Turning garbage into money, or how to open your own waste processing plant. How to start a waste recycling business in Russia How to make money from garbage

If at the beginning of the 20th century, many European figures were afraid of an environmental disaster due to the accumulation of horse manure on the streets of large cities such as London or Paris. And they predicted that in the middle of the 20th century, all the inhabitants would be mired in the waste products of horses.

At the beginning of the 21st century, everyone, without exception, is worried about a problem of a different nature: mountains of garbage, which, compared to horse manure, are a real threat to all of us.

But besides the negative, the mountains of paper, bottles and bags also have a benefit: they can act as raw materials for the manufacture of all kinds of goods needed in everyday life.

This means that garbage, waste and other results of the life of the population of our planet can serve to create their own business.

The main thing in this situation is to find and master the technology, as well as collect the garbage itself.

The last point may cause bewilderment: why collect it - it seems that there is more than enough of this good in landfills. This, of course, is true, but the problem is that there is no such technology with which it would be possible to make a product from waste of various nature.

Therefore, those who want to open a business in this area should know: garbage still needs to be found, collected, or even bought and cleaned of impurities. At the same time, these actions often constitute the main labor and monetary costs for the organization and operation of a business.

But despite the difficulties that, in fact, there are in any business, it is possible to open an enterprise operating on "garbage", and there are many options for this.

Now we will talk about nine interesting ideas for making money on garbage.

Plastic waste items

The American craftsman came up with a plastic recycling technology and even posted the design of the production line on the Internet. Thanks to his invention and with the help of simple manipulations and imagination, plastic cups, broken children's buckets and other garbage can turn into cute household items. And there is always a demand for such goods. All that is needed to implement this business idea is a garage and “golden” hands who can easily assemble devices for crushing, melting and molding plastic.

Recycled clothing

Russian designers figured out where to use the used plastic bottles - they decided to make fabric for sweaters out of it, and they succeeded. True, these transformations of plastic into textiles are taking place not on the territory of our country, but in the Celestial Empire.

Sweatshirts made from recycled materials are universal and absolutely no different from their counterparts made from ordinary fabric. But the very philosophy and eco-message of the brand attract buyers not only from Russia, but also from other countries.

Used tire recycling

Rubber is a universal product, it is used for the production of many different goods, while the substance itself can be recycled several times without losing its properties. And this fact allows you to organize your rubber processing business.

Where do you get raw materials to start this business? For example, accept or purchase used car tires. Since they are often changed and can simply be thrown away near the tire shop, you will not have problems finding raw materials. The main thing is to decide what you will do with crumb rubber - hand it over to manufacturers or make, for example, galoshes.

Kraft paper production

The world is being taken over by craft items: drinks, food and... paper. It has recently been fashionable to put it on the packaging of various goods, as well as the production of packages. At the same time, the main raw material for their manufacture is waste paper.

Of course, the times when the collection of this paper waste was massive have passed, so today you need to try to find the right amount of waste paper for your business. But all difficulties are completely solvable, and if you are impressed by the idea of ​​creating bags from kraft paper, then you should carefully read the business idea.


At the moment, the building materials market has an abundance of different options for insulating houses. One of them is ecowool. It is dispersed, so rodents cannot attack it, and also this material allows you to fill all the voids and retains heat. Few people realize that the raw material for the production of this insulation is ordinary paper waste.

However, some homeowners are not lost and insulate their homes with simple waste paper. But these are still a minority. And those interested in ecowool are much more.

Biohumus from food waste

Many are familiar with bags of recycled earth, which are sold in all flower and garden departments. At the same time, few people know that this product can be obtained from simple food waste. And to make it available to anyone who gets a special device that turns garbage into useful fertilizer.

A device called Zera will free you from the obligation to take out the waste, as well as to acquire land for plants. But in Russia, this device is not for sale, so you can be puzzled by this issue, purchase and sell fertilizer to everyone.

Dirty Air Beads

Dutch designers have come up with a way to not worry about finding raw materials for making jewelry, as well as about the production process itself. They designed a special tower that not only absorbs dirty air, but also recycles it into various decorations.

