LETTERS TO SON LENA".

Parents in youth

Alexander's father - Leonid Alexandrovich, a famous doctor of medical sciences and professor, who unfortunately died at an early age (45 years) from kidney cancer. Mother Olga also worked in medicine. The boy's parents soon divorced when he was only 6 years old. As you know, his father married a second time and Alexander had a paternal brother - Leonid (also a doctor, an anesthesiologist).

Alexander with mom

Young years

After graduation, the guy applied to Moscow Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogov and successfully graduated in 1976. Then there were many years of residency and postgraduate study at Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikov and then defending a PhD thesis.


His career starts from very hard work abroad. First, he was sent to Africa (Mozambique) as part of a group of geologists who were exploring deposits in remote areas of South Africa. Here he likes to work, because as a doctor, he is used to helping people.

Even after the group broke up due to hostilities, he did not return to his homeland, but remained to work in Africa. First, in the province of Zambezi, as a general practitioner, and then in Angola, he advised local doctors.

In Angola

Alexander Leonidovich also worked a lot in France and the USA. He also studied in the latter country, defended his medical degree and received the title of doctor of the highest category from the American Committee on Medicine.

According to sources, Myasnikov is the former chief physician of the Kremlin hospital (he worked there for one year from 2009 to 2010), and today runs the City Clinical Hospital No. 71.

Doctor Myasnikov became known to a wide audience thanks to various programs on medicine on television and written books about a healthy lifestyle.

On television, he first hosts a television program on medical topics "Did you call the doctor?", and then since 2013 - “About the most important thing:) with Dr. Myasnikov”. It is also known that he led a section on medicine on the Vesti FM radio.

"Vesti FM"

Interesting Facts

According to the media, in the house of Alexander Leonidovich there is a large collection of stuffed wild and exotic animals. According to the doctor, he often likes to go hunting with his friends, but since he is far from a professional in this matter, his colleagues give him such trophies.

In one of his interviews, Dr. Myasnikov shared his impressions of serials about doctors, because sometimes he watches them to compare his real work with the cinema. According to him, American films "Doctor House" and "Ambulance" filmed more professionally than domestic ones, which he prefers not to watch at all.

It is known that the head physician eats properly every day. His daily diet includes about half a kilogram of vegetables and half a kilogram of fruits. As for meat, he prefers dietary varieties, but he tries to eat red meat no more than twice a week. Among drinks, he chooses coffee and drinks it without restrictions, and all because recently scientists have found that this fragrant, invigorating drink reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and also protects against liver cancer.

Alexander Leonidovich loves dogs and three handsome men live in his house: Alabai Margosha and two St. Bernards. The doctor practically does not get sick, because he goes in for sports, leads a healthy lifestyle and goes to the bath (he considers it the most powerful physiotherapeutic procedure).

Sources also say lives in Dr. Myasnikov's house beautiful red cat breed Maine Coon. His name is Aramis.

The doctor has his own Instagram page, where he sometimes shares fresh photos with his fans.

Favorite dogs

Personal life

Unfortunately, like most well-known and public figures, the head physician tries not to bring his personal life to the public discussion. He tells reporters very little about whether he has a wife and children. It is only known that, as it turned out, Alexander loves his wife very much and values ​​\u200b\u200bfamily values. According to sources, in his youth he met exactly the only girl with whom he has been happily married for 33 years.

Father and son

Although this was not his first marriage, he met his current wife in a very banal way: he came to a secular reception with his first wife, where he met his future second wife with her fiancé. It was love at first sight and after this meeting they never parted again. Rumor has it that at that time it was she who supported Myasnikov in all his endeavors and traveled a lot with him.

The couple also have a son - Leonid (the name was given in honor of his grandfather). He is already quite an adult fellow, studying in high school and already getting ready to follow in his father's footsteps, and also become a doctor.

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov is a representative of the fourth generation of an old medical dynasty, the head physician of the capital's polyclinic No. 71. For his many years of experience, he worked in foreign private clinics, and saved the lives of people during the war in Africa. Now, in addition to his main medical activities, he broadcasts the program “About the Most Important” on the Russia channel, and is also known as the author of a number of popular books on medical topics.