The designers presented their invention at a foreign crowdfunding platform and have already implemented it in many countries of the world.

Used building materials

Many in the business community are worried about the widespread demolition of old buildings, as it deprives them of business space.

But meanwhile, only a small part of enterprising citizens understand that you can make good money on this. And it will not be about the legal representation of the rights of evicted fellow citizens, but about the sale of building materials taken from demolished buildings.

Still, brick and other materials practically do not lose their properties, which means they can be resold. True, finding them among a pile of debris and rubbish is not easy enough, but the fact that these works will bring you profit should compensate for all the inconvenience.

Greetings! Abroad, garbage has long been learned to recycle repeatedly into something useful. I recently read a joke on the Web: “It takes three containers to throw away a tea bag in England. Tea - for food waste, a label and a bag - for paper, a paper clip - for metal. The funny thing is that there is some truth in this joke.

In Russia, unfortunately, garbage is just garbage. Which is good only to take it to the landfill. Or burn it in a recycling plant.

But you can make good money on recycling. This is a stable, profitable and socially useful business. With good prospects and for the village.

I offer a couple of not quite standard, but, in my opinion, very promising options. True, the unappetizing "garbage" business is hardly suitable for women. Although, who knows. So, business ideas for beginners with minimal investment.

Disposal of old tires occurs in one of the ways. For example, "bald" tires can be burned. Or bury in the ground "to the waist" in the yards of high-rise buildings. By the way, such ugliness can only be found in the yards of the former USSR.

Neither one nor the other way suits us. First, it is harmful to the environment. And secondly, such barbaric disposal will not bring money.

There are two “paid” options to make money on tire recycling at home:

  1. Crushing into crumbs. In cities, crumb rubber is used as a filler for soft surfaces on children's and sports grounds.
  2. Pyrolysis (or depolymerization). In a nutshell: pyrolysis decomposes rubber into gas (similar to natural gas), carbon black, synthetic oil and raw materials for metallurgy (steel cord)

In fact, each of the four components is a sought-after raw material that can (and should) be sold.

Building concrete recycling

Construction waste contains a lot of useful things: brick, wood, metal and, of course, concrete.

How is concrete recycled? It is crushed, while extracting metal particles from it. Well, then the pieces of concrete are sorted by size - and they get secondary crushed stone. It can be used, for example, for backfilling an old pit or for “re-building”.

Abroad, old buildings have not been demolished for a long time, but carefully dismantled. Crushing and screening complexes are installed nearby. And the garbage is sorted in parallel with the dismantling process.

This approach allows you to reuse up to 80% of construction waste! And sometimes you can open a small garbage recycling business in a garage.

cullet processing

Broken glass is the basis for a good business. Collecting glass fragments "at retail" is inconvenient and unprofitable. It’s easier to agree and pick up broken glass at the factory (there is always such a “good” in bulk). It makes sense to think about organizing special reception points.

How to prepare cullet for recycling? It must be collected, cleaned and crushed on special equipment. Recycling plants melt and filter the crushed glass.

Finished raw materials are bought, for example, from a manufacturer of glass products. Remelting a “semi-finished product” requires a lower temperature than making glass from scratch. Smelting furnaces operate in a gentle mode, which saves a lot of energy.

In addition, recycled cullet is readily purchased by insulation, brick, tile, ceramic and abrasive companies.

Plastic recycling

Dozens of types of plastics end up in household waste every day. But the most promising (in terms of recycling) are plastic bottles.

Recycled PET packaging is the raw material for flex. From which you can make all the same plastic bottles, synthetic bristles, film, paving slabs and much more.

How is plastic recycled?

First, the raw materials are sorted by color. Dirt, stickers and foreign objects are removed from the bottles. Then the raw material is pressed. Then, on a special line, the resulting mass is crushed and processed in a steam boiler (where it is polished and rinsed).

Paper recycling

Unfortunately, paper cannot be recycled indefinitely. It can withstand no more than 3-5 cycles. But, despite this, the "waste" market is still far from saturation.

Most often, manufacturers use a simple (or wet) technology:

  1. Using a pulper, the paper dissolves in water
  2. With the help of a cyclone cleaner, all foreign objects are removed from it
  3. If cardboard is recycled, a thermochemical treatment step is added
  4. The finished mixture is filtered through a sieve (fine cleaning)

Two-thirds of the recycled paper is used to make toilet paper and packaging board. But sometimes such raw materials are also used in the production of roofing materials.

Examples of successful business ideas "on the trash"

The desire to at least slightly protect the environment from tons of garbage allowed TerraCycle to open a very interesting and useful business. The authors of the idea launched a fashionable line of garbage accessories.

TerraCycle designers turn defective packaging from juices and other food products into cute lunch boxes, pencil boxes, bags and even jewelry for girls.

Another example. Architect Michael Reindols and his company Earthship are building houses out of garbage and tires. The load-bearing walls are old tires filled with earth. And the internal partitions are recycled bottles, canisters and other containers. It turned out that such structures provide ideal thermal conductivity in houses!

The most interesting thing is that the main income for a creative architect is not so much the construction itself, but rather the holding of training seminars and the sale of his own “cover” technology.

How do you feel about the recycling business?

Russia has been choking on dirt and garbage for a long time, but all the good intentions of the state to organize its processing end in nothing. RBC has selected six companies capable of recycling waste in the country, forming a new multi-billion dollar segment of the economy.

Garbage figures

400 kg an average Russian family of four produces garbage per year, including 150 kg of plastic waste and 100 kg of waste paper

15 thousand tons garbage is taken out of Moscow every day

40 million tons municipal solid waste is generated in Russia every year

31 billion tons waste is buried in landfills in Russia

44% Russians throw food away because they don't have time to eat it

Company: Amigo-Service LLC (Nizhny Novgorod)

Field of activity: tire recycling

Owner and CEO - Rustam Aizatullin

Market size: 1 million tons per year

Revenue in 2014: 20 million rubles

Investments: 15 million rubles

Seven years ago, Rustam Aizatullin resigned from the police to take up glass recycling. Waste from the Borsky glass factory was sold by his company Amigo-Service to bottle factories, like the Turkish Sisecam. In 2012, Aizatullin came to the Clever business incubator in Nizhny Novgorod with a new business idea: to create a plant for recycling old tires. For its implementation, he received a grant in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

According to the Association for the Promotion of Restoration and Recycling of Tires “Shinoekologiya”, about 1 million tons of used tires are produced in Russia every year, but only 5-7% is recycled. Aizatullin suggested recycling tires into rubber crumb, which can be reused in road construction, for spilling football fields and playgrounds. The Guarantee Fund of the Nizhny Novgorod Region issued a microloan of 900 thousand rubles to Amigo-Service three times. at 9.5% per annum for business development. In 2013, Aizatullin received 7 million rubles. in the Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises and another 5 million rubles. in the form of a subsidy from the Nizhny Novgorod Ministry of Entrepreneurship Support. With this money, the entrepreneur purchased a 1300 sq. m in Dzerzhinsk, leased a Gazelle for the collection and transportation of tires, and also increased the staff to 43 people. Today, the capacities of Amigo-Service allow processing up to 200 truck tires per day (6 tons of rubber crumb), received under an agreement with tire shops and from private assemblers. According to Aizatullin, Amigo-Service now recycles about 15% of used tires in Nizhny Novgorod.

Aizatullin sells his baby for 14-15 rubles. per 1 kg at a cost of 9 rubles. The entrepreneur plans to establish a complete processing of tires. Now, on average, from the processing of 100 tons of tires, 30 tons of waste remain in the form of metal cord and textile fibers, which are taken to a landfill. In the second half of 2014, a pyrolysis unit was launched at Amigo-Service, and now experiments on steel cord remelting are being completed. At the output, the company should receive metal, from which it plans to cast wrenches, as well as energy, which will fully illuminate and heat production facilities.