Childhood and youth

Alexander is a native Leningrader, born into a family of hereditary doctors. The famous Myasnikov dynasty dates back to the nineteenth century, in the town of Krasny Kholm, Tver province. It was there that the zemstvo doctor Leonid Alexandrovich, Alexander's great-grandfather, began his professional career.

With his own money, he organized a hospital for the poor in Red Hill, and after the revolution he opened the first eye clinic in Soviet Russia.

In his footsteps went his grandfather, Alexander Leonidovich, who became a prominent cardiologist and academician, and the father of our hero, Leonid Alexandrovich, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Alexander's mother, Olga Khalilovna, a Crimean Tatar by nationality, also devoted her whole life to medicine and even at the age of ninety amazed those around her with her cheerfulness and optimism.

Little Sasha in early childhood dreamed of becoming a driver and traveler, but his future fate was predetermined. Despite the fact that the father left the family when his son was barely six years old, he insisted that the boy continue the family dynasty and become a doctor.

Medical career

After school, Alexander entered the Pirogov Metropolitan State Medical Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1976. Then, for four years, he completed residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology, which bears the name of his illustrious grandfather.

After that, as part of a group of geologists, he, unexpectedly for his relatives, went to Mozambique, engulfed in the flames of civil war, and worked there for six years as a doctor.

Over the years, Myasnikov has gained a unique experience of medical practice in the field, having performed a huge number of operations and saving the lives of hundreds of people.

Returning to Moscow, Alexander got a job as a cardiologist at a scientific medical center, while simultaneously holding an important position in the International Migration Service. After some time, he again went abroad and settled in New York for seven years, where he completed his residency at a local university and confirmed his international qualifications, receiving a diploma in general practice.

Returning to Moscow again, he first headed a branch of one of the private American clinics, and then became the head physician of the Kremlin Hospital, the main medical institution in Russia.

A television

Alexander Leonidovich gained wide popularity and boundless love of millions of Russians thanks to his participation in the TV show “On the Most Important Thing”, which he has been conducting since 2013.

Alexander Myasnikov in the program "About the most important thing"

Prior to that, he acted as a medical expert in the Doctor Called program on the REN-TV channel.

Thanks to television, Dr. Myasnikov has the opportunity to convey to the audience the main points of his concept of a long, fulfilling life and helps them to properly monitor their health.


Alexander is the author of many articles on medical topics and more than a dozen books.

Alexander Myasnikov about his book "How to live over 50: an honest conversation with a doctor"

His first book is How to Live Over 50: An Honest Conversation with a Doctor. Moreover, he wrote it after people from the publishing house came to him. Without much desire, but the promise had to be kept, Myasnikov began to dictate texts to the recorder while he was riding in a train or plane. The deciphered notes formed the basis of the book, which was a huge success and sold 300,000 copies.

After this, the doctor was seized by a writer's excitement - he liked this business, and he began to print the text of his future bestsellers himself: "The Esophagus", "Ghosts", "A Guide to the Use of Medicine" and many others.

The doctor is convinced that people need to be educated about how the body works, about how the world of medicine works, and also to make it clear that there is no miraculous panacea for all diseases.

Myasnikov tries to write books in an understandable, accessible language for everyone, talking simply about complex things, avoiding purely medical terms. It uses state-of-the-art sources verified by clinical trials.

Personal life of Alexander Myasnikov

Alexander Leonidovich does not like to talk much about his private life, usually turning the conversation into a professional sphere. It is known that he met his second wife Natalya Myasnikov at a secular party, being in an official first marriage.

More than thirty years have passed since then, during which loving spouses traveled half the world, experienced many different life situations together, gave birth and raised their son Leonid, who was traditionally named after his grandfather and continued the family dynasty.

At birth, Alexander was left-handed, but later retrained. His son is also left-handed, while, as Myasnikov admits, this does not interfere with his life in any way.

Myasnikov also admitted that he has an illegitimate daughter Polina. The wife managed to forgive the betrayal. The doctor's family communicates with Polina, the girl has a good relationship with her half-brother.