Company: ZAO Aksion-RDM (Perm)

Field of activity: extraction of rare earth and precious metals from production waste

Co-owner and CEO - Dmitry Kondrutsky

Market size:$1 billion per year

Revenue in 2014: 3.7 million rubles

Investments: RUB 47.8 million

In 2008, Dmitry Kondrutsky defended his Ph.D. thesis on enzymes and biomolecules at the Volga Polytechnic Institute. As part of his scientific work, he invented a resin (axionite), which, when added to production waste, absorbs rare earth (indium, cesium, europium, etc.) and noble metals. Most rare earth metals are used in modern electronics, but are almost never produced in Russia. In May 2010, a venture fund managed by Bioprocess Capital Partners invested 18.5 million rubles in Kondrutsky's invention. with the condition that the development of the project will continue on the basis of the Perm Chemical Company. As a result, Aksion-RDM CJSC was created (the venture fund participated in the project through the authorized capital, now it owns about 3/4 in the company's authorized capital). In 2011, Aksion-RDM received a grant of 29.3 million rubles to improve technology, patent and enter the market. from the Skolkovo Foundation.

Using the attracted investments, Kondrutsky developed equipment for the extraction of rare earth metals with axionite. Apparatus worth 800 thousand rubles. already works in the Russian Copper Company and Akron, and the axionite itself is produced at the facilities of Aksion-RDM CJSC. “With the use of axionite, mining companies can have an impressive additional profit of up to $20-30 million,” Kondrutsky says to RBC. Dmitry estimates the volume of the Russian market at $1 billion, but now 99% of it is free. Kondrutsky plans to occupy 80% of the volume over the next decade.

Company: LLC "South Federal District Processing"

Field of activity: plastic recycling

Owner and CEO - Roman Sebekin

Market size: 4 million tons per year

Revenue in 2013: 4 million rubles

Investments: RUB 6.5 million

At the age of 21, Roman Sebekin decided to build a house, but it turned out that this was not a cheap business. So he spent $500 to assemble a machine and organize the production of polystyrene (styrofoam) filler blocks. At first, Roman bought polystyrene pellets, but then he agreed with several Volgograd hardware stores like Tekhnomarket: they saved on the removal of plastic waste to a landfill, and he saved on raw materials. Sebekin paid 4 rubles to private collectors for 1 kg of plastic. In 2008, Roman won the competition for young entrepreneurs organized by Opora Rossii and Promsvyazbank. As a prize, the entrepreneur received a preferential loan for three years in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. at 15% per annum. With it, Sebekin bought equipment for processing all types of plastic waste: bottles, toys, boxes, films. Four years later, Vagit Alekperov's fund "Our Future" allocated Sebekin an interest-free loan of 5 million rubles. On them, he moved from the yard to a small factory, bought vehicles and installed 300 tanks in Volgograd for the selective collection of plastic waste.

Today, Sebekin has mastered 10% of Volgograd's plastic waste, which is estimated at 30,000 tons per year. The capacities allow the entrepreneur to produce 10 thousand polystyrene concrete blocks per month. For a house of 100 sq. m need 30 thousand blocks, we sell them for 25 rubles. [In Leroy Merlin, the same aerated concrete block costs 62 rubles], says Sebekin. - The cost of the block - 15 rubles. It takes 1 kg of plastic." The factory is also capable of producing 15 thousand square meters. m of paving slabs and tiles per year. In 2013, the revenue of OOO Southern Federal District Pererabotka amounted to 4 million rubles. The nearest plans are to set up production in Moscow, as well as to start production of polymer sleepers for Russian Railways.

Company: LLC "Bioenergy"

Field of activity: recycling of organic waste

Founder and CEO - Alexander Smotrytsky

Market size: at least 200 million tons per year Revenue in 2014: n.a.

Investments: 20 million rubles Alexander Smotritsky, head of the company

"Bioenergy" (Yekaterinburg), recalls that his personal experience prompted him to the topic of processing organic waste. “There is a large poultry farm on the way to Koltsovo airport, which emits a very unpleasant smell,” the entrepreneur says. Having become interested in this issue, Smotritsky found out that in Russia, poultry farms and other producers of organic waste (sewerage, farms, etc.) most often take waste to the fields or store it without processing it. “According to various estimates, at least 200 million tons of such waste is generated in Russia every year,” he says in an interview with RBC. Meanwhile, organic waste is an excellent source for the production of biogas and fertilizers.

In Europe, over the past 15 years, several thousand biogas plants (BGUs) have been built in large agricultural complexes and on the basis of urban sewerage systems. A typical biogas plant is capable of obtaining 50 cubic meters of raw materials from 1 ton. m of biogas, from which, when burned, you can get 100 kWh of electricity, and up to 200 kg of fertilizers. The main problem of modern biogas plants is the slow process of work: fermentation of waste can take from 20 to 60 days. Smotrytsky, together with partners, developed the WiseSoil complex (protected by three patents), which, thanks to mechanical preparation and subsequent bacterial treatment, doubles the process of waste fermentation and doubles the biogas yield. This allows to significantly increase the economic efficiency of BSU.

From a ton of waste, which usually has a negative value, you can get up to 100 cubic meters. m of biogas, the combustion of which will release 0.2 Gcal of heat and up to 200 kWh of electricity, - Smotrytsky describes the economics of processing. - Another 1-2 thousand rubles. can bring the sale of 200 kg of dry fertilizers. The WiseSoil complex has already been successfully tested at the biogas plant in Orenburg and is now preparing for test trials at the 1 MW plant in Brno of the German company AgriKomp. “This company has built more than 800 biogas plants in Europe since 2000,” says Smotrytsky. “If the tests of WiseSoil at their Brno station are successful, then they are ready to become consumers of our technology.” In the meantime, Bioenergy has attracted seed investments from RVC in the amount of 20 million rubles in exchange for a stake in the company's capital and is looking for an investor who is willing to invest another $2 million in the construction of a biogas plant based on WiseSoil technology in Russia.

Company: LLC “Small innovative enterprise “Kera-Tech”
Field of activity: production of protein supplements in feed

Founders: Anna Linnik (60%), Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry (40%)

Market size: 18 million tons

Revenue in 2013: RUB 808.4 million

Investments: 4.5 million rubles

In 2009, as a student, Anna Linnik was working at the Research and Education Center at the Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry, when they were approached by a local poultry farm with a request to test a new extrusion machine (high-temperature processing of waste after slaughtering poultry into feed). The resulting supplement was quite expensive, and Linnik had the idea to create a similar product - cheaper - using biotechnology. Linnik wrote a diploma about this and registered the Kera-Tech trademark.

With the help of a biological product invented by Linnik, organic poultry waste (feathers, beaks, paws) is converted into a protein supplement for feed. Usually, poultry farms buy protein supplements for feed separately (a ton of protein on the market costs 16 thousand rubles), but with Kera-Tech they can almost completely switch to domestic production. “1 kg of a biological product makes it possible to process 1 ton of waste into 890 kg of feed protein,” Linnik told RBC. The cost of a biological product is only 55-65 rubles. per 1 kg and allows to reduce the cost of feed for poultry by 18%. Every year, Russian factories generate 18 million tons of waste.

According to Linnik, now the development of the idea is at the stage of certification and preparation of a package of documents for the construction of an enterprise and the production of a trial industrial batch of the drug. Kerra-Tech received money for all this from grants and awards. In particular, within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia for 2009-2013", Kera-Tech received 2.5 million rubles, and in 2013 the company received the Zvorykin Prize in the amount of 1 million rubles. “We estimate the size of the Russian market at $2.5 billion a year,” says Linnik.

Company: LLC Research Institute of Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources

Field of activity: processing of oil and drilling waste

Founders: Julia Deneko

Market size: 1 million cubic meters m

Revenue in 2013: RUB 808.3 million

Investments: 4.5 million rubles

While studying at the Faculty of Ecology and Geography of the Tyumen State University, Yulia Deneko was actively engaged in scientific and research research together with her father Viktor Ryadinsky. While surveying oil fields, they found that mining companies do almost nothing with drilling and oil waste. They are simply put into special pools. Father and daughter created a company that in 2005 was the first in the Tyumen region to start processing oil and drilling waste. Earned on research work 4.5 million rubles. they invested in the purchase of the first truck and excavator.