Alexander Myasnikov now

To date, Myasnikov has been heading the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 71 for the eighth year. The doctor also has a personal website where anyone can ask him a question.

Doctor Myasnikov - about how not to get sick

Alexander Myasnikov is not only a doctor and scientist, but also a popular showman. He has appeared in several television projects and has written over 10 medical books. At the same time, Alexander is practicing in the capital's clinic.

Dynasty of Doctors

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich was born in 1953 in a family of doctors. Before him, 3 generations of men gave their lives to this profession. The boy did not even imagine himself as an engineer or a banker. He was always sure that he would continue the family tradition and save human lives.

The boy's great-grandfather was a famous zemstvo doctor. People from all over the Tver province came to him for help. The doctor stood at the origins of the opening of the first hospital in the city. Grandfather Alexander was not only a professional doctor, but also conducted scientific activities. Alexander Leonidovich Sr. was a famous academician and member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In Soviet times, he actively worked on the development of tactics for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension.

His scientific data are still used in the medical literature, on which students of medical schools acquire knowledge. Myasnikov Sr. was in a group of doctors who assisted him in the last days of Stalin's life.

The boy's father was also a good doctor. He became a professor in medicine, but unfortunately died at the age of 45. Mom studied the relationship between a healthy lifestyle and longevity. On this topic, Olga wrote several books and instilled in her son the rules of a healthy lifestyle.


The doctor's family had strict rules and regulations. In their dynasty, even the names of men alternate with stubborn constancy. If the father's name is Leonid, then the eldest son will definitely receive the name Alexander. This tradition has been observed for several generations of men.

The doctor has two medical degrees. First, he graduated from the Institute. Pirogov. Then there was study at the University. L. Myasnikova. In it, he completed his postgraduate studies. This educational institution was named after his famous grandfather.

Despite his young age, already in 1981 Alexander successfully defended his dissertation ahead of schedule. Then a talented doctor is sent to Africa to accompany a geological expedition. In Mozambique, the young man worked for several difficult years in various positions.

In Zambia, a doctor experienced wartime routine and saved many lives of wounded civilians and soldiers. Alexander Myasnikov was also the head of a group of doctors in Angola. In total, he spent 8 years in Africa.

Upon returning home, the doctor continued his practice at the All-Union Cardiology Center. Simultaneously with this position, he dealt with medical issues in the International Organization in the Migration Department.

Career abroad

For 2 years from 1993, Alexander worked in France at the Russian embassy. At this time, the doctor is actively collaborating with famous clinics in Paris. In 1996 Myasnikov left for the USA. Here, according to the law, he confirms the diploma of a doctor at the Institute of New York. His future career is actively developing.

Despite his career growth, Alexander madly yearned for his country. He gained sufficient experience and knowledge abroad and in 2000 returned to Moscow. Here he opens a private clinic, which meets world standards for the provision and level of patient care. In 2009, he became the head physician of a hospital in the Kremlin. Here he worked for only a year.

TV work

Alexander Myasnikov also decided to try his hand as a showman. The doctor did not take part in entertainment programs, but conducted programs exclusively related to his profession. As it turned out, he knows how to speak beautifully and correctly and feels free in front of the cameras.

In a short time, TV programs with the participation of a doctor become very popular. Hundreds of thousands of spectators attentively listen and watch the doctor's speeches. All topics of the programs were related to health and the description of diseases. Behind him, Alexander already has experience in filming and participating in several TV shows and radio broadcasts:

  • "Did you call a doctor?" (2007-2012);
  • "Vesti FM";
  • "About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov."

The last project continues on the TV channel "Russia 1" to this day. This show has won a lot of fans. It tells about the internal structure of the body and all kinds of diseases in an accessible language.

In the program, Myasnikov's oral story is replaced by a demonstration of cognitive facts through small videos and stories. All sorts of charts and diagrams are often used. To make the program not boring, it uses stories about experiments and practical advice from various medical specialists.

Alexander Myasnikov, through television, is trying to convey to people the need to visit hospitals in case of any symptom associated with poor health. He wants to raise the percentage of trust and respect for state medicine.