In 2005-2013, NII EiRIPR LLC processed more than 1 million cubic meters. m of drilling waste, including about 250 thousand cubic meters. m in 2013. In the process of processing, artificial soils are made from them, which are characterized by increased strength, therefore they can be used as bases in the construction of roads. “Now more than 8 million cubic meters have been accumulated in the Tyumen region. m of oil and drilling waste, another 1 million cubic meters are added annually. m,” Yulia Deneko tells RBC. The average price of processing 1 cu. m of oil waste in NII EiRIPR LLC is 3,500 rubles, and the potential market volume is about 4 billion rubles. in year.

In the "country of the Soviets", which proudly called itself "the most reading in the world", there was one good method of obtaining books at symbolic state prices. There were waste paper collection points in bookstores where, by handing over paper, one could then receive scarce books and magazines. Europeans, tempted by other entertainment, also monetized the delivery of garbage. So in many European countries, on the streets and in shopping centers, machines are installed for receiving bottles, cans, and other recyclables. For example, in Finland, I handed over 32 cans to such a machine - I received a discount on goods of almost 5 euros. But how things are in the Dnieper, we decided to figure it out together with ecologist Tatiana Lampika.

Easier doesn't mean better

Tatyana has been sorting garbage at home for several years. In separate boxes and packages - cardboard and paper, glass, plastic bottles, tins, aluminum cans, thick cellophane packaging and adhesive tape.

“Garbage accumulated over three months. I live in the private sector and biological waste is easier - they all go to compost. I collect a bag of garbage with waste once a month. That is, sorting reduces the disposal of garbage at times. And so you throw out the trash every 3-4 days. Residents of apartments are more difficult - but they can still sort most of the garbage. And there should be at least a few recycling points quarterly. And of course, to understand where this raw material then goes.

On the left bank at st. Baikalskaya in the area of ​​the market there are two points of reception of secondary raw materials at once. In one, waste paper is accepted, and the second can be called almost universal. So, what did Tatyana manage to pass?

Firstly, it is 6.5 kg of cardboard and 2.5 kg of plastic bottles. By the way, handing over the plastic, Tatyana noted that shampoo bottles should be handed over separately, since there may be residues of chemicals, but alas, our “gray pickers” take everything in one crowd.

Second, 3.5 kg glass bottles. And there are many nuances here. For example, beer and some vodka bottles are accepted at different prices and by the piece. But wine bottles or lemonade containers are accepted by weight - according to the inspectors, they go like cullet. Aluminum cans are also accepted, but mostly by weight. But they don’t accept tin ones - there is no demand for them. The same is true with packaging (polyethylene and cellophane) - for example, rigid packaging, which is used, for example, for parcels at Novaya Poshta and receivers take adhesive tape, but simply cellophane is not. Packages from under fish or sausages are also not taken.
“Fish, sausage - we do not accept packaging from it because of the smell. The chains don't need it. And for plastic, we mostly take boxes, ”the inspectors explain.

As elsewhere, there is supply and demand. From collection points, recyclables are sent to different recycling shops, or factories, both in our region and beyond. For example, glass is mainly taken by the Novomoskovsky plant "Utility". The paper and cardboard are collected by the Dnepropetrovsk Paper Factory, where, as we were told by the garbage collectors, the paper is additionally sorted by density and color. Scrap metal is accepted by the Interpipe Steel plant at UAH 4 per kilogram. And plastic bottles are processed in a workshop a few kilometers from the collection point.

All in all, Tatyana managed to earn 34 UAH for the delivery of garbage (whereas, for example, in Finland, for such a volume, it would have been possible to get several tens of euros).

“Of course it's not enough. Probably, a person will spend more on gasoline to bring garbage here than he will receive for garbage. And no one will ride in a minibus with garbage bags. Therefore, of course, it is easier for people to throw it away much closer. And it’s good if it’s in a trash can, and not in a spontaneous dump. Therefore, such cheapness of recyclable materials does not contribute to the fact that it was handed over. Finally, the population does not have a culture of sorting waste at home. But if we sorted and handed over the garbage, then many times less waste would fall into the landfill.”

Rubbish bureaucracy

Does not contribute to the business of recycling and bureaucracy. A couple of kilometers from the collection point, Tatiana showed us a waste dump from the processing of secondary raw materials, which was arranged by an illegal worker.

“Almost all such garbage collection points are illegal. Like many recycling shops. And any such processing has waste. Only in the case of illegal immigrants do we get such dumps. Here is the waste from the plastic bottle recycling plant. Stickers, production rejection. Ideally, all this should be burned in a thermal furnace at a temperature above 850 degrees, with a three-stage cleaning. And if the furnace itself costs about 70 thousand dollars, then the filters at such an enterprise are very expensive and, in fact, there are none anywhere in our region.

“In general, this business is profitable, but there are many bureaucratic difficulties in order to legally build such an enterprise and legally operate - a lot of licenses, permits, the allocation of a sanitary zone, project preparation, and many simply do not want to bother with all this. Not to mention corruption. In Europe, it's easier. There, when you build a waste-related enterprise, you study the regulatory framework, apply to a company that prepares all the documents for you, and you put everything into operation. But if a service comes to you, for example, upon a complaint from the residents, then you bear full responsibility. That is - build anything, but if anything - you can then be erased into powder for violations. We are “screened out” at the beginning - services come and stupidly collect money and collect more than those who issue licenses. The problem of the owners is also that they save on construction and do not complete the enterprise as it should. In addition, I have never seen from practice that cars with garbage were stopped and asked where and where they were being taken. It is interesting only to local residents who suffer from this garbage. And it’s cheaper for owners to pay 10 times the fine for garbage collection than to invest in the enterprise once.”

And of course there are problems with manufacturers.

“Products made from recycled paper are more expensive than those made from ordinary paper. This is where consumer stuff comes into play. They get the material cheaper, but processing is expensive, and therefore we end up with more expensive products, for which people are not ready to pay. Further - on most product packaging there are no marks on processing, with rare exceptions of course. For example, Coca-Cola is interested in the circulation of containers, they are interested in having their containers returned to them, because their packaging is more expensive and of higher quality. But, as a rule, manufacturers do not care if their packaging is recycled or not. Even the Eco badges are used purely as a marketing ploy.”

Tatyana sees the solution to the problem of sorting and processing waste in a whole range of measures.

“In schools, in grades 2-3, lessons are held that are aimed at environmental protection, garbage sorting, where they tell why you can’t burn leaves, etc. But this program is regional and it does not work in all schools. The Rules for the Improvement of the City of Dnipro also stipulate the sorting of garbage, the installation of different tanks for the collection of different garbage, that every enterprise, every citizen must have an agreement on garbage collection. That is, it is necessary to force enterprises, cafes, offices, citizens to sign export agreements and be interested in where this garbage is taken out and what they do with it. If we are not responsible for the waste we produce, nothing will come of it. Neither the police, nor the authorities, nor any inspections are interested in this. And people are only interested in this if the garbage fills everything around. Or if you can get money for this garbage or save on a communal apartment. For example, in Europe, for the delivery of garbage for processing, you can save on a subscription fee - and moreover, a considerable amount.

And we, in turn, begin to sort the garbage. That being said, let's check it out for ourselves.

In this material:

Waste recycling as a business is an extremely promising activity for investment. This socially significant activity has a positive impact on the environment.

It was not profitable enough 2-3 years ago. Recycling, garbage disposal to landfills gave a big profit. Much has changed since then. Today, household waste is at least 60% recyclable.

Business idea concept

The average person throws out up to 250 kg of garbage per year. The problem of waste disposal and reuse has become urgent.

Many components of waste can be recycled, but up to 96% of waste is sent to landfill.