Writing activity

Dr. Myasnikov Alexander has written more than 10 books. Basically, they talk about the prevention of dangerous diseases:

  • cancer;
  • vascular-cardiac;
  • infectious.

In his publications, the doctor tells how you can extend life and fight the most terrible diseases. They also clearly trace the connection between a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

In his books, Myasnikov expresses his thoughts in an accessible language, without a large number of literate terms and drug names. Therefore, the doctor won the hearts of millions of readers. The publications tell how to live a long and healthy life in the conditions of the modern world and our level of medicine.

One of the most popular books is How to Live Beyond 50: An Honest Talk with a Doctor About Drugs and Medicine. It easily expresses the idea that one physical exercise is better than any piece of sausage. The author ironically discusses the lifestyle of modern people and gives tips on how to remedy the situation.

Alexander Myasnikov: wife

The doctor is constant in personal relationships. He has been living with his wife for over 30 years. This is his second marriage. The current wife was the reason for Myasnikov's break with his first wife. It is known that the doctor met his second wife at the next social event. She was accompanied by the groom, and he came with his first wife.

After this meeting, Alexander realized that his marriage was crumbling and he was in love with the girl from the party. A few months later, the doctor divorced and proposed to his current life partner. Now they are practically inseparable. His wife accompanies him on all foreign trips. She started a business with him and supports him in everything.

The couple does not advertise their relationship and it is almost impossible to find a photo or detailed information about their personal life. The couple is raising their son Leonid.

Alexander Myasnikov: children

Alexander has a son. Leonid is currently studying in France and plans to connect his future with medicine. He will certainly continue the work of all the men in the dynasty.

From early childhood, the boy was interested in medical literature and enthusiastically read the publications of his great-grandfather and father. Leonid is a good student and spends a lot of time doing his homework.

Seeing your son as a successful doctor is a dream that Alexander Myasnikov believes in. The family often spends time together, they especially love outdoor gatherings at their dacha near Moscow.

The doctor claims that the main reason for the increase in the percentage of diseases of the cardiovascular system is tobacco. Yes, smoking in our time can drive young people into a hospital bed and even into the grave.

Alexander also claims that daily consumption of half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits a day will help the heart muscle work many times better and more smoothly. And limiting salt in the diet will help get rid of hypertension or mitigate its course.

The doctor claims that a person who moves a lot lives 5-10 years longer than his antipode. You should also avoid stress and not fall into depression. Morning exercises for 5-10 minutes will help get rid of such unpleasant diagnoses.

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity

According to Myasnikov, the emphasis in the diet should be on vegetables and fruits. It should also contain natural meat and seafood. In the summer, the doctor advises to eat as much greens as possible.

Sausages can be consumed very rarely and only of good quality. It is much more useful to eat a piece of boiled or baked meat. Alexander is also an opponent of all kinds of modern inventions of food manufacturers. That is, artificial seasonings and snacking on harmful foods are strictly contraindicated for use by a person of any age.

Oddly enough, just one clove of garlic eaten a day will help you forget about hypertension for many years. Nuts and dark chocolate are also very useful. These foods contain flavonoids and help strengthen the heart muscle.

The doctor focuses on weight control. After all, obesity leads to hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In his works, Myasnikov describes in detail the effect of each product on a particular organ, both positively and negatively.

Dr. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov, chief physician of the Moscow Clinical Hospital. Zhdanevich, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, host of the program "About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov", published a video message on his official website in which he warns of scammers who illegally use his name and images in advertising dubious pseudo-drugs.

Message from Dr. Myasnikov

Please note: The appeal was published back in 2015, but since then, scammers seem to use the name of the doctor more and more actively. We constantly see advertisements with (supposedly) his participation in the preparation of our materials. These are fake websites of state medical authorities, fake fragments of TV programs with his participation, just an advertisement in which dozens of medical scams are advertised on his behalf.
There is nothing surprising in the fact that the names of famous people, such as Vladimir Pozner, Victoria Dvornichenko, Malysheva, Malakhov and others, are used by scammers. The surprising thing is that this has been going on for several years, and neither they nor law enforcement agencies are able to stop the deception of hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens.

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