Benefits of a waste management business:

  1. Since the waste recycling industry is practically not financed, local authorities, as a rule, treat the garbage disposal business very favorably. The city administration provides financial support, helps to find industrial premises.
  2. Waste recycling companies are always in demand. Recycling and recycling of waste saves primary raw materials. New companies in this segment are created every year.
  3. You can use the sorting complex. This is inexpensive equipment created by domestic manufacturers. Its use will reduce costs.
  4. High economic efficiency. According to professionals, the profitability of the garbage disposal and disposal business can be up to 80%.
  5. Garbage is a valuable resource. The recycling business is profitable because there is very little competition in this segment.

Starting a business from scratch

Everything useful should be extracted from the trash as much as possible. To do this, it is important to create the appropriate conditions.

Legal registration:

  1. It takes several months to process documents for commercial activities. Obtaining a license from the Department of Rosprirodnadzor is a prerequisite.
  2. To issue a permit, an environmental audit is carried out by the local Department of Natural Resources. A project with a detailed description of the technological process must be submitted to the water and communal services, Rospotrebnadzor, and the fire inspectorate.
  3. A 500 m sanitary zone should be created around the waste processing plant, as required by the regulatory authorities. Based on the results of this work, a conclusion is made. At least $2,000 must be invested in order for the production facility to meet industrial sanitation and fire safety requirements.

Financial component of entrepreneurial activity

It is important to find ways to attract investment in order to start a recycling business.

Starting capital required:

  1. Initially, you can start only the initial stages of recycling. The enterprise can collect and sort waste, create semi-finished products. The organization of a universal waste disposal enterprise requires significant material costs, so the entrepreneur should decide in advance what types of secondary raw materials he will work with.
  2. Residents are not inclined to sort the garbage they throw away for free. It is necessary to set a certain price for waste paper or bottles.
  3. How to choose a place for a waste processing business? A production area, landfills, sources of garbage - the ideal solution to create a recycling company.
  4. Deep processing of waste can bring maximum profit. According to experts, more than $20 million is needed to build a large universal complex that will process any kind of solid domestic waste: glass, paper, plastic, rubber, wood.
  5. If the entrepreneur does not have this opportunity, you can deal with the disposal of one type of waste. From 50 to 300 thousand dollars will require the creation of a specialized facility for the disposal of one type of secondary raw materials. Such a modest enterprise can bring a significant income. The waste management business has a high share of utility costs. They make up about 20%.

Waste recycling

Construction waste contains concrete, wood, parts of brick and metal. The recovery of metal particles is the purpose of recycling. Vacuum forming polymeric thermoplastic waste is a relatively inexpensive method. Rubber crumb is obtained from car tires, from waste paper - toilet paper, from polymers - pressed blocks, chipboard - from sawdust. Only 25% of valuable recyclables can be obtained from unseparated waste, so it is necessary to use modern waste sorting lines. Plants for sorting recyclables can be automated or manual. Plastic and paper are the best.

  • food waste - 25%;
  • cardboard and paper - 10%;
  • polymers - about 50%;
  • textiles, rubber, metal, etc. -15%.

Plastic packaging is the most difficult waste to recycle. Obtaining secondary crushed stone by recycling recyclables is very profitable.

Production goes through the following stages:

  • large parts are processed using a press;
  • then, using a crusher, they are crushed;
  • metal is selected with a powerful magnet;
  • particles are sorted by means of a special accumulator.

Organization of production and supply of raw materials

For production, a room of about 600 m² is required. The warehouse must be at least 100 m². It will be possible to significantly save on the export of raw materials if the recycling facility is located near residential buildings.

The area where a lot of old buildings are being demolished is suitable for the disposal of construction waste. To transport raw materials, you need to purchase a truck with compartments. Recycling is a labor intensive process.

About $300 a month must be paid to skilled workers. Up to 40 workers can be involved in such production.

The expensive process of creating a company for recycling recyclables gives real income in the future, if you correctly approach this problem.

The income of the waste processing enterprise depends on the scale of activity. You can recoup the initial investment in 1 year. Then the scope of its activities can be expanded.

